
Chapter 21


The cicadas were finally tired and willing to stop in the afternoon, and the duo cicadas rested for an unknown time. Gu Chaoming, who was the only one who listened to them in class and listened to them, didn't have the heart to pay attention to when they stopped singing, and didn't have the heart to think about why they could only live for one year.

Gu Chaoming was taken to the infirmary by Cen Xili and left the classroom where the two cicadas could be heard singing.

"School is almost over, I don't know if there is anyone in the infirmary." Cen Xili said worriedly.

"If there is no one, am I dead?" Gu Chaoming was still in a sullen mood.

Cen Xili looked at him speechlessly: "Gu Shuai, your mouth is really... I can't say anything about you anymore."

"Don't be so shy, you won't really die if you say dead words."

"... The more hurt you are, the worse your words will be. No one will curse you."

Gu Chaoming smiled while holding the bloody tissue. He just wanted to avoid Gu Tao's topic as much as possible, so he said something he hadn't thought about.

There is a clear dividing line between school and family in Gu Chaoming's heart. He didn't want to mention Gu Tao at school, and didn't want to bring the darkness of the family into the school, so when Su Bing and Cen Xili cared about him, he always avoided the important and changed the subject.

And the fact that the wound was discovered has clearly crossed the line.

Gu Tao's influence on him is not limited to his body. Talking about Gu Tao with others and talking about him having such a father will make him feel ashamed.

Fortunately, there was no prophecy. There was a doctor in the infirmary. Gu Chaoming was sitting by the bed, and Cen Xili was sitting on the stool next to him.

After the doctor checked Gu Chaoming's wound and prepared the equipment behind him, Cen Xili looked at the busy back of the doctor and asked, "Doctor, should his wound be fine?"

The doctor came over with the prepared equipment: "The wound is not deep, I can still treat it. After treatment, it is best to go to the hospital to see..."

After the doctor finished speaking, he started to deal with the wound on Gu Chaoming's head. Cen Xi couldn't sit still, stood up and stared at the operation on the doctor's hand: "Doctor, will he leave a scar?"

"It depends on the situation," said the doctor.

Cen Xi looked at him and felt pain, but Gu Chaoming didn't frown, as if it was just a shot, and he couldn't tell whether his face was in pain or something else.

Gu Chaoming can bear it, no matter how much the wound hurts, he will not say a word. At noon, helping Lin Jian to move the book to Fan's shoulder pain, he also endured the pain in his shoulders.

Gu Chaoming didn't say it, and Cen Xili didn't forget that Gu Chaoming had a shoulder injury.

Cen Xili watched the doctor treat Gu Chaoming's wound. Thinking of the injury on Gu Chaoming's shoulder, he said to the doctor, "Doctor, he also has an injury on his shoulder. You will take a look at him later."

The doctor stood in front of Gu Chaoming, skillfully operating his hands, and when he heard Cen Xili's words, his eyes slid to Gu Chaoming's shoulder: "Finish the head first."

Seeing Gu Chaoming's blood-stained lips, he couldn't help but say, "Why are you so young that this hurts? It's not that you go out to fight, I'm afraid I will tell your teacher, lie. I said it was accidentally made by my classmates."

Ordinary people would think of a fight when they saw Gu Chaoming's bruised body and Gu Chaoming's unruly face.

Cen Xili wanted to explain to the doctor, looked at Gu Chaoming and knew that he didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't speak.

When the doctor was about to acquiesce that the two of them were fighting and didn't dare to go back to the classroom, Gu Chaoming smiled and said to the doctor, "No way, I helped my classmates move books and accidentally bumped into them."

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door of the infirmary, and the sound was trotting over.

The door of the infirmary opened, and the sun was shining outside. Cen Xili and Gu Chaoming turned their heads and looked out the door. The doctor raised his head with medical equipment.

A boy in a wide school uniform stood outside the door holding the handle, the sun was sticking behind him, and a long shadow was drawn in front of him.

Against the light, the doctor helped Gu Chaoming deal with the wound, lamenting how tall this guy is.

When the doctor was examining Gu Chaoming, Su Bing sent a message to ask them if they wanted him to bring his schoolbag over. Cen Xili glanced at the time and answered "yes", thinking that it was Su Bing who came to deliver the schoolbag, and turned his head to a long black shadow on the floor of the infirmary. You Xin stood at the end of the shadow.

You Xin held the doorknob and looked over, and saw Gu Chaoming, who was sitting beside the bed, the doctor was treating his wound, and there was a tissue next to the bed that Gu Chaoming used to stop the bleeding when he came.

You Xin glanced at the wound on Gu Chaoming's forehead, then jumped to Cen Xili, who was standing beside him. After watching Cen Xili, he jumped back to review the wound on Chaoming's forehead.

The doctor's hand was in front of him, You Xin couldn't see it very much, and his eyes stayed on Gu Chaoming's wound for a few more seconds.

Gu Chaoming didn't understand the meaning of You Xin's eyes jumping between him and Cen Xili. I heard that his opponent was injured, so I came here to check, right

You Xin's eyes jumped back and forth between him and Cen Xili twice, and finally landed on Cen Xili's face, and then he looked away as quickly as this morning, and sighed, Gu Chaoming's eyes were not like when he was chatting and laughing with the doctor just now. Feeling comfortable, he glared at You Xin who entered the door.

While helping Gu Chaoming treat the wound, the doctor asked You Xin, "Where is the discomfort?"

You Xin turned around and gently closed the door. Sunshine was reluctant to leave and was blocked outside the door. The sticky sunlight on You Xin was also withdrawn, and he came over.

Out of a protective mentality, Gu Chaoming pulled Cen Xili's arm and took it to his side, pulling Cen Xili, who was standing in front of him, to his side.

Cen Xili staggered and was pulled by Gu Chaoming to the side of the bed, increasing the distance from You Xin who came over.

Gu Chaoming made such a big move that the doctor said, "Don't move! I'm dealing with the wound!"

Gu Chaoming was relieved after pulling Cen Xili to his side, and the doctor asked You Xin, who came over, "Why is it uncomfortable?"

"Doctor, is there any medicine for stomach pain?" You Xin asked.

The doctor glanced at him and asked, "A boy or a girl?"

You Xin's eyes swept towards Cen Xili and Gu Chaoming again. Cen Xili saw You Xin hesitated for a while before answering the doctor: "Girl."

No wonder You Xin hesitated. When You Xin said the word "girl", the three big men in the infirmary immediately understood.

The doctor is not surprised, he has seen many boys who help girls to get medicine.

The wound on Gu Chaoming's forehead was almost finished, and the doctor asked You Xin to wait until Gu Chaoming was finished before taking You Xin to the medicine area to take out painkillers from the standing medicines for him.

Before leaving with the medicine, You Xin took another look at the two of them beside the bed, and Gu Chaoming glared at him again nimbly.

He was stared at again and again for nothing. This time, You Xin seemed to finally not have the calm ignorance and calmness that he had before. After receiving Gu Chaoming's eyes, You Xin looked at Cen Xili, opened the door of the infirmary, and looked back in a bad way. Glancing at them, he closed the door.

Gu Chaoming didn't notice anything unusual, but when he saw You Xin's last look, he thought that this guy was also uneasy. When they asked him that, he had never seen him so uneasy.

Gu Chaoming didn't understand, but Cen Xili knew that You Xin was trying to get out of his mind.

Cen Xili knew that You Xin's upbringing was not generally good. She did not eat or sleep, she should be respectful to her teachers, her classmates should help her, she must work hard in her studies, and she should not shut up the door too loudly.

Most people don't care, but You Xin will definitely turn around and hold the door handle to gently close the door. This is the case every time, even when locking the classroom door.

But this time You Xin didn't. He took the door with his hand and turned his head to leave. Cen Xili knew that he was angry.

Silent anger, only Cen Xili could see it.

Gu Chaoming next to him didn't know that, after You Xin left, he scolded, "Fuck you Sanjin!"

The doctor listened to Gu Chaoming swearing swear words, and persuaded him: "It's very unpleasant to say swear words at such a young age."

Not long after You Xin left, Lao Chen hurried over. When he opened the door, he saw Gu Chaoming who was sitting on the head of the bed and was injured. Lao Chen asked the doctor, "How's it going?"

Knowing that there was nothing wrong with Gu Chaoming, Lao Chen finally let go of his heart.

"A hat can't make such a big hole?" Old Chen heard from his classmates that he thought how much damage a hat could make? Still bleeding

The doctor said: "It really can't. This is because the previous injury was about to heal, and it opened up again."

Lao Chen listened to the doctor carefully, sighed, and asked Gu Chaoming, "How did the wounds come from before?"

Gu Chaoming lied and said, "I accidentally knocked on my skateboard during the summer vacation."

"You still skateboard?" Lao Chen asked.

"Just because I don't know how to play, so I slapped it." Gu Chaoming lied every step of the way. He didn't want Old Chen to know so much, so he deliberately avoided it.

Old Chen didn't know which of Gu Chaoming's words was true and which was false. He did not doubt Gu Chaoming's words, and said to Gu Chaoming, "I'll go to the hospital with you later, and don't leave any sequelae."

When Gu Chaoming heard it, he quickly said, "No need, I'll go by myself, don't you have something else to do, teacher?"

"Your forehead has been hurt like this. What else can I do? The most important thing now is your injury. By the way, you have to call your parents."

Call Gu Tao and Qu Yingyi? This will not work.

Qu Yingyi and Gu Tao have just divorced, one is lying in the hospital, the other is waiting for him at home with a knife, and neither one will be able to call.

Gu Chaoming lied again: "My dad is away on a business trip, and my mom is sick in the hospital, right, Xili."

Gu Chaoming patted Cen Xili beside him, and Cen Xili nodded in confusion. Cen Xili didn't know that Gu Chaoming's father was waiting for Gu Chaoming at home, and when Gu Chaoming needed help, Cen Xili nodded slowly.

"It's impossible not to tell them, at least make a phone call to let them know."

"I'll tell them, teacher, you call, my parents thought I did something wrong again."

Old Chen laughed: "You're still afraid of your mother and father."

Lao Chen recalled that Gu Chaoming's mother, a gentle and virtuous woman, did not seem to be childish when he met at the parent meeting before.

"I will tell him about this, and I will also go to the hospital. I can't let you spend money on the teacher." Gu Chaoming said.

"It doesn't matter if you spend it or not, it's mainly your injury."

"My injury is fine, I don't want to go to the hospital with the head teacher."

Gu Chaoming and Lao Chen talked right and left, but they did not agree to let Lao Chen take him to the hospital. Gu Chaoming did not want Lao Chen to know about their family.

The persuasion eventually turned into a cheating style, and I would not go.

In the end, Gu Chaoming won. Old Chen couldn't beat him and agreed not to accompany him, but Gu Chaoming must go to the hospital. He will see the hospital list tomorrow.

Gu Chaoming nodded, but Lao Chen was willing to let him go.

Looking at his watch, it was getting late. Old Chen sent Cen Xili, who was staying in the infirmary with Gu Chaoming, home.

When Cen Xili walked out of the infirmary, he saw Su Bing carrying his and Gu Chaoming's schoolbags sneaking around the infirmary and eavesdropping.

"What are you doing?" Cen Xili asked in a low voice when he walked to Su Bing's side.

Su Bing had a schoolbag on his shoulder. Seeing Cen Xili walking out, he took off Cen Xili's schoolbag and handed it to him: "I've been here a long time ago, but I didn't go in when I heard that Lao Chen was inside."

Cen Xili put on his schoolbag and asked, "Have you provoked Lao Chen again?"

Su Bing shook his head: "No, but I still have a pack of cigarettes in my schoolbag. I was afraid that old Chen Tieshou would be ruthless and took them out for me again."

"You received three packs this morning, what are you still doing now?" Cen Xili said in surprise.

"There will always be. You go in and take your schoolbag to Gu Shuai, don't talk about me."

"Don't say anything about you?" Lao Chen's voice floated over from the door of the infirmary.

Deja Vu scene, exactly the same voice.

In the morning, Lao Chen suddenly said something behind him, and then the three packs of cigarettes in his pocket were successfully handed in. This time, the cigarettes were placed in the school bag, and Lao Chen would definitely not be able to see them. Can smell it.

Su Bing said quickly, "It's nothing, nothing, I'll give Gu Shuai a schoolbag."

The three of them have a good relationship, and Lao Chen knows it. After looking at them a few more times, Lao Chen said, "Don't make it too late to go home."

When Lao Chen left, Su Bing and Cen Xili walked into the infirmary.

"It's really yours." Su Bing said while sitting beside the bed.

The doctor has been listening to their conversation and sighed inwardly: "It's really hard to manage children these days."

Gu Chaoming picked up his phone to check the time, and then looked out the window. The sun is setting, and dusk is already walking by the window.

After sitting for a few minutes, Su Bing's phone rang in his pocket.

Su Bing saw that it was his father: "Then I'll leave first. If I don't leave, my father can beat me to death."

"Go away, go away," Gu Chaoming shook his hand at Su Bing, and looked at Cen Xili next to him, "You go back too, so late, your mother will definitely talk about you again."

Cen Xili looked at Gu Chaoming: "Then you..."

"If I have anything to do, I'll rest for a while." Gu Chaoming persuaded Cen Xili.

Cen Xili thought about it, and went home with Su Bing with his schoolbag on his back. Before leaving, he told Gu Chaoming, "Remember to go to the hospital."

Gu Chaoming said: "I will definitely go. I have to show Lao Chen the list tomorrow."

The two of them walked out of the infirmary with confidence.

When he agreed to go to the hospital, Gu Chaoming just responded casually, and when he left the infirmary door, he felt that the injury on his head was alright, so he didn't plan to go to the hospital.

When I walked out of the infirmary, the sunset was already sloping to the west, lazily hanging in the sky. The sunset changed from golden to dark yellow, stretching along the sky. Behind the dark yellow clouds, streaks of golden light emerged, transparent and fragile, floating above the clouds in a straight line.

Summer sunsets and sunsets are always so beautiful. The place where the sun sets is struggling with golden light, and the place far from the setting sun has no sunlight, and it is a dark yellow ink painting with some heavy water marks. The dark yellow sunset is like the cream that flows from a bite of bread, flowing in the sky.

The sunset was brilliant, and Gu Chaoming was standing on the small ping at the entrance of the infirmary with his schoolbag on his back. Gu Chaoming's whole body was illuminated by the dark yellow sunset, and he looked up at the bright sky.

He suddenly laughed, God was merciful, maybe he wanted to make him feel better to create a beautiful sunset.

The brighter the sunset, the sadder Gu Chaoming felt.

The sky is boundless, vast, and full of sunsets and sunsets, they can go wherever they want, and he is a man who has nowhere to go.

There is no room for him.

He tried every means to drive away Lao Chen and let Su Bing and Cen Xili go home early. Gu Chaoming didn't hate Lao Chen to accompany him to the hospital, nor did he dislike being accompanied, but he was afraid that after going to the hospital, Lao Chen would ask him where his home was and take him off. go home.

The sky is vast and the earth is boundless, but he has nowhere to go. He doesn't know if he should go home or not, and he doesn't know which direction his legs should go.

to the hospital? Going to the hospital Qu Yingyi will definitely let him go home in the end, there are no spare beds in the ward, and he can't rest in the hospital, not to mention he has to study tomorrow.

The answers were negative one by one, and in the end they all pointed in the same direction - the home he didn't want to go back to.

Gu Chaoming was unwilling to walk with fear in his heart. Gu Chaoming was not sure, not sure what to face when he returned home.

He can be as free as the sunset, go wherever he wants, without restraint, but he does not have a place to return like the sunset.

He can't be like the sunset, he can only go home.

In the past, his only place of return, his only home, is now not welcoming him and expelling him.

Abandoned, as if there is no reason to live in this world, the steps taken are light, stepping on the stone bricks of the school.

In the last class, Gu Chaoming thought that maybe it would be better for him to die under Gu Tao's sharp knife.

In that way, all those who are willing and those who are unwilling will be thrown away for him.

He also doesn't need to bear the sins in his heart, and he doesn't need to be the murderer that people call him.

But he was afraid, he never thought he could face death calmly, but he also longed for liberation.

He feared death and longed for it.

He is afraid of survival and yearns to survive.

Gu Chaoming is a paradox, fearing death and fear of life.

The world wasn't all darkness, there was light in his life, and they were pulling him. Gu Chaoming thought of Qu Yingyi, of Su Bing, who was nagging like a mother, and Cen Xili, who was careful, and even thought of Lao Chen who was driven away by him. He was reluctant to end his life hastily so early.

Gu Chaoming walked slowly. He looked down at the floor tiles on the ground, passed the small square where the school badge was made of floor tiles, walked through a corridor, and wandered in the school.

The corridor was covered with green leaves, and there were long stone benches on both sides connecting the corridor for people to rest. Gu Chaoming sat on it for a while, hesitating whether to go home.

After school, the school is empty, and the dorm students are busy bathing and eating. At this time, there will be no leisure to come here for a walk.

No one was around, Gu Chaoming turned on his phone, and there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

Gu Chaoming turned his head slowly when he heard the sound.

The man stood at the celebrity statue behind the cloister, surrounded by flowers blooming, and he stood there quietly wearing a glow of sunshine.