Powerful Skull in The Last Days

Chapter 29: way of training


After returning to the base, Gao Shuo immediately locked himself in the bedroom. He found that there was a small problem with his ability, which was completely different from what he felt before. , he remembered that cultivation method. Although he did not know what that cultivation method was, after each practice, no matter how tired he was, he would feel refreshed.

So, he took an hour every day to practice, until when he was fighting with Wang Lang just now, he found that his supernatural power had become stronger again. More than the average fourth-order power user, even his speed, reaction and perception are stronger than the average power user.

According to Wang Lang, he did advance earlier than himself. If he had just advanced, it would be uncertain who would win or lose in that battle. The way to improve his abilities was really not easy. Fang Lixuan said something. That's right, An Zilou is indeed a treasure. Ever since he met that little skeleton, his luck has continued.

I closed my eyes and felt the energy in my body. I opened my palms, and bursts of white mist appeared on my palms. Then, a piece of solid ice appeared. Slowly, the solid ice began to change. Little by little, it changed into a vague shape of a long sword.

After the ability reaches the fourth level, he can draw up the form. This is what he discovered without any objection. If he wants to control his power more accurately, he can use form creation to cultivate, and try to focus on the long sword in his hand. With a little change, patterns slowly appeared on the hilt of the long sword. It was the kind of complex and simple pattern, and there was even a protruding circle, as if a gem was inlaid.

He picked up the ice sword and waved it. At present, he can only draw some simple shapes. The pattern on the hilt alone will take a lot of work. After doing all this, Gao Shuo only feels that Dizzy and dizzy, as if his mental power was severely drained, he hurriedly did a good job, adjusted the energy in his body, and ran it all over his body.

When the energy ran for a week, he stopped, and the feeling of spiritual penetration disappeared immediately, even, unprecedented comfort, it seems that his speculation is correct, this kind of cultivation method can temper and restore the body's various Therefore, his power will far surpass that of ordinary fourth-order ability users.

Thinking back to the day when he got this way of practice, he remembered that the power in his body suddenly rioted, as if it was out of control, and even an unknown force broke into the body, almost burst him, and then When he came into contact with An Zilou, the power poured into An Zilou's body, and when he finally returned to his body, he had already started this mode of operation. So, this is probably the way An Zilou's internal strength practiced.

He originally wanted to ask An Zilou, but considering that An Zilou was also in a daze, if he asked him, he would probably be despised again. Gao Shuo simply gave up this idea. The cultivation method was handed over to the three of them, Sun Yang, Cheng Feifei and Yu Kun, so that they could also practice well.

The next day, Gao Shuo called Sun Yang and the others, and explained in detail what he was going to do to find Dr. Loki. This time, the matter was very important, and he should not be careless. The superhuman was taken away, leaving only Wei Mingyang and a few others in the base.

Although Wei Mingyang is simple and honest, his abilities are really good. With him in charge, nothing will happen. Originally, he was not going to take Lin Qing, but Lin Qing seems to be looking forward to going out this time. Ray couldn't hide it, Gao Shuo decided that it would be better to take people out, otherwise he would not be relieved to stay in the base.

When inventorying the supplies, Sun Yang deliberately rummaged through An Zilou's favorite sweets, and found that there were not many left. He felt a sense of crisis, and specifically mentioned it to Gao Shuo. If he has time, he will collect some by the way. Let's have some sweets, otherwise, what if the sweet tooth control in An Zilou becomes mad

Gao Shuo agrees with this proposal very much. Of course, he is not afraid of An Zilou going crazy, but feels that if there is really no sweets, An Zilou will definitely look at him with calm eyes. The expression that can't be done looks too annoying.

An Zilou picked up the departure list and glanced at it. After realizing that he had his own name, he threw away the list and slipped out of the base to play. Several abilities saw that Gao Shuo wrote An Zilou's name on the list. Although there were some doubts and even a little dissatisfaction, when they thought of Gao Shuo's current strength, they didn't ask, so they missed an opportunity to know the truth.

The departure time was set on the morning of the third day after the banquet. Lu Lin was very careful. The night before, he sent someone to send a detailed map, which listed the places to be passed along the way in detail. It is a mountain road and forest. In the end times, forests and mountains are far more dangerous than open places.

After careful consideration, Gao Shuo decided to hand over that cultivation method to Sun Yang and the others that night. He called the three of them into the room, and then drew the cultivation method with a pen, and asked them to practice according to the above. .

Cheng Feifei was the first to succeed. Don't look at her as a woman, she is really bold and careful, she is courageous and resourceful, and even practiced, she left many people a few streets away. She felt the relaxation and warmth in her body, she said with a smile: " It's a great feeling, and I don't have to worry about sleep or lack of energy anymore."

"Yeah, I'm not afraid of staying up all night playing games." No need to guess, this is definitely what Sun Yang said. Immediately after his successful cultivation, his first reaction was to think of this.

"So you still have time to play games?" Gao Shuo glanced at Sun Yang calmly.

The fluttering glance immediately made Sun Yang take a few steps back, shaking his head like a rattle, "I'm just talking casually, Brother Shuo, I'm as tired as a dead dog every day, and occasionally I want to relax."

Yu Kun was still sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, watching the energy change in his body, Cheng Feifei widened his eyes and said, "This guy is not going to advance, right?"

Gao Shuo took a closer look and nodded. Unexpectedly, Yu Kun practiced once and actually helped him advance. The power advancement is not so powerful, and it will not cause any very earth-shattering momentum. Yu Kun is Jin He is an ability user, so at this moment, his whole body has a metallic luster, and the clothes on his body are automatically metalized.

At this time, An Zilou was sitting on the reclining chair on the balcony. In Gao Shuo's house, he never changed his human appearance. Gao Shuo was afraid that he would be seen running around, so the balcony was sealed off. style, but also specially put up curtains.

The three of them left the space for the advanced Yu Kun, walked silently to the balcony, and saw a golden skeleton lying on the reclining chair. The skeleton was holding a cigarette, lit, and sparks. , knocking Erlang's leg, his right paw beating on the smooth and moist kneecap, very rhythmic, if you listen carefully, it seems to be some kind of famous minor tune.

Seeing the three of them appear on the balcony, a skull claw removed the smoke from its mouth, made two clicks at the three of them, and then turned around and continued to amuse itself.

Not only were the three people immune to An Zilou's actions, not only were they not surprised, Sun Yang saw that the smoke was about to go out, and he flicked his dog-legged finger and used his fire ability to help light it.

"Brother Shuo, where did your strange cultivation method come from? It's just too awesome. If we all cultivate, we will be able to dominate the end of the world in the future."

"You haven't passed the second year of middle school. You have read a lot of Long Aotian's novels. What's the use of dominating the end of the world? You have the ability to dominate the future." Cheng Feifei attacked him mercilessly, but what this girl said was really no different from Sun Yang's. .

Gao Shuo thought about it and decided not to hide it from them: "This is the day Xiaolou became a human. The ability I got when my supernatural powers got out of control, I think this is probably Xiaolou's way of cultivating."

"He can be so powerful, no wonder he's so abnormal that he's not a human being, no, he wasn't human, he was a skeleton." Sun Yang's admiration for An Zilou rose to a new level, "Xiaolou, Brother Lou. , you are the mascot of our gang."

"Click!" An Zilou, who had been looking out of the window through the gap in the curtain, finally reacted a little bit. He turned around and said something, but unfortunately no one understood, and found that no one paid attention. The skull flew straight up and hit Sun Yang's head. On his stomach, Sun Yang, who was in pain, wailed.

"speak English!"

Gao Shuo tapped on An Zilou's skull and pointed at the clothes on the shelf. In order to prevent An Zilou from becoming a human without clothes, he made great efforts, and the skeletons drilled into pieces skillfully. The clothes changed into people, and then said dissatisfiedly: "You guys are too noisy, don't disturb me thinking about Skeletons."

"My life has been dark since I met your skull!" Sun Yang squatted on the ground with his stomach in his arms. Ma Dan, the skull was even harder than Yu Kun's fist, and he just touched him lightly. It hurts to death.

An Zilou wrinkled his handsome brows. He obviously bumped slightly, so he said seriously, "You are too weak. After you go out tomorrow, I will continue to do special training for you."

"…" Can I apply not to go? Sun Yang looked desperate.

Yu Kun's advancement was very smooth, so that the Leng Ye mercenary group had another Tier 4 ability user. The next morning, everyone packed up, and An Zilou's brick weapons were also built, and Sun Yang brought them over. When it was given to him, he even gave him a bag to put the bricks in, just enough to tie the bag around his waist and take it out when he needed to use a weapon.

"You can play with zombies, mutant animals and plants, but you can't kill people casually. You are not allowed to turn into skeletons in front of others. Also, don't use your ribs as weapons." Gao Shuo pointed at the bricks on An Zilou's waist: "This is you. In the future, you can use any weapon you want." After the young man repeated it again, he took the young man out to join everyone.

An Zilou silently took out a book and it seemed that this time, Gao Shuo deliberately looked at the cover. After seeing that it was "The Art of War of Sun Tzu", he felt that even if he read it, it was nothing, so he stopped asking.