
Chapter 128


The sun will rise in the early morning that you don't want to come.

When he woke up, Lin Jian was still sleeping soundly with his waist in his arms. Gu Chaoming leaned on his side and supported his head with one hand. He was afraid that the wind would enter the bed when he turned sideways, so he would compact the bowed bed.

He rested his head with one hand and stared at Lin Jianfan's sleeping face. Today was the day to send him home. Gu Chaoming had no idea what happened last night.

He reached out and touched the bridge of Lin Jianfan's nose, kissed it lightly where he touched, then quietly removed Lin Jianfan's hand on his waist, and helped him cover the quilt and get out of bed to make breakfast.

With the comfort of Gu Chaoming last night, Lin Jianfan's sleep was the most solid sleep he had had in the past few days. Gu Chaoming made breakfast and came over to wake him up, but Lin Jianfan pulled the quilt and turned over not to listen to Gu Chaoming's words.

I slept until noon the day before yesterday because I was too tired to get up, and today I stayed in bed because I slept too well and didn't want to go home.

Ever since he told Gu Chaoming about the past, Lin Jianfan seemed to let go of all the burdens in his heart and turned into a clingy spirit. Yesterday was fine, I just like to lean on Gu Chaoming's side, but since Lin Jianfan hung on him like a sloth last night, Lin Jianfan has become a real clingy spirit.

Gu Chaoming asked him to get up to eat, but he couldn't afford it, but instead retreated into the quilt. After Gu Chaoming got up in the morning, he put the cell phone he kept for him on the bedside, picked it up to check the time, Lin Jianfan had slept long enough, Gu Chaoming grabbed Lin Jianfan who was tucked into the quilt, Pull him out of the quilt and lean against the back of the bed. Gu Chaoming sat on the edge of the bed and gave him clothes to wear, but Lin Jianfan fell into his arms as if he hadn't woken up.

With his head against Gu Chaoming's chest, Gu Chaoming had no choice but to help him get dressed in this posture.

Lin Jianfan was protesting going home in this way and expressing his trust in Gu Chaoming in this way.

Gu Chaoming put on his clothes and put on his trousers willingly, while muttering in his mouth, "This is the old mother."

Lin in his arms smiled when he saw Fan.

"Okay, let's wash up and eat, and put the phone on the bedside for you." Gu Chaoming said.

Lin Jianfan stood up from the bed and glanced at the phone beside the bed.

There must be a lot of messages from my mother in it in the past few days, but Lin Jianfan didn't open it, just picked up the phone and put it in his pocket.

He was afraid to look, afraid to read the concern between the lines, afraid that his presence would only cause them to worry.

He walked out of the bedroom with his phone in his hand and finished breakfast with Gu Chaoming. It was late, and Lin Jianfan was sitting on the sofa in the living room knowing that he was about to go home.

Gu Chaoming helped him put the washed cotton clothes soaked by the river in the bedroom, and Gu Chaoming reminded him to put them on.

"Get ready to go home." Gu Chaoming didn't say this, but both of them understood.

Lin Jianfan, who was sitting on the sofa, leaned on the back of the sofa and turned his head to look at the kitchen. Gu Chaoming was washing dishes in the kitchen. After washing the dishes and tidying up, he would be sent home.

When I got home, I had to face my parents alone, facing their many problems and carefully treating him like a fragile glass face.

Lin Jianfan stared intently at Gu Chaoming in the kitchen. Soon after, he withdrew his gaze with determination, got up from the sofa, and walked to the bedroom to change into the couple's pajamas that Gu Chaoming bought him, and the cotton clothes soaked by the river that day.

The cotton clothes were washed very cleanly. Lin Jianfan looked around in front of the mirror, like a child wearing new clothes, but there was no happy smile on his face.

Looking left and right, it seemed that he was tired, Lin Jianfan sat back on the edge of the bed, sat silently, no one talked to him, he just sat like that until Gu Chaoming called his name.

Gu Chaoming came out after washing the dishes and didn't see Lin Jianfan. He was sitting on the sofa just now. Gu Chaoming was afraid that he didn't want to go home, so he ran out while he wasn't paying attention. Gu Chaoming was relieved when he saw Lin Jianfan wearing the cotton jacket he had put in the bedroom.

He had to give Lin Ma an explanation, not to let her son have an accident.

"Are you feeling well?" Gu Chaoming walked in front of Lin Jianfan and touched Lin Jianfan's forehead, there was no sign of fever.

Lin Jianfan also shook his head.

As soon as his hand was withdrawn, Lin Jianfan rushed into Gu Chaoming's arms just like when he dressed him in the morning: "I want to drink yogurt."

Gu Chaoming couldn't resist the sudden act of coquettishness. Today's Lin Jianfan seemed to want to spread all the coquettishness that he didn't dare to act on Gu Chaoming because of his timidity.

In addition to Gu Chaoming, Lin Jianfan couldn't think of anyone else who could let him let go of the knot that his classmates used to say that women's clothing was cute and act like a spoiled child, to express his inner love.

When he was a child, he also acted like a spoiled child to his parents. His grandparents always said that he was a little sweet bean, but now he has only the idea of not letting them worry about his parents.

Gu Chaoming, who couldn't stand it at all, patted Lin Jianfan's back: "Okay, I'll get it for you."

He opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of yogurt and handed it to him. When Lin saw Fan taking the yogurt and smiled, Gu Chaoming also smiled with relief.

After packing up and going out, Lin saw that Fan had finished drinking the yogurt in his hand, so he secretly opened the refrigerator to drink another bottle, but Gu Chaoming found out, Gu Chaoming smiled helplessly at him, turning a blind eye to the way he was drinking yogurt secretly.

He got into the car with the yogurt that he smuggled out. Along the way, Lin saw that Fan Du was playing with the unopened yogurt bottle in his hand, and the yogurt bottle was rolling around on his knees.

Gu Chaoming sat on the side watching him play, and helped him pick up the yogurt bottle that had slipped and handed it to him.

Along the way, Gu Chaoming didn't know how to persuade Lin Jianfan, or how to talk to Lin Jianfan about Lin Ma. He was stupid, so he managed to persuade Lin Jianfan to go home, so it's better not to talk nonsense. Gu Chaoming didn't say anything, just looked at the yogurt bottle in Lin Jianfan Wan's hand.

When he was about to arrive at the door of Lin Jianfan's house, Gu Chaoming sent a text message to Lin's mother. From a distance, he saw Lin's mother and Lin's father waiting anxiously at the door of the house.

Gu Chaoming suddenly felt a sense of guilt for kidnapping other people's children.

As soon as he saw his parents' anxious faces, Lin Jianfan was obviously nervous, and Gu Chaoming could feel his strong self-blame through the air. He couldn't imagine how Lin Jianfan carried the secret of "pretending to be amnesiac" that no one knew. Coming to this new city, to a new school, to a new class, how to get along with parents who blame themselves when they see them.

Lin Jianfan clenched the yogurt bottle tightly with his hand on the road. Gu Chaoming patted the back of Lin Jianfan's hand to comfort him, and said softly to him, "It's alright."

All the comforts became Lin Jianfan's support for his parents. At one time, or now, Lin Jianfan watched his parents work hard for him and moved. He felt that he might be the catastrophe of his parents, a crime they committed in his previous life. It's their fault to punish them for the rest of their lives.

Before she walked in front of her parents, Lin Ma couldn't help crying. After Lin Jianfan, who had been "missing" for several days, stood in front of her, Lin Ma could no longer control herself and shed tears while hugging Lin Jianfan.

Ma Lin didn't know that every drop of her tears increased Lin Jianfan's self-blame when she let Lin Jianfan know how much they loved him.

Lin Jianfan called out "Mom", Gu Chaoming looked at the reunion of the family and stood behind without speaking. He was so nervous that he seemed very relieved when he saw Lin Jianfan returning home.

Nervousness and ease were two completely opposite emotions mixed. When Lin Jianfan comforted his crying mother and Lin Ma wiped away her tears and prepared to go into the room to ask Gu Chaoming to go in together, Gu Chaoming shook his head and said, "Thank you for your trust. ."

"It's us who should thank you." Dad Lin, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke up.

Dad Lin patted Ma Lin on the back and asked Ma Lin to bring Lin Jianfan into the house first. When Ma Lin brought Lin Jianfan into the house, Lin Jianfan turned his head to look at Gu Chaoming who was outside the door. Gu Chaoming stood there and smiled at him, nodding with a smile.

Lin Jianfan kept looking back until he could no longer see it.

"Can I talk to you?" When Gu Chaoming was still nodding to comfort Lin Jianfan who entered the room, Dad Lin walked up to him and asked.

Gu Chaoming looked at Dad Lin, the man who he had only seen once but made his memory fresh.

"Come to another place, there is a garden over there, go there for a walk?" Dad Lin asked.

Gu Chaoming nodded nervously, wanting to talk to Lin Jianfan's father, but also an elder. Even if he knew that the other party was kind and polite, Gu Chaoming was still very nervous.

The garden in winter is a meeting of green and white. Walking on the path of the garden, Dad Lin asked as kindly as that night: "Your name is Gu Chaoming, right?"

"Yeah." Gu Chaoming nodded.

"Is it the classmate who fainted with a fever on the road last time?" Dad Lin asked.

Gu Chaoming nodded and said, "I have to thank my uncle last time. Thank you uncle for taking me to the hospital."

Dad Lin smiled: "It's alright, it's been so long. It's just that this time I heard the head teacher Fan say that your name is Gu Chaoming. I remember that the classmate who met Fan before was Gu Chaoming."

"It's me." Gu Chaoming said.

"I want to thank you this time, thank you for taking care of Fan."

"No, no thanks." Gu Chaoming could only say no thanks after successive thanks.

Lin's mother and Lin's father have two completely different attitudes. Whoever Lin Ma bullies my son, I will do it with him. All friends are enemies, but when Gu Chaoming told her not to tell Qu Yingyi, she softened. Papa Lin was different from her, speaking with him slowly.

"My wife was a little shocked when she saw Fan, so she was very excited about seeing Fan. I have read all the text messages she sent you, I hope you can understand her." Dad Lin said to Gu Chaoming.

"Understandable, mothers always care about their children the most." Gu Chaoming said.

Speaking of this, Dad Lin sighed slightly: "Since seeing Fan's accident, she has become particularly irritable. To be honest, I was working abroad and didn't come back as soon as possible, and I didn't fulfill my responsibility as a father. I met Fan this time. She disappeared suddenly, and she was so anxious that she didn't sleep all night. When I heard your head teacher said that Fan would not go home with you, I was actually quite relieved, because I had seen you before and knew you and those classmates who met Fan before. It's different, or else I wouldn't choose to go home with you when I see Fan."

Gu Chaoming didn't know how to answer for a while, but fortunately, Dad Lin didn't wait for him to answer and continued to ask, "Do you know the school where you met Fan before?"

Gu Chaoming nodded subconsciously and earnestly.

"Know?" Dad Lin wondered, "How do you know?"

He asked Gu Chaoming to come over because he wanted to talk to Gu Chaoming about the past. Since Lin saw that Fan was willing to choose to go home with Gu Chaoming, he felt that since Fan was willing to believe in Gu Chaoming, then his father would also choose to believe it. What's more, he had seen the boy before, and he was a good and polite boy.

Gu Chaoming betrayed Lin Jianfan unintentionally, and since that was the case, Gu Chaoming simply broke through Lin Jianfan's long-standing disguise, so that he could live a little easier at home.

"Seeing Fan, he told me everything," Gu Chaoming told Dad Lin. "Actually, he didn't lose his memory. He just didn't want you to worry. He said that he felt very guilty when he saw you worrying about him."

Gu Chaoming didn't know the quarrel that Lin Jianfan heard at that time, and he didn't know that Lin Jianfan had seen his mother's red eyes countless times.

How tiring to have to put on a layer of pretending to be cheerful in your own home.

Dad Lin's eyes moved, and Gu Chaoming could see his shock from his eyes.

After being shocked, Dad Lin seemed to quickly accept what Gu Chaoming said, and he smiled helplessly at Gu Chaoming: "I saw Fan and his mother talk to him before, saying that someone was bullying him, but his mother's reaction was very flat, she believed in the teacher, and later She only knew the seriousness of the matter when she saw Fan jumping off the building. She told me more than once that she felt that she was also one of the murderers who saw Fan jumping off the building. Because she didn't care enough about the child, it seems that we still don't care enough. , We really thought that seeing Fan was forgetting the past, thinking that this time he remembered something, so we didn't go home."

Gu Chaoming still didn't know what to say. Should he be comforted or remain silent

He is stupid and doesn't know how to comfort people.

Dad Lin was lost in thought, Gu Chaoming stood with him in the garden for a long time, Gu Chaoming said, "Seeing Fan, he didn't mean to lie to you, and he didn't want to see you worry too much. The more you quarreled, the more worried he became. The more he blames himself, so it is better to fight less and make him feel that his fault is less."

"We seldom quarreled before, but that time was too special and I was annoyed, but since we moved here, we haven't quarreled, nor dared to quarrel." Dad Lin smiled helplessly.

Gu Chaoming was stupid again and didn't know what to say. He said, "I found it very insecure to see Fan. In fact, last night he still... still... thinking about it with a glass..."

Gu Chaoming hesitated to express what happened last night. Dad Lin's expression was undeniably shocked. Gu Chaoming didn't dare to say those two words. He didn't persuade Lin Jianfan well. The injured hand was tucked into the sleeve of the padded jacket so that Mom Lin could not see it. Gu Chaoming hoped that Mom and Dad Lin would pay more attention and not let what happened last night happen again.

"I have nothing to help, can I visit him often?" Gu Chaoming asked.

He promised Lin Jianfan that he would come to visit him often. He not only asked Dad Lin if he could visit him, but also added the word often.

Often the two words are in black font in a sentence, especially in this sentence, Dad Lin naturally understands what he means.

Dad Lin nodded: "I will tell you that Fan Neng believes so much. I can see his trust in you when you send him home."

After sending Lin Jianfan home, Gu Chaoming's studies have to continue. He has not been in class for two days, plus half a day this morning, a total of two and a half days have not been in class.

After chatting with Dad Lin, Gu Chaoming went home and went back to school in the afternoon. When he rushed back to school, he was naturally questioned by Su Bing and Cen Xili, who had not seen him for a few days, and the curious eyes of his classmates.

After being criticized by Old Chen, Gu Chaoming continued to take classes seriously. He missed many lessons. When he heard Cen Xili tell him what he was talking about, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but look at Lin Jianfan's position.

His desk was still the same, and Li Zhao helped him stack the homework he had given him and put it in the drawer.

Lin Jianfan's place was empty, and the final exam in a few days was also empty.

The final exam came as scheduled, but Lin Jianfan never came back to class. Before involving Lin Jianfan, Lao Chen explained to the class that the reason why Lin Jianfan didn't come was because he was seriously ill and asked for leave. It is also in line with the character that Cen Xili overheard in the office when he first arrived, and Lin Jianfan has a disease that cannot sit by the window. Even Cen Xili and Su Bing believe that Lin Jianfan did not come because of what Lao Chen said. It was a bit strange that Gu Chaoming asked them not to tell Lao Chen the address of the new home he rented.

Gu Chaoming explained casually: "I don't want Lao Chen to know that I have moved out, otherwise Gu Tao will come back and ask Lao Chen."

"Yes." Su Bing and Cen Xili nodded.

In this way, Gu Chaoming spent the last few days of the semester and the final exam of the semester alone. Lin Jianfan didn't come for the final exam, and no one in the class was surprised.

Gu Chaoming often went to Lin Jianfan's house to see him. The first few times he saw Lin Ma was a little embarrassed. Lin Jianfan would take him to his room and lock the door. Gu Chaoming's face became thicker the more he saw him, and the more his aunt cried out more smoothly, and Ma Lin slowly accepted him.

Gu Chaoming went to see Lin Jianfan every day, and Lin Ma also brought fruits and snacks when Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan were in the room.

Gu Chaoming wondered if Lin Ma came in on purpose to inquire.

Once, when Lin saw Fan approaching and wanted to kiss him, Gu Chaoming's heartbeat doubled when Lin's mother knocked on the door.

There are many such things, and Gu Chaoming felt that he was about to take it.

The end of the final exam means the coming of winter vacation tuition.

Gu Chaoming asked Lin Jianfan if he would go to tutoring during the holiday, and Lin Jianfan shook his head: "My mother wanted me to repeat the study, but I said I didn't want to. Later, my mother said that I will go to school after the next semester is better."

When he heard his mother's suggestion to repeat the study, Lin Jianfan strongly refused. He didn't want to do it again. He was not afraid of hard study, but because he was afraid that when he repeated the study, Gu Chaoming had already been admitted to the university. Gu Chaoming went to another city, and he could only stay at home alone.

He didn't know if he could survive the third year of high school without Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming naturally thought of what Lin Jianfan was thinking, and he was relieved to hear that Lin Jianfan said that he would go to school next semester.

When Gu Chaoming was in school, Lin saw Fan staying at home, and Lin Ma found a psychiatrist for him, and she also watched him at home every day.

Less than ten days after returning home, Lin Jianfan felt like he was trapped in a prison without a cage, waiting for Gu Chaoming to visit him every day.

He didn't like this kind of life, and his mother's company only made him feel depressed.

Lin Jianfan didn't know what happened to him.

No one knew why Lin Jianfan disappeared that day, except for Gu Chaoming. Lin Jianfan did not allow Gu Chaoming to tell his parents about this.

He understands that letting his parents know about this will only make his previous life repeat itself.

"What should I do if I don't say it? Just bear it?" Gu Chaoming once argued with him because he didn't agree with him, but in the end he was defeated by his tears.

After returning home, Lin Jianfan seemed to have become more vulnerable. Gu Chaoming's worries increased rather than decreased. He shared the little things of his life with him all the time to make him happy. He meant it.

Only this time Gu Chaoming didn't listen to him.

On the day he sent Lin Jianfan home, Gu Chaoming searched the Internet for information about school violence. The overwhelming information and pictures made him more and more angry, and he almost broke the pen in his hand when he recalled his homework.

How could there be such a cruel thing, he just watched, just searched, he couldn't bear it. He couldn't imagine the pain Lin Jianfan suffered, even though he had Lin Jianfan's description, he still couldn't imagine it.

There is no empathy in the world, but Gu Chaoming's boundless anger.

Gu Chaoming went to see Lin to see Fan every day. He didn't mention these things to him. He met him happily every day and said goodbye happily. In addition to seeing Lin Jianfan's fixed itinerary every day, Gu Chaoming also found time to find relevant information, relevant laws and events, and write them down one by one.

I searched and watched every day, just to get myself and Lin Jianfan closer, so that Lin Jianfan's suffering could be vented.

Every day, in addition to studying, there is violence in his mind. Gu Chaoming had several dreams at night because he had read too much information.

his fantasy dream.

In the dream, there are Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan's classmates, Lin Jianfan's school, the roof of the school, the school classroom, Guan Lin Jianfan's toilet...

He hadn't been to Lin Jianfan's previous school, it was all imaginary, it was what he dreamed about, and it all made his heart hurt.

Having nightmares all night long, Gu Chaoming woke up from the nightmare again.

In the dream, Lin Jianfan disappeared from his eyes, and the poor quality of sleep made people sluggish and very irritable.

Today is a day off, and Gu Chaoming took advantage of it to go out today.

The snow on the side of the road almost melted, and it was very dirty when pedestrians stepped on it. Gu Chaoming walked into a law firm according to the address.

Not long after he walked out of the law firm, his irritable temper broke out like a nightmare. Gu Chaoming walked into a game hall to look for a game and drove all afternoon.

The lawyer told him that there was not enough evidence. He didn't even know who the bully was, except that it was called Brother Zhan. The bullied person refused to come forward, and there were no witnesses on the roadside.

After chatting for a long time, Gu Chaoming was already in the game hall.

I thought my search and efforts could help Lin Jianfan, but only got such an answer.

Even in games, he always loses. Gu Chaoming's violent temper almost hit the steering wheel with a punch, but he endured and endured. When he thinks about going crazy, he always thinks of Gu Tao.

Gu Tao was his violent stopper, and when he thought of him, Gu Chaoming knew that he couldn't do it.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you can't help Lin Jianfan. It doesn't matter if you can't help him vent his anger, you can let him know that this world is not only about violence, but also the beauty of this world, as well as the flowers that his parents put in his name.

The game hall was noisy, with colorful lights, and a ranking table was displayed on the game console. Gu Chaoming got off the racing car and walked out of the game hall with his pockets in his pockets.

The cold of winter swept all over the body in an instant. In the gloomy and cold winter day, Gu Chaoming took out his mobile phone, it was Lin Jianfan's phone, and he saw a rainbow.

I'm sorry, I didn't find you like a rainbow for the first time.

The past cannot be changed, so in the future, Gu Chaoming is determined to make up for him with his own strength. Once he can make up for it once, make Lin Jianfan happy, make Lin Jianfan believe in him, he can make up for it a second time, and make Lin Jianfan believe in the world.

The world treats Lin Jianfan badly, and he has to make up for it by himself.

Gu Chaoming stopped a taxi, and the driver asked him where to go

On the other end of the phone, Lin Jianfan heard Gu Chaoming say an address.

Lin Jianfan smiled.

Gu Chaoming was running towards him.