
Chapter 100


The room with the closed curtains does not allow sunlight to visit. The closed curtains penetrate into the sense of melting light, and the sunlight outlines the patterns on the curtains.

The breathing in the room was even, and there was no sign of waking up. Gu Chaoming's cell phone on the bedside table suddenly rang in the quiet room.

The bell rang loudly, and the well-proportioned breathing finally moved a little. Gu Chaoming hadn't opened his eyes yet, so he was fumbling around on the bedside table, reaching for his mobile phone to turn off the alarm clock, slowly opening his eyes, and seeing Lin Jianfan who was also awakened by the alarm in front of him.

Lin Jianfan lay on the pillow beside him, opened his eyes and looked at him, the quilt was the temperature shared by the two of them, and they could feel each other's body temperature when their skin was touching.

It's not that Gu Chaoming didn't imagine such a scene, but the time he imagined was set in the future.

In the future, the university will rent a house off campus, and you can see Lin Jianfan waking up every morning.

In the future work, you can sleep in together and rush to work together.

It's just that Gu Chaoming didn't expect that the future he imagined would come so quickly, and he didn't expect to see the appearance of Lin Jian Fan Su in the morning so quickly.

There are few mornings when you wake up with a smile on the corner of your mouth, Gu Chaoming stroked Lin Jianfan's hair, Lin Jianfan didn't dodge, but blinked at Gu Chaoming.

"Did you dream last night?" Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming and asked.


"A good dream or a nightmare?"

If Gu Chaoming answered that it was a good dream, Lin Jianfan would say, "A good dream has come true."

If Gu Chaoming answered that it was a nightmare, Lin Jianfan would say, "Dreams are the opposite."

No matter what dream he had, Lin Jianfan would only give him a good answer.

But Gu Chaoming smiled and said, "I forgot."

forget? Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming with a question in his eyes, how would he answer this

"You don't need to worry about what dream you had yesterday, it's a beautiful dream to see you when you wake up."

Gu Chaoming's mouth is not lazy, he wakes up in the morning and starts to work.

"It's glib again." Lin Jianfan said.

"Where am I being slick? What's this slick? If I say this to others, it's slick. You are my boyfriend, how can I be slick when I tell you?"

"If I say it, it's fine." Lin Jianfan was capricious.

Gu Chaoming pinched his face: "The dictatorship will start early in the morning."

Gu Chaoming loosened Lin Jianfan's face and stretched out his arms to hug him tightly and said, "Then, in the future, please be dictatorial to me, and only me is allowed in your kingdom."

The morning sun was fresh, and Gu Chaoming felt a little greasy when he said this.

No matter who asked Lin Jianfan on the opposite side, or just woke up in the early morning, Gu Chaoming seemed to have passed many years overnight and came directly to the morning in the future.

Crossing Gu Tao, crossing the tense college entrance examination, crossing the dark starless night sky.

After waking up in the morning, the temperature in the quilt lost quickly. Gu Chaoming hugged Lin Jianfan to talk love, and the person in his arms made him lose the sense of reality that he would have to get up to study later.

Gu Chaoming's alarm clock rang once every five minutes, and five minutes later the bell rang again, interrupting Gu Chaoming's love words that he wanted to continue.

"Wouldn't you be talking about you when you stayed outside at your house?" Gu Chaoming asked Lin Jianfan, but Lin Jianfan got up after falling asleep.

"I told them." Lin Jianfan lied. He was clearly thinking of a countermeasure in the taxi that came yesterday, and was going to send regular text messages to tell his parents that he was going out to buy breakfast or run in the morning.

"Are you washing with me? There are toothbrushes. Do you go home in the morning or go to school with me?" After getting up, Gu Chaoming took out the spare toiletries and asked Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan glanced at the time and felt that he could barely make it back home, but he had to be very, very fast.

"My schoolbag is still at home, I'll take a shower at your place first and then go home to get my schoolbag." Lin Jianfan said.

Lin Jianfan had never come home so early in the morning, and tricked his parents into carrying breakfast and pretending to get up too early not to wake them.

Reluctantly rushed to the school, stared at the time all the way, ran upstairs from the school gate, and was out of breath in class.

Running into the classroom, Lin Jianfan first glanced at Gu Chaoming, who helped him stare at Lao Chen at the back door of the classroom.

When they met their eyes, they just glanced at each other, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Su Bing looked at Lin Jianfan, who entered the classroom, and Gu Chaoming, who was smiling at Lin Jianfan across the classroom, shook his head slightly, and sighed in his heart, "People who are in love are so sticky all morning."

Su Bing didn't know what happened last night. Gu Chaoming didn't say it. He and Cen Xili thought that Gu Chaoming had arrived home safely, while Lin Jianfan was just unusually late.

Almost stepping on the morning reading bell to enter the classroom, Lin Jian Fan Fei quickly ran to his seat, laid down the chair, and sat down.

"It's quite early." Su Bing said behind him as he put away his schoolbag.

Lin Jianfan smiled covertly, turned his head and glanced in the direction of Gu Chaoming unnaturally.

Lin saw that Old Chen walked into the classroom within two minutes of Fan entering the classroom: "After class, they all took out their books and said not to bring breakfast into the classroom..."

There is a 20-minute break after the morning reading class, which is the busiest time for class representatives.

In the past, Gu Chaoming must have been waving a pen in his hand when he was studying for 20 minutes in the morning, and he was fighting against time with Cen Xili's workbook under his hand. Now Gu Chaoming finished his homework early, took out the exercise book he bought with Lin Jianfan to find out the problems he couldn't do, took the yogurt bought for Lin Jianfan and walked towards Lin Jianfan's place.

Yogurt is Lin Jianfan's favorite flavor, the flavor he drank on the river bank that day.

Lin Jianfan took the yogurt and looked at Gu Chaoming who was standing beside him. Thinking of that day, thinking of his own initiative that night, his eyes moved to Gu Chaoming's lips, where his lips were once close.

Gu Chaoming opened the workbook and saw Lin Jianfan's pursed mouth.

Lin Jianfan is... shy

Gu Chaoming absently opened the exercise book that marked the topics he would not do, and looked at Lin Jianfan from time to time.

Maybe it was because of last night, or maybe it was Lin Jianfan's eyes, the atmosphere between the two was so subtle that I couldn't tell.

Su Bing, who was sitting at the back, rolled his eyes at the two of them in front of him. Their incomprehensible aura came to him when they were busy with homework in the class.

Su Bing pitifully made up his homework behind him.

Since the last time he met the thin Gu Tao on the street and pressed him against the glass wall of the shopping mall, Gu Chaoming hadn't seen him for a long time.

It’s been a long time since late spring has entered summer, and the fans in the class have been turned on for a long time, and it’s been early summer again.

When Gu Tao didn't come to look for him, Gu Chaoming was worried all the time whether Gu Tao would suddenly appear behind him and call his name like last time.

Gu Chaoming also thought that if Gu Tao really appeared, he must hold back and stop doing the stupid thing like last time.

But Gu Tao has never appeared, never has.

The days without Gu Tao were as stable as in the afterlife, as if Gu Chaoming was just an ordinary student who was about to enter the third year of high school, as if he had never had a father like Gu Tao.

Gu Tao, who had troubled and shackled his seventeen years of life, seemed to just quit his life, as if he just disappeared out of thin air.

Gu Chaoming has always been worried about whether Gu Tao will appear suddenly, he has been waiting, and Gu Tao's appearance or not appearing will make him restless.

Gu Tao didn't appear for so long that Lin Jian became suspicious of Fan, Su Bing, and Cen Xili.

"Your dad hasn't come to see you for so long?" Su Bing asked.

Gu Chaoming shook his head: "No."

"It's not right, it's very wrong."

"I feel so too."

"What's wrong with your dad?" Su Bing said carefully, "Would you like to go home secretly to have a look?"

Gu Chaoming looked at Su Bing: "I don't go back, it's none of my business."

Gu Chaoming also hesitated whether to go home and have a look, but he was afraid, afraid that his hard-earned happiness would be destroyed by Gu Tao as soon as he returned home.

He was afraid of the stable life he finally got, and he would all return to his original position just because he softened his heart once.

He didn't dare to go back to that house, even though he was worried about Gu Tao.

The life without Gu Tao is too smooth, like floating in the air, and it will float to the day of the third year of high school graduation.

From the day when Lin Jianfan came to comfort him without telling his family to today, when the seniors and seniors took graduation photos on the playground, Gu Chaoming lived a repetitive but fulfilling life every day.

I get up early in the morning to make breakfast by myself, and I also learn all kinds of breakfast for two on the Internet, just so that I can show off my skills in front of Lin Jianfan when I live with him in the future.

After breakfast, if it is a weekend, Gu Chaoming will clean up, and then ask Lin Jianfan to come out to play, or study and rest at home.

If it's a school day, go to school with a schoolbag on your back, ask Lin Jianfan questions every day, talk about love by the way, take Lin Jianfan to a hidden place in the school to "chat", gag with Su Bing, and watch Guan Hui go upstairs from time to time to harass Cen Xili.

Gu Chaoming would sometimes leave them to do homework and eat together at home, and Su Bing was always the one who talked the most.

"Sister is going to take the college entrance examination soon."

"Understood, you said it yesterday."

Su Bing sat on the sofa with a pillow in his arms, looking like a lost puppy: "I won't see her for a year."

"Don't you have her contact information?" Gu Chaoming said.

"What's the use of it, and we can't meet every day like you do." Su Bing pointed to Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan who were watching their phones together.

"You haven't confessed yet, even if you don't confess every day, you have a hammer."

Su Bing died down for a while, and it was going to be put in the past, which girl was attracted to him, and he didn't take a chance, he felt that the time was right, and he would confess, but when he faced Senior Sister Fu, his bull's guts changed. I've become a snail's guts, and my senior sister's contact information has only become familiar for so long.

Su Bing said that he didn't want to disturb his senior year's high school studies. If he didn't meet in the same building, he wouldn't have the chance to flirt, but he didn't need to say it, Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili knew that he was cowardly.

Very cowardly.

He was so cowardly that even Senior Sister took a graduation photo on the playground. He repeatedly dragged Gu Chaoming downstairs on the grounds of shopping, but he only dared to pass by the playground and did not dare to enter.

"How dare you be like Li Zhao." The third time he went downstairs with Su Bing, Gu Chaoming pulled Su Bing who was staying beside the playground and wanted to go in but kept walking.

"Don't compare me to counseling, how many years has he been counseling?"

"It's okay, you can only counsel this semester. They're almost finished filming. When there's a chance, you can take a picture. I'll cover you up." Gu Chaoming blinked at Su Bing.

On the playground, the graduates wore school uniforms or class uniforms, and their faces were filled with excitement that they could not attend classes for a long time and would soon graduate.

The playground is full of youthful vigor. The steps used for taking pictures have been moved to the school playground. On the steps stood the class taking pictures. Those who have finished taking pictures and those who have not finished taking pictures are looking for people to take pictures.

The sun shines brightly, like the future expected by the boys and girls on the playground.

Su Bing and Gu Chaoming were standing outside the playground. Gu Chaoming persuaded him to go in. He didn't know if the teacher would chase people away, but they just took a picture and left, but no matter how Gu Chaoming persuaded him, Su Bing still wouldn't go in.

"Don't make me look down on you, mom." Gu Chaoming saw that it was useless to persuade him, and began to use aggressive tactics.

"The aggressive method is useless to me." Su Bing said.

Su Bing seemed to suddenly understand Li Zhao's mind. In the crowd of people on the playground, he had already found the figure of Senior Sister, but he was still reluctant to go in. He didn't know whether he was cowardly or unwilling to face the fact that Senior Sister was leaving. .

He also wanted to go in, but when he thought that the senior was going to leave soon, he learned yesterday that the senior was going to take a graduation photo today. There was nothing in the morning, but he really saw the photo booth on the playground. The senior and senior sister on the playground, Su Bing's heart is faintly lost, not strong, but like an hourglass, the loss drips down little by little.

"Let's go up to us." Su Bing didn't seem to hesitate for a long time before making a decision.

He dared not go in, and finally decided to back off.

Gu Chaoming glanced at him. It was the first time he saw this kind of expression on Su Bing's face, and the first time he saw Su Bing's cowardice.

Gu Chaoming looked at Su Bing and sighed lightly, and took Su Bing's shoulders: "Let's go then."

Su Bing started to stop and walked slowly towards the teaching building. Before leaving, he glanced at the happy crowd in the playground.

When he was pulled by Gu Chaoming and stood outside the playground, senior sister and his class were taking pictures. Su Bing saw senior sister standing on the right in the second row of the girls in their class.

Senior sister, like the first time she met him, all her hair was tied into a ponytail and combed behind her head, leaving the broken hair on her forehead to blow in the wind.

"Su Bing?" Senior Sister's voice came from behind.

Su Bing, who was embraced by Gu Chaoming, turned his head when he heard the voice of his senior.

Senior sister stood at the side of the playground not far from them calling his name, holding a girl who was a little shorter than her.

The senior was wearing the school uniform, and the sunlight passed from behind her and through the torn hair of the senior.

That's Su Bing's favorite place.

It may be strange to say that girls may find it too troublesome to have broken hair, but Su Bing likes the broken hair on her sister's head the most.

There's no reason, but if I had to, I just liked the feeling of the sun shining through my senpai's hair.

Like the first time I met in the cafeteria, like now.

The sun shines through his sister's broken hair and shines into his heart.

Senior Sister and Su Bing are familiar faces, and Su Bing will obediently call Senior Sister on the road, looking harmless to humans and animals. After taking the photo, the senior went out of the playground and saw him calling him. Su Bing turned his head. It was no longer the lost expression Gu Chaoming saw, but the appearance of a harmless junior in the impression of the senior.

Senior sister waved at him, and Su Bing responded with a smile.

Senior sister just saw that someone she knew wanted to say hello to him. After saying hello to Su Bing, she took her little sister and walked in the other direction.

The shadow of the tree fell on the back of Senior Sister, and Senior Sister's ponytail swayed between the shadow of the tree and the sun.