
Chapter 104


The sun after school in the summer is still warm as usual, never retreating, and still shines on the earth selflessly.

The blackboard newspaper has basically completed the big frame through joint efforts, just fill in the words and paint the rest of the color.

The four of them covered all the work of the blackboard newspaper, and among them, Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, who were not good-looking and could not draw, just stayed to fight for Lin Jianfan and Cen Xili.

With a light layer of chalk dust on their hands, the chalk was handed over. Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, who handed the chalk, quarreled again. Cen Xili turned a deaf ear to the unhealthy words of the two, and continued to draw calmly.

Gu Chaoming would be more restrained when he was born on duty, but as soon as he left, Gu Chaoming revealed his nature and brought Lin Jianfan to spread dog food.

Every time Su Bing "sniffed", the usage rate of the word "forgetfulness" reached an unprecedented new peak.

Su Bing just came over to say goodbye to Liu Xiaopang in the corridor after cleaning with the next class. When he entered the classroom, he found Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan greasy.

Su Bing felt that his eyes were going to be blind, but looking at Cen Xili, who was filling in a flower on the edge of the blackboard and standing still in front of the crooked air around him, Su Bing admired him.

Xi Li was afraid that he would not become a Buddha, so he could endure it.

"Stop for a while, in public, pay attention to the impact." Su Bing walked into the classroom and said.

As the summer temperature rose, Su Bing found that Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan's tiredness was also rising. It was the same day when Guan Hui came up to find Cen Xili, and Cen Xili avoided him.

After Guan Hui left, Gu Chaoming regained his greasy nature. Pretending to be arrogant and serious in front of the juniors, isn't it because after washing the mop and going upstairs, he asked Lin Jianfan with unreasonable enthusiasm, "Did you miss me?"

Su Bing vomited behind him with a mop.

Their Gu Shuai has changed. In the past, he was obviously a person who had no interest in anything. He could say that he was lonely, but now he is saying, "Did you miss me?"

Times are changing, Su Bing sighed, Feng Shui took turns, who would have thought that he would become a single dog in the end

He walked into the classroom with the mop and started mopping the floor. Halfway through the mop, Cen Xili was going to the toilet. Su Bing dropped the mop and followed.

Suddenly there were only two people left in the classroom. Gu Chaoming stood in the aisle of the classroom, dragging a mop with water under the desk.

Gu Chaoming looked back at Lin Jianfan, who was drawing a blackboard newspaper behind him.

Lin Jianfan stood on the chair without saying a word, holding chalk and coloring the blackboard report. The classroom was quiet, except for the sound of each other's breathing and chalk rubbing against the blackboard.

The dust produced by the friction between the chalk and the blackboard floated in the air. After Gu Chaoming finished dragging a set, he put the mop stick in his palm and quietly admired it.

The back door of the classroom is open, there is no wind after class in summer, only sunlight enters the room, like pouring honey, pouring on the ground at the back door of the classroom, pouring it on the unfinished blackboard newspaper, pouring it on the unfinished Lin Jianfan, who was filling in with chalk in front of the blackboard, reported.

The fingers holding the chalk were coated with a layer of dry chalk dust, and the slender fingers moved in the pouring sunlight. The chalk dust that bloomed between the chalk and the blackboard fluttered in the sunlight.

Gu Chaoming watched quietly, not paying attention to why Su Bing and Cen Xili went to the toilet and hadn't come back for so long.

After admiring it for a while, Gu Chaoming remembered his duty as a birthday, and walked over with the mop, fearing that the mop would hit the stool under Lin Jianfan's feet and smash Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming walked over to Lin Jianfan who was coloring. Said, "I'm going to start dragging this, be careful."

"Okay." Lin Jianfan looked down and replied.

The students on duty at the back of the entire classroom usually dragged from beginning to end, but Gu Chaoming did not drag elsewhere, but walked to Lin Jianfan with a mop.

The wet mop circled around the chair where Lin Jianfan was standing. Gu Chaoming's movements under the stool made Lin Jianfan stop painting, and Lin Jianfan looked down at Gu Chaoming, who was mopping the floor beside his stool.

Lin Jianfan smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes moved with Gu Chaoming's mop.

Gu Chaoming didn't make trouble around Lin Jianfan.

He has been drawing circles around Lin Jianfan.

"What are you doing?" Lin Jianfan's voice was sweet and greasy that Su Bing wanted to complain again and again.

Gu Chaoming stopped painting with the mop, and a circle with water drawn with the mop encircled Lin Jianfan's stool, like a magic circle.

That is Gu Chaoming's masterpiece.

"Draw a circle and you are mine." The magician who drew the circle raised his head and said.

Gu Chaoming was always like this, saying whatever came to his mind, always giving Lin Jianfan an unexpected surprise.

In one sentence, Lin Jianfan in the chair almost couldn't draw anymore.

The initiator, however, took the mop and walked to other places to drag his ground indifferently after finishing the love story.

A classroom, two people who love each other, a love sentence, two hearts beating for each other.

Lin Jianfan, who was standing on the chair, looked at Gu Chaoming's back mopping the floor, turned back to face the blackboard and laughed secretly.

The sunset reflected in the classroom, Gu Chaoming finished dragging the floor, Su Bing and Cen Xili had not come back, Gu Chaoming was not in a hurry, anyway, he was alone when he got home, it might be better to sit at school for a longer time and stay with Lin Jianfan .

After mopping, Gu Chaoming didn't rush to wash the mop, but wanted to wait until Su Bing came back. The mop was placed beside the last row of tables, Gu Chaoming took a stool and sat upside down, his arms folded on the back of the chair, his chin rested on the back of his hands, and his eyes looked at Lin Jianfan who was painting tenderly.

The windows were wide open in the summer, and thin white curtains draped peacefully by the windows.

The boy who painted did not turn around, the boy who sat on the chair did not speak, and there was no wind, but the boy who drew knew that the boy behind him was watching him, and the boy who sat backward also knew that the boy who drew knew that he was watching him. .

They were tacit.

The air without words is not cold, but more viscous, sticky into a ball, and inseparable.

There is something called peace of mind flowing in the air, communication without words, as long as you are by my side, I seem to be able to relax, be self-willed, become a weak me, and be strong enough to be afraid even if I am afraid. You are behind.

The peace of mind and sense of trust gained from Lin Jianfan cannot be obtained from others, and it is not achieved overnight, but it is a silent, little by little penetration into the hearts of both parties, which is also Gu Chaoming’s favorite. tacit agreement.

He watched quietly, while Lin Jianfan painted quietly.

With a smile on his lips, Gu Chaoming sat on the chair and turned his head, and finally found two heads sticking out by the window. When Gu Chaoming turned his head, the two heads outside the window immediately retracted.

What are you hiding? I saw it all, Gu Chaoming thought when he opened the window.

Standing in the window, Gu Chaoming looked at Cen Xili, who was squatting in the corridor outside the window, and Su Bing, who fell to the ground in a hurry because he saw him approaching.

"I didn't expect you two to have voyeurism." Gu Chaoming said "Huh".

Noting that Cen Xili, who didn't like gossip before, also squatted outside the window with Su Bing, Gu Chaoming blamed Su Bing who stood up: "It's you who broke Xili and took him to peep."

"Hey, why do you blame me again?" Su Bing disagreed, "Xili is also very gossipy, okay? Don't look at Xili's short and pure, in fact, his gossip mind is stronger than mine, so I don't need to bring it down."

Cen Xili: "???"

One foot was given to Su Bing, and Cen Xi clapped his hands and left a sentence, "Hmph, I am 1.9 meters" and swaggered into the classroom.

The blackboard newspaper with the theme of striving for the third year of high school is good. After school, the greasy crookedness and constant bickering in the classroom are transferred from the classroom after school to Gu Chaoming's new home.

The closer to the final exam, the more Su Bing didn't want to go home. Every day, he had to take Lin Jianfan and Cen Xili to sit together at Gu Chaoming's house, in order to escape from his furious father.

As the end of the term approached, everyone was working hard to review. Gu Chaoming didn't expect that Lin Jianfan would be able to win a composition award while he didn't have an exam.

The last time Lao Chen mentioned this composition competition in class, Gu Chaoming was busy studying and didn't listen carefully. He only knew that Lin Jianfan was named to participate in the competition.

At that time, Gu Chaoming didn't ask Lin Jianfan about the composition competition. At that time, he was worried about whether Gu Tao would come to him. Lin Jianfan didn't say anything, and Gu Chaoming didn't remember it on purpose. Before, I gave Lin Jianfan a first prize certificate.

Gu Chaoming will never forget the appearance of Lin Jianfan standing on the podium in the school auditorium with all the lights on him.

It was an angel, an angel who flew out of his dream.

The teenager who lit up his dream stood on the podium, in his eyes.

Gu Chaoming sat on the seat of the auditorium, like sitting on the edge of a cliff, the wind whistled in his ears, and the cool breeze behind him urged his back.

He is standing on the edge of a cliff.


Lin Jianfan, who was lit by the lights on the stage and holding the certificate, smiled at him.

He jumped, jumped over the cliff behind him, and jumped into Lin Jianfan's smile.

When the three words Lin Jianfan came out of the sound, Gu Chaoming felt that the name was shining, exuding a dazzling light.

No other sound can be so pleasant.

The host teacher's voice was calm and he spoke slowly.

"I'm going up." Lin Jianfan, who heard his name, smiled at Gu Chaoming next to him and stood up.

Gu Chaoming stared at him as he walked down the stairs one after another, and watched his back as if he was standing at a high place staring at the top of his hair during a chorus competition. His eyes were soft and bright, and the depths of his pupils radiated hope.

Lin Jianfan walked down the stairs and walked slowly to the podium. He took these few steps slowly, but firmly stepped on Gu Chaoming's heart.

Lin Jianfan's figure was tall and straight, and the lights on the stage hit the top of his hair. His eyes widened, and his polite appearance was carved out of the same mold as his gentle father.

After receiving the certificate and shaking hands with the leader, Lin Jianfan stood on the stage with a slight smile, facing the classmates below without showing any timidity, and looked at the boy in the seat with eyes filled with Xinghe.

Seeing Lin Jianfan looking at him, Gu Chaoming's Lin Jianfan on the stage smiled, as if responding to his gaze.

Lin Jianfan on the stage received Gu Chaoming's smile from the audience, and he followed Gu Chaoming's smile. The smile was bright, and he shone with confidence that he never had before. The lights in the entire auditorium seemed insignificant.

After receiving the award, Lin Jianfan, who was holding the certificate, stepped down and walked towards Gu Chaoming.

Uniform school uniform, in the crowd of people, Lin Jianfan walked up the stairs and walked towards him through the crowd.

The aisle in the middle seemed to automatically leave a gap for him. Gu Chaoming saw that every step he took, beautiful flowers bloomed everywhere, white, yellow, finely broken, and large, opening up a line. Flower Road.

Gu Chaoming seemed to hear the birdsong in spring, the sun was shining, the young man bathed in the sun and walked towards him with a smile.

Only then did Gu Chaoming understand.

It turned out that the flowery world he had been looking for was by his side.

It turns out that as long as there is him in the world, it will be a flowery world.

Sitting back, the certificate rested on his lap, Lin saw Fan's palms sweating nervously.

Lin Jianfan is timid. On the stage, he is a handsome and confident guy with good grades in the eyes of classmates who don't know him, and a good student in the school in the eyes of the leaders who present awards. Chong looked back at Lin Jianfan who was beside Chaoming.

In the camera recorded by the school, he was unbelievably confident, but Lin Jianfan knew his pretense and the horror when he saw countless pairs of eyes staring at him. He was even afraid that the sweat on his palms would make him unable to hold the certificate tightly. , the certificate will slip to the ground and make a joke.

Fortunately not, Lin Jianfan stepped down smoothly and returned to Gu Chaoming's side smoothly.

Everything went smoothly. After stepping down from the stage, Lin Jianfan's wild heartbeat on the stage slowly calmed down, but the palm covered by the fingers holding the edge of the certificate made Lin Jianfan's heartbeat that had finally calmed down jumped wildly again.

Lin Jianfan turned to look at Gu Chaoming who was holding his hand, Gu Chaoming tilted his head and smiled at him.

Hit the heart.

From Gu Chaoming's smile, Lin Jianfan understood what it meant to shoot a shot in the heart.


Blood splattered, heart stopped, senses were uncontrollable and refused to transfer, and they were firmly attracted until the blood was drained.

Lin Jianfan's language system failed, and his head was empty, unable to answer.

There were many people in the auditorium, so Gu Chaoming only touched it lightly. He could see the hidden tension in Lin Jianfan's heart when he was on the stage, and he even held the edge of the certificate tightly with his fingers.

The heart must be pounding on the stage, Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan's face and thought.

A red-skin certificate not only allowed Gu Chaoming to see Lin Jianfan's nervousness, but also made Gu Chaoming realize the gap between himself and Lin Jianfan once again.

Gu Chaoming is not the one who retreats when faced with difficulties. Even if there is a wall in front of him, as long as Lin sees Fan on the other side of the wall, he can smash through the wall.

In the face of difficulties, Gu Chaoming chose to move forward. Just like Yuanyuan who thought he couldn't compare to kindergarten before, he chose to study hard. He chose to use his own efforts to catch up, instead of standing in place and waiting.

The red certificate in Lin Jianfan's hand did not hurt Gu Chaoming's eyes. It made Gu Chaoming feel that he was inferior to Lin Jianfan, but it did not make Gu Chaoming back down, but instead made Gu Chaoming get close to Lin Jianfan's ear.

The vigorous breath made Lin Jian Fan's ears a little itchy, but not as much as his heart. He couldn't help laughing. He heard Gu Chaoming whispering in his ear, "Remember to wait for me."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait until I catch up with you."

When I catch up with you, we'll leave this place and go to the world you call blooming.

Lin Jianfan laughed again, and everyone began to applaud for some unknown reason. Lin Jianfan didn't hear what the host said, but everyone applauded, and it was right to follow along.

Gu Chaoming also applauded, but his eyes still stayed on Lin Jianfan's face.

Undetected, in a large auditorium with so many people.

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan's profile, recalled the past, recalled the night when he first saw him, recalled the way the sunset shone on his profile that day.

Think back, think back...

Gu Chaoming laughed.

From being self-loathing and hopeless about life in the past, to now full of yearning for the future, after meeting Lin Jianfan, everything in his life seems to have been changed by force.

Towards a better distance.