
Chapter 120


It snowed heavily that night when he comforted Lin Jianfan in the toilet. The snow on the next morning was endless. Gu Chaoming had not seen such heavy snow in many years.

The snow started falling not long after the evening class the night before, and the snowflakes fluttered outside the window shrouded in darkness, just like the day in the library.

The classmates who had just started snowing by the window were the first to notice that their excitement was whispered everywhere, and they stopped only after being reminded by the teacher in class. Gu Chaoming's position was not by the window. He looked out of the dark window across a classroom. The snowflakes were the opposite of the night.

The sight that crossed the classroom inevitably stayed on Lin Jianfan in front of the classroom for a long time. Gu Chaoming just stared like this, as if in a daze, and was reminded by the teacher's cough.

The teacher on the podium wondered what happened to everyone today. One was in a daze in class, and the other ran around like a monkey when he saw the snow. Even Lin Jianfan, who had always been serious, was a little ecstatic and didn't have the concentration he had before.

This is not good, the teacher pointed out that Lin Jianfan stood up to answer the question and reminded him to focus.

Snowflakes came one after another, and a thin layer of snow had accumulated by the end of the evening class. After the evening class, Gu Chaoming packed up his schoolbag and walked to Lin Jianfan's desk, and handed him a warm baby he had collected from someone else.

Gu Chaoming unzipped Lin Jianfan's padded jacket and put the warm baby on.

"It's cold at night, and it's still snowing, go home early, and be careful with slippery roads." Gu Chaoming warned worriedly.

Gu Chaoming was really worried, and he was worried that Lin Jianfan, who was very worried, would walk alone at night. He even thought about sending Lin Jianfan home, but he didn't have to think that Lin Jianfan would definitely refuse.

He could only take him to the school gate. Gu Chaoming instructed him in the dark: "Be careful on the road, and send me a message when you get home."

Snowflakes fluttered in the dark night, Lin Jianfan waved goodbye and nodded.

Gu Chaoming stopped in place and watched Lin Jianfan get farther and farther away from him in the snow.

Separating from Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming was walking on the cold road alone, and his inner worries grew infinitely as the distance from Lin Jianfan grew further.

He didn't know what happened to Lin Jianfan, and his worries never stopped, like the snow on the ground was accumulating more and more.

Stepping on a piece of snow, leaving behind a string of long footprints. The padded hat on his head also accumulated thin snowflakes. Gu Chaoming raised his hand and patted it with his gloved hand. The outer layer of the glove was a little wet.

The street lights on the side of the road illuminated the snow white brightly, and the cold of the snow spread through the soles of the shoes to the soles of the feet. Gu Chaoming patted the snow on the hat and raised his head to the person walking across from him to attract his attention.

"Guan Hui? Why are you here?" Gu Chaoming asked Guan Hui, who was walking across from him.

Guan Hui seemed to have just noticed him and stopped.

Gu Chaoming was surprised that Guan Hui was only a sophomore in high school and didn't have to go to evening classes. Why was he still walking outside so late

Guan Hui stopped in front of Gu Chaoming, who asked again, "What happened to you?"

Guan Hui didn't look right. There is no ordinary vitality in his eyes, and when a student who is usually lively and articulate is depressed, it is easy to be detected.

"I want to ask you something." Guan Hui said after a few seconds of silence.

"What's the matter?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"I want to ask... I want to ask... Hey, forget it." Guan Hui said and did not intend to say.

Why do you like this today? Gu Chaoming was puzzled. Lin Jianfan was like this, and so was Guan Hui who met him on the road.

"Then I'll go first." Guan Hui did not tell Gu Chaoming and planned to leave.

Gu Chaoming didn't know that Guan Hui's depression was like this. Maybe he included his worries about Lin Jianfan on Guan Hui. Gu Chaoming didn't want to let Guan Hui go like this, because he was afraid that he would not be able to think about it.

Since Guan Hui had a question he wanted to ask, he must have wanted to say something, and Gu Chaoming blocked Guan Hui's way.

"Why?" Guan Hui finally asked Gu Chaoming in a somewhat normal tone.

"You have already asked the questions you want to ask, just say it, I will listen."

Guan Hui raised his eyes to look at Gu Chaoming, his eyes were very heavy, like a dark night.

"Just ask, I won't tell anyone." Gu Chaoming increased his credibility and persuaded Guan Hui, who was worried.

"There's nothing you can't tell others," Guan Hui said.

"Huh?" Gu Chaoming thought that Guan Hui didn't want to speak because there was something unspeakable.

"That's even better, I don't have to keep your secrets for you." Gu Chaoming said with a smile.

Gu Chaoming smiled reluctantly, while persuading Guan Hui who was depressed, while worrying about Lin Jianfan who went home alone.

I don't know if Lin Jianfan arrived home or not, but he should still be on his way at this time.

Gu Chaoming split part of his mind into Lin Jianfan, who was on his way home, and part of his mind to persuade Guan Hui, who was depressed like Lin Jianfan, who didn't know what was going on.

"You say, I will answer you whatever I can answer you."

"I want to ask you how it feels to be with Lin Jianfan?"

Gu Chaoming never thought that Guan Hui's first question was not about himself, but about him and Lin Jianfan.

"Huh?" Gu Chaoming looked confused in the dark night, why did he and Lin Jianfan get involved

"Just...that's it."

It was such a sudden question that Gu Chaoming couldn't answer for a while.

"What?" Guan Hui asked immediately.

"Why do you ask this?"

"Didn't you ask me to ask? Just tell me."

"Uh... I'm very happy to be with him." Gu Chaoming's language is not lacking, but some words are only suitable for saying to Lin Jianfan, not suitable for others. Saying that to others is showing affection, and saying that to Lin Jianfan is talking of love, and only to Lin Jianfan and Gu Chaoming can there be so many love words.

Gu Chaoming simply said to Guan Hui, "I'm happy to be together". Guan Hui seemed to be very dissatisfied with the answer, so he skipped Gu Chaoming's answer: "I just want to know that a man is with a man. What does it feel like."

"Love feels almost the same, as long as you like it." Gu Chaoming said.

"But there are many kinds of liking, like and love, very like and a little like," Guan Hui changed his words and stabbed at You Xin, "Which one do you think You Xin is to Cen Xili?"

You Xin? You Xin to Cen Xili? That hypocrite and coward? Why are you suddenly mentioning him? Gu Chaoming intuitively felt that Guan Hui's depression had something to do with Cen Xili.

Gu Chaoming wasn't sure whether You Xin liked or hated Cen Xili. It's not enough to hate Cen Xili, but Gu Chaoming doesn't like Cen Xili either.

Maybe it's because he doesn't hate or like it, or he hates it but doesn't explain it. In order to maintain his image as a good male god, he doesn't show his hatred for Cen Xili.

To be honest, Gu Chaoming couldn't feel You Xin's liking for Cen Xili, probably because You Xin's silence in the office was too harsh. All the gossips and gossips were taken by Cen Xili, making Cen Xili, who would not fight or rob, become a slutty man whom You Xin, the god of stealing kisses, also stepped on a few boats, and the good brothers around him could become lovers, while You Xin stood by. Apart from the rumors, he became one of the victims whom Cen Xili, who was overwhelmed with emotion, liked.

Gu Chaoming couldn't forget Cen Xili's helplessness when he was attacked by rumors when he was a freshman in high school, and he couldn't forget that Cen Xili was reluctant to talk to them because he was afraid that they would be implicated.

Gu Chaoming couldn't really appreciate You Xin's liking.

"He probably doesn't like it." Gu Chaoming said to Guan Hui.

After getting Gu Chaoming's answer, Guan Hui pondered for a while, and then asked, "What about Cen Xili and You Xin?"

Cen Xili vs You Xin

Gu Chaoming looked at Guan Hui who raised this question. He felt that the source of Guan Hui's depression was not only Cen Xili, but also You Xin, but Cen Xili and You Xin.

Gu Chaoming didn't want to lie, he couldn't forget You Xin's silence in the office, and he couldn't forget the "Yes, I can" that Cen Xili said to his mother overheard.

Even if he was comforting a depressed person, Gu Chaoming still told the truth: "Cen Xili's love for You Xin is a chasm you can't bridge."

is love.

Guan Hui is the highest grade in the division of likes.

Cen Xili's persistent and unchanging love for You Xin blocked everyone on the other side.

Hearing Gu Chaoming's words, Guan Hui laughed for the first time this night.

Guan Hui grinned, "I understand."

"So what happened?" Gu Chaoming asked.

On a snowy night, snow was everywhere after the evening class, and white became the dominant color. As soon as Cen Xili walked out of the classroom door, he felt the night wind and cold.

Go downstairs to push out the bicycle and see You Xin's bicycle parked next to his car in the carport.

Yu Xin has not left yet.

Cen Xili raised his head and looked upstairs. Some classes had turned off the lights, while others were still on, scattered like scattered stars.

When riding a bicycle out of the school gate, the cold wind brought by the bicycle could not blow on his face, but only on his forehead and eyes that were not covered by the mask.

The hot air exhaled from his mouth was buried in the mask, and the wheels under his feet left a straight line on the snow.

Cycling past a place where the snow had not been stepped on and was very thick, the thick snow attracted Cen Xili's attention compared to the thin layer of snow on the ground.

Cen Xili stopped the car, walked to the snow, grabbed a handful of snow and kneaded it into a snowball.

The hand that took off the cycling gloves held the cold snow, which stole the temperature of Cen Xili's palm. Holding the snow into a ball, Cen Xili's palm has absorbed most of the heat.

It wasn't enough to squeeze one snowball, Cen Xili wanted to squeeze the second one. Before the first snowball was put down, there was the sound of bicycle braking behind him, and Cen Xili knew who it was.

"Such an old man still plays in the snow?" You Xin asked while carrying his schoolbag and holding the handle of the car.

Cen Xili didn't speak, and the snowball in his hand fell to the ground without a firm grip.

Without a loud "slap", the ball-shaped snowball fell into the snow on the road, half of it merged with the snow, and half of it merged with the footprints that Cen Xili stepped on.

You Xin glanced at the snowball that fell from Cen Xili's hand, and then looked at Cen Xili's frozen red hand playing with snowballs without gloves.

Cen Xili didn't speak, You Xin took off his schoolbag, unzipped it, took out a pair of gloves from the schoolbag, and threw it on Cen Xili's bicycle seat parked on the side of the road.

The snowflakes did not stop, but stopped on the side of the road for a while, and some snowflakes fell on the seats.

"Someone gave it to me, I have gloves, give it to you." You Xin said.

The glove lay quietly on the bike seat, and the snow couldn't wait to take over the glove.

After giving the gloves, You Xin stepped on the pedal to leave, put his foot on the pedal, parked the car in the snow, took the gloves that he had put on Cen Xili's car seat, and walked in front of Cen Xili.

"You don't wear gloves when you ride a bike? Aren't you afraid of frostbite?" You Xin stuffed the gloves into Cen Xili's palm.

Cen Xili's pocket was bulging, holding the glove given by You Xin in one hand, and taking out the glove in the pocket in the other, and whispered, "I have it, it's just in the pocket."

You Xin looked at the gloves that Cen Xili took out, and was so embarrassed that he was speechless.

"...Forget it, I'll send you off when I say it. I'll go first." After You Xin finished speaking, he stepped on the snow and returned to the car, riding on the car, leaving a rut in the snow.

Cen Xili watched You Xin ride his bike away from the back disappearing into the night, looked down at the gloves You Xin gave in his hand, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Am I too late?" Guan Hui asked Gu Chaoming.

Guan Hui and Gu Chaoming recounted what he saw.

Cen Xili lowered his head and smiled, but he didn't find anyone looking at him not far away.

Under the street light, Cen Xili lowered his head and smiled, and Guan Hui left alone in the dark.

"Did I meet You Xin before he met Cen Xili, is it still possible?"

After listening to Guan Hui's narration, Gu Chaoming organized the language and said, "It's not a question of whether it is sooner or later, but whether you are that person or not. Even if you meet Cen Xili first and you are not You Xin, the result will still be the same."

Gu Chaoming really didn't want to pour cold water on Guan Hui in winter, but he could only tell the truth.

"I used to think that Cen Xili just likes You Xin. As long as I keep pursuing, there will still be opportunities and I can always beat You Xin. I also learned from You Xin and his calmness, I just wanted to make Cen Xili like me, but Cen Xili's reaction Tell me no. He told me in the flower field to stop chasing him, and he didn’t want to hurt me, so I could only accept it silently. I thought You Xin didn’t like him, but when I saw You Xin gave him gloves, I I began to wonder, does You Xin also like Cen Xili? Do they like each other? I feel even more sad when I think about it. Cen Xili's liking has been responded to, and I'm a little happy for him, and I don't know what I was thinking about along the way. ."

You Xin also likes Cen Xili? They both like each other

Gu Chaoming couldn't understand how he felt when he heard these two sentences, it was very subtle. He thought the same as Guan Hui, he was happy because Cen Xili's liking got a response, and he also felt sad when he got a response.

Does the You Sanjin they scolded really have a place in Cen Xili's heart? Gu Chaoming didn't know.

Gu Chaoming didn't know whether You Xinxi liked Cen Xili, but he knew that Cen Xili didn't like Guan Hui. I had the idea of matching Guan Hui and Cen Xili before, but now I think about them, are they also one of the ones that caused Guan Hui's loss

Continuing on, there is only a long way to go, and Gu Chaoming wants Guan Hui to stop.

Maybe the wind didn't want Guan Hui to stop, Gu Chaoming wanted to speak, but a gust of wind blew his scarf up and scratched his cheek, but Guan Hui didn't move.

Gu Chaoming tugged at his hat, and in the icy wind, the scarf fluttered, Gu Chaoming told Guan Hui: "He doesn't like you, everything you do is just a pen without ink, you think you leave traces on the paper, but in fact Nothing. You don't have to be like others in order to make others like you, you just need to be yourself, and you also hope that the people who really like you like the real you, not the fake you, right?"

"So," Gu Chaoming knew that what he was about to say was difficult to do. He was standing and talking without back pain, but he still felt the need to say, "I know it's difficult, but it's better than It's better to fight to the death."

The cold wind continued to blow on the road, pushing the motionless Guan Hui and blowing away Gu Chaoming's words, but it did not reach Lin Jianfan who was returning home.

Gu Chaoming was worried that Lin Jian Fan was hurriedly walking home, folding the straps of his unfinished schoolbags on his shoulders as he walked. He kept walking, and he walked very fast. The snow underfoot was trampled, leaving one pothole after another.

Xuehua kept walking just like Lin Jianfan went home. Lin Jianfan was not in a hurry to go home, but instead he turned around twice on the road without listening to Gu Chaoming's words to go home earlier.

When Gu Chaoming persuaded Guan Hui, he was still walking around aimlessly on the road.

The snowflakes accumulated a layer on top of his head and were photographed again and again, but Lin Jianfan was still walking on the road. Her hair was slightly damp, and the soles of her feet were cold when she walked in the snow.

Lin Jianfan stopped when he was about to walk through an alley after the second lap.

He heard some strange sounds.

Someone is being beaten.

The alley is not long, even Lin Jianfan, who is passing by at night, can see at a glance that it is their school uniform.

Two or three people surrounded a classmate who was kneeling on the ground, and one of them stepped on the back of the kneeling classmate.

With one kick, the kneeling classmates were lying in the icy snow, and their cheeks were also forced to hit the icy snow.

Those classmates also made fun of him, grabbing the snow on the ground and holding it into snowballs, using the classmates who got up and patted the snow on their bodies as targets.

The snowballs fell on the classmate one by one, and the man who had just kicked him grabbed his hair again and smashed the snowball in his hand on his face.

Snowballs exploded in his face, causing his bully to burst into laughter.

They laughed to themselves and didn't notice Lin Jianfan who was standing at the entrance of the alley. Lin, who was staying, saw Fan running towards them, and the sound of stepping on the snow caught their attention.

"Who?" The man who kicked and smashed snowballs turned his head.

In the darkness, Lin Jianfan punched him in the face with all his strength.

"My mother!" The bully was bullying happily, and suddenly someone ran out and punched him. The man desperately wanted to grab Lin Jianfan's hand, but Lin Jianfan's hand was very withdrawn. Quick, before they can react, pull up the beaten person on the ground and run away.

Lin Jianfan knew that he was weak, and there were only three of them, but he was only one.

He is not a good warrior, but he is a good military division.

If you can't win, run.

However, one of the three was quick to respond. Lin Jianfan grabbed the person who was kneeling on the ground and didn't run two steps, and the person behind was grabbed by one of his bullies and grabbed his arm.

The two sides were pulling, and Lin Jianfan didn't know where he had the courage to grab a handful of snow on the ground and turned around and slapped the man in the face.

The man ate the snow on his face, cursed with a swear word, stretched out his arms and grabbed the collar of Lin Jianfan's padded jacket.

The man was pulling Lin Jianfan's collar, and the collar was pulling Lin Jianfan's neck.

The warm baby that Gu Chaoming had attached to him before he went home was still feverish.

Seeing that the two were about to come to help, Lin saw that Fan was anxious and wise, he opened the zipper of the clothes, causing the man to lose his grip, and then ruthlessly pulled the cotton clothes and pulled the cotton clothes back from the man's hands.

He was no longer pulled, and the two next to him wanted to catch him, but Lin Jianfan didn't bother with them, grabbed the snow on the ground and threw it at them, and immediately pulled up the person who was bullied by them and fled.

Running in the winter night, the white exhalation from his nose disappeared in the dark night. Lin Jianfan dragged him to run in the unstoppable snow, and ran to a place where he could no longer see those people.

The man in the back looked frail and couldn't run even more than him, and he was gasping for breath on his knees when he stopped. Lin Jianfan looked at him panting and asked him anxiously, "Are you alright?"

The man shook his head and shook his hand again: "Thank you, I'm fine."

"That's good."

The cold wind howled, and the two who did not know each other were speechless for a while.

"Thank you." The man gasped and thanked Lin Jianfan again.

"No, no, it's fine if you're fine," Lin Jianfan said, "you're fine, then I'll go first."

The man nodded and thanked again.

On the way home, Lin Jianfan wanted to pull up the zipper of the padded jacket, but when he touched the zipper of the padded jacket, he found that the zipper was broken during the pulling process.

Lin Jianfan gave up, but fortunately, the warm baby who was stuck inside through the sweater was still hot. Lin Jianfan wrapped the cotton-padded coat with the broken zipper tightly, and took out his mobile phone to report to Gu Chaoming that he was safe.

"I got home and just forgot to text."

Wrapped in cotton clothes and sent this message on the road, Lin Jianfan, who had been depressed all afternoon, finally smiled in the snowstorm of the night.

It's a pity that Gu Chaoming couldn't see it, only the street lights, the endless darkness, and the heavy snow could be seen.

The cold wind howled mercilessly, and Lin saw Fan wrapped in tight cotton clothes and walking home.

The snow under my feet is cold, and the warm baby in the sweater is hot.