
Chapter 121


It snowed heavily the night before, and the next day the snow on the roadside was so thick that it crunched when you stepped on it.

Rare snow, rare sunny.

There was a heavy snowfall last night. In the early morning, Gu Chaoming woke up and opened the curtains, but it was full of sunshine outside the window. The clear sunshine spilled over the spotless white snow.

Wearing the big red scarf that Lin Jianfan gave him for Christmas last year, the winter sunshine penetrated the white breath that Gu Chaoming exhaled.

It was still early, and there were few pedestrians on the road, walking towards the school one step at a time on the snow.

Gu Chaoming's worries and sorrows are as thick as the snow today, and he is not happy because of the sunny weather that has not been seen for a long time.

He was still worried about Lin Jianfan, he didn't know how Lin Jianfan would face him after a night, and how should he respond to Lin Jianfan

What if Lin Jianfan pretended that nothing happened to him? And continue pretending nothing happened

If Lin Jianfan is still as depressed as yesterday, what should he do? Continue to comfort him

Gu Chaoming didn't know what to do, his thoughts were like the snow under his feet - blank.

Thinking about how to deal with Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming got on the air-conditioned bus. The heater inside the car isolates the cold outside the car, and a little bit dispels the cold air that adheres to Gu Chaoming's body due to walking.

The sunshine that I finally met this winter is stuck on the window glass. The winter sunshine is not very warm. It sticks to the glass and turns into Gu Chaoming's expressionless face behind the window.

As the bus approached the school, Gu Chaoming shook his head lightly and decided not to think about it anymore. He followed the crowd and got off the bus. A bicycle was parked beside him.

"Gu Shuai." Someone stopped him.

Cen Xili pulled down the windproof mask he was riding, and stepped on the ground to support the bicycle with the handlebars.

Gu Chaoming tilted his head to look at Cen Xili who was parked beside him, and when he saw Cen Xili, he thought of Guan Hui last night.

Gu Chaoming said hello to Cen Xili, who was braking beside him, and glanced at Cen Xili's gloves holding the handlebars.


Guan Hui did not lie to him.

Gu Chaoming only glanced at it quickly, leaving no trace or attracting Cen Xili's attention.

Cen Xili stepped on the snow to get on and off the car, and pushed the car into the school with Gu Chaoming.

Cen Xili had nothing to do as usual. Gu Chaoming didn't ask him about the gloves, but only peeked at him from time to time while chatting with him.

Cen Xili has changed to new gloves, does You Xin really like him? Do you want to tell him what happened to Guan Hui yesterday

Parking at the carport with Cen Xili, Gu Chaoming was absent-minded all the way, looking at the back of Cen Xili parking, hesitantly decided to pretend not to know and ask: "Xili, why did you change your gloves?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sudden weight from behind grabbed Gu Chaoming's neck, causing Gu Chaoming to lean forward.

Gu Chaoming didn't look back, his arms dragged the weight behind his back to prevent him from falling.

There was no need to look back, as long as Lin Jianfan approached, Gu Chaoming would be able to distinguish him naturally. Gu Chaoming didn't know when he learned this skill.

Lin Jianfan jumped on Gu Chaoming's back while Gu Chaoming watched Cen Xili stop thinking about something, and wrapped his arms around Gu Chaoming's neck, his cheeks were close to Gu Chaoming's auricle, and he leaned on Gu Chaoming and smiled.

Cen Xili parked the car, took the key and turned to look at Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan who was lying on Gu Chaoming's back.

Cen Xili was different from Su Bing. Cen Xili would not joke like Su Bing. Usually, Cen Xili only glanced at it and let them continue as if he didn't see it.

But today, Cen Xili took a few more glances and glanced at Lin Jianfan on Gu Chaoming's back.

Lin Jianfan looked at Cen Xili's eyes again, as if he blinked in a guilty conscience. After a few seconds, he released Gu Chaoming's neck and asked Gu Chaoming to let him down.

Gu Chaoming slowly put him down, and helped him to tug at the clothes that were wrinkled because of the jumping.

Cen Xili looked at Lin Jianfan a few more times not because of anything else, but because today's Lin Jianfan seemed to be different from usual.

Too jumpy.

In front of Gu Chaoming, Lin Jianfan has long since changed from being a submissive to a naughty one. He would blindfold him from behind, would coquettish him to drink two boxes of yogurt, and would call him a fool... But in front of other people, Lin Jianfan was still cautious, including his best brother Li Zhao. , including Gu Chaoming's best friends Cen Xili and Su Bing.

The restrained Lin Jianfan would not suddenly jump on Gu Chaoming's back at school. This kind of jumping off was very unlike him, and Cen Xili couldn't help but look at him more.

Not only did Cen Xili feel Lin Jianfan's sudden escape, but Gu Chaoming also felt it. Although Lin Jianfan can be willful at will in front of him, Lin Jianfan is generally willful only when there are only the two of them, not like this morning.

Lin Jianfan's escape was more than just the jump in the morning. Throughout the morning, Lin Jianfan looked extraordinarily sunny.

Gu Chaoming sat in the seat and looked at Lin Jianfan's back. Lin saw that Fan was smiling again, smiled at Li Zhao, his deskmate, and was still whispering to Li Zhao, probably talking about Shi Cancan's birthday, because Gu Chaoming saw Li Zhao glance in Shi Cancan's direction.

After class, Lin Jianfan ran over and asked him to accompany him to the canteen to buy yogurt. Gu Chaoming didn't say anything, but went with him with a smile.

Gu Chaoming took the notes that Lin Jianfan specially arranged for him and put them in the drawer. The snacks Lin Jianfan brought him, Gu Chaoming also tore them open and ate them with him.

It seems that everything is no different from the previous life, as if nothing has happened, but Lin Jianfan has become more enthusiastic and more detached than yesterday.

Lin Jian Fanxiang forcibly ignited the enthusiasm in his heart, and raised his enthusiasm to a level that was not like him.

Gu Chaoming knew that he was acting. Gu Chaoming thought about what to do on the way, but he still couldn't come up with a countermeasure, so he chose not to expose it.

His life has changed again, from the darkness of Gu Tao to the beautiful life of flowers and flowers brought by Lin Jianfan, and from the beautiful life to the embarrassing situation where there is no countermeasure.

This is the second time that Lin Jianfan makes Gu Chaoming feel not like him, and maybe this is also the second time that Lin Jianfan has pretended.

The first time was to help him run away Yu Hangwei. Lin Jianfan was afraid that he would be implicated, so he pretended to be unfamiliar with him.

This is the second time.

The second cause was the man with black-rimmed glasses.

Not only Gu Chaoming, but Su Bing, who was sitting at the back table of Lin Jianfan, also felt the difference in Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan spent 95% of his after-school time with Gu Chaoming this morning, and Su Bing wanted to talk to Gu Chaoming that Lin Jianfan had no chance.

After lunch, a classmate picked up Lin Jianfan's certificate and asked him to fetch it. After Lin Jianfan left for a short while, Su Bing found time to chat with Gu Chaoming.

"Don't you think Lin Jianfan is a little different today?" Su Bing asked.

"Well." Gu Chaoming bowed his head to review for the upcoming final exam.

"You react so coldly?" Su Bing was surprised.

Otherwise how? Promised that Lin Jianfan would not speak out, Gu Chaoming would not say anything to Su Bing, and Gu Chaoming hoped that Su Bing would not ask again.

Su Bing and Cen Xili didn't know what happened yesterday, and they kept persuading Gu Chaoming to pay attention.

"I know, I know, I still have to review." Gu Chaoming said with a wave of his hand.

Su Bing looked at Gu Chaoming who was shaking his hand, why did he feel that Gu Shuai was a little different today, wasn't he the most concerned about Lin Jianfan's affairs before? How come you don't care at all today

Su Bing looked at Gu Chaoming reviewing in confusion.

The sunshine that finally appeared in winter lay on the melted white snow, and the snow on the school road was shoveled to both sides of the road, for fear of students slipping. Lin Jianfan, who was going to get the documents, was walking on the road to the school playground.

The air was cold, Gu Chaoming originally said to go get it with him, but Lin saw that Fan saw that he was reviewing and didn't want to interrupt him and said that he was alone.

The road where the snow was shoveled revealed the blackness of the asphalt inside. Lin Jianfan didn't know when he lost his documents. Old Chen also said yesterday that he should keep it well, but he was the first in his class to lose it, and he put it all together in his pocket, so he lost all of it.

Fortunately, a classmate from their school picked it up, saw the name inside, and had a friend who knew him, and asked him about his phone number through that friend and then sent him a text message.

"Thank you, sorry for your trouble." Lin Jianfan replied when he received the text message.

"It's okay, come to the entrance of the playground at noon today, I'll be waiting for you there."

"it is good."

The noon sunshine is not the coldness of the morning, and it is no longer a useless decoration. It finally brings a little temperature. Lin Jianfan walked to the entrance of the school playground and found three people waiting for him, not the one he imagined.

As soon as he approached, one of the people holding his student ID looked at him, and then looked at the photo on the student ID, as if to check if it was him.

"Lin Jianfan, right?" the man with the student ID asked.

Lin Jianfan felt that something was wrong, but he still nodded and slowed down as he approached.

"Your student ID," the man said.

Lin Jianfan approached cautiously, the man leaned against the entrance of the playground, and the sun fell on his back. Lin Jianfan felt that something was wrong. These people didn't seem to want to return things, but he did hold his student ID card in his hand.

Lin Jianfan walked up to the man.

"Pretty handsome." The man looked at him a few times and said.

Lin Jianfan didn't say thank you politely. The man smiled while holding his student ID card and said, "Do handsome people have such a good sense of justice? Huh?"

Lin Jianfan's face froze for a moment, and a sentence made it clear their original intention, which also made Lin Jianfan turn his head and wanted to run, but when he turned around, one of them blocked behind him and did not let him go.

The person he goes to the left also goes to the left, and the person he goes to the right also goes to the right.

Lin Jianfan turned around helplessly, and the man holding his ID looked at him and smiled. The man behind him who was blocking him put him on his shoulder, pretending to be on good terms and not letting him escape.

The man with his ID shouted to the playground, and someone came out of the playground immediately.

"That's him?" asked the man with the certificate.

Three people walked out of the playground.

Even if the moon is black and the wind is high, he can still see clearly who has punched.

The three people who bullied the classmates yesterday were all there.

The man who pulled his collar yesterday was still laughing at him.

Seeing that Fan was under control, Lin Lin only heard those who bullied the classmates shout at the person who was holding his ID and looked like their boss, "Brother Zhan."

"It's not easy at school, so take him to the old place first," said the person who was called Brother Zhan.

Brother Zhan walked in front of Lin Jianfan, smiled and put the documents into Lin Jianfan's pocket: "We can return the documents to you, we have done a good deed, do you want to thank us and walk with us? trip?"

Brother Zhan had a smile on his face, and there was another person leaning on Lin Jianfan's shoulder. No matter how anyone passing by sees it, several good buddies stand and chat together.

Like being bullied by Yu Hangwei in the second year of high school, Lin Jianfan showed the same panic as when he faced Yu Hangwei after he pointed out that he wanted to avenge last night's revenge.

Lin Jianfan's eyes widened, his chest heaved, and his breath quickened, as if he saw a devil's child.

Brother Zhan smiled and looked at the horrified expression on Lin Jianfan's face, turned his head and said to the three of them yesterday, "I thought he was such a powerful character to steal someone from you yesterday. You can't handle such a weak chicken?"

The three didn't speak, they all looked at me and I looked at you.

"Let's go, the old place." Brother Zhan said with a wave of his hand.

The old place they were talking about was the edge of a river outside the school where the current wasn't too fast.

The winter grass grows by the river, the snow that no one has stepped on is so clean that there is not a single footprint, and the sun sheds selflessly on the barren river.

There are few people by the river, and almost no one will come, making it the best place for them to "learn a lesson".

By the unfenced river, Lin Jianfan remembered the river bank where he once sat with Gu Chaoming not far from Gu Chaoming's house.

The moonlight that day was cut into pieces of silver by the river, but today the river is as smooth as a sleeping monster, and the unknown depth is like the belly of a monster.

Walking to the river, a man named Brother Zhan told one of them to take out his mobile phone and videotape him. He didn't know if he wanted to record his "heroic posture" or if he wanted to threaten Lin Jianfan and tell him not to talk nonsense.

"Record it and post it online," said Brother Zhan.

He just wanted to upload it.

Seeing other people being so crazy online, he thought too.

"Have you started recording yet?" Brother Zhan asked.

The man with the phone nodded.

After confirming the video, Brother Zhan also said, "Remember to make me look more handsome, and I will kick you to death if you dare to make me ugly."

Brother Zhan walked up to Lin Jianfan after threatening his own people. When he came up, he bowed first and then soldiers. He asked Lin Jianfan, "Do you know what's wrong with you? If you know it's wrong, you can get one less slap in the face."

The people next to him laughed.

Being bullied by Yu Hangwei, he retreated weakly to Lin Jianfan, who was sticking the bark. Facing the laughter of others and the so-called Brother Zhan in front of him, he was no longer evasive. Gritting his teeth, he uttered a word.


A little bud of bravery grows out of weakness.

In a place that Gu Chaoming didn't know, Lin Jianfan said swear words that Gu Chaoming had never heard him say.

It wasn't that Lin Jianfan suddenly wasn't afraid. On the contrary, he was more afraid than before, scared to death, but there was a force that supported him and supported him to resist.

The sun was very good that day, and it was noon again. The sun was warm and bright, and the snow was white and dazzling.

The snow is very white, Brother Zhan's temper is very short-tempered, and Lin Jianfan's cheek hurts.

Lin Jianfan's face turned to one side, his face instantly flushed with the dazzling white snow.

Brother Zhan slapped him down with a violent temper. Lin Jianfan not only felt hot on his face, but also a hot breath in his nose.

A drop of red beans dripped from the dazzling whiteness.

The people next to me were still laughing.

"How dare you be mad?" Brother Zhan lightened his strength and patted Lin Jian Fan's flushed cheeks.

Lin Jianfan didn't speak, and endured the pain and tilted his head to the side.

"This is the consequence." Brother Zhan said "domineeringly".

Brother Zhan wanted to continue his lesson, but a special bell rang in Lin Jianfan's pocket. As soon as the bell rang, Lin Jianfan, who was enduring the pain, immediately covered his pocket.

The unstoppable red beans dripped on the cotton coat.

When Brother Zhan saw Lin Jianfan's reaction, he knew that the call was unusual. Brother Zhan stretched out his hand to grab it, but Lin Jianfan covered his pocket tightly and stepped back, stepping on a row of backward footprints on the snow.

Brother Zhan ran over and tried to snatch it, but Lin Jianfan held it tightly and wanted to escape. It's still recording, don't be ashamed, Brother Zhan, who was walking fast towards Lin Jianfan who was running away, just jumped and kicked Lin Jianfan down into the snow.

The hotness of his cheeks plunged into the icy white snow, and the whole face had a frontal encounter with the white snow, leaving a layer of gray water from the soles of Zhan Ge's shoes on his back.

Before Lin Jianfan got up from the snow, Brother Zhan grabbed his hair and raised his head, and the people next to him ran up. Brother Zhan raised Lin Jianfan's hair and asked the three of them last night, "What did he do to you yesterday?"

"He threw snow at us," said one.

"He also hit me in the face."

"The person who hit me is not too timid," Brother Zhan asked again, "Which side of your face did you hit?"

"This way." The man pointed to his right cheek.

"Okay, look at it."

A loud slap fell in the winter air, the river flowed quietly, the birds on the trees spread their wings, and Lin Jianfan's pocket was ringing.

Lin Jianfan's face was hot with his hair pulled, and the blood on his nose could not be wiped away. As soon as he raised his hand, Brother Zhan stepped on his hand.

Brother Zhan smiled crookedly, stepping on Lin Jianfan's finger and laughing even more wildly.

Lin saw that the phone in Fan's pocket kept ringing. Originally, he wanted to steal his phone, but now that the lesson was being taught, the ringing became harsh.

Brother Zhan loosened Lin Jianfan's hair, pulled Lin Jianfan's hand away and snatched his phone easily.

Lin saw that Fan Pu was still wanting to come and grab it. Brother Zhan shook his phone and teased him: "Come on, come if you can."

Lin Jianfan was held down by the two people behind him. Brother Zhan took the mobile phone and said to the three of them last night, "Since he got you guys yesterday, you can get him what you want."

The three of them got the order and walked to Lin Jianfan. Lin Jianfan stretched out his hand to grab the phone and refused to take it back. The bright red between his nose stained the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't think yesterday that there is still today, right?" said the person who was beaten.

Brother Zhan took Lin Jianfan's phone and walked aside.

A slap sounded.

Brother Zhan waited for the phone to stop calling again.

A burst of laughter.

Brother Zhan also smiled.

A groan.

Brother Zhan looked back.

But a few seconds later the phone rang again.

a sun.

A tear condensed.

His face was pressed into the snow, and his tears melted with the snow.

"Hey, you see, the note he gave to this person is a sun, it's interesting." Brother Zhan waited for the person to call and found something interesting and announced it to his companions.

"Hahaha..." Several people laughed.

Lin saw Fan's chest heaving, and when the few people were laughing and not paying attention, he used all his strength to break free from their shackles, and ran over to grab the phone in Brother Zhan's hand.

Lin Jian Fan's chest heaved up and down quickly, resentfully.

He got up and rushed towards Brother Zhan who was holding his mobile phone. His whole body was cold, his limbs were frozen in the snow, and his cheeks could not tell whether it was cold or hot. All he knew was that he was going to grab it and grab his cell phone.

A few people in the back still wanted to come over to help, but Brother Zhan waved his hand to signal no need. He held the phone as if he was holding a cat wand, wherever he went, Lin saw Fan and chased him wherever he went.

"This person is so important?" Brother Zhan asked with a smile.

The sun's notes are also displayed on the phone screen, leaving a series of footprints by the snow-white river.

Lin Jianfan was not chasing after Brother Zhan's phone, he was chasing the sun in his phone.

Under the golden sunlight, Cao Zhan, known as Brother Zhan, suddenly discovered that there was something in the eyes of Lin Jianfan who was running, which was illuminated by the sun.

The shore was slippery, and Cao Zhan just discovered that Lin Jianfan's eyes were crystal clear, and Lin Jianfan's figure had already disappeared by the river bank.

He fell.

The sunlight flickered in his field of vision, and Lin Jianfan saw the sky that he could only see when he looked up. The winter sky is not blue at all, it is all white as snow.

He saw the perspective of falling into the river of scenic spots while traveling during the summer vacation.

He felt himself falling rapidly.

He saw the golden sun and the white sky, and the sun in the white sky.

The sun was very good that day, and the sun did not warm the river in winter.

He was drowning in the water, he saw the seaside where Gu Chaoming took him to, and he saw Gu Chaoming running in the sea of flowers.

The young man's eyes were hot and his expression warm.

Lin Jianfan saw that he was getting away from him little by little, the young man was running in the sea of flowers, running farther and farther, running towards the front of the sun-filled ground.

He can no longer catch up.