
Chapter 45


The mobile phone alarm clock rang on time for the school day on Monday. Gu Chaoming was unwell in the new environment and had a light sleep. The alarm clock rang once, and Gu Chaoming had woken up from his deep sleep.

When he opened his eyes and saw the large ceiling of Su Bing's house without any traces of dampness, Gu Chaoming seemed to be in a lifetime, and the moment he woke up, it seemed like he was in a dream. Consciousness gradually became clearer, and memory also woke up. Regarding the reason why he was here, after waking up, seeing the unfamiliar ceiling naturally returned to his mind.

The daily routine of getting up and cleaning up the quilt, brushing teeth and washing face has become unfamiliar. Gu Chaoming was not used to seeing a vanity mirror that was cracked into cobwebs every morning in the toilet.

Living in someone else's house, although he was the only one in the house, Su Bing said he could do whatever he wanted, just as if he were in his own house, but Gu Chaoming was still careful not to break things in other people's houses. Su Bing's house is full of high-tech, and Gu Chaoming doesn't know how to use it or touch it.

After dragging his suitcase from home for two days, Gu Tao didn't call him or send a text message, as if nothing had happened.

The early morning sunlight fell on the cover of the English word book on the table through the gap of the blinds, leaving a trail of light, like a slow-moving movie shot.

The English vocabulary book was bought by Gu Chaoming from a bookstore outside the school when he first began to study seriously. It's not a big one, it can be carried in your hand or pocket, and you can always take it out and carry it when you want to carry it. In the past, I often saw a hard-working girl endorsement in the car. Gu Chaoming also peeked at others. At that time, he felt that the girl worked hard and even got an endorsement in the car. He did not expect that he would become as hard-working as that hard-working girl soon. people.

Gu Chaoming went to the table and took the schoolbag on the chair. As usual, he wanted to pick up the English word book on the table and put it in his pocket so that he could memorize the words in the car.

The light and shadow were silent, as if the time was quiet, and he never broke down and cried bitterly.

The word book is full of light and shadow, and the slow-moving footage can easily make people addicted to the memories of the past. In order to get good grades so that his mother does not lose face, whether Bo Ren smiled or knew that he was studying for himself, Gu Chaoming never gave up his studies, and giving up was a thought he never had.

From the very beginning, Gu Chaoming never stopped.

For some reason, Gu Chaoming stood in front of the table for a long time, staring down at the English word book stained with light and shadow on the table. Suddenly, all the exercise books and English word books bought on the table were swept to the ground.

The exercise was punished for no reason, and it landed on the clean floor and groaned, which was especially loud in the huge house where only one person lived.

After venting his breath, Gu Chaoming sat down on the chair in front of the desk, the light coming in through the gap of the blinds hit Gu Chaoming, dividing him one by one.

His own soul is ugly and violent. His actions of sweeping over the exercise book on the table are very similar to Gu Tao overturning his suitcase. Gu Chaoming is sitting on the chair in front of the desk and looking at the exercise book on the ground, he realizes that he is more and more like him. Gu Tao.

He tilted his head to look at the notes and exercises that he had swept over on the floor for a long time. He looked at it like this, looked at it, and finally got up and picked them up again, putting them in a bag.

He became more and more like the person he hated.

Su Bing told Gu Chaoming in detail how to get to the school, but because the route was unfamiliar, Gu Chaoming went out early. After venting, I still recite words while waiting for the bus at the bus stop.

Unfamiliar sights, unfamiliar words.

After getting off the bus and entering the school gate, on the road leading to the teaching building, I saw Lin Jianfan who took him to the hospital on Friday and kept telling him to take medicine.

Lin Jianfan wore a hooded sweater under his school uniform jacket, and the hat of the sweater was exposed outside. Gu Chaoming stepped forward quickly and quietly followed behind Lin Jianfan who didn't notice it at all, went up to hold Lin Jianfan's hat and put it on him from behind while he was not paying attention.

"Hey, morning."

When Gu Chaoming entered the school and saw Lin Jianfan, he abandoned all the unhappiness in the morning and greeted him warmly. Gu Chaoming's enthusiasm was like fire, but Lin Jianfan's expression was not the same as his.

Lin Jianfan seemed frightened.

He didn't expect Lin Jianfan to be so intimidated, Gu Chaoming laughed dryly, Lin Jianfan was not Su Bing and the others, so they couldn't joke with him like this.

With apologetic fingers, he touched the hat that Lin Jianfan had just put on. Lin Jianfan was not frightened, but Gu Chaoming raised his hand and tried to pull off his hat.

The back of his hand felt like the pulp of his fingers. The slender, jade-white fingers touched the back of Gu Chaoming's hand and immediately retracted, like a small animal sticking out its head, quickly reaching out to take away the food given to it, and then immediately retracting into its nest.

Lin Jianfan just wanted to touch his hair, and Gu Chaoming just wanted to help him take off his hat, and the two touched their hands.

Gu Chaoming said apologetically for putting a hat on Lin Jianfan without permission: "Just kidding, who would have known you were so unintimidated."

Lin saw Fan Xiaoxiao but didn't speak, looked up and saw the wound on Gu Chaoming's face and asked, "Why do you have another injury on your face?"

Gu Chaoming saw Lin Jianfan's worried expression. He didn't want others to know about him, so he immediately interrupted Lin Jianfan: "It's a small injury, it's just a fight."

Hearing the word "fight", Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming.

Is it because of this reason that he didn't have to send it from his father that day

"Have you applied the medicine?" Lin Jianfan asked with concern.

In fact, the wound on Gu Chaoming's face is not big, and it is difficult to find it if you don't look carefully. Some people believe that it was shaving and scratching the skin.

Gu Chaoming didn't answer Lin Jianfan's question. He didn't want to talk about these things, and the good mood that finally came to him gradually went downhill.


Lin Jianfan was still worried about him, but Gu Chaoming whispered coldly, "Can you leave it alone?"

Seeing the concerned expression on Fan's face, Lin was so surprised that he kept blinking.

Gu Chaoming said bluntly: "I speak straight, don't mind. If you want to please other people, try your best, I don't care, but you don't use it to please me, I don't eat or like this. I tell you, You can't make any real friends with this set. Even if we are friends, you don't have to worry about everything."

Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming who said this in surprise, but he didn't dare to look at Gu Chaoming for too long. Lin Jianfan lowered his head, Gu Chaoming could guess that Lin Jianfan would definitely have this expression after saying that.

Lin Jianfan lowered his head and was not angry, and said slowly, "I didn't flatter you."

Gu Chaoming smiled: "Then you can consider me to be affectionate."

Gu Chaoming has always known that sometimes he can't speak his brain, and he can say whatever he wants. His mouth is faster than his brain, and he always says something he regrets. The mood in the morning fluctuated secretly, the bad mood changed to seeing Lin Jianfan's good mood, and then from the good mood to the bad mood that Lin Jianfan mentioned Gu Tao.

When he thought that Lin Jianfan's concern might be out of flattery, he was moved and cried bitterly.

Like being tricked.

The atmosphere changed instantly because of one of his words. Gu Chaoming didn't like to get along so vaguely. He was not an indecisive person.

Thinking of the vocabulary book in his pocket, Gu Chaoming took this as an excuse to ease the atmosphere, took out the English vocabulary book from his pocket, pointed to a super long word and asked Lin Jianfan, "How do you read this word?"

The unrecognizable pronunciation came out of Lin Jianfan's mouth. Gu Chaoming listened attentively, and suddenly a force of gravity jumped up from his back, pressing Gu Chaoming straight forward.

The arm was locked around Gu Chaoming's neck to prevent it from falling off. Gu Chaoming looked down at the arm around his neck and knew that it must be Su Bing.

As expected, Su Bing hung on Gu Chaoming and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Gu Chaoming shook Su Bing, who was lying on his back, and threw Su Bing down: "Let's talk about learning."

"So hard? It seems that I have to add... Hey!"

Before he finished speaking, Su Bing saw Cen Xili who was riding a bicycle across the school aisle across a flower garden. Su Bing didn't say anything, and ran over to call Cen Xili's name.

Lin Jianfan stood there and looked at Su Bing, who was mischievous at the other end of the flower garden, and Cen Xili, who stopped Su Bing's mischief.

Gu Chaoming was walking on the aisle lit by the autumn sun with his pockets in his pockets. The arborvitae on the side of the road were low. The autumn air was dry and the sun was warm. Gu Chaoming turned around and saw that Lin Jianfan was still standing in the same place and did not keep up, and waved to him. : "Why are you still standing there?"

Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming who was waving at him, with a bright smile on his lips, trotted over with his schoolbag on his back, ran to Gu Chaoming who was waiting for him, and walked with him.

After a few days of such a peaceful life, Gu Chaoming didn't know if Gu Tao had not paid attention to him, he didn't even know where he worked, or he didn't contact him on purpose. Anyway, after a few days like this, he felt comfortable a few days.

After a few dull days, Gu Chaoming received the first call from Gu Tao.

The first time Gu Tao called was in the evening. Gu Chaoming was cooking in Su Bing's house, and when he heard the phone ringing in the living room, he thought it was Su Bing, Cen Xili, or Lin Jianfan.

Gu Chaoming was preparing dinner in the kitchen. He didn't answer at first, thinking that he was not in a hurry, but the phone rang again and again, and Gu Chaoming wiped his hands to answer it.

The ringtone echoed in the empty living room. When he walked to the living room and picked up his mobile phone, Gu Chaoming realized that it was a number that had not appeared on his mobile phone for many days—Gu Tao.

Gu Tao finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Gu Chaoming had an intuition that Gu Tao must have come to ask for money. Gu Tao would never dream of finding him to go home. If he came home, it was because Gu Tao had no money.

Gu Chaoming looked at the number on the phone and didn't hang up. Mingming could already guess what Gu Tao was calling for, but at that moment, Gu Chaoming actually expected that Gu Tao really came to look for him to go home.

The ringing stopped after a while. Gu Chaoming wanted to put down the phone and continue cooking, but when he was about to put down the phone, the ringtone rang again.

This is Gu Tao's third call.

Gu Chaoming didn't hang up or answer, just put it on the table.

The bell rang for a while that day, and when the bell really stopped, twenty-three missed calls were displayed on the phone.

After dinner, Gu Chaoming was still doing his homework in front of the desk that was exhausted on Monday morning. The assigned study group ended, and Lao Chen had forgotten the idea, but the study group of Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan not only did not end, but instead became more and more prosperous.

Gu Chaoming took pictures and asked Lin Jianfan if he had any questions. Gu Chaoming sometimes teased him to call him "Mr. Lin", "Team Leader Lin", "Lin Xueba"...

"Lin Xueba deserves to be a Xueba." Gu Chaoming looked at the detailed problem-solving ideas sent by Lin Jianfan at the table.

At this time, Gu Tao called again, and Gu Chaoming's good mood was instantly depressed and irritable. Looking at the number, the ringing of the phone never stopped. Gu Chaoming set it to mute, and flipped the phone over and buckled it on the table.

Out of sight is pure.

Gu Chaoming continued to do his homework at the desk, and he didn't care what Lin Jianfan replied to him.

Gu Chaoming's state of mind was uncertain. As soon as he touched Gu Tao, he almost rushed to do homework. He wanted to use homework to get rid of Gu Tao, but the phone never stopped and the phone was buzzing.

After a long time, Gu Chaoming finished a few questions before the phone stopped. Gu Chaoming put down his pen. He didn't know how he was feeling at this moment. The moment the phone stopped vibrating was like relief.

Gu Chaoming was afraid that Gu Tao would call again. After waiting for a while, Gu Chaoming picked up his mobile phone again, clicked on the chat interface with Lin Jianfan, and received another text message from Gu Tao.

"You don't fucking answer my phone?"

Gu Tao couldn't get through the phone and instead sent text messages, one after another, scolding him.

Gu Chaoming didn't know how a father, a person, could be like Gu Tao.

Being disturbed by Gu Tao, Gu Chaoming was not in the mood to return to Lin Jianfan's news.

Gu Chaoming saw that one of the dense text messages sent by Gu Tao said that he would go to the gate of their school to block him. This was what Gu Chaoming was most worried about.

He has high self-esteem and doesn't want people at school to know.

Gu Chaoming even went to the supermarket to buy a box of masks cautiously, and put on a mask every time he approached the school, for fear that Gu Tao would see it. On the road, check to see if there is any Gu Tao around.

On the first two days, Gu Chaoming did not find out.

Su Bing saw that he was wearing a mask again: "Gu Shuai, you are wearing a mask instead of a hat? Are you afraid that others will see your beauty?"

Gu Chaoming smiled: "Yeah, but it's asking for money."

"Show me a look." Su Bing said.

"Then I'll show you a look, and don't resist." Gu Chaoming lifted one of his masks to show Su Bing.

Su Bing said very playfully, "Wow, hahahaha... So handsome, I'm going to be killed by being so handsome!"

Cen Xili was speechless while watching the two performers.

After wearing a mask for several days, he hadn't met Gu Tao. Gu Chaoming felt a little more relaxed, but he still did not take off the mask slack. Wear a mask in the car, don't let go of your sweater and hat after getting out of the car, put on a hat and disguise and look around, like a spy in a movie.

When the hat was torn off from behind, Gu Chaoming was startled, thinking it was Gu Tao, and turned around with a bad expression, but what he saw was Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan loosened his hat and smiled at him.

"It's you." Gu Chaoming breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Jianfan's expression was a little confused. He said, "It's me," and asked again, "What's wrong? It looks like you..."

Gu Chaoming interrupted him: "It's okay."

With just one sentence and two words, Lin Jianfan felt that Gu Chaoming seemed to be resisting him.

The two walked together by the shop outside the school. Gu Chaoming put on his hat again and asked Lin Jianfan, "Have you had breakfast?"

Lin Jianfan didn't say anything but nodded.

Gu Chaoming got up a little late today and was not in the mood to make breakfast, so he said to Lin Jianfan, "I'll go buy breakfast."

After buying breakfast, we walked towards the school gate with Lin Jianfan. There were many students wearing the same school uniform on the side of the road.

Gu Chaoming was afraid that Gu Tao would squat him outside the school, so he chatted with Lin Jianfan and observed whether there was Gu Tao on the side of the road. Gu Chaoming put the buns in his schoolbag so that he could enter the school gate, but he didn't expect to see Gu Tao not far away when he looked up.

Xu is the blood relationship that cannot be changed inside, and Gu Tao also saw him. A smug smile appeared on Gu Tao's face after a short distance.

The sniper sees his prey, the sniper walks towards his prey, very close, the sniper walks up to the prey.

Gu Chaoming looked fiercely at Gu Tao who was walking in front of him.

Lin Jianfan, who had no idea what was going on, looked at the two of them.

Gu Chaoming put his breakfast bag on his back as if nothing had happened. Gu Tao was still wearing the clothes he wore the day he dragged the suitcase away. His beard was not shaved, his hair was as if he had just woken up, his eyes were red, and he still had a cigarette in his mouth. People who didn't know thought he was a beggar.

Gu Chaoming saw Gu Tao like this and knew that he must have just come out of the mahjong hall overnight.

Gu Tao didn't even brush his teeth. Gu Chaoming saw his yellow teeth, and he spit out a puff of cigarette from his mouth with bad breath and said, "Are you able to answer the phone?"

Gu Chaoming didn't answer, he wanted to leave, but Gu Tao stopped him: "I haven't had breakfast yet."

Gu Chaoming's eyes secretly glanced at Lin Jianfan who was beside him. He didn't want Lin Jianfan to know that he had such a father. He was afraid that Gu Tao's mouth full of tartar would spit out the word father.

Those two words were like shame, like scars on the face, like barbs on fingers.

Gu Chaoming didn't wait for Gu Tao to say that word, he said fiercely: "Go away."

Lin Jianfan heard Gu Chaoming's sudden "go away" sound, looked at Gu Chaoming, and heard Gu Chaoming say go away for the first time.

Gu Tao stuck in his pocket and remained unmoved: "Yo, you've got a lot of skills."

There were people passing by constantly, and some people cast curious eyes. Gu Chaoming felt that he was now on the execution ground, accepting the analysis of the eyes of the world.

Gu Tao looked at Lin Jianfan who was beside Gu Chaoming, with a kind expression on his face, he asked Lin Jianfan with a smile, "Chaoming classmate?"

Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Tao and nodded.

Gu Tao always looked kind and kind in front of outsiders, and he smiled at Lin Jianfan. Lin Jianfan didn't know how to react. Gu Chaoming glared at Gu Tao and said to Lin Jianfan, "Ignore him and go."

Bypassing Gu Tao, Gu Tao still wanted to block his way, but Gu Chaoming opened his hand directly.

"Yo, you're so temperamental." Gu Tao laughed when he said this.

Lin Jianfan also wanted to follow Gu Chaoming, but Gu Tao grabbed his arm: "Hey, classmate..."

Seeing Fan's face at a loss, Lin looked at Gu Chaoming begging for help.

Gu Chaoming grabbed Lin Jianfan's arm, pulled Lin Jianfan over with great force, pulled him behind him, and used his body to block Lin Jianfan in front of him, isolating Gu Tao and Lin Jianfan.

Gu Chaoming said coldly to Gu Tao, "Don't harass others."

With Gu Chaoming behind him, Lin Jianfan could see Gu Chaoming's very short hair roots. The world in front of him trembled, without any notice, Gu Chaoming finished talking to Gu Tao and dragged him forward.

If he can run, the monk can't run away from the temple, Gu Tao didn't keep up, and Gu Chaoming didn't look back, grabbing Lin Jianfan's wrist and walking into the school.

Afraid that a seamless person like Gu Tao sees Lin Jianfan walking with him today, and will come to harass Lin Jianfan in the future, Gu Chaoming solemnly told Lin Jianfan: "If he comes to you in the future, don't let him go. Just ignore him and say you don't know me well."

"Not familiar with you?" Lin Jianfan asked suspiciously.

"If he pesters you, you call me and I'll deal with it."

Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming, who looked unhappy, and asked cautiously, "He..."

"Don't worry about the rest." Gu Chaoming said.

Lin Jianfan swallowed everything he wanted to ask.