
Chapter 103


The third floor of the high school was empty after a vigorous graduation tearing paper.

In the past few days, Su Bing still remembered the scene of paper flying outside the building, like heavy snow in summer, and the senior seniors and sisters who were about to graduate from the building cheered upstairs.

Pieces of paper were scattered all over the ground, and the corridors and corridors were full of people, all around the corridor railings. Senior Sister must also be inside. Su Bing did not find Senior Sister standing outside the building, but he knew that one of the papers on the ground must have been thrown by Senior Sister.

After tearing up the paper, the college entrance examination followed. The school was used as the test center to arrange the examination room, something that happens every year, but Su Bing felt that this year's college entrance examination came very quickly, maybe because there were people who were reluctant, so no matter how slow the time was, it would be too fast. .

After arranging the examination room to move his own desks and chairs, and placing the desks and chairs in the designated positions, Su Bing wished in his heart that the candidates sitting on his desks and chairs would get good grades in the exam and be admitted to the school of his choice.

A few days of vacation passed by in a dull way, and the reports of the college entrance examination on TV during the vacation came one after another.

After the holiday, I went back to school, and this year's college entrance examination is over. For candidates, it may be a fateful few days, but for Su Bing, who only needs to set up the classroom, these days are actually no different from usual.

It was flat, but the senior sister finished the college entrance examination.

In the past of the college entrance examination, the previous seniors and sisters got rid of the pain of preparing for the test, and they became the successors and the senior three preparers.

Su Bing's unconfessed secret love is coming to an end with the graduation of senior sister, but Guan Hui's spring of love seems to have just begun.

The official arrival of summer brings the tension of preparing for the third year of senior high school, and Lao Chen also began to raise the matter of the third year in class from time to time.

The arrival of the third year of high school made Cen Xili go to the school library more frequently. Guan Hui inquired about the news and planned how to go to the library with Cen Xili all day long.

After graduation, Su Bing returned to the days when he had nothing to do with flirting with female classmates in the class, sleeping and playing games in get out of class, and chatting with Gu Chaoming after class. Without Gu Tao's interruption, the days of Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan became like a jar of honey, sweet and smooth, without a trace of turbulence.

But when Gu Chaoming and Su Bing's lives were as peaceful as water, Cen Xili's originally peaceful life caused waves because of Guan Hui's sudden confession.

Calm down! Calm down! Guan Hui kept repeating these two words in his heart.

There are two other words - hold back! Hold back!

Guan Hui's plan of "how to become calm" and "how to make the other party feel that you are calm" has been going on.

He couldn't help going upstairs to find Cen Xili, and he secretly saw Cen Xili walking to the school library several times. what.

If Cen Xili knew that Guan Hui thought so, he would definitely say to him, "You know a lot too?"

About to enter the third year of high school, Cen Xili felt that the pressure was doubled from the beginning, but he was confessed by Guan Hui at this time, and was courted by Guan Hui countless times.

Seeing Guan Hui's face every day, Cen Xili only felt that he was going crazy. When he was doing his homework, Gu Chaoming looked at his problem-solving method from behind. There was sunlight behind him, and Gu Chaoming's shadow fell on Cen Xili's book.

Cen Xili said, "don't think I didn't know you were behind."

Gu Chaoming said, "Huh?" Cen Xili turned around in surprise.

He thought that behind him was Guan Hui, who came to him again. After all, Guan Hui likes to be scary behind him, and he likes to make small moves to be scary.

Cen Xili was frightened by him several times, and as soon as he felt someone behind him, he thought it was Guan Hui.

"What's wrong with you? I feel like you've been very irritable these days." Gu Chaoming asked Cen Xili.

"It's okay." Cen Xili said that it was okay, but the hand that didn't hold the pen couldn't help scratching his hair.

Gu Chaoming behind him looked at Cen Xili's back, put his hand on Cen Xili's shoulder and asked, "Is it all right?"

"Yeah." Cen Xili nodded.

It's just that Guan Hui is a little annoying, and Cen Xili didn't want to tell Gu Chaoming about a trivial matter.

Cen Xili swears that he only sees Guan Hui as a brat, never thought that Guan Hui would like him, let alone that Guan Hui would pursue him.

Since the encounter with the "car accident", nearly a semester has passed, and Guan Hui still drives Cen Xili crazy.

In the morning reading class, Lao Chen gave Cen Xili the task of the last blackboard newspaper in the second year of high school. Cen Xili, who had learned painting, was in charge of the blackboard newspaper behind, but this time, Lin Jianfan, who also knew how to paint, was added to help.

Approaching the library with the task of the blackboard report, Cen Xili found relevant books to prepare for the last blackboard report for the second year of high school.

As the third year of high school is approaching, the theme of the blackboard newspaper is of course related to studying hard and striving for the college entrance examination. Cen Xili sat in the library with a book related to the blackboard newspaper in his hand.

He felt that someone beside him pulled the seat that was originally far apart to sit next to him, Cen Xili didn't look up, only Guan Hui could do such a thing, he didn't need to look up to know.

Cen Xili kept looking at his book. Guan Hui, who was next to him, sat down and didn't speak. He just pushed a bottle of drink with a sticky note to Cen Xili's desk with his fingers.

To become calm, to be concerned about the little things.

When he saw this, Guan Hui sat in front of the computer and nodded with reason.

After delivering the drink, Guan Hui lay on the table in the library, resting his chin on his folded arms, staring at Cen Xili who was reading the book.

To care about small things, Cen Xili must be thirsty in such a hot day. Seeing Cen Xili fanning with his hands outside the window, Guan Hui ran downstairs to buy a bottle of drink.

The post-it notes were borrowed from other classmates in the library. Cen Xili would definitely feel very caring, and then moved by himself, and then abandoned You Xin and stayed with him.

Must be! Just work hard enough!

Guan Hui lay on the library table and stared at Cen Xili, and the drink finally attracted Cen Xili's attention. Cen Xili looked up from the book, still thinking about the blackboard newspaper, picked up the drink pushed by Guan Hui on the table, and read the words written by Guan Hui above.

"It's such a hot day, let's have a drink."

Holding the drink in the palm of his hand, Cen Xili read the words on the post-it note and glanced at Guan Hui, who was looking forward to him.

Did this kid watch too many TV shows

Cen Xili took off the post-it note, picked up the pen, and wrote a line after Guan Hui's words. After writing, he pasted it on the drink bottle. He pushed it back as Guan Hui pushed it to him.

Pushing the drink back in front of Guan Hui, Cen Xili did not want to entangle with him, and walked between the side-by-side bookshelves with the book in his hand.

Guan Hui was lying on the table. Because of the posture on the table, the drink was pushed in front of him, and the words left by Cen Xili on the post-it note were enlarged in front of him.

"Watch less TV shows," written in black ink on the post-it note.

Guan Hui frowned and sat up and looked at Cen Xili between the side-by-side bookshelves. Cen Xili's white and slender fingers stroked the neatly arranged books, and the books he stroked were silently opening white blossoms. flower.

The final exam was approaching day by day, and when he was with Cen Xili in the library, Guan Hui also began to bring homework to the library to do.

No matter how Cen Xili chased him away, he wouldn't leave. He also used the library as a public place in the school. He could sit wherever he wanted to answer Cen Xili who asked him to leave.

Cen Xili had to change his usual sitting position and sat in the corner of the library. Guan Hui still smelled like a puppy and followed.

Guan Hui's confession and "accompanying" attack made Cen Xili stop going to the library to review, and also made the quiet rumors tend to resurface.

The third year of high school is coming soon, and the final exam is approaching. There is a tense learning atmosphere in the grade, but there are always people who are particularly motivated to discuss other people's affairs during urgent review.

Cen Xili once again felt the malice towards him from people he didn't know.

Walking alone on the school road, he didn't know the person walking across from him, but that person obviously knew him. Cen Xili just walked by, but the other party glanced at him with very unfriendly eyes.

In the face of this kind of thing, Cen Xili always adheres to the principle that more things are worse than less things. He didn't use the person who glanced at him badly, and he didn't let Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, who were protecting him, find that person to settle accounts. He was just what. He went upstairs without incident, and said nothing to Su Bing and Gu Chaoming.

Hesitating again and again, Cen Xili chose not to be discovered by Guan Hui and slowly treated him coldly, maybe not as supportive of his hobbies as before, not always answering him as before, Guan Hui would feel bored and quit.

After a few days of indifference, Guan Hui noticed Cen Xili's indifference. He didn't choose a slow but comfortable method like Cen Xili did. He directly sent a message to ask if Cen Xili hated him.

"It's just because I'm more supportive of what you're doing and more agreeable to your ideas, so you mistakenly feel that you like me, that's not what you like." Cen Xili said.

Guan Hui always said that he was the only one who supported him, and everyone else would only object. Cen Xili thinks that Guan Hui's liking is just a sense of belonging, and the words of his own support give him a sense of belonging.

On the other hand, Guan Hui thinks that I don't care what you say, I just like it, I know my own feelings, and I think I like it.

Cen Xili was helpless, and was even a little afraid to see Guan Hui again, as if he was afraid of seeing the wave of rumors that had subsided again.

Guan Hui's pursuit drove Cen Xili crazy, and made Cen Xili fear that his peaceful life would be disrupted. He didn't want to spend all his effort and prepare for the college entrance examination in the middle of the gossip, but Guan Hui I don't understand, he hasn't experienced it, and Cen Xili doesn't want to tell him.

So much so that when Guan Hui went upstairs, Cen Xi immediately hid and asked Gu Chaoming to cover.

"Where's Senior Xili?" Guan Hui asked from the front door of Class 2 and 2 in the empty classroom after school.

Guan Hui didn't see Cen Xili when he went upstairs for three days. Every time he was told by Gu Chaoming with the reason of "I don't know where I went?" Guan Hui still ran upstairs to ask questions after school on the third day.

"Going home," said Gu Chaoming, who was sweeping the floor with a broom in the classroom.

"I heard them say that the senior wants to draw a blackboard newspaper, why do you go home every day?" Guan Hui asked.

Gu Chaoming responded accordingly: "He didn't draw anymore. He said he was too busy with his studies, so he asked Fan to draw."

In front of the blackboard at the back of the classroom, Lin Jianfan held the chalk and turned his head to give Guan Hui a polite smile at the door.

Su Bing, who was sweeping the floor on the podium, took a broom and looked at Guan Hui by the door. He loved and hated this junior.

In the past, I hoped that he liked Cen Xili so that Cen Xili would not think about You Xin. Guan Hui confessed that he happened to hear a few words at the scene that day. He had high hopes for Guan Hui, but Guan Hui obviously couldn't do it.

When Guan Hui was chasing Cen Xili at the beginning, Su Bing also deliberately revealed information to him, but Su Bing never expected that Cen Xili would hide from Guan Hui in the end and let them lie for him.

Su Bing felt that Guan Hui couldn't, and Cen Xili didn't like it for no other reason.

Cen Xili fulfilled his promise to his mother, "I can, I can". Su Bing had hoped that Guan Hui would break Cen Xili's promise, but it turned out that he lost miserably and miserably.

Su Bing walked to the door in front of Guan Hui: "Let Rang, I want to sweep the floor, go home quickly."

Guan Hui was reluctant at first, and after thinking for a while, Cen Xili was not here, it was useless for him to sit here, so he went home with his schoolbag.

When Guan Hui went home, Cen Xili waited for him to go downstairs before walking back to the classroom from the next class.

"Is it a little bad for you to do this?" Su Bing asked Cen Xili who came back.

"It's even worse if I don't like him and accept him." Cen Xili said.

Gu Chaoming, who was sweeping the floor at the back of the classroom, was also the only person in the trio who had a boyfriend who was still by his side, and said, "Fortunately, the person I like also likes me."

Both Cen Xili and Su Bing, who were chatting, looked at Gu Chaoming. Su Bing pointed at Gu Chaoming and said, "You still sprinkle dog food at this time, are you still human?"

After spreading the dog food, Gu Chaoming said to Cen Xili, "Xili, you'd better explain it to Guan Hui."

When Gu Chaoming mentioned Cen Xili's helplessness, Cen Xili couldn't control his tone, not helpless.

"I said it too, but he doesn't listen to what I can do."

Every day I sit in front of my desk and read at night, just want to study hard and get admitted to a good university, but Guan Hui never let him go.

During the college entrance examination this year, Cen Xili was forced to drink nutritious soup for a few days at home. Cen Xili felt that after drinking the soup, he would go to the college entrance examination with them tomorrow.

Cen Xili asked, "Why are you drinking soup again today?"

Cen's mother said, "It's the college entrance examination."

"I'm not taking the test."

There is a quasi-high school senior at home. Cen's mother watched a lot of things about the college entrance examination on TV in the past few days. Thinking of her son who will take the college entrance examination next year, although the college entrance examination is still a year away, Cen's mother can't control her hand.

Cen Xili knew that his mother was doing it for his own good. Cen's mother made soup every day in different ways, and Cen Xili drank it all without a drop.

There will be more in the third year of high school. After drinking the soup, Cen Xili sat in front of the desk with a long sigh. After reading the many messages sent by Guan Hui, he would not return after reading it, and would return after studying.

"I just didn't see it while studying. Don't send messages at this point in the future."

Being so indifferent, Guan Hui was still rubbing upwards like a ball of fire.

Guan Hui hoped that his enthusiasm could melt Cen Xili's coldness, but he only burned Cen Xili and made him escape further and further.

Cen Xili threw the vibrating phone on the bed and continued to study. He knew Guan Hui's temperament as a child, and he also knew that You Xin had a calm temper in front of others, but he did not expect that Guan Hui, a child's temperament, and You Xin, a temperament, had met in front of the library.

On a normal afternoon, Cen Xili was so annoyed by Guan Hui that he didn't go to the library to review for the first time. Guan Hui ran to the library with his homework just like the other day, but he didn't see Cen Xili.

There was none in the library, and Guan Hui ran downstairs with the book again, wondering if he had come early, and Cen Xili hadn't come yet.

Holding her homework downstairs, she met You Xin who was going upstairs.

Seeing You Xin, Guan Hui used to just call him "dead rules" and "dead rules", but now he directly names You Xin as his number one rival in love.

You Xin didn't know that Guan Hui, who was downstairs in the library, had so much drama in his heart. When he passed by Guan Hui, he said to Guan Hui, "He won't come today."

After You Xin finished speaking, he walked up the stairs with a smile. Guan Hui was a little surprised when he saw "Dead Rules" for the first time, but he still asked angrily, "How do you know?"

You Xin turned his head to look at him, didn't say anything, took his eyes back and went upstairs directly.

Gu Chaoming and Su Bing felt that every time You Xin looked at Cen Xili with a lofty look, that was because they had never seen the arrogance in the corner of You Xin's eyes when he retracted his eyes.

Whenever they saw it, they wouldn't say that.

You Xin said to Guan Hui, who was waiting, "he won't come today" in the same tone, but if Gu Chaoming and Su Bing had heard it, they would not think that You Xin was arrogant to Cen Xi.

You Xin when he said those words was not as bland as he usually saw. The usual You Xin felt like a glass of water, tasteless water. No matter what Gu Chaoming and Su Bing did to him, he did nothing to treat him.

But when you said that sentence, the corner of You Xin's mouth had a smile that made Guan Hui frown. At that time, You Xin was like a living individual, not a machine that ran smoothly and was always gentle to people.

You Xin could have ignored Guan Hui and went upstairs directly, but he still deliberately said to Guan Hui, "He won't come today."

You don't know, but I do.

Like a kid with a toy showing off to a kid without a toy.

Proud, lofty tone.

Guan Hui, who Cen Xili has always thought of a child's temper, is more childish.