Powerful Skull in The Last Days

Chapter 40: Put on the vest, I am the Skeleton King


Gao Shuo and the others were discussing hotly. Here, An Zilou has decided to turn into a skeleton and make a scene at Sunyao Base at night. The ten skeleton racks neatly made a contemptuous gesture towards the villa to the east, and then skillfully went to the Sunyao Base. Lying on the recliner, smoking a cigarette, he began to think about Skull.

Suddenly, I assembled myself again, got into the space, and tossed through a lot of messy materials for a long time, found some sweets, and found a windbreaker that looked very cool in the clothes pile. On the shelf, because of the wings, An Zilou ripped a few holes in the back in order to put on the windbreaker.

At this time, a light blue grass was turned out from the supplies and fell to the ground along the inclined box. It looked awkward. Fortunately, the air was special and things were not easy to deteriorate. withered.

The skeleton claws poked the grass on the ground, it looked familiar, as if he found it from somewhere, by the way, isn't this the wind spirit grass found under the eyelids of Lin Qing and Luo Yi? It seems that it is possible to increase the power level. An Zilou picked up the grass and looked closely in front of the skull for a while. Nothing special happened.

When he took the grass out of the space, Gao Shuo was already in the bedroom, cultivating supernatural powers. When he sensed movement, he stopped moving and opened his eyes. What he saw was an enlarged version of the skull, and his long fingers tapped on the skull. After knocking, Gao Shuo smiled and said, "I'm looking for sweets again. If this apocalypse doesn't end, there will be no sweets in the future. What should I do with you?"

"Kakaka!" I could go to someone else's house to rob, and An Zilou made a robbery with a skeleton frame.

"Then what if it's over?" Gao Shuo picked up the skeleton head that was jumping up and down on the ground and put it on his lap. Because he liked An Zilou, it was a skeleton frame. He also found it very pleasing to the eye. What do you think? How beautiful.

"Kakaka!" After robbing, there is still the boss, you, as the boss, shouldn't you satisfy all the thoughts of the younger brother? Especially for such an excellent little brother.

"I can't make sweets!" With his fingers on the cold skull, Gao Shuo began to think about how to teach a skeleton about love. He said it simply and clearly, so that An Zilou would not understand it. What if he wanted to find him a skeleton for company after listening to the love story? Where in the world would there be another moving skeleton stand.

A hand bone crawled over from behind Gao Shuo, five bone fingers pointed towards Gao Shuo, four fingers were tightly held, only the middle finger stood up straight, and made a contemptuous gesture towards Gao Shuo, "Kakakaka! "Boss, you are too inferior, you can't do anything, how can you be a successful Skeleton King.

The despised Gao Shuo was not angry at all, he stretched out his hand and slapped the bones of his hands away. Anyway, he was used to being despised by An Zilou, and his sweetheart likes to eat so much, does he need to learn how to cook, or one day his little skeleton What should I do if I was cheated by someone with sweets

Another hand bone climbed onto Gao Shuo's shoulder from the other side, and handed it over with a piece of grass between ten and two fingers. : "Is this wind spirit grass?"

The skull clicked on the knee, indicating that Gao Shuo was right, and then rolled on the knee, Gulugulu rolled to the ground and turned a few times, covered a big apple on the table in the skull, and turned his head. , cracked his mouth and smirked at Gao Shuo, making up his mind that he would not be human tonight, shove the wind spirit grass into Gao Shuo's mouth with his hand bone, and then left in a hurry.

Gao Shuo originally wanted to turn An Zilou back into a human being to cultivate his feelings, but as a result, An Zilou shoved grass into his mouth. Don't underestimate the grass. As soon as he entered it, he found a miraculous change, as if he had changed. At the same time, a warm current rose up in the body, as if something was changing, the powerful warm current rushed through the tendons, Gao Shuo's complexion changed, he quickly sat down with his legs crossed, and began to digest The energy brought by the wind spirit grass.

Seeing this, An Zilou made a jerk gesture towards the void, assembled himself, and opened the window to see that the sky was full of stars outside. Inside, most of the place was dark, and it was obviously midnight. He jumped to the windowsill, two pairs of huge bone wings stretched out, and quickly flew to the distant sky.

After turning around in the air to determine the direction, he plunged into the top of the villa where Fu Anqing and the others were, climbed down slowly along the wall, and then got into a room, and after a few turns in the room, Anzilou A little confused, he knocked on the skull a few times, where the hell is this medicine, the villa is so big, does he want to find it one by one

I was considering whether to grab someone to take him there, or directly find Fu Anqing for it. The door of the room was opened from the outside, and An Zilou responded very quickly. He jumped out from the open window again, and lay on the wall, hard. The bony fingers are deeply embedded in the wall.

It was Fu Anqing who entered the room. He was holding a young man in his arms. As soon as he came in, he put him on the bed. An Zilou originally thought of rushing over and grabbing Fu Anqing, but when he saw the young man, he stopped. Because that young man was Lin Qing, it seemed to An Zilou that there was a skeleton in the skeleton pile, and a skeleton went to the Skeleton Mage's site to be friends with the mages. Don't let him do it.

"Brother Fu... uh... wait..." Lin Qing, who was pinned down, stopped the opponent's movements, "Is that medicine really able to deal with An Zilou?"

"Of course, even if he is a fifth-order ability user, as long as he is given that potion to drink, he will be powerless to be slaughtered. As long as you find a way to make him drink it, killing him will be easy." Fu Anqing put her arms around Lin Qing, There was a strong lust in his eyes, and while pulling Lin Qing's clothes, he asked, "What's going on with them?"

"They decided to negotiate with you again tomorrow. If you really don't want to sell the medicine to the Guangming Base, they will refuse to sell you the things that the Guangming Base has researched in the future. According to Lu Qianer, it seems that the research institute of the Guangming Base is about to Develop technologies that can improve soil geology and achieve planting effects,"

Lin Qing sold the Guangming Base without hesitation in exchange for the medicine in Fu Anqing's hand. However, he took an inconspicuous Tang knife in Fu Anqing's villa by the way. This is his ultimate goal, that knife It contains a very strange energy, and after absorbing it, it can increase the power of the supernatural power.

After hearing this, Fu Anqing paused for a moment. Now that he knows the inside story, the conditions can naturally be changed. What he said today is just to deliberately make things difficult for the people at the Guangming Base, and fight with a fifth-order ability user. Not a wise choice.

"Brother Fu!" Lin Qing, who had been provoked by the fire, noticed that the person on his body had stopped moving, and shouted in surprise. The answer was rough movements and crazy kisses. The two soon immersed themselves in the hearty movement. , When Fu Anqing picked up Lin Qing and pressed it on the window sill, Lin Qing raised his head, opened the window, his face and an enlarged skull looked at each other.

"...Ah!" After a brief blank, Lin Qing let out a harsh scream. Fu Anqing was frightened by the scream and almost softened. Bitch, what are you shouting?" After he finished speaking, he raised Lin Qing's legs and moved more violently.

"Brother Fu... there are skeletons..." Lin Qing was unable to move due to being pressed against the windowsill, and kept struggling.

"Fuck you!" Fu Anqing thought that Lin Qing wanted to cross the river and demolish the bridge after he achieved his goal, and was about to take some things to clean up Lin Qing. When he raised his head, he saw a skull floated in from the window, facing him. After a few clicks, Fu Anqing was instantly softened from fright, and I believe that he will have shadows when he does things in the future.

After all, Fu Anqing was the boss of the base. After reacting, the wood-type ability was thrown out, and the huge vines came out of the ground and struck the skull like lightning.

Although he moved fast, he didn't touch the skull at all. Before they could make another move, he slowly climbed into a golden frame of skulls from outside the window. After standing on the ground, the skull automatically glanced back and let out a bone sound. After the dislocated sound, stabilize on the skeleton stand.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qing and Fu Anqing's eyes almost popped out. In this apocalypse, has even the skeleton frame mutated

An Zilou watched a calcium film for free, and was surprised. Seeing that Fu Anqing was grabbing a vine full of barbs and pulling towards him, he rushed forward and kicked his left foot hard. With this kick, Fu Anqing was kicked upside down and flew out, hitting the door, breaking the door and rolling into the corridor.

"Don't come here!" Lin Qing hugged his chest and stepped back, but unfortunately, if he looks like this, it's still useful to face people, but it's too strange to face the skeleton frame. Without a word, An Zilou finally did something he always wanted What he did, he quickly slipped out and directly gave the naked Lin Qing to the big tree outside the window.

The voice upstairs alarmed the people downstairs, and immediately a lot of supernatural experts rushed up, seeing Fu Anqing's bare buttocks, they were all stunned in place, not in the past, but not in the past. Boss, is this?"

Fu Anqing got up from the ground in anger and shouted angrily, "If you don't come over, crush that skeleton frame to slag for me."

"Skull shelf?" A group of people thought they heard it wrong, you pushed me into Fu Anqing's bedroom, and just saw An Zilou hang Lin Qing and flew in from the window.

"Four-winged angel... skeleton..." someone exclaimed.

"God, I must have not woken up tonight."

"Lord, are you here to take me away?" This is the bright-eyed saying of devout Christians.

After reacting, various abilities came from the air, bringing huge energy fluctuations, and they burst together in an instant. Just hearing a rumbling sound, the whole room exploded, the smoke and dust were filled, and the rubble was scattered, in the smoke. , the skeleton stand stood in place.

Immediately afterwards, a scene flashed in front of everyone's eyes, which they will never forget in their entire lives. They saw this skeleton frame waved at them with one paw, compared with a middle finger, and then moved with both hands, and two pieces of bone wings flew out from the back. , was grabbed by his hands, bowed left and right, like holding two huge fan-shaped weapons, turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the crowd.

In an instant, screams and mourning continued to come. Wherever the bone wings passed, no one was spared, and they were directly slapped to the ground. The person who was slapped was like being hit by a heavy stone. Once you fall on the ground, you can't get up. Even the most powerful Tier 4 ability users can only stand in place and be photographed, and they can't escape at all.

The golden afterimages flickered in the room, and some powerful fourth-order ability users used their abilities to continuously attack An Zilou, but An Zilou's speed was too fast to be hit at all, even if one or two were hit, The opponent only paused for a while before continuing to attack.

Fu Anqing was frightened when she saw this scene. Taking advantage of the fact that the skeleton frame was fighting with her subordinates, she didn't wear any clothes. The wall automatically opened in front of him, and after Fu Anqing rushed in, the wall automatically closed again.

After all the power users were lying on their backs, An Zilou also had a small crack in the bone wings. He didn't seem to have expected such a thing to happen. After installing the bone wings, he pulled out the third one on his chest. The rib is held on the hand bone, and the rib is the strongest, and it will not break no matter how you beat it.

"Kakaka!" An Zilou walked up to one person, stepped on the other's head, and asked condescendingly, where is the medicine hidden? hand over.

The person who was trampled was a fourth-order ability user. The injury was not serious, but he couldn't beat him. He simply pretended to be seriously injured and lay on the ground. Seeing the questioning posture of the skeleton frame, he almost cried, "Lord Angel, I don't understand what you said, please find an interpreter first."

"Kakaka!" He didn't even understand what the Skeleton King meant. He really deserved the fight. An Zilou caught the man and used his Tianma Meteor Fist to beat him up, and then he walked to the second awake man. In front of him, the man had a broken face, hugged his head and said, "Even if you kill me, I won't know the skeleton language."

An Zilou later remembered that he was still in the form of a skeleton, and he often changed into a human to communicate with everyone. He almost forgot that there was no way to communicate with a skeleton. He used his ribs to write on the ground, "The potion to enhance power is where?"

This man opened his mouth and glanced at the skeleton rack in Anzilou. He wanted a potion even for a skeleton. What's the use of taking it? Could it be used for a bath? He was afraid that he would be beaten inexplicably, so he quickly told the location of the warehouse. When I came out, because I was too nervous, even the warehouse where the daily items of the base were placed was mentioned.

Satisfied, An Zilou knocked out the man with a rib, and then wrote big words on the wall: The Skeleton King is here.

An Zilou searched around in the Sunyao base according to what the man said, and finally found the medicine warehouse. After seeing the boxes of medicines, the skull clicked a few times with satisfaction, and quickly put the boxes into the space, Just like the bandits entering the village, there is nothing left, and the mark of the visit is written in the same way.

When looking for the daily necessities warehouse, An Zilou was discovered by a night patrol team. The screams and the sound of supernatural power erupted in an instant, alarming the countless power users in the base. He quickly dodged and rushed into the daily necessities. In the warehouse, in the chasing and siege of everyone, a lot of materials were loaded, and then, in front of countless people, the two pairs of bone wings flashed with golden light and expanded, carrying him to the distant sky, leaving behind. Stunned bunch of people.

He found an unoccupied corner and divided himself into ten pieces, quietly returned to the house, saw that Gao Shuo was still cultivating, quietly got into the bed, hugged his ribs and let out a burst of silent laughter.