
Chapter 138


The third year of high school was full of revisions. During the overwhelming examination papers and tests, Gu Chaoming learned to take time out of his busy schedule. He was always with Lin Jianfan greasy on his days off or during breaks. Su Bing never corrected himself when he complained. show off.

In the tense moment of high school, who is the most leisurely among the three auspicious three treasures? Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili will definitely vote for Su Bing.

Gu Chaoming was just taking a break from his busy schedule, while Su Bing was completely free all day. The senior three classes were strictly controlled, and almost no one didn't listen. Cen Xili didn't know whether Su Bing was listening or not. He was alone in class, and only the English class was the most jumpy.

Reminding him that the college entrance examination was imminent, Su Bing didn't panic at all, as if he was winning. Although Su Bing looks careless and giggles everywhere, Su Bing is the most far-sighted person among the three of them.

Gu Chaoming felt that renting a house would take an unknown amount of time. Su Bing could get him a lot of information in a short time, and he would also accompany him to see the house. He rented the house where he lives now at a price he didn't expect.

Gu Chaoming thanked Su Bing very much and reminded Su Bing that he was about to take the college entrance examination for him to study. Su Bing said that they should not worry. Gu Chaoming really had confidence in him.

In the days when Gu Chaoming in the third year of high school was under the pressure of knowledge every day, Su Bing also talked about love.

Since Su Bing's true love sister graduated, Su Bing has been single for most of his senior year, and announced to them one afternoon that he has a girlfriend.

Gu Chaoming looked at Su Bing in disbelief but seemed to take it for granted. Who made him Su Bing? Anything could happen to him. It's not his style to be flat, let alone a new girlfriend in the third year of high school. , Gu Chaoming was surprised and quickly accepted.

"Sophomore year?" Gu Chaoming asked.

As soon as Gu Chaoming's words came out, Su Bing was surprised: "How do you know?"

Gu Chaoming smiled mysteriously. He found that Su Bing liked to find girlfriends younger or older than him, but he didn't like to find girlfriends the same age as him. Su Bing didn't discover it himself, but was discovered by Gu Chaoming first.

Su Bing and his girlfriend broke up after being together for more than half a month. They didn't give any specific reasons. They didn't make any fuss at all, as if they were no longer in love. Gu Chaoming couldn't understand that feeling. He was still thinking about how to rent a house in the university.

Maybe it feels best not to understand Su Bing, Gu Chaoming thought.

Su Bing's lovelorn doesn't show any sadness. It's exactly the same as when he was in love. He still doesn't know what he's doing in get out of class, and he jumps around after class. Gu Chaoming thought that it should be said that Su Bing was like this throughout his third year of high school, no matter if he was in love or not.

Su Bing's high school senior year's love for more than half a month is like the leaves falling from the pool. There was only a ripple when they were together and when they broke up. Let Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili know the news. Gu Chaoming can forget Su Bing when he is busy. Talking about love.

This time, Su Bing did not give them the sweetness to supplement their lives as before, nor did he show off his romance. When Gu Chaoming showed his affection, Su Bing did not propose his girlfriend to resist.

Because of this, Su Bing's girlfriend has too little presence in Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili. Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili have never seen Su Bing's girlfriend. Gu Chaoming asked Su Bing if he was playing like before

Su Bing looked at him and stared straight into his eyes for several seconds, staring at Gu Chaoming who thought that Su Bing had met the "second senior sister", but this time when it was a junior high school girl, Su Bing seemed to be lying again. He smiled at him: "I just looked very affectionate, right? Hahahahaha..."

Gu Chaoming felt cheated, and he felt that Su Bing's eyes just now were real, and he couldn't tell.

Gu Chaoming clapped Su Bing's back in anger: "Why are you doing the same thing as Guan Hui? You speak so out of tune."

Su Bing smiled, Gu Chaoming seemed to see deep affection and lonely affection in Su Bing's eyes again, Gu Chaoming couldn't tell, he felt that he was too rough, and even more emotionally.

Gu Chaoming still wanted to ask, but Su Bing changed the subject to Guan Hui: "When you talk about Guan Hui, I haven't seen anyone this semester. Why is he afraid of disturbing Xili? I'm not even in the third year of high school."

Gu Chaoming didn't say anything about Guan Hui whom he met that night. Guan Hui didn't look for Cen Xili since that night in the next semester of his senior year, indicating that he had taken his words into consideration. Now that you have listened and given up, don't bother him anymore.

"Maybe... give up." Gu Chaoming said.

Su Bing was silent, and Gu Chaoming asked, "Don't you hate him?"

"I just hate him for being ambiguous and funny, and he doesn't have a formal appearance. The rest... He's pretty good," Su Bing said, "Maybe it's better to give up, he likes the truth and only likes You Sanjin. Xi Li is also very tired."

Su Bing's tone was deep and mature, Gu Chaoming looked at him, he really couldn't tell whether the affection in Su Bing's eyes was true or false.

Su Bing's affection is not clear to Gu Chaoming, but Li Zhao's love for Shi Cancan is well known. As for whether Shi Cancan knows or not, Gu Chaoming guesses that he knows.

Su Bing's love ended in a short week, and the long one could last a little longer. This is Gu Chaoming's good point. Su Bing's love time was short, and Li Zhao's secret love time was so long that he didn't know when it started or where it ended.

A few days ago, Su Bing also ridiculed that Li Zhao was a "coward in love". A few days later, Li Zhao's love reached the end at the speed of light.

Li Zhao is Lin Jianfan's good brother, and the first person Lin Jianfan came to the school to ask him to have dinner with and say sorry to him. Lin Jianfan hadn't told Li Zhao about the matter with Gu Chaoming, he didn't have this plan yet. Lin Jianfan didn't tell Li Zhao, but Li Zhao told him everything about his "broken love".

Lin Jianfan, who can't comfort others, stammered desperately to find a way to comfort Li Zhao, who was brokenhearted.

Gu Chaoming came over to look for Lin Jianfan with the book in hand. Gu Chaoming was a little speechless, so he managed to find time in the afternoon to run out in the sun to review with Lin Jianfan. He wanted to say something to Lin Jianfan that others couldn't hear, and Su Bing and Cen Xili came to him halfway through the review, and basked in the sun with them, Gu Chaoming could only really review.

Gu Chaoming put the book on his face helplessly. He thought that the four-person walk was already the most crowded today. After a few minutes, Li Zhao came over and directly called Lin Jianfan away.

Gu Chaoming: "???? My beautiful afternoon!!!"

When Lin saw that Fan was not here, Su Bing was arguing in his ear again, and Gu Chaoming wanted to sleep under his book.

After basking in the sun together and about to go to class, Gu Chaoming, Su Bing and Cen Xili walked over to look for Lin Jianfan to return to the teaching building.

When he came to see Li Zhao with a disappointed look on his face, Gu Chaoming hadn't opened his mouth to ask, but Lin Jianfan secretly told him not to ask.

Unlike Lin Jianfan and Gu Chaoming, Su Bing walked over and put his arm on Li Zhao's shoulder: "What's the matter? Brother."

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan who was staying with Li Zhao, and asked with his eyes, "What happened to Li Zhao?"

Before Lin Jianfan could answer Gu Chaoming with his eyes, Li Zhao said first: "It's not a big deal, so I'm broken."

Reluctant tone.

Su Bing heard it as soon as he heard it, and said as if he had experienced a lovelorn together through thick and thin: "What's the big deal? Did she reject you?"

Li Zhao shook his head, Su Bing frowned slightly: "Why did you fall out of love without rejecting you? She asked you to wait and let her figure it out?"

It's not a breakup, it's just that you may be preparing for a breakup.

Li Zhao didn't speak or shook his head, Su Bing patted Li Zhao's shoulder: "Brother, you're fine, I finally dared to confess my secret love for so many years, I have to be confident in myself, like for so many years, Shi Cancan said wait, it means she is still Considering you, I still like you, not a complete rejection..."

As soon as Su Bing opened his mouth to comfort others, Lin saw that Fan admired him. He stumbled and stumbled for a long time without saying anything. Su Bing came to comfort him, but he made a mistake in the comfort question at the very beginning.

"What," Li Zhao interrupted Li Zhao who was comforting him, "I'm really hopeless, I've seen her with other boys."

One sentence made Su Bing's previous words in vain.

Su Bing stopped talking and pursed his lips. After Li Zhao finished speaking, no one spoke again, and the class bell was awkwardly inserted at this time.

Li Zhao stood up: "I'll go back to class first."

Those left behind, look at me, I look at you, and return to the classroom under the urging of the bell.

During the stable days of high school, Li Zhao's lovelorn was slowly submerged in the sky-filled homework. One week after Li Zhao fell out of love in Mantian's homework, Gu Chaoming learned from Lin Jianfan another piece of news that puzzled him - Li Zhao was ready to confess!

Um? When Gu Chaoming heard the news, his head was full of question marks: "Who should I confess to? Does he like someone again?"

"And Shi Cancan." Lin Jianfan said.

"Shi Cancan? Doesn't she have a boyfriend? Li Zhao said it himself."

"That was Shi Cancan's brother. He came back to pick her up from school a few days ago and was seen by Li Zhao, and then Li Zhao thought it was Shi Cancan's boyfriend."

Shi Cancan's boyfriend turned into a brother

Gu Chaoming never thought that such a bloody thing would happen to him.

As soon as I learned from Lin Jianfan that Li Zhao was going to confess to Shi Cancan, Gu Chaoming immediately received a message from Su Bing. Su Bing persuaded him to see Li Zhao's confession just as he persuaded him to see his girlfriend when the second year of high school started.

"Do you mind Li Zhao?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"Not at all, he's quite happy." Su Bing said.

After school, he really arrived at the scene, hiding not far away without any hidden skills, waiting for the arrival of the two confessing protagonists. Su Bing was late, and Gu Chaoming knew why Li Zhao agreed with them.

Su Bing handed each of them a rose, and he had a big bag of things in his hand. This is the visual sense. How does Gu Chaoming feel so familiar

In the previous games, he played against You Xin, and Su Bing also had such a big battle.

Li Zhao had the courage to believe in Su Bing, and Gu Chaoming could imagine how embarrassing this confession would be, but before Gu Chaoming had waited for the embarrassing moment, he received a call.

Gu Chaoming was busy worrying about Li Zhao, and while Su Bing arranged for Shi Cancan to deliver flowers when he came, he took out the ringing mobile phone in his pocket.

"Hello." Gu Chaoming picked up.

"When the crying bag comes, you will be the first to give it to Xili, the second to see Fan, and the third to Gu Shuai. Finally, I will take you to the place where you are going to stand, so don't mess around." Su Bing Like his father, he is very leader-like, arranging what everyone has to do in Li Zhao's confession process.

Su Bing once jokingly said like the rich second generation in the TV series: "I don't want to be like my dad, I don't want to inherit my family's property."

Now he looks like a leader, Cen Xili laughed at him: "Actually, you are quite like your father."

Su Bing didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit it: "He's my dad, can I be different from him?"

He smiled at Cen Xili and found that Gu Chaoming was answering the phone. Su Bing put his voice soft and did not disturb Gu Chaoming, but he could take another look at Gu Chaoming. Gu Chaoming's light expression before answering the phone suddenly became heavy.

Gu Chaoming's whole body froze like a Beijing opera changing face.

Seeing his weird appearance, Su Bing reached out to pat him and asked what was wrong.

Su Bing's hand had just stretched out, before he touched Gu Chaoming, who was instantly stiff.

The rose in Gu Chaoming's hand fell to the ground.

As if announcing something.

The bright roses fell on the asphalt road, and the fine dust that fluttered slipped into the gaps of the petals. The falling rose caught everyone's attention, except Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming stayed where he was, with his arms in the posture of answering the phone, what was being said on the other end of the phone, Gu Chaoming listened, his eyes gradually became dull, as if he was trying to grasp something to rely on.

After a phone call, Gu Chaoming suddenly felt that the world had changed. Hearing the words of the man on the other end of the phone and understanding the meaning, Gu Chaoming's thoughts seemed to be weighed down by a heavy object, so heavy that he couldn't believe it. The weight was removed, and later thoughts floated out of the body.

For a time, unbelievable gravity and an unreal sense of nothingness enveloped him.

The person on the other end of the phone was still talking, confirming to him that Gu Chaoming's mind was so shocked by the sudden news that the rose that he couldn't hold fell to the ground, but he still answered the other party politely consciously, as if he was serious. listen.

The people who were busy and ready to confess to Li Zhao were all still, their eyes stayed on the falling rose for a moment and then turned to Gu Chaoming.

Being stared at by his brother and boyfriend, Gu Chaoming felt nothing, he was still talking to the other party. Lin Jianfan's worried eyes did not dare to leave Gu Chaoming's face.

Gu Chaoming was on the phone all the time, and Lin Jianfan kept rubbing his index finger and thumb on the rose handle worriedly for Gu Chaoming. The roses bought from the flower shop had their thorns cut off, and the epidermis was scraped off under Lin Jianfan's nervous friction.

The audience was solemn and quiet, waiting for Gu Chaoming to answer the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Chaoming found that his hand was empty. He looked down and saw that the rose fell to the ground. He squatted down and picked it up. Su Bing was the first to react and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Gu Chaoming's expression changed too fast, and Lin Jianfan didn't dare to speak.

Picking up the roses on the ground, Gu Chaoming patted the dust on the roses as if he didn't care, and said in a tone of "bring a packet of salt when my mother called me home": "The police just called me. Said my dad died and overdose on drugs."

The shocking content of the words, under the cover of Gu Chaoming's calm tone, took two or three seconds to get everyone exclaimed.

"What? Your dad?" Su Bing's reaction was the biggest and fastest.

Cen Xili held the rose in his hand in silence, and his slightly opened mouth revealed his surprise when he heard Gu Chaoming's words.

Gu Chaoming turned to look at Lin Jianfan who was beside him, and Lin Jianfan was looking at him. Lin Jianfan was introverted and plain, and he was so lively only in front of him. Lin Jianfan didn't speak, but Gu Chaoming read surprise and worry in his eyes, as well as his own overwhelm.

Gu Tao left? Gu Tao, who asked others to send money to Gu Chaoming a month ago, left? Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming, who was wrong after hearing the news. He couldn't open his mouth for a while, and he didn't know what to say, whether it was comfort or what, he didn't know.

He just looked at Gu Chaoming like this, Gu Chaoming told him not to worry and smile. After smiling at Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming stretched out his hand without the rose, and put a hand on the worried Lin Jianfan's head: "He's dead, why are you so worried?"

When Lin Jianfan grabbed Gu Chaoming's hand, he mustered up the courage to express his concern for Gu Chaoming in front of Su Bing and Cen Xili for the first time, and also indirectly pierced Gu Chaoming's disguise.

"I'm not worried about your dad, I'm worried about you."

Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming who didn't look good, but Gu Chaoming still smiled: "Worry about what I'm doing?"

Gu Chaoming omitted a sentence.

I'm not happy enough.

Why not say it? Because you don't think so, because you don't want to lie

Didn't you just want him to die? You're free when he dies! Why are you unhappy? Because Gu Tao gave you money before he died? Or can't you say it as a son

Gu Chaoming could not deny that after knowing Gu Tao's death, he felt a sense of relief in his heart, but he couldn't say those words.

Think of it as being too soft-hearted, Gu Chaoming thought.

Gu Tao had already left this world, Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan in the world where Gu Tao had left, and looked at Cen Xili and Su Bing.

An overwhelming sense of unreality enveloped him.

Seeing everyone's worried faces for him, he understood Lin Jianfan's thoughts and fears at that moment, he was afraid that they would talk about this, and he was afraid to see their worried expressions on their faces.

He chose to disguise, pretending not to care.

What kind of person Gu Tao is, you know best, don't you? Haven't you been beaten enough yet

When he died, you should be relieved and happy, eighteen-year-old Gu Chaoming thought.

Gu Chaoming, who is not familiar with the world, does not understand the world, and is still very emotionally sensitive, can't understand his mood at this moment, he just tries to smile, tries to pretend he doesn't care, and tries to pass the rose to Su Bing in the most ordinary manner: "I I have to tell my mother about this, I will not participate in Li Zhao's confession, I will go to my mother first."

After speaking, Gu Chaoming turned his head and specifically said to Lin Jianfan, "I'm leaving first."

Lin Jianfan did not nod or shake his head.

Gu Chaoming waved at them, Lin Jianfan kept staring at his back until Gu Chaoming disappeared into the dusk of sight.

Gu Chaoming didn't know what was wrong with him, and his consciousness urged him to call Qu Yingyi. I don't want Qu Yingyi and Gu Tao to have anything to do with each other, but Gu Chaoming knows that this is not something he can handle alone.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Chaoming walked by the roadside blankly. The traffic on the road was fast, the red lights at the rear of the car were on, and pedestrians on the side of the road were scurrying.

Everyone was at their own pace, and Gu Chaoming felt surrounded by a sense of distortion.

It turns out that a world without Gu Tao is like this. Gu Chaoming is like a creature who has just arrived in this world, accepting this new world little by little, accepting the fact that Gu Tao died in a place he did not know.

Distortion wrapped around him, wrapped around him like a silkworm chrysalis.

Gu Chaoming saw Qu Yingyi in the sense of distortion, and handled Gu Tao's funeral together with Qu Yingyi in the sense of distortion.

When he saw Gu Tao's body being carried out, the sense of distortion that wrapped him fell to the ground in disarming and disarming.

The feeling of falling heavily into reality from the air was something Gu Chaoming had never tried before.

This is the first time that Gu Chaoming has faced death as an adult.

The death of an abusive father.

Seeing the body wrapped in white cloth, Gu Chaoming felt that his lacrimal glands were made of stone, because he couldn't shed a single tear.

The heart is a well covered, suppressed and breathless.

Fallen leaves pays attention to returning to the root, his son died, although grandma knew that her son was stubborn and unwilling to live up to his expectations, she still cried for him with bad eyes and tears. Grandma wanted to bury Gu Tao's body on the mountain on her own side. The old man's wish, Qu Yingyi took Gu Chaoming back to his hometown without any objection.

After hearing enough of the neighbors' gossip, Gu Tao gave him money and Gu Chaoming asked Zhou Han what he heard from the neighbors, trying to piece together a truth that might not be the truth from the neighbors' gossip.

He wanted to know what Gu Tao had done to have so much money when he didn't know it.

Some people said that Gu Tao was tricked into MLM sales, so it was only then that he said he was going to make a fortune. Some people said that Gu Tao went outside to do business, and some people said that Gu Tao owed a lot of money playing cards, so he hid outside, and he didn't even want his son.

There are many theories, but Gu Chaoming thinks it is too outrageous when he wants to piece it together. Until returning to his hometown, amid the mourning music and the cries of the dodging grandma, Gu Chaoming learned from Qu Yingyi that Gu Tao was tricked into taking drugs, and then tricked into pyramid schemes.

He felt that Gu Tao took up two of the outrageous things at once. Gu Chaoming, who had never been able to believe it, heard Qu Yingyi say these things in the hut behind the mourning hall at this moment. horrible.

Gu Chaoming opened the closed door and went out. The white-haired grandmother sent the black-haired man, and as soon as the door was opened, she could hear her crying.

Grandma has bad eyes and bad legs. Gu Chaoming didn't come back often, and he didn't come back very often during the Chinese New Year, so he was not familiar with this little old lady. Gu Chaoming knew that it was his grandma, but he didn't have the intimacy of ordinary people with grandma. Seeing that grandma was crying so sadly, Gu Chaoming wanted to go over to comfort him, but he couldn't say anything, and he couldn't say anything.

With a heart of comfort, Gu Chaoming walked past his grandmother. After passing by, I regretted it, waited outside for a while, pretended to have something to do, walked in, sat next to my grandmother, patted the little old lady on the back, and persuaded her not to be too sad.

At the funeral, Gu Chaoming, a tall man of about 1.8 meters, watched the adults busy and felt that he could not be of much help. He didn't know the funeral process either, so he could only go there to help when others called him.

After the funeral that couldn't help much, Gu Chaoming and Qu Yingyi took an extra day off at home for Gu Chaoming's grandmother.

Grandma lost her husband and son, and lived alone in her hometown. Qu Yingyi has a new home. After Gu Tao left, Gu Chaoming lived alone, and no one could take care of this little old lady.

After the funeral, the home returned to its usual deserted state. Gu Chaoming carried his luggage into the car, sat by the car window and watched Qu Yingyi and his grandmother talking on the roadside.

Qu Yingyi got in the car, and her grandmother was still standing by the roadside. The car started, grandma was still standing on the side of the road.

Gu Chaoming stared out the window, the old lady was short and the car was driving fast, the short old lady disappeared from Gu Chaoming's sight in a blink of an eye.

Maybe we'll never see each other again. Gu Chaoming didn't know why he thought so when he looked back.

Qu Yingyi handed him a bottle of water: "Now that your dad is gone, mom doesn't worry about you being at home alone. You are about to take the college entrance examination. Mom wants to say... I'll take you over to live with you."

I heard this similar sentence again. The last time I met Lin Jianfan, and now that he was about to graduate from high school, I heard this sentence again.

The last time he waited was to keep a good mother image in his heart, what about this time

What about the old lady who doesn't like him? Will she let him live in

Gu Chaoming wanted to say that he could do it alone, but he didn't want Qu Yingyi to know that he rented a house outside. It was his and Lin Jianfan's home. Qu Yingyi knew that the risk was too great, but Qu Yingyi As if reading his mind, he said to him, "Grandma Yuanyuan doesn't live with us anymore, he and grandpa Yuanyuan went to live with his eldest son."

Gu Chaoming remained silent, promising Qu Yingyi that living in the past was an unknown journey, and Gu Chaoming did not want to break the current tranquility.

He wanted to stay at home with Lin Jianfan after returning home, and use the most ordinary life to slowly forget about Gu Tao, forget about Gu Tao's death, forget about Gu Tao's beating on him, and forget about Gu Tao's abuse and madness.

Everything can be forgotten, Gu Chaoming quietly touched the circular scar on the back of his hand, which is unforgettable here, as well as the beating thing under his chest.

Gu Chaoming didn't want to agree to Qu Yingyi, he turned his head to look at Qu Yingyi, but when he really wanted to tell Qu Yingyi that he could do it alone, he didn't dare to look into Qu Yingyi's eyes.

Gu Chaoming glanced at Qu Yingyi, and withdrew his retreating gaze: "I can find a house by myself."

The second he said this, he already felt Qu Yingyi's guilt, he hurriedly used his joking skills, didn't want to laugh but laughed and said: "What does it look like if I lived in the past, although I also really want to It's round, but I still want to live alone, how free it is."

Gu Chaoming said with a smile, Qu Yingyi looked at him speechlessly.

It was a rest day when he went back. When he returned to Lin Jianfan's house, Gu Chaoming unpacked his luggage and put away his things.

After packing up his luggage, Gu Chaoming sat on the sofa and wanted to take a bath. The house is still the same as before, Gu Chaoming sat on the sofa and looked around, the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, bedroom...

Looking around a person's home, Gu Chaoming went to the bedroom and took out the cigarettes he had locked in the cabinet.

He hasn't smoked for a long time, and today I don't know how to take it out again.

Sitting back on the sofa and lighting one, the smell is still familiar after quitting. At this time, the cigarette seems to be a perfect match for his mood and the quietness of the home.

The windows were not open, and the smell of smoke was trapped in the living room. The sound of the door opening caused Gu Chaoming, who was thinking about something, to take a breath of cigarette and coughed continuously on the sofa.

Only he and Lin Jianfan had the keys to this house. Before Gu Chaoming could put out the smoke, he was caught by Lin Jianfan while coughing on the sofa.

"Why are you smoking again? Didn't you stop smoking?" Lin Jianfan walked to him and asked.

There was no ashtray on the coffee table, so Gu Chaoming casually found something that could extinguish the cigarette on the coffee table and pressed it out. After pressing it, he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and opened it.

The wind from Xia and Chun blew into the room, neither cool nor warm, Gu Chaoming pulled Lin Jianfan to sit on the sofa and leaned against his shoulder.

"My mother told me to move to her place." Gu Chaoming said.

"What do you mean?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"Me?" Gu Chaoming looked at the cigarette that was extinguished on the coffee table and shook his head, "I refused."

Gu Chaoming's words suddenly changed: "See Fan, I told you at the beach that I once thought about killing my dad, right?"

Lin Jianfan nodded, and he took Gu Chaoming's hand: "Don't think about it, he's already gone."

"I know."

Lin Jianfan took Gu Chaoming's hand and stroked it, touching the ring scar on Gu Chaoming's hand.

Gu Chaoming leaned on his shoulder and said slowly: "Before I met you, I thought I was just like this, my grades were so bad that I didn't have the motivation to study, I was chaotic.

"I was actually quite scared when I heard that the son of a mouse would make a hole. I was afraid that I would become like my dad, addicted to alcohol, beating people, and violent.

"After you saw my ugliness, I just wanted to find a hole to dig in. Later, I realized that my life can still be changed, and it can be improved a little bit. It turned out that I was still a little saved, but when I When my life got better, he reappeared, and I thought he was here to ask for money again, and I used to really want to kill him, you know, like killing him would make my life better.

"I was afraid that when he showed up, my life would go back to the way it was, back to the room with the damp roof as soon as I opened my eyes. I used to think I was going to spend some of my life in prison, but now he Dead. He died himself, I didn't kill him, he died just like that, and I don't know what I should do now."

Gu Chaoming spoke slowly, and he could say what was in his heart to Lin Jianfan. He would only tell Lin Jianfan what he had buried in his heart, and others could not be trusted. When he was in his hometown, Gu Chaoming wanted to tell Lin Jianfan very much, but Lin Jianfan was not around.

He held back, and after he went home, he waited until Lin Jianfan came to look for him, and then he spoke slowly.

Gu Chaoming said his thoughts in a calm tone, as if it was not a big deal, Lin Jianfan touched the ring scar on Gu Chaoming's hand and answered him in a calm tone: "He is your father, he was not killed by you. , his death has nothing to do with you, even if you thought about killing him, it's not your fault that he died."

Lin Jianfan paused and said, "You have earned a good life yourself, not someone who can bring it to you, nor can I, but I can fight with you together."

After listening to Lin Jianfan's words, Gu Chaoming felt a lot more at ease. Lin Jianfan was not a good comforter. His words didn't even help him, but in Gu Chaoming's heart, it was the best medicine.

He wanted to hear Lin Jianfan's consolation.

They sat in the living room for a long time, Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan chatted for a long time, from Gu Tao to Li Zhao's confession that he missed the day he left.

He knew through Lin Jianfan that Li Zhao's long-distance running with a secret love ended that day.

Shi Cancan rejected him, even though he liked her for so many years.

Li Zhao, who was rejected, smiled reluctantly. He tried his best to persuade himself not to make a fool of himself in front of Shi Cancan even if he was rejected.

He thought it was time for him to give up.

Nothing has changed, it's just that a person who has loved her for more than ten years has given up

Nothing had changed, just the beast that had trapped him for eighteen years died on his own.

The wind blowing between spring and summer outside the window, Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan's hand stroking his ring scar.

The summer he was looking forward to is coming soon.

The author has something to say: Gu Tao is offline