
Chapter 125


The senior year of high school was strict in asking for leave. Lin Jianfan only said that he wanted to go home and take a nap, but did not tell Gu Chaoming how long he would ask for leave for him. When he went to the office to ask for leave, Gu Chaoming didn't think about it, he lied and deceived Lao Chen to get the vacation. When he heard Lao Chen asked Lin to see if Fan Wan would come to study, Gu Chaoming was stunned for a moment.

Studying at night? It's such a late winter night, forget it, let's invite him together, it's quite troublesome to go out at night.

Gu Chaoming was helping Lin Jianfan to finish today's class. It is not easy to ask for leave by himself in the third year of high school, let alone asking for leave for others. When asking for leave, Lao Chen also suspected Gu Chaoming, who asked for leave for Lin Jianfan, and called Lin Jianfan uneasy to make sure that he was really uncomfortable. Only on vacation.

Before entering the office to ask for leave, Gu Chaoming sent the reason for the leave to Lin Jianfan.

On the bus going to the beach, Lin Jianfan, who was sitting by the window, received a call from Lao Chen, and successfully avoided Lao Chen's suspicion according to the reason given to him by taking care of Chaoming.

Lin Jianfan hung up the phone and leaned his head against the cold glass window of the bus in winter. He wanted to go to the beach, he wanted to hide alone, and he wanted someone to talk to him. He thought that his disappearance was irrelevant and would not be noticed. After all, in the previous school, when he did not come to class, the teacher would only ask casually, but now the mobile phone in his hand keeps ringing.

It was the message that Gu Chaoming sent him, as well as the phone call from Old Chen just now.

The quiet he thought was broken by the constant bells.

The bell rang, his eyes were wet, Lin saw Fan's head leaning against the cold window glass, and he looked out the window.

In the cold winter, he wanted to hide and shrink into his shell, but there was a boy who wouldn't allow it. He always pulled him out, like the sunlight penetrating his hard shell, pulling him and driving away the darkness inside the shell.

"I want to sleep." Lin Jianfan said.

I want to sleep.

Stop texting, stop pulling me.

I don't deserve it.

After sending the message, Lin Jianfan closed his eyes. He was afraid that tears would come out of his eyes. He couldn't control his body.

Gu Chaoming is the warm sun above his head, the clear sunshine in his winter.

Light is always light and cannot be grasped.

If you can't catch it, let him shine where he should shine.

He was too dark and dirty for him.

He is suitable for flowers and grasslands, as well as that endless summer.

Lin Jianfan seemed to hear the cicadas chirping that day, the green leaves were illuminated, and everything melted into the scorching sun.

On that summer day, he looked at the boy's back with a secret that only he knew. The boy had a broad back, a black baseball cap on his head, and fine sweat slid down his neck into his collar.

The eraser turned in his hand.

bang, bang, bang...

like his heartbeat.

The sound of cicadas came to him through time and space.

And he couldn't catch it.

After receiving the message that Lin Jianfan said, "I want to sleep," Gu Chaoming was about to turn a corner and walk into the classroom. Gu Chaoming replied, "Go to sleep, have a good night's sleep, anyway, I have already asked for leave for the evening self-study."

Speaking of asking for leave for evening self-study, I am afraid that tonight I will go home for dinner alone. There is one less person around, and it is empty. Gu Chaoming is not used to it.

In the past, he often ate alone at home without feeling lonely. Gu Chaoming's heart suddenly warmed, and he suddenly realized that being with Lin Jianfan had unknowingly made him forget the loneliness of the past.

Gu Chaoming couldn't help but smile, in the corridor full of winter sunshine.

Afraid of disturbing Lin Jianfan's sleep, Gu Chaoming didn't send much information to Lin Jianfan all afternoon. When I get home from school and cook and eat alone, I feel very uncomfortable.

When the meal was ready, there was no need to ask Lin Jianfan to come to dinner, and Lin Jianfan was not seen on the sofa after the meal. After eating this unfamiliar meal, Gu Chaoming closed the door and set foot on the way to school again.

There was only one person, and Gu Chaoming didn't want to stay at home, so he went out earlier than usual. Going out early, it was still dark outside the door, and the stars could not be seen.

The snow had melted a lot, the road was wet, and I went to school alone to review.

As he was reviewing, he turned on his mobile phone from time to time to see if Lin Jianfan had sent him a message.

The inexplicable sense of unease in his heart did not know where it came from. Gu Chaoming shook his head and advised himself not to think too much. Maybe it was just that Lin Jianfan was not around to ask for leave, you are not used to it.

But sometimes the sense of unease that arises out of nowhere is so vivid. After the usual night class, say goodbye to Su Bing, Cen Xili and the others and go home. Take a shower as usual, and glance at Lin to see if Fan has sent him a message.

After taking a shower, he picked up his phone, but the phone still didn't move, and Gu Chaoming's sense of unease became stronger and stronger.

Gu Chaoming advised himself not to think too much, maybe Lin Jianfan was too tired, so he slept for a long time? An afternoon is also possible. Maybe the phone just ran out of battery, or something happened and didn't see the message

Gu Chaoming sent a message to Lin Jianfan who didn't know what he was doing: "Are you awake?"

Quietly waiting for a reply, Gu Chaoming walked to the desk with his phone in his hand and turned on the lamp.

In less than a minute, sitting on the desk chair, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but look at his phone again.

Still no information.

Kind of weird.

A strong sense of unease urged Gu Chaoming to call Lin Jianfan, but rationally advised him to relax and not be nervous, maybe there was nothing wrong, just overslept.

Anxiety and reason are torn apart, and the phone is placed beside the book. There is something in my heart, the efficiency of learning is extremely low, and time passes extremely slowly.

While Gu Chaoming was reviewing and hesitating whether to call Lin Jianfan, the cell phone on the desk rang by itself.

It was an unexpected name for him.

Old Chen.

Seeing the words "Old Chen" displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, Gu Chaoming knew that his growing sense of unease was right.

Lin Jianfan must have had an accident.

Gu Chaoming picked up the phone immediately, the unease in his heart had broken through all obstacles and appeared on his face.

Gu Chaoming said "Hello" just after getting on the phone, and Lao Chen immediately asked, "Is Lin Jianfan with you?"

In a word, the dust settles, and unease wins.

"No, isn't Lin Jianfan at home?"

"His mother called to say that he didn't come home. You asked him for leave in the afternoon. Where is he? He didn't answer the phone. What are you doing?"

Old Chen's tone was serious and serious, not his usual joking and joking with them.

Gu Chaoming also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he told Lao Chen what Lin Jianfan and him said truthfully.

"Go home to sleep?" Lao Chen asked.

"I thought..." Gu Chaoming had never doubted Lin Jianfan, he thought that Lin Jianfan was just tired from studying and fell down and wanted to rest, but in retrospect it was too far-fetched.

I am too careless, why don't you think about it carefully.

"Why do you think?" Lao Chen asked Gu Chaoming.

"It's nothing," Gu Chaoming said, "Has Lin Jianfan never been home?"

Gu Chaoming learned from Lao Chen that all Lin Jianfan was lying to him. He didn't go home all day, nor did he make a single phone call to his family. Usually at school all day, Lin Ma had no doubts, until Lin saw that Fan was supposed to be home and no one was there, and he didn't answer the phone, and Lin Ma began to worry.

"It's also my fault that I trusted you so much at the time that I didn't call Lin Jianfan's house to confirm. If you know where he is, don't lie." Lao Chen said.

"I really don't know, I'm also anxious, I'll call him first to see."

After hanging up Lao Chen's phone, Gu Chaoming pressed Lin Jianfan's number immediately, and waited anxiously listening to the dialing sound.

There was a beep.


Hurry up.

The dial tone only rang twice, and Gu Chaoming was already anxiously urging Lin Jianfan to come.

In the past, it was common for Lin to see Fan pick up the phone immediately, but this time, after countless dialing sounds, Gu Chaoming was waiting for a mechanical female voice.

"Your phone is temporarily..."


Gu Chaoming closed his eyes, the dialing sound from the mobile phone indicated that Lin Jianfan still had the possibility to answer his call, and the dialing sound turned into a mechanical female voice...

Lin Jianfan didn't even answer his phone.

What the hell is going on? Since meeting the boy with black-rimmed glasses in the mall, Lin Jianfan has become very strange, and everything has become very strange.

Gu Chaoming didn't have time to think about who the boy was. He called Lin Jianfan again, but the result was the same.

Lin Jianfan did not answer.

Without answering the phone, Gu Chaoming called Lao Chen to tell him the situation.

Old Chen sighed. In his hands, a student gave permission to ask for leave because he was careless and did not confirm whether he was really sick. It was a student he knew had a mental illness. All results are possible.

After all, Lao Chen has been a teacher for so many years, and he is still relatively calm when encountering things. Hearing that Gu Chaoming really didn't know what was going on, he didn't rush to blame him, and then heard Gu Chaoming's voice hurriedly changing his clothes. Chen asked: "Are you going out to find it? Stay at home for me! It's so midnight."

Every student has to be responsible for the safety. It was very late. Old Chen didn't want Gu Chaoming to go out too, but he forgot that Gu Chaoming used to be a disobedient character. When he said he couldn't go out, Gu Chaoming's shoes had already been changed.

"I'm going out to look for it." Gu Chaoming hung up the phone after leaving a sentence.

The air cools to the deepest point on winter nights, and you can feel its power as soon as you go out. Gu Chaoming almost jumped down the stairs wearing the red scarf Lin Jianfan gave him.

After running out, Gu Chaoming stopped while looking at the city in the winter night. He suddenly lost his goal in the huge city, like a lost person looking at the city in the winter night.

Going in a direction chosen by his sixth sense, Gu Chaoming sent a message to Lin Jianfan as he walked. Gu Chaoming tried various ways to contact Lin Jianfan, but Lin Jianfan didn't reply.

Gu Chaoming had the fastest hand speed in his life, and there were several typos in the message. A lot of messages were sent out, but the recipients didn't reply a word.

What the hell is wrong with him? There was no reply to the message sent, it was like blowing the wind with a fist, and there was no reply at all. Gu Chaoming was so anxious to scratch his hair that he just hoped that the phone would ring a beep in the next second to remind him that there was a new message, or the special ringtone he set for Lin Jianfan would ring for a while.


One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Nothing, the phone screen never had a new message.

What's the matter? The lack of a reply made Gu Chaoming's initial anxiety escalate into worry and agitation.

Gu Chaoming had no clue. The only clue he knew was the man he met in the mall last time, but he also didn't know the man's name.

He doesn't know anything.

Unprecedented feeling of powerlessness.

Gu Chaoming advised himself not to panic, calm down and analyze where Lin Jianfan would go if he encountered a blow and didn't want to go home.

Don't be confused, don't panic, you are an adult, eighteen years old, you can do it well.

At the age of eighteen, when he was just an adult, his mother told him on the phone to be calm and not be as impatient as before, but now it was Lin Jianfan who disappeared, or he was covering him. Lin Jianfan had disappeared for most of the day, and now he was gone. It was almost midnight and there was still no news. Lin Jianfan was a sensitive person. If he committed suicide...

suicide? !

He helped Lin Jianfan to ask for leave for most of the day, and he didn't even need to study at night. How many hours does it take for a life that wants to die

The more Gu Chaoming thought about it, the more frightened it became. He felt a chill behind him. He persuaded himself to calm down, but he couldn't help but pick up the phone and send a voice message to Lin Jianfan.

No longer gentle on the phone, Gu Chaoming shouted: "Where are you? You reply to the message!"

No matter how loud he shouted, Gu Chaoming was not willing to scold Lin Jianfan.

After roaring, he began to regret it. If Lin Jianfan was really hit, wouldn't his roaring make him more sad? Gu Chaoming's brain was spinning rapidly, afraid that Lin Jianfan would do something stupid, he said to Lin Jianfan gently, "I'm sorry, I don't want to yell at you, please send me a message and tell me where are you?"

It seems that it is both hard and soft, but it is actually the inner collapse of an adult boy.

The more Lin Jianfan doesn't reply to the message, the more likely he is to commit suicide, and he may be an accomplice in killing Lin Jianfan.

In the cold night wind, a "former murderer" was running in the city at night. The white breath he exhaled from his nose was the opposite color to the night. He might be running on the road of "Lin Jianfan's suicide accomplice".

Gu Chaoming was almost mad. He yelled at Lin Jianfan and comforted Lin Jianfan. He ran aimlessly to the place where they once left their memories.

The wind brought by running is far less strong than the wind at the seaside. No matter how strong the wind at the seaside is, it can't blow to Gu Chaoming's side, but Gu Chaoming heard the wind from the seaside, in the voice sent by Lin Jianfan.

Running to the former home, wanting to go to the river bank where Lin Jianfan once stayed with him to see if he was not there, the phone he was holding finally turned on.

Seeing the information, Gu Chaoming's fingers were still for a second, thinking it was his hallucination, but he really heard Lin Jianfan's voice.

With the sea breeze, with choking, and finally into crying.

The sound of the wind like Ling Lie frightened him to cry, and in the voice Lin saw Fan Po's shattering and patient cries broke out under the threat of the sea breeze.

Hearing that Gu Chaoming was almost heartbroken, Lin Jianfan tried to say that he was fine, but the cry of patience took up most of it.

Gu Chaoming stopped by the side of the road. The heat of running all over made him sweat. Hearing Lin Jianfan's cry, Gu Chaoming couldn't roar anymore. He gently seemed to be afraid that his volume would shatter the other end of the phone. Lin Jianfan said: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm listening, tell me where you are? I'll go look for you."

The wind on the seaside sent a message, with Lin Jianfan's choked sobbing: "I...I brought me here on your birthday..."

After getting the address, Gu Chaoming was about to rush there and stopped a taxi. Before the taxi came over, Gu Chaoming received another message from Lin Jianfan: "I only tell you, don't tell them... otherwise..."

Gu Chaoming listened to Lin Jianfan's voice and hesitated, not telling others, not telling Lao Chen, not telling Lin Jianfan's family, Gu Chaoming felt that it was difficult to do.

Lin Jianfan stopped after saying "No". Gu Chaoming thought he would threaten him, and was thinking about how to persuade him, but after a while, Lin Jianfan said, "Okay?"

There were no harsh threats, just a helpless "Okay?" with a cry.

Gu Chaoming's heart softened. The lights were still on in the taxi, and Gu Chaoming promised him solemnly, "Okay."

He said what he said, Gu Chaoming called Lao Chen's phone with the mentality of being scolded to death by Lao Chen.

"Teacher," Gu Chaoming rarely called a teacher seriously, "I know where Lin Jianfan is, and I'm on my way to find him, but he won't let me tell you where he is, so please first Don't worry, I'll go find him, I'll persuade him, and persuade him to agree to call you again."

After waiting for Lao Chen's reply, Lao Chen was silent for a few seconds and said, "You'd better tell me, this is not a joke."

"I know, teacher, I will persuade him to agree. I'm afraid that if I betray him, it will have the opposite effect, so I might as well not tell you." Gu Chaoming was more calm than he expected.

The taxi was heading for the beach, the lights in the car were turned off, and the light outside the car window flashed across Gu Chaoming's face. He used to be an irritable teenager. He burst downstairs after being said a few words by the neighbors, and kicked the door hard when he was locked by Gu Tao. Now he talks to Lao Chen with the calmness of an adult, and the violence in the past has changed. Become calm at this time.

In the flashing lights in the car, Gu Chaoming seemed to have grown from an impulsive teenager into a rational adult.

"you… "

After Gu Chaoming's persuasion, Lao Chen finally agreed to wait and wait for Gu Chaoming's call.

Old Chen Yi agreed, and Gu Chaoming immediately sent a message to Lin Jianfan.

"I didn't tell them, I'm on my way, don't go, wait for me."

The message sent was displayed on the mobile phone that Lin Jian Fan Bing clenched his fingers tightly by the sea. His hands were frozen and it was troublesome to type, so he could only use voice.

Lin Jianfan was not a strong person. He sat by the beach for an afternoon, the sea breeze was cold, and his body was cold.

The dizziness frowned and blinked to ease, Lin Jianfan felt the cold seeping into the bone marrow, and he knew that he had a cold or a fever.

The mobile phone by the sea rang again and again, but he didn't answer a single call.

The first call was the mother.

He was sitting by the sea, his phone aside, the sudden ringing and the screen lit up, the name on the screen reminded him of his mother's worried face.

He dared not take it.

Calls came one after another, first from my mother, who didn't answer, then from Old Chen, and soon after from Gu Chaoming.

He didn't answer Gu Chaoming's call. Looking at the flashing screen, Lin Jianfan hugged him tightly. He could guess Gu Chaoming's anxious expression.

He blamed himself, he was afraid, staying on a strange night in winter was not as terrifying as seeing people who cared about him worrying about him.

Calls can be dropped so they don't know where he is and they won't find him, but he reads every message they send him and just doesn't reply.

He was too cold and wanted some warmth from inside.

Heard his mother's cry and read Gu Chaoming's message with typos.

He is not a strong person, and the roar from Gu Chaoming's message combined with the wind made him "cry", and then he received a gentle question from Gu Chaoming.

For some reason, the two messages of a roar and a soft overturned his decision not to tell others where he was, making him think that Gu Chaoming was by his side.

He sent a message to Gu Chaoming to tell him where he was. He didn't want to cry, but he couldn't help it. When he thought of Gu Chaoming on the opposite side listening, when he thought that Gu Chaoming would come to accompany him, he couldn't bear the choking anymore. It turned into a big cry in Gu Chaoming's ears.

The taxi drove very fast, and soon, Gu Chaoming kept urging behind him, and kept talking to comfort Lin Jianfan.

The driver took him to the beach at the fastest speed. Gu Chaoming, who had already been waiting to pay, got off the car and ran to the beach in the dark night.

From a distance he saw Lin Jianfan's back by the sea, Lin Jianfan had already seen a taxi approaching.

Along the way, Gu Chaoming was thinking about how to persuade Lin Jianfan and how to get him to tell why he was like this today.

He was afraid, he was afraid that Lin Jianfan would not even trust him, and he was afraid that Lin Jianfan would not tell him.

That was a blow to him.

Gu Chaoming thought about a lot of words, but he still hadn't said what he thought, he hadn't run to Lin Jianfan's side, even close to Lin Jianfan, when he was still a few dozen meters away, Lin Jianfan was He stood up on the ground and ran towards him, throwing himself into his arms.

Gu Chaoming saw the tears in his eyes, he hugged Gu Chaoming and cried: "Didn't you say that the waves and the sea wind will take away all the sadness? I can't, the sea didn't take my sadness away at all, I Still scared."

Gu Chaoming didn't know what happened, he only knew that his heart was like a broken glass after hearing Lin Jianfan's words.

Gu Chaoming hugged him tightly and said comfortingly, "I'm not afraid, it's alright, I'm here, I'm here, I'll protect you, there's nothing wrong."

The more Gu Chaoming spoke, the more fiercely Lin Jianfan cried.

Sitting on the beach and seeing Gu Chaoming's car approaching, seeing Gu Chaoming getting out of the car, and seeing him running towards him, Lin Jianfan could no longer control it.

He flew over, flew towards his support, his sunshine, he wanted Gu Chaoming to hug him, or he hugged Gu Chaoming, he wanted to hug his warmth, he wanted to reveal everything to Gu Chaoming, he wanted to hear Gu Chaoming's comfort, he misses Gu Chaoming, misses everything about Gu Chaoming.

Lin Jianfan hugged Gu Chaoming and cried bitterly, just like the night he came out of the soup shop, tears wet Gu Chaoming's padded clothes, and Gu Chaoming could feel Lin Jianfan's cheeks cold.

When the crying faded and his emotions calmed down, Gu Chaoming stroked Lin Jianfan's back and asked him, "Are you feeling better? Are you going to tell me what happened?"

Gu Chaoming wrapped a scarf with his own body temperature around Lin Jianfan's neck.

Lin saw that Fan's face was covered with tears, but he did not speak with tears in his eyes. Gu Chaoming asked gently again, "Is it alright?"

What Lin Jianfan got was a nod.

The night wind by the sea blew their faces, and Gu Chaoming pulled Lin Jianfan to find a place with less wind to sit down.

They sat by the sea for a long time, a long time.

At the beginning, Lin Jianfan was still a little withdrawn. He promised Gu Chaoming that he would tell him, but he didn't dare. He wanted to regret it.

He still didn't dare to talk about his past, didn't dare to let Gu Chaoming know his past. He is a coward, afraid that what he said will repeat the same mistakes, and that Gu Chaoming will not like him.

He did not know the firmness of Gu Chaoming's love.

Gu Chaoming saw through Lin Jianfan's fear, he took Lin Jianfan's hand and put it in his own and kept rubbing it. ?"

The starlight in Gu Chaoming's eyes fills the starless night sky. In Gu Chaoming's eyes, Lin Jianfan sees the green trees, the summer breeze, the autumn leaves, the winter snow, and the blooming flowers. .

All good things are in his eyes, and he himself is the most beautiful existence.

Gu Chaoming's soft words drove away all hesitation and fear. Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming's eyes. Before he told others about himself for the first time, it was the first time he told his secret.

At first he didn't know how to start, how to explain his past. The beginning of everything is difficult. Lin saw that Fan was stumbling and finally explained his past. Gu Chaoming was not in a hurry, and kept persuading him to take it slow. Speaking of which, Lin Jian Fan became smoother and smoother in the middle, as if he was spitting bitterness at Gu Chaoming, but Gu Chaoming accepted it completely, accepted his bitterness, and accepted his past.

"I still don't know why they bullied me like that."

"They used to buy fake butterflies to put in my mouth after biology class..."

"I also want to tell you that the one I met that day was my former classmate named Zhu Shengquan, but I can't say it, I just want to escape."

"I lied to my mother, I said I lost my memory, I don't remember, I just want them to stop worrying about me, and I don't want them to quarrel because of me."

As Lin Jianfan told about the journey he carried by himself, Gu Chaoming wiped Lin Jianfan's tears with his fingers blown by the sea breeze.

Lin Jianfan also wanted to calmly tell the past, as if it had already passed, as if he didn't care at all, but he couldn't even pretend to be calm, let alone say "it's okay", not to mention that no one He said sorry.

Gu Chaoming is a good listener, but not a good comforter. Hearing what happened to Lin Jianfan in the past, he never thought that his beautiful young man had experienced such pain, and he never thought that Lin Jianfan became cautious because of this reason.

He hated why he didn't discover Lin Jianfan's pain earlier, and even suspected Lin Jianfan's favor.

Gu Chaoming didn't know how many times Lin Jianfan was afraid of being bullied and obeyed them. He didn't know how scared he was when he was bullied by Yu Hangwei.

Lin Jianfan once comforted him and took him away from that painful home. He thought his boy was as bright as the sun, but he didn't expect that there would be darkness after the sun.

Feeling resentment in his heart, just after hearing Lin Jianfan's words, Gu Chaoming already wanted to tear up all those who bullied him through Lin Jianfan's words, but at this moment he could only sit here, sitting on the beach listening to Lin Jianfan Fan "tells stories".

"I met you when I transferred to another school." Lin Jianfan wiped away the tears on his face and tried to look at Gu Chaoming with a smile.

And then I came here, came to this city, and met you.

I met a sunny, strong, righteous and motivated you, you will light up my life.

Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming and smiled, no longer a sad face, as if to announce to Gu Chaoming that you have brought me a new life and an incredible new life.

"Then what happened today?" Gu Chaoming asked.

today? today…

What happened at noon today is also the past that Lin Jianfan didn't want to recall.

"Can you not say it?" Lin Jianfan didn't want to mention it again.

"No!" Gu Chaoming answered very firmly. He saw the redness and swelling on Lin Jianfan's face.

"I want to know what happened, I want to know everything you went through." Gu Chaoming held Lin Jianfan's hand and looked at him and said.

Gu Chaoming's eyes have magic power, and let Lin Jianfan talk about Cao Zhan, Qiu Cheng, and this afternoon.

When he heard Lin Jianfan say that he was beaten by them, Gu Chaoming had a moment of regret. He regretted letting Lin Jianfan tell what happened at noon today. He was so distressed. Every time he knew a detail, Gu Chaoming felt as if his heart was being ripped off by them. crack.

How can it be so vicious

"I'm sorry, I asked you to lie for me and implicated the teacher to blame you." Lin Jianfan said.

"The teacher didn't blame me. Instead, he promised me that he wouldn't ask me where you are. They are very worried about you." Gu Chaoming touched Lin Jianfan's hot forehead, "see Fan, let's go home, your forehead is so hot. "

Lin Jianfan's obedient expression made Gu Chaoming think he would agree, but Lin Jianfan refused to go home.

He still wasn't ready to face his parents, he still hadn't dealt with his fears, he still couldn't make his parents not worry about him, and he had caused so many things that would definitely make them worry.

He didn't want to go home, and he didn't dare to go home.

Lin Jian Fan Hui held Gu Chaoming's hand, he leaned on Gu Chaoming's shoulder, looked at the sea and said to Gu Chaoming, "Can you take me home, I want to drink the porridge you made, and I also want to drink yogurt, I know it's in the fridge."

Gu Chaoming held Lin Jianfan's hand and wrapped his hand tightly to prevent the cold sea breeze from invading Lin Jianfan's skin.

He said, "Okay."

"Go home and cook porridge for you, but you can only drink one bottle of yogurt, and you have to take medicine obediently."

Lin Jianfan nodded.

"Then you have to promise me not to tell them... where is our home..."

Lin Jianfan's words paused for a moment, he hesitated to regard the house rented by Gu Chaoming as their home, a small world for them, a small world where no one would disturb them.

"Okay, don't tell them." Gu Chaoming stood up and extended his hand to Lin Jianfan.

Gu Chaoming smiled: "Go, let's go home, go back to our home."

The outstretched palm was held tightly, and the sea breeze could only climb over the mountains and mountains from the palm.

In the taxi on the way home, Gu Chaoming did not dare to call Lao Chen in front of Lin Jianfan and told Lao Chen that Lin Jianfan would not go home. He only dared to send a message to Lao Chen that Lin Jianfan lived at his house first. He said he didn't want to go home.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Old Chen was angry, and listened to his waiting for so long with his parents, but he still didn't see Lin Jianfan, as if he was playing tricks.

Gu Chaoming did not respond to Lao Chen, and beside him was Lin Jianfan, who was even more dizzy because of the air conditioner in the car. If you stay outside for too long, you can't stand it in a warm place.

"Do you want to vomit?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Lin Jianfan closed his eyes and shook his head.

Hearing that people with fever can't take a bath, Gu Chaoming wanted to persuade Lin Jianfan not to wash until the fever subsided, but Lin Jianfan insisted on washing because he fell into the river and stayed outside for so long.

Gu Chaoming had no choice but to help him heat up the hot water, let Lin Jianfan sit first, and help him get his clothes.

Lin Jianfan was lying weakly on the sofa. Gu Chaoming felt distressed. He walked over with a change of clothes and gently stroked Lin Jianfan's face, who was sleeping with his eyes closed: "Lin Jianfan, get up, take a shower first."

Lin Jian Fan sat up obediently and took him into the bathroom. Gu Chaoming didn't dare to let him wash alone because he was afraid that he would die in the bathtub with a fever.

Lin Jianfan did not resist either, and let Gu Chaoming help him bathe and wash his hair, let Gu Chaoming feed him medicine, let Gu Chaoming feed him porridge.

The only thing he asked for was a bottle of yogurt.

I had been catching a cold and drinking yogurt because I was afraid it would hurt my stomach. Nai He agreed, and Gu Chaoming took out a bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator and handed it to him.

It was three or four o'clock in the morning after the busy work, and Gu Chaoming also felt tired. The homework on the desk before going out was still uncollected.

Lin Jianfan lay drowsy on the bed, eyes closed, Gu Chaoming hugged him tightly in his arms face to face, and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He embraced him with loneliness, he just wanted to let Lin Jianfan feel the tenderness of his embrace, and let Lin Jianfan know that the world was not as cold as he thought.

Coaxing Lin Jianfan to sleep, before going to bed, Gu Chaoming secretly took a picture of Lin Jianfan sleeping and sent it to Lao Chen.

"Teacher, I know that you are in a hurry, and I also want you to not be in a hurry. It can be seen that Fan doesn't want to go home. He is at my house now. I sent you a photo. Please believe that I will persuade him to go home. Tomorrow I think Please take a leave of absence to take care of Lin Jianfan, he has a fever, I have given him cold medicine, don't worry. Please wait a moment. "

After sending the photo to Lao Chen, Gu Chaoming put his phone away and touched the sleeping Lin Jianfan's forehead, it was still hot.

Gu Chaoming leaned over and kissed Lin Jianfan's hot forehead, laying back on the quilt and hugging him.

"Good night." Gu Chaoming said.