Powerful Skull in The Last Days

Chapter 38: Drug X is a must-have for improving relationships


Dr. Loki died. This was something that everyone did not expect. When the three forces finally converged, and when they saw Dr. Loki who had been dead for a long time, they were all a little sad. They have come to this step, people have already It was found, but it was just a dead body.

Fang Lixuan stepped forward and carefully inspected the wounds of the corpse. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He concentrated the energy around his eyes and glanced at the corpse on the ground. It was even more strange. Xiao thought he was checking how Dr. Rocky was doing. The dead man also stepped forward and glanced at him. Judging from the blood coagulation time, it was obvious that the man had just died not long ago.

Xiao's eyes were full of doubts, why the wound looked like he had just been killed, since Gao Shuo has come here, who can kill people under his nose, his eyes swept over the mutant zombies on the ground, his eyes doubtful It is becoming more and more obvious, but she will never think that Dr. Loki was killed by Gao Shuo. After all, everyone understands the importance of Dr. Loki. Otherwise, how could the three forces join forces to send out masters of supernatural abilities to find someone.

Gao Shuo stared blankly at the corpse on the ground. It had been like this since everyone came in. Everyone thought he was blaming himself for Dr. Loki's death.

When Lin Qing and Luo Yi saw Dr. Loki's body, they couldn't believe their eyes. In their cognition, Dr. Loki would be brought back to the Bright Base and made a huge contribution to the end of the end of the world. , and even in the battle to eliminate the zombie king, it provided a potion that could suppress the opponent's ability.

Such a powerful character, why did he die at this time? How can you just die like this? What about humans? The vaccine against zombies is gone, how many people will die in the next zombie siege? Naturally, they don't have such noble sentiments to worry about ordinary people, but when things go wrong, panic in their hearts is inevitable.

After leaving the underground research institute, everyone's mood was a little down. Well, except for An Zilou, he was instructing Song Chengyu to prepare something to eat for him, while asking Sun Yang to find sweets in the supplies for him. After a while After realizing it, Gao Shuo was in a bad mood.

As the first younger brother, if the boss is in a bad mood, should he do something? An Zilou tilted his head and thought for a while, then stabbed Sun Yang and asked in a low voice, "Why is the boss unhappy?"

After listening to An Zilou's words, even Sun Yang, a rough-hearted person, envied him a bit. People who don't know much about everything are really happy and have no worries. However, the importance of Dr. Loki and complicated things like the evolutionary land. , Even if he said it, An Zilou would probably understand a lot, so he simply said: "The boss is worried about the lack of food in the future, what should I do?"

"It's not enough, we can find it! I'm very good!" An Zilou was even more puzzled.

"What if there is no food to find?" Sun Yang asked.

An Zilou thought for a while, patted Gao Shuo, who was still in deep thought, on the shoulder, and comforted: "Boss, don't worry, if the food is really not enough, I can become my most handsome appearance, and then I can leave the rest. The next person's ration, I'll give you my ration, but... "

He hesitated and said, "If you still have sweets and candies, give them to me."

Gao Shuo's heart warmed. An Zilou's most simple and simple words suddenly made him feel a little more relaxed. The young man in front of him stared at him earnestly, his black eyes were full of worry, Gao Shuo took a weary step forward, The young man hugged him into his arms, and when he noticed the other's movements, he whispered, "Don't move, let me hug him."

The young man really did not move, but it was a little strange. After the boss became swollen and fat, it became a little strange. When he was a skeleton frame before, why didn't he hug him.

Burying his head in the young man's neck, feeling the other person's body temperature, the calm breathing sound in his ear was like the most beautiful music, which gradually calmed his chaotic mood, and his thoughts slowly returned to the previous moment.

What happened in the underground research institute was too sudden, which made him have to be vigilant. He still couldn't understand why he shot at that time. He could clearly realize that he was not under control at that time, and he didn't think that he was using himself. With his strength, who else could control him and make him invisible. At that time, there were no special people or zombies nearby, so the root of everything was still on himself.

It's just that the feeling is too mysterious. The moment I saw Dr. Loki, the killing intent came quietly, as if unlocking the prohibition that had been suppressed in my mind, and let those tyranny sealed in my brain. The meaning began to wreak havoc, and the madness was growing. I couldn't suppress it even if I wanted to suppress it. It was like a heavy curse. There was only one word that echoed back and forth in my mind, kill! kill! kill!

That killing intent, even with an immortal aura and determination to destroy the world, the only remaining will to tell himself that he can't kill this person, but only after a few breaths of time, he was killed by the tyrannical man. His will was destroyed, and he followed that will to kill Dr. Loki.

what is the problem? What's wrong with me

Gao Shuo rubbed his temples with a headache, and the killing intent came and went quickly. The moment he killed Dr. Loki, it disappeared automatically, leaving no trace. If it weren't for the corpse still lying on the ground, He even thought that he had an illusion, and now, even if he wanted to pursue that tyrannical killing intent, he would not be able to start.

If he usually sees this scene, Lin Qing will definitely run over and destroy it, but now he is also a godless person, so he doesn't care about it at all. Instead, he keeps looking in the direction of Luo Yi. They need to have a good talk, otherwise this future change will make them shrink back and timid, who knows what the world will be like after Dr. Loki is dead.

After going down the mountain, everyone did not go back directly, but went in the opposite direction. When Lu Lin came, he told Xiao and Lu Qian'er that, as a ruler of a military region, he should think about the direction of things in the long run, even the most important. The bad plan has also been thought of. If Dr. Loki has unfortunately died after Gao Shuo and the others came, then they will go forward and go to the Sunyao Base to see.

There has been some news from the Sunlight Base that they have developed a potion that can instantly strengthen human abilities and can share it with other bases. However, their conditions are too harsh. The potion is almost at a sky-high price. What Lu Lin means is, don't take too much, exchange some conference bases for the people in the research institute to study and see if they can study it.

Recently, a zombie siege incident has been reported again. The Qinglong base in the north almost fell, and the major bases began to be restless. Therefore, in order to prevent the base from being overrun by zombies, this medicine has become a sought-after product no matter how expensive it is. .

The Sunyao Base was not established by the military. Its predecessor was the largest gang in the north before the end of the world. There are also differences between the gangs. The Sunyao itself is a vicious and vicious gang. If the apocalypse broke out in time, it would have been destroyed by the top became scum.

Therefore, the management of Sunlight is completely different from that of the Bright Base, and it is more realistic and darker and crueler. If the ordinary people in the Bright Base are living very hard, then, compared to the ordinary people in the Sunlight Base, they are simply It was born in heaven, at least under Lu Lin's suppression, there was no casual murder of ordinary people on the surface.

When Gao Shuo and the others came to the entrance of Sunyao Base, they were seeing a few gatekeepers bullying two weak women in front of the crowd. The moans and screams kept coming, and there were a bunch of people queuing up to go in. Ordinary people, they all have numb expressions in their eyes, and they are not at all surprised by this kind of thing.

Occasionally, there are supernatural powers coming and going from the entrance of the base. When they see this scene, there are also some expressions of unbearable expression, but if they think of something, they pretend not to see it and leave in a hurry. Cheng Feifei and Lu Qianer, who were women, got angry almost at the same time.

The Frost Arrow threw it accurately and froze several people. Lu Qian'er stomped her foot hard. She is a third-order power system ability. With her full force, she stepped on the ground and stepped out of a big hole. Except for one woman, everyone else fell into the pit, and then ordered: "Bury these dregs alive!" The earth-type power user behind him filled the pit with understanding.

In the blink of an eye, all the people were gone, and the rest of the gatekeepers were still in place, seemingly unable to react. An Zilou sat on the big cat and walked to the door. The big cat roared and blew a gust of wind, They blew it all over the place, and I don't know who shouted: "Go and inform the above, there are powerful thorns making trouble at the gate of the base."

An Zilou originally wanted to say, we are supernatural powers, hurry up and get out of the way, or else I will bury you alive, but before he said anything, everyone ran away, and he touched his face and said, "So this His face is already so ugly, it can still be scary, alas!"

The control of the Sunyao Base is called Fu Anqing. Originally, he would not take care of people making troubles at the entrance of the base. However, after the exposure of the medicine in the base recently, many people have come to other bases one after another. After the incident, I went directly to the door, so many people came together, obviously it was a powerful base visitor.

When he saw Gao Shuo and Fang Lixuan standing at the door, Fu Anqing was surprised for a moment. He had dealt with Gao Shuo and Fang Lixuan a few times, and even had an affair with Fang Lixuan once. He is quite clear.

"It's a rare visitor. It turns out to be an old friend. It seems that my potion is really a good thing. It can make you stand together and haven't started. Please come inside."

"Boss Fu is very polite. It seems that your base is also full of talents. To be able to develop such a good medicine is that there are too many flies. Let us accidentally clean up a few. You will not be surprised." Gao Shuo said to this person I don't have any good feelings at all, plus the matter of Dr. Loki, it's even more unpleasant.

"Whoever has few flies, kill them if they kill them. Brother Fang, are you right?" Fu Anqing patted Fang Lixuan on the shoulder. They were just a few first-order ability users who didn't have eyes. Things like this conflict with each other.

Fang Lixuan patted the opponent's hand away, and patted his shoulder again. He thought he was a despicable and shameless person who would do anything to achieve his goals, but in front of this character who eats people and doesn't spit out bones, he still has to bow down." Since Boss Fu, you are calling me brother, can you send a few of the potions for use?"

"This is a small problem. It just happened that a lot of politeness came from the base. In the evening, I will pick up the dust for you and hold a grand banquet, and then everyone will get to know each other."

Fu Anqing was not at all unhappy with the attitude of the two of them. He solemnly greeted Xiao and Lu Qianer who were standing on the side, and invited them in together. As the ruler of a base, he would still inquire about the general situation of other bases. Yes, but his eyes stayed on An Zilou for a while, because this person was not in the documentation.

"This little brother looks sharp. I don't know what power it is?" Fu Anqing asked generously.

"I don't have supernatural powers!" An Zilou scratched the big cat's head while eating the candy, biting "quack quack".

It's this sentence again, do you know how many people you have fooled by your lack of ability? This sentence of An Zilou evokes memories in most people's hearts, but if it can fool people from other families, it seems to be a good feeling.

Fu Anqing glanced at the mutant tiger that An Zilou sat and played with without a trace of reaction. Just as he was about to reach out to touch it, the mutant tiger glared fiercely, gushing blood and biting me if you dared to touch me. Damn you, it looks like this kid was brought out because of this mutant tiger.

Provoke him, it's best to have some bad idea, so that we can see the picture of the first master of Guangming Base beating the person in power at Sunyao Base, many people are shouting in their hearts, but Fu Anqing is not an ordinary person, his eyes It didn't mean anything else, just stopped paying attention to An Zilou after asking this sentence.

Along the way, I saw a lot of pictures that I couldn't see in the Guangming Base. Just these small things can show how dark the Sunyao Base is. Fu Anqing's opponents have always been indulgent, whether they bully men or bully women. , as long as it doesn't affect major events, he said with a chuckle: "The weak eat the strong, the troubled times are that simple."

There are already many people from other bases in the Sunyao Base wandering around. After seeing Gao Shuo and the others, they also understand that there must be a big force coming, so they go back and report to their boss immediately. Their goals are all that kind of medicine. Naturally, I want to find an ally to keep the price down. Of course, it would be better if I could find an ally to get the medicine research program.

In the evening, Fu Anqing really asked his subordinates to prepare a grand dinner and invited people from all other bases to participate. It is anticipation, because he knows that there must be something delicious at the banquet.

Before going out, Gao Shuo's instructions changed. He directly said, "You're welcome tonight, except that you can't turn into a skeleton, you can do whatever you want. If anyone offends you, you can do whatever you want." Anyway, this is how this base is. Atmosphere, there is no need to be polite.

After listening to An Zilou, his eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky, and countless scenes of people hanging from trees or buried alive quickly flashed in his mind, but whether they were buried alive or hung up, this is the question. It feels like being buried alive. It's actually pretty good.

As soon as he entered the hall, Gao Shuo was surrounded by people from other bases. On the contrary, because of the big cat around An Zilou, few people were willing to approach. An Zilou was very satisfied with this, and the rocket rushed into the food area. Take what you eat, and there are people around who are dissatisfied with his appearance, but seeing the fourth-order mutant tiger following his ass, wisely did not speak.

An Zilou threw the meat food to the big cat while eating, and specially called Song Chengyu, who was dragged, to the table and pointed to the food on the table. Song Chengyu remembered the kind of food he liked, and went to the kitchen to discuss it. It was convenient for him to learn how to cook it for him, and the newly released Chef Song diligently recorded it and helped take care of the big cat by the way.

It is strange to say that the big cat is very rude to everyone except An Zilou, but after Song Chengyu came, he likes to get close to Song Chengyu. Sun Yang, who has been ingratiating himself for a long time and has not been looked down upon by the big cat, insists, It was the big cat who saw that Song Chengyu was too weak to threaten slavery.

Gao Shuo was not in a good mood. He didn't have the patience to play Tai Chi with a bunch of people. He just let Cheng Feifei deal with it. To be honest, among all his men, if one day he wanted to choose a second reserve leader, Cheng Feifei is definitely the first choice. Don't underestimate the cohesion of a woman, but Cheng Feifei is usually too lazy to use her brain. In her words, I have done everything, what do I want your boss to do

From a certain point, she and An Zilou are really a little startlingly similar.

Finding a corner, Gao Shuo sat there drinking quietly. He looked at his hands, still thinking about what happened before. If it wasn't for being controlled, what else could make a person lose control? This is really An inexplicable thing. ,

An Zilou was full. He was walking around with a drink in hand. The boss was gone. He decided to look for it. When he walked to the edge of the dance floor, he happened to see Fang Lixuan dancing around a beautiful woman with long hair and a slender waist. He seemed very happy, so he stood aside and watched for a while, he was very puzzled by this kind of thing, he just twisted his waist casually, why Fang Lixuan looked very happy.

At this time, Fu Anqing was drinking with a beautiful woman in his arms. There were so many heads of major forces in the hall. It seemed that this potion would definitely sell him a good price. , squeezed the butt of the person in his arms and said, "Go upstairs to take a shower, I'll be right there."

The beauty nodded excitedly, handed a drink to Fu Anqing, and said coquettishly, "Brother Fu, please drink less, this drink was specially prepared for you, you drink it."

Fu Anqing waved his hand to indicate that he knew it. After the beauty left, he walked to the edge of the dance floor with a drink and smiled at An Zilou: "Why don't you go to dance, what's the point of just standing there and watching?" He noticed from the beginning. When I went to Anzilou, I honestly thought that such a young man would attract the most attention no matter where he was. Everyone had a love for beauty, and he was no exception. As long as the other party wants to.

An Zilou divided his attention to Fu Anqing, felt unfamiliar, turned his head, took a sip of the drink in his hand, just when Fu Anqing thought that the other party would not answer his question and was about to leave, An Zilou After speaking, he said, "Is this interesting?"

"You can try it. Dancing is one of the necessary communication skills for people." Fu Anqing smiled slightly, her clear eyes were like treasures in the last days, no wonder Gao Shuo would take it with him wherever he went.

"No!" An Zilou shook his head.

"I can teach you!"

An Zilou pointed to Fang Lixuan, who was dancing with another partner, and said, "Is it like Fang Lixuan?"

"Yes, it's very simple." Fu Anqing imagined the feeling of holding the young man in his arms, and a fire filled his heart, and began to consider the possibility that Gao Shuo would agree if he used the potion in exchange for the young man.

"Okay!" An Zilou carefully looked at Fang Lixuan's movements and felt that he had written it all down. He nodded and agreed. He put the drink on the table and said, "Let's go dancing."

Fu Anqing also put the drink in that position. Just as he was about to extend his invitation to the gentleman An Zilou, he was dragged into the center of the dance floor carelessly by An Zilou. Fu Anqing no longer wanted to recall what happened next. He felt that his life In the first thirty years of , only this day was the darkest day.

Being hugged by a young man who is a little shorter than himself, or even thinner than he looks, dances on the dance floor with the other party's movements. As the boss of a base, this is simply a shameful thing. The weak and slender hand seems to have infinite power. No matter how hard he struggles, he can't get rid of it. It's okay, but when he uses the wood-type ability, the other party can still be there as if nothing has happened. Countless vines and barbed vines travel freely through the net, and can even dodge with himself.

Damn it, Fu Anqing's face turned like a pig's liver. When An Zilou swung his hand around and let him, an extremely strong old man, follow his opponent's movements three times on the dance floor, Fu Anqing couldn't wait to see everything. The people in this scene gouged out their eyes and fed them to the dogs.

An Zilou looked at the person being dragged by him. He didn't understand. Isn't this person going to dance? Why does he look so miserable? He has already learned about Fang Lixuan's dancing stance. He has a good memory, and there is absolutely no wrong move. Throw it away, and attack him with abilities.

However, it seemed impolite to leave without finishing a song. He remembered what Fang Lixuan said at the last banquet, so An Zilou lightly avoided the attacks and gave Fu Anqing a kind word of encouragement: "Your dance is really good. The circle just now was even better than the woman Fang Lixuan was holding."

Fu Anqing: Who the hell said that this guy has no powers, this is not a fifth-order power user, he took his head off and kicked it as a ball.

Many people around have noticed this scene. The people in the Sunyao Base looked incredulous. They wanted to see it but didn't dare to look at it openly. People from other forces didn't have so many scruples. He was dragged to and fro by An Zilou like a person, walking in circles, all the supernatural powers were used, and he still didn't get rid of it. While surprised by An Zilou's strength, he silently cast a sympathetic look for Fu Anqing, and even blew it. A whistle.

It was Fang Lixuan who was whistling. He was stared at so intently by An Zilou for a long time. Of course, he would not have not noticed. Therefore, when he saw An Zilou dancing with Fu Anqing as if copying his own pace, his first reaction was frivolous. After blowing a loud whistle, he gave An Zilou a thumbs up.

Feeling the commotion here, Sun Yang glanced away from the crowd, and then burst out laughing. He hugged his stomach and laughed wildly, while looking for Gao Shuo in the corner tower, stammering for a long time without making it clear. Instead, he slumped on the chair smiling.

"Haha... Brother Shuo... Haha... That... Xiaolou... The dance floor ahhahaha..." Help, what should he do if he really can't speak

You can imagine the scene where a sumo wrestler is being led by a diver to dance the female steps.

Gao Shuo thought that An Zilou had done something extraordinary on the dance floor, so he walked over immediately, just to see An Zilou dragging Fu Anqing in a three-step rotation, Gao Shuo finally couldn't help it, and burst into laughter, this At that time, the music finally stopped, An Zilou found Gao Shuo in the crowd, and was about to leave Fu Anqing's hand.

Furious, Fu Anqing attacked Anzilou from behind. Gao Shuo quickly built an ice shield for Anzilou. When Fu Anqing's subordinates saw that the boss wanted Anzilou, they rushed over and punched Anzilou with a fistful of metal. The color, the metalized surface is extremely hard.

An Zilou remembered what the boss said, and took out the bricks very rudely. When the gold-type ability user was about to hit him, he rewarded him with a brick, and the later came first to take a picture of the gold-type ability user's face. Up, just look at it like this, as if the gold-type ability user rushed his face and smashed it on the brick.

The gold-type ability user flew out with a scream, and his head was smashed into a big hole. This was the result of An Zilou's mercy, otherwise the other party would have blossomed.

Gao Shuo appeared behind An Zilou like lightning, and after blocking Fu Anqing's attack again, he said coldly, "Boss Fu, what does this mean?"

Fu Anqing was so angry that he wanted to tear down An Zilou immediately, but he was the head of a base after all, so he calmed down quickly, barely restrained his anger, and gritted his teeth: "I'm just kidding with this little brother. , everyone continue to play, I'm sorry." After speaking, he turned and left the banquet hall. When he walked to the stairs, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and there was a gloom in his eyes. Take Gao Shuo's interests in exchange.

Immediately, someone came to carry the gold-type power user away for treatment, and then cleaned up the debris on the ground. The banquet continued, and the people around looked at An Zilou with very hot eyes. A fourth-order ability user was shot. In this way, the first fifth-order ability user was born in the bright base. No wonder the fourth-order mutant tiger can be recovered.

Immediately, people gathered around, trying to get close to An Zilou, but unfortunately An Zilou scare everyone away as soon as he opened his mouth. He just asked strangely, "Do you all want to dance with me?"

Haha, what are you kidding me? You want the bosses of our various forces to accompany you to dance in the big crowd. What is your face

Fang Lixuan came over, whistled frivolously, reached out to pat An Zilou on the shoulder, but was simply isolated by Gao Shuo, ignoring Gao Shuo's cold face, he said with a smile, "An Zilou, you danced just now. It's really good to dance, and it's too happy to actually let that ruthless guy Fu Anqing go flat."

"That's right, I dance very well. Would you like to dance with me?" An Zilou proudly agreed with Fang Lixuan's words, and casually asked, "Dancing is one of the communicative skills that a person must have, and he should also communicate with him." .

Fang Lixuan quickly pulled a person from the side and smiled wickedly: "You better dance with Captain Gao, I have a dance partner." After that, he walked away with the other person, and it was enough to watch the play. Getting burned is not good.

"Boss, do you want to dance?" An Zilou actually asked.

Being disturbed by An Zilou like this, Gao Shuo no longer had any troubles, he hugged An Zilou and said with a smile, "You can dance with the boss, but this time you have to learn from the beauty that Fang Lixuan is holding pace."

"Why?" An Zilou didn't understand.

"Because I'm the boss, it's that simple." Gao Shuo replied shamelessly.

An Zilou blinked, not quite understanding, he turned his head to look at Song Chengyu who had just walked over with the big cat, and when he looked at him like this, Song Chengyu didn't know how to explain to him the meaning of jumping male and female steps. Deciding to change the subject, he silently picked up the drink on the table and gave it to him: "Dancing is really boring, let's have a drink." To the effect, he didn't realize that he was not holding An Zilou's cup, but Fu Anqing's.

An Zilou was holding a drink and understood this to mean that Gao Shuo didn't want to dance, so he gave the drink to Gao Shuo, "Since boss, if you don't like dancing, have something to drink."

Gao Shuo didn't force it, he just said it casually, but fortunately he didn't force it, because An Zilou felt that he was the skeleton who would become the boss sooner or later, and he had to dance like Fang Lixuan, because Fang Lixuan was the boss, so, Gao Shuo avoided the fate of being forced to jump in female steps like Fu Anqing.

He drank the drink from the cup in one gulp, put the cup on the table and asked, "Are you full?"

Seeing the young man nodding, he said, "Let's go, go back."

The bedroom that Fu Anqing arranged for them was quite large. It was in a separate courtyard. After returning home, Gao Shuo originally wanted to practice that magical technique. Who knew that as soon as he walked into the bedroom, he suddenly felt that his body was not right. An evil fire burned from the big cat to the whole body, and something in the lower abdomen kept expanding and stretching.

At this time, anyone who was a man would know what was going on. Gao Shuo was leaning against the wall. He had a poison-type ability, and he was originally resistant to drugs. After running the supernatural power, the medicinal power became even more violent, and consciously, the whole body was almost burned by this evil fire.

His reason was about to dissipate at this moment. He resisted and walked into the bathroom, wanting to put cold water and throw some ice cubes in it to cool himself down. But at this moment, An Zilou entered the room and saw Gao Shuo panting heavily. With his anger supporting the wall, he stepped forward without knowing why, and asked Gao Shuo, "Boss, who injured you?"

The moment he was touched by An Zilou's hand, Gao Shuo's sanity collapsed immediately. He was close to his sweetheart. He couldn't bear it any longer, and jumped up to tear An Zilou's clothes...