
Chapter 44


When it was already bright and the pedestrians on the roadside were getting denser, Gu Chaoming stood under a big tree behind the station with his suitcase. The suitcase that had been overturned countless times by Gu Tao stood at his feet, Gu Chaoming took out his mobile phone and called Su Bing.

After hanging up Lin Jianfan's phone call, Gu Chaoming sat on the side of the road for several hours, and he chose to leave until he felt the swelling and pain in his head couldn't stand such a lonely time. Gu Chaoming sat on the side of the road and looked at the rising sun, which was bright orange, with the brightest bright yellow in the middle.

I remembered that Su Bing came to see him in the supermarket last week, said that he wanted the three of them to live together, that he had a spare house, and that Gu Chaoming, who was sitting on the side of the road with nowhere to go and nowhere to wash his face and brush his teeth, wanted to ask him if he could let him in the empty house. Live for a while.

Don't look at Su Bing's usual stubbornness and glib tongue, but he is still a very reliable person when he really does things. When Gu Chaoming called Su Bing, Su Bing was still asleep.

Gu Chaoming was embarrassed to say that he was like a beggar now. Through chatting without a theme, Gu Chaoming knew that Su Bing stayed up late playing games again yesterday, and was woken up by a phone call from him before he slept for a few hours.

After chatting without words for two minutes, Gu Chaoming's out-of-character gossip caused Su Bing, who had just broken free from his sleep, to doubt.

Su Bing asked directly, "Gu Shuai, is there something wrong with you?"

There was some noise on Gu Chaoming's side. Hearing the sound, it should be on the side of the road. Su Bing asked again, "Are you on your way to a part-time job?"

Part-time job Gu Chaoming has already asked for leave. He cannot go to work without washing his face and brushing his teeth. Su Bing asked directly, and Gu Chaoming didn't want to go around in circles anymore.

"You said last time that your family has a house that no one lives in, can you let me live for a while?"

"Of course," Su Bing, who was still lying on the bed, agreed, "but what happened to you? Why did you suddenly move out?"

"I can't explain a sentence or two."

"Your dad is back?" Su Bing asked.

"Yeah." Gu Chaoming replied softly.

Su Bing heard that Gu Chaoming was in a very bad mood and didn't want to talk about Gu Tao. It's no small matter for Gu Tao to come back. Su Bing got up from the bed and said, "Damn, where are you? I'll find you after I clean up."

In less than half an hour, Su Bing quickly rushed to Gu Chaoming's side. Getting out of the taxi and seeing Gu Chaoming standing under a tree by the roadside with only a black suitcase with worn-out paint accompanied, Su Bing hurried over and hugged Gu Chaoming distressedly.

The sudden hug early in the morning warmed Gu Chaoming's icy heart instantly. Blood slowly flowed from the warmed heart to the limbs, and the whole body was warmed the moment he was hugged.

Gu Chaoming patted Su Bing on the back, lowered his head and pursed his lips and smiled in a place where Su Bing could not see. Despite the warmth, Gu Chaoming pretended to pull Su Bing away.

Su Bing saw that Gu Chaoming was still wearing the clothes from yesterday's school, and asked him, "You won't be kicked out yesterday, so you only called me today, did you? Where did you sleep yesterday? You didn't sleep all night, did you?"

Gu Chaoming didn't say that the only few hours he slept yesterday was on the floor of his bedroom and the hospital bed. Gu Chaoming smiled and said lightly: "Sleep, definitely slept, but I haven't showered yet."

Su Bing looked at Gu Chaoming's haggard face and knew that he must not rest: "Then I'll take you back to take a shower first."

Getting in the car, Gu Chaoming looked at the unfamiliar scenery outside the car window, Su Bing muttered to the side: "Your dad is too scary, so you have escaped?"

Gu Chaoming looked at the scenery outside the window and nodded: "That's it."

"After that, you will live with me. My dad won't go there anyway, and the key is in my hand."

Su Bing said that the vacant houses are as big as several Gu Chaoming's houses, with their own balconies and small gardens, quiet environment and convenient transportation. Gu Chaoming dragged his suitcase and stood outside the door waiting for Su Bing to open the door, and looked around, it was not cheap.

Su Bing opened the door and said to Gu Chaoming, "You can live with peace of mind. I'll show you the familiar environment after you take a shower, and tell you how to go to school, and then go to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities..."

Su Bing carried out the nickname Su Xiaoma very competently, talking in front of Barabara, thinking about every little thing. Gu Chaoming walked into the house with his suitcase and saw the beautiful and spacious big house that he had only seen in TV series. For a moment, a strong sense of discomfort and withdrawal rose in his heart. At that moment, Gu Chaoming even felt that spending money to stay in a hotel would be worth it. Better than living here.

Su Bing asked Gu Chaoming to put down the suitcase first, and asked him to take out a change of clothes to wash first.

When he took out a change of clothes and went to wash up, Gu Chaoming asked Su Bing, "Then how much rent should I pay you?"

Knowing that he was joking, Su Bing kicked Gu Chaoming: "I'm not a renter. I'll tell your buddy about rent, kick you to death, and go take a shower."

After taking off his clothes in the bathroom, Gu Chaoming was able to examine the spot on his body where he was kicked by Gu Tao. Some are red and swollen, and some are blue and purple. Gu Chaoming is used to these colors appearing on his body from time to time. He doesn't touch them, he hangs them, and waits for them to heal themselves in a few days.

He fiddled with Su Bing's bathroom, exported hot water to take a bath, and in the middle of the bath, Su Bing asked him what he wanted for breakfast outside the door, and he ordered takeaway.

The foam flowed over the injured body, and Gu Chaoming responded, "Whatever."

Su Bing was not idle when Gu Chaoming was taking a bath. He helped Gu Chaoming arrange upstairs and downstairs so that he could stay in better, and at the same time, he also looked at what he had to buy.

Su Bing, who arranged the room, was even more excited than Gu Chaoming, who was about to move in. Gu Chaoming was washing in the bathroom, while Su Bing was busy dividing the area outside.

In the future, the three of them can play games here, eat and chat together, let him think about it... Su Bing has already used this house as a secret base for the three of them. Came so fast.

After Gu Chaoming came out of the bathroom after washing up, Su Bing walked up to him excitedly and said, "Let's call Xili over together, three people a day."

Su Bing said, spreading his arms, as if welcoming a better life. Since the last time he ate supper and learned that Cen Xili has the ability to climb a wall to escape from prison, Gu Chaoming is no longer worried about what Cen Xili can't do.

Sure enough, Su Bingyi and Cen Xili said that Gu Chaoming fled from Gu Tao's palm, and Cen Xili, who was very strict at home, rang the doorbell when Su Bing and Gu Chaoming were resting on the sofa and watching TV after breakfast.

"Come! Come! Xili is finally here!" Su Bing jumped up from the sofa when he heard the doorbell and went to open the door for Cen Xili.

"Welcome." Su Bing opened the door to welcome Cen Xili like a welcome lady.

On the phone, Cen Xili heard Su Bing say that Gu Chaoming was beaten again. He walked into the house and looked for Gu Chaoming as soon as possible. Gu Chaoming sat on the sofa and turned his head and waved gently to Cen Xili: "Hi."

Cen Xili hurriedly sat beside Gu Chaoming, and heard Su Bing say that Gu Chaoming was kicked out, the scene of Gu Chaoming being beaten to death by Gu Tao instantly popped up in Cen Xili's mind. Fortunately, Gu Chaoming looked okay, there were no extra injuries on his face, and he didn't see Gu Chaoming screaming in pain when he touched Gu Chaoming's body.

Cen Xili knew that Gu Chaoming could bear it, and no way could detect his injury.

Gu Chaoming kept smiling and said, "What are you touching?"

Su Bing clapped his hands to attract the attention of the two on the sofa: "Comrades, everyone is here, go to the supermarket and buy everything you need to buy."

As soon as he arrived at the supermarket, Su Bing's ability to "spend money to manage the house" was fully demonstrated, and he walked to the snack area: "This is delicious, this is also delicious, buy more."

"Enough is enough." Cen Xi said straightly.

Walking out of the supermarket with a large bag of snacks and a large bag of daily necessities, Su Bing was still looking at the quilts when he was in the supermarket.

"You called me here to be a coolie, right?" Cen Xili said, carrying a large bag of things.

"You just know? Don't listen to what little mom says in the future." Gu Chaoming said.

"What do you mean to listen to me less, and you to listen less."

Carrying the things bought from the supermarket, "Chef Gu" among the three was in charge of cooking, while Su Bing and Cen Xili packed up and helped Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming was cooking in the kitchen, Su Bing and Cen Xili watched him burst into cheers and cheered for Gu Chaoming together: "Chef Gu!"

"Chef Gu is so handsome, he can even flip the spoon."

"Chef Gu teach me."

The two kept making noises in their ears. Gu Chaoming didn't know how to use Su Bing's kitchen to drive the noisy two of them out of the kitchen, and they came back in a few minutes.

Su Bing just wanted to show his skills in front of "Chef Gu" and fry a bowl of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Seeing Su Bing's unfamiliar cooking techniques, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but instruct him, and Su Bing pushed him away: "Gu Shuai, don't be noisy, let me do it myself."

It was the first time that Su Bing tried flipping the spoon, and Gu Chaoming taught him how to hold the handle of the pot.

Cen Xili was sitting outside, the kitchen was very lively, with a hurried shout, Cen Xili walked to the kitchen door with a water glass and looked inside.

Tomatoes and eggs on the stovetop, Cen Xili's original surprise disappeared when he saw who was holding the pot.

Well, Su Bing, it's normal, don't make a fuss.

A table of fragrant meals prepared by Gu Chaoming, plus a little bit of scrambled eggs with tomatoes left in Su Bingdian's failed pot, looked extremely pitiful in a table of normal dishes. Gu Chaoming also specially placed Su Bing's scrambled eggs with tomatoes in the middle.

Su Bing didn't take it away, and gave each of them a pair of chopsticks: "Come and taste the delicious food in the world."

"Will we be poisoned?" Gu Chaoming picked up an egg in the bowl that looked okay in color and put it in his mouth. After tasting it for a long time, Su Bing couldn't help but ask, "How is the chef? Isn't it delicious on earth?"

Gu Chaoming looked at Cen Xili, and Cen Xili also ate a piece. Gu Chaoming looked back and said to Su Bing, "To be honest, it doesn't taste anything. Did you put salt?"

"I let it go. It's quite a lot." Su Bing said.

Cen Xili frowned after eating the egg that Su Bing gave him, and said, "I think I need water, the salt is all with me!"

Cen Xili, who won the lottery, took several mouthfuls of water from Gu Chaoming, and never touched Su Bing's fried tomatoes and scrambled eggs after that.

Cen Xili checked that Gu Chaoming was fine. Ben was going to go home in the afternoon, but when he wanted to leave, he was pulled by Su Bing to hold a "celebration of Gu Shuai's escape".

To say it is a celebration, it means that the three of them open a movie, take out the snacks and drinks they bought in the morning and fill the table, chatting, eating, watching movies, playing games, and KTV at home around the table.

Not to mention that I was quite happy in the afternoon, time moved forward at the speed of light, and it passed in an instant.

Su Bing didn't think it was enough for one afternoon. After the three of them had dinner together, Su Bing suggested, "Let's sleep together in the evening, and sleep in that big bed, so that we can sleep well."

Repeatedly pushing back the time to go home, Cen Xili felt that it would not work. Su Bing persuaded Cen Xili, turned to ask Gu Chaoming, "Gu Shuai, do you think so?"

"Ah?" Gu Chaoming was sitting on the side brushing his phone, and suddenly he was asked with a confused look on his face.

"I said the three of us sleep together." Su Bing pointed to the three people sitting together.

"Also." Gu Chaoming was not yet familiar with a home that did not belong to him, and he still had a sense of retreat and escape from the new environment.

It happened that the three of them slept together and stayed with him.

Gu Chaoming put down his phone and joined Su Bing and Cen Xili's discussion about whether the three of them should sleep together.

The mobile phone that was put aside stayed on the chat interface with Lin Jianfan. The last sentence was Lin Jianfan's "Remember to take your medicine", but Gu Chaoming did not reply.

After finally persuading Cen Xili to succeed, the biggest obstacle now is Cen Xili's family.

After a while, Cen Xili's cell phone rang, and Su Bing and Gu Chaoming immediately stepped up their vigilance. Before Cen Xili could pick it up, Su Bing grabbed the phone and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Auntie?"

"Oh, Xili went to the toilet. I'm his classmate. We do homework together... Well, in my family, we are more biased... It may be difficult... No... "

Su Bing abruptly hung up the phone and gestured ok to Cen Xili and Gu Chaoming.

"It's so awesome, Cen Xili can fucking handle it." Gu Chaoming sighed, thinking about Cen Xili's fucking eyes, Gu Chaoming didn't want to talk about it.

Su Bing smiled and patted his chest: "You don't even look at who I am."

After solving the bomb of Cen Xili's mother, Su Bing called his home and said that he would not go home. Gu Chaoming had no one to notify, and sat on the side and listened to their calls.

The pain in his body was not so obvious. Gu Tao didn't know if he had left the house or not. Gu Chaoming didn't think about it, he got up from the sofa, and the phone beeps reminded him that there was a new message.

It was Lin Jianfan again.

"Remember to take medicine."

Lin Jianfan always cared about others, and seemed to be gentle and gentle with everything. Gu Chaoming chatted with him a few words and got a few warm words. Is this what they call flattery or genuine concern? To this day, Gu Chaoming still can't tell the difference.

After seeing Lin Jianfan's information, Gu Chaoming remembered that he hadn't taken medicine for a day today, and when he walked into the bedroom after taking the medicine, the two were already sitting on the bed.

"You two sleep away from me." Gu Chaoming sat on the bed and said.

"What's wrong?" Cen Xili asked.

"I have a little cold, I'm afraid it will spread to you."

After taking a shower, Su Bing refreshed his ingredients, lay down on the bed and patted the position next to him: "What are you afraid of, we will eat together. Come, Concubine Ai, come to me."

Gu Chaoming picked up the pillow and threw it on Su Bing's face: "Sleep your sleep."