
Chapter 42


Dad Lin's car was not driving fast, Lin Jianfan suddenly shouted, and Dad Lin immediately found a place where he could park.

As soon as the car stopped, Lin Jianfan in the back seat immediately opened the door and ran out of the car. Dad Lin was a step slower than him, and after getting out of the car, he saw his son running towards a boy in a black coat who looked uncomfortable while leaning against a tree trunk by the roadside.

Gu Chaoming wanted to go out for a walk, relax, and see if he could relieve the headache. Going out and walking around, the headache has not been relieved, not only has not been relieved but has become more and more serious. It was cold in the autumn night, and Gu Chaoming wanted to vomit for a while, but he couldn't spit out anything while holding the tree by the roadside.

Gu Chaoming, who was supporting the tree trunk, did not notice Pa Lin's car parked not far from him. Gu Chaoming didn't know it was him until Lin Jianfan got off the car and ran to his side.

Gu Chaoming raised his drowsy head and looked at Lin Jianfan who was running. Lin Jianfan looked anxious and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

Gu Chaoming Chao Lin Jianfan waved his hand in rejection: "Don't mind me, I'm fine."

"Student, are you alright?"

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Gu Chaoming raised his eyes to look at Dad Lin who was running behind Lin Jianfan. Gu Chaoming had never seen this man before. Lin saw that Fan looked at Gu Chaoming's bewildered look at his father, and explained to Gu Chaoming, "This is my father, and he came to pick me up."

It turned out to be Lin Jianfan's father, Gu Chaoming only sent the drunk Lin Jianfan home to see Lin's mother last time, a woman whose temperament is hard to forget. Tonight, seeing Dad Lin in a suit and leather shoes, his conversation is extraordinary, so it seems that the two are a good match.

"Hello, uncle." Although his head was dizzy, Gu Chaoming still did not forget to be polite.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine in a while." Gu Chaoming said to Dad Lin.

This is his own business. Gu Chaoming didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of others, but the next second his body couldn't help him. His chest churned for a while, Gu Chaoming wanted to vomit again, Lin Jianfan noticed Gu Chaoming's strangeness and immediately supported him. Gu Chaoming bent down and felt nauseated for a while, but didn't spit out anything.

The drowsiness in his head was not relieved by the dry vomiting. Gu Chaoming couldn't hear what Dad Lin was saying, but only felt stuffy in his chest.

Seeing that Fan looked at Gu Chaoming's very uncomfortable appearance, Lin stroked his forehead worriedly. The temperature of Gu Chaoming's forehead was so high that Lin Jianfan was startled. Lin Jianfan asked for help and said to his father, "He seems to have a cold, and his forehead is terrifyingly hot."

Seeing that Lin Jianfan was anxious, Dad Lin also raised his hand and touched Gu Chaoming's forehead.

It's really hot.

Faced with this situation, the adults' first reaction was to inform the family. Dad Lin asked Gu Chaoming, "What's your family's phone number? Give me a call and let them pick you up."

Gu Chaoming said, "It's alright, no need to call."

After speaking, Gu Chaoming even smiled, wanting to show that his state was not as bad as they thought.

Gu Chaoming's mind was in chaos, Lin Jian Fan was supporting him, and he felt that he was leaning more and more on him, as if he had lost his support.

Seeing that Gu Chaoming was in a very bad state, Dad Lin frowned and said, "How can it be done without telling the parents?"

Lin Jianfan supported Gu Chaoming and touched his forehead. Gu Chaoming suddenly held onto his waist, bent over and vomited without warning, and vomited out all the suffocation just now.

He vomited too suddenly, Lin Jianfan supported Gu Chaoming and didn't care whether Gu Chaoming would vomit on him or not. He hurriedly raised his hand to help Gu Chaoming pat his back, hoping that Gu Chaoming would feel more comfortable. .

Gu Chaoming's thoughts were chaotic, and the scene in his eyes was blurred. He only saw the lights flashing on the side of the road, and Lin Jianfan's gradually blurred face in front of him.

It was like a fire was burning in my brain.

Dad Lin felt that it was impossible to go on like this, so he had to go to the hospital first: "Classmate, let me know at home, I will take you to the hospital first."

Maybe the medicine he took at home was working, and Gu Chaoming felt sleepy. He closed his eyes uncomfortably, if it wasn't for Lin Jianfan's support, he would fall asleep if he could. In a daze, he seemed to be helped into the car, but Gu Chaoming had no strength to resist, and when he opened his eyes again, it was gray.

The medical hanging bottle in front of him told him where he was. After waking up, the drowsiness in my head is much better, and my stomach is not as uncomfortable as when I went out, but my body is still a bit like the fatigue after recovering from a serious illness.

There was only a little of the potion left in the hanging bottle, and the ward was as quiet as he was alone. Gu Chaoming sat up slowly and saw Lin Jianfan who could fall asleep on the chair beside the bed.

Gu Chaoming patted Lin Jianfan's arm to wake him up: "Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan..."

Lin Jianfan, who was still awake, slumped forward, and Gu Chaoming quickly supported him. Lin Jianfan shook his head. Seeing that Gu Chaoming, who had passed out, was already sitting on the bed, he blinked his eyes and woke up: "How do you feel?"

"Why am I here?" Gu Chaoming asked rhetorically.

Memories are like birds returning to their nests, returning little by little. He seems to be in a daze and is supported by someone, and then he is moved into the car in a daze, and then there is no more.

"You have a fever, we will take you to the hospital when we meet you on the roadside." Lin Jianfan said.

"Thank you." Gu Chaoming nodded slightly in thanks.

Lin Jianfan smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, how do you feel?"

"What time is it now?" Gu Chaoming didn't answer Lin Jianfan's question. He took a look at the cell phone by the bedside. The cell phone was filled with Gu Tao's missed calls and messages.

Looking at it again, it was already midnight, and Gu Chaoming, who was sitting on the bed, panicked. Said to buy wine for Gu Tao, and he hadn't returned home in the middle of the night. Gu Tao didn't know how crazy he would be at home.

After reading the information, Gu Chaoming quickly lifted the quilt and said to Lin Jianfan, "Thank you, I have to go home first."

Lin Jianfan couldn't understand why Gu Chaoming was in such a hurry to go home after reading the phone, and persuaded him that he should not move around before the drip was finished, but Gu Chaoming still said he wanted to go home.

Lin Jianfan refused to let him, and Gu Chaoming wanted to pull out the needle and leave.

The two disagreed. Dad Lin walked into the ward from outside just after the phone call. Seeing that Gu Chaoming woke up on the bed, he asked with concern, "Wake up, how are you feeling?"

When Dad Lin came in, Gu Chaoming gave up the idea of pulling the needle. He didn't move, and said to Dad Lin, "Thank you, uncle, I'm much better."

"Just finish this bottle." Dad Lin looked at the drip that was about to finish beside the bed.

Gu Chaoming was embarrassed: "I trouble uncle, it's so late, let you wait together..."

Dad Lin smiled: "It's nothing, the body is a big deal."

"It's so late, do you want to go home first? I can do it alone." Gu Chaoming was afraid that Gu Tao would go crazy, so he still wanted to go first.

Dad Lin didn't understand what he meant, and said to Gu Chaoming who wanted to leave on the bed: "It's alright, I can't leave you alone in the hospital, anyway, you don't need to study tomorrow on Saturday. The medical bills have been settled, so you should inform you first. Parents, it's so late, they'll be worried."

Gu Chaoming declined politely: "No, it's fine."

No one will worry about me, and I have no one to call to inform.

Dad Lin still asked, "Where do you live? The bottle is almost finished, I'll take you home later."

Gu Chaoming hurriedly said no, and when he asked what hospital this was, Gu Chaoming said to Dad Lin, "My home is very close to here, so I don't need to send it. I'll just walk back by myself. It won't take many minutes, thank you uncle."

Gu Chaoming lied, he was not familiar with the road beside the hospital, Gu Chaoming just didn't want to accept the kindness of others.

Dad Lin still seemed a little worried and let Gu Chaoming go home alone in the middle of the night, but Gu Chaoming insisted again and again, and Dad Lin couldn't say anything else.

"Then be careful on the road." Dad Lin asked.

Gu Chaoming nodded: "Well, the medical expenses I..."

"No, I've already paid, I don't have much money, oh right, see Fan, medicine."

As soon as Dad Lin said, Lin Jianfan brought the medicine to Gu Chaoming from the table, and he carefully told him how to take it: "Take this after meals, three times a day, two tablets at a time, this..."

Gu Chaoming just wanted to go home quickly, but Dad Lin said, "Let's lie down for a while, and the drip will be finished soon. There is a big temperature difference in such a day, so be careful to wear more clothes."

Lin Jianfan sat on the stool beside the hospital bed and kept worrying silently. He took a bottle of water and asked Gu Chaoming, "Do you want to drink water?"

Gu Chaoming shook his head, and Lin Jianfan asked him again if he was hungry and if he wanted to eat.

After the drip, the night has thickened to the deepest black. At the entrance of the hospital, Dad Lin also asked, "I really don't need to send it? It can be delivered in a few minutes."

Gu Chaoming smiled and shook his head: "No, it's been a lot of trouble for you today. I'll give Lin Jianfan the medical expenses on Monday, thank you uncle."

"You don't need to pay for medical bills. Be careful on the road." Dad Lin said.

After Lin Jianfan got into the car, he also instructed Gu Chaoming, "Remember to take your medicine."

The vehicle drove into the darker night, Gu Chaoming looked at the direction the vehicle was leaving, and then looked at the empty roadside, there was no one there.

Lu Gu Chaoming didn't know much here, and he stopped the car while walking along the road with the medicine given by Lin Jianfan in his hand. After finally stopping a taxi, Gu Chaoming got into the back seat of the car and sent a message to ask Lin Jianfan how much his medical expenses were.

Lin Jianfan refused to speak just like him before, and only said, "No need."

Gu Chaoming said no, Lin Jianfan would chase after him to ask how much the medical expenses were, and Gu Chaoming's character made it clear that he would not follow others like Lin Jianfan. Lin Jianfan said no, but Gu Chaoming did not reply, and directly remitted a sum of money to Lin Jianfan at the estimated price in his heart.

After the remittance, he warned Lin Jianfan that he was not allowed to return it. If he returned it, he would remit more next time until he did not repay it. Gu Chaoming turned off his mobile phone and looked at the night scene outside the window that was either dark or bright. He didn't know how long this kind of life would last.

Maybe for a lifetime, Gu Chaoming thought.

There is always a starless night, endless crow cries, a desolate and endless road.

Even in the middle of the night, Gu Chaoming still did not forget to buy wine for Gu Tao. He saw a supermarket on the side of the road, asked the driver to stop the car, and went in to buy a few bottles of beer for Gu Tao.

Back in the car, the driver kept peeking at the plastic bag in Gu Chaoming's hand from the rearview mirror, and heard the sound of wine bottles colliding in the plastic bag.

Seeing that he was young, wandering outside most of the night, and buying beer in the supermarket, the driver persuaded him to go home a little worried.

Gu Chaoming thanked the driver for his kindness with the beer he bought for Gu Tao. The crisp sound of the collision of the beer bottles and the caring voice of the driver combined, Gu Chaoming only found it clear and ironic.

Holding the beer in the plastic bag, Gu Chaoming leaned his head against the rigid car window and looked out the window, which sometimes dimmed.

In the middle of the night, he received the kindness of a taxi driver he did not know, and when he met the warmth of his classmates, he could receive these kindnesses. After encountering such warmth, he still had to return to that broken home.

Hearing the driver's kindness, Gu Chaoming stared at the scenery outside the window in a trance, shattering glass shards silently in his heart.

It was almost two o'clock when we returned to the community, and Gu Chaoming lifted his head downstairs with a beer bottle and looked upstairs.

The light is not off.

Gu Tao hadn't slept yet, Gu Chaoming walked into the corridor resignedly, and the sensor light in the corridor lit up. Opening the door and ignoring Gu Tao who was sitting on the sofa waiting for him, Gu Chaoming put the beer bottle on the coffee table in front of Gu Tao.

Silence is the prelude to a storm.

Gu Chaoming put the door key on the coffee table indifferently, Gu Tao sat on the sofa and turned to look at him, and asked in a low voice, "I asked you to buy a beer for so long? If you buy it for a few hours, are you going to steal someone? ."

Gu Tao always speaks indiscriminately. Gu Chaoming has no mood and doesn't want to pay attention to him. He just said lightly, "There is something on the way."

"What can be delayed for so long? Tell me." Gu Tao's voice rose, from the plain to Mount Everest.

Gu Chaoming didn't want to make trouble with him at all. He hadn't showered yet at 2:00 in the middle of the night. He just wanted to get out of the shower and go to bed early.

Gu Chaoming was silent, Gu Tao surprisingly didn't scold him, and pulled the plastic bag full of beer bottles on the coffee table. Once pulled, a beer bottle in the plastic bag lost its balance, and one of them fell on the glass coffee table, making a constant screeching sound.

Gu Tao took out a bottle of beer and pried it open on the side of the coffee table, without using a cup, he blew directly on the bottle.

Gu Chaoming didn't understand Gu Tao's behavior very much. He put the medicine from the hospital on the cabinet and felt thirsty in his mouth, so he went to the kitchen to find water to drink.

The kitchen should be some kind of barrier set up by Gu Tao. As soon as Gu Chaoming walked into the kitchen, Gu Tao returned to normal and began to scold: "Your mother can't take you away now, she can only live with me."

"I'll just say she's a mother-in-law. She hasn't done it yet, and she's divorced from me."

"Fuck his motherfucker, and leave Lao Tzu's mess."

"A bitch."

Gu Tao scolded him that Gu Chaoming didn't care, but scolded Qu Yingyi. Even if he learned that Qu Yingyi gave up his custody, Gu Chaoming still heard Gu Tao scolding Qu Yingyi as he had done for seventeen years. Belly anger.

Gu Chaoming held back his anger and drank water, fearing that he would lose control.

Seeing that Gu Chaoming didn't speak, Gu Tao said loudly, "Pretend to be dumb? Didn't you react quite a bit when you scolded your mother the other day, why are you dumb today?"

Gu Tao walked to the kitchen with great interest. Seeing Gu Chaoming supporting the cabinet, Gu Tao laughed. He didn't know that Gu Chaoming's fingers had secretly pulled out the wood chips from the cabinet.

Gu Tao walked behind Gu Chaoming to vent his anger and slapped Gu Chaoming on the back of the head, scolding: "Dumb wants money, talk."

Gu Chaoming still ignored him, Gu Tao pressed his rage button and opened his beating mechanism. Gu Chaoming endured it in silence, and it was even more uncomfortable when Gu Tao slapped his head hard.

The body was constantly receiving pain, and Gu Chaoming raised his arms numbly like a puppet to protect himself. Seeing the figure of Gu Tao showing his teeth and claws under the dim light, Gu Chaoming suddenly thought of Lin Jianfan's father.

The gentle man.

Lin Jianfan's father was polite, decent and caring. When Lin saw that Fanneng had such a father, he had to say that Gu Chaoming was envious, from the very beginning.

Gu Chaoming doesn't know why they are both men and fathers, why is there such a big difference

Why is my father so different from other people's fathers

Others' families are warm and harmonious, but he has to endure Gu Tao's violence all the time.

Gu Tao's swearing didn't stop, and Gu Chaoming, who was beaten, didn't even know what made him angry.

Maybe Gu Tao was just angry and had no reason.

Gu Chaoming wanted to sleep again, his head was heavy, and Gu Tao was allowed to beat and scold. He even started to think numbly, "You can beat it however you want, as long as the beatings and scoldings are over soon, I just want to go to bed."

"You fucking want to get rid of you, lied to you and told you to take you there, you still believe it, and you are arguing with me, hahaha, you don't know what your mother means by procrastinating this matter for a month? It's obvious that I want to throw you to me, a fuel bottle, stupid boy, I still believe it, I don't want you now."

Gu Chaoming wanted to sleep and endured the anger that Gu Tao scolded Qu Yingyi.

His head was dizzy, and his stomach was burning.

He didn't believe Gu Tao's dog words, even though it was a fact that he had confirmed.

The boat is done, but Gu Chaoming still doesn't want to believe it.

Mother is always the best person in the world for him, she just has something to do, she never abandoned herself.

With such deception, Gu Chaoming couldn't even persuade himself. When his mother said he couldn't take him away, he really felt abandoned by the whole world, by the person he cherished most in his seventeen years.

Abandoned alive.

Even so, Gu Chaoming still does not allow Gu Tao to belittle Qu Yingyi and the mother he always wanted to protect.

His throat was dry, he had just drank water. Gu Chaoming's voice was terribly low, and he whispered, "No."

Hearing Gu Chaoming's words, Gu Tao, who was scolding people vigorously, didn't react for a while: "Huh? What?"

Gu Chaoming turned his back to Gu Tao, and the dim light added to his anger. Under the dim light, Gu Chaoming suddenly turned around, his eyes widened, and roared, "She's not what you said! She didn't abandon me!"

Gu Chaoming was emotional, and his chest rose and fell after roaring. Gu Tao, who was yelled at, just smiled, looking at Gu Chaoming like a puppy barking at a stranger.

Gu Tao smiled and suddenly lowered his expression sternly, aiming at Gu Chaoming's leg with a kick, so strong that Gu Chaoming almost knelt down.

"Barking Puppy" held on to the sink before standing still.

There are fireworks going off in the kitchen.

Ignite, release, explode.

Gu Chaoming was full of anger and emotional, but he still endured and lowered his voice, like a dragon hiding in the darkness.

The dragon roared: "She is not like you."

Although Gu Chaoming has come into contact with a different mother than before, he still firmly believes that his mother and Gu Tao are different.

Gu Tao is still scolding: "Is your brain sick, she doesn't want you anymore..."

His vision was blurred, his body was weak, only the anger in his chest supported him.

Emotional, confused and dimly lit, Gu Chaoming recalled that night when he was a child. Also in the kitchen, when he was young, he was holding a sharp knife and cut fingers, and the kitchen door was locked.

The demon outside the house, with bright red blood, dim lights, and the loud scolding and shouting of the demon in his ears.

The blood is fishy, he wants to get rid of him, as long as he gets rid of the demon, the world will be quiet.

The bloody thoughts reappeared, this time without Lin Jianfan's warning, the sin in his heart grew wildly, and Gu Chaoming's reason was not enough to resist.

Sin broke through the fragile protection of reason. Gu Chaoming leaned against the pool and saw a kitchen knife not far away. The blade was in the same dim light as that night.

The kitchen knife slashed his fingers, chopped at his door, and pried his lock.

Gu Chaoming strode closer, and drew out the kitchen knife without being obstructed at all. He imagined the cold light of the knifeman in the movie, but the reality is only the coldness of the knife.

Gu Tao was a little frightened when he saw Gu Chaoming holding the knife. Gu Chaoming pointed at Gu Tao with the kitchen knife, and shouted forcefully, "You have the ability to say it again!"

Gu Tao, who was frightened, laughed again: "Hahaha, you are doing this with Lao Tzu, do you think Lao Tzu is afraid of you if you take a knife?"

The pain of the cigarette burning on the back of the hand, the wound on the forehead, and the back of the mother leaving...

The pain jumped up and down in his head, as if something was about to burst his scalp and jump out.

In the dream, blood splattered everywhere, and the fishy smell filled the air. With a knife, you will be freed, but you will also be punished by the law.

Gu Chaoming remembered the policeman who ran past his eyes that night, and the silver-white handcuffs reflecting off the street lights.

He waved the kitchen knife, but Gu Tao was not hurt in the slightest.

He knew that this would not hurt Gu Tao.

He is a coward.

He was afraid to pay the price.

Knowing that Gu Chaoming didn't have the guts, Gu Tao said even louder, "Want to kill me? You little bastard, eat me, live with me, and still want to kill Lao Tzu? You can do it if you can."

Gu Tao pointed at his heart, "I tell you, come here, go here, and stab here to kill someone."

The trembling hands under the dim light shook his heart. Gu Chaoming had already killed Gu Tao countless times in his heart.

He is a master of imagination and a coward of reality.

As Gu Tao approached, Gu Chaoming was so frightened that he waved his kitchen knife and almost cut himself.

In the drowsy, Gu Chaoming kept asking himself.

Do you regret it after you stab it

Are you clear-headed now

Can you really do it

You can't do stupid things now!

Gu Chaoming collapsed violently, and threw down the kitchen knife in his hands with trembling hands. Iron knives fell on the kitchen floor, making an icy noise in the night.

Gu Chaoming avoided Gu Tao who was in front of him and ran back to the room.

"Counselor." Gu Tao snorted, not intending to let him go, and followed Gu Chaoming into the room.

The collapsed Gu Chaoming was kicked by Gu Tao and fell to the ground.

Gu Chaoming no longer had the strength, but lying on the ground seemed more comfortable. Exhausted from the bite of ants, Gu Chaoming lay on the ground and stared at the lightless roof.

Everything is dry in autumn, only the roof is damp as always.

Yesterday, the old lady upstairs forgot to turn off the tap again.

The old woman has a bad memory.

Gu Chaoming didn't resist, he was thinking wildly and even wanted to sleep like this, sleep forever.

Pain bloomed freely and wantonly on the body, falling like raindrops. Gu Chaoming only hoped that Gu Tao could kill himself.


Let him sleep like this forever.

It's a pity that Gu Chaoming ended this possibility by himself. I couldn't bear the pain, and my body automatically made a protective gesture to protect itself.

Gu Tao finished his anger and walked out of the room after beating people. Gu Chaoming endured the pain and fell asleep on the cold floor. He was so tired that he didn't even want to climb on the bed that was so close at hand, so let's sleep like this.

He wished he could just fall asleep like this.

Never wake up.