
Chapter 129


Tutoring took up more than half of the winter vacation. During this time, Gu Chaoming's sleep quality has been poor, resulting in inattention in class, and has been called by Lao Chen to the office many times to talk.

"What did you do in class? Several teachers told me that you didn't pay attention in class, and you were always distracted. Was it the last time Lin saw Fan..."

As soon as Old Chen mentioned Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming came back in a trance and waved his hand: "No, it's just that I've been lazy recently."

"This can't be done. When the time comes to be lazy, you know that there is only next semester..."

Lao Chen started a new round of persuasion.

Gu Chaoming nodded while absently thinking about how to make Lin Jianfan happy. The winter vacation is coming to an end. Gu Chaoming has been thinking about these things since he left the law firm that day.

The ecstatic thoughts in class, the ideas that come up from time to time in life, and the sudden nightmare at night are all about Lin Jianfan.

It took Gu Chaoming a lot of effort to help Lin Jianfan get out of the haze of the past. Every day when he went to see Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming would secretly bring him yogurt and talk to him.

Taking yogurt to Lin Jianfan's house every day after school was the moment Gu Chaoming looked forward to the most, and Gu Chaoming went to his house to chat with him, which was the most relaxing moment of Lin Jianfan's day.

They look forward to each other, looking forward to the moment of reunion.

Whenever he heard the sound of the door opening in the living room after school, Lin Jianfan would laugh, eagerly waiting for his door to be opened and eagerly welcoming Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming would always bring him yogurt, and chatting with him was also very reassuring. He didn't know Gu Chaoming was hiding something in his heart, how to make him happy.

Gu Chaoming observed Lin Jianfan's room and asked Lin Jianfan what he wanted to do, hoping to get inspiration from it.

Gu Chaoming didn't know that as long as Lin Jianfan was with him, he would be happy wherever he went, mainly with him.

Saying goodbye to Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming promised him that he would come early tomorrow. Lin Ma sent Gu Chaoming to the door and handed him a box of cakes she made herself, expressing her gratitude and apology for being overly verbal.

Gu Chaoming insisted on visiting Lin Jianfan every day, and the smile on Lin Jianfan's face when he saw Gu Chaoming made Lin Ma break the hostility towards Gu Chaoming.

Lin Ma wanted to believe him, that Gu Chaoming was her son's good friend. The past Zhu Shengquan scared her. She told Gu Chaoming that she was a little aggressive in her previous words, but Gu Chaoming kept saying that it was okay.

Taking the cake given by Lin Ma and taking the bus home, Gu Chaoming first put the cake in the refrigerator and took off the red scarf around his neck.

My head is a little swollen, there are too many things happening recently, and there are too many things in my mind, not only studying, but making Lin Jian Fan happy takes up most of my thoughts.

Investigating the sequelae of school violence has been haunting him. Gu Chaoming has nightmares from time to time. The protagonist of the nightmare is Lin Jianfan, and he is a god who does not exist.

Rubbing his swollen head, he lay on the bed and sent a message to Lin Jianfan.

"After so many days at home, shall we go out to play tomorrow? I told your mother."

Finally, there is a winking expression.

The tone was as lively and angry as possible, making Lin Jianfan happy.

After the message was sent, Gu Chaoming closed his eyes.

Noisy, constantly noisy.

The roar, the non-stop roar.

The constant noise and roaring forced Gu Chaoming to open his eyes.

This time he slept in an unfamiliar classroom.

Looking around the classroom, everyone gathered in one place to watch what was happening, it was very noisy, and he was the only one left in his seat.

Gu Chaoming got up from his seat and walked over to see what they were looking at.

Everyone formed a small circle, and everyone had a weird smile on their face, some bared their teeth, some laughed so loudly that they could see their throats.

Seeing their smiles, Gu Chaoming became more and more flustered. He opened the crowd, but found that in the center of the crowd, a person was pressing on Lin Jianfan's body, and a slap fell on Lin Jianfan's face.

Lin Jianfan's face was bleeding, and the blood from his nose and mouth spread freely along the skin, and even flowed along the skin to the corners of his eyes, mixed with the tears from the corners of his eyes, creating a blood-red hell. Flowers come.

Lin Jianfan wanted to escape, but he was pressed on the ground and tried his best to move backward, but was held down by the man, unable to move even half a minute.

Gu Chaoming wanted to help him, but found that he couldn't move at all, he couldn't move his legs, as if he was immobilized, he could only watch the blood spread on Lin Jianfan's face.

Lin Jian Fan's face twisted in pain, and Gu Chaoming looked around, all of them were grinning spectators.

They laughed, they cheered, their faces were ugly, they shouted hello.

Gu Chaoming couldn't bear it, and Lin Jianfan's cry for help was too faint to hear amid the mockery of his classmates.

They are ugly spectators.

Gu Chaoming wanted to help Lin Jianfan, but when he raised his hand, he felt that his palm was sticky, and some moist liquid was constantly flowing out of his palm.

Gu Chaoming looked down, his eyes were so red that he almost stabbed him in the eye.

The blood covered the entire palm, and he refused to let go of the lines on the palm. The blood dripped down his palm. Gu Chaoming opened his eyes wide, trying to wipe the blood off his hands, but found that he couldn't wipe it off.

His chest kept rising and falling, and he could only stay there like a wooden man, watching the blood from the scar on his palm continue to flow out, more and more.

The blood spread to the floor, dyeing the classroom floor blood red. The blood flowed so fast that Gu Chaoming's entire classroom was invaded by blood in the blink of an eye.

There was blood all over the floor, like a red ocean.

The classmates who were watching disappeared, the person pressing on Lin Jianfan disappeared, and even the beaten Lin Jianfan disappeared, leaving him alone in this red ocean.

Gu Chaoming knew that he was dreaming, but he was so clear that he couldn't, but his heart was still as panicked as it was the first time he had such a dream.

He remembered the dream he had after his first inquiry into school violence, and the morning he woke up after the first dream.

With a chaotic mind, cold sweat on his back, shortness of breath, and wide eyes, he couldn't believe that this was Lin Jianfan's past life.

He was fortunate to have met Lin Jianfan when he was the most painful. He thought that there were Cen Xili and Su Bing in his life of despair, while Lin Jianfan had nothing but himself.

Thinking of this, Gu Chaoming couldn't help feeling distressed, he couldn't help wanting to hug him and tell him, you are not alone, you and me.

Gu Chaoming blamed himself for not meeting him earlier, not meeting him from the first second he came into contact with the darkness of human nature, and not being his hero to protect him at that time.

He has always been with him through the hardships, from the first time he went to the hospital with him to the time he accompanied him to shout out all his troubles at the beach.

"Go to hell!"

But he couldn't help him. When he thought of this, powerlessness and self-blame swept through the sky.

"Hey, wake up, Gu Shuai, wake up, don't sleep."

Someone was calling him, and the voice was Su Bing.

Gu Chaoming opened his eyes in a daze and saw Su Bing who was waving his hands to wake him up in front of him.

He remembered that he was clearly sleeping on his own bed, how could he wake up in the classroom? Still woken up by Su Bing.

The classroom was a normal scene. People who bowed their heads to do their homework, slapsticks in the corridors, and wiped the blackboard on the podium were all familiar faces.

Gu Chaoming shook his head, did he really remember it wrong? Is he not at home

The bright red blood on his hands in the dream seemed to be still in front of his eyes. Gu Chaoming had never been to Lin Jianfan's former school, nor had he met other Lin Jianfan's former classmates, except that Zhu Shengquan had met him last time.

The scenes in the dream were all imaginary and imaginary, but they were all so real.

Gu Chaoming rubbed his sore eyes after waking up, and was pulled out of the classroom by Su Bing. When he left the classroom, he looked back at Lin Jianfan's position.

Is there someone else sitting in Lin Jianfan's seat

Lin Jianfan's tablemate is not Li Zhao

Maybe someone else sat in Lin Jianfan's seat for a while. Gu Chaoming didn't think much about it and asked Su Bing, who was pulling him to the toilet, "Where is Jianfan? I just saw that he wasn't in his seat."

Su Bing, who was holding his hand in front, turned his head, and the laziness on Gu Chaoming's face disappeared instantly after he woke up.

The person who took his hand and turned his head was not Su Bing, whom he was familiar with, but Zhu Shengquan, who had only seen him in the mall once!

The perverted Zhu Shengquan who collected photos of Lin Jianfan's women's clothing!

Gu Chaoming felt resentment in his heart. When he saw Zhu Shengquan's face, he wanted to punch him, but he couldn't move and was taken to the toilet by Zhu Shengquan.

"What are you doing?!" Gu Chaoming asked struggling.

"Take you to find Lin Jianfan," Zhu Shengquan's face suddenly turned hideous, he laughed loudly, and the laughter echoed through the entire teaching building.

All the people in the teaching building disappeared in an instant, except for Zhu Shengquan, who was holding him. The clear sky darkened, and darkness enveloped the sky, pressing down like the dark clouds of summer.

Gu Chaoming was taken to the toilet by Zhu Shengquan.

There were five people in the toilet, four of them were standing, and the other was kneeling.

Zhu Shengquan released him and pointed to the person kneeling on the ground. Gu Chaoming walked over, the kneeling man turned his back to him, and his hands were tied by ropes. The back was too familiar, too familiar to believe.

Gu Chaoming walked around in front of that person, and the person kneeling was Lin Jianfan!

Gu Chaoming stood there in disbelief, his breath chaotic.

Lin Jianfan's hands were tied behind their backs, and his mouth was sealed with adhesive tape. He couldn't hear what he was saying, but only heard a murmur of indistinct cries for help from his sealed mouth.

Her hair was messed up and her clothes were messy.

One of the four standing still kicked him, knocking him to the ground. Lin Jianfan's hands were tied and without support, he fell forward with his face on the ground, lying on the ground and twisting like a caterpillar.

The man kicked and refused to give up. After walking over to slap Lin Jianfan, he picked up the mop beside the toilet sink, held the handle of the mop and pressed it on Lin Jianfan's face.

Lin Jianfan was lying on the ground and twisting constantly, shaking his head to dodge, the man holding the mop was like a whack-a-mole. Wherever Lin Jianfan was escaping, he pressed the mop, and laughed like Zhu Shengquan while pressing it. .

Disgusting, really disgusting.

Gu Chaoming just wanted to rush up to give that person a slap. The companions beside him were still laughing, just like the spectators just now, even more madly.

Lin Jianfan kept twisting, dodging the mop that was pushed down.

In the blink of an eye, in an instant, the bindings on his hands were loosened, and a large hole was dissolved in the floor below him. He kept falling, just like the time he jumped out of the classroom window, like the time he fell into the river.

He fell into the endless abyss, the rapid descent of his body and the sense of weightlessness made him sweat cold, and the wind whistled in his ears and refused to stop.

finally fell to the ground.

Lin Jianfan suddenly opened his eyes, and there was darkness in front of him.

The endless night, with the silver-white moonlight in the night, floated in the air lightly in a layer, and it was not called light at all in the dark, and it could not give Lin Jianfan the most basic sense of security.

Heavy night, closed doors and windows.

The suppressed air in the dark room was getting thinner and thinner, Lin Jianfan became increasingly manic and frightened, and subconsciously reached out to turn on the lamp on the bedside table.

His breathing was getting faster and faster, and the darkness in front of him was getting deeper and deeper. Fear and arrogance made Lin Jianfan want to smash the things around him, but there was nothing around him. His palms fumbled on the bedside table in a panic, and he accidentally knocked down the lamp with his hand.

Hearing the sound of the lamp falling, Lin Jianfan curled up into a ball, and even suppressed his breathing weakly, as if avoiding the enemy's prey so that the enemy would not find it.

After suppressing for almost a minute, Lin Jianfan finally couldn't help it. He was scared and manic. He wanted to smash something, but he could only kick the quilt covering him under the bed angrily.

He saw that the night was coming towards him, it was coming towards him!

The darkness squeezed him, pulling the air out of him.

In the enclosed space, with his eyes open for too long without seeing light, Lin Jianfan began to shout, screaming from his throat, as if someone wanted to kill him.

"help me!"

Heartbreaking and hoarse, Lin Jianfan's voice gradually brought a cry.

Extreme panic in the dark.

Lin Ma slept next door. She slept soundly all the time. When she heard her son's cry, she quickly lifted the quilt. She was so anxious that she couldn't even wear slippers. She ran to Lin Jianfan's room and turned off all the lights in the room first. Open.

The lamp fell by the bedside, and the quilt also fell to the ground in a mess. Lin Jianfan lay on the bed and whimpered in his throat. He was blinded by the sudden light and blocked it with his hands. At the same time, the light leaking from his fingers was comforted. .

Lin Ma rushed to her son's side, lifted the manic Lin Jianfan into her arms, and comforted him: "It's alright, it's alright."

Lin Jianfan leaned against his mother's arms and gradually got used to the light in the room. Lin's mother had been comforting him, holding him like comforting a baby who suddenly started crying at night.

"There's light, it's fine." Lin Ma kept patting Lin Jianfan's back.

Lin Jianfan leaned against Lin Ma's shoulder, his eyes were a little dull after getting used to the light, and he stared at the wall of the room for a while without focus.

He just wanted to comfort him, leaning on his mother's shoulder to adjust from nightmare to reality, from darkness to light, as if his soul had returned to his body, Lin Jianfan finally blinked and hugged his anxious mother: "I'm fine. Well, it was just a nightmare."

"Nightmare?" Lin Ma released him.

"En." Lin Jianfan nodded.

"It's all right, it's all a dream, go back to sleep, don't worry." Lin Jianfan said.

Lin Ma was still worried and wanted to pour him a glass of water, but was pushed into the bedroom by Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan grinned and gave her a smile: "Good night."

After saying good night, Lin Jian Fan immediately closed the door, ran back to his room, locked the door, leaned back against the door panel and gasped.

He had nightmares again.

one more time.

He didn't want his mother to worry, his father was away, he just wanted to make his mother sleep well.

He couldn't make such a small wish.

Lin Jianfan leaned against the cold winter door, and slid along the door to the ground. Sitting on the floor looking at the messy bed, his head was empty, Lin Jianfan advised himself not to sit on the floor, he would catch cold, and go back to bed quickly.

Mechanically got up and lay back on the bed, Lin Jianfan closed his eyes and forced himself to fall asleep, as if his mother could sleep well.

Separated by a wall, Lin Ma was sitting by the window washing her face in tears, and she had to pay attention to the movements in Lin Jianfan's room.

After thinking that Lin Jianfan should fall asleep, he gently walked into Lin Jianfan's room to help him tuck the quilt and check the lamp on the bedside table.

Lin Jianfan thought that by forcing himself to sleep, his mother would be relieved, and that the morning of the next day would come earlier by forcing him to sleep.

The sleeping Lin Jianfan had another nightmare.

In the dream, he struggled to stand up against the wall, with one foot on his shoulder, and he fell to the ground as soon as he exerted force.

The man squatted down, roughly took off his school uniform outside, pinched the corner of the school uniform in disgust, and threw it out like a frisbee playing with a dog.

"It's also pitiful to be your school uniform." The man said and kicked again.

Lin Jianfan was only wearing a single shirt in his school uniform, and he left many footprints in a short while.

A kick hit his arm, and Lin Jianfan was lying on the ground with his back against the wall.

The scene in front of them was blocked by them, Lin Jianfan only saw the soles of the shoes that kept falling on him, and only heard bursts of devilish laughter.

The world is a bit ghosted, black and white, like a silent film that suddenly shakes. The world in front of him was black and white. From the gap, Lin Jianfan saw the school uniform he was thrown into the distance. It was the only color in the black and white world in front of him, the color of hatred.

The nightmare woke up quickly, and when he opened his eyes, it was no longer the darkness after waking up from the previous dream.

Lin Jianfan didn't give himself time to relax. After waking up from a nightmare, he turned over and closed his eyes as if he could get rid of the nightmare by turning over.

After squinting for a long time, he still didn't feel sleepy. He picked up the phone and looked at it. It was already 1:48 in the morning.

Lin Jianfan just wanted to take a look at the time, but the screen of his mobile phone showed that he had a new message from Gu Chaoming.

"After so many days at home, shall we go out to play tomorrow? I told your mother."

Just a message, a layer of water oozes out of the eye socket, and the floating heart falls to the ground.

Lin Jianfan opened the chat interface with Gu Chaoming and listened to the voices sent by Gu Chaoming one by one.

"The temperature will be warmer tomorrow."

"I choose the one on the left."

"285 pages, the second question, that small print analysis."

"Remember to bring your badge tomorrow."

"I'm going to sleep too."

"Go to bed early."

It was all boring daily life, but Lin Jianfan felt very at ease listening to it, like turning over the pages of their days together.

Hearing Gu Chaoming's voice and recalling Gu Chaoming's kiss on his arm, Lin Jianfan touched his wrist.

Gu Chaoming's voice talking to him was too gentle and warm, and it made Lin Jian Fan sleepy, and even a cold machine couldn't remove the gentleness in Gu Chaoming's voice.

Lin Jianfan hugged himself tightly, took the phone and listened to the voice messages that Gu Chaoming sent him, one by one.

When talking to him, Gu Chaoming's voice was always warm, like a ray of sunshine in the ice and snow, making Lin Jianfan feel comfortable and warm.

While sleepy, Lin Jianfan suddenly wanted to call Gu Chaoming, listen to Gu Chaoming's voice, and want to hear him say "good night" before going to bed.

He knew that Gu Chaoming would definitely pick it up, but he didn't want to disturb Gu Chaoming or make him sleep well.

Lin Jianfan just listened to Gu Chaoming's voice line by line, and when he was sleepy and didn't want to lift his hand, he still fell asleep listening to Gu Chaoming's voice.

He had a dream.

He dreamed of a world full of flowers. Red, yellow, pink, white... The flowers are splendid and the branches and leaves are lush. The flowers swayed slightly in the breeze, and the whole world was colored, and nowhere was dark and gray.

There was a young boy standing in the flower group with his back to him, and Lin Jianfan knew that it was him.

Lin Jianfan called out his name.

"Gu Chaoming!"

When Gu Chaoming heard it, he turned around with a sunny smile on his face.

He smiled, he was the warm sun in winter, he was the rising sun of hope in the world of flowers.

Lin Jianfan rushed over and hugged him.

Hold tight, tight.

That way they don't have to be separated anymore.