
Chapter 52


The car stopped at the entrance of the community, and Gu Chaoming stepped onto the familiar land and habitually looked at the canteen by the corridor.

The light of the commissary is on, and the mahjong has not yet ended. Mahjong collisions, shuffling, and the operation of the mahjong table can still be heard. Gu Chaoming walked ahead and glanced back at Gu Tao. Gu Tao touched his hands, obviously wanting to play cards again.

Gu Chaoming didn't tell the truth, he walked upstairs quickly, deliberately leaving him time, but Gu Tao didn't go straight to the mahjong hall, but followed him upstairs.

The still broken corridor, the small advertisements on the wall, the empty handrails, everything seems to have not changed, only people have changed.

Gu Chaoming did not have the key, so he stopped in front of the door, and Gu Tao took out the key from his waist to open the door. The key on Gu Tao's waist was the one that Gu Chaoming didn't take with him. Gu Tao lost his own key.

Gu Tao didn't go to play mahjong directly and went upstairs to open the door for him because there was only one key.

Gu Tao hesitated whether to give it to him or not, and was afraid that Gu Chaoming would not let him enter because he had the key, so he went upstairs to open the door for him before going down to play cards.

The feel of the mahjong tiles attracted him, and he could not wait to touch it now. Gu Tao opened the door for him and left a sentence, "No keys, you can do it yourself" and hurried downstairs.

There was no time to turn on the lights, and the house was dark.

Gu Chaoming did not rush in, but stood on the edge of the gray balcony and looked down. After waiting for a while, he watched Gu Tao run out of the corridor and into the lit mahjong hall.

He really couldn't change his temper, and Gu Chaoming felt that he was right to not have expectations.

Without the key, the door could not be closed when he came out. Gu Chaoming stood in front of the door, looking at the darkness inside the door expressionlessly. By the light of the induction lights in the corridor, you can vaguely see the furnishings inside.

There was light above his head, but Gu Chaoming only felt that the darkness in the house was like a black hole. Once he was sucked in, he could never get out again.

The black hole rotates, and the door opened by Gu Tao may be any door of Doraemon, but it is Gu Tao's version, with a single function, it can only take him back to that hell.

Gu Chaoming stood in front of the door carrying the dessert for a long time. He was surrounded by familiar scents. He knew where the small advertisement for gas exchange was printed on the wall. He knew where the tables and chairs were in the house, and he wouldn't get his feet wet if he walked in without the lights on.

It's too familiar, everything is terribly familiar.

Gu Chaoming stood in front of the door and never took that step. He fled from here and came back here. It was like a reincarnation, and he was destined to never escape.

Gu Chaoming stood quietly, like a statue. He stared at the black hole that kept spinning behind the door to suck him in. The induction light above the head is dead because there is no sound, and this is complete darkness, complete darkness.

Gu Chaoming originally comforted himself, staying for a few days and then escaping as Su Bing said, but he also knew that it was a lie to himself. Gu Tao will do what he says. Gu Tao will come to the school to find him. As long as he is found by Gu Tao, he will never be able to escape from Gu Tao's clutches.

He thought that his courage was enough to support him to face Gu Tao, to face this broken home, but he thinks of himself too much, and now he doesn't even dare to enter this door.

The fingers curled up and tightened the bag of the pink dessert box. The sound of the plastic bag being pulled slowly was not enough to light up the sensor light on the head.

In the darkness, the open door was saying to him, "Come back, child."

The voice surrounded his ears, and Gu Chaoming tried his best to remove it from his mind.

The phone in the pocket vibrated, and the light from the phone screen passed through the fabric of the school uniform, becoming the only light in the darkness, emitting quietly in Gu Chaoming's pocket.

A sound of footsteps floated up from downstairs, and someone went upstairs.

It must be strange to stand here by himself. Gu Chaoming didn't want to scare others. He raised his legs and stepped into the threshold. The countless hesitations and fears just now were easily compromised by the sound of footsteps.

In this way, Gu Chaoming walked from one darkness into another with the faint light in his pocket.

Turning on the light, Gu Chaoming only needed a few seconds to get used to the dozens of flats he returned to.

The smell of beer mixed with cigarettes remained in the air, sinking in the air and refusing to dissipate. There is no need for Gu Chaoming to look for it, the beer bottles on the coffee table are not self-inflicted.

Open the refrigerator, except for a few bottles of beer lying in the refrigerator, all that is left are the minced pepper wrapped in plastic bags by Qu Yingyi, the beans for porridge, and the ingredients for soup. Red and blue plastic bags, one on the left and one on the right, and a bottle or two of hot sauce on the top layer.

There was a lot of free space in the refrigerator. Gu Chaoming put the dessert box in the middle layer and had no desire to touch it.

This house is old, and there are many unreasonable parts in the design. When the summer heat is over, it will be occupied. The air in spring and autumn cannot move. It is in the middle of the old age, and it is deposited in the air. It is thick and heavy, and it is humid everywhere. In spring and autumn, Gu Chaoming always opens the windows for ventilation.

Gu Tao obviously didn't have this kind of awareness. The dampness in the room had accumulated for a long time, mixed with the smell of beer and suppressed cigarettes, which made people's nose start to feel sour when they took a breath.

Returning to the familiar place, Gu Chaoming consciously returned to his original role and did his original job.

Open the window first to let the night wind exchange with the heavy air in the room, then put away the beer bottle on the coffee table, and go to the kitchen to find the source of the sour smell.

In the kitchen sink, there were still bowls left over from the day he ran out. No one touched it, and not even a drop of water had touched it. Gu Chaoming suspected that Gu Tao had never entered the kitchen at all.

After roughly cleaning the living room and kitchen, Gu Chaoming didn't bring any clothes and was going to take a bath in the closet of the room.

Without a key, the door lock had been smashed to pieces by Gu Tao with a kitchen knife, and the scar on the door told its pain.

Gu Chaoming opened the door, and the room was chaotic as he expected.

Gu Tao came to his room and looked for the "little treasury" that he had taken away.

Gu Chaoming disapproved of the clutter in front of him. He took off his school uniform jacket and threw it on the pile of quilts. He took out a change of clothes from the closet and took a hot shower.

The exhaustion and heaviness of his entire body evaporated with the heat, Gu Chaoming wiped his hair with a towel and sat on the made bed.

Gu Tao hasn't come back yet, and I don't know if he will come back tonight. Putting the towel on the sheet, Gu Chaoming lay down on the bed with wet hair, picked up the phone and replied to the message.

Seeing the message he replied, Cen Xili replied a few words, probably saying that it was fine. The rest of the information came from another person, the one who said to guess the meaning of his name.

After chatting happily, his side suddenly disconnected, and Lin Jianfan's messages gradually changed from the leisure of guessing the meaning of his name to the worry of no one replying.

The news ran through him from the time he got off the car to the present. One message was very regular, one every five minutes. If he didn't reply, Lin Jianfan kept sending it, like a dutiful sentinel, but he was very flustered and flustered. And worry leaked out of his tone, and he couldn't hide it.

"I'll send you one in five minutes. You can reply when you see it, and you must reply when you see it."

"Your father didn't beat you, did he?"

"Aren't you home yet?"

Gu Chaoming turned upwards one by one, and the corners of his mouth twitched without permission.

Worrying too much, talking so much is like a small talk. Gu Chaoming flipped through the messages, imagining Lin Jianfan's anxious expression step by step, imagining that Lin Jianfan was watching the time and sending him a message.

Although he didn't know the use of sending a message in five minutes, Gu Chaoming felt like his heart was being touched by something soft, like falling into an endlessly soft bed, and he would never get up again.

After Gu Chaoming finished flipping through the information, his fingers automatically took screenshots of Lin Jianfan's concern.

Opening the window, the dull air was replaced, instantly replacing Gu Chaoming's gloomy mood before entering the door. Gu Chaoming unconsciously smiled. When he took the screenshot, he was in a hurry to reply to Lin Jianfan, but stopped his finger after typing a line. He glanced at the time above the phone, waiting for the last digit to change.

The last digit was from seven to eight. Five minutes had passed. Gu Chaoming waited for what Lin Jianfan's next message would be.

After waiting and waiting, five minutes have passed, Ye Feng has changed, and Lin Jianfan's news has not come yet. Gu Chaoming, who is holding his heart and waiting, can't help but feel lost.

It's been six minutes, still haven't posted

Gu Chaoming decided to wait a little longer, laying on the bed with his arms stretched out and holding the phone, his thumb swayed restlessly while waiting, and he waited wholeheartedly for more than ten seconds, but the news still didn't come.

Why didn't you post it? forget? Is something going on

Gu Chaoming rested his finger on the send button, what he was about to say had already been typed, and he was waiting in the dialog box.

Lin Jianfan didn't send it, but sent it himself

Before the send button was pressed, the phone suddenly vibrated, and Gu Chaoming, who was concentrating on hesitating whether to send a message, didn't hold it steady, and the phone fell on his face.

With a click, the phone hit the bridge of Gu Chaoming's nose, and Gu Chaoming scolded, because it hurt because of being hit by the phone, and because he was stupid.

The dropped phone vibrated and buzzed, the vibrations expanded in the ear, and it didn't stop—someone called him.

Gu Chaoming touched his smashed face and picked up the cell phone that was vibrating on the bed. He guessed that it was Su Bing who would call him at this time. In addition to guessing, he also read about Lin Jianfan's lack of punctuality. I didn't text him for a minute.

The moment he picked up the phone, Gu Chaoming suddenly felt that he was complaining that Lin Jianfan was not punctual and looked like a resentful woman. He couldn't help frowning and was startled.

The young man was introverted, waiting full of heart to be unanswered by others, complaining a few words, and was shocked that he cared too much and was angry with himself.

Gu Chaoming decided not to wait for Lin Jianfan anymore, but he picked up the phone and saw the three words displayed on the screen, which made him discard all the previous thoughts before he even realized it.

Three words with a name and a surname, three words that are official to the extreme.

Gu Chaoming's note to Su Bing was his little mother. At one point, he wanted to note Su Bing's son, because he found that Su Bing's note to him turned out to be my son.

my son? I still have my son!

The note to Cen Xili was Xiao Xili, and Su Bing often called him that.

In a few words, the distance from ordinary people is widened, and the intimacy is full, but the three square characters in front of them seem to be alienated, why do you feel alienated? I didn't think it mattered before. Gu Chaoming didn't think about it, but felt that the name was too official, so he decided to change it after answering the phone.

The thumb that was still stuck on the send key and wanted to keep pressing is now sliding open the answer key like sliding on ice.

The moment he released his fingers and the call was connected, Lin Jianfan's eager voice came from the end of the phone.

A bit of a depressed and anxious voice.

"Hello, Gu Chaoming? Hello?"

Before Gu Chaoming opened his mouth, he had already said a few words from the other side.

"How are you?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"I'm fine." Gu Chaoming waited for him to finish before replying.

The eager voice on the other side stopped abruptly, and Gu Chaoming waited for him to answer, but suddenly fell silent.

Gu Chaoming called out his name: "Lin Jianfan?"

The other side responded with a voice indicating that he was still there.

"Why don't you speak?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Lin Jianfan said after a few seconds, "I'm talking nonsense."

Gu Chaoming was helpless, feeling a little cold, and got up from the bed and walked to the window: "What the hell is this nonsense, it's nonsense to me, and it's not the first day I met."

Lin Jianfan rubbed his fingers against the phone case, and when he kept sending messages to Gu Chaoming, he was full of anxiety and doubts. After Gu Chaoming said, "I'm fine, it all melted in my stomach. My mind couldn't be mobilized, so that at that moment my mind was empty." , the conversation with Gu Chaoming was also blank.

The doubts in his stomach dissipated, and he came back to his senses. The short time was only for Lin Jianfan to come up with a nonsense excuse to cover up his reassurance when he heard Gu Chaoming's voice.

Lin Jianfan skipped the nonsense topic and asked, "Have you gone home yet?"

Gu Chaoming closed the window: "I came back early, I just took a shower."

"Where's your dad?"

"He left, I don't know if he will come back today."

"That's good."

Gu Chaoming didn't really want to talk about Gu Tao: "Don't talk about him, you're calling to make sure I'm safe. I was just about to send you a message back, but you should call me and you scared my phone into my face."

Gu Chaoming smiled, and Lin Jianfan also smiled: "Then I won't pay, and I can't afford it."

Gu Chaoming was a little surprised: "Wow, do Xueba praise people so much? It's really refreshing and refined."

Gu Chaoming praised that people are not very good, and he and Su Bing scolded his son each other very smoothly.

Lin Jianfan was giggling over there. He has never been very good at joking with others. He has always been serious. Now he is joking with Gu Chaoming: "I mean your phone, not your face."

"Then I'll take back the sentence that you will praise people in front of me. My phone is not a big deal, but my face is in trouble. Please pay for the loss of my face."

"You're touching porcelain, you're cheating." Lin Jianfan said.

"I'll touch porcelain, and I'll pay for the loss of my face."

"It can't be compensated either."

Gu Chaoming sat on the bed with his legs crossed: "Forget it, I still owe you a bottle of yogurt."

Lin Jianfan hadn't guessed what his name meant, but when Gu Chaoming asked him to drink yogurt, he had already tacitly invited him.

"I haven't guessed yet, so invite me to drink?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"Then you can guess now. If you can't guess it, you won't. It reminds you that the two words Chaoming mean separate things. It's not difficult to guess, just literally."

When prompted, he almost told him the answer directly. Gu Chaoming had never released water like this before.

Once prompted, Lin Jianfan quickly guessed it: "Dawn is morning, morning is the sun, if it's bright, it's bright? Or is it tomorrow or the future?"

"The guess is close to ten, nine out of ten, and I'll buy you nine out of ten yogurt tomorrow."

Lin Jianfan smiled happily: "It's not that you lick the yogurt cover, I drink yogurt."

Gu Chaoming just said casually. He didn't expect Lin Jianfan to answer like this: "...It seems a little bad, it's weird, I'll ask you to cover the yogurt too."

"Then should I say thank you to you?" Lin Jianfan said.

Gu Chaoming smiled happily: "Come to the store tomorrow to exchange prizes, I'll be there all day."

Hanging up the phone, watching the phone page switch back to the phone's home page, Gu Chaoming thought of something, and opened the call record.

Roughly scanning the incoming call records, Lin Jianfan's call was always just right when he called, and when he was irritable and lost, he would always implicate his irritability on him on the other end of the phone.

It can also be said that Lin Jianfan is not very good at picking a time to call. Lin Jianfan always calls when he is most likely to get angry, making Gu Chaoming only feel that his phone is irritating.

Originally thought that Lin Jianfan's bell was a signal to spy on his heart, but now I think it might be a signal to remind him not to be stupid.

The unexplained sense of reassurance may have been accumulating long ago in a way that he hadn't noticed, but it was finally conveyed by Lin Jian Fan Hui holding his trembling hand.

Gu Chaoming clicked on the contact, found the person who had just called him, and stopped his finger at the contact's name.

With the repeated operation of his fingers, Lin Jianfan's name disappeared word by word.

The name of the contact person was blank, and the short vertical bar kept beating, disappearing and reappearing quickly. Gu Chaoming stared at the vertical bar and thought, and tapped the words "Lin Xueba".

The sense of officialdom is gone, and the distance is pulled in, but it is a little less special.

Less special he wanted.

Gu Chaoming is like a child who was called by his parents to go to the store to buy things. At home, he memorized the things his mother said he wanted to buy. As soon as he arrived at the store, he was attracted by the delicious snacks. Originally, I only thought that the three words Lin Jianfan were too official, and I wanted to draw a little distance, but now I have gradually turned to want to be special.

He forgot his original purpose, threw himself into the arms of snacks, and plunged into it.

Gu Chaoming recalled the characteristics of Lin Jianfan, and it felt like he was giving Lin Jianfan a new nickname, a unique nickname that he came up with.

After thinking about it, after all the days he spent with Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming typed the words "Lin Yogurt" in the name column.

Putting these three words together, it is a bit unpleasant. Gu Chaoming removed the surname and typed in a few more words.

Nine out of ten, nine out of ten yogurt.

The names taken from the chat between the two of them can't help but feel a little too hypocritical.

Gu Chaoming added the word Lin again, hesitating between the two names. Lin's 9/10 yogurt has a kind of feeling like Niu Hulu's so-and-so and Ulanala's so-and-so in TV dramas.

Gu Chaoming frowned slightly, deleted all of them, and retyped the words "Lin Jianfan". Thinking of Su Bing's Xiao Xili, Gu Chaoming replaced Lin with Xiao, and he abandoned the small characters before he could type them out.

There are two words on the name column.

see Fan.

May you see a world full of flowers.

This is his parents' best vision for him.

Many people called him to see Fan, and if he wanted to be friendly, the first step was to go by his surname. Gu Chaoming looked at the simple and unspecified word, and pressed OK.