
Chapter 132


The weather this winter is a bit strange, the deeper the winter, the warmer it gets. In the early winter, there were several heavy snowfalls that had not been seen in many years, but in the late winter, it seemed that there was no strength, and the snow was so small that it was invisible all day long. The snowflakes are small but dense, and a lot of snowflakes will be on the clothes soon after going out.

The old man said that this year's cold air has passed, and it will not be too cold no matter how cold it is. Gu Chaoming hopes so, this year is too cold, warmer is better, he prefers warmer weather, Lin Jian Fan Sheng is less likely to have frostbite.

As the New Year was approaching, Qu Yingyi bought him some more clothes, but it was useless how Gu Chaoming persuaded him. I met Qu Yingyi during the winter vacation, only Qu Yingyi did not bring Yuanyuan, but Gu Chaoming wondered about Yuanyuan's little cleverness.

Qu Yingyi said that he wanted to accompany him to watch a movie, but he had never watched it together before. Gu Chaoming didn't have a movie that he particularly wanted to watch recently, but he had already aimed for a New Year's movie and was going to watch it together with Lin Jianfan during the Chinese New Year.

I remembered that I also watched the New Year movie with Lin Jianfan last year. By the way, there is also Su Bing. Su Bing said that Gu Chaoming was right when he saw sex and forgot his righteousness.

At that time, he hadn't been with Lin Jianfan, and he was happy because Su Bing thought they were showing affection and teasing them. Now Lin Jianfan is his real boyfriend.

In the movie I watched with Qu Yingyi, there was also a scene of campus love. In one scene, Qu Yingyi always secretly looked at him, but he couldn't help but ask: "Chaoming, you and your girlfriend... …”

girlfriend? !

Gu Chaoming, who was originally idle, was so nervous when he heard this question, he sat in an idle posture, and stammered a little: "It's okay, it's okay... Mom, don't ask, watch the movie seriously."

Qu Yingyi pursed her lips and smiled, this child has a secret.

But after a while, Qu Yingyi instructed: "You can be good to others, don't mess with me..."

"Oops, got it, got it, Mom, watch a movie, watch a movie."

During the whole winter vacation, Gu Chaoming was surrounded by Lin Jianfan. He watched the movie carefully and mentioned Lin Jianfan. In the second half of the movie, Gu Chaoming didn't watch it very carefully, and sent messages to Lin Jianfan from time to time.

He told Lin Jianfan yesterday that if he was going to see Qu Yingyi today, he might not see him.

Possibly, a vague word.

After saying goodbye to Qu Yingyi, Gu Chaoming immediately stopped a taxi and went straight to Lin Jianfan's house.

I just wanted to see him suddenly.

Since Lin Jianfan's accident, Gu Chaoming has been visiting Lin Jianfan's house every day without interruption. When he arrived at Lin Jianfan's house and saw Lin Jianfan's surprised expression, Gu Chaoming smiled at him, still carrying the roasted sweet potatoes he bought on the road.

Ma Lin would definitely not allow Lin Jianfan to eat these things, but Lin Jianfan said a few days ago that he wanted to eat it, and Gu Chaoming bought him one when he saw it on the road. Lin Jianfan secretly solved the sweet potatoes that Gu Chaoming bought together in the room.

Afraid that Ma Lin would see it, Gu Chaoming put the sweet potato in his pocket when he entered the door, and the sweet potato burned his hands red.

Hiding in the room together and secretly eating sweet potatoes, Lin Jianfan couldn't stop the smile on his face, no matter what, Lin Jianfan smiled.

When I bought sweet potatoes, I got a plastic spoon, and Lin Jianfan digs it with a small spoon to eat. Gu Chaoming sat next to Lin Jianfan, embraced Lin Jianfan's waist and opened his mouth to let him feed. Lin Jianfan took a spoonful and sent it to Gu Chaoming's mouth. When Gu Chaoming opened his mouth, Lin Jianfan retracted his hand again, pretending A spoon of sweet potato into his mouth.

"Okay, you tease me." Gu Chaoming pinched Lin Jianfan's waist. Lin Jianfan smiled and twisted his waist, Gu Chaoming grabbed Lin Jianfan's hand holding the sweet potato and quickly took a bite on the steaming sweet potato.

His mouth was scalded unexpectedly.

so hot

With his hot mouth, Gu Chaoming felt embarrassed, so he held back his words.

Lin Jianfan had seen it long ago, and Gu Chaoming asked him after biting it, "Is it hot?"

Gu Chaoming shook his head at first, but then he looked at Lin Jianfan's eyes like a dog with drooping ears and said weakly, "Hot."

The feeling of being scalded gradually disappeared, and Lin Jianfan leaned over: "Let me see, stop blistering."

"It's so hot that it won't blister." Gu Chaoming saw Lin Jianfan leaning over in the place where he had been scalded, the air was filled with the aroma of roasted sweet potatoes, Gu Chaoming swallowed, and changed his words: "You still Look, I'm afraid I don't feel enough in my mouth, I don't feel it myself."

In one sentence, Lin Jianfan knew what Gu Chaoming was thinking. Gu Chaoming bowed his head obediently and opened his mouth, Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming's mouth, nothing major.

"It's fine." Lin Jianfan deliberately turned his eyes away.

The diverted gaze made Gu Chaoming's full of expectations fail in the smell of sweet potatoes that filled the room.

When Gu Chaoming's expectations failed, Lin Jianfan came over again and kissed Gu Chaoming's lips with a quickness that Gu Chaoming couldn't grasp.

Gu Chaoming blinked frantically and looked at Lin Jianfan who pretended to be calm and ate sweet potatoes after kissing him as if nothing had happened.

Lin Jianfan snickered and turned his head, Gu Chaoming's face rushed in front of him in an instant, and his lips that smelled of sweet potatoes were covered.

He wrapped his arms around Gu Chaoming's neck, closed his eyes, and the sweet potato flavor passed through his mouth.

The whole sweet potato Gu Chaoming didn't eat much, it was all eaten by Lin Jianfan. Gu Chaoming could only ask for a little from his mouth if he wanted to eat it.

Slowly reaching out and hugging Lin Jianfan, there was a knock on the door just as the sweet potato taste in his mouth was strong.

"See Fan?" Lin Ma's voice.

The soft air full of sweet potato smell stiffened along with Gu Chaoming's arms hugging Lin Jianfan.

Seeing Fan's heart beating very fast, Lin Lin replied, "What's wrong?"

"Mom go out for a while, it's so late today, Chaoming will stay at our house for dinner."

"No, thank you Auntie." Gu Chaoming said quickly.

"It's alright, I also bought more food today. Please help to accompany Fan to see Fan. I'll go out for a while."

"...Okay." Gu Chaoming had to agree.

As soon as Lin Ma left, Gu Chaoming heard Lin Jianfan's laughter in his arms. The air was broken and cold, but Gu Chaoming still didn't let him go: "What are you laughing at?"

"Looking at how nervous you were just now, I was thinking about what you would be like if I told my mother about our relationship in the future." Lin Jianfan said with a smile.

"It was just a special thing just now," Gu Chaoming said, "but when you said that, I remembered that I was talking to my mother-in-law just now."

Gu Chaoming seemed to smile smugly.

Lin Jianfan pushed him away in disgust, but Gu Chaoming hugged him even more and leaned into his ear: "I came to see you so late today, and I brought the sweet potatoes you want to eat, don't you want to give me a reward?"

Lin Jianfan gently pushed Gu Chaoming's head away and said with a smile, "My mother doesn't know how to go out, don't you..."

"Going out, I heard the door closing, and I won't do anything out of the ordinary at your house."

Lin Jianfan blinked and looked at Gu Chaoming, and somehow retracted into Gu Chaoming's arms, resting his forehead on Gu Chaoming's shoulder, he whispered, "It's okay to be a little out of the ordinary."

Lin Jianfan's voice was very close to Gu Chaoming's ears, and when he heard these words, Gu Chaoming felt that his nosebleed was about to flow out.

So exciting.

"What?" Lin Jianfan raised his head and asked.

Gu Chaoming accidentally said what was in his heart. Seeing Lin Jianfan raise his face, Gu Chaoming felt his nose bleed, and quickly said, "I mean eating roasted sweet potatoes while hiding from your mother is too exciting."

Lin Jianfan took the initiative to come over, and Gu Chaoming could control the audience when he took the initiative, but when Lin Jianfan took the initiative, Gu Chaoming was a little overwhelmed, and let Lin see Fan approaching and licking and biting.

So exciting.

Gu Chaoming was talking about eating roasted sweet potatoes while hiding from Ma Lin.

Since the last time she promised Lin Jianfan to go out, Lin Ma's control of Lin Jianfan's freedom has relaxed a lot, and Lin Jianfan has been in a much better mood since Gu Chaoming brought him back from the previous school last time.

Lin Ma's control of Lin Jianfan's freedom loosened, Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan felt that they didn't dare to say it explicitly, and dared not ask. Gu Chaoming and Lin Ma felt that Lin Jianfan's mood was gradually getting better, but Gu Chaoming and Lin Ma did not dare to ask.

Gu Chaoming was caught in the middle, hoping that Lin Jianfan was really happy, and that Ma Lin really wanted to open up.

A few days before the Chinese New Year, Gu Chaoming also persuaded Ma Lin to let him go out with Lin Jianfan. In addition to taking Lin Jianfan with him, Gu Chaoming also called Cen Xili and Su Bing.

It's been a long time since I saw Lin Jianfan, Su Bing rushed over and hugged and hugged Lin Jianfan, who was a little shy, and called out every time he saw Fan.

Gu Chaoming pulled Su Bing away and finally pulled Lin Jianfan back from the brink of suicide. Gu Chaoming was afraid that Lin Jianfan would not like Su Bing's enthusiasm. After all, Lin Jianfan told him that he didn't know before going out. How to face Su Bing and the others.

"It's okay, they are all your good friends, aren't they?" Gu Chaoming comforted him.

Are they my best friends

"Look at the past, Su Bing and Xili, do you think they are your friends? If you still don't believe them, you can take them as my friends, and take me to take you to see my friends."

Gu Chaoming hoped that Lin Jianfan could have more contact with people other than him, and believe more in this world, and not always shrink in a small shell of only the two of them.

Both Cen Xili and Su Bing treated him very well, and Lin Jianfan didn't forget at all, he tried his best to summon the courage to contact them.

Gu Chaoming pushed aside Su Bing who was holding Lin Jianfan: "You pay me attention, don't give me such a mess."

"Oh, tsk tsk tsk, it's started again after you haven't seen it for a few days. I think you have to be careful, don't show your affection on the street." Gu Chaoming opened Su Bing's hand, and Su Bing opened his hand in turn and embraced him. Zhang Lin saw Fan walking ahead.

Gu Chaoming walked behind and looked at the two people in front of him and smiled.

"Are you cured?" Su Bing asked with concern as he embraced Lin Jianfan.

The reason why Lin Ma asked him for leave was that he was seriously ill.

"It's completely fine," Lin Jianfan said.

Su Bing's natural liveliness can make people quickly adapt to the new environment. It was no longer a new environment, but it was still a bit "new" to Lin Jianfan. Lin Jianfan turned slightly to look at Gu Chaoming, who was walking behind him. Gu Chaoming was talking to Cen Xili.

On the day they went out, the sun unexpectedly revealed its hidden figure. Cen Xili walked beside Gu Chaoming's left. Not knowing what funny words Gu Chaoming said, the two looked at each other and laughed.

The sun shines through Gu Chaoming's hair, illuminating Gu Chaoming's black hair a little brown, and Gu Chaoming's face is exposed in the winter sun.

Chatting with Cen Xili and noticing Lin Jiankan's gaze, Gu Chaoming turned his head and smiled at Lin Jianfan.

After receiving Gu Chaoming's smile, Lin Jianfan turned around and chatted with Su Bing in peace.

"Will you come to school next semester?" Su Bing asked him.

Lin Jianfan nodded and couldn't help but look back.

"The senior year took so long a leave, and the tutoring didn't come. If you don't come to school, I thought you would repeat the study, but you're not afraid of taking so much leave for your grades..." Su Bing continued chatteringly. , to avoid the cold scene where Lin Jianfan was so scared that he didn't know how to answer.

Everything seems to be the way it was.

Su Bing's enthusiasm and Cen Xili's thoughtfulness made Lin Jianfan feel as if his heart was warmed by the two of them when he was trying to get used to his old feelings, and it was like being lit by the winter sun like today.

Gu Chaoming followed him all the time without helping him. Gu Chaoming had never studied psychology. He just followed a little bit of inquiries, and followed what an 18-year-old boy thought was the right way to let Lin Jianfan accept the world again.

No matter how enthusiastic Su Bing was, and how considerate Cen Xili was, Lin Jianfan finally calmly stuck to Gu Chaoming's side when he got on the elevator, let it take its course, and approached him.

Gu Chaoming pursed his lips helplessly and looked at Lin Jianfan who was leaning beside him with a smile, and quietly touched the back of Lin Jianfan's hand in an elevator that was not crowded at all.

Lin Jianfan lowered his head and smiled secretly, thinking that he was going to stay at home completely during the winter vacation because of Gu Chaoming's hard work, he went to the school in the past, met his friends, accompany Gu Chaoming to buy New Year's fruit, and secretly did bad things in the room...

The entire expected boring winter vacation became colorful because of Gu Chaoming's efforts. Every time Gu Chaoming came to his house was his happiest moment.

In addition to taking Lin Jianfan to do bad things, Gu Chaoming also studied with Lin Jianfan. Sometimes I bring my homework to Lin Jianfan's house to do homework with him. While taking care of my senior year studies, I come to see him every day. I slept too late yesterday, and while doing it, Gu Chaoming fell asleep on the table.

Lin Jianfan found a blanket to cover Gu Chaoming, lying on the table and staring at Gu Chaoming, who was breathing evenly.

Thank you.

Thank you for your effort.

I also want to repay your efforts with my efforts.

After waking up, Gu Chaoming felt a little sore in his arms, and rubbed his eyes with dark circles due to sleeping late. The blanket covering him slipped off, and Gu Chaoming bent down to pick it up, feeling that Lin Jianfan beside him was gently pulling on his sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Gu Chaoming turned around and asked with the blanket picked up in his hand.

"That... Let's go to the movies on the first day of the new year? It's the same as last year." Lin Jianfan asked, grabbing Gu Chaoming's sleeve.

"Watching a movie?!" Gu Chaoming raised his eyebrows when he heard these three words, "How did you know my plan?"

Just woke up, but I haven't recovered. I listened to the question sentence of Lin Jianfan's invitation to watch the movie as a statement, thinking that Lin Jianfan knew about the itinerary he had prepared a long time ago, and after thinking about it carefully, I realized that Lin Jianfan was inviting him to watch the movie. Movie. After the sleepless energy passed, Gu Chaoming realized that he had missed his mouth.

"Let's go together then." Lin Jianfan, who couldn't express his gratitude, showed a third smile to Gu Chaoming.

The smile hit Gu Chaoming's heart, and Lin Jianfan asked him on the train, "Will life get better?"

Life is getting better little by little, and so are you.

The New Year is coming very fast. This is the second New Year that Gu Chaoming has spent alone. Compared with last year's loneliness, Gu Chaoming learned to enjoy, enjoy cooking a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner for one person, enjoy watching the fireworks of the New Year, and enjoy playing with the children in new clothes in the building...

The above is Gu Chaoming's imagined enjoyment, because knowing that Gu Chaoming's parents divorced, his mother remarried, and his father disappeared, Lin Ma asked Gu Chaoming to celebrate the New Year alone, and invited him to her house for the New Year.

Couldn't resist Lin Ma's warm invitation, mainly because Lin Jianfan kept shaking his hand under the table to make him agree.

In this way, Gu Chaoming spent the New Year at someone else's house for the first time.

On the days of family reunion, Lin Jianfan's grandma was taken over by Lin's father, who was often away from home, and Gu Chaoming obediently followed her and called her grandma.

The elderly like children, and the more lively the home, the better.

It's always a little uncomfortable to spend the New Year at someone else's house for the first time. Usually Lin Jianfan sticks to him, but on New Year's Day, he always sticks to Lin Jianfan. When Lin saw Fan, he would follow him, so as not to be caught alone by the elders to chat.

After following Lin Jianfan all day, Lin Ma laughed that they were really good brothers, and neither of them said a word.

Lin Jianfan took Gu Chaoming outside to get some air. Gu Chaoming grabbed a lump of snow on the ground and kneaded it into a snow ball. Lin Jianfan stood beside him and said, "My mother may want to treat you as my brother."

"Huh?" The snowball smashed into the distance and shattered into pieces. Gu Chaoming grabbed Lin Jianfan and said, "You are not my uncle... How many sons have you gone? Huh? It doesn't seem to be the eldest uncle, but the second uncle?"

Lin Jianfan's worried expression because of what Lin Ma said like a brother turned into a smile at Gu Chaoming.

Lin Jianfan thumped Gu Chaoming who was holding him: "I'm not your uncle's second son, so who am I?"

Gu Chaoming lowered his head and leaned over and said softly, "Who do you think you are?"

Lin Jianfan also learned to be funny: "I don't know if you don't tell me."

"Huh?" Gu Chaoming scratched Lin Jianfan's waist, "You don't even recognize your boyfriend, do you?"

Gu Chaoming let go when Lin saw Fan Zhi begging for mercy. Gu Chaoming hugged Lin Jianfan again: "Your mother just said it casually. When I really want to tell her in the future, I will definitely tell her, don't worry."

Lin Jianfan didn't speak. Gu Chaoming, who was a big New Year's Eve, didn't want him to think about it any more. Gu Chaoming tucked his palm into Lin Jianfan's collar. Lin Jianfan didn't jump up as Gu Chaoming thought. Shrink your neck.

Gu Chaoming sighed inwardly, not asking Lin Jianfan to be as enthusiastic as Su Bing, but only hoping that Lin Jianfan could have the vitality they should have at their age.

Now Lin Jianfan is like a pot of warm water that cannot be boiled.

Gu Chaoming did not insist, he embraced Lin Jianfan and planned to enter the house, only to find Lin Jianfan's grandmother standing by the window watching them when he turned around.

Gu Chaoming smiled at his grandmother and turned his head quickly. Seeing that Grandma Fan was so far away, he would definitely not be able to hear their conversation, but Gu Chaoming was still panicked.

If Lin Ma knew that she insisted on staying at her house for the New Year, Lin Jianfan's classmate was actually Lin Jianfan's boyfriend, I don't know what Lin Ma would think.

"Your grandma is watching us from the window." Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan.

"It's alright. She's been dying in recent years, and her ears can't hear much. When you called her, she heard it several times before she heard it clearly."

Grandma's health was dying. Lin Jianfan's mouth spit out these words like normal, but Gu Chaoming could hear his reluctance.

Guoguo is gone, and grandma's health is also not good, and his companions leave one by one.

Gu Chaoming touched Lin Jianfan's head, Lin Jianfan grabbed Yu Xue on the ground and pinched it into a small snowball and threw it out.

Gu Chaoming pressed Lin Jianfan's shoulders, and Lin Jianfan got closer to him: "Actually, I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid my grandma will leave me." Lin Jianfan's words were heavy and low.

Gu Chaoming patted him on the mouth: "Bah bah bah, what are you talking about, grandma is very good, she will definitely live a hundred years."

"If, I said, if she really leaves you one day, it means that it is a part of your growth. Growth is the process of slowly leaving you one by one, and when they leave you, When a new group of people enter your life. You can remember the people in the past, but you can't give up hope for the next life. Grandma is the person you may have to say goodbye to in the near future, and your parents are the person who will say goodbye in the future. People. Maybe I will say goodbye to you, maybe you will say goodbye to me when our hair is gray."

Gu Chaoming scratched Lin Jianfan's nose: "Let me say goodbye to you, after all, you are not too good at saying goodbye and always like to cry."

Said that he was someone who always cried, Lin Jianfan "stared" at Gu Chaoming, and Gu Chaoming laughed at him unabashedly.

Lin Jianfan listened to Gu Chaoming's words and thought, Gu Chaoming smiled and recalled a large paragraph of words that he had just played on the spot.

Lin Jianfan thought that his boyfriend was a mature man who could reason to comfort him, but he didn't know Gu Chaoming, who was hugging him and laughing at him, thought in his heart as he looked into the distance and thought: "Oh my god, I just Did you say something very reasonable?! I can actually say such a thing!"

Gu Chaoming always thought that he couldn't speak and would only fight with others.

Lin Jianfan, who didn't know Gu Chaoming was thinking about these things, turned his head and said to him, "Thank you, all the time."

Thank you, thank you, whether it was me who was willing to please people in the past, or me who would only retreat when faced with difficulties, you never gave up.

You are the brave man I want to learn. Even in the face of my difficulties, when I chose to give up, you did not choose to give up. Instead, you accompanied me, helped me, and worked harder than me.

Thank you.

Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming with unspeakable thank you in his eyes, and unspeakable thank you was reduced to a few simple words.

After talking about the big truths, Gu Chaoming seemed to have opened up the two veins of the governor. He smiled and said to Lin Jianfan: "Actually, I also want to thank you, not only for being with me, but also for your concern and trust in me.

"I know I'm not a particularly good person. Now I don't want to deny it anymore. I really learned a lot from my dad's bad temper, and I get angry at every turn. But thank you for not being scared away by my bad temper, If you were a little more timid, maybe at the beginning you patted me on the shoulder and I yelled at you, and the fate of the two of us was broken up.

"And I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Lin Jianfan asked curiously.

"I don't know if you still want to know what joke the doctor told me when you took me to the hospital to check the wound on my head."

"What joke?"

Gu Chaoming laughed a few times: "The doctor said your boyfriend is really handsome."

Lin Jian Fan Banxin looked at Gu Chaoming suspiciously: "I have every reason to suspect that you are lying to me."

Gu Chaoming laughed again: "I'm really lying to you, hahahahaha..."

Lin Jianfan hammered him a few more times: "Don't tease me, tell the truth."

To tell the truth, no matter how hard Gu Chaoming's smile was, he couldn't be as cheerful as just now. He smiled and said, "Actually, that day, I had nowhere to go, so I walked around the school. My father didn't let me go home. When I met you, you wanted to take me to the hospital. I was very happy to have someone to talk to with me. When I was in the car, I just thought, I was moved by a person I had only known for a day, and I felt that I had no ambition. , but at that time, I was the only one who was really lonely. After I checked it out, I saw you waiting for me outside with a schoolbag. It was like I had a home.

"Someone is waiting for me, what a joy that is. I was afraid of losing face in front of you, so I laughed and laughed, afraid that tears would fall. Later I heard that you were pleasing to others, and I was thinking, I It was a sincere emotion, but in the end, you were just trying to please, so I lost my temper at you when I met you at the sports meeting, so I said that I have a bad temper.

"Thank you for caring for me when I felt helpless. I was really, really lonely at that time. Even if you turned around to please establish a good relationship, I would like to thank you very much."

After speaking, Gu Chaoming laughed, spring and winter came, Gu Chaoming once again used a smile to cover up the tears pouring into his heart.

Gu Chaoming untied the many unknowns that Lin Jian and Fan Chen had sealed in his memory. So, the joke told by the doctor, why did Gu Chaoming suddenly lose his temper at him in the playground...

After knowing it, he was too sad, and just now he felt that a mature man was as fragile as a child.

Still at home, Lin Jianfan couldn't hug him, Lin Jianfan learned Gu Chaoming's amusing comforting method and said, "Are we a draw? You know my past, and I also know your heart knot. I said 'don't look back, look forward', I may not have done it yet, but I will try to do it, so you don't have to think about those things again, okay? Even if your dad comes to you later, I will accompany you With you, and promise me not to bear it anymore, I must call the police, I must not be like before, domestic violence is intolerable, you know?"

Lin Jianfan felt that he was not qualified to say the last sentence, nor did he use the correct method when faced with violence.

When the violence came, he did not treat it correctly, and Gu Chaoming absolutely could not.

He should live in the sun.

Do not.

He himself is light.