
Chapter 1: Pre-receive Qingye to see the children!


A breeze was blowing slowly outside the window, and the breeze was too light to blow away the vigorous summer heat.

The students in the second and second classes of senior high school have to admire their geography teacher. Such a high temperature lecture is not affected at all. He is still enthusiastic, full of excitement, and full of emotion. He doesn't care if his back is wet. There are more stars in the sky.

However, in the warm speech of the geography teacher that was comparable to the sun, Gu Chaoming, who was in the last row of the audience, turned over a page of the novel quite comfortably.

A gust of wind poured in outside the window, blowing the geography teacher's thoughts of pulling the students back out of the window again. The cool wind that blew away the summer heat alone caused the students to exclaim, and some people even blurted out the word "comfortable" that they enjoyed.

Gu Chaoming, who was peeking at the novel in class, raised his head from the detective world in the book and looked towards where the wind was coming from. He saw the light and thin white curtains beside the window fluttering and tossing in the wind, as well as Su, who bowed his head and smirked in the classroom. Bing.

The gale became the prelude to the end of the get out of class bell, which should be followed by the tail of the gale, and Gu Chaoming's novel just turned the last page.

Stepping on the end of get out of class bell to read the last paragraph, after reading it, Gu Chaoming looked satisfied with "the murderer is really him". He closed the book without looking back, and skillfully threw the novel on the empty table behind him.

The novel was planted on the desk and let out a groan.

At the same table, Cen Xili gently closed the pen and saw Gu Chaoming's smooth movements. It was not surprising that he threw the book around, but asked him in surprise, "Have you finished it so quickly?"

The book was brought by Cen Xili from Su Bing's help before the class.

"It's not very good-looking. I can tell who the culprit is at a glance. I skip the ending and save it for Su Xiaoma in the next class."

After speaking, Gu Chaoming remembered Su Bing's smirk while holding his mobile phone in class: "But he should be busy chatting with his little girlfriend now, so he doesn't have time to watch."

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao was preparing to come. The classroom after class was lazy and noisy. Su Bing, who was giggling in class, walked through the classroom with his mobile phone and a brand-new biology book, bypassing the somewhat messy desks and chairs.

With a clear goal, he went straight to the empty table behind Gu Chaoming.

Arriving at the destination, Su Bing threw the biology textbook on the table. The flying biology textbook collided with the novel on the table.

The novel was defeated and fell to the ground.

Su Bing saw the novel that fell on the ground and Cen Xili had a reaction: "Is it finished so soon?"

The two even had the same tone.

"Okay, Gu Shuai, fast enough." Su Bing bent down and picked up the novel on the ground.

"This novel is boring." Gu Chaoming said.

"Isn't it interesting? Then I'll show you something interesting." Su Bing smiled, and suddenly took out his mobile phone cheerfully.

"Xili, come here." Su Bing waved to Cen Xili, who was sitting beside him.

Once summoned, Cen Xili walked to Su Bing's side, and Gu Chaoming also turned around in cooperation.

Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili sat at the last table of a large group in their class, which was the last table of the group by the door. Gu Chaoming sat outside, and Cen Xi stood against the wall. Not far behind Cen Xili is the back door of the classroom. Sitting in this position, Cen Xili successfully became the person who was told by the teacher to close the back door in their class.

Originally, Cen Xili was not a "natural soldier" who guarded the back door of their classroom, but was only forced to take office in the last few days.

They were not the last table before, they could only be counted as the penultimate table. There are two desks at the back table, but only one person sits.

A few days ago, the classmates behind were transferred to the desk to have close contact with the teacher, and they all moved away with the desk.

After the classmate moved out, there was an empty table behind Gu Chaoming, which was a bit abrupt. It was easy to bump into and out of it, but the head teacher didn't say anything about it. there.

Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili are now waiting around the extra desk, waiting for Su Bing to say something interesting.

Su Bing took out his mobile phone. There seemed to be some unsightly treasure in the mobile phone. Cen Xili and Gu Chaoming were already standing around the table, but Su Bing still told them to be tighter, for fear of being seen.

The three heads came together, all staring at the screen of Su Bing's mobile phone that had not been unlocked on the table.

"Hey, Gu Shuai, I advise you to take off your hat. It's such a hot day." Su Bing was not in a hurry to unlock it, but started talking about Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming wears a black baseball cap, which he has been wearing since the beginning of this semester, and does not take it off during physical education class in the hot summer.

Gu Chaoming raised his hand and touched the brim of his hat: "If you have something to talk about, let your fart go."

Su Bing had an almost demented smile when he mentioned what he was going to say. Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili saw Su Bing's smirk, and they probably guessed what the interesting thing Su Bing said was.

Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili looked at each other tacitly, and invariably retracted their protruding heads.

"Hey hey... you two!"

Su Bing looked at the two who had lost interest in leaving in an instant, and quickly grabbed Cen Xili, the shortest of the three who was closest to him.

Unable to break free, Cen Xili raised his hand and covered his ears tightly, with a painful expression: "I don't want to listen, please spare my ears."

No matter how Cen Xili begged for mercy, Su Bing would not let go. Gu Chaoming, who was able to escape, sat in his seat with his back to the desk and looked at Cen Xili who was caught by Su Bing with sympathy.

"Just listen again, once!" Su Bing said while holding Cen Xili.

"Just listen to what you said last time! What's the result?"

Gu Chaoming heard Su Bing's "just listen once", and his ears automatically recalled the soft voice of Su Bing's little girlfriend calling Su Bing "brother" just like the input method association.

what! no! Too brainwashed! The brainwashing made Gu Chaoming have the urge to kill Su Bingna.

A few days ago, also sitting at the empty table behind him, Su Bing used the same "show you an interesting" trick to attract their attention.

At that time, the two of them didn't know that they were caught by Su Bing, until Su Bing pressed the voice, and a goosebump "brother" came out from Su Bing's mobile phone.

On that day, Su Bing, with a smile like today's spring, took his mobile phone and gave them the brother called his little girlfriend over and over again.

At that time, Su Bing only said to listen to it once, but when he had time, he took it out and showed it to them, so that Cen Xili and Gu Chaoming saw Su Bingsichun's smile and reflexively understood what he wanted to do.

Poor Cen Xili never escaped Su Bing's clutches.

"Xiao Xili, let's listen to it once."

No matter how persuaded or persuaded, Su Bing finally grabbed Cen Xili's left hand and skillfully opened the lock, and brought the phone to Cen Xili's ear.

A sweet and coquettish "brother" entered his ears.

"How is it? How is it? Sweet!" Su Bing asked excitedly.

Cen Xili didn't speak, and nodded completely numbly.

Gu Chaoming escaped the catastrophe and sat on the side watching the two of them with interest. He habitually raised his hand to face the brim of his hat, widening his sight that was blocked by the brim of his hat.

When he raised his hand and noticed Wu Shan's peeking gaze, Gu Chaoming did not shy away from looking back directly. As soon as he looked at it, the line of sight that was cast immediately shifted direction, pretending that nothing happened.

After expelling the unsightly gaze, Gu Chaoming withdrew his gaze and fell back to Cen Xili and Su Bing who were playing.

"Do you hear the difference?" Su Bing took the opportunity to play it again and asked Cen Xili.

Is there any difference? Cen Xili looked dazed that I didn't hear any difference.

"Isn't it the same as last time?" Cen Xili was forced to listen to it several times, always thinking it was the one that tortured his ears last time.

"How is that possible? This is my brother 2.0. It was sent in class, didn't you hear it?" Su Bing said eloquently, "This tone is obviously different, the previous one was more shy, and this one is obviously sweeter. Well!"

Cen Xili was speechless to refute, it all sounded the same to him, there was no difference at all.

When Cen Xili was about to say, "I really can't hear it, and I don't want to hear it anymore," Gu Chaoming, who was watching the play, said, "Online dating is risky, and investment should be cautious."

Cen Xili couldn't help laughing when he heard the words.

Su Bingzeng introduced his girlfriend to the two of them with enthusiasm like a geography teacher who had just taken a class. She said, "She and I have a romantic relationship, and we are destined to be together."

Whether Cen Xili and Gu Chaoming listened or not, Su Bing told them about the romance between him and his girlfriend.

Su Bing and his girlfriend met in the game. Su Bing was a hero to save the beauty. Seeing that this girl played the game well, her voice was soft and sweet. After the game, she added friends and chatted and found that the other party was with him. Coincidentally, in the same city, in the same school.

Speaking of this, Su Bing shook his head and sighed: "The good fate given by God is really unstoppable. We are in the same school. Isn't this a good fate bestowed by God?"

Gu Chaoming gave him a look of caring for the mentally retarded.

What God-given fate, magical fate, and destiny are all common words Su Bing uses to describe his girlfriend, so it's not unusual. Cen Xili was already used to it, calmly doing his homework on the side, without raising his head.

To say that the two fell in love naturally and were in the same school, they couldn't escape the campus of this side, but the other party still refused to meet, and they made it into an online dating abruptly.

Gu Chaoming had an intuition that there must be something wrong with the girl, but there was no substantial evidence, so he could only ridicule Su Bing by using "online dating is risky, and investment needs to be cautious".

Being ridiculed, Su Bing immediately released Cen Xili and stretched his claws towards Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming had his back against the desk for a long time to be prepared. As soon as Su Bing came towards him, Gu Chaoming immediately grabbed the earphones on the table and put them on, pointing at Su Bing to warn: "I don't listen! Don't come here! "

Su Bing stopped when he pointed, rolled his eyes, snickered in his heart, and walked past Gu Chaoming with his phone in his hands with nothing on the surface.

Gu Chaoming guessed that according to Su Bing's temperament, he would definitely force him to listen, but seeing that Su Bing did not stop when he passed by, Gu Chaoming felt a little strange, and turned his head after Su Bing: "Why are you going?"

Very good, hooked, Su Bing snickered with his back to Gu Chaoming.

"I'm going to the toilet." Su Bing turned around, the phone screen in his hand was not yet dark.

"It's almost class, but you still go to the toilet? Didn't you say you didn't bring it today?" Gu Chaoming asked, twisting in his seat.

"I really went to the toilet, not that." Su Bing stretched out his index and middle fingers to his lips to make a smoking gesture.

After listening to Su Bing's explanation, Gu Chaoming felt cheated but turned back.

Su Bing said that he wanted to go to the toilet, but when Gu Chaoming turned his head, he immediately rushed to Gu Chaoming's table at a sprint speed of 100 meters, pulled off Gu Chaoming's earphone cable, plugged it into his mobile phone, and pressed it immediately. Read the message from his girlfriend.

Su Bing's actions were so fast that he could not say anything. Without waiting for Gu Chaoming's reaction, a soft "brother" flowed into Gu Chaoming's ears along the earphone cable.

"Brother" who has listened to it hundreds of times can get tired and drowned, and he doesn't know how many brain cells. Gu Chaoming overwhelmed Su Bing, pulled off his earphones, stood up and kicked Su Bing.

Su Bing received a kick and smiled sweetly: "I am adding sweeteners to your life, and you still dislike it."

Su Bingchao didn't give up the sweets that they forcibly supplied until class.

When the class bell rang, Su Bing walked to the extra vacant seat behind Gu Chaoming and sat down.

The second and second classes of high school are liberal arts classes, and this section is biology class. The biology teacher was a gray-haired old man. His movements and speech rhythms were completely different from the passionate geography teacher in the previous class. All his movements were slow, like an elephant, with a bit of a big tongue, and he pointed at Su Bing inarticulately. The original position asked: "What about that classmate?"

Su Bing relied on the biology teacher to teach them a lesson, but he didn't know them and began to ask for leave for himself: "That classmate has asked for a leave."

The biology teacher didn't pursue it. He opened the textbook for class, and played a video halfway through.

When Gu Chaoming has nothing to do in class, he likes to sleep, read novels, and play with his mobile phone. If you don't listen to lectures in class, there are only a few things to do. After playing for a long time, Gu Chaoming finds a new and interesting thing - Sudoku.

I was in a hurry this morning, so I left the Sudoku book at home and didn't bring it with me.

He didn't play Sudoku, read novels, and didn't feel sleepy. Gu Chaoming tilted his head to look at Cen Xili beside him. Cen Xili was doing his homework seriously.

Cen Xili studied hard, but Gu Chaoming didn't want to disturb him, so he turned to look at Su Bing behind him, and wanted to chat with him. As soon as he turned his head, Su Bing was looking down at the drawer, the corners of his mouth twitched, this smile was obviously chatting with his little girlfriend.

Gu Chaoming suddenly felt a sense of disappointment for no reason.

Everyone has something to do, he is alone.

There were swarms of bees and beehives projected on the whiteboard. Gu Chaoming was not interested in watching it. He took his eyes away from Su Bing and turned to scan the orderly homework in the corner of the blackboard.

As if attracted, his eyes stopped for a moment, Gu Chaoming quietly looked at Cen Xili who was studying hard beside him, and then looked at the messy textbooks stacked on his desk.

How about it? Want to try it

I took out a math problem and turned to the number of pages I just saw on the blackboard, and found a pen from the drawer.

I counted a full sheet of paper in the draft book, and worked out the answers to the two multiple-choice questions. It was all smooth.

If you can't do one question, you can scratch out the wrong calculation ideas in the draft with a pen again, and glance at the questions behind, which is even more difficult.

Gu Chaoming is not someone who studies hard and feels normal if he doesn't know how to be himself. However, there is still a sense of frustration that he is easily defeated by the exercises in his heart.

In the video, the bees were buzzing, Gu Chaoming was holding a pen, staring at the exercises that he couldn't do, and miscalculated another problem in the sound of the swarms of bees.

Four options, if he can count one option, even if that option is wrong, it also proves that he can match the intention of the question maker, but the final answer is not in the four options, and he is out of the game. , not even giving a quarter chance of being right.

Gu Chaoming irritably put together the exercise book, gave up the sudden urge to study, and slept on the table.

Su Bing behind him is very good at choosing a time. As soon as Gu Chaoming got down on Su Bing, he began to pat him on the back relentlessly.

"Gu Shuai, Gu Shuai, I have something interesting for you."

Gu Chaoming lay on the table and slept with his hat still on, his face on one side, indifferent to Su Bing's shouting.

After Su Bing finished calling him, he started calling Cen Xili again.

"Don't lie to you, this time it's true, our class is coming to freshmen!"

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