Powerful Minister Buddha-like Sweet Wife

Chapter 56: Arrive in Beijing


Soon, the two passed the inspection and entered the capital.

During the whole process, Liu Tangxi was distracted, pursing his lips for a while, and peeking at Wei Hanzhou for a while.

On the other hand, Wei Hanzhou, after checking, closed his eyes and fell asleep with the luggage behind him.

Seeing Wei Hanzhou like this, Liu Tangxi looked even more unscrupulous.

However, because of the darkness inside the carriage and because he was too nervous, Liu Tangxi didn't see Wei Hanzhou's red ears.

With such a small episode, Liu Tangxi didn't even bother to look at the capital, and kept staring at Wei Hanzhou.

After the carriage entered the city, it drove for about a quarter of an hour before it stopped at the entrance of a house.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Wei Hanzhou opened his eyes.

Liu Tangxi's gaze hadn't taken back from him.

After looking at each other for a moment, Liu Tangxi immediately looked back and changed the subject, "Uh, that, it seems to be here."

Wei Hanzhou coughed lightly and said, "Well, get out of the car."

Wei Hanzhou got out of the car first, and Liu Tangxi followed behind him.

Wei Hanzhou was waiting to the side, and reached out his hand to help her down. As a result, after Liu Tangxi glanced at him, his eyes wandered, and he jumped off with the carriage.

Wei Hanzhou glanced at her and withdrew his hand.

After getting off the bus, Liu Tangxi was attracted by the house in front of him.

This house doesn't look big from the outside. It's not a big house with two stone lions at the door, as in the TV series. It's a small house, and the width of the door is estimated to be no more than two meters.

Soon, the door opened from the inside.

An old man in his fifties came out from the inside, and when he saw Wei Hanzhou, he began to salute, "I have seen your lord."

Wei Hanzhou nodded slightly, glanced at Liu Tangxi, and said, "This is my wife."

The old man hurriedly saluted Liu Tangxi, "I have seen Mrs."

Liu Tangxi raised his hand to get people up.

"I'll let people come out and move things." After speaking, the old man went in again.

Wei Hanzhou simply explained a few words, "This house is a gift from the emperor, and there are three servants, the one just now is Lao Zhang, who is the gatekeeper, there is also a kitchen maid named Chen, and a servant Ading, they were originally sinners. The servants of the family, who work in the outer court, are not involved."

Liu Tangxi nodded.

Wei Hanzhou and Liu Tangxi didn't have much luggage, and after a while, a few people moved the things down.

The carriage they were riding in was rented by a business firm that also had a shop in the capital. The coachman refused their stay and drove the carriage to the firm.

Liu Tangxi followed Wei Hanzhou towards the courtyard.

This yard doesn't look like much from the outside, but it's a bit of a mystery when you come in.

As soon as you enter, there is a wall facing the door, with inverted rooms on both sides. After bypassing the entrance wall, there is a huge courtyard with cloisters on both sides of the courtyard.

A cloister on one side is connected to a small garden with a back door on one side.

The other side of the corridor is connected to the kitchen, next to the kitchen there are several grocery rooms and a wing for the servants.

There are several main rooms facing the front door, and several back rooms behind.

The overall area of the yard looks similar to that in Weijia Village, but the yard in Weijia Village

It looks like a courtyard, with a huge courtyard in the middle. This is to cut the whole yard into several seemingly independent but interconnected spaces. The yard in the middle is smaller, but there is a small garden front wall and so on.

Although it is not much smaller than the Hou Mansion where the original owner lived in memory, Liu Tangxi was quite satisfied.

She and Wei Hanzhou are only two people, what are they doing in such a big place.

She originally thought that she came to the capital to rent a house, but she didn't expect the emperor to reward the house, which was an unexpected joy.

The yard is very clean, there is no dust on the corridor, and the house is also clean. It seems that these servants have already cleaned it before they came.

Liu Tangxi went back to the house to sort things out, while Wei Hanzhou went out to ask the servant.

When Liu Tangxi came out, it was a little dark, and it was going to be night soon.

Seeing her coming out, Wei Hanzhou looked back at her and asked, "Miss, are you going out to eat?"

Liu Tangxi has never been to the capital. To be honest, she is very curious about the capital. After all, this is the largest and most prosperous place in the Dali Dynasty.

However, thinking that the original owner was very high-profile and often went out, there must be many people who have seen her in the capital.

After thinking about it, she felt that she should not go out first.

At this moment, she hadn't figured out how to face the Hou Mansion. Although I had thought about going back to the capital and the Marquis Mansion before, this idea has gradually faded away as time goes by. What remains in my heart is, more importantly, go back and give an explanation to the original owner's family.

"Forget it, I'm tired from the journey, let's just do something at home." Liu Tangxi refused.

Wei Hanzhou frowned slightly. According to what he knew about her, she should be very happy when she came to the capital. But looking at her expression, it seems that something is wrong. I don't know if it was his delusion, but he always felt that the lady was different from before since she left home, as if she had something on her mind.

At first, it can be said that he missed his family and was reluctant to leave, but in the next few days, apart from being sick, there seems to be something else.

"Ma'am, I haven't had time to buy rice noodles and vegetables." Mrs. Chen explained in a low voice.

There was a nervous and worried look on her face.

Liu Tangxi glanced at Wei Hanzhou and instantly understood.

Wei Hanzhou has been gone for a month, and he doesn't have much extra money on him. I'm afraid he won't give the servants money when he leaves. And these few servants came out of the sinner's house again, perhaps because they were afraid of being driven out, they were much more cautious than others.

Liu Tangxi hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter, you can buy it when you get the money from me tomorrow."

Mrs. Chen's face suddenly looked a lot better, and she was less nervous, and responded, "Hey, good, good."

After inquiring about the monthly money of Wei Hanzhou and the others, Liu Tangxi went to the house to get the money and gave each of them a month's money.

"It's been hard to watch the house this month."

"Thank you madam." The servants finally showed a smile on their faces, no longer as nervous and restrained as before.

Wei Hanzhou was watching while Liu Tangxi was handling things.

He has always known that she is very powerful, as if nothing can stumped her.

When she was in the farmhouse, it was easy to feed pigs and make fire. She never dislikes the mess at home. Once she feels dirty, she will clean it by herself. She doesn't complain if the food is not good, she will do it herself.

And she can embroider and read.

Looking at it now, she seems to know how to control her servants.

She can bear the hardships of the lower-class people, and she can manage the back houses of the upper-class officials at her fingertips.

What is her identity

Wei Hanzhou began to think about this again in his mind.

Looking at her recent abnormal behavior, could it be related to the capital? In an instant, this thought popped into Wei Hanzhou's mind.

After a while, it was already dark outside. Liu Tangxi glanced at Wei Hanzhou, who was standing aside for some reason, thought about it, and said, "Why don't you go out to eat?"

There is no rice noodles and rapeseed at home, and there are only some snacks in the luggage. She eats dim sum at noon, and she has eaten enough of it on the road these days. Even if there is a risk of being discovered when going out, she doesn't want to eat those things anymore.

Wei Hanzhou came back to his senses and said, "Okay."

Liu Tangxi changed the brown coarse cloth clothes on his body and replaced them with light yellow cotton clothes.

She has never been a particular person, and when she goes out, she focuses on comfort. Moreover, there are many bacteria outside, and the journey is more tiring. Besides, she is so beautiful, if something robbed along the way, Wei Hanzhou, a weak scholar, couldn't protect her, wouldn't it be a loss? So, after thinking about it, it's not worth it to wear nice clothes. She has always been wearing coarse clothes that are resistant to dirt.

Now that I have changed into goose yellow clothes, my whole person's temperament has changed all of a sudden.

It probably looked like a village flower just now, but now it smells like the daughter of a small household.

This is the new clothes she specially made for herself in order to come to the capital.

When he came out of the room, seeing the astonishing look in Wei Hanzhou's eyes, Liu Tangxi deliberately turned around in front of him and asked, "Does it look good?"

Wei Hanzhou coughed lightly and said, "It looks good."

Hearing this, Liu Tangxi laughed and took out a veil of the same color from his sleeve and put it on his face.

Afterwards, he naturally took Wei Hanzhou's arm and said, "Let's go?"

Wei Hanzhou glanced at the appearance of the yellow cotton clothes intertwined with the gray clothes on his body, and said, "Okay."

After walking a few steps, Liu Tangxi suddenly stopped and looked at Wei Hanzhou beside him.

Wei Hanzhou didn't know why she stopped and looked sideways at her.

"I just remembered, aren't you poisoned? Are you still dizzy?" Liu Tangxi asked nervously.

Wei Hanzhou shook his head and said, "No problem."

If he was a little dizzy at the beginning, after being in contact with her for so long, he would have lost it.

Liu Tangxi frowned and asked, "Really? But Jiang Langzhong clearly said that you were poisoned."

"Jiang Langzhong also said that the husband's poisoning was relatively mild, and, haven't you seen it, he has never been too nervous about the poisoning of the prince. It can be seen that the poisoning is not serious." Wei Hanzhou retorted with reason.

Liu Tangxi carefully recalled what happened during the day, and felt that what Wei Hanzhou said was very reasonable. He carefully looked at Wei Hanzhou's face and saw that his face was as usual. After thinking about it, he said, "Go to the street to find a Lang Zhong, take a pulse, and then prescribe some medicine?"

Wei Hanzhou said, "No, if it's uncomfortable, I'll see you tomorrow for my husband.

. "

Seeing Wei Hanzhou insisting, Liu Tangxi didn't say anything anymore, and the two went out arm in arm.

After going out from the main entrance, red lanterns are hung at the door of every household, so that they cannot be seen clearly. The street in front of you is no different from what you see in the daytime. It is very long and looks very quiet.

Presumably, officials with similar identities as Wei Hanzhou lived here. Otherwise, the emperor would not have given his house here.

Just as I was thinking about it, a carriage pulled up from the east alley, and in the darkness, the clatter of hooves clattered.

Liu Tangxi and Wei Hanzhou were walking, just in the opposite direction of the carriage.

The carriage quickly passed them both.

However, it suddenly stopped not far from them.

"Wai Xiu wrote?"

Wei Hanzhou was the first-ranking scholar, and was given by the emperor to the Hanlin Academy to compose, from the sixth rank.

Apparently, the man who called him knew him.

Wei Hanzhou stopped and looked back at the carriage.

Liu Tangxi also stopped and looked over.

"It's really you. I just looked at it from afar and didn't dare to recognize it. But why did you return to Beijing so soon."

Wei Hanzhou glanced at Liu Tangxi, patted her hand, and whispered, "This is Zhan Shifu Huangfucheng."

Liu Tangxi understood and took his hand off Wei Hanzhou's arm.

"I have seen Huang Fucheng." Wei Hanzhou saluted.

This person is none other than the champion of the previous division. Before, like Wei Hanzhou, he was an editor of the Hanlin Academy. However, after staying in the Hanlin Academy for a long time, he joined the prince's family. Today, he is serving in the Zhanshi Mansion, which is dedicated to assisting the prince.

This person was of a higher rank than Wei Hanzhou, and Liu Tangxi also bowed his head slightly.

Huang Fucheng glanced at Wei Hanzhou, and then set his eyes on Liu Tangxi who was standing beside Wei Hanzhou.

He and Wei Hanzhou are the two champions before and after, so it is inevitable that they will be compared.

He had taken refuge with the prince before, but the prince made more and more mistakes in front of the emperor in the past two years, but the third prince became more and more embarrassed in front of the emperor.

He was also ridiculed behind his back.

As for Wei Hanzhou, he neither accepted the prince's offer, nor was he close to the third prince. He vaguely heard others compare the two of them, saying that Wei Hanzhou was smarter than him, more discerning than him, and could judge the situation.

But what about the situation when we meet again, he is not a lady from a brothel, and because of this, the emperor is annoyed.

"I don't know who Wei Xiuzhuan is next to..." Huang Fucheng glanced at Liu Tangxi.

Liu Tangxi felt that this vision was a little unkind, and frowned slightly.

Wei Hanzhou lifted his foot and took a half-step to the side, blocking Huang Fucheng's sight. He bowed and said respectfully, "This is my wife."

As soon as Wei Hanzhou finished speaking, he saw that the curtain of the car was pulled open, and a woman wearing a gold hairpin and satin clothes came out from inside.

"Madam." Huang Fucheng hurriedly said to the woman, with a very attentive attitude.

The woman glanced at Liu Tangxi, who was hiding behind Wei Hanzhou, and said with a smile, "So this is Wei Xiuzhuan's wife? I just saw her holding Wei Xiuzhuan's arm, so I thought she was... Oh, you Look at me, what are you talking about, you should say, this girl

It was exactly as rumored. "

This is ridiculing Liu Tangxi's identity as a brothel.

Wei Hanzhou's face was very ugly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Liu Tangxi was very surprised.

Did she already have a reputation as soon as she entered the capital? impossible. So, since it wasn't her own doing, it must be Wei Hanzhou.

But she always felt that this was not a compliment to her, but a hint of something.

"It's really hard to write for Wei Xiu to marry such a lady." Huang Fucheng looked thoughtful.

Liu Tangxi understood, what she had just felt was right, these two were indeed here to find fault.

She really wanted to know what Wei Hanzhou said to her when he came to Beijing to take the exam, so that everyone had this attitude towards her.

At this time, Wei Hanzhou looked at the woman standing on the carriage and asked, "Who is this?"

Huang Fucheng smiled and introduced, "This is my wife, the third girl of the Shaoqing House of Dali Temple."

In the tone, there is no lack of satisfaction.

"Oh, it turned out to be Mrs. Li. Just now, when Huang Fucheng called his wife, Xiaguan was a little surprised. Last time, the lady that Xiaguan saw at the palace banquet seemed to be different from the one in front of him."

The complexion of Huang Fucheng and his wife suddenly became very ugly.

No one in the capital did not know that Huang Fucheng was dissatisfied with his wife from a business background after he passed the exam that year, and wanted to divorce his wife. But that lady was quite pungent, and the trouble was known all over the capital. Later, when the divorce was unsuccessful, Huang Fucheng married a flat wife, who was Mrs. Li, who was from the Shaoqing Palace of Dali Temple in front of her.

"Humph!" Mrs. Li snorted coldly, opened the curtain and went back to the carriage. She was going to attend the last palace banquet, but she was helplessly sprained by that bitch, so she couldn't go.

With a nervous look on Huang Fucheng's face, he glared at Wei Hanzhou, who couldn't speak.

Wei Hanzhou's face was as usual, and he said respectfully, "I am troubled by the lord of the mansion. There is only one lady in the mansion, and life is simple. Unlike the many ladies in the mansion, there must be more things to worry about. Presumably, there are many things in the mansion, so the junior man will do it. Don't bother, take my wife away first."

After speaking, Wei Hanzhou turned around, held Liu Tangxi's hand, and walked towards the entrance of the alley.

Liu Tangxi was in a dazed state throughout the whole process, not knowing what the two were talking about, nor why Wei Hanzhou changed their faces with just one sentence.

After walking out of the alley, Liu Tangxi couldn't help but ask, "What happened just now? Are those two talking about me? But something happened that I don't know about?"

Wei Hanzhou looked around and said lightly, "It's nothing, two unrelated people."


"What does the lady want to eat? There are noodles over there, wontons over there, and..."

Hearing this, Liu Tangxi looked towards the street, looking at the brightly lit and lively street market, her attention shifted suddenly, excitedly watching the food on the street, and let go of Wei Hanzhou's hand , go forward.

Seeing her happy, Wei Hanzhou breathed a sigh of relief and followed.

The capital is really prosperous, and there are so many people at night.

She has been in this world for two years, and this is the first time she has come out at night. At this time, she probably did not

It's cooking, it's eating. Looking at these, she felt as if she had come to another world.

Looking at these delicious food, Liu Tangxi was moved to tears.

Smelling these smells, her stomach has begun to growl.

After walking for a long time and seeing a lot of things, Liu Tangxi didn't even think about what to eat.

She wanted to try this too, and that too.

But she has no money!

She only had more than ten taels of silver in total, so she guessed that if she didn't make any money, it wouldn't take long.

After holding it for a long time, Liu Tangxi was tired of walking. Seeing that there were many people in front of him, it seemed that someone was telling a story, so he ran over to join in the fun.

The storyteller was resting and said it would start in half a quarter of an hour.

Seeing so many people watching, Liu Tangxi felt that this person was very powerful and told stories well, so she found a wonton stand nearby and waved to Wei Hanzhou who was walking behind.

Two people each asked for a bowl of wontons and sat there waiting.

A bowl of wontons costs 6 cents, which is much more expensive than the one in the town, which is only 2 cents a bowl.

But no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat.

The small stalls outside are so expensive, presumably the ones in the restaurant are even more expensive.

The wontons came up quickly. Looking at the thin-skinned and meaty wontons, Liu Tangxi couldn't help swallowing his saliva, took a spoon, and ate it.

It's hot, but it's delicious!

The wonton meat stuffing sold in the town market is incomparable to this one. The meat is so tender and the soup is so fresh that she is about to bite her tongue.

He had just eaten three, and was about to eat the fourth, only to see that the bowl in front of him was replaced by Wei Hanzhou, and Liu Tangxi looked at him in surprise.

"I haven't eaten this bowl yet, my wife eats this." Wei Hanzhou explained.

Liu Tangxi gave him a suspicious look.

"There's a lot in this bowl, eat it quickly, or it'll get cold."

Liu Tangxi thought, yes, two bowls are the same, she just ate three, Wei Hanzhou hadn't eaten yet, isn't there a lot of bowls? Even Goudan has a conscience and knows that she is hungry. Thinking of this, Liu Tangxi ate happily.

She had no idea what Wei Hanzhou was thinking.

Wei Hanzhou was eating the wontons in the bowl, thinking to himself, the things that the lady touched were delicious.

Liu Tangxi was having a good time eating, only to listen to the storyteller who started to tell a new story.

"By the way, in a distant neighboring country, there is a poor scholar... He started studying at the age of ten... He became a scholar at the age of sixteen... "

Liu Tangxi "huhu" blowing the wontons and eating them in small bites.

Wei Hanzhou frowned.

"Because of his outstanding talent and handsome appearance, after he won the champion, countless officials and officials wanted to take him as their son-in-law. Unfortunately, this young champion has already married."

There was a sigh from the crowd.

Liu Tangxi continued to "huhu" blowing the wontons in the spoon.

"... As soon as I found out, the wife of the champion was originally from a brothel. It was his mother who married the champion for the sake of his father."

The wontons weren't so hot anymore, Liu Tangxi didn't need to blow them, and ate them in small bites.

Wei Hanzhou glanced at Liu Tangxi.

"Why? I'm sorry? I'm sorry, I won't change it with you, I eat too little.

Not full. "

Protecting the bowl, Liu Tangxi said, don't think she didn't see it, Wei Hanzhou has eaten several, not as many as her bowl. Such delicious wontons, Liu Tangxi was a little reluctant to exchange with Wei Hanzhou.

After speaking, Liu Tangxi lowered his head and continued to eat.

"The emperor heard that, how can this woman's identity be worthy of our young and handsome champion? Immediately let the champion divorce his wife."

"It's time to divorce his wife. This woman has a low status and is not worthy of our champion!" Someone in the crowd said.

"Yes, support Zhuangyuan Lang to divorce his wife!"

Hearing the voices in the crowd, Liu Tangxi looked over. I thought to myself, isn't it just a story, is it necessary to be so excited? Besides, the brothel woman was already good and married to the champion, and she didn't do anything wrong, so how could she just quit.

If she was really divorced, it would be a heartbreaker.

Wei Hanzhou glanced at the storyteller with cold eyes, then turned to Liu Tangxi and asked, "Have you finished eating?"

Liu Tangxi turned around and said, "No, what's the hurry, I haven't finished listening to it later."

As soon as he finished speaking, the storyteller continued to speak.

"I saw that the champion was kneeling on the Golden Palace with a thud."

The noise in the crowd stopped, and everyone listened with bated breath.

"I just heard from the champion, although my wife was born in a brothel, she made money for my studies by embroidering and sewing, and she was still serving my parents at home. If I divorced her, wouldn't I be an unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unjust person? Forgive me for not being able to do such things." After speaking, the storyteller patted Xingmu.

Suddenly, the voices in the crowd changed.

There was that woman who secretly wiped away her tears and praised Zhuang Yuan Lang for being affectionate and righteous.

The man also said some words of admiration.

Liu Tangxi listened, and suddenly found something wrong. Why is this story so familiar

Immediately, he turned to look at Wei Hanzhou.

Looking at Wei Hanzhou's ugly face, Liu Tangxi became more certain and asked in a low voice, "Is this talking about us?"

Wei Hanzhou had a cold face and said, "Miss, don't listen to her nonsense, it's been hard work all the way, let's go back and rest after eating."

Liu Tangxi pressed Wei Hanzhou's hand and said, "Don't worry, what are you going to do when you go back, I haven't finished listening yet, let's listen again."

Wei Hanzhou glanced at Liu Tangxi's face, saw that she was not angry, and was very interested, and sat down again.

"The emperor was furious! Immediately, he had the champion beheaded."

The crowd exclaimed again.

"The emperor asked Zhuangyuan Lang if he would change his mind to divorce his wife? Zhuangyuan Lang still did not change his original intention and said, 'Even if I kill me, I will not divorce my wife.'"

The crowd cheered again.

Liu Tangxi glanced at Wei Hanzhou and asked in a low voice, "Is the emperor really going to chop your head off because of this?"

Wei Hanzhou frowned and said, "No."

"At this time, the ministers begged for mercy, and asked the emperor to spare this affectionate and righteous champion... The emperor finally took his order back."

After the story was told, everyone stayed together for a long time and gathered to discuss.

Liu Tangxi finished the last sip of soup and went back with Wei Hanzhou.

After walking through this prosperous street and returning to the quiet lane where they lived, Liu Tangxi couldn't help it, and asked gossip, "How true is what this storyteller said?"

"one cent."

Who are you lying to, Liu Tangxi thought. But what she heard was more than true.

"So, except for the fact that the emperor wanted to cut your head off, everything else is true?"

Wei Hanzhou glanced at her and said nothing.

He clearly said that there was only one point of truth, but when he came to her, it was the other way around.

Seeing this, the smile on Liu Tangxi's face deepened, with a little pride on his face, and said, "I don't see it, you have such deep-rooted love for me, Xianggong, that you will never change."