
Chapter 17


The scorching sun in the afternoon made the book cover slightly hot, and a geography book was placed on top, to withstand the merciless scorching of the sun.

When he picked up the book he was going to move in the canteen, Lin Jianfan realized that a part of his book was missing. The top book was originally a political exercise book, but now it has become a geography textbook. As soon as Lin Jianfan turned his head, he found that the political exercise book he had covered on the top ran over to the book that Gu Chaoming had moved.

Gu Chaoming didn't say a word, and when Lin saw Fan wanted to say "thank you" to him, Gu Chaoming was already walking forward with the book in hand.

Lin Jianfan said thank you to his mouth, and swallowed it whole again.

Sprite and yogurt were placed on the pile of books. In order to keep up with Gu Chaoming and Su Bing in front of him, Lin Jianfan stepped quickly, and the sprite and yogurt on the pile of books in his hand tilted to one side. Lin Jianfan moved the book desperately to keep it safe. Balance so that Sprite and Yogurt don't fall.

As soon as Gu Chaoming turned around, he saw Lin Jianfan trying to lean slightly to keep the drink bottle balanced on the book. Lin Jianfan tried to use his chin to press against Sprite to control the cylindrical Sprite not to run around.

Lin Jianfan was all about maintaining Sprite's balance, and noticed that Gu Chaoming in front of him turned back to look at him, Lin Jianfan himself felt that this posture was stupid. Lin Jianfan embarrassedly looked away from Gu Chaoming.

Looking away, a hand with a broken knuckle picked up the Sprite on the stack of books.

The liquid in the bottle swayed, and blood scabs congealed on Gu Chaoming's fingers.

"I'll get it for you." Gu Chaoming wanted to say.

Before he could say anything, Lin Jianfan said first: "Just help me put Sprite and yogurt in my pocket."

"...Okay." Gu Chaoming held the book in one hand and the Sprite bottle into Lin Jianfan's school uniform pocket.

Walking into the classroom with books in his arms, Cen Xili in the classroom heard the movement and looked up to see Gu Chaoming and Su Bing each carrying a pile of books and sweating profusely into the classroom, followed by school pants pockets with Sprite on one side and yogurt on the other. Lin sees Fan.

The three put the books in their hands on Lin Jianfan's desk, and the originally empty desk was suddenly crowded.

A red line was pressed by the weight of the book, and Lin Jianfan didn't care. Cen Xili came over to help him pack up his textbooks, and told him which ones to use now and which ones he didn't.

Lin Jianfan and Cen Xili were busy dividing books, and Gu Chaoming picked up the mineral water bottle on the table after finishing the coolie to collect water.

"Xili, do you want to catch the water?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Cen Xili arranged the pile of books in his hand and shook his head: "I have water."

"That's fine." Gu Chaoming walked to the water dispenser with the mineral water bottle alone, pressed the switch, and the blue water bucket made a clunk sound. While picking up the water, he checked the time and looked at the clock on the blackboard in the classroom. Gu Chaoming suddenly remembered something.

"Xili." Gu Chaoming came over after receiving the water and called Cen Xili.

"What's wrong?" Cen Xili turned around.

Lin Jianfan also raised his head, only to see Gu Chaoming raised his head and took a sip of the freshly drawn water from the mineral water bottle, and then said, "Did Lao Chen say that the class was going to be changed yesterday, so he is in the last class today? "

Gu Chaoming vaguely seemed to remember such a thing.

Cen Xili showed Lin Jianfan the books he had sorted out, and said to Gu Chaoming, "It's not about changing classes..."

Before Cen Xili finished speaking, Su Bing appeared out of nowhere: "Old Chen directly takes up the class, and the history teacher has something to do."

"The kind that takes up class and doesn't bring it back," Su Bing spread his hands, and patted Gu Chaoming's shoulder, "Gu Shuai doesn't listen to lectures in class."

"Why are you everywhere, are you not going back to your seat?" Gu Chaoming said.

"I miss you. If you don't see each other for one day, it's like three autumns. We don't know how many autumns it has been since we haven't seen each other in a few minutes."

Gu Chaoming slapped Su Bing's hand down with a slap: "Bum, I want to go back to you, we don't welcome you."

"I'm not welcome now. If you want to welcome me in the future, I can't sit here." Su Bing retracted his hand and said.

The place where he could run over to chat with Cen Xili and Gu Chaoming in class was already occupied by freshmen. Lin Jianfan couldn't understand what Su Bing meant, so he carefully packed his books while listening to them chatting.

Su Bing said and looked at Lin Jianfan, who was carefully sorting out the textbooks. Lin Jianfan lowered his head to deal with the books on the desk, but did not see Su Bing's smirk.

Su Bing wanted to tease him deliberately when he saw Lin and Fan being honest.

Su Bing patted Lin Jianfan's desk and said, "I was sitting here yesterday. I can't sit here as soon as you come. What should I do?"

"Ah?" Lin Jianfan was dumbfounded by Su Bing's words.

Lin Jianfan thought that he had just arrived, they would not have their own business to chat, and the topic would not fall on him. Usually this is the case, but who let Lin Jianfan meet Su Bing, a self-acquaintance.

After Su Bing said this, Lin saw that Fan's mind was empty, and he couldn't say anything when he opened his mouth.

Gu Chaoming tightened the water bottle cap on the side, knowing that Su Bing was kidding again.

Gu Chaoming took the twisted mineral water bottle and put it on the table. When he turned around, the water bottle hadn't touched the desk. Gu Chaoming first heard Lin Jianfan's second sentence today, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry." Lin Jianfan Zhang opened his mouth for a long time and said these three words.

Gu Chaoming, who turned his back and turned his back to Lin Jianfan, frowned.

Why does he like to say sorry so much? Say sorry for everything.

Su Bing, who has always liked to slap people, frowned slightly when he heard Lin Jianfan's sudden and unwarranted "I'm sorry". Su Bing just wanted to tease him, but who would have thought that a new transfer student would apologize so seriously.

Gu Chaoming put the water in, turned around and heard their "lucky three treasures" diplomat Cen Xili said to Lin Jianfan: "Don't listen to his nonsense, he doesn't sit here at all, he sits where he sits in class. You sit now. There was no one sitting in this position before, so he would make fun of you, don't trust him."

"Don't expose me, Xi Li, I'm here to express my love for you, that's why I came here." After speaking, Su Bing looked at the serious Lin Jianfan, coughed and said to Lin Jianfan, "Don't It's okay, I'm sorry."

Su Bing has never seen anyone who apologized after a serious sentence.

Lin Jianfan didn't say anything, just nodded.

Gu Chaoming took the top book of the pile of books on Lin Jianfan's table, flipped through it at will, and said to Lin Jianfan, "Don't move, I'm sorry, and you're not sorry for anyone. He is pure The hormones are nowhere to be released, he just broke up with his girlfriend yesterday, and now he is flirting everywhere..."

When it comes to what happened yesterday, Su Bing jumped and quickly covered Gu Chaoming's mouth: "Shut up for me!"

Gu Chaoming's mouth was covered, and he said something behind Su Bing's palm. Lin Jianfan couldn't hear it clearly, but Su Bing knew what he was going to say. It was nothing more than yesterday.

Lin Jianfan watched the two of them making a fuss, and was frightened by Gu Chaoming's roar in the morning. He thought he was someone who was difficult to reach. Now, seeing them making trouble, it was completely different from the morning. Lin Jianfan didn't even think that Gu Chaoming was Doraemon yesterday.

Lin Jianfan looked at Cen Xili next to him who was helping him organize his books. He seemed to be used to these two being noisy, and he didn't react at all. When the two were noisy, he said, "You stop, you bumped into someone else's desk."

Gu Chaoming finally broke free from Su Bing, hurriedly and gloatingly said to Cen Xili: "Xili, you didn't know that Su Bing's girlfriend was yesterday..."

Before Gu Chaoming could finish speaking, Su Bing covered his mouth. Before he could finish speaking, Gu Chaoming laughed wildly behind Su Bing's palm when he thought of the crooked braid.

"Enough, you!" Su Bing covered Gu Chaoming's mouth, "You are a lonely old man."

"It's not the same for you now!" Gu Chaoming retorted.

Cen Xili ignored the two children's fuss, helped Lin Jianfan to share good books, pointed to a pile of books and said, "You can actually take these home, but you won't need them."

Lin Jianfan nodded, smiled and said, "Okay."

The two people on the opposite side didn't stop, Lin Jian Fan vaguely heard "crooked braid" or something, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

"Old Chen may change positions in the last class." Cen Xili said.

"Will you change seats?" Lin Jianfan thought he would sit here in the future.

After Gu Chaoming laughed, he finally had the opportunity to grab Su Bing's wrist and pull his hand down to Lin Jianfan and said, "Why do you really want to sit at the back door."

Lin Jianfan smiled slightly: "I think this is pretty good."

It turned out that Gu Chaoming and the others were right, Lao Chen did leave time to change positions after the last class.

Gu Chaoming guessed that Lao Chen would set aside time to change positions in the last class, but Gu Chaoming did not expect that his third penalty stop was coming today.

The cicadas chirping outside the window didn't know when, and the summer's unique cries continued, one after another. The fan above the head is constantly spinning, the teacher's unhurried lectures are circling in the classroom, and the students below are listening carefully. The teacher's lectures on the podium complement the cicadas outside the window, and there is no conflict. The cicadas are more like the teacher's lectures. the accompaniment below.

The sound of cicadas outside the window was the accompaniment in the ears of the students who listened carefully, but the sound of cicadas in the ears of Gu Chaoming who didn't listen became the keynote of his careful listening.

Behind the wall of books stacked on the desk, there is a small Sudoku on the textbook as usual. The pencil in his hand and the eraser on the table are still the same equipment from the morning.

As soon as Lin Jianfan got the book in the middle of the sun, he noticed that his new front desk was secretly playing Sudoku again, but this time he didn't turn the eraser.

There should be two cicadas calling outside the window, Gu Chaoming came to a conclusion while playing Sudoku. The calls of the two cicadas are different, one is long and the other is short, as if they are singing in opposition, you will sing and I will appear.

Noticing the non-stop cicadas outside the window, half of the energy in my mind thinking about Sudoku was automatically divided to focus on the judgment window.

The lifespan of a cicada is only one summer.

Lin Jianfan may not be able to imagine that he thought he was thinking seriously about the front table of Sudoku, but in fact he has been letting his thoughts flow, thinking why the cicada can't live for a summer.

Parents and teachers often say that the main task of students is to study, and study occupies most of their youth. Many people recall that youth is full of test papers, endless refills, and textbooks and workbooks for scribbling in class. Once the study as the main job is removed from life, and there are no other interests and ideals to fill the vacancy, youth becomes empty. Everyone else is studying hard, Gu Chaoming has nothing to do, and even the cicadas outside the window can listen to half of the class alone.

There was the sound of flipping books behind him, and Gu Chaoming's interest in listening to the cicadas was pulled back by the sound of flipping books behind him.

Lin Jianfan seemed to be a real scholar, and he began to listen carefully as soon as he got the book.

Focusing on the transfer student behind him, the phone in the school uniform pocket suddenly began to vibrate.

Someone called him in class.

In the silent mode that was always on in the school, the phone vibrated constantly in the pocket, the teacher on the stage pushed the glasses, and Gu Chaoming took out the phone from the pocket while the teacher was not paying attention.

Seeing the name displayed on the phone screen, Gu Chaoming's heart suddenly sank, sinking into the sea.

Gu Tao is displayed on the phone screen.

Bickering with Su Bing, getting to know a new classmate, moving him and moving books, the dull time washed away the memories of last night, and the tide of school daily life shot Gu Tao into the distance. Gu Chaoming couldn't help but think of Gu Tao from the little things that were related, and he was immersed in the self-blame and nightmare last night. He finally forgot about Gu Tao because of the muddled days at school, and Gu Tao always forgets when he forgets. Jump out and tell him like a cursed overseer - I'm still here, where do you want to go

Gu Chaoming didn't forget it, he just hid it in his heart.

At the beginning of the morning, after Gu Chaoming went out, he was on the bus expecting a quiet air to welcome him home after school tonight, expecting Gu Tao to go out, but the devil is calling him now.

The fear and cowardice of last night came back with the square Gu Tao displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, and the tsunami landslide.

The waves were easily and wantonly, and the boulders on the top of the mountain rolled down, reminding him of the impact.

You are a murderer.

Gu Chaoming held the vibrating mobile phone and looked around, pretending to swipe the faces of every classmate around him casually.

He was afraid, afraid that the students around him would learn about what happened last night and his guilt out of thin air because they saw the words Gu Tao.

When he is flustered, everyone around him has the ability to read people's hearts, he can become a more powerful person than a psychologist, and he can see through his inner thoughts through two words, even though they are not even Gu Chaoming's father, Gu Tao. Know.

Gu Chaoming hung up the phone in a hurry, the vibration stopped, and the throat restrained by the demon had a chance to breathe.

But the devil didn't intend to give Gu Chaoming room to breathe. The phone just hung up when the phone vibrated again.

Gu Tao called back.

Gu Chaoming frowned and pressed the hang up key.

Gu Tao called back again, but Gu Chaoming ignored him and let the phone vibrate.

When Gu Chaoming planned to let the phone fend for itself to the point that Gu Tao was annoyed that he gave up, Qu Yingyi's phone number appeared on the phone screen. Gu Chaoming let the phone vibrate alone, and when he found out that Qu Yingyi was calling him, Qu Yingyi had hung up.

The two called him at the same time, and Gu Chaoming felt a trace of unease in his heart.

Are they together now? what are they doing Qu Yingyi and Gu Tao's names appeared together, and Gu Chaoming was habitually worried about his mother's safety.

Qu Yingyi is in the hospital, if Gu Tao does it, I don't know if anyone will stop it.

Gu Chaoming felt uneasy and wanted to call back and ask Qu Yingyi what happened.

Still in class, the classroom is silent, the teacher in class is a bald head, and there is not a single hair left on the bald head. It is especially obvious when the silent classroom phone is placed in the drawer and vibrates, let alone making a call.

Gu Chaoming raised his head and glanced at the bald head on the podium, and the bald head glanced at him intentionally, reminding him silently.

Quietly do your business when you're not in class, and don't make any noise to me.

It's not feasible to call in class, just give up. Gu Chaoming wanted to send a text message to ask Qu Yingyi what happened.

The text message was being edited before it was sent, and the phone vibrated again.

Also a text message.

The sender - Gu Tao.