Pregnant With the Villain Boss’ Baby

Chapter 93: ferocious


"Your Majesty." Lu Fengxu saluted the emperor.

"Hmph... don't tell me to follow uncle." The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, his words were full of ridicule, but Lu Fengxu couldn't feel the ease he used to, as if he could talk to himself like this.

Opening her mouth slightly, the emperor allowed him to call her Uncle Sui when there were no outsiders. He used to think it was an honor, but knowing that something different from usual would arouse suspicion, he couldn't say anything, and could only watch silently. emperor,

The emperor picked up the tea on the side and took a sip, sighed slightly, looking at Lu Fengxu as if looking at another naughty child,

"It seems you know something you shouldn't know."

"What do you mean you shouldn't know my life experience? It's something that happened before I lost my memory." When Lu Fengxu heard the emperor's words, he couldn't restrain his inner anger, and blurted out the words.

"Did you never think that the person who told you this information would lie to you? There are many things that can be faked, and I treat you badly. Just because of this, you come to question me." The emperor's eyes fell on Lu Fengxu, without smiling. He revealed an aura of calmness and prestige, which made Lu Fengxu's breath suffocate, and even had a flash of uncertainty about his own thoughts.

"Perhaps as you said, His Majesty is also an elder who watched me grow up. I shouldn't doubt it, but can you tell me, what is in the box with many electronic locks in your royal treasure house? Did you pretend to be something?" Taking a deep breath, Lu Fengxu spoke slowly, perhaps she still had some hope, and fixed her eyes on the emperor's face, fearing that she might miss some change.

Unexpectedly, the emperor just tapped his handle, raised his hand, and propped his chin, looking lazy, with a gloomy look in his eyes,

"It really is their child, it's just so annoying." As if he had no patience to maintain the surface, the easy-going expression on the emperor's face was completely broken, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face,

"But it's too late. It's true that you have grown up now, but so what, nothing can be changed. Xiaoxu, you are a rare SS-level alpha. Even if it is a human experiment, it is very difficult." You have reached your height, but why can't you be an obedient dog? Why do you resist me being as stupid as I used to be?"

As the emperor said, he didn't know what to think of. He slapped the table excitedly and stood up, pointing at Lu Fengxu and roaring loudly. After that, he looked at Lu Fengxu with pity and pity, but finally turned to be happy again.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Fengxu's muscles tensed up. She could feel that many people were surrounding her, and she seemed to be ready to go. He listened to the movement outside and thought about what would happen next. , What are the chances that I can stand out from the encirclement.

"Don't think about some thoughts." The emperor walked softly in front of Lu Fengxu and raised his hand slightly. A light curtain appeared in front of Lu Fengxu. Looking at the scene inside, Lu Fengxu's face changed slightly.

One hundred meters away from a house, there were a total of eight people holding laser cannons, and the target in the middle was a house, which was very familiar, after all, it was the place Lu Fengxu just left.

"Don't attack them." Lu Fengxu let out a low growl, staring at the emperor tightly, all the aura that had been restrained erupted, and he was on par with the emperor, but the emperor seemed to be stimulated, and took a big step back, with a face on his face. All twisted up.

"It's this aura again. I'm obviously the prince. Why do you always overwhelm me at any moment? Even standing with you, I will be covered by your light! It's not fair, obviously I'm expensive For the prince, you are a child of a small family! Long Yangen!" At the end, the emperor roared red-faced, and even grabbed the teacup he just drank and threw it on the ground in front of Lu Fengxu.

In an instant the teacup shattered, and a lot of hot tea splashed onto Lu Fengxu's feet. Lu Fengxu ignored this temperature. She focused on what the emperor said. Obviously, the emperor seemed to have a relationship with her father. Of course it is the negative kind, but it is not a competitive relationship. Because of this, the whereabouts of my parents are unknown.

"That's why you hurt my family because of this." Lu Fengxu couldn't help but ask, since he's already torn his face anyway, why should he hesitate, it's better to ask everything he can.

"Only hold me down." The emperor glanced over, filled with bloodshot eyes and hatred, strode forward, grabbed Lu Fengxu's collar, and spit out extremely angry words,

"Did you know that Shanshan grew up with me, I like her, no, I love her, I have already done it for me, she will not accept favors from anyone, after all, she is a very cold person, even if she is As a childhood sweetheart, I rarely get a smile from her. At that time, I was already very satisfied and felt that I was different from others, but!"

The emperor slammed Lu Fengxu against the wall, roaring loudly like a wounded lion,

"When your father appeared, everything changed. My Shanshan's gaze was no longer on me. As long as your father appeared, there would be no place for me. I once said to Shanshan that I would ask my father for help." Marriage, wanting to be with her, but what happened! She refused! Rejected my marriage proposal, why! It's because of your damn father!" Said the emperor's hand, pinched Lu Fengxu's cheek, and Lu Fengxu Xu's face was pulled out of shape, revealing a hateful laugh,

"This face, this is the face, the face I hate the most, you and your father really look alike, if it weren't for giving those old people a glimmer of hope, I wouldn't have kept you here, so what about the SS class, neither are you Necessary, every time I see your face, I really want to destroy it, but unfortunately I hold back, because you still have a little bit of use, but now you are gone." The emperor patted Lu Fengxu on the head ,

"You should be grateful to me for allowing you to live a glorious life for more than ten years. Everyone's admiration and reverence are all the glorious times I gave you in this life. Next, please live your life in spit. Hahaha." The emperor looked up and laughed loudly, clapping his hands, the male alpha who had just taken the lead for Lu Fengxu approached, followed by a few people, and put on several different electronic locks for Lu Fengxu, it can be seen that for Lu Fengxu fighting power, they still have some scruples,

Seeing Lu Fengxu being handcuffed, the emperor seemed to be looking at some interesting ornament, walked around Lu Fengxu, and even reached out to pull the electronic lock, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes,

"If Long Yang'en is still here, I'd really like to see what kind of expression he will show when he sees this scene, whether it's crying or a distorted smile. It's interesting to think about it! Take it away!"

The male alpha and the others just pulled Lu Fengxu to go outside, when suddenly the emperor seemed to have thought of something, stopped them with a voice, and his face changed back to a smile,

"Ah, by the way, Xiaoxu."

"What are you doing?" Lu Fengxu frowned and said that he didn't want to continue talking with the emperor at all. For the emperor, Lu Fengxu really felt that he was not polite.

"My eldest son seems to have a lot of interest in Yun Mu. I believe he will take good care of her for you when you go to jail. Oh, and your little bastard, like showing me What about you at that time, it doesn't matter, I didn't hit you, and I treated her well." The emperor smiled and said extremely bad words, which made Lu Fengxu's eyes cracked and he roared angrily,

"You dare to attack them, you should be damned..."

Seeing Lu Fengxu being pulled out, the emperor showed a satisfied smile. With a touch, he sank into the sofa, sighed comfortably, twisted from the space in his hand, and took out a small instrument. Huang showed the list to Lu Fengxu, humming in a low voice, the emperor slid to the end, and put a cross in red on Lu Fengxu's photo and name.

"Sure enough, looking at it like this is the most refreshing." The emperor smiled, moved his finger slightly, and slipped down the page where Long Enyang and Su Wenshan were written. When he saw Long Enyang's name, He snorted coldly with disdain, and thickened and deepened the fork on the top, only to be satisfied, then turned his head to look at Su Wenshan's photo beside him, a morbid obsession flashed across his face,

Fingers on the small face of the photo, gently stroking, as if stroking some precious treasure, "Shanshan, Shanshan, I miss you so much, I really hope you are alive, you should have been my wife, It really makes me sad, if I can't get it, others don't want to get it, right? If the precious treasure doesn't fall into my hands, then just destroy it, ha ha... ha ha ha..."

The room was full of morbid laughter. At this time, the male alpha approached, turning a blind eye to the emperor's gesture, and remained the same as before.

"Your Majesty, the major general has been sent to prison."

"Very good, ask someone to lock her up first, I will deal with all her crimes, go down." The emperor waved his hand, signaling the male alpha to leave, and his eyes fell back to the light curtain in front of him, looking at Long Enyang's eyes. The photo reveals a ferocious smile,

"You caused my Shanshan to die, so I will destroy your most important things, first your daughter, your family, and finally the military department. The military department should not exist, and all power should be in the hands of In the hands of the royal family, why do I have to be restricted by you everywhere when I become emperor, I want to break all this, I want to turn the military department into an obedient dog, an empire does not need two people with the highest power."

Saying that, the emperor stood up, walked out of the room slowly, and said to the male alpha who was still guarding the door,

"Throw a few people in here at will, burn this place down, it's an eyesore, I should go see some disobedient children."