
Chapter 37


As soon as Chu Yao saw Lin Jianfan, she couldn't help but become a shy woman who was a weak Liu Fufeng. The problem was improved because of the one-and-a-half-day photo-taking trip at the Games.

Although it was still a little difficult to let go in front of Lin Jianfan, it was a big change compared to the previous time when a bottle of water could be procrastinated for a long time.

No matter how much they changed, on the third day, Chu Yao was still embarrassed to follow Lin Jianfan's side and let Lin Jianfan teach herself to take pictures.

On the first day of the Games, because she could not understand the technical terms that Lin Jianfan said, Chu Yao went home and looked up a lot of photographic materials on the Internet to make up for it.

So that the next day, he had no confidence and no face to go to find Lin Jianfan in the name of learning to take pictures. Just learning to take pictures, Chu Yao believes that getting along for half a day is the limit.

On the second morning of the Games, Jing Jiaru pushed and persuaded him to talk to Lin Jianfan by relying on the little white knowledge he learned last night. Chu Yao was afraid that she would reveal that she did not want to learn to take pictures, but simply wanted to stay. the heart beside him.

On the third and last day of the Games, Chu Yao was really embarrassed to use her little white knowledge to follow "the Great God Lin", and said to Jing Jiaru, who encouraged her to continue: "If you follow me again, everyone will know Sima Zhao's heart. Well."

Three days in a row of the scorching sun, and the school sports meeting is drawing to a close. Most of the remaining events on the last day of the Games were finals and long-distance running. Gu Chaoming's 1500 was scheduled in the morning. After watching the competition group at the PE representative, he knew that he and You Xin were in a group.

When Su Bing learned that Gu Chaoming and You Xin were divided into a group, he was very excited: "This is worth seeing, Gu Shuai, we must win glory for the second class!"

On the day of the competition, Su Bing was equipped with massage services, sports drinks, and refueling equipment. Su Bing walked into the classroom with a large bag of things, put the energy drink on Gu Chaoming's table, and distributed cheering sticks in the class. Gu Chaoming kept looking at him with the look of "a stupid man with a lot of money".

"The local tyrants refuel." Gu Chaoming said.

After distributing the refueling equipment, Su Bing took out a good item he carefully selected from the drawer. Su Bing is not very good at the carefully selected things. He pressed a key randomly, and a familiar music came out. Gu Chaoming had to look up - Su Bing, a fool, even bought a loudspeaker!

The loudspeaker used by tour guides to shout to everyone not to be left behind!

The sound of the music attracted the attention of the whole class. Gu Chaoming could imagine the scene of Su Bing in the crowd cheering him on with the loudspeaker when he was running.

Does he regret it now? Gu Chaoming thought that if he lost the match against You Xin, he must have been slowed down by Su Bing's laugh.

Everyone crowded around curiously, and Su Bing auditioned for "Hello, Hello" in the middle of the crowd. Through random pressing, Su Bing basically mastered how to use the speaker.

From the moment he saw Su Bing walk into the classroom door with a bunch of things, Cen Xili felt that today was not an ordinary day. With Su Bing as a living treasure, their second class would also become the most unusual class in this Games.

For the 1500 competition between Gu Chaoming and Su Bing because of their youthful competition, Cen Xili considered whether to go down to cheer for Gu Chaoming, for fear that if he went down to cheer for Gu Chaoming, rumors would be spread.

"Why don't you watch my game?" Gu Chaoming said.

Su Bing followed closely and said, "Yeah, why can't you watch Gu Shuai's game?"

Cen Xili: "..."

Su Bing threw two cheer sticks to Cen Xili, and dragged him downstairs with Gu Chaoming.

"Drink the drink, why haven't you arrived yet? I'll take a look." Su Bing watched it once, but got up again in ten minutes and walked towards the starting point.

Gu Chaoming unscrewed the sports drink, looked at Su Bing in the crowd at the starting point while drinking, turned to Cen Xili and said, "As expected, it's Su Xiaoma, old mother, worrying about her life."

"Just asking you to drink a drink looks like an old mother asking a disobedient child to drink medicine." Cen Xili said with a smile.

Liu Xiaopang passed by to look for Su Bing, Gu Chaoming raised his chin towards the starting point: "That's it."

Liu Xiaopang just asked as he passed by, he was going to buy water for the athletes in his class, and Liu Xiaopang had just left Li Zhao and Lin Jianfan on the heels.

"Are you going to play soon?" Li Zhao walked over and sat down with the cheering stick that Su Bing distributed in the class in the morning.

Lin Jianfan followed Li Zhao, without speaking or sitting down, he first took a photo of Gu Chaoming who was sitting on the ground waiting for the start of the game.

Gu Chaoming raised his head when he heard the sound: "How about it? If it's too ugly, delete it, don't leave a black history."

Lin Jianfan sat next to Li Zhao after taking the photo, and said to Gu Chaoming across Li Zhao, "It's beautiful."

Gu Chaoming didn't answer, Li Zhaoyang raised the cheer stick in his hand: "We came here specially to cheer you on."

In the morning, Su Bing handed out cheer sticks in class and told his classmates to remember to cheer for Gu Chaoming. It was clearly what Su Bing did, but Gu Chaoming felt that he had lost all his face. Gu Chaoming frowned and supported his forehead. Li Zhao also said, "Many people in our class are waiting to cheer you on."

Thinking of the scene where Su Bing cheered himself with a trumpet while running, it was really a little red in the green bushes, and a red-crowned crane mixed in with the ducks - especially outstanding.

"What should I do if I'm autistic?" Gu Chaoming said with a smile on his forehead.

Su Bing, who was worried, ran over to inform Gu Chaoming to prepare, and Gu Chaoming asked Cen Xili to help him put up the athlete number.

"Why haven't you hung up yet?" Su Bing asked anxiously.

Gu Chaoming said indifferently, "Forget it."

"You are the emperor who is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry." Li Zhaoxiao was worried about Su Bing.

"What do you know, we call it a clear division of labor, I can't support Gu Shuai in sex, but I can support him mentally," Su Bing patted his chest, "When the time comes, Gu Shuai will also be able to defeat You Sanjin. "

For the sake of taking pictures, Lin Jianfan took the camera and followed Gu Chaoming to the starting point. Lin Jianfan walked behind Gu Chaoming, and Cen Xili helped Gu Chaoming hang the athlete codes in Lin Jianfan's camera, swaying with Gu Chaoming's figure, like water in a water bottle, like waves in his heart.

Gu Chaoming warmed up before the game, and when he heard someone calling his name at the starting point, Gu Chaoming ran over to stand at the starting point. He was arranged in the innermost circle, which was also convenient for Lin Jianfan to take pictures.

The sun is still bright today, shining directly on Gu Chaoming's face. Lin Jianfan is looking for a suitable angle beside Gu Chaoming with a camera.

The last race has just finished, and it will take a short while before the next race begins. Gu Chaoming is not nervous at all. For such a short-term competition, long-term study can stimulate his nervousness even more.

Long-distance running is only a matter of a few minutes, and after a few minutes of unbearable pain, the result can be directly and truly ushered in. Learning is a protracted struggle, and Gu Chaoming has just embarked on this path of struggle.

"Gu Shuai abused him with your long legs." Su Bing cheered Gu Chaoming on at the starting point.

"Take me a good look, photographer." Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan, who was aiming the camera at him.

"Yes." Lin Jianfan answered respectfully.

You Xin was placed on the track next to Gu Chaoming, and there were several people separated from Gu Chaoming. Su Bing cast a cold look at You Xin on the track in the distance, You Xin chose to turn a blind eye, and only glanced at Cen Xili who was standing beside Su Bing when he entered the track.

You Xin, who was preparing for the game, once again cast his gaze towards Gu Chaoming. Su Bing stretched out his index and middle fingers in front of his eyes, poking his eyes, warning You Xin with his body language: "What are you looking at, be careful I will dig yours out. Eye."

You Xin withdrew his gaze indifferently.

The starting point was noisy, and before the game started, someone had already organized to call out the names of their classmates. Su Bing was not to be outdone: "Gu Chaoming, come on, Gu Chaoming, come on!"

The spiritual support is so full that it is about to explode.

"Come on." Lin Jianfan's soft cheering sound was a little dull in Su Bing's cheering sound as if he was trying to win the game.

Gu Chaoming nodded, and confidently said to Lin Jianfan, who was cheering him on as before the last test, "Let you see how good I am."

"Remember to make me handsome." Gu Chaoming repeated again.

"My camera and I are ready." Lin Jianfan smiled slightly.

The shallow, third uncommon smile.

"You said that I look better when I smile, but in fact you look good when you smile this way." Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan who was smiling, his intention was on the word "this".

Regardless of whether Lin Jianfan understood him or not, Gu Chaoming didn't look at Lin Jianfan's face again, his game was about to start.

Gu Chaoming got ready, the referee called to prepare at the starting point, and Lin Jianfan's camera shutter followed.

I didn't understand, Gu Chaoming thought while preparing, otherwise he wouldn't have taken a picture of him so quickly. Xu Zhi only regarded his words as a compliment, but he didn't hear Lin Jianfan's classic thank you. Maybe it's because he is too yin and yang, and he tries to make others understand his meaning with a single accent.

Everyone is different, life is long and short, heartbeat is fast and slow, and no one can fully understand another person.

Putting aside his thoughts, the gunshots representing the charge rang out. The playground was instantly drowned out by the sound of cheering one after another, which was deafening. One thousand five did not compete with the sprint speed at the beginning, and Gu Chaoming did not sprint out of the track like a feathered arrow.

After Gu Chaoming rushed out of the starting line, he was in third place. The first was from a sports team, and there was another who rushed to the second with full horsepower from the beginning to follow the sports team. There are still so many laps to come. Gu Chaoming sees that the second place doesn't seem to be able to maintain this speed smoothly. I don't know if he is the one who has trained the stamina of King Kong and can run 1500 at the sprint speed, or just a future. Accelerates the reps that drop halfway.

Gu Chaoming was not disturbed by others, kept his speed and moved forward steadily, You Xin was in line behind Gu Chaoming.

The overwhelming sound of cheering in the crowd was carried by the wind, and the crowd on the edge of the track locked the track like the rocks on the stream locked the stream. Gu Chaoming was running, and when he saw the people cheering for him on the side of the runway, there were so many people that Gu Chaoming suspected that all the others in their class except Wu Shan had come.

Hey, Gu Chaoming spotted Wu Shan in the crowd, and in a flash, he didn't know who he was cheering for.

Gu Chaoming ignored it and concentrated on the steps under his feet. The steady and powerful steps on the red rubber track, the running body and the dripping sweat are the best proof of the distance he has run.

Concentrating on the game, a special, frosted sound came out from the cheering sound of running around, "Gu Shuai, Gu Shuai, you are the most handsome! Gu Shuai, Gu Shuai, you are the best! Gu Shuai, Gu Shuai, you are the best!"

A slogan that has no sense of rhythm at all, and is completely assembled because of patchwork. As soon as the powerful horn came out, everyone who knew Gu Chaoming looked at "Gu Shuai" in the horn.

Gu Chaoming was restless on the runway. He glanced at Su Bing, who was shouting with a trumpet on the edge of the runway.

After running a lap, Gu Chaoming's breath became hotter and hotter, and the sound of missing half of the track resounded beside him again.

Because taking pictures, he couldn't keep up with Gu Chaoming's running speed, so Lin Jianfan chose to cross the playground to the other end to wait for Gu Chaoming.

There was a clicking sound in front, and Lin Jianfan stood in front waiting for Gu Chaoming to run past.

After the second lap, his original shape was revealed, and his footsteps became heavier after only one lap. Gu Chaoming clearly felt the weight of his breathing when he passed him behind him.

Gu Chaoming ran past him, surpassing one person and becoming second, and the celebratory sound around him came from time to time.

"Gu Shuai is second, you are second! Come on!"

There was a lot of cheering in the crowded place, and the athlete's march played on the radio in the noise was squeezed so that there was no space to settle down. The classmates did their best to cheer, and Gu Chaoming could hear many familiar voices mixed together.

Su Bing accompanied him throughout the run, and Cen Xili, like Lin Jianfan who took the photo, ran directly across the playground from one runway to the other runway to cheer on Gu Chaoming.

Feeling the gradual sound of You Xin's footsteps behind him, Gu Chaoming worked hard to adjust his breathing and pace.

Lin Jianfan put down the camera and watched Gu Chaoming run past him. Gu Chaoming's hair was facing the wind, his eyes were looking forward, his chest heaving up and down due to his breathing.

It was the second lap, and the race was intense, and the ranking remained unchanged except for the second place at the beginning and the last place. The whole game seemed to have entered a weak stage in the middle, with all the players maintaining a steady speed and becoming a "friendly non-interrupting game".

Until the end of the second lap, the top three of "Elderly Care" were all struggling to move forward, and the changes of the last few people caused a huge wave for a while.

The fifth place saved his strength and felt that the time was right, so he resolutely accelerated to pass the fourth place, and immediately pressed against the third place You Xin.

The crowd exclaimed for a while, and Su Bing, who was running after him, turned his head to look, and the fifth place, who had fallen behind by a long distance, chased after You Xin bravely.

You Xinxu was panicked by being caught up with him, so he immediately increased his speed, and then pressed for second place Gu Chaoming.

What's the situation? Su Bing held the horn to cheer and forgot to shout.

Su Bing panicked for a while, afraid that the person was a real lasting outbreak. Beyond the accident, Su Bing said to Gu Chaoming, "They accelerated."

Everyone has their own rhythm. Gu Chaoming follows his own rhythm whether they speed up or not, but the heat in his chest and the fine sweat on his hair are all shouting: "Su Bing, please stop arguing, Guan. Drop your horn and shut your mouth!"

Gu Chaoming once again saw Lin Jianfan who was waiting for him to run past. Lin Jianfan kept walking through the crowd, like a small gas station that would appear in front of him every other moment.

Lin Jianfan was not as noisy as Su Bing, who was running with him. He stood on the lively playground like a landmark that could take pictures and cheer. He stood there quietly, holding a camera and waiting for his arrival. After taking the photo, say cheers to him, and run with him for a short distance.

After a few laps, Gu Chaoming began to expect Lin Jianfan to appear on the side of the runway, just like he was expecting to see Lin Jianfan after the hospital opened the door that day.

It feels good to have someone waiting.

Gu Chaoming's breathing was a lot short, and his hair was all wet with sweat. No matter what the people behind you are fighting for, Gu Chaoming still stands still.

You Xin's rhythm is not stable enough. He is not good at long-distance running, and relies entirely on a youthful endurance to support him. When he was overtaken by the fourth place, he changed from third to fourth, and was about to be overtaken by the fifth place, You Xin chose to break his own speed, went up bravely, and stood side by side with the third place. Gu Chaoming in front of him has been maintaining his own speed.

To what extent can one force oneself? After three laps, You Xin was exhausted. He felt that his legs were sore and weak, and his legs had been habitually driving his body forward. With his legs and feet sore, You Xin speeded up and rushed forward to pass the third place who was also weak but lacked his sprinting energy.

The third place was completely powerless because of the early sprint ahead. You Xin seemed to be easily surpassed. Only You Xin himself knew that he was fighting for the last strength.

He wants to win.

would love to win.

Entering the final fourth lap, the cheers around him were unprecedentedly enthusiastic. After passing through Lin Jianfan's "gas station", Gu Chaoming planned to fight again to see if he could catch up with the first place in front.

His chest was as hot as a machine at work all the time, hot and uncomfortable. From the throat to the nasal cavity, a line of fire burns up, and the breath is hot and hot. Gu Chaoming was not sure whether his running method was correct. He had not undergone serious training, but just adjusted according to his own breathing rate.

The footsteps suddenly accelerated, and the legs were quickly exchanged. Su Bing felt Gu Chaoming's acceleration.

After sprinting for a short distance, Gu Chaoming knew that he could not finish first.

In the junior high school sports meeting, Gu Chaoming had a life-and-death struggle with a physical training team, and only later learned that he was a physical training team. At that time, he was still tied for the first place. The sports students this time are stronger than the junior high school sports students.

Gu Chaoming didn't succeed in his sprint, and his speed was at his maximum horsepower sprint speed.

"You Xin is crazy." Someone in the crowd said.

"Gu Chaoming also accelerated."

"He's been accelerating all the time."

You Xin rushed forward with all his strength, from being overtaken by the fifth place to behind Gu Chaoming, who was rushing to the last 100 meters.

Gu Chaoming admitted that when he felt You Xin was behind him, he was shocked. His efforts were only 100 meters away from the end, and an enemy bird flew out from behind to snatch away the fruits he had worked so hard to pick. How could Gu Chaoming agree!

If You Xin sprinted behind him, Gu Chaoming would never have known that Lin Jianfan's cheers could be so loud and frenetic.

Behind him was a beast that wanted to win but was already desperate. Gu Chaoming maintained his acceleration, with the "tail" behind him, and heard Lin Jianfan's cheers.

"Gu Chaoming! Come on!" Lin Jianfan's loud cheering sound rang in his ears, brighter than the horns at sea.

A voice that was brighter than the horn shot directly into Gu Chaoming's ears amid the cheering sound of the sea, letting Gu Chaoming know where he was.

It was the first time that Gu Chaoming heard Lin Jianfan's loud and clear voice. Usually, Lin Jianfan spoke softly, not even serious words.

Hearing Lin Jianfan shouting cheers, Gu Chaoming saw Lin Jianfan waiting for him not far away.

Lin Jianfan put his hands in a trumpet shape to his mouth, and the camera kept shaking in front of his chest. Lin Jianfan's fingers are slender and smooth, the sun shines through his lush hair, the hair flutters in the wind, and the sun shines through the gaps between his fingers.

With You Xin pressing behind him, Su Bing shoved the loudspeaker into his arms as he ran past Lin Jianfan: "Shout, keep shouting!"

After experiencing the torture of the first 1,400 meters, even though the last 100 meters sprinted, the speed was definitely slower than the normal sprint. The first place has reached the finish line, the fourth, fifth and sixth place are still half a circle behind, and the second and third are stuck together.

Su Bing felt tired just by running with Gu Chaoming. Su Bing kept applauding and motivating Gu Chaoming: "Gu Shuai, run quickly, Gu Shuai!"

When Lin Jianfan got the speaker, he stopped taking pictures and followed Su Bing.

Let Gu Chaoming's nightmare loudspeaker appear again, but this time it was Lin Jianfan's voice, and the content was much more comfortable.

"Gu Shuai! Come on!" Lin Jianfan repeated these two sentences loudly and forcefully while holding the horn, "Gu Shuai! Come on!"

The students at the runway heard Lin Jianfan's horn and cheered for Gu Chaoming spontaneously and neatly. Lin Jianfan was a little sluggish and didn't realize it, only that the sound of cheering became neat.

"Gu Shuai! Come on!" The classmates in the crowd shouted.

Gu Chaoming was held up by the uniform sound of cheering, the waves beat him forward, and the wind whistled to help him sprint.

Running is taboo to look back at your opponent.

Don't look back, look forward.

There is no turning back, even though You Xin will be able to be side by side with him if he goes further.

Gu Chaoming looked straight ahead, the finish line was ahead, the cheers that the classmates wanted to welcome in front of him, the place where Su Bing was going to accompany him, the front was Cen Xili waiting, the front was the horn hanging on his wrist and holding the camera. He frantically shot Lin Jianfan.

For some reason, Gu Chaoming remembered Gu Tao when his brain was full of heat and his thoughts could only be empty, and he remembered Gu Tao who had nothing to do with the sports meeting.

I remembered the burnt smell of cigarette butts on the back of my hands when I was a child, the scars on my forehead, the look in Gu Tao's eyes, the appearance of Gu Tao smashing furniture, drunk eating peanuts, and hiding the knives behind him.

Gu Chaoming was neither angry nor self-pity, but unconsciously quickened the pace under his feet, even though the pace under his feet was already heavy.


"Just like your mother!"

"If you dare to come back, I will stab you with a knife."

"My filial son, let me show you something."





Dim lights and bright red blood.

Yesterday's dream and today's knife.

The youthful vivacity and the sin buried in the heart.

Gu Chaoming ran faster and faster, but he seemed to have run for a long time in the short fifty meters.

He ran in the long river of time, on the track of memories and sins, and the dark crows around him kept calling, which made people irritable.

The whole body is full of stars, but there is no end, no exit. He can only keep running forward, keep running, running for a long time, running until tired, and his footsteps will not stop.

The crow was still screaming, and it kept screaming, as if it would not stop until the world perished.

The crows pecked at him, at his flesh, at his bones. Gu Chaoming felt the pain, the piercing pain, but he could ignore it, he just wanted to go out and escape!

Finally, in the midst of despair, he saw the light! Warm and bright light!

The light couldn't dispel the crows pecking at him, but it illuminated his dark starry sky.

He stretched out his hand towards Light, and Light held him back. Gu Chaoming heard Guang Liang whispering in his ear, "I'll take you there when I'm done over there."

The darkness before his eyes dissipated, the crows dispersed, and the light held his hand and ran across the finish line.

Lin Jianfan, Su Bing, and Cen Xili ran towards him together, hugged him vigorously and excitedly, and wrapped their arms around his neck. Lin Jianfan's horn hit his back and it hurt a little.

Gu Chaoming didn't know what was going on. In the midst of the feeling of being hit by the horn behind his back, the hugs of the crowd, and the cheers of his classmates, he was confused and seemed to know that he had won.

The fatigue has not disappeared, and the few people who are covered in hot sweat do not dislike it, and hug them tightly.

It's too hot, and it's okay to hug. Gu Chaoming wants to break free: "Brothers, can you hug me later? I'm dying of exhaustion."

Gu Chaoming didn't know how he won at all. Su Bing and Cen Xili supported him, while You Xin was supported by Chen Haiyang and Wu Shan. Gu Chaoming saw that You Xin's face was not very good and was too "ruddy". Gu Chaoming adjusted his breathing, his chest no longer rose and fell rapidly, and You Xin still looked exhausted.

Su Bing saw that the opponent lost the game and gloated: "Oh, I don't know who boasted that You Xin was guaranteed to be the first."

Chen Haiyang supported You Xin to fight: "You are not the first, but the second."

"Merely second? We are second, and neither of you are second!" The conversation became inexplicably naive.

"Don't you just win, why are you so excited?" Chen Haiyang said.

Su Bing and Chen Haiyang were fighting, and Lin Jianfan handed a bottle of mineral water to Gu Chaoming, who was covered in sweat.

When Su Bing turned his head, he saw that Gu Chaoming had an extra bottle of mineral water in his hand. He also set up the plot of Cen Xili sending water to Gu Chaoming and Chen Haiyang, who told Chen Haiyang to say that Xili wanted to send water to You Xin.

If you don't give it, you have to give it to Gu Shuai.

Not only to win you, but also to piss you off.

"Come here, Xili give water, give water." Su Bing pulled over Cen Xili who was not speaking next to him, and Cen Xili handed the mineral water in his hand to Gu Chaoming speechlessly.

Gu Chaoming wanted to say "I have water", but when he saw Su Bing's eyes, he understood what he meant, took the water that Cen Xili handed over with a smile, and walked over to You Xin with a show of pride, "Oh, I have two bottles here. , do you want a bottle?"

You Xin's eyes were deep, and there seemed to be a thick black mist. Gu Chaoming had never seen You Xin's expression like this. He thought that You Xin was going to get angry, so he prepared to fight in advance, but You Xin just walked to the teaching building without looking back. .

what's the situation

Gu Chaoming put away his preparations, looked at You Xin who was walking towards the teaching building in doubt, and looked back at Su Bing, who was also puzzled. Su Bing didn't know what You Xin meant.

run away

When You Xin left Gu Chaoming, he didn't want to worry about it anymore. He was angry with his opponent. Gu Chaoming walked to Lin Jianfan. He didn't remember how he won. He asked Lin Jianfan, "Did you take pictures of my last sprint? "

Lin Jianfan nodded.

"Let me see if it looks ugly." In fact, Gu Chaoming believed in Lin Jianfan's skills, he just wanted to look at the photos and recall how he won.

Gu Chaoming surrounded Lin Jianfan with the smell of sweat after exercising. Gu Chaoming smiled when he looked at the photo, and Su Bing also leaned over to see it.

However, Cen Xili looked in the direction You Xin had gone, only he knew that You Xin was angry.