
Chapter 35


The school is very picky about the days. After experiencing the ups and downs of the weather, the weather during the sports meeting was smooth, and the whole air was full of bright sunshine. The dry, warm autumn sun shines through the treetops, creating tiny spots of light. Colorful flags fluttered in the breeze around the playground.

The athlete's march was played in a loop on the radio. Before the start of the games, the students were ordered to stay in the classroom, waiting for the teachers to gather and go down together to hold the opening ceremony of the games.

The unmanaged and lively classroom was full of people and noisy, like a pot of boiled and bubbling miscellaneous porridge. The students in uniform were temporarily freed from the shackles of study. As Lao Chen thought, they all turned into wild horses.

The school allows each class to design themes for the opening ceremony of the Games, allowing all kinds of fancy clothes to appear. The only highlight of the opening ceremony of the Games is the admission of each class. In addition to watching the admission of each class, the rest of the time is spent on the playground listening to the speeches of the school leaders.

Gu Chaoming saw a lot of different outfits on the bus that was usually full of uniforms. After entering the school, I broke into a new world, some specializing in cos animation characters, some playing zombies, and even when I went upstairs, I saw someone holding a pillow.

Is this a protest against too much study and too little sleep

Su Bing ran to another class to investigate the enemy's situation, and Gu Chaoming handed the tie to Cen Xili in the corridor.

"Lower down." Cen Xili took the tie and said.

Gu Chaoming bent down obediently and asked Cen Xili to help him tie his tie.

The tie went around the back of his neck, and another classmate who was holding a pillow passed by. Gu Chaoming's eyes kept following the pillow in his arms.

"Is their class going to perform to sleep?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Cen Xili helped Gu Chaoming to tie his tie, and glanced at the classmate who passed by with the pillow.

After tying his tie, Gu Chaoming tucked the tie into the v-neck sweater with satisfaction.

"In the future, you will learn to play by yourself." Cen Xili said, looking at the tie on Gu Chaoming's chest.

"I can't." Gu Chaoming adjusted his tie and looked down to see if it was crooked.

Gu Chaoming got this Japanese-style uniform a few days ago and kept it there. It was the first time I wore it today. After I put it on, I realized that I couldn't wear a tie. I sent a message to the "Lucky Three Treasures" group to ask them both. who will.

Compared with the other classes who pretend to be zombies and hold pillows, the sophomore and second classes are far too normal. One set of Japanese uniform per person, girls bow tie, plaid skirt, with light yellow knitted sweater, boys tie, plaid trousers, with light yellow knitted sweater.

This uniform uniform was chosen to match the slogan of the class.

"What is our theme?" the monitor asked from the podium.

"Handsome!" The boys collectively shouted.

"Where's the girl?" the monitor asked again.

"Beautiful!" the girls collectively shouted.

After shouting, the whole class burst into laughter.

In order to come up with a new entry slogan, the monitor gathered the whole class, and as a result, all kinds of strange slogans appeared.

"You are too imposing, not as good as the one in front."

After two days of difficult choices, I finally selected a slogan that the whole class agreed with, represented by the Chinese class in the class.

After tying the tie, I do not know when the opening ceremony of the Games will start, and I waited in the class for a while without seeing Lao Chen coming.

Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili continued to stand in the corridor basking in the sun, watching the classmates who came and went downstairs in all kinds of fancy clothes.

"Their class is actually pretty good-looking." Gu Chaoming pointed to a girl with a ponytail downstairs.

The sun shines through the ponytails of the girls downstairs, and the girls have a set of basketball sportswear, which is extraordinarily energetic.

Looking at the energetic girl downstairs, someone tapped her left shoulder. Gu Chaoming turned around and saw Lin Jianfan wearing the same uniform as himself. The same uniform looks particularly good on Lin Jianfan.

Gu Chaoming turned around, and Lin Jianfan put down the hand that patted Gu Chaoming's left shoulder. There was the lesson that he was yelled at when he just turned around. Every time Lin Jianfan patted Gu Chaoming's shoulder, he would habitually pat Gu Chaoming's left shoulder, because he always remembered that Gu Chaoming's right shoulder was injured.

Knowing that Gu Chaoming's right shoulder injury had already healed, Lin Jianfan still used to pat Gu Chaoming's left shoulder.

"What's wrong? Are you assembled?" Gu Chaoming turned around and asked.

Lin Jianfan shook his head: "Not yet, it's just that none of you are in the classroom. The monitor sent this to the class, and I got three for you."

Lin Jianfan raised the wreath that he had been holding in his right hand.

One of his left hand, and three of his right hand to help them.

It is a very common garland that can be seen in parks and scenic spots.

Three garlands are stacked on Lin Jianfan's hands, green vines are intertwined, and many green leaves are dotted with a small gauze flower. Small flowers made of tulle reflect a slight light sensation in bright sunlight.

Gu Chaoming took the top garland in Lin Jianfan's hand and put it on Cen Xili, adjusted the position, looked at Cen Xili who was wearing the garland and nodded with satisfaction: "Full score."

Uncomfortably, Cen Xili wanted to raise his hand to take off the garland on his head, but Gu Chaoming pulled Cen Xili's hand down and forbid him to take it off.

"It looks good, don't take it off." Gu Chaoming said.

"It's weird." Cen Xili said reluctantly.

"It's good-looking, I won't lie to you," Gu Chaoming asked Lin Jianfan while holding Cen Xili's shoulder, "Is it good-looking?"

"Ah?" Lin Jianfan replied woodenly, "Good-looking, he is very suitable."

After getting Lin Jianfan's agreeable answer, Gu Chaoming turned his head to Cen Xili and said, "Yes, I said it looks good, especially suitable for you."

"Then why don't you wear it yourself?" Cen Xili asked.

"Who said I don't wear it anymore? I'll show you how to wear it first."

Gu Chaoming said that he extended his hand to Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan thought that Gu Chaoming wanted to wear a wreath, so he picked up the wreath in his hand and handed it to him.

Gu Chaoming's outstretched hand was indeed towards the garland, Lin Jianfan handed out a garland, but Gu Chaoming's hand temporarily changed course, passing the hand that handed the garland over Lin Jianfan, pinching the camera strap around Lin Jianfan's neck . With his fingers rubbing Lin Jianfan's light yellow sweater, Gu Chaoming turned over the camera strap that Lin Jianfan was holding back.

The green leaves of the garland vines rubbed against the palms of his hands. Lin Jianfan looked down at Gu Chaoming's hand that was helping him adjust the camera strap, and blinked.

Just flipping the lanyard, Gu Chaoming quickly withdrew his hand, took the garland handed over by Lin Jianfan and put it on his head.

"Is it alright?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Cen Xili turned his head to look at Gu Chaoming wearing a wreath: "It's okay."

Cen Xili said it was alright, but Gu Chaoming chinned Fan Nunu to Lin Jian who didn't speak: "What do you think? Does it look good?"

Lin Jianfan stretched out his hand and moved the camera strap that Gu Chaoming had adjusted on his shoulders, smiled at Gu Chaoming's face, and nodded: "It's beautiful."

Lin Jianfan's third, non-ordinary formulaic smile, which he hadn't seen for a long time.

"I'll take a photo of the two of you." Lin Jianfan hung the remaining two garlands on his wrists and held up the camera.

After the shoot, I saw the photo taken by Lin Jianfan. Gu Chaoming named the photo "Brothers Garland", and Su Bing, who had returned from inquiring about the enemy's situation, complained that the name was too earthy.

"The soil is the soil, let it go." Gu Chaoming said indifferently.

Three minutes after Su Bing came back, Lao Chen and a few teachers walked out of the office together. Gu Chaoming urged Lin Jianfan to take a picture of Lao Chen.

"Go and take a picture of Lao Chen." Gu Chaoming patted Lin Jianfan's back and said softly to Lin Jianfan, while speaking, he also used his eyes to hint.

"Oh, good." Lin Jianfan obediently raised the camera hanging around his neck.

Seeing the camera facing him, Old Chen was still a little embarrassed, but Lin Jianfan decisively "clicked" one.

"Brother Chen, don't be shy." The three people in the corridor coaxed together.

Lao Chen asked them to take a photo, and was pulled by the three of them and forced to take a group photo.

"Brother Chen, come and come, let's take a photo together as a souvenir." Su Bing and Gu Chaoming walked over to "kidnapping" and grabbed one arm of Lao Chen, dragging Lao Chen to take a group photo together.

Lao Chen stood in the middle, Gu Chaoming, Cen Xili, and Su Bingwei stood on both sides, Gu Chaoming grinned wickedly and quietly compared the scissors over Lao Chen's head, and Lao Chen didn't feel it at all.

There was a Cen Xili between Su Bing and Lao Chen. Seeing Gu Chaoming playing scissors on Lao Chen's head, Su Bing also tried to compare scissors on Cen Xili's head. Cen Xili concentrated on taking pictures with the head teacher and didn't realize that there was a scissors on his head. What's wrong, Su Bing easily succeeded

In the camera, Lao Chen kept a kind smile and saw Gu Chaoming's scissor hand on Lao Chen's head, and then a scissor hand jumped out of Cen Xili's head. The two tall teenagers were surrounded by two "rabbits". Lin Jianfan, who was taking the photo, couldn't help twitching his lips, but he couldn't help laughing, so as not to reveal the two who were more than scissorhands.

Forced to take a group photo, Lao Chen slammed a few of them into the classroom: "Stop playing, enter the classroom, enter the classroom."

"Brother Chen, I will definitely miss you in the future." Su Bing said.

"Don't lie to me, you still miss me, and now you hate me to death, talk ill of our teacher behind your back all day."

Old Chen didn't believe it, but he was very happy to hear that his students would think of him in the future.

"Where is it?" Su Bing said.

"It's fine if you don't, go back to the classroom and gather."

Several people walked into the classroom from the back door and returned to their seats. The lively classroom was quiet because of Lao Chen's arrival. Lao Chen said a few words and asked Lin Jianfan to take a group photo with the whole class before going downstairs to gather.

The 40 people in the class except Lin Jianfan, who was taking pictures, joined an old Chen, a classroom where he usually studied, with crooked desks, walls with famous sayings and aphorisms, and the blackboard newspaper of the National Day as the background.

Class group activities that can’t be called quiet are always noisy, and just a photo-taking high and low ranking is also laughing and talking constantly.

Gu Chaoming, Cen Xili, and Su Bing originally wanted to stand in a row, but Gu Chaoming and Su Bing were too tall, and Cen Xili was too short, so they could not see Cen Xili from the back, and they stood in front and blocked others, so they could only let Cen Xili stand in front of him.

When taking pictures, Gu Chaoming put his hands on Cen Xili's shoulders and was beaten down by Cen Xili: "Take a good picture."

Gu Chaoming stared at Lin Jianfan who was adjusting his position and holding the camera. He had just seen a photo taken by Lin Jianfan in the corridor. Although Gu Chaoming had personal feelings, he thought that Lin Jianfan was better than You Xin, but he removed it. Personally, he still felt that the photos taken by Lin Jianfan were only better or worse than You Xin.

Take a group photo of the whole class, go downstairs to the designated place to gather.

Along the way, all kinds of strange clothes are dazzling, and the sophomore and second class with the theme of "handsome and beautiful" is unique among the school's strange clothes.

"Do you still have a wreath on your head?"

When Liu Xiaopang from Class 1 gathered and waited to enter, he saw such a normal Class 2, and ran over to see the wreath on Su Bing's head.

One group is a magician wearing a cloak and holding a magic wand. Su Bing took the long magic wand in Liu Xiaopang's hand and looked around: "Your class is also good."

"That is." Liu Xiaopang said proudly.

Su Bing raised his magic wand, and after reciting a spell, pointed at Liu Xiaopang: "Become a pig."

Liu Xiaopang was indifferent, but looked a little tired: "Our class's magic wands are about to rot, and today I have been turned into pigs, dogs, monkeys, sheep, horses, and chickens by them. Don't you want me to make you taller, more beautiful, more beautiful?"

"let it go."

A class teacher with a loud voice was still shouting in front: "Be careful with the magic wand in your hand, don't poke your eyes."

Liu Xiaopang snatched his magic wand from Su Bing's hand and wanted to raise his hand to touch the wreath on Su Bing's head. Su Bing took a step back and said, "I won't let you touch it."

"Virtue," Liu Xiaopang said to Su Bing, "I've already shown you my magic wand, but you still don't show me your wreath. I'll touch Li Zhao's. Where is Li Zhao?"

"Li Zhao is ahead, you go quickly." Su Bing pointed to Liu Xiaopang's position of Li Zhao.

Liu Xiaopang ran up to find Li Zhao with a magic wand and a magic robe. Li Zhao was thinking about how to invite Shi Cancan to watch his sprint competition.

"Can I say that?" Li Zhao was so nervous after just rehearsing with Lin Jianfan once, "What should I do, I'm so nervous!"

Before Lin Jianfan could answer, Yu Hangwei, who was standing behind a row of people, hummed and said, "You don't mean to ask him in vain, he can say anything."

Li Zhao turned his head and Yu Hangwei also said, "It's not easy to get a girl like Shi Cancan. Be tough, say something nice, send something, and you're guaranteed to get it."

Whether Li Zhao is used to Yu Hangwei or not, or whether Yu Hangwei is talking about Shi Cancan, Li Zhao thinks this sentence is not good. He called the goddess he treated with care as "a girl like Shi Cancan".

Li Zhao turned his back to Yu Hangwei and glanced at him. Yu Hangwei continued to say that when Li Zhao was about to have an attack, Liu Xiaopang just arrived and said that he wanted to see his garland, so there was no fight.

There are many classes in the school, and it takes a while to get in after the gathering. The team had just started, and the monitor reminded the students at the front of the queue uneasy: "Don't forget the slogan, shout together, don't mess up."

When it is his own class's turn to play, the monitor is responsible for holding the class placard and leading the team in front. The huge playground was crowded with people, and the sports meeting banner was pulled up on the rostrum. The school leaders sat on the rostrum and watched one strange class square after another.

The squad leader is responsible for raising the cards in Gao Yi. I have experience in raising cards, but I can't help but feel nervous to lead the team in front of so many people.

On the radio, the athletes' marches were played in a loop. The phalanx of the first class had already passed the rostrum. The announcer read out the introduction draft written by the representative of the Chinese class: "Now we are coming to the second and second class of the senior high school. They are full of youthful vigor. , sway the sweat of youth, and use sweat to create a rainbow leading to the future. They are a big family of forty people..."

The announcer continued to recite with emotion, and the whole class marched forward together. The monitor stretched out his arms and held the class card of the second and second classes of the senior high school. !"

The students have trained many times in the class. When the monitor shouted, the students in the second class shouted together: "Fairy descends to earth!"

The squad leader shouted again, "Where can I find a handsome guy?"

The students cooperated: "See all the second class!"

The squad leader took the lead in shouting for a round, and the whole class shouted in unison: "Second shift, second shift, fairies come down to earth, where can you find handsome guys, it's all about the second shift."

The slogan chosen after two days of careful preparation received a good response, and there was a lot of discussion on the playground, attracting many people's attention.

Everyone shouted the slogan of their own class. Of course, they should be serious and imposing during the cutscene. After the class, the students couldn't help laughing and called each other handsome fairies.

Chu Yao shouted, "Hey, this fairy."

"I'm a handsome guy." Jing Jiaru said.

After that, the two laughed together.

After the admission of each class, the rest were speeches by the school leaders, and the opening ceremony did not officially end until after 11:00.

Gu Chaoming's 1500 is in the morning the day after tomorrow, and the rest of the last day is mostly long-distance running.

The Games did not officially start until the afternoon, and the playground was filled with spectators and athletes one after another. Athletes warm up on the playground with numbered tags hanging from their backs.

In the afternoon, the sun was getting hotter and hotter, and many students who were waiting on the playground to be taken care of by the sun couldn't bear to take off their jackets.

Uniforms are only required to be worn at the opening ceremony in the morning, and you can wear whatever you want for the next two days. Students who have sports events that day also bring sports equipment.

After eating at noon, before going downstairs, Gu Chaoming looked at the golden sunlight outside the window, took off the light yellow sweater outside and put it on the table. Now sitting on the playground again, holding a cold drink can in one hand, unbuttoning the tie around his neck and unbuttoning a shirt with the other.

The quality of the shirts uniformed by the whole class was not very good and was not breathable. Gu Chaoming couldn't stand the heat, so he grabbed the shirt and shook it to ventilate.

There was a gunshot at the starting point, and a game officially began. Blood boiled on the playground, and the cheers continued. Without his own class, Gu Chaoming didn't go to see it. He sat on the playground and chatted with Cen Xili and Su Bing.

Su Bing and Cen Xili also took off their outer sweaters and wore only the inner shirt.

"Have you finished drinking?" Su Bing asked.

The two nodded.

"Rock paper scissors, whoever loses will throw it."

Gu Chaoming made the ok gesture, and Cen Xili agreed.

Rock-paper-scissors is the way the three of them decide who will play the ball, who will throw the trash, and everything else that requires a choice.


Two cloths, one stone.

"Okay, I'll go."

Gu Chaoming stood up with the tie he untied, Su Bing smiled and waved to him, "Go early and come back early!"

Gu Chaoming held three soda cans in one hand, and raised his middle finger to Su Bing who won the rock-paper-scissors win.

"I'm willing to admit defeat." Su Bing said.

Carrying three soda cans through the boiling crowd on the playground, a race is over, and the finish line is lively. A sweaty athlete passed by in the vigorous heat. Gu Chaoming threw the can into the trash can, and walked back with the tie he undid because of the heat. When he walked to the lively playground, there was a sudden "click".

Someone was filming.

Without turning around, Gu Chaoming could guess that it must be Lin Jianfan, who was in charge of taking pictures in their class, not Lin Jianfan who would secretly photograph him for no reason.

Gu Chaoming turned his head, and sure enough, he saw Lin Jianfan who was holding the camera at him behind him.

"I've been caught for candid photography," Gu Chaoming said jokingly, holding his tie and walking to Lin Jianfan, who was filming secretly, "Candid photography is an infringement, do you understand?"

"I don't." Lin Jianfan quibble.

"I saw it all."

Lin Jianfan said softly, "That's fine."

Gu Chaoming walked over to see that Lin Jianfan was still wearing a sweater in such a big sun. He pulled Lin Jianfan's sweater and asked, "Aren't you hot, you can still wear a sweater in such a big sun? Are you afraid of heat?"

"It's okay." Lin Jianfan said.

Gu Chaoming saw that Lin Fan had fine sweat on his cheeks and his forehead, he took out a pack of tissues from his pocket and handed it to him: "It's very hard for you to take pictures, you have to take pictures with a camera every day, and you have to take pictures when it's so hot. ."

"Thank you," Lin Jianfan took the tissue and said, "You still have to run, you have to do your best! Running is harder than me. I just take pictures. Taking pictures is my hobby."

"That's it, I think your photos are very good." Bi You Xin's photos are much better.

The latter sentence Gu Chaoming stayed in his stomach and did not say it.


Thanks again, when Gu Chaoming felt that there was no need to continue this conversation, Lin Jianfan raised the camera and grinned and said to him, "Gu Shuai, smile."

The first time I heard Lin see Fan calling him Gu Shuai, Gu Chaoming was still a little uncomfortable.

"It's nothing, why should I laugh?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Lin Jianfan raised the camera and stepped back, looking for the best distance for taking pictures. Hearing Gu Chaoming's question, he rubbed his fingers on the camera body.

"You look better when you smile," Lin Jianfan was afraid that Gu Chaoming would not believe him, so he repeated, "You look good."

After hearing this, Gu Chaoming smiled. It wasn't the smile that was as bright as a new rising sun that morning, but was amused by Lin Jianfan's words, "You're a good-looking ass, can you have a good-looking classmate?"

From Lin Jianfan's mouth, he couldn't hear a single word of his own shortcomings, as if everyone had no shortcomings, all of them had advantages, and they all praised themselves for so long.

Gu Chaoming smiled, this is what they say to please people.

People always like to hear good things, and when Lin sees Fan boasting that he is good-looking, Gu Chaoming is happy inside.

"You look good when you smile. You are prettier than me. I'm not a banshee." Lin Jianfan held the camera and took pictures while answering each question seriously.

Gu Chaoming was more convinced of his own thoughts, smiled and said, "Don't flatter me."

Gu Chaoming didn't like this kind of compliment that wasn't from the heart at all, but to please him through calculation.

Hearing Lin Jianfan's camera "clicking" a few times, Gu Chaoming stepped forward inexplicably unhappy and covered Lin Jianfan's camera with his hand: "Enough shooting, I'll go first. "

Gu Chaoming didn't wait for Lin Jianfan to answer, he held the tie in his hand and turned to walk towards the positions of Su Bing and Cen Xili.

He has no malice towards Lin Jianfan himself, but simply doesn't like people who are too calculating. Thinking that Lin Jianfan insisted on taking him to the hospital that day, Gu Chaoming always hoped that Lin Jianfan who accompanied him to the hospital was not what he thought.

Not knowing where to go, he came out of the consultation room and was moved by Lin Jianfan, who was sitting in a hospital chair waiting. Gu Chaoming didn't know how to face it when he thought that his real emotion at that time was probably due to Lin Jianfan's meticulously calculated flattery and flattery.

Looking back at Lin Jianfan, who was left behind by him, he thought he would continue to take pictures of others. After all, he said he was going to leave, but Lin Jianfan still stood there blankly, looking in the direction he left. .

Are you overdoing it yourself? Suddenly throwing others there, the words seem to be a little cold.

Gu Chaoming didn't want Lin Jianfan to think so, but he couldn't help saying those words.

Gu Chaoming turned around, stretched out his tie-holding arm backwards and waved to Lin Jianfan who was standing there, alleviating his sudden "coldness" just now.

The warm sunshine stopped behind Gu Chaoming who was waving his tie constantly. Lin Jianfan, who was standing in the same place, saw Gu Chaoming who waved back to him after leaving, and also waved at him with a smile, a smile that Gu Chaoming had never seen before.

Gu Chaoming didn't know what was going on in his mind, but he was able to laugh so happily all of a sudden.

Gu Chaoming waved his hand and turned around, and continued to walk towards Cen Xili and Su Bing.

The author has something to say: It is a special period recently, everyone who reads the text should pay attention to protect themselves.

Go out as little as possible, wear a mask when going out, wash your hands frequently, and ventilate more

Don't let the disease get close to you ( '? ' )