
Chapter 12


The overhead fan kept running all day, whirring, the weather was still hot, and Gu Chaoming still didn't listen to Lao Chen's class.

He moved the textbooks piled under the table to the table and built a wall of books. He held a pencil in his right hand and a square eraser whose corner had been erased with his fingers in his left hand. The eraser moved on the table with his fingers. Turn around.

The new classmate named Lin Jianfan at the back was quite quiet, and he didn't say much when he sat behind him.

"I hope he will always see a world full of flowers."

Lin Jianfan's parents didn't know whether to call it peculiar or weird. Who would have thought of this meaning when naming their child? Most of them, like Qu Yingyi, think more about the future, character, conduct, appearance, etc.

However, Lin Jianfan's words made Gu Chaoming remember his name well.

Gu Chaoming guessed that Lin Jianfan's world must be the blooming flowers his parents expected. Only those who grew up surrounded by love can be so kind-hearted, so kind-hearted that he helped Doraemon pick up flyers on the roadside.

With loving parents, see the world in bloom.

very nice.

Thinking about it like this, Gu Chaoming felt that the quiet boy behind him seemed to exude a velvety white, happy light that was loved by his parents.

Gu Chaoming had to admit that being loved by his parents, he still envied Lin Jianfan.

But that was just envy. He still had a mother who loved him, even though she was lying in the hospital now, even though she couldn't take care of him under Gu Tao's beating.

Gu Chaoming can still clearly remember that night, and there are always so many terrible nights in his memory.

The dim lights in the kitchen, the locked kitchen door from the outside, the constant quarrels, beatings and scoldings gradually turned into terrible crying with the dim lights.

Gu Tao's violence made Gu Chaoming have a habit since he was a child. When his parents quarreled, he would sneak into the kitchen and hide all the knives in the kitchen.

He was afraid that Gu Tao would get the knife and that Gu Tao would go crazy.

He ran to the kitchen that day and picked up the kitchen knife to hide it. During the quarrel, he heard the sound of the kitchen door being locked.

It was unknown whether the door was locked by Gu Tao or his mother from the outside. At that time, Gu Chaoming thought that Gu Tao was going to rush in. His small arm was trembling with fear, and the knife in his hand accidentally cut his fingers.

In the dim light, the bright red blood was covered with a hazy yellow.

At that time, he was still young and his fingers were still bleeding, but he only dared to shed tears, not to cry.

Because there were demons outside the house, he was afraid that demons would come in.

There are not a few such memories. Gu Chaoming is glad that he was still young at the time. He was only afraid when he got the knife, and had no other ideas.

At that time, he was filled with fear, and the stimulation of the bright red blood only brought pain, and did not become something in his mind that he wanted to atone for.

Gu Chaoming was fascinated, his fingers slowly moved the eraser, and the eraser tapped the table rhythmically under his move.

Deng, Deng, Deng, Deng...

Lin Jianfan, who was behind, hadn't received the textbook yet. He had just arrived at this unfamiliar school accompanied by his mother. The tall boy in front of him had been turning this eraser for a long time, turning slower and more regularly.

Deng, Deng, Deng, Deng...

Lin Jianfan listened to Lao Chen's lecture while observing the tall boy turning the eraser in front of him.

Unlike everyone else, he wears a hat in class. Lin Jianfan knew how hot it was to wear a hat on such a day. When he just walked off the podium, he saw beads of sweat on the boy's hair.

The school uniform of the tall boy in front fits very well, and the school uniform is a standard blue and white color scheme. When his mother gave him the school uniform yesterday, he changed it in his room. From the fitting mirror in front of him, he could see his mother sitting by the bed and smiling at him.

Deng, Deng, Deng, Deng...

There is a circular scar on the back of the left hand where the boy turned the eraser.

The scars are sunken, like craters, like craters.

Lin Jianfan didn't know how the scar was formed. He only thought that the young man should not like the scar very much, because when the dean was staring at the scar on his hand from behind, the young man quietly turned his hand back.

Behind the scars are pains that don't want to be told.

Deng, Deng, Deng, Deng...

The scar on the back of his hand undulated with the boy's movements.

The boy had wounds on his lips and small wounds on the knuckles of his fingers that turned the rubber.

The end of get out of class bell rang, the rubber in Gu Chaoming's hand finally stopped turning, and there was a sudden "thunder and lightning" stinging pain in his right shoulder.

A "five-finger mountain" was placed on his shoulders.

The bell of the end of get out of class and the tingling in the shoulders swept through at the same time.

Old Chen hadn't even said "Let's get out of class", but Gu Chaoming's outburst of "fuck off" went first.

The pain in the entire right shoulder came from Lin Jianfan's hand slapping on his shoulder. The pain didn't need to be reported, it stabbed from the right shoulder all the way up to the brain, making Gu Chaoming frown.

The moment the sting came, Gu Chaoming frowned almost instantly, followed his head with a groan, drew an arc in the air and jumped into Lin Jianfan's ear.

Gu Chaoming turned his head in pain almost subconsciously, the original comfort in his eyes now turned into a sharp blade that could pierce through Lin Jianfan, causing Lin Jianfan, who wanted to say hello, to slowly withdraw his hand.

Gu Chaoming saw that Lin Jianfan's pupils were suddenly enlarged by his roar.

Gently touching his shoulder, he breathed in pain, and Cen Xili hit him on the arm without any distress: "Gu Shuai, why are you being so fierce to your new classmate."

Old Chen on the stage also asked them loudly after Gu Chaoming uttered the swear words: "Gu Chaoming, what are you doing?"

Cen Xili hurriedly said to Lao Chen, "It's okay, Gu Chaoming has it in his hands."

Lao Chen walked off the podium without asking either Gu Chaoming or Cen Xili, but went to Lin Jianfan's table with concern and asked Lin Jianfan, "What's wrong?"

The eyes of the whole class once again focused on Lin Jianfan after the self-introduction.

Under the gaze of those dozens of pairs of eyes again, Lin Jianfan spoke slowly. He pointed at Gu Chaoming who had turned his head and said, "His hand was pressed."

"Why did he kill you when he pressed his hand?" Lao Chen asked.

Lin Jianfan raised his eyes to look at Gu Chaoming, and said slowly, "Because... because I caused him to be pinned down."

Although the injured place has changed, it is still a fact.

"Really?" Lao Chen asked.

Lin Jianfan nodded.

After getting this answer, Old Chen slapped Gu Chaoming on the head with his textbook: "Don't you just squeeze your hand? Such a fierce classmate still swears swearing, I'm afraid I won't hear it? Don't do this in the future."

After Lao Chen finished speaking, he walked out of the classroom. When Lao Chen didn't leave, most of the classmates sat in their seats and turned around to look at them. As soon as Lao Chen left, everyone left their seats and looked a little out of class.

Gu Chaoming, who was also turning his body sideways, wanted to turn around. On the way, he raised his eyes to look at Lin Jianfan. Lin Jianfan, who was originally uncertain, raised his eyes to look at him because he noticed Gu Chaoming's gaze.


Eye contact, facing Lin Jianfan's eyes, Gu Chaoming wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

He is the murderer, and the other party is murdered, should he apologize first

Unintentionally looking at each other, not knowing each other, not knowing what to say, Gu Chaoming wanted to apologize to Lin Jianfan, but the words of apology were ready in his throat, but his body turned around first.

The apology never came out.

Cen Xili on the side had a panoramic view of how Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan turned around after looking at each other quickly.

As soon as Lin Jianfan came, he happened to photograph Gu Chaoming's injury, and touched Gu Tao's reverse scale on Gu Chaoming's body. Gu Chaoming treated him like this, but Gu Chaoming was not like this at ordinary times.

Cen Xili didn't want Lin Jianfan to be prejudiced against Gu Chaoming because of this matter. He smiled and leaned slightly, becoming a diplomat of the trio, fully demonstrating their friendship.

Cen Xili said to Lin Jianfan, "My name is Cen Xili."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Gu Chaoming next to him: "His name is Gu Chaoming, his right shoulder is injured, he will only do that when you photograph the place where he is injured, he usually doesn't do this, he didn't mean to kill you, don't mind. "

Cen Xili smiled softly, and the kindness called "I'm very friendly" flowed from his smiling eyes, and Lin Jianfan felt it very strongly.

This young man has a bright smile, and his whole body exudes an air of indifference and calmness. His whole body is like a pond of water and a cloud, gentle and friendly.

After Lin Jianfan listened to Cen Xili's introduction, he looked at Gu Chaoming in front of him. Gu Chaoming seemed to be looking for something in his schoolbag.

The corners of Lin Jianfan's mouth grinned wide, showing a big smile, which was completely different from the state he was frightened by Gu Chaoming just now.

He smiled brightly, showing his snow-white teeth, and his smile was bright enough to relieve the heat on a hot summer day.

The girl in the class who peeked at him blushed with excitement because of his sudden bright smile. Lin Jianfan noticed and turned his head to smile at her.

The girl looked thin-skinned. Lin Jianfan smiled at her. Her face instantly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was as red as a ripe tomato. .

Lin Jianfan just wanted to express his good intentions but unexpectedly harvested a "red tomato".

The girl covered her face and snickered, sharing her joy with her best friend Jing Jiaru.

Jing Jiaru poked her on the head: "Look at what you can do."

The girl blushed because of Lin Jianfan's smile. On the side of the boys, Lin Jianfan replied to the friendly Cen Xili: "It's okay, I don't mind, is he injured?"

Cen Xili nodded "um" and pointed to his right shoulder: "He has an injury on his right shoulder, you should be careful in the future, just don't touch it. He is usually not vicious, and he still talks well."

"Who said I was easy to talk to? I didn't see how fierce I was just now."

Gu Chaoming took out the cigarette from the interlayer of the schoolbag and put it in his pocket.

Because he didn't apologize, Lin Jianfan helped him again. Gu Chaoming felt a lump in his heart when he turned around. He kept picking up things and listening to them. When Cen Xili told Lin Jianfan that he was good at talking, Gu Chaoming was joking. He interjected to ease the atmosphere between him and Lin Jianfan.

Obviously joking, Cen Xili also took over Gu Chaoming's joke and said to Lin Jianfan, "Don't talk to him, he's the worst to talk to, just ignore him."

Seeing that they were both joking, Lin Jianfan also smiled and said, "Then should I ignore him?"

Gu Chaoming didn't hear Lin Jianfan's words. He just stood up and looked at Su Bing's position, but found that there was no one in Su Bing's position.

Yesterday, I said that we would go to the toilet together during the big class break, but now no one is there

Gu Chaoming turned his head and asked Cen Xili, "Where is Su Bing?"

Cen Xili shook his head, he didn't know either.

"I was still here just now, and in a blink of an eye, there was no one there." Gu Chaoming said to himself a little while standing.

Lin Jianfan at the back looked up at Gu Chaoming who got up from his seat, and his eyes followed Gu Chaoming.

"Why are you looking for mom?" Cen Xili asked, "Go to the toilet?"

Gu Chaoming nodded: "He said it himself yesterday, and now he is nowhere to be seen."

Gu Chaoming hesitated between waiting for Su Bing to come back and going by himself. He glanced at the clock on the wall and decided to go first.

Gu Chaoming turned to look at Cen Xili, Yu Guang unintentionally turned to Lin Jianfan behind him.

He sat there quietly, staring at the desk with nothing, as if thinking.

"When Su Bing comes, you say I'm going to the toilet and ask him to come find me." After Gu Chaoming finished speaking to Cen Xili, he went around Lin Jianfan's desk and prepared to go out through the back door.

The body moved, the angle of view changed, and Lin Jianfan had a full face in the moving line of sight, no longer the silhouette in the corner of the eye.

Gu Chaoming seemed to see determination and affirmation in Lin Jianfan's eyes for a moment, like a soldier who was determined to die on the battlefield, and Lin Jianfan called him to stop him before he walked out of the classroom.

That was the first time Lin Jianfan called his name.

The voice was not loud, as if he wasn't sure if he was called that name.

"Gu Chaoming?"

After class, the classroom was noisy and noisy. Gu Chaoming stopped and stopped behind Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan was sitting on the chair, Gu Chaoming turned his head to look at Lin Jianfan, sitting and standing, Gu Chaoming saw Lin Jianfan's thick hair once again just like last night.

The hair volume that made the dean envy, Gu Chaoming smiled: "Why are you calling me?"

The pocket was bulging, Gu Chaoming put his hand in the pocket, touched the cigarette in the pocket, and rubbed his fingers on the half-smoked cigarette case.

Getting used to chatting with Su Bing, Gu Chaoming waited for a long time for Lin Jianfan to speak, and blurted out the sentence "If you have something to say, quickly."

The opposite is not Xiaoma Su, so Gu Chaoming still euphemistically kept the phrase "Fast fart" in his stomach and kept it for Su Xiaoma.

Su Bing didn't know where he went.

Gu Chaoming glanced at Su Bing's position again, there was no one there.

Lin Jianfan still didn't speak, and Gu Chaoming didn't know what he was going to do.

In the atmosphere where the embarrassment spread faster and faster, Gu Chaoming hesitated whether to apologize to Lin Jianfan to break the deadlock.

When Gu Chaoming was about to apologize, Lin Jianfan, who had not spoken for a long time, finally spoke.

Lin Jianfan turned around and smiled at Gu Chaoming: "I'm sorry just now, but I didn't mean it."

Gu Chaoming was stunned when he said sorry.

Lin Jianfan is apologizing to him

"What wasn't intentional? Tap me on the shoulder?" Gu Chaoming thought he had heard it wrong, and was still a little unsure.

Lin Jianfan nodded.

Gu Chaoming: "..."

And the person who was murdered came to apologize for this kind of thing? Wouldn't it be the same as someone who beat you, and you boasted that you played well

What a weirdo.

Gu Chaoming also apologized to Lin Jianfan to relieve the knot in his heart: "I'm fine, you don't need to apologize, I haven't apologized yet."

Lin Jianfan smiled again.

Gu Chaoming looked at the smile on his face, this should be considered a reconciliation.

"Is there anything else?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Lin Jianfan shook his head.

"Then I'll go first?" Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan, the little man walking with his index and middle fingers.