
Chapter 31


The corridor on the first floor was dark, and there was a lamp on the top of the corridor that seemed to be a voice-activated light. When Su Bing first came, he kicked his legs a few times, but it didn't light up. After a few more kicks, it didn't light up. Su Bing gave up and stood in a place without lights. In the corridor, he waited for Gu Chaoming to come down.

Su Bing flashed a flashlight to the corridor, wanting to see if Gu Chaoming had come down. He had been to Gu Chaoming's house before, and he was taken in by Gu Chaoming. By chance, he happened to meet Gu Chaoming's father coming home.

When Gu Tao entered the door, he was kind, no different from his usual father, but Gu Chaoming tried his best to let them go home. Su Bing heard about Gu Chaoming's father beating people, but Gu Chaoming didn't make a mistake, and there was no reason for him to beat people. Su Bing went home with confidence that day, and the next day he saw Gu Chaoming's injuries, and then he understood what the hell was wrong. The reason is that it depends on Gu Tao's uncertain temper.

Since that day, Su Bing came to Gu Chaoming's house and did not dare to go upstairs directly, not because he was afraid of being beaten, but because he was afraid that Gu Chaoming would be beaten. Su Bing chose to ask Gu Chaoming if Gu Tao was at home before asking Gu Chaoming to go downstairs.

He asked Gu Chaoming to go out for supper, and he brought Cen Xili, who was very strict at home. Su Bing didn't do it on a whim, but when he saw Gu Chaoming's score of 20 points, he was afraid of Gu Chaoming, who "packed cotton in an iron box". People do not say that they are unhappy in their hearts, and light is boring.

Su Bing thinks he is not a foodie, but after all, eating can relieve all worries. When his stomach is full, he is not in the mood to think about that kind of trouble. In the past, when Cen Xili was bored and did not speak, Su Bing also struggled to think. He also searched various depression information on the Internet, just to make Cen Xili happy, who did not speak. Now he is here to help Gu Chaoming, who did not take the exam, to relieve his anxiety.

I really made an outstanding contribution to the "three auspicious treasures", Su Bing thought.

Just thinking about it, there was a sound of going downstairs from the corridor, and the voice was a little rushed. Su Bing guessed that it must be Gu Chaoming who went downstairs.

The sound of going downstairs was getting closer, Su Bing waited for the sound of going downstairs to be close to his head, picked up the mobile phone with the flashlight on, pointed the flashlight at his face, and pretended to be a ghost to frighten Gu Chaoming who went downstairs.

The sound of footsteps coming downstairs was getting closer, Su Bing asked him to come out for supper, Gu Chaoming put on his shoes and closed the door and hurried downstairs.

The light in the corridor on the first floor was recently broken and had not been repaired, so he felt dark when he went upstairs at night.

Since there are no lights, it's pitch black, why don't you pretend to be a ghost to scare Su Bing? Gu Chaoming went downstairs and thought.

Gu Chaoming thought of pretending to be a ghost to be scary, but he didn't think that Su Bing, who was inferior to him, was the same as what he thought, and it was the same trick - holding a flashlight.

Gu Chaoming quickly jumped down the stairs with the flashlight on his face. He wanted to scare Su Bing, but he jumped down the stairs and saw Su Bing, who was also holding the flashlight and pretending to be a ghost. He was almost scared to death by Su Bing.

Su Bing was also panicked by Gu Chaoming who suddenly jumped out, and took a small step back.

The two "ghosts" met, and the air was quiet for a second.

In the silence, the two looked at each other and laughed together.

Gu Chaoming put down the flashlight and walked towards Su Bing: "You are very naive."

"It's not the same for you," Su Bing said.

"Why did you suddenly call me out for supper?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Su Bingding won't say the real reason for supper, just find a random reason: "I'm hungry and want to eat."

The two walked out of the dark corridor together. Gu Chaoming asked worriedly, "Did you really call Xili? Where is he?"

Gu Chaoming always felt that Su Bing was lying to him, but last time he worked part-time in the store, Su Bing indeed called Cen Xili out to accompany him to the "demonstration support" dinner.

Gu Chaoming was dubious, and Su Bing said, "Xili is still at home, let's go to his house to pick him up."

Gu Chaoming was shocked and felt that he had been deceived: "Damn, do you know his house is far away?"

Su Bing sighed: "Boss, I didn't let you walk again, my car was called."

A local radio station was playing in the car, and Su Bing and Gu Chaoming sat in the back seat. Su Bing has been swiping his phone, Gu Chaoming looked at the scenery outside the window and turned his head: "Xili's house will definitely not let him out so late."

Su Bing said, "It's okay, he will definitely come out."

"Why are you so sure?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"His house is so strictly guarded, when did he escape? He told me how he escaped, and he just sent me a message saying he escaped successfully."

Su Bing said and showed Gu Chaoming his mobile phone.

It turned out that Su Bing had been chatting with Cen Xili just now, and Gu Chaoming flipped through the chat information of Su Bing and Cen Xili, and it was a live broadcast of how Cen Xili escaped from the house that guarded Yan Zhongzhi.

The more I scrolled up, I saw the conversation between Cen Xili and Su Bing before "prison escape".

"Why did you suddenly meet for supper?" Gu Chaoming asked again.

Su Bing still answered the same as before.

With all his heart to hide from Gu Chaoming, Su Bing had forgotten to discuss online with Cen Xili in the afternoon to ask Gu Chaoming to come out for supper to help him ease his mood.

Su Bing didn't realize that Gu Chaoming had discovered it, and was still saying: "Don't look at Xili's honesty, he is wilder than anyone else."

Gu Chaoming looked up the information and did not answer. Su Bing wondered why Gu Chaoming was silent all of a sudden, and when he leaned over, he found that Gu Chaoming didn't know where the chat information between him and Cen Xili had gone.

He just wanted to let Gu Chaoming see how Cen Xili "escaped" from prison, but as soon as he came out, before the supper was eaten, Gu Chaoming discovered the real reason for the supper.

Su Bing grabbed the phone: "I know now that your buddy treats you well, it's just one grade, so depressed."

"Where am I depressed?" Gu Chaoming said hard.

Although it was a little disappointing to see twenty minutes, Gu Chaoming thought that he had done a good job of covering it up. Who would have thought that Su Bing would see through it.

Gu Chaoming looked at Su Bing and was still a little moved, but Su Bing's next sentence "Don't be too moved, in fact, I really want to eat supper" directly and forcefully overturned Gu Chaoming's moving.

"Eat, eat, I invite you to eat." Gu Chaoming said.

"That's fine, I've already agreed to invite you, my brother is welcome."

"Then AA," Gu Chaoming suggested, "because I still want to call someone."

"Who is it?" Su Bing asked.

"Lin Jianfan, the leader of our study group."

"And the team leader, your team is just the two of you."

"So I'm a team member, and he's the team leader," Gu Chaoming smiled. "He also helped me. I want to invite him for a late night snack."

"Okay then," Su Bing nodded in agreement. "Then he will come out. It's not too early in the evening."

"I don't know, it should be."

Gu Chaoming only talked with Lin Jianfan about his studies. If Lin Jianfan is free tonight, and whether he will come out, he has to ask to find out.

"Do you have his phone number?" Su Bing asked.

"Yes, I'll give him a call." Gu Chaoming took out his mobile phone and called Lin Jianfan.

The beeping sound of the call came from the mobile phone. Gu Chaoming held the mobile phone and leaned on the back of the chair to look at the night scene outside the window.

The taxi was on its way to Cen Xili's house, and the rows of street lights on the roadside outside the window retreated to an invisible end.

After the rows of street lights outside the window were replaced by green and tall trees, Lin Jianfan answered the phone.

"Hello." Lin Jianfan's voice on the other end of the phone, which was softer than usual in class, reached Gu Chaoming's ears.

"Gu Chaoming?" Lin Jianfan asked softly, his voice a little hoarse and vague.

"Yeah." Gu Chaoming responded.

Gu Chaoming was a little confused when he heard his voice: "Are you asleep? I still want to call you out for supper, so forget it if you sleep."

I also wanted to invite him to a late-night snack to thank him for helping me talk about the topic these days. When I heard Lin Jianfan's voice that seemed to be sleeping, Gu Chaoming felt that he might be disturbing other people's sleep.

Gu Chaoming said: "Then you continue to sleep, I..."

Gu Chaoming asked him to continue to sleep, but Lin Jianfan said, "No! No, I'm not sleeping."

Gu Chaoming wondered: "You really didn't sleep? I heard your voice..."

"I'm taking a nap while watching TV." Lin Jianfan responded immediately.

"How can you watch TV so late and still get such good grades?"

"I, I...I..."

"Okay," Gu Chaoming sighed, "Sure enough, he's a genius."

Lin Jianfan on the other end of the phone couldn't even answer.

Gu Chaoming told Lin Jian the address of Fan Yexiao Street, and asked, "Is your home far from here? Don't come here, it's too late."

"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Jianfan said.

It took another ten minutes for the taxi to arrive at the entrance of Cen Xili's residential area. After Cen Xili successfully escaped from home, he stood outside the community and waited for the two of them.

The taxi stopped in front of Cen Xili, and Gu Chaoming greeted Cen Xili to get on the bus quickly.

Cen Xili opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. Gu Chaoming said, "I used to think that the three of us, Xili, were the most obedient. It seems that Xili, you are pretty wild, and you can come out so late."

"You don't know him, old fritters," Su Bing said aside. "The first time I called him, I was afraid that he wouldn't come out, but he said that I can rest assured that he can climb over the wall."

Cen Xili: "...???"

When the three arrived at the familiar night snack street, Lin Jianfan hadn't come yet. Lin Jianfan has been here for more than a month, so he should be very familiar with the school, but Gu Chaoming outside the school didn't know if he was familiar with it or not. Gu Chaoming was afraid that he was unfamiliar with his life and would get lost alone, so he called it out at night.

When he arrived at Supper Street, Gu Chaoming took out his mobile phone and sent Lin Jianfan a location, and then took a few pictures of the conspicuous landmarks in Supper Street to help him find a place.

"Where have you been?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Gu Chaoming fiddled with his mobile phone behind to send a message to Lin Jianfan, while Su Bing and Cen Xili looked at the night snack street and recalled the past.

"Last time I went to Gu Shuai's part-time job shop to finish dinner, and when he got off work, he was here to make skewers in the middle of the night." Su Bing pointed to an open-air supper stall. Last time, the three of them sat at the next table and complained about the shop together. employees.

"Xili now vomits when he sees the barbecue?" Su Bing asked with a smile.

Cen Xili said, "Last time, you ordered so much. I told you not to order so much and try your best."

"I'm not afraid that it's not enough." Su Bing said.

The street market is noisy at night, and the fragrance of various night snack stalls comes out. Blocks of colored neon lights flashed constantly, soliciting customers for the host. Round tables were laid out on the roadside, and there was an endless stream of people in the food stalls. After eating a table, newcomers came. Some people were talking loudly, some clinking glasses and drinking.

Su Bing picked out a familiar midnight snack stall: "Let's stay here."

Cen Xili nodded and said yes.

Su Bing turned his head and said to Gu Chaoming, who was still looking at his phone behind him, "What are you looking at? I've watched all the way."

Gu Chaoming tapped his fingers on the keyboard, raised his head, did not follow them into the supper shop but said to Su Bing, "Lin Jianfan said he was here, I'll pick it up."

"He didn't know how to come in?" Su Bing asked.

"I'm afraid that he's unfamiliar with the wrong way." Gu Chaoming said.

"Alright then, let's go too."

"to make."

Lin Jianfan got out of the taxi, and when the driver said it, Lin Jianfan just received the positioning information from Gu Chaoming.

Lin Jianfan held his mobile phone and looked at the lively long street. All kinds of people passed by in front of him, and the colorful neon lights kept flashing, piecing together the name of the store.

The man with the smell of alcohol was smoking a cigarette, and there was also a boy about his age. Lin Jianfan stood at the intersection and looked around looking for Gu Chaoming's figure.

Gu Chaoming came over and saw him standing on the side of the road like an obedient child.

"That's it." Gu Chaoming beckoned to Fan when he saw Lin Jian.

Lin Jianfan saw Gu Chaoming's waving hand, colorful neon lights flashed behind him, passers-by passed by him, Lin Jianfan stood there and looked at him.

Gu Chaoming walked up to him, and Lin Jianfan greeted them with a smile.

Knowing each other and without unnecessary nonsense, Gu Chaoming took Lin Jianfan into Su Bingxuan's supper shop.

"It's pretty close to where I work part-time." Gu Chaoming sat down and said.

"You're looking for a part-time job again?" Su Bing raised his head and asked Gu Chaoming as he ordered the dishes and heard the words.

"Just watch the supermarket, one Saturday."

"It's really hard work, Gu Shuai."

Su Bing finished ordering and asked, "Do you want beer?"

The three of them tacitly agreed that before the three of them had supper together, they would always order beer. Gu Chaoming knew that Su Bing was specifically asking Lin Jianfan this question, because Lin Jianfan's grades and his personality seemed to say: "I am a good student, I am a good student. do not drink."

Lin Jianfan obviously didn't understand, so he didn't answer, Gu Chaoming asked, "Can you drink?"

"Ah? Me?" Lin Jianfan nodded, "Yes."

"Don't be brave, you will go home alone later. If you don't know how to drink it, you can drink some juice or something." Gu Chaoming said.

Perhaps it was because of Lin Jianfan's good grades, coupled with his submissive and conscientious personality, Gu Chaoming even grabbed a crossed word from him like he was grabbing the little tail of his mistake. Lin Jianfan looked like a good boy, and Gu Chaoming always wondered if he could drink.

Lin Jianfan doesn't seem like someone who knows how to drink. With a series of sleazy manipulations made by him, he pretends he knows how to drink. Gu Chaoming thinks it's possible. As Lao Chen said, he brought bad students.

Lin Jianfan just nodded and said that he would, but Gu Chaoming couldn't help it. Su Bing was also afraid that Lin Jianfan would not be very good at drinking and that he would get drunk, so he only ordered a little beer

When supper came to the table, the waiter brought four glasses, the bottle opener was on Lin Jianfan's side, and Su Bing asked him to help.

Lin Jianfan picked up the bottle opener next to him and wanted to hand it to Su Bing, but Su Bing said, "Why don't you open it first."

Lin Jianfan's hand holding the bottle opener paused for a second. After the pause, he retracted the bottle opener, took the beer on the table, pressed the bottle opener on the beer bottle cap, and opened the beer cap somewhat rusty with force.

When Lin saw Fan Song pouring wine into his glass in one breath, Su Bing quietly kicked Gu Chaoming under the table, and said with his eyes, "It's obvious that he doesn't know how to open a beer bottle. Yes, you asked him to come out, we have to take care of him when he drinks."

Gu Chaoming opened a bottle of beer to receive Su Bing's message and nodded.

Cen Xi stood silent and glanced at the conversation in their eyes.

After the two chatted with their eyes, Gu Chaoming opened the beer and handed the bottle opener to Cen Xili.

After just handing the bottle opener to Cen Xili for a while, Lin Jianfan's cup of beer had unknowingly lost half of it.

"Take your time and drink." Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan, who was drinking beside him.

Lin Jianfan raised his head and smiled at him, Gu Chaoming was inexplicably worried, inexplicably felt that Lin Jianfan had already flushed after drinking half a glass of beer.

I shouldn't have called him, I didn't consider the beer factor.

Of the four people, Cen Xili specifically told Su Bing not to order so much, but when the food was served, the table was still full, and the four people would definitely not be able to finish it.

"I told you not to order so much." Cen Xili said.

"It's okay, I'll eat." Su Bing said.

Cen Xili began to dislike Su Bing again, and Lin Jianfan smiled when he looked at the two who were fighting each other.

A few people ate supper and talked about interesting things from the past, complaining about their own school, comforting and comforting Gu Chaoming, who was twenty minutes away, laughing and laughing.

"Poodles taught my cousin before."

"That clerk of yours is getting mad at the thought now."

"Twenty points isn't too low."

The three were too familiar with each other, and it was difficult for Lin Jianfan to join the topic after only one month of transfer, and it was easy to be swept away by the tacit understanding of the three of them.

The three of them paid attention to the topic, and Lin Jianfan had nothing to say, so the three of them silently created a new topic, and pulled Lin Jianfan, who did not speak, into the topic to chat together, preventing Lin Jianfan from feeling isolated.

Gu Chaoming paid attention to Lin Jianfan's alcohol level, and secretly paid attention for a while. Seeing that Lin Jianfan had a topic to talk about, he was relieved that he didn't drink much.

Speaking of the happy place, several people chatted vigorously, but Gu Chaoming couldn't care too much about whether Lin Jianfan was drinking or not.

The consequence of not taking it too seriously was that after chatting with a smile, he turned his head and saw that Fan Zhizhi fell over and planted himself on his shoulder.


The sudden weight on his shoulders made Gu Chaoming mention it. He wanted to move but was afraid that Lin Jianfan, who had no support, would fall back and fall to the ground.

Cen Xili, who was sitting across from him, was stunned. He was fine just now, and he could talk to him soberly. He didn't drink much beer, so why did he suddenly pour out

Su Bing held the wine glass: "Oh, we seem to have made a mistake."