
Chapter 34


The morning sun jumped into the room from the open window, and the water in the kitchen kept flowing from the tap, washing the back of Gu Chaoming's hand and the bowl of pasta for breakfast. The detergent gradually foamed under the washing of the water. Gu Chaoming held the bowl with one hand and swirled in the bowl with a rag in the other, while silently reciting English words in his mouth.

Gu Chaoming frowned when he rinsed it for the second time. Several words he had memorized yesterday rushed out of his memory with the flow of water, and he couldn't remember it no matter what.

Until I finish washing a bowl I eat alone, drain the water and put it in the cupboard. The moment he opened the cabinet, a word crossed his mind like a shooting star.

Gu Chaoming, who laughed only because he remembered a word, put the bowl away and closed the cabinet. He wiped his hands and walked to the living room. He first pulled out the school uniform jacket under the schoolbag and put it on. It is better to wear more than less during the season. Then, he carried the schoolbag full of books. The weight of the schoolbag also reminded him to study hard today.

Gu Chaoming put his schoolbag on his back and walked to the door of Gu Tao's room. There was no sound in the room, it should have gone out. When Gu Tao went out last night, Gu Chaoming locked the door and browsed university materials in front of his desk.

After spending several hours browsing the materials of various universities, Gu Chaoming realized again how turbulent his previous life was.

With a score of 299 points similar to the promotional price, the past self had no plans for the future and no concept. The future is just a word that teachers often talk about with a total of twelve strokes. It is an uncultivated land overgrown with weeds.

He just had to live by, without a goal, and decided he had no future.

The future is still in the future, as long as everything is not settled, there is still a chance to fight, not to mention that he is not going to fight, but take his time. It is not the midterm exams that are near, but the future that is far away.

After Gu Chaoming checked the university information, he recalled Lin Jianfan's words again, Gu Chaoming set a goal he wanted to achieve in the midterm exam based on the scores he had no confidence in.

Gu Chaoming is neither greedy nor underestimating. He just hopes to maintain the original 300 percent without dropping, and no longer control his scores because of whether the test paper is suitable for him or not, and no longer let his grades be uneven. He didn't ask for a high score, but only hoped that his grades would not be ups and downs, and could remain on a stable line. Only by keeping yourself steady can you climb upwards better.

Gu Chaoming no longer blindly seeks a high score in a quick test to please men and make up for his inferiority complex. He has a clear goal - take it slowly, step by step, not for others, but to learn for yourself.

The night when I realized my insufficiency and the morning after the night when I was happy because I realized my insufficiency, I thought I had awakened, and I was working hard on the right path. Start the effort in the wrong direction.

A long life is made up of ladders. When you are on this ladder, and you can't see the scenery beyond the upper ladder, you take it for granted that what you are doing now is correct. When you jump up the stairs again, your vision is widened, you see the scene outside the stairs, and then look back, what you thought was right at the beginning was just a mistake made by confusion and ignorance in the past.

In the same morning, after I figured it out, I felt the joy of life becoming clearer and clearer. The high wall of confusion that had been blocked in front of me was pushed up step by step, stirring up dust all over the place.

Gu Chaoming stepped into the school gate, eager to share his joy and energy after he figured it out. Gu Chaoming has never shared his inner sin with anyone, even if he digests the darkness alone at night. Gu Chaoming will not directly talk to people about his inner happiness, he just wants to find a familiar person to chat and talk.

It was during the peak period of school entry, Gu Chaoming's footsteps couldn't help but light up on the aisle leading to the teaching building, with the English words he reviewed in the morning in his mind, looking for familiar figures in the crowd based on his height.

The campus in the early morning is always full of vitality, and the noise has not subsided. In the noisy and energetic crowd, Gu Chaoming's eyes locked on the bushy-haired teenager walking in front of him and carrying a backpack.

The sun in the early morning of autumn faded the savageness of summer. The open school uniform flew to both sides because of the wind, and the hair on the top of the head was blown by the breeze. After a while, the legs that were constantly exchanged crossed the crowd and ran behind Lin Jianfan. , Gu Chaoming patted Lin Jianfan's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Team Leader Lin, good morning."

Team Leader Lin is the nickname that Gu Chaoming gave him, and the remarks Gu Chaoming gave him are also these four words.

Before Lin Jianfan turned his head, he heard Gu Chaoming's cheerful and laughing voice behind him, but he turned his head normally and bumped into Gu Chaoming's smile that could carry the whole spring.

He seemed to be very happy today, and Lin Jianfan, who turned his head, looked at Gu Chaoming and thought.

Gu Chaoming smiled, showing his teeth, a bright smile in his eyes.

Gu Chaoming was afraid that people in front of him would laugh at himself knowing that he was so happy because of such a trivial matter.

Gu Chaoming smiled and did not mention his joy. He walked beside Lin Jianfan and said, "I have set the mid-term goal you mentioned yesterday."

"Really? How many points?" Lin Jianfan's mouth and words were infected by Gu Chaoming's brilliant smile.

Walking up the stairs of the teaching building, Gu Chaoming stretched out three fingers.

"Three hundred?" Lin Jianfan asked.

Gu Chaoming nodded: "I can't take 300 exams a month. My grades are usually unstable. It's like riding a roller coaster. It's high and low. I want to stabilize my grades first."

Lin Jianfan turned his head to look at Gu Chaoming: "That's good too. After stabilization, the grades will definitely rise."

Gu Chaoming smiled: "I hope."

"I think you can do it." Lin Jianfan's eyes were firm.

I think you can do it.

Unexpected answer, just after setting the goal, tell others about your goal, and get such a positive answer is a very happy thing.

At least when Lin Jianfan said these words, Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan's face and met his firm eyes. At that moment, Gu Chaoming completely believed what Lin Jianfan said, and felt for it. Really happy.

But then a thought appeared in Gu Chaoming's mind like a shooting star when he opened the cabinet at home in the morning and remembered an English word.

Lin Jianfan's mantras are "thank you" and "sorry". Lin Jianfan never refuses other people's requests, never resists others' coercion, and of course never stings with others' praise.

If you get a question right, he will say you are smart, obviously he is the first in the grade. You buy a new dress, no matter how beautiful or ugly, he will say it looks good. There is no objection or resistance, and the people in the class will say that he pleases people.

Being sure is always happy, and after being happy, other people's evaluations can't help but come to mind.

Does Lin Jianfan really think that the person at the back of the crane in his class can accumulate wealth and achieve his goal? Or are you just trying to please yourself as the class says

The flash of thought took away Gu Chaoming's joy after being affirmed. He wanted to believe that he was really affirmed, but he couldn't ignore the words of the class.

Lin Jianfan didn't notice Gu Chaoming's doubts about him, and he continued to say, "Efforts will always achieve your goals."

"Well, yes." Gu Chaoming nodded, still smiling.

"What are you happy about today?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"Huh?" Gu Chaoming did not expect that Lin Jianfan would suddenly ask such a question, and he suspected that his intention to please him seemed to be pierced on the spot.

Gu Chaoming covered it up and spoke faster: "Yes, I am very happy today, because the weather is good."

Lin Jianfan looked at the sky outside the corridor, the weather was really good.

The sun is shining and everything is growing.

In such good weather, the school ushered in the sports meeting before the mid-term exam.

Lao Chen stood on the podium: "Cough, let me tell you something, the school sports meeting is about to start, next Monday to Wednesday, the next two days will be in normal classes, three days as usual, if you want to sign up, go Sign up for the sports committee."

As soon as the news of the sports meeting was announced, the whole class cheered for a while. The three-day sports meeting was equivalent to an extra three days of vacation.

"Stop, stop, don't be too happy," Old Chen settled the restless atmosphere in the class because of the sports meeting, "The midterm exam is right after the sports meeting. The last time my grades dropped like this, it's okay to play, don't play for me. It's crazy. I don't want to see results like the monthly exam anymore."

After speaking, Lao Chen asked the class again, "Are there any people in the class who know how to use a camera?"

Old Chen's question alerted Cen Xili's radar beside Gu Chaoming. Hearing Lao Chen's question, Cen Xili opened his eyes and did not blink for several seconds.

Old Chen's question also alarmed Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, who were sitting below. Gu Chaoming turned his head to look at Cen Xili.

It's not that Lao Chen's question has any special meaning to Cen Xili, it's just that the person who raised his hand after Lao Chen asked this question last time has a special meaning to Cen Xili.

"Teacher, I will." Someone in the class raised their hand.

"Well, you don't have any sports, right?" Lao Chen asked.


"You are responsible for taking pictures of our class during the sports meeting." Lao Chen said.

"it is good."

Because he knew how to use a camera, he was later notified of the division of arts and sciences. When the monitor proposed to make a video as a souvenir, the first person in the class thought of him. As a result, he said that he was not very good at cutting videos, and told the monitor to shoot videos and cut them. Chen Haiyang is particularly good at videos, and he has equipment.

Looking back now, even You Xin felt that it was a wrong decision to shirk and recommend Chen Haiyang to the monitor.

If he hadn't done this at the beginning, maybe he and Cen Xili wouldn't be in the current situation.

"Teacher, I will, I also have a camera." The class stretched out an arm.

Just like before, the overlapping questions, overlapping answers, memories and reality almost overlap.

Hearing the sound, Gu Chaoming looked at the answer, and it was the head with thick hair that he found in the school aisle in the early morning.

The person who took pictures of the class chose Lin Jianfan. After class, Gu Chaoming was doing his homework in his seat. Cen Xili asked him to go to the corridor to bask in the sun. He said that he would wait until he finished the problem.

After finishing his homework, Gu Chaoming stretched out and walked to Lin Jianfan's desk and asked, "What are you writing?"

Xu Shi saw that everyone in the class was in groups of three or five, either fighting or chatting, but it was special when Lin Jianfan was sitting alone in his seat and quietly writing something.

Or lonely? The word loneliness popped out of his mind, and Gu Chaoming felt it was appropriate, but he felt it was inappropriate. Lin Jianfan was just writing something by himself, how could he be alone

Gu Chaoming bent slightly and looked at the notebook that Lin Jianfan was writing. The content on it was in line with Lin Jianfan's character of a scholar, and he was arranging his notes again.

"You said that you were watching TV on the night of supper. I thought you were a genius. You can get high marks without studying. It seems that your grades are not for nothing. Leader Lin, you worked so hard." Gu Chaoming said with a smile.

"No, I'm not a genius," Lin Jianfan said slowly, "This is a note for you to organize."

It was obviously a note for Gu Chaoming, but now that the person concerned was in front of him, Lin Jianfan was a little embarrassed to cover the note he wrote with his hand.

"Ah? For me?" Gu Chaoming asked in surprise, "Why did you help me organize my notes again? Didn't you give me a knowledge manual last time? You want to organize every subject for me?"

"No," Lin Jianfan shook his head, "Didn't you say that you have determined the goals for the mid-term exam? I just want to help you organize your notes, it will be more convenient for you to learn this way."

Lin Jianfan's words blocked Gu Chaoming's words. In the morning, he doubted Lin Jianfan's affirmation of himself. Lin Jianfan is now arranging notes for himself. Gu Chaoming does not know whether Lin Jianfan is really helpful or just flattering from his classmates. .

"Thank you then." Gu Chaoming said.

"It's okay." Lin Jianfan raised his head with Yingying's smiling face.

"Don't delay your own study by organizing your notes for me," Gu Chaoming said.

Lin Jianfan smiled and said, "No."

I just wanted to come over to see what Lin Jianfan was writing by himself. Cen Xili was still waiting for him to bask in the sun in the corridor outside. Gu Chaoming pointed to the back door of the classroom and said to Lin Jianfan, "Then I'll go to the sun first, if you want not together?"

Hearing Gu Chaoming's invitation, Lin Jianfan blinked his eyes, his eyelashes fluttered quickly, and after a few seconds Lin Jianfan nodded: "Okay."

The corridor is full of sunshine, and the corridor is full of greenery.

Gu Chaoming walked ahead, Lin Jianfan followed behind Gu Chaoming, and walked to Cen Xili and Su Bing one after the other.

"Gu Shuai is here," Su Bing said after seeing Gu Chaoming approaching, "It's been a long time since you asked a question."

"Not only did I do the topic, I also brought a handsome guy here." Gu Chaoming said with a smile.

Cen Xili and Su Bing looked up and saw Lin Jianfan who was following behind Gu Chaoming.

Lin Jianfan just wanted to deny and say "I'm not" when a voice came from the other end of the corridor.

This voice attracted the attention of Gu Chaoming and Su Bing. The faces of Gu Chaoming and Su Bing were neither curiosity nor admiration, but the same disgust and anger they had when they saw the tall man yesterday.

Lin Jianfan looked at the person who made the sound. The tall man who passed by the window yesterday was also there, walking behind the person who made the sound that made Gu Chaoming and Su Bing disgusted.

Lin Jianfan didn't know the grievances between them, but the tone of the man's words was very unpleasant to anyone who didn't know what was going on.

The man's voice was very loud, and the people in the hallway basking in the sun were just talking normally and could not disturb each other. Whenever he spoke, the people in the hallway basking in the sun would be disturbed.

"You Xin, I heard that you reported 1,500. Why didn't you report 3,000, didn't you say there were still 5,000?" Chen Haiyang's tone was still contrived.

Although You Xin was his opposite, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but say a word for You Xin when he heard Chen Haiyang's words.

"If other people report it or not, you can report it yourself, and you will be fooling yourself all day long."

Chen Haiyang pretended to see Cen Xili and the four of them when he passed by, and deliberately said to Cen Xili, "Does Xili want to deliver water? Anyway, we You Xin are the first, we can go even if we are not in the same class. We used to be classmates."

Obviously, the foreshadowing ahead is to satirize Cen Xili in the end.

Lin Jianfan could hear the provocation and irony in it. Whether in tone or words, Chen Haiyang was secretly holding guns and guns.

Lin Jianfan looked at Cen Xili, and Cen Xili's expression was indifferent and slightly calm.

Lin Jianfan looked like a spectator, looking at Cen Xili and then at the silent You Xin. You Xin has an extraordinary height. Lin saw that the person who took the lead in provocation called Fan Ting called his name, so he knew that his name was You Xin.

You Xin lowered his eyes to Cen Xili, who was the shortest in the crowd and who had just been provoked by the man.

One tall and one short, the two looked at each other again. Lin Jianfan, as an outsider who didn't know what was going on, looked at each other and didn't know what was conveyed in their eyes.

Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, the "two guardians" standing on both sides of Cen Xili, couldn't stand it any longer.

Seeing that Cen Xili caught You Xin's "sacred decree eyes" again, Su Bing and Gu Chaoming were ready to be dispatched, Cen Xili once again took their arms and reminded them not to be impulsive.

Lin Jianfan watched the battle, his eyes moved from You Xin's face to Cen Xili's hand holding Gu Chaoming.

Cen Xili quickly released the hands of Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, and said calmly to Chen Haiyang who was provoking him: "I'm sorry, I won't deliver water, we used to be classmates, but there are people in our class now, I There is no way to deliver water to people in other classes."

Hearing Cen Xili's words, several people present were stunned, You Xin's eyes fell on Cen Xili for a long time, and he never moved away.

Chen Haiyang was dumbfounded by the counterattack for a while, Su Bing and Gu Chaoming were both shocked, and Cen Xili, who used to be patient everywhere, counterattacked! Cen Xili, who had just held him back, actually fought back! Su Bing couldn't believe it, and looked at Cen Xili in shock.

Taking advantage of the momentum of Cen Xili's reply, Su Bing took Cen Xili's shoulders and protested to You Xin and Chen Haiyang: "How is it? There is one less person in your class to send water to You Sanjin? Come and ask us to send him water to Xili. If you speak human words well, maybe we Xili will show mercy and send a bottle of water to You Sanjin as a charity."

Speaking of the pain in his lower back, Su Bing's eyebrows flew up in pain, and Cen Xili pinched Su Bing's waist to remind him not to talk too much.

Gu Chaoming, who was not pinched, smiled aside.

Chen Haiyang provoked Cen Xili so many times, and it was the first time that Cen Xili responded. After being shocked, he became angry and thought about how to fight back.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his mouth was covered by the palm stretched out from behind.

"Don't say it." You Xin covered Chen Haiyang's mouth and wanted to reply to Cen Xili, and dragged Chen Haiyang to his class.

Chen Haiyang was dragged away, and Su Bing pointed his middle finger at the two who had left.

You Xin dragged the disgusting Chen Haiyang away, Su Bing and Gu Chaoming changed their faces instantly, and the two surrounded Cen Xili: "Okay, Xili, that paragraph just now was really enjoyable."

"Are you enlightened today? Xili, I thought you were going to endure seals again." Gu Chaoming said.

Lin Jianfan couldn't understand the nicknames and abbreviations between them, so he just watched. The last time I asked about what happened between Cen Xili and You Xin, Gu Chaoming asked him to look at the question, but Lin Jianfan did not ask again.

"If you hadn't pinched me, I could have scolded more." Su Bing said.

The people around them were quiet and didn't say a word, which seemed out of place compared to the lively discussions between the three of them. Gu Chaoming turned his head to look at Lin Jianfan, who was quiet beside him. Lin Jianfan smiled formulaically at him, and Gu Chaoming also smiled in response.

I asked him to come out to bask in the sun, and if I couldn't get excited, I would leave others out in the cold.

Thinking about saying something can bring Lin Jianfan into the topic and prevent him from feeling isolated. Just when he was about to talk to Lin Jianfan, Su Bing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Gu Shuai, you are the fastest runner among the three of us. Give us some air."

Gu Chaoming didn't have time to talk to Lin Jianfan, so he asked Su Bing suspiciously, "How can I be the fastest?"

"You said it yourself, did you have to run long-distance and tied for first place in junior high school?" Su Bing asked.

Gu Chaoming nodded: "Is there such a thing, what?"

Su Bing beckoned to Gu Chaoming mysteriously and asked him to come over. Gu Chaoming walked over, Su Bing leaned into Gu Chaoming's ear and whispered to Gu Chaoming.

Lin Jianfan didn't know what Su Bing said to Gu Chaoming, but only heard Gu Chaoming say, "Why don't you run?"

Su Bing said, "My old arms and legs."

"Your legs are white." Gu Chaoming said.

Cen Xili knew that the two of them must be secretly formulating some plan to fix You Xin and Chen Haiyang, and asked them both, "What are you doing?"

"We want to participate in the Games." Su Bingsong, Gu Chaoming, said to Cen Xili.

"Sports meeting?"

"Yes, 1500. Gu Shuai's junior high school run is still 3000. If it is less than half, he will definitely win." Su Bing began to show off.

"Mother Su is lazy, let me go." Gu Chaoming walked back to Lin Jianfan and complained.

"Don't mess around." Cen Xili said worriedly.

Su Bing took Cen Xili's shoulders: "Don't worry, we just abused them and let them see how good Gu Shuai is and whether Chen Haiyang dares to casually say that You Sanjin is number one."

Young people are willful and competitive. If you say you are the first, I must grab your number one and show you.

Gu Chaoming turned his head to look at Lin Jianfan, who was completely used as a background board beside him, silent and unable to speak.

Su Bing didn't quarrel with him, and Gu Chaoming was finally able to talk to Lin Jianfan.

Gu Chaoming grinned and asked Lin Jianfan, "You are in charge of taking pictures this year, right? Last year it was You Xin. The one who just walked over was taller, you know?"

Lin Jianfan nodded and replied seriously, "I don't know him, I only know his name."

"It's better if you don't know each other," Gu Chaoming said, "a hypocrite."

"Forget it, let's not talk about him," Gu Chaoming shook off the look of disdain for You Xin on his face, still smiling just now, and said to Lin Jianfan, "I'm running for a thousand and a half, you must take pictures of me, and also Cheer me on, do you hear me?"

Hearing Gu Chaoming's request, Lin Jianfan opened his mouth slightly, looking flattered.

"You want to shoot me in the handsome." Gu Chaoming said with a smile.

Lin Jianfan looked at the smile that evoked the corner of Gu Chaoming's mouth. Gu Chaoming smiled so brightly that he probably wouldn't have noticed if a smile was stolen from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Jian Fan's mouth twitched, nodded and said, "Okay."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-30 00:44:40~2020-01-30 13:02:43~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: recall 4 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!