Powerful Minister Buddha-like Sweet Wife

Chapter 74: Dreamland


Seeing Liu Tangxi crying, Wei Hanzhou was frightened.

He didn't expect Liu Tangxi to react like this.

He hugged her soothingly, and followed her back again and again.

Liu Tangxi cried for about two quarters of an hour, and finally, crying and crying, hugged Wei Hanzhou and fell asleep.

Holding the lady sleeping in his arms, Wei Hanzhou had no sleepiness.

If the lady is like this, she must be wronged, or she is afraid of something.

What is she afraid of

From the day he returned home after winning the exam, he discovered something was wrong with her. Moreover, the closer she got to Beijing, the more strange she became. He doesn't like to talk much, and he will look at one place in a daze, or look preoccupied.

In the past, he had suspected that the lady did not have amnesia and knew his own life experience.

But, if that's the case, many things can't be explained.

For example, if the lady has never lost her memory, she was born in the Hou Mansion, or is still a direct daughter, and her parents miss her so much, why didn't she come back

Moreover, the closer she is to Beijing, the closer she is to home. She should be happy, but why is she getting more nervous.

Judging from Niangzi's reaction today, on her way back to Beijing, the emotion was not so much tension and joy, but rather fear.

She seems to be afraid of going back to Beijing.

Moreover, according to his observation, the lady seems to be not very fond of everything about the Hou Mansion except for her mother-in-law. Otherwise, she wouldn't even mention it in front of him.

The lady is the direct daughter of the Hou Mansion. Since she is not afraid of her mother-in-law, she is afraid of others.

Who else can make the lady afraid

The answer is about to come out.

Lord Hou.

Or, Liu Yunan, the second lady of the Houfu who is more capable than ordinary men and advises the third prince.

Lord Hou seems to feel a little guilty towards the lady, and he has compensated a lot. The lady shouldn't be afraid of him.

So what is she afraid of

Wei Hanzhou thought of the lady appearing in Ren Yazi's hands.

This should be the most important thing for the lady.

She was afraid, it should be the same.

He had checked the matter of the wife being sold. When he first came to the capital, the resources at his disposal were limited. After several months of investigation, he finally found out some details.

A few days ago, he found the coachman who sent the lady back to the mansion. According to the coachman who was drunk, Liu Yunan asked him to send Liu Tangxi back to the Hou mansion, but did not let him sell her.

Then, this matter should have nothing to do with Liu Yunan.

If it had nothing to do with her, who else hated the lady so much and wanted to sell her out of hatred in the same way

Moreover, even Marquis Wynn couldn't find out about this matter.

In general, people are basically locked on people who are more powerful than Marquis Wynn.

He has been in the capital for half a year, and he already knows about the various forces in the capital.

Especially people and things related to the lady, he inquired more clearly.

There are not many people who are more powerful than Wynn Hou.

And those people are all powerful people, how can they care about a little girl

There are not many people who have revenge with the lady, or who may want to avenge Liu Yunan.

And there are even fewer that can do it.

The image of a person gradually emerged in Wei Hanzhou's mind.

Just thinking about it, Liu Tangxi, who was lying in Wei Hanzhou's arms, shivered suddenly.

Wei Hanzhou was so distressed, he gently stroked her back with his hands, and whispered, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my husband is here."

Gradually, Liu Tangxi's mood calmed down and fell asleep.

Wei Hanzhou's hand was still stroking Liu Tangxi's back, but his eyes were cold.

The three princes

If that person is really the third prince, many things seem to make sense.

I heard that the lady liked the third prince very much before, and often ran after the third prince, deliberately appearing on the occasion of the third prince.

But the person the third prince likes is Liu Yunan, who is very impatient with the lady.

And the lady bullied her concubine sister Liu Yunan, destroying the relationship between the third prince and Liu Yunan.

Therefore, the third prince was even more displeased with the lady.

Speaking carefully, this is because the lady wanted to sell Liu Yunan, the third prince's favorite girl.

So, will the third prince turn around and sell her for revenge, or to solve the trouble of the lady

And also plan to sell into brothel.

With his knowledge of the third prince, this person may not be able to do such a thing.

Thinking of this, Wei Hanzhou's eyes were cold, like an ice skating blade, and the strength in his hands also increased unconsciously.

He didn't realize it himself, but Liu Tangxi couldn't help but flinch again.

Wei Hanzhou quickly controlled the strength in his hands, hugged Liu Tangxi into his arms, and didn't pat her again.

Even if the lady did something wrong, the third prince was not without fault. He had many ways to get rid of the lady's entanglement and make the lady give up, but he chose the most despicable one.

This kind of person, even if he defeated the prince and became the emperor, how could he be a good emperor

If you can't be merciful to a weak woman, what about those ministers who have offended him? Afraid to clean up the prince's lineage.

The prince is just stupid, but he is really cruel.

If this is really what the third prince did, then don't blame him for being rude!

Wei Hanzhou lowered his head and kissed the lady who was not sleeping well, and touched her cheek.

Coincidentally, he, like the third prince, cannot be trampled on by those whom he regards as treasures.

After thinking about the matter, Wei Hanzhou sniffed Liu Tangxi's hair, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

However, this night, Wei Hanzhou had a dream.

An incredible dream.

Before Yinshi, the sky was still dark, and Wei Hanzhou woke up from his dream.

This time, he slept for less than two hours.

Looking at his wife who was still sleeping in his arms, he suddenly couldn't tell whether the dream was real or whether he was in a dream at this time.

Because everything in front of me seems too beautiful, too beautiful to be true.

And that dream was full of Shura fields.

After about an hour or so, Liu Tangxi gradually woke up.

After waking up, Liu Tangxi was startled to see Wei Hanzhou staring at her with his eyes open.

"What... what's the matter

"Liu Tangxi asked angrily.

Xu was because he cried a lot last night, and Liu Tangxi's voice was a little hoarse.

Wei Hanzhou didn't answer.

Liu Tangxi's eyes were a little swollen and she was sleepy.

Although Wei Hanzhou was a little strange, she didn't care much.

Wei Hanzhou woke up earlier than her not once or twice, so after being frightened, she slowed down and didn't think about it anymore.

Looking up at the sky, she saw that the sky was bright and it was still a while before Wei Hanzhou went to court, and she closed her eyes again. Then, he drilled into Wei Hanzhou's arms, hugged his waist, and fell asleep again.

Wei Hanzhou felt even more unreal when he saw the woman in his arms like a kitten.

How is this possible

The same people do different things in their dreams.

Fairy or devil, which one is she

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Tangxi was completely awake.

She yawned, sat up from the bed, and said, "You lie down for a while, and I'll cook for you."

Wei Hanzhou still didn't answer, and kept staring at Liu Tangxi.

When Liu Tangxi crawled over him, he habitually lowered his head and wanted to kiss him.

But this time he avoided it.

Liu Tangxi was displeased, opened her eyes and glanced at him.

But she saw that he was still staring at her with strange eyes.

Liu Tangxi was a little angry and snorted, "Hey, if you don't let me kiss you, I won't let you kiss me, if I really want to kiss you? I won't let you kiss me if you want to kiss me in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Tangxi took advantage of Wei Hanzhou's inattention, hugged his face and kissed him fiercely, splattering his saliva on his face.

Seeing him frown, Liu Tangxi felt even more relieved.

Don't let the pro? I prefer to kiss, see how you can take me.

Hmph, next time she does this again, she will kiss him on the neck and make him humiliated.

After thinking about it, Liu Tangxi hummed a song in a good mood and went to cook.

Wei Hanzhou had a cold face, staring at the direction where she left for a long time.

In just a quarter of an hour, Liu Tangxi finished the meal.

She cried so hard last night that she didn't do much tricks this morning, so she gave Wei Hanzhou pork noodles directly.

She wasn't hungry yet, so she didn't cook for herself.

After he was done, Wei Hanzhou had already put on his court clothes.

Liu Tangxi greeted him.

Wei Hanzhou came over to eat with a sullen face.

Liu Tangxi sat opposite him, holding his chin and watching him eat.

Then, she found that Wei Hanzhou was indeed a little different from usual today.

The look in her eyes is very strange, and her face is a bit uglier than before.

Could it be because last night... she cried so badly that she lost interest

"What's wrong with you, but you're mad at me?" Liu Tangxi asked tentatively.

Wei Hanzhou's hand holding the noodles paused, and without looking at her, he said, "No."

"Why do I think you're weird today. But I disturbed you in my sleep last night?" Liu Tangxi asked again.

She thought, wasn't it okay last night? He also said that to her before going to bed. He also comforted her softly, making her feel very happy.

"No." Wei Hanzhou gave the same answer again.

Liu Tangxi stared at Wei Hanzhou for a while, thinking to herself, looking at this, Wei Goudan didn't want to tell her.

She knew that he had always been very strict with his mouth. If he didn't want to say it, she probably wouldn't be able to ask the answer.

If that's the case, then he'll hold it back on his own.

"What do you want for lunch?" Liu Tangxi asked.

Wei Hanzhou pursed his lips and said, "Whatever."

Liu Tangxi glanced at him and said, "Okay, how about scrambled eggs with ginger, shredded potatoes with ginger, fried eggplant with ginger, and more vinegar and more spicy?"

Wei Hanzhou doesn't like ginger, and he doesn't like sour and spicy food very much.

Finally, Wei Hanzhou looked up at Liu Tangxi. However, he still didn't say anything, took up the handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and said, "I'm done eating, I'm going to court."

"Oh." Liu Tangxi responded.

Seeing Wei Hanzhou's indifference, Liu Tangxi didn't want to send him away, and sat motionless in his seat.

It was not until the sound of the door opening and closing again that Liu Tangxi stood up from her seat and went back to the room to make up for her sleep.

Outside the house, after Wei Hanzhou got into the carriage, his face turned cold and his eyes closed.

He just tried his best to endure before he could not lose control in front of Liu Tangxi.

The dream from last night reappeared in front of me.

Too real.

He could clearly feel his mother's grief after his father's death, the aggrieved family members who were bullied by the villagers, Bo Sheng's stubbornness, Fu Yao's bravery, and Shu Lan's cry. But he was too weak at that time to do anything but watch his family suffer.

When he won the champion, he met the culprit who had destroyed his family in the capital.

It was learned that her identity was the direct daughter of the Marquis of Wynn and the concubine of the third prince.

Moreover, he also knew that she ran away to find the third prince.

When she saw him, the disgust in her eyes made it still difficult for him to calm down at the moment.

Mother Xinshan was deceived again and saved her, but she lied to her mother.

If she hadn't deceived her mother, if she hadn't taken the opportunity to escape, her father wouldn't have been sick, and the family wouldn't have watched his father die because they didn't have the money to save him.

Whenever she opens her mouth, he will definitely allow her to leave, so as not to catch him by surprise and make his father die in anger.

In the dream, he took mad revenge on her.

He stood by the prince's side, and was the enemy of the Marquis of Wynn and the third prince everywhere.

However, he still lost after all, to the third prince and Liu Yunan.

He was very unwilling.

And she, after the third prince ascended the throne, was executed by the third prince.


Wei Hanzhou sneered.

Just thinking about it, when the gate of the palace arrived, Dongsheng stopped the carriage and reminded, "Sir, it's here."

Wei Hanzhou restrained his laugh, calmed down, and stepped off the carriage with a straight face.

As soon as he got off the carriage and walked for a while, Wei Hanzhou saw King Jin who also came to Zaochao.

Wei Hanzhou felt a strange feeling in his heart, and walked towards King Jin, but before he got to King Jin, he said nonchalantly, "I have seen the king."

King Jin also nodded indifferently, looked straight ahead without looking at him, like

As if he didn't know him, he strode past him.

Wei Hanzhou looked at the back of King Jin in front of him, lowered his eyes, and continued to walk forward.


In the dream, King Jin was killed by his personal followers who had followed him for more than ten years on the way to Beijing. Not only King Jin, but also the little princess died together not far from Beijing.

That is, in the tea shed where he and his wife rested when they came to Beijing.

From this point of view, the dream is really real. Because, if it wasn't for the lady, the poison in the tea would not be able to dissolve at all. Therefore, in this life, King Jin and the little princess will still die.

Who killed King Jin

Later, Prince Jin joined forces with the crown prince to defeat the third prince and ascend to the throne.

No, no, the purpose of the prince is not to defeat the third prince, his purpose is to kill Emperor You. Later, the prince learned that the two sides broke up.

So, King Jin was killed by Emperor You

Wei Hanzhou looked up in the direction of the palace, his eyes narrowed slightly.

This court was more turbulent than he imagined.

After Liu Tangxi woke up, he went to see the shop.

Because of Wei Hanzhou, she didn't have the heart to cook, and it was sunny today and it was hot again.

After going out, Liu Tangxi went shopping on the snack street.

While eating and shopping, I also watched juggling on the side of the road for a while, and listened to a book for a while, and had a lot of fun.

She didn't know, there were two pairs of eyes staring at her.

Liu Yunan made an appointment with the third prince to go to Huangming Temple today. When passing by, he happened to see Liu Tangxi who was smiling and watching juggling.

Looking at Liu Tangxi's carefree appearance, a hint of surprise appeared in Liu Yun'an's eyes.

The third prince saw Liu Yunan's eyes, and there was a hint of sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Your vicious elder sister looks like a different person now. Maybe your brain is broken. If you don't like her, find someone to sell her and let her leave the capital." The third prince said lightly. Come out vicious words.

Liu Yunan lowered the curtain of the car, turned to look at the third prince, and said, "That's not necessary. She hasn't troubled me for a few months since she came back, and she may have lost her memory. If she doesn't come to trouble me , I don't want to bother with her."

The third prince held Liu Yun'an's hand and said affectionately, "An'an, you are just too generous to allow your sister to bully you."

Liu Yunan smiled and said nothing.

"Where's your mother-in-law? I heard that she has returned to the manor, has she been honest recently?" the third prince asked.

Liu Yunan thought for a while, and said, "Well, it's not the same as before. Maybe it's a disease, so I figured it out."

Of course, there were some things she didn't mention.

This mother-in-law is indeed better than before, but she is not less targeted.

For example, for the three prostitutes in the mansion, she deliberately made clothes for the two with good materials and bad for her. For another example, when she went to ask for safety, she yin and yang hinted that she was the one who made her sick.

However, these are trivial matters, and she doesn't care about them, and she doesn't want to tell the third prince. Because, she knew, if the third prince knew about it, he would have to do something if it was not in order.

"Well, that's fine. If she dares to harm you again, you don't have to bear it, this prince will definitely decide for you." said the third prince.

Liu Yunan has no intention of mentioning these matters of the back house

, talk to the third prince about what happened in the court.

"The crown prince must pay attention, and King Jin must not relax. I heard that Zheng Xiang went to the palace of King Jin yesterday..."

Liu Tangxi didn't know that the two passed by not far from her. After eating, drinking, and strolling, they went to a few shops.

After turning around, seeing that it was almost noon, Liu Tangxi ordered a few dishes directly from his restaurant, and had someone deliver them to Wei Hanzhou.

She didn't go back to cook herself, but settled in the restaurant directly.

Wei Hanzhou frowned while eating the food in his mouth.

This meal, as soon as you eat it, you will know that it is not made by your own wife.

Is she angry

Thinking of what happened this morning, Wei Hanzhou suddenly felt a little headache, thinking to himself, I don't know how to coax her back at night.

Coincidentally, the second prince came to eat again.

Wei Hanzhou gave the second prince the meal directly and generously this time.

Xu Shi was tired of the food in the palace, and the food outside the palace felt quite delicious.

After the hastily finished meal, the second prince thought of his purpose today, and said, "Brother Hanzhou, let me tell you, Liu Tangxi is really not a good girl, you should get away with her as soon as possible, lest she bring you down."

However, Wei Hanzhou's face suddenly turned cold and he said, "When the second prince loves, the lower official can't afford the word 'brother'. Besides, she is my wife, so it is inappropriate for the second prince to say such a thing."

The second prince was shocked by Wei Hanzhou's attitude. Although he felt that Wei Hanzhou was cold before, it was only a cold face and a warm heart, but today he was keenly aware that Wei Hanzhou was really cold.

"This... I am also for your own good." The second prince continued.

"My wife and I are one body. If you think there is something wrong with my wife, then I also did something wrong. Wei is here to apologize to you."

The second prince did not expect Wei Hanzhou to say such heavy words, and he was too close to him. No matter what he said, he was a prince. Seeing him like this, he no longer asked himself for boredom, turned around and left.

After eating, Liu Tangxi didn't want to go home, thinking that he hadn't seen the Yin family for a few days, so he went directly to the Hou residence.

When Yin woke up, she was very happy to learn that her daughter was back.

"Why didn't you have someone wake me up just now?" Yin shi complained.

Liu Tangxi ate the grapes and said with a smile, "I come here often, but I'm not a guest, so what should I do? You are not well, you should rest well. If I disturb your feelings, wouldn't it be unfilial?"

Yin shi nodded her head with a smile, and said, "You, you are really getting better at talking."

The mother and daughter sat together and talked about trivial matters in the mansion for a while.

Speaking of which, when Liu Tangxi's concubine was about to have a child, the Yin family reiterated the old story: "Your eldest brother is about to become a father, but you, your sister, haven't moved. Now that you are back in the capital, you have to get along well with your son-in-law. I see that the son-in-law has a good temperament, is smart, and looks first-class. The children you have will not be too bad."

Liu Tangxi almost choked, and this was not easy to answer, so he remained silent and nodded.

"You'll bring some supplements back later."

However, he had to take it up, Liu Tangxi said, "Mother, no need, my daughter is well."

Yin patted Liu Tangxi's hand and said with a smile, "You. Mother not only prepared it for you, but also for her son-in-law.

After a while, when I came back from Zhuangzi, my mother began to prepare. "

Liu Tangxi felt extremely uncomfortable after hearing this.

If she gave Wei Hanzhou supplements, I don't know how Wei Hanzhou would react...

In the evening, Wei Hanzhou went home early.

At the corner of Wenqu Street, the carriage stopped.

After a quarter of an hour or so, seeing a familiar man coming on horseback, Wei Hanzhou let the carriage continue to move forward.

When they got off the carriage, Huang Fucheng's horse happened to arrive at their door.

Although the two people are of different camps, they are officials of the same dynasty after all, so they will say hello to each other when they meet each other, so that the two sides can get along.

"Huang Fucheng."

"Written by Wei Xiu."

The two of them were like this every time, neither of them talked to anyone more, they just greeted each other politely and it was over.

Even if he speaks, it is Huang Fucheng's yin and yang sarcasm to Wei Hanzhou.

But this time, Wei Hanzhou suddenly asked one more question, "I heard that Mr. Huang was beaten yesterday, is he okay now?"

Huang Fucheng was a little confused, and asked in surprise, "I was beaten? When did I get beaten? Wei Xiuzhuan heard it wrong. Or did Wei Xiuzhuan expect me to be beaten?" He started to get angry again, and the expression on his face was not very good-looking.

Wei Hanzhou was still as calm as before, saying, "Oh, so I didn't get beaten. How did I hear that you were beaten by the prince yesterday, and I just wanted to visit you in a while. It seems that I misheard. "

Wei Hanzhou never talks nonsense.

But today he suddenly stopped and said something inexplicable to him.

Huang Fucheng is not a fool.

The meaning of Wei Hanzhou's words is very clear and clear.

"Prince is a humble person, and he would never do such a thing." Wei Hanzhou said again.

Thinking that Wei Hanzhou had been called into the palace by the emperor yesterday, Huang Fucheng immediately straightened his face and said, "Thank you, Lord Wei." After speaking, he turned around the carriage and did not know where he went.

Wei Hanzhou looked back, as if the words just now were not what he said.

Then, he pushed the door into the mansion.

However, after entering the mansion, Wei Hanzhou found that Liu Tangxi was not at home.

His face suddenly turned cold.

The author has something to say about three princes, one stupid, one stupid, and one cruel.