
Chapter 38


After the sports meeting, the mid-term exam was closely followed. After the game, Gu Chaoming thought about the mid-term exam with ease.

The 300-point goal set for himself was nominally only one point more than 299 points, but Gu Chaoming also felt that it was not enough. Taking advantage of the noon break, I hurry up to do a few exercises, I am afraid that I will be as crazy as Lao Chen said, and I will not remember anything.

In the last half-day of the sports meeting, Su Bing came over and found that Gu Chaoming was still doing the questions, and patted Gu Chaoming on the back: "Don't do it, go, go down."

There were few sports events in the afternoon. After all, it was the last day, and most of them were long-distance running. Gu Chaoming, Su Bing, and Cen Xili found a place to sit on the floor after watching the long-distance running competition of their class, waiting to gather to go home after school.

Gu Chaoming crossed his fingers around the top of his head and stretched out to loosen his muscles and bones. Su Bing was pulled away by Liu Xiaopang, and he didn't say what to do, leaving him and Cen Xili to sit on the spot.

"Would you like to go to the canteen?" Gu Chaoming asked Cen Xili boredly.

"Are you hungry?" Cen Xili was equally bored.

"A little hungry, and a little thirsty." Gu Chaoming said.


Just arrived at the entrance of the canteen, a cat walked slowly past the canteen.

This is the school's wild cat, many people have fed it, often walking around the entrance of the school's commissary department, waiting for people to feed it.

The auntie in the commissary sometimes drives it away, and sometimes kindly throws it a little to eat. In the first year of high school, Gu Chaoming and Su Bing fed it together. They were very docile and would not scratch people. They could often be seen basking in the sun on the side of the school road.

Said to be a little hungry and a little thirsty, but Cen Xili looked after what Gu Chaoming bought - milk, bread, and a pack of shredded squid.

It's obvious he wants to feed the cat.

Not to mention Gu Chaoming, Cen Xili saw that the kitten was not fed to him at the entrance of the grocery store, and kept calling, Cen Xili unconsciously picked up a sausage.

"Go to feed the cat later?" Cen Xili walked to Gu Chaoming and asked.

"There's nothing to do anyway," Gu Chaoming said.

But when the two of them finished shopping and walked out of the canteen, the little wild cat outside the canteen had disappeared, and Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili circled around the canteen and couldn't find it.

Seeing the two of them lingering at the door, the canteen aunt thought they had lost their money: "What happened to the two of you? Did you lose any money?"

Cen Xili shook his head: "No, let's find that cat."

"Feed the cat?" The auntie in the canteen looked around to help them find the cat. "It's been here just now. I've been calling for a long time. If no one feeds it, it must be gone. If you look for it elsewhere, it will go anywhere, maybe. Saw it on the road."

After buying the food and not feeding it to the cat, Gu Chaoming squeezed both sides of the bread bag, pulled it gently, and opened the bag.

The auntie in the commissary said that maybe she saw it on the road, and the two of them walked on the road to pay attention to see if there were any kittens on the side of the road. The kitten didn't touch it, but it met Lin Jianfan, who was approaching with a camera hanging around his neck.

"Go to the canteen?" Gu Chaoming greeted and asked.

"Go buy something." Lin Jianfan said.

Simple conversations pass by.

All afternoon, neither Gu Chaoming nor Cen Xili encountered the little wild cat again. The two returned to the place and waited for Su Bing. Gu Chaoming ate the bread, and after drinking a few mouthfuls of milk, he was not interested in eating any more. Cen Xili's ham sausage has not been moved, saying that he will keep it for the next time he sees the little wild cat and feed it.

Su Bing came back after a long time, opened Gu Chaoming's remaining shredded squid and said, "You can see it if you go to the grocery store a few more times."

Waiting for the end of the school sports meeting to go upstairs, the sun in the sky has already set in the west, and the three have nothing to talk about to spend this boring afternoon.

Walking into the chaotic and lively classroom after the sports meeting, the classroom chattered just as it was at the beginning of the sports meeting, and the cheering stick dropped under the table was picked up by someone.

The jubilant noise of the teenagers and the endless discussions filled the classroom with a lively atmosphere and youthful vigor.

The foreman on the podium was wiping off the game that ended today, and he did not write down tomorrow's game with chalk like the previous two days, which meant that the Games officially ended.

When Lao Chen walked into the classroom and saw such a noisy class, he was really sweating for their mid-term exam.

"Stop arguing." Old Chen patted the classroom door to clear up the overly lively atmosphere in the class.

Although the second class is noisy, but fortunately obedient. Old Chen slammed on the door and walked onto the podium with his hands behind his back, and the class instantly became quiet.

"Noisy, noisy, noisy, I know that if you don't go to class for a day, you will play crazy for me. How many of you have done homework in the sports club? The mid-term exam is coming soon, and there is no nervous atmosphere at all. I will see other things. The class has started to review, how about you?"

Su Bing continued to carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of death: "Teacher, you can get good grades by combining learning and playing. You can't be a nerd if you don't play optics."

Old Chen looked at Su Bing: "Learn to play and combine, you have to learn too. What's the use of just playing, learning is still ahead, you haven't even touched your pen, right? These three days."

According to Lao Chen's words, Su Bingzhen didn't write for three days. Su Bing smiled and picked up the pen in the drawer and showed it to Lao Chen: "It's moved."

Lao Chen didn't talk to him, and continued to talk about things, reminding the students that the mid-term exam is coming, pay attention to review, and regain the students' thoughts of letting go of the sports meeting.

"Okay, let's clean up today, go home early for the rest, and don't hang around outside." Lao Chen concluded.

The relaxed sports meeting was over, and the heavy mid-term exam was about to take place. Gu Chaoming was even more nervous than running 1500 in the morning. He sorted out a pile of review materials to take home, and prepared to read at night.

Su Bing went downstairs and patted Gu Chaoming's schoolbag full of books: "Good student, memorize so many books."

When they got to the first floor, Su Bing was going to the toilet. Gu Chaoming could go home on the same road as Su Bing, and wait for Su Bing on the first floor to let Cen Xili go home first.

Cen Xili changed into a new car and rode to and from school as usual. After saying goodbye to Gu Chaoming, Cen Xili walked towards the parking shed.

"Gu Shuai, come here quickly."

Gu Chaoming was looking in the direction of the men's toilet on the first floor to see if Su Bing came out. Hearing Cen Xili's surprised cry of finding something precious, he immediately trotted to Cen Xili's side.

"What's wrong?" Gu Chaoming ran over and asked.

"It's here." Cen Xili said happily.

Every day at school is a process of growth. After a whole day of childish excitement, students leave after school, and the school grows into the quiet appearance of adults. In the aisle between the quiet campus garden and the teaching building, the kitten at the entrance of the commissary I saw in the afternoon was resting.

The kitten is not afraid of people, and Cen Xili's voice calling Gu Chaoming to come over after discovering it did not startle it. It didn't run away, just looked at the two people who visited it to rest with round eyes, opened its small mouth and called out, "meow~"

"Is it hungry?" Cen Xili said, opening his schoolbag, "I still have ham."

"I still have a little shredded squid left. I don't know if it will be eaten." Gu Chaoming also opened his schoolbag and took out the unfinished shredded squid in his schoolbag.

The two were afraid that their footsteps would be too loud, and the kitten would be scared away if they were not familiar with them. Going to the kitten softly, Gu Chaoming found that they were worrying too much. Not only was the kitten not afraid, but when he saw the ham sausage and shredded squid in their hands, he barked even more happily.

Originally there was only one cry. The two approached with food. The kitten stopped lying on its stomach and stood up and barked at the two of them.

"Looks like I'm really hungry." Cen Xili walked carefully to the kitten and squatted down.

The kitten stared at the ham sausage in his hand, Cen Xili opened the package of the ham sausage, cut off a small piece and threw it in front of the kitten.

As soon as the ham fell to the ground, the kitten immediately lowered its head to eat.

It looks delicious, and Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili can hear it chewing.

Gu Chaoming also crouched down and tried throwing some shredded squid to it, but it seemed to prefer ham sausage, and the shredded squid didn't move much.

Gu Chaoming threw the remaining shredded squid for it, and Cen Xili tried to reach out and touch the kitten's head.

The kitten was addicted to eating and ignored Cen Xili's stroking. Cen Xili touched the soft top of the kitten's head and laughed excitedly alone.

Su Bing came out of the toilet and saw Gu Chaoming. He thought that Gu Chaoming left him and left. This was not something Gu Chaoming could do. Su Bing looked around to find them.

"I thought you two were gone." Su Bing walked over and crouched down.

"Come here and feed a cat." Gu Chaoming said.

"This is the wild cat from the school, the one you talked about in the afternoon."

"Yes." Gu Chaoming nodded and wanted to reach out and touch the kitten's head.

Gu Chaoming was afraid that the kitten would not like it, so Cen Xili encouraged him: "It's okay."

Cen Xili stopped stroking the kitten's head, grabbed Gu Chaoming's hand and slowly placed it on the kitten's head.

The kitten didn't move at all, just eating the food in front of him. Small animals have the ability to heal people's hearts. When they touched their soft little heads, Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili couldn't help but laugh.

Just put his hand on the kitten's head, and before Gu Chaoming could really touch it, a mineral water bottle filled with water fell from the sky.

The mineral water bottle landed at Cen Xili's feet with a violent "bang". If Cen Xili went a little further, the consequences would be disastrous.

The kitten was scared away by the smashed water bottle, didn't eat anything, and ran away quickly.

The three of them all looked upstairs, trying to see who was throwing a parabola.

A man upstairs leaned out his body and looked downstairs. When he saw the water bottle falling beside Cen Xili, Gu Chaoming raised his head, and the man retracted his leaning body and disappeared into the corridor.

Gu Chaoming believed in his own eyesight, no matter how fast that person walked, he would know who it was.

That person turned out to be You Xin.

"What does he want? Murder? A high-altitude parabola will kill someone." Su Bing's anger soared because it was so critical to Cen Xili's safety.

Gu Chaoming hurriedly pulled Cen Xili away from that position and pulled him to his side, fearing that there was still the danger of a high-altitude projectile.

Su Bing was still scolding You Xin. Gu Chaoming heard footsteps at the corner of the aisle. He turned his head and saw the person coming. Gu Chaoming had a violent temper. smash.

Gu Chaoming didn't throw out a water bottle, but a grenade.

The water bottle burst with a "bang" at You Xin's feet.

You Xin didn't have time to dodge, and the water that exploded wet his trousers.

"You are sick, Gu Chaoming!" You Xin roared.

"Who is sick? I think you are sick!" Gu Chaoming roared back without falling behind.

Gu Chaoming was really angry this time. Usually Chen Haiyang was sarcastic and sarcastic. He could control listening to Cen Xili's words and not cause trouble, but this time You Xin went too far.

High-altitude parabolic, this is simply murder in disguise.

Gu Chaoming's eyes were full of anger, and Su Bing also rushed up to scold You Xin: "Are you fucking sick! You want to kill, but you still have the face to run down?"

"I didn't mean to." You Xin said.

"Who knows if you did it on purpose, the bottle smashed at Xili's feet, you said you didn't do it on purpose?" Su Bing pointed at You Xin and said.

"It doesn't make sense to you." Gu Chaoming and Su Bing were angry, and You Xin was also angry, but You Xin was more restrained than Gu Chaoming and Su Bing. Still couldn't help but turn back and walk in front of Cen Xili.

Gu Chaoming grabbed Cen Xili's wrist and pulled him behind him.

in a protective stance.

Facing violence for a long time since childhood, Gu Chaoming has formed an automatic protection system for those he cares about. When they were hurt, Gu Chaoming's first reaction was always to pull them behind him and use his body to protect them.

He wants to protect those he cares about.

You Xin glanced at Gu Chaoming who was standing in front of Cen Xili, his eyes were smooth to Gu Chaoming's palm, grabbing Cen Xili's wrist, and once again meeting Gu Chaoming's fierce eyes, You Xin gritted his teeth and said, "I repeat, I It wasn't intentional, it was just a mistake that the water bottle fell, and I don't want to fight with you either, you are all hedgehogs, I can't afford it."

After You Xin finished speaking, he turned to leave, but Gu Chaoming had not yet had a seizure. There was a gust of wind beside him, and Su Bing caught You Xin who was about to leave.

Su Bing grabbed You Xin's shoulder with one hand, broke You Xin's shoulder, and punched You Xin's face.

Su Bing showed no mercy, and a red blood flowed from You Xin's nose.

After Su Bing finished beating, you released You Xin's shoulder, You Xin took a few steps back, and Su Bing said, "Even if it wasn't intentional, have you never learned to apologize? Have an apology like yours? Then I'll punch you first. , I'll tell you again, oh, I'm sorry

You Xin covered his bleeding nose and raised his head to stop the bleeding, and said to Su Bing who beat him, "Mad!"

Seeing You Xin bleeding, Cen Xili, who was behind Gu Chaoming, opened his mouth in surprise, took out a tissue from his pocket and wanted to give it to You Xin.

Gu Chaoming sensed the movement behind him, turned his head, saw the tissue in Cen Xili's hand, and said unhappily, "Tsk, he treated you like this, you still give him paper?"

"He said he didn't do it on purpose." Cen Xili lowered his head slightly and said softly, as if his idea of sending paper had failed Gu Chaoming and Su Bing's protection of him.

Gu Chaoming shook his head, sighed helplessly, grabbed the tissue in Cen Xili's hand and smashed it at You Xin, who was covering his nose: "Xili pity you."

When Su Bing heard that Cen Xili gave the paper, he turned his head in shock to look at Gu Chaoming, who could only shrug helplessly.

You Xin, who raised his head to stop the bleeding, looked at Cen Xili behind Gu Chaoming, and slowly picked up the tissue that Cen Xili had given him on the ground to wipe the blood from his nose, and walked to Su Bing, who was about 1.8 meters to 1.9 meters tall: "I don't want to talk to you. Comparing."

After speaking, You Xin turned around and disappeared into the corner with the tissue paper given by Cen Xili.

Su Bing suppressed the urge to hit him again, watched You Xin disappear into the corner, turned and walked over to ask Cen Xili if he was okay.

The angry Gu Chaoming couldn't leave like You Xin, and he had to clean up the cat feeding scene.

Gu Chaoming wrapped the kitten's leftover ham and shredded squid with a tissue, and a voice came from the other side of the corner.

It was not the sound of You Xin returning, but the sound of a camera shutter.

Gu Chaoming looked up with the ham sausage and shredded squid wrapped in it. Cen Xili and Su Bing also looked up together, only to see Lin Jianfan pointing the camera at Gu Chaoming, who was wrapping the rest of the cat food with a tissue.

"Why do you take pictures of everything? I'll take pictures when I pack cat food." Gu Chaoming stood up and said.

"Don't you want to? Then I won't take pictures." Lin Jianfan said, putting down the camera.

Gu Chaoming just said it casually, and he didn't mean to let him take pictures, but the serious Lin Jianfan believed it completely.

Gu Chaoming said: "If you want to shoot, continue to shoot, but why haven't you left yet?"

"I clean up." Lin Jianfan said.

cleaning? Gu Chaoming glanced at Lin Jianfan, why did he feel that he was always cleaning

Without You Xin, Su Bing was in a much better mood. Looking at the camera in Lin Jianfan's hand, he said, "Hey, the three of us don't seem to have taken a photo together. Would you like Lin Jianfan to take a picture for us?"

"Isn't there?" There was a trash can not far from the corner. Gu Chaoming heard Su Bing's words after throwing out the trash.

"When?" Su Bing asked.

"It's just the beginning of the games, in the corridor, there is Lao Chen." Gu Chaoming said.

Recalling the photos taken in the corridor on the first day of the Games, Su Bing said, "Oh, it was with Lao Chen. I mean there are no photos of the three of us."

Su Bing asked Lin Jianfan, "Can you take a picture for us?"

"Of course." Lin Jianfan said with a smile.

"Choose a good-looking background," Su Bing dragged Gu Chaoming and Cen Xili to the flowerbed by the aisle, "That's it, Lin Jianfan will take a picture for us."

Lin Jianfan pointed the camera at the three people in front of the flowerbed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. These three people were unwilling to take pictures in peace. Last time there was Lao Chen, and the scissors were not found on Lao Chen's head. Now, before the three people who know each other take a group photo, they have to check whether the two people around them are doing any tricks. .

After Gu Chaoming saw whether the two of them had done any tricks, Lin saw that Fan pressed the shutter button, and Su Bing quickly reached out to Gu Chaoming, who was discovered by Gu Chaoming.

A bizarre photo was born.

"Hahahaha, mom, your mouth is so ugly hahahaha..." Gu Chaoming laughed after seeing the photo, and patted Lin Jianfan's shoulder, "Print this out, I'll give you the money for the photo, haha Ha ha… …"

The teenagers were noisy, and none of them were normal. Su Bing also took photographer Lin from his class to the playground.

"Then I'll take a few more pictures for you." Lin Jianfan also looked very happy.

"Okay, just take a set of photos, hahaha..."

Su Bing was just joking, but for the serious Lin Jianfan, he could really put together a set of pictures for them. From the playground to the school basketball court, to the boulevard, the place to record the campus time, Lin Jianfan took pictures for them.

All kinds of strange photos were born. Several people had seen the funny photos and threw the irritating You Xin into the clouds, bursting with laughter.

"This one is beautiful."

"Hahaha, why are you so ugly!"

Several people sat together on the school's boulevard and looked at the photos that Lin Jianfan took for them, all of them were pictures of three people. After reading the photos, Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan who was beside him and asked, "Who did you take pictures of us? The Games will not leave a memorial?"

Lin Jianfan shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, I like taking pictures. I'm very happy to have you as a model to be able to take pictures."

Gu Chaoming suggested, "How about I take a picture for you? Tell me how to take it."

"Yes, yes, how can we not leave a souvenir, you helped us take so many pictures, we can't forget you." Su Bing said.

Cen Xili also agreed: "I will take it out and see it later, and I can say that it was taken by my classmates in high school for me."

Su Bing nodded in agreement: "It won't break your camera, just tell Gu Shuai how to use it."

When Lin Jianfan heard Su Bing's words, he said anxiously, "I, I'm not afraid that you will break the camera."

Gu Chaoming, like Chu Yao, can't use a camera, and Lin Jianfan told him how to use it.

Lin Jianfan was only accustomed to taking pictures, not being photographed. Standing on the side of the road was a little stiff.

Gu Chaoming held Lin Jianfan's camera and said to him, "Just smile."

Lin Jianfan obediently raised the corner of his mouth and gave a stiff smile. Gu Chaoming pressed the shutter button, but he felt normal after seeing the photos, wasting Lin Jianfan's beautiful face.

Gu Chaoming wanted to make Lin Jianfan smile and said, "Just imagine the person you like standing in front of you and smile like that."

Hearing Gu Chaoming's words, Lin was still a little surprised when he saw that Fan was actually dumbfounded. Gu Chaoming said, "Don't be shy."

Only then did Lin Jianfan slowly laugh, and Gu Chaoming said while taking pictures, "Yes, yes, that's it, that's it, it's beautiful."

Su Bing coaxed aside: "Oh, oh, oh, oh."

Gu Chaoming pushed him away.

The evening wind blew, the branches swayed gently, Lin Jianfan stood under the tree and smiled shyly, watching Gu Chaoming and Su Bing fighting.

After taking the photo and leaving the school, Gu Chaoming and Su Bing helped Cen Xili why he wanted to go home late. Cen Xili said, "I told my mother that the sports meeting will be later."

Cen Xili rode his bike home. In order to repay Lin Jianfan for helping them take pictures, Gu Chaoming and Su Bing took Lin Jianfan to the supermarket outside the school to invite him to drink soda.

"Which one do you want to drink?" Gu Chaoming asked Lin Jianfan in front of the dazzling beverage shelf.

Su Bing ran to buy snacks, Lin Jianfan still followed Gu Chaoming to take pictures, Gu Chaoming covered Lin Jianfan's camera: "Are you addicted to taking pictures, which drink do you drink?"

Lin Jianfan casually pointed to a cheap one. In fact, Lin Jianfan didn't want them to treat them, and said that he could help them develop photos for free.

Gu Chaoming didn't accept it, and forced Lin Jianfan to say that if he didn't accept the money for developing the photos, he wouldn't want the photos.

Seeing how Fan could be too hard on Gu Chaoming, Lin could only agree.

After walking out of the supermarket, Su Bing bought a lot of snacks again. Gu Chaoming took Lin Jianfan's drink and wanted to pass it to him, but turned around, but there was no one around.

Lin Jianfan ran back to them again and took pictures of them.

Gu Chaoming threw the drink to him and called out, "Our class photographer."

The drink drew an arc in the air, but landed on the ground, rubbed and rolled on the ground, and exploded a lot of bubbles.

When the drink fell on the ground, Lin Jianfan put down the camera in a panic and picked up the drink on the ground.

Both Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, who was carrying a plastic bag, were puzzled by Lin Jianfan's behavior. Gu Chaoming walked over and said, "You are too dedicated."

Seeing that the drink in Lin Jianfan's hand fell on the ground and was full of bubbles, Gu Chaoming took the drink in Lin Jianfan's hand and handed him the unopened drink.

"No." Lin Jianfan said evasively.

"It's all right." Gu Chaoming, in order to prevent Lin Jian Fan from evading further, unscrewed the dirty bottle and took a sip, so that he couldn't change it again.

With the camera hanging around his neck, Lin Jianfan raised his eyes and looked at Gu Chaoming's Adam's apple throbbing from drinking the drink, which was rippling under the gray sunset.