
Chapter 20


Having lived more or less seventeen years in the world, Gu Chaoming wanted someone to tell him ten unforgettable things in seventeen years, and this one must be on the list today. If he was asked to recall who the whole class remembered after graduation, this new classmate named Lin who had just arrived one day would definitely have a name.

Gu Chaoming couldn't know the future, but he was sure that he would never forget today, Lin Jianfan who was about to fall suddenly, and the tingling pain in his forehead that followed.

Gu Chaoming urgently held the textbook with one hand and stretched out one arm to catch Lin Jianfan who was rushing towards him.

Suddenly, Gu Chaoming, who was "drowsy", experienced a complete subconsciousness. In the past, he always couldn't speak with his brain, and his mouth was faster than his brain. Now his brain doesn't know whether he is working or not. Anyway, his body is one step ahead.

The arm stretched out, and Gu Chaoming saw the panicked expression on Lin Jianfan's face in an instant. Gu Chaoming still had time to sigh that Lin Jianfan was finally not smiling all day long.

"Maybe he likes to laugh." This was Gu Chaoming's answer to Su Bing.

Lin Jianfan really likes to laugh. In class, apart from being yelled at by him and the panic when he found out that he was peeping, he was smiling most of the time, squinting cheerfully. Lin Jianfan seemed to have only two expressions of panic and smile, and the other expressions had never appeared on his face.

Lin Jianfan looked like a game console with only two buttons, with only two options: panic and smile.

Lin Jianfan's panicked expression flashed before his eyes, there was no weight on his arm, but the other hand was light, and there was a sound of books falling to the ground in his ears. The airtight school uniform stained with a day's sweat was grasped tightly, the folds were pulled out, the fabric quickly rubbed against the skin, and the sweltering summer temperature slammed into his arms.

In the TV series, the girl accidentally bumped into the arms of the male protagonist is a beautiful scene that has been filmed many times, and Gu Chaoming has always known it. In real-life wrestling, there is no such thing as an embarrassing hug, awkward posture, and awkward angle.

Gu Chaoming felt the itch on his chin, and when he lowered his head, his chin could touch a soft top of his head.

Gu Chaoming once again looked at the top of Lin Jian Fan's head from a close-up perspective.

Gu Chaoming could smell the shampoo on Lin Jianfan's hair in his breath.

Gu Chaoming, who was half-holding Lin Jianfan, didn't have any pink thoughts that should be in the TV series. The first thought that popped into his mind turned out to be - Fortunately, Lin Jianfan washed his head.

Lin Jianfan: "???"

Lin Jianfan didn't know what Gu Chaoming was thinking, but he only knew that he had lost a big clown in the class on the first day he arrived. He was holding Gu Chaoming's school uniform tightly in his hand, and his legs could not stand straight and were half bent. , pressed his face against Gu Chaoming's chest in a strange posture, and there was a hard cloth texture in his left hand.

When Lin Jianfan realized what he was holding, Gu Chaoming's brows were already wrinkled.

Along with all kinds of embarrassment, Gu Chaoming felt a stinging pain in the wound on the top of his head under the gaze of his classmates. It was the feeling of the wound being opened, and warm liquid flowed down the wound, like a flood of water flowing through a forest. His eyebrows slid down to his eyelids.

It was still going down, and Gu Chaoming's world was blurred with blood, and he couldn't open his eyes due to the invading liquid.

Enduring the pain in his forehead, Gu Chaoming was very good-natured and did not push Lin Jianfan in his arms away, but pulled Lin Jianfan, who could not stand up straight, with his legs bent.

The hard feeling in Lin Jianfan's hand finally disappeared, followed by the sound of the hat falling to the ground.

Black baseball caps fall into water stains on the ground.

When the panic button was pressed, Lin Jianfan stood firm, his face panicked again as if in the morning.

Blood flowed from the wound on his forehead, and the blood was scattered like branches of a river, and the wound on Gu Chaoming's forehead was their source.

Gu Chaoming didn't frown because of the pain, but in order to control his temper, he couldn't restrain Lin Jianfan and frowned. He was too irritable, and he murdered others in the morning. Gu Chaoming didn't want to kill him again because it wasn't Lin Jianfan's intention.

When he felt a stinging pain on his forehead as the wound opened, Gu Chaoming almost blurted out "Fuck you," but the soft touch of his chin made him hold back.

Gu Chaoming endured the pain and snorted Lin Jianfan up, his right shoulder was in pain due to the force.

Don't lose your temper like Gu Tao.

Gu Chaoming didn't have time to care about the injury on his forehead, so he first cared not to be like Gu Tao.

Gu Chaoming didn't pay attention to the wound on his forehead immediately, but the people next to him were more concerned than him.

Seeing the wound on Gu Chaoming's head and the blood flowing out, Lin Jianfan opened his mouth wide and immediately apologized.

Gu Chaoming didn't know that this was the first time he heard him say sorry today.

Gu Chaoming only replied slowly: "It's okay."

The classmates in the class were shocked when they saw that half of Gu Chaoming's face was covered in blood, and there were many discussions and discussions. A girl next to her reacted immediately and opened a pack of tissues and handed it to Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming took the tissue and said to the girl, "Thank you."

None of the classmates in the class knew that Gu Chaoming was injured under his hat, and thought that the blood on Gu Chaoming's face was caused by Lin Jianfan's fall and tearing off Gu Chaoming's hat.

Including Lin Jianfan also thought so.

Lin Jianfan had never dealt with such a sudden situation. He was in a hurry and didn't know what to do. He hurriedly took a tissue and wiped Gu Chaoming's face.

Gu Chaoming thought he was in the way: "I'll do it myself."

Lin Jian Fan lowered his arms even more at a loss.

Cen Xili on the side handed Gu Chaoming a tissue: "Go to the infirmary first, I'll accompany you, the monitor will go to Lao Chen, and when Lao Chen is here, mom, tell Lao Chen that we are going to the infirmary."

When Gu Chaoming was in a daze, Lao Chen changed his position and was called away by other teachers. Lao Chen told them to study by themselves first. When he saw bloodshed in the class, the monitor immediately went to the office to find the class teacher.

"I'll go with you." Lin Jianfan also wanted to go, after all, it was his own fault.

Gu Chaoming covered the wound with a tissue. He didn't want the wound on his head to cause much commotion. Lin Jianfan was just careless, so there was no need to follow.

Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan, "Don't go, why are there so many people?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the mess of books that fell from his hands on the ground: "You better stay and deal with your books, and you will fall into the water as soon as you get them."

Gu Chaoming's tone was unhurried, like a normal person, as if it wasn't him who had a cut on his forehead, Cen Xili's tone was a little more hurried than his.

"Stop talking, go to the infirmary first, and pack up your books when you see Fan." Cen Xili made a decision for Lin Jianfan.

When it comes to his own affairs, Cen Xili is always dawdling and messing up, unable to find the best solution. It is his choice to ignore and withdraw, but when it comes to other people's affairs, he can always judge Clear the facts and make the quickest decision.

Cen Xili dragged Gu Chaoming to the door of the classroom, and Lin saw Fan standing there looking at their backs, wondering if he should catch up.

Su Bing patted Lin Jianfan on the shoulder, jokingly comforting him: "It's okay, just a little injury, you don't have to worry about it, pick up your book first, otherwise you'll get your hair soaked."

Su Bing smiled and squatted down to help Lin Jianfan pick up book by book. Lin Jianfan glanced at the door of the classroom where Gu Chaoming had disappeared, and then squatted down when he retracted his gaze.

The textbooks were scattered, some of them fell on the water-soaked floor, and the inner pages of several books were wet. Someone nearby helped him pick up a few and handed them to him. Lin Jianfan quickly said, "Thank you."

Lin Jianfan picked up the books that hadn't fallen into the water, piled them into a pile, stood up holding the textbook, and prepared to put them on Su Bing's table first. Together, they found a girl standing beside Su Bing's desk, carefully wiping his wet pages with a tissue.

Lin Jianfan knew her, the "tomato" girl in the morning.

Lin Jianfan put the book on Su Bing's table, the girl raised her head to see that it was him, her heart suddenly lifted, she took a deep breath, and did not dare to look directly at Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan looked at her blushing cheeks again, smiled and said softly to her, "Thank you."

Chu Yao is very good this time, and has made great progress in one afternoon. From the tomatoes in the morning to now, her cheeks are only slightly pink.

Chu Yao lowered her head and wiped the pages of the book without speaking. Su Bing put an arm on her shoulder: "Hey, silly Yao, you are so shy."

Chu Yao quietly kicked Su Bing under the table where Lin Jianfan couldn't see it, and glared at Su Bing again. If Lin Jianfan was not present, she would have given Su Bing the word "go away".

Su Bing ate the foot, tilted his head and smiled at Chu Yao, and while being kicked, he smirked and said to Lin Jianfan, "Our class is the most shy of silly Yao~"

Chu Yao still kicked him, and Su Bing protested: "I say good things about you, but you still kick me?"

Chu Yao looked at Su Bing's hand on her shoulder, and said to Su Bing with her eyes, "Put your pig's trotters down."

Su Bing was still talking silently with his eyes, Lin Jianfan looked at them, and someone beside him asked, "Is the book on his desk?"

Lin Jianfan was paying attention to Su Bing and Chu Yao, and was almost startled by the sudden voice. He turned his head and saw a boy who was as thin as a man, with the same limbs as dried bean sticks. He felt that he couldn't do any heavy work. .

Lin Jianfan couldn't call his name, so he could only say, "Yes, put it on his table, thank you."

"No thanks, it's all in the same class," the man said.

Su Bing just chatted with Chu Yao for a while, then looked at Lin Jianfan in a blink of an eye.

Hey, isn't that their mortal enemy Wu Shan, why did he run to Lin Jianfan's side

Su Bing didn't care too much, Wu Shan only had nothing to do with them, and had no grudges with Lin Jianfan, not to mention Wu Shan also helped Lin Jianfan pick up books.

Someone helped, and all the books that fell on the ground were quickly picked up. Chu Yao also helped him to clean the books at Su Bing's place. Su Bing released her to help Lin Jianfan move the table.

Lin Jianfan walked over and said "thank you" to her again. Chu Yao finally dared to look at Lin Jianfan, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

In a place where Lin Jianfan couldn't see, Jing Jiaru clenched her fists: "Yeah, silly Yao finally talked to his male god."

Chu Yao was carefree in front of Su Bing, and shy in front of Lin Jianfan, Su Xiaoma walked to Lin Jianfan's seat, picked up Lin Jianfan's empty table, and saw Chu Yao standing in Lin Jianfan like a well-behaved girl Helping him clean the book by his side, handing the cleaned book to Lin Jianfan, he couldn't help shrugging and saying "Huh".

It's really a little bird in front of a lover, when can I find a girlfriend who is as young as Chu Yao

Su Bing, who broke up only yesterday, moved the table and started fantasizing about his new girlfriend.

When carrying the table past Wu Shan's position, Su Bing gave Wu Shan a special look.

Wu Shan stood in front of his seat, but his seat was reserved for Yu Hangwei.

Yu Hangwei is the front table of Su Bing's front table, which is also the front table of Lin Jianfan.

Although Su Bing and Yu Hangwei are only two tables apart, Yu Hangwei was transferred from another class in the second division of high school, and it was not long after he came to the class. Su Bing didn't have any interaction with him, but Wu Shan seemed to be quite familiar with him.

Wu Shan stood in front of Yu Hangwei flatteringly and timidly, like an eunuch who served by the emperor's side in ancient times. If he said something wrong, he would be killed. Su Bing could see the status relationship between them at a glance.

Wu Shan, if you want to say that he is bad, he is really bad, and he is annoying, but he is only annoying to the point of spreading their rumors, and other things that specialize in picking things up, like Chen Haiyang laughing at Wu Shan in person. I haven't had the guts to do it yet.

Wu Shan, Chen Haiyang and You Xin were like forming a country of their own. Wu Shan is a timid military advisor, Chen Haiyang uses his mouth cannons to charge into battle, and You Xin is the emperor who likes to "reward" other people's eyes.

Su Bing didn't have a good impression of these three. Who cares what they were doing, Su Bing took a look at the desk and walked quickly to Lin Jianfan's seat to put down the desk.

Putting down the table and looking back, Chu Yao was still pretending to be a shy lady in front of Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan was worried about Gu Chaoming, who went to the infirmary, but Chu Yao didn't seem to feel Lin Jianfan's absent-mindedness. Talking to Lin Jianfan exhausted all her thoughts and all her courage. It was the first time she was so nervous facing a boy, as if she had never been in contact with a boy before.

It was the first time that Chu Yao felt this way. She approached cautiously and did not dare to talk loudly. Mingming had only known him for less than a day and hadn't said a few words, but he was conquered by him at first sight, and his heart was beating wildly.

Maybe this is the feeling of love at first sight.

The author has something to say: Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in the new year!

New Year's Update Two Chapters↖(^ω^)↗