
Chapter 22


Xiaguang Wandao, the sunset is strong, the sky is golden and romantic.

The setting sun and the sunset coexisted in the same sky. Lin Jianfan stood under that sky, the rays of light fell on him, and the stone sculpture beside him was quiet and silent.

Gu Chaoming sat on the stone bench in the school corridor and turned around, and met a hesitant Lin Jianfan with a look of horror on his face.

is the horror of being discovered.

Still frightened, Gu Chaoming had never seen the third expression on his face.

The stone carvings are surrounded by a narrow gravel road, and the gravel road is surrounded by green flowerbeds. The flowerbeds are planted with neat arborvitae, and the sparse but tall trees outside the arborvitae bloom with small flowers.

Lin Jianfan stood beside the stone sculpture, standing on the stone road surrounding the stone sculpture. He was as silent as a stone sculpture, only being illuminated by the setting sun, he said nothing and hesitated.

Lin Jianfan stood there, as if the statue was the source of his strength.

The sky was getting dark, and the vines wrapped around the stone pillars of the promenade stretched out a tentacle, and a tender leaf grew out of a curve, as if it was provoking people to sit. The stone bench that had been exposed to the sun for a day was still warm after being scalded. Gu Chaoming sat on the stone bench with strangeness and doubts written all over his face. The wound on the head after treatment was dazzling, Lin Jianfan saw it at a glance, and blamed himself more and more.

The panicked expression on Lin Jianfan's face was exactly the same as when he was found peeping in the morning, which made Gu Chaoming have to wonder if this new student in their class had any special hobbies.

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan, and Lin Jianfan also looked at him.

It was quiet, there were only green trees and white flowers around, and the cleaning students had already gone home.

Quiet, quiet after turning his head.

"You're following me?" Gu Chaoming twisted his neck to break the special silence.

He was wandering aimlessly in the school by himself, taking a break at random, when he heard footsteps behind him, he turned his head and saw Lin Jianfan's panicked expression. This person stops when you look over, and in the morning you find out that this person is peeking at you in class, anyone will think there is something wrong with him.

Gu Chaoming was a straightforward person, and directly asked Lin Jianfan if he was following him.

In Lin Jianfan's eyes, Gu Chaoming is a person who cannot be summed up in general terms such as strangeness, violence, and incoherence.

Lin Jianfan thought of Gu Chaoming like this, and Gu Chaoming also thought of him the same way. To say that Lin Jianfan, who helped him pick up flyers last night, can still be summed up as kindness, then Lin Jianfan, who came to the class today, is obviously a lot more restrained and careful, not as comfortable as yesterday, and a lot of things he does People can't figure it out.

Gu Chaoming attributed Lin Jianfan Qi's strange behavior to his incompatibility with the new environment, but now that he doesn't go home after school, is it because of his incompatibility when he appears in front of him

He still has a reason why he stayed so late at school to deal with his wounds, and what is the reason for Lin Jianfan behind him? Gu Chaoming couldn't imagine that Lin Jianfan was too much like someone who followed him quietly.

After Gu Chaoming asked, "Are you following me?" Lin Jianfan's eyes widened slightly, and the panic on his face became more serious. He stammered and hurriedly replied, "No, no."

"Where are you staying?" Gu Chaoming asked again.

Gu Chaoming thought that maybe Lin Jianfan was really just passing by, and maybe he didn't go home because of the accommodation, but Lin Jianfan was still carrying a schoolbag on his back, so if he was staying, he wouldn't be in such a place at this point.

Lin Jianfan shook his head. He didn't stutter this time, and the panic on his face was lessened. He answered more smoothly: "I'm a day student, and I don't do accommodation."

"Then what are you doing here? Not going home?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Lin Jianfan seemed to be awakened by his words, and took off the schoolbag on his shoulders. The schoolbag was thrown to his chest without support, and Lin Jianfan opened the zipper of the schoolbag.

Gu Chaoming stared at him strangely, wanting to see what he was about to take out of his schoolbag.

"This is back to you."

Lin Jianfan stretched out his hand towards Gu Chaoming, his fingers pinched the brim of the black baseball cap and handed it to Gu Chaoming.

A few hours ago, this black baseball cap was still tightly buckled on Gu Chaoming's head, and Gu Chaoming had not forgotten the sultry sweat in his hair. Now last night those slender fingers were pinching the brim of his hat, which he often used to adjust his hat because of his lies and unease.

Lin Jianfan took out the hat from his schoolbag very quickly. It was obviously placed in a conspicuous and convenient place, and he could easily take it out without looking for it, as if he was helping him tell: "I'm not following you, I'm specifically Come to return the hat, you see the hat is in the bag."

Lin Jianfan stretched out his hand, his schoolbag was hanging loosely on his chest, Gu Chaoming glanced at his baseball cap in his hand, and followed Lin Jianfan's arm to see Lin Jianfan's face.

Gu Chaoming didn't know what Lin Jianfan's expression was, anyway, it made him feel that there was no malicious intent, and with the schoolbag hanging lazily on his chest, he still felt a little silly.

Gu Chaoming turned around, rolled his legs over the stone bench, got up and walked towards Lin Jianfan.

The raised stones on Shizilu massaged the soles of the shoes. Gu Chaoming stepped on the raised stones one after another and walked to Lin Jianfan, took the hat in his hand, and habitually buckled his head with his backhand.

The baseball cap touched the treated wound on his forehead, and Gu Chaoming remembered that his wound was already exposed, and there was no need to wear it.

Lin Jianfan, who was in front of him, opened his mouth slightly. He wanted to remind Gu Chaoming not to wear it and not to touch the wound, but Gu Chaoming put on the baseball cap one step faster than the words he didn't say.

Gu Chaoming could only hold on to the brim of his hat and take off the baseball cap he just put on under Lin Jianfan's unspoken dissuasion and gaze.

With his fingers hooked on the adjustment strap of the baseball cap, he smiled: "I'm used to it."

The surface of the baseball cap was clean and dust-free. Lin Jianfan also wiped it off with a paper towel and dried it with the last bit of sunlight.

Gu Chaoming didn't notice the neat top of the hat. He hooked his baseball cap and said "Thank you" to Lin Jianfan, and then asked him, "You are here to give this?"

Lin Jianfan nodded.

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan's face: "I found that you are really stubborn, tsk, you can't say stubborn..."

Gu Chaoming thought for a few seconds with his baseball cap hooked, and then came up with a word: "Zhu, it might be better for you to say that you have a shaft. Why don't you just have a hat? It's the same for me tomorrow, you are still in school for so long."

"I...I have something else to do." Lin Jianfan said hesitantly as he looked at the pebble raised on the ground.

Gu Chaoming saw that Lin Jianfan was not looking at him, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Speaking of the last class, Lin Jianfan took off his hat. Gu Chaoming felt that he would never forget Lin Jianfan in the future, and he would definitely not forget what Lin Jianfan did next.

Gu Chaoming just asked casually, Lin Jianfan suddenly bent down and bowed 90 degrees to him. Gu Chaoming was not at all prepared, and Lin Jianfan's sudden bow almost made him take a step back.

ha? What is this for

"I'm sorry." With a bow, Lin Jianfan apologized to Gu Chaoming, and straightened up after the apology.

Gu Chaoming was speechless for a while, his face full of "what are you doing?" questions, Lin Jianfan got up and said, "I accidentally made your forehead bleed in class, I'm sorry."

A cloud of confusion and suspicion flew across Gu Chaoming's face, "What am I doing? What is Lin Jianfan doing? What is the situation?"

After hearing what Lin Jianfan said, Gu Chaoming was even more confused.

Is this an apology for that incident in class

"You don't have to make such a big battle, and you even bowed and apologized. I thought what was going on." Gu Chaoming said.

After Lin saw Fan apologized, he finally agreed to look directly at Gu Chaoming. Gu Chaoming said to him, "I don't blame you. Why are you apologizing? Why do you apologize every day? Do you only apologize?"

"There's no need to apologize to me for this trivial matter. Not everything can be solved with the word "sorry". Frequent use will only reduce the value of the word "sorry", do you understand?"

Lin Jianfan looked at him without saying a word, as if he was listening carefully and nodded.

"Then you didn't go home just to give me a hat and apologize to me?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"I want to apologize to you, and return your hat," Lin Jianfan corrected, "I didn't do it on purpose, so I want to tell you, I don't want you to misunderstand me."

After hearing what Lin Jianfan said, Gu Chaoming raised the corners of his mouth. Lin Jianfan was not a bit arrogant, but a little stupid, as simple and stupid as a primary school student.

No one of this age is arrogant, young and frivolous, and who would bow and apologize because they don’t want to be misunderstood by others. Most of them are just passing by. The more they grow up, the more they want to rely on time. past misunderstandings.

The innocence of childhood, without the contamination of time, without the so-called complex relationship of face and entanglement, the words of apology can always be easily said. As we get older, our desire to be understood increases, but our desire to confide in others decreases. Children are willing to choose to apologize to save, but when they grow up, they will always choose to hide and be indifferent, pretending that the misunderstanding does not exist, and the life will go on the same. You don't fix it, it's always there, you just choose to ignore it and pretend it.

Gu Chaoming thought that if he was misunderstood by others, he would definitely break the jar, misunderstand, and he would definitely not have the same courage as Lin Jianfan.

Gu Chaoming smiled, looking at Lin Jianfan's stupid apologizing earnestly, and wanted to reach out and touch his head - the aftereffect of spending too long with Cen Xili.

When he is cute or happy, Gu Chaoming always likes to touch Cen Xili's head. Although it is very likely that he will be opened by Cen Xili, Gu Chaoming still perseveres.

Gu Chaoming would put on his hat habitually, but he did not habitually touch Lin Jianfan's head.

Gu Chaoming controlled his hand, only knew him for a day, Lin Jianfan definitely didn't like others touching his head.

Gu Chaoming simply picked up the baseball cap hooked on his fingers, pinched the brim, and buckled it on Lin Jianfan's head.

Lin Jianfan blinked and looked up at the baseball cap on top of his head, and then at Gu Chaoming who was putting on his baseball cap.

Gu Chaoming said, "For you, I don't think you did it on purpose, nor do I blame you. This hat is just an apology for making you wait so long."

At that time, Gu Chaoming thought it was nothing to give Lin Jianfan the hat, but only later did he realize that he gave Lin Jianfan the hat that he wore for a day and was full of his own evaporated sweat. Fortunately, Lin Jianfan did not dislike it.

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan after he put on his hat and looked at himself, and he felt that Lin Jianfan was asking him if it was good to wear a hat.

Gu Chaoming said "good-looking" and exited.

Lin Jianfan grinned, revealing snow-white teeth and a smile in his watery eyes, a smile that was different from the formulaic smile he had been wearing all day.

Gu Chaoming was a little surprised, he found a third button on Lin Jianfan's body.

Lin Jianfan smiled slightly, and Gu Chaoming was the infected person of his smile, and the corners of his mouth also brought a little smile unconsciously.

Lin Jianfan looked at the wound on Gu Chaoming's forehead and asked, "How is your head? Are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's just a little injury, it'll be fine in a few days."

"Is it really okay?"

"I said it's alright, it's alright."

Lin Jianfan was still worried and felt that he had to take full responsibility for this matter. He looked up at the sky and suggested, "Let's go to the hospital to take a look. It's still early.

When Lin Jianfan raised his head to look at the sky, Gu Chaoming followed and looked at the sky. After hearing the words "it's early" for Lin Jianfan, "early fart" almost blurted out.

Lin Jianfan said again: "You still go to the hospital, and I will pay for the medical expenses."

Gu Chaoming: "Huh?"

He heard right, Lin Jianfan still wants to pay him medical bills? It's not his responsibility.

"You don't need to give me medical bills, I really don't need to." Gu Chaoming waved his hand. Old Chen said to pay him medical bills, but he refused, even more impossible for Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan insisted on going: "I made your head like this, I never thought my hands could be so powerful."

Gu Chaoming didn't want Lin to see Fan take Gu Tao's blame, Gu Chaoming asked, "Do you still think you caused the injury?"

Lin Jianfan answered as a matter of course: "It was originally, isn't it?"

Gu Chaoming smiled helplessly and explained: "No, this is really not true, I made this hole myself, you just scratched it and caught my old wound, so it's bleeding, understand?"

Lin Jianfan was stunned for a moment: "I'll give you the medical expenses."

"Why are you so stubborn?" Gu Chaoming said.

Gu Chaoming pushed and resisted, but Lin Jianfan just wanted to give it, which was even more difficult than Lao Chen.

Old Chen felt that Gu Chaoming was difficult to deal with, and Gu Chaoming now felt the helplessness of Old Chen.

"I said no, don't say it, and I won't go if I say it."

"Don't pay me for medical bills, I don't need it," Gu Chaoming said.

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan was still smiling, a smile that was different from today's formulaic smile.

"I'll go with you. It's better to accompany you if I make you like this, and make me feel better."

"Is it okay?" Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming and asked.

Gu Chaoming did not answer and remained silent.

One, two, three, four, five…

After five seconds of silence, a force suddenly pulled him towards the school gate.

Gu Chaoming was pulled by Lin Jianfan's wrist and walked forward, his footsteps were uneven, and his walking was not smooth and steady.

He walked out of the gravel road surrounded by flower beds and walked onto the corridor where Gu Chaoming had just sat. Gu Chaoming walked behind and asked Lin Jianfan to let go: "Why are you holding me? I didn't say I was going to the hospital."

Seeing Fan turning back, Lin Lin smiled brightly and brightly: "My mother said that silence for five seconds means she agrees."

Gu Chaoming wanted to shake Lin Jianfan's hand away, but he just said, "Your mother said this? Did you make it up?"

Lin Jianfan smiled even brighter: "You can tell."

Gu Chaoming: "...It's pretty quick to admit."

After school, the school was quiet, walking through the long corridor entwined with vines, through the school's tree-lined alley, and across the playground, Lin Jianfan held Gu Chaoming's wrist tightly.

Gu Chaoming kept nagging behind and refused: "Your sense of responsibility is too heavy, won't you say it if you don't go home?"

"No, I told them." Lin Jianfan said.

"I don't want to go to the hospital." Gu Chaoming still verbally refused.

"It's better to go to the hospital."

Gu Chaoming didn't dislike Lin Jianfan, and he didn't want to throw him away when he was holding hands by Lin Jianfan. After nagging, he couldn't think of a reason to refuse, and even moved out "I'm afraid of injections".

"I don't know how to get injections." Lin Jianfan said.

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan who was pulling him forward quickly in front of him. Lin Jianfan was wearing the black baseball cap he gave him. Gu Chaoming couldn't help laughing when he thought of what he just said about being afraid of injections.

Su Bing is right, Gu Chaoming is a sullen person, and someone like Lao Chen who always needs the consent of the other party to practice Tai Chi must not be able to beat Gu Chaoming. Be nice to him, be tougher, Gu Chaoming will not refuse unconsciously, but will naturally follow you.

It was a novel experience to be dragged to the hospital by someone I had only known for a day.

Seeing that Fan had just transferred from another place, Lin didn't know where he lived and didn't know where there was a hospital, so he stopped a taxi and Gu Chaoming specially reported to the hospital where Qu Yingyi was not there.

Sitting in the back row of the taxi with Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming secretly tilted his head to peek at Lin Jianfan's profile. Unlike Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming didn't peek at the technology. Gu Chaoming peeked carefully, but Lin Jianfan didn't notice it at all.

The twilight filled the sky outside the taxi window, and the sun struggled for the last time, leaving a little sunset in the sky. The sunset outside the car window served as the background for Gu Chaoming to peek at Lin Jianfan. The sunset outside the window was moving, while Lin Jianfan was always in front of him.

Gu Chaoming had had enough of peeking, turned his head to look out of the window on his side and couldn't help but smile.

When he was in the school infirmary, Gu Chaoming was also afraid that the wound on his head would recur or leave scars if he couldn't make it to the hospital. He also wanted to go to the hospital for an examination, but he didn't want to go alone, nor did he want someone else to accompany him.

What a contradiction.

I originally thought that I would only be alone when I went to the hospital, but later I felt that I had nothing to do with it. Now that I have someone to accompany me, I don’t seem to feel so lonely.

Gu Chaoming couldn't help laughing at himself.

After going to the hospital to treat the wound, he opened the door and saw Lin Jianfan sitting on the chair outside waiting.

When Lin Jianfan saw Gu Chaoming come out, he immediately stood up holding his schoolbag and asked, "How is it? What did the doctor say?"

Seeing Lin Jianfan's concerned expression, Gu Chaoming couldn't help lowering his head and laughing. He couldn't control his emotions, the corners of his mouth grinned, and laughter leaked from inside.

Fortunately, I just couldn't help laughing, not crying, Gu Chaoming thought.

The snow-white walls of the hospital, the crowds, and the doctor may have been exhausted and not very energetic during the examination inside.

Gu Chaoming didn't mind the doctor's indifference. He thought of Lin Jianfan, who was waiting for him outside the door, and laughed at himself being moved by the guy surnamed Lin who had just known each other for a day.

When he came out and saw Lin Jianfan waiting with his schoolbag in his arms, Gu Chaoming knew that he liked this feeling, and he hoped that Lin Jianfan would give him more opportunities to laugh at him.

Seeing Lin Jianfan running towards him with his schoolbag in his arms, Gu Chaoming suddenly felt that there would be someone waiting for him, not that he had nowhere to go.

He is someone waiting.

Gu Chaoming laughed loudly. He was afraid that if he relaxed, his moved laughter would turn into moved tears.

He didn't want to laugh at himself because of this, and he didn't want Lin Jianfan to see jokes.

Gu Chaoming smiled, and Lin Jianfan asked him, "Is there anything funny?"

Gu Chaoming said, "The doctor told me a joke inside, that is, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Lin Jianfan: "...????"

Gu Chaoming didn't want Lin Jianfan to pay for him, so he tried his best to pay Lin Jianfan and rushed to pay, but Lin Jianfan only found out later, and chased after Gu Chaoming and asked, "Tell me about the medical expenses. How many."

Gu Chaoming walked down the hospital stairs: "However you are, it's money. I said it all, you don't need to give it, you have come with me, this matter is over, don't talk about it, I warn you."

Lin Jianfan felt that Gu Chaoming seemed to be in a better mood after checking the wound, although he didn't know what Gu Chaoming was happy about.

"Then I'll give you half of the head office." Lin Jianfan said.

Lin Jianfan was reluctant to follow Gu Chaoming around after taking the medicine, saying that he would pay him back the medical bills.

Gu Chaoming was still interested in teasing him at first: "The medical expenses are one million yuan. I'll be generous. You can give me one hundred thousand yuan."

Until the door of the hospital, Lin Jianfan was still circling around his ears, and Gu Chaoming's ears were about to explode.

Gu Chaoming folded his hands together: "I've convinced you, God, it's been all the way, and I said that I don't need to give it. You helped me yesterday, and it's settled today. That's it, don't give it."

Lin Jianfan hesitated: "...But you also bought me Sprite and yogurt."

Gu Chaoming turned to look at him: "Does it have to be so clear? That's it, don't think about it, I'm leaving. Do you know how to get back?"

Lin Jianfan nodded, stopped on the last stairway outside the hospital, and watched Gu Chaoming leave.

There are maple trees on the roadside, a gust of night wind blows, the leaves flutter and turn over, and the lit street lamps light up the world. The road across from the hospital is full of traffic, and the lights are red.

Gu Chaoming looked back uneasy under a street lamp, saw Lin Jianfan still standing on the steps of the hospital entrance, Gu Chaoming waved back to him: "See you at school tomorrow, don't give the money, I'm not the cashier. , save yourself to buy yogurt."