
Chapter 102


The wind carries the smell of summer, and the sun beats the hot breath.

The closer you get to the third year of senior high school, the more pressure you will accumulate, and the more homework you will write. After a tiring study, it was difficult to relax in a physical education class. Gu Chaoming borrowed a basketball and took Lin Jianfan, Cen Xili and Su Bing to play on the basketball court together.

Lin Jianfan didn't know how to play, so he just walked into the court and just wanted to watch and cheer for Gu Chaoming, but Gu Chaoming pulled him and didn't allow him to be lazy: "Learn to play combined, optics is not enough, you must also exercise."

Su Bing on the side listened to him: "Gu Shuai, don't learn from me, you didn't play the same way before."

"That was before." Gu Chaoming said.

Two of the four were not very good at fighting, and Gu Chaoming and Su Bing led them to fight until the PE teacher whistled to gather. After the game, I was covered in hot sweat, and my body temperature rose vigorously, like a fire burning the sunny playground.

It happened that it was Su Bing and Cen Xili's turn to put sports equipment together, and Gu Chaoming had the opportunity to go to the sink with Lin Jianfan to wash their hands.

The physical education teacher announced the dissolution, Su Bing walked towards the pile of sports equipment, and Gu Chaoming walked through the crowd that dispersed after the dissolution to find Lin Jianfan on the other side of the queue.

Looking through the gradually dispersed crowd, Gu Chaoming saw that Li Zhao jumped on Lin Jianfan's back in a playful manner. Li Zhao's weight pressed Lin Jianfan's back down, and Lin Jianfan pulled Li Zhao's arm around his neck to prevent Li Zhao from falling and getting hurt, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Li Zhao is Lin Jianfan's best friend in the class, and he is also Lin Jianfan's tablemate. Boys, it is normal for you to carry me and I carry you.

Gu Chaoming walked to Lin Jianfan's side, but he didn't care about Li Zhao, who was lying on Lin Jianfan's back. After a few seconds, Li Zhao was done playing and jumped off Lin Jianfan's back.

"I'm covered in sweat, but you jumped up." Lin Jianfan said to Li Zhao.

Taking advantage of the first moment when Li Zhao jumped off, Gu Chaoming walked behind Lin Jianfan, put his arms on Lin Jianfan's shoulders, and half wrapped his arms around Lin Jianfan's neck, as if hugging from behind.

Gu Chaoming whispered in Lin Jianfan's ear, "I'm sweating on my body, shouldn't it matter?"

In the presence of Li Zhao, Lin Jianfan pushed it away, not if he didn't push it away. Gu Chaoming's chest was against his back, and Lin Jianfan could even feel the breath in Gu Chaoming's chest through two thin summer fabrics.

Lin Jianfan hesitated whether to push Gu Chaoming away, and remembered that he promised Gu Chaoming that he would not hide their relationship from others at the door of the hospital that day, and Lin Jianfan's hesitant heart was settled.

He didn't push Gu Chaoming away, and let Gu Chaoming hold him at will.

If it's Li Zhao, it shouldn't matter, Lin Jianfan thought.

I don't know if Li Zhao saw the clue, but Gu Chaoming finally walked towards the pool with Lin Jianfan in his arms.

Halfway through, Gu Chaoming suddenly ran to Lin Jianfan, bent down slightly, turned his back to Lin Jianfan and waved at him: "Come up."

The physical education get out of class ends earlier than usual. The teaching building is so quiet that only the sound of reading can be heard. The students in the physical education class on the playground all go to the teaching building or the canteen. Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming's slightly bent back and didn't ask why, he seemed to understand why Gu Chaoming suddenly wanted to carry him.

Still looking around a little worriedly, Lin Jianfan jumped onto Gu Chaoming's back and hooked his arms around Gu Chaoming's neck.

Lin Jianfan leaned on Gu Chaoming's back and said, "Stingy."

It turned out that he knew, Gu Chaoming thought, although he thought it was normal for boys to fight, but he was still jealous.

Carrying Lin Jianfan on his back, he walked to the sink and simply rinsed. There was a toilet by the sink. Gu Chaoming asked Lin Jianfan to wait for him, and he went to the toilet.

When he came out of the toilet, he found that Lin Jianfan, who had been by the pool, was waiting for him outside the toilet door, while a thin, short teenager by the pool was wiping the water stains on his face with a tissue with his back to them.

When he got closer, Gu Chaoming noticed that the boys' school uniforms by the pool were a little dirty, and there was a hint of red on the tissue paper they wiped.

The color Gu Chaoming was very familiar with. It was the color that blood smeared on the paper with water. It was the color that he often saw when he was beaten by Gu Tao or when he was fighting with others to clean up the wound.

"Did he get bullied? Or fell?" After walking past the pool, Gu Chaoming looked back at the boy by the pool and asked Lin Jianfan.

"I don't know." Lin Jianfan shook his head.

The injured boy whose tissue was dyed light red was just a small episode in Gu Chaoming's life, and he was forgotten by Gu Chaoming as soon as he went upstairs.

Life without Gu Tao is a beautiful movement, and every little thing becomes a beautiful note.

The world suddenly became a better place, and the notes danced happily on the keys of Gu Chaoming's life.

There was one thing Gu Chaoming didn't know whether to be happy or sad, because he couldn't figure out Guan Hui, so he couldn't figure out whether it was good or bad.

At the beginning of school, it was hard not to want to see Guan Hui. Every day when I went to the second year of high school, I liked to be scary. They revolved around Cen Xili. Gu Chaoming and Su Bing thought he was annoying and irritating, but they couldn't do anything about him.

I don't remember when Guan Hui started going upstairs in moderation, so Gu Chaoming and Su Bing had to point it out to each other when they saw him looking for Cen Xili.

"Look, outside, Guan Hui."

One day, on the way back from helping the teacher deliver things, he met Guan Hui who didn't know what he was going to do. Gu Chaoming greeted him, but Guan Hui grabbed him and asked, "Did you go to KTV last time?"

Gu Chaoming felt that it was strange enough for Guan Hui to hold him, still ask this

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Gu Chaoming said.

"I heard Su Bing say you mentioned me?" Guan Hui asked.

Um? Gu Chaoming felt that Guan Hui's question was getting more and more strange. He seemed to see a little sign, but this sign was quickly extinguished by Guan Hui.

"I heard that I'm out of play?" Guan Hui smiled when he said this, a kind of curious and indifferent smile, as if it was a very funny thing.

As if it was a game, Gu Chaoming couldn't grasp Guan Hui's temperament, and he didn't know whether he was smiling or smirking.

He doesn't like Cen Xili the best, if he likes it, then I'm sorry.

Gu Chaoming didn't want to intervene in the matter between him and Cen Xili: "I did say it, but Su Bing told you about you, but didn't tell you what Xili said?"

Guan Hui thought Gu Chaoming was too troublesome and urged him to speak quickly.

Gu Chaoming repeated the conversation at that time as it was: "Su Bing asked Xi Li to hang himself on a tree, look at others, and then talk about you. Xi Li said at the time, 'How did you get to him?'"

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Gu Chaoming also said: "The latter sentence is not what I said, it is the original words of Xili."

On the aisle, under the school banner, Guan Hui's eyes moved, Gu Chaoming couldn't understand what Guan Hui's eyes meant.

Before he could understand Guan Hui's eyes, Gu Chaoming had given up guessing, and decided that there was absolutely no sadness in Guan Hui's eyes, because Guan Hui said something later: "I said what I said, I like seniors very much. Yes, but it's a pity, the senior doesn't like me, hahahaha..."

After Guan Hui finished speaking, he laughed, Gu Chaoming frowned slightly, and Guan Hui was like this again, casually perfunctory, making jokes that were not funny.

Gu Chaoming couldn't figure out Guan Hui, whether Guan Hui liked it or made fun of Cen Xili. But after a few days, Gu Chaoming stopped thinking about which of Guan Hui's words was a lie and which was the truth, because Guan Hui had done something they didn't expect.

When Guan Hui did that, Gu Chaoming was not present, and Su Bing who was present described it so that Gu Chaoming only wanted to see how their little devil junior Guan Hui said those words.

"He really said it?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"Really, I heard it with my own ears, it was so loud." Su Bing said.

After Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan were together, there would be one person missing from time to time in the second and second class of high school. When he was away, Su Bing liked to complain about him. The three idioms are used in cycles with these two words.

When it comes to falling in love, although the foursome is also very happy, it always takes a little time for two. When Guan Hui said that to Cen Xili, Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan were spending their time together.

Su Bing stretched boredly in the classroom, and was called by the girls in the class to move materials together.

"Yo, what about the boys in our class, how do you ask the flowers in our class to carry the materials?" Su Bing said with a smile after stretching.

Called Cen Xili, who was also at ease, the two girls walked in front, Su Bing and Cen Xili followed. Meeting classmates on the way, Su Bing pulled them and wanted them to move books together, but they couldn't get away.

When Su Bing and Cen Xili walked to the textbook room, they found that there were not many textbooks at all, and he and Cen Xili both moved a little bit.

Maybe it's a lot for girls, Su Bing thought.

The two girls in the same class wanted to move some, but Su Bing took it and said, "We're both redundant. Give it to us, we'll move."

The girls returned empty-handed, walking arm in arm and chatting together. Su Bing and Cen Xili walked together with the textbooks in their hands. The girls chatting in front looked back from time to time.

Su Bing held the pile of books in his hand and looked at the cover to see which subject the material was from. When I went to the canteen to buy something, I asked Cen Xili if he would go, and Cen Xili said he was troublesome.

"Go buy the book after you've put it away." Cen Xili said.

"I don't want to come down again." Su Bing said.

Cen Xili did not accompany Su Bing to the canteen, he walked to the side of the tree and placed the materials on the road one step above the shade to wait for Su Bing.

Last summer, when Lin saw that Fan had just come to school, Gu Chaoming and Su Bing helped him move books together and rested under the shade of this tree.

Cen Xili put the materials in his hands, and before he got up, he felt someone patted on his right shoulder, but he looked to the right but found no one, only the road leading to the teaching building and the greenery on the side of the road.

Someone moved behind him, and someone patted his left shoulder again. Cen Xili knew that it must be Guan Hui behind him. Except for Guan Hui, no one would be so boring.

"Don't make trouble." Cen Xili straightened up and turned around.

Guan Hui, who was teasing Cen Xili, was caught by Cen Xili, who turned back. The captured Guan Hui's Adam's apple twitched, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and retracted the hand that wanted to continue the nonsense.

Suddenly obedient Guan Hui and Guan Hui stopped teasing his hand, which made Cen Xili almost think that he was talking too much, which scared him.

But just now, he just said a normal sentence without any particular heavy tone. What's wrong with Guan Hui

Cen Xili felt an inexplicable mistake in his heart.

Just like talking to Gu Chaoming about whether he likes Cen Xili or not, Guan Hui is always serious at first, and then he makes a joke to let you know that your self-blame or worry just now is bullshit, and he is lying to you.

Guan Hui smiled when he saw the worried expression on Cen Xili's face: "You don't think I'm scared by you, do you? I'm not that timid yet."

One sentence made Cen Xili feel that his self-blame just now was shit.

When Cen Xili felt that his self-blame was shit, Guan Hui laughed on the surface but scolded himself inwardly.

What are you talking about? How about calm down

Senior Cen was worried about you just now.

Forget it, I've said it all, but Senior Cen's look is so cute when he just said don't make trouble.

Cen Xili didn't know that Guan Hui was so talkative, he didn't know what Guan Hui was thinking, and he didn't know and didn't respond.

"Who are you waiting for?" Cen Xili didn't speak, and Guan Hui took the initiative to ask.

"Su Bing."

"Why did he go?" Guan Hui walked over to the materials that Cen Xili had put down, took a book and flipped through it.

"Shopping in the commissary." Cen Xili said.

"Senior is also in the third year of high school, so he will not be in the same building as me."


Cen Xili stood in the shade of the tree and looked at the canteen to see if Su Binghui didn't come back. Guan Hui found that Cen Xili was not paying attention to him, and continued: "What do you want to study in the future, senior? My dad asked me to study medicine and let me inherit his mantle."

Guan Hui smiled and regarded the material book in his hand as the mantle in his words, and held up the "mantle" that his father wanted him to inherit.

Cen Xili glanced at him and asked, "Do you want to learn it yourself?"

The material book fell and fell into Guan Hui's arms. Guan Hui took a step closer to Cen Xili: "Sure enough, seniors are good. Only you ask me if I want to study medicine. My family is a doctor, so I agree to study medicine. Driving a motorcycle is also true. Only seniors will listen to me about driving. "

Cen Xili didn't want to lie, he told Guan Hui the truth: "Actually, I also heard from you that the racing car was about to fall asleep and was not interested."

"But you still listened," Guan Hui took another step closer to Cen Xili with the material book. "No one else wants to hear me."

Being too close, beyond the normal range, made Cen Xili feel uncomfortable. Cen Xili didn't move away silently, and Cen Xili felt that the action of moving away silently was very hurtful to those who took the initiative to approach.

In the past, when the rumors about him and You Xin were spreading in high school, he stood in line at the cafeteria window to buy food, and behind him there was a classmate who might have heard about the affair between him and You Xin. Ben had nothing to do and stood behind him, but after discovering that the person in front was him, he silently moved away a distance that others thought there was still one person between them.

Cen Xili has been treated like this, and he doesn't want Guan Hui to experience this feeling, and he doesn't want to do such hurtful things by himself. Instead of avoiding silently, Cen Xili chose to say directly and clearly, "Don't get so close."

Cen Xili thought he had chosen a more appropriate method, but he didn't know which method would actually hurt Guan Hui.

Because Guan Hui likes him.

Because he doesn't like Guan Hui.

After Cen Xili finished speaking, he took a step away, and when he moved to a normal distance, he saw Chen Haiyang, who happened to pass by, looking towards him.

There is no You Xin around Chen Haiyang. In the past, when he saw Chen Haiyang, he could always see You Xin, but recently, Cen Xili heard that they seemed to be quarreling and no longer had contact.

Heard that the quarrel was fierce, Cen Xili didn't know if it was true or not, he just heard about it, but Chen Haiyang and You Xin have not been seen together recently.

I don't know if it was because of breaking up with You Xin or seeing Guan Hui beside Cen Xili, Chen Haiyang didn't provocate as before when passing by Cen Xili, but walked over pretending not to see anything.

Cen Xili ignored him, but Guan Hui, like Su Bing and Gu Chaoming, was angry with Chen Haiyang who passed by.

"He's been alone recently." Guan Hui said.

"Who?" Cen Xili didn't respond immediately.

Guan Huinunu's chin pointed to Chen Haiyang who had left.

Cen Xili wondered how Guan Hui knew about the relationship between Chen Haiyang and You Xin. Before Cen Xili could ask, Guan Hui spoke again.

"I heard from others that you like You Xin?" Guan Hui still had not put down the materials for Cen Xili's class.

Cen Xili didn't understand why he suddenly mentioned You Xin.

Cen Xili hadn't started to explain, and Guan Hui only left him a few seconds to explain after he asked him.

A few seconds later, Guan Hui took the material book and said to Cen Xili, "Come and like me, I promise to make you happy."

Cen Xili looked at him: "Stop joking."

"I'm not kidding." Guan Hui said.

Guan Hui asked Cen Xili if he liked You Xin, not just by accident, nor did he ask when he saw Chen Haiyang, but the step that Cen Xili took back and the words "don't get so close" that Cen Xili said made him ask. out that problem.

Cen Xili would back away because of his approach, but willingly followed You Xin who was pushing the cart.

obvious difference.

Guan Hui's expression was serious when he said "I'm not joking". For the first time, Cen Xili saw Guan Hui's serious expression on his face, and it was no longer a child's indifferent expression.

Guan Hui was serious because he felt that the step that Cen Xili took back should be made up by him. Cen Xili took a step back, and he made up a step. Cen Xili took another step back, and he made up. One day Cen Xili will no longer take a step back. .

Cen Xili sensed Guan Hui's seriousness a little, and felt that he was only a little kid and never considered being a boyfriend's junior.

The sudden confession made Cen Xili froze for a while, and the question on his face showed Guan Hui his surprise, and that he had never had that kind of thought about him.

It's true that they don't like it, Su Bing and Gu Chaoming didn't lie.

In the face of Guan Hui's unprepared confession, Cen Xili chose to step back again. The step back just now was just one step, and the step back now is a joint retreat of body and mind.

Cen Xili picked up the pile of material books on the ground, leaving only the sentence "Just kidding, I'll go first" and ran away in a hurry.

The textbook in Guan Hui's hand was forgotten by Cen Xili, who fled in a hurry. Fortunately, Su Bing, who came out of the canteen, brought it upstairs. Su Bing came out of the canteen, just in time to hear Guan Hui shouting in the direction of Cen Xili's departure under the shade of a tree.

"I'm serious, Cen Xili."

That was the first time he really called Cen Xili's full name.