
Chapter 59


There was a small wind blowing when he came out of Su Bing's house. Gu Chaoming turned on his mobile phone to see if Gu Tao had called him.

After some thought, Gu Chaoming decided to go home and take a look before going to see his mother. If the house was opened, he would ask Gu Tao for the key and then go get one. If Gu Tao doesn't come back, call a locksmith to open the door and get a new lock.

When going upstairs, he paid special attention to the small advertisement of the locksmith on the wall, and Gu Chaoming took out his mobile phone to take a picture.

Just after the photo was taken, there was a sharp cry from the building. It was the cry of a child. It resounded through the sky and ran through the entire building.

Gu Chaoming stepped on the child's cry and went upstairs, and he saw Aunt Cheng who was downstairs after walking a few steps.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry, and run out to play before you finish your homework." Aunt Cheng raised her hand, heard the sound of someone going upstairs, and turned her head to see Gu Chaoming, who was about to pass by quietly.

As soon as she saw Gu Chaoming, Aunt Cheng's stern face of teaching her own children turned into a kind smile: "Chaoming is back? I haven't seen you for many days. I heard that your father has made a fortune recently?"

Gu Chaoming originally just wanted to politely smile at Aunt Cheng and go upstairs, but when he heard Aunt Cheng's words, Gu Chaoming stopped.

"Get rich?" Gu Chaoming's tone was filled with doubts and nothing else.

What kind of money did Gu Tao make

"You don't know yet? He said it himself when he was playing mahjong a few days ago, saying that a friend took him to do business and made a lot of money, and he even said that he would play hundreds of mahjong, and they all laughed at him for bragging and discord. When he hits, he says those people don't know."

Gu Chaoming stood there without saying a word, and Aunt Cheng came over and said, "I think your dad is really lucky. He was unlucky a few years ago, and good fortune took turns. You are also lucky, and you are with your dad. In the future, you won't have to worry about a good life, your father also said that he will find a new mother for you, and if you find a new mother, you will change the house."

Gu Tao did say these words while playing mahjong, but Aunt Cheng just omitted Gu Tao's scolding of Qu Yingyi, for fear that Gu Chaoming would be unhappy.

Gu Tao said in the store that he drank alcohol when he made a fortune. Aunt Cheng watched them play mahjong next to him. He didn't know if it was Gu Tao's drunken remarks or the truth. He happened to meet Gu Chaoming today and hurriedly asked. If it's true, I used to take care of the two of them like this before, and I gave so much credit to her. I also greeted them with a smile. Now that I have made a fortune, I can't forget her.

Aunt Cheng was also quite proud, and felt that she had foresight, and the people in the corridor were all snobbish. Seeing other people's families were poor, they would hide from them. Now that people are prosperous, everyone is stupid.

Aunt Cheng smiled deeper, flattery was almost written on her face, Gu Chaoming didn't understand these "worldly sophistication", and did not understand her meaning from Aunt Cheng's smile.

Aunt Cheng comforted the child and looked at Gu Chaoming again: "In the future, your father beats you, you should bear it, he is only your son, and he will not do anything to you, in the future..."

Aunt Cheng wanted to talk while holding the child. Gu Chaoming couldn't understand her flattering smile, but he could hear the meaning of her words. Gu Chaoming didn't want to hear any more, so he bypassed Aunt Cheng: "I don't know, I still have something to do. Go up first."

Before Aunt Cheng finished speaking, she looked up at Gu Chaoming's back as she went upstairs and said disdainfully, "With money, the shelf becomes bigger."

Gu Chaoming stopped in front of his house, and the shoe prints he kicked yesterday were still on the door. His departure and return seemed to be irrelevant at all.

Looking for a new mother for him? Gu Chaoming hummed.

There was no incoming call notification or text message on the mobile phone. Gu Chaoming didn't want to call Gu Tao again. It was so stupid to call him yesterday.

Gu Chaoming clicked on the photo of the unlocking phone, called the locksmith and told him the address.

The master came quickly, chatting with Gu Chaoming while opening the door.

"I've seen you before."

"I changed your door lock last year."

Hearing what the master said, Gu Chaoming remembered where he had seen him.

Last year, Gu Tao was drunk and didn't know what to do. When he came back in the middle of the night, there was a key knocking on the door outside. Gu Chaoming fell asleep and didn't hear it for a while, causing a big disaster.

When Gu Chaoming was woken up by him, Gu Tao was kicking instead of knocking, and he kicked the door so loudly that when Gu Chaoming got up to open the door, the neighbors were already yelling at him.

Only Gu Chaoming was at home alone, and after opening the lock, he was greeted by a loud slap and the drunken smell of alcohol on Gu Tao. As soon as Gu Chaoming woke up, his hazy drowsiness completely disappeared in the slap, and his anger flared up in the night.

Gu Chaoming clenched his fists to suppress the burning anger. Gu Tao didn't realize that his son was already angry, he indifferently squeezed through the gap between Gu Chaoming and the door frame, which was blocked in front of the door.

Gu Chaoming stood in front of the door, the burning pain on his face was still there, and before he could put out the anger in his heart, there was a sound in the room. Gu Chaoming turned his head, the lights in the living room were not turned on, and the moonlight poured in reflected on the silver hammer head.

Gu Tao got closer and closer with the hammer head and the smell of alcohol all over his body. Gu Chaoming was startled, and he almost subconsciously retreated in self-defense in panic.

The silver iron hitting the bone and the fist hitting the bone are not the same level at all.

The moonlight was so bright that day that Gu Chaoming could clearly see the expression on Gu Tao's face and the thick muscles and blue veins on the arm wielding the hammer head. superior.

The hammer head fell, and Gu Chaoming stepped back. He stepped back in a hurry and panic, his expression was uncontrollable in horror, and the messy steps under his feet were bound by the door frame.

In such a dark night, Gu Chaoming clearly saw the silver hammer head draw an arc in the air. Maybe I'm going to die here today, this idea was forcibly thrown out of my mind as soon as it was formed in my mind.

The center of gravity shifted, the body fell backwards, the brain was blank, there was no thought, only the hammer head that Gu Tao dropped in the violently swaying line of sight.

He is too tall, his center of gravity is unstable, his butt/butt acts as a buffer to land first, followed by his palm, but the imagined pain on the cock does not keep up.

His mind was turbulent, and his ears helped him catch the sound of iron objects colliding with iron objects.

The swinging hammer did not fall on Gu Chaoming, but on the door lock.

With a bang, the door lock let out a painful wailing in the night.

Gu Chaoming loosened his frowning eyebrows, suppressing his heart that had paused when he fell and was now beating wildly.

He was too embarrassed, Gu Chaoming got up in the sound of Gu Tao's constant beating.

The sound of the hammer head colliding with the door lock was a death knell, causing the sensor lights in the corridor to startle and the neighbors to complain.

Some people scolded, and others rushed downstairs to scold.

Seeing that words were useless to this man who was so drunk that he only knew how to smash the door, the neighbors aimed their noisy words at Gu Chaoming, who had just climbed up from the ground.

"Your dad is crazy! Smashing the door in the middle of the night won't let anyone sleep!"

"Get your dad in."

Gu Chaoming stood there bewildered, and the sensor light on his head never went out because of Gu Tao's continuous slamming on the door and the constant scolding of the neighbors.

Men, women, old men, and old women in pajamas on the stairs kept talking and complaining. They stood on the stairs, opening and closing their mouths one after another, pressing Gu Chaoming's fragile self-esteem to the deepest part of the soil, bringing shame to public execution.

The people on the stairs piled up one by one were confused, and the people on the stairs below stepped on the shadows of the people above.

Shadows swayed and the crowd cluttered.

Gu Chaoming just stared at the shaking shadow.

Among the people in the hallway, under the inextinguishable induction light, Gu Chaoming's shadow of 1.85 meters was only a small mass nestled under his feet, just like his self-esteem, surrounded by the noisy tide outside, unwilling to extend outwards.

He was someone who could be bullied by his friends and beat You Xin's hand to the bone while carrying a stool. He also had the impulse and strength of a teenager, but now all these have disappeared, and only the sense of shame is rampant and there is no obstruction.

The neighbors were talking loudly, and all the words pointed at him. Gu Chaoming had no reason to be angry with them. They were just people who were woken up by Gu Tao and couldn't sleep well. Gu Chaoming didn't need to strip a trace of rationality from his shame, he didn't mean to hit back at the neighbors. He just felt like an animal in a zoo that was watched and couldn't make the correct movements. When the eyes were staring at him, the cells in his mouth were all rushing out, trying to rush out of this body and escape. this embarrassing situation.

Gu Chaoming fled.

Arrogantly fled.

He clenched his fist and threw a bombing grenade at the neighbors who were still aiming their muzzle at him.

"Noisy!" Gu Chaoming roared.

There was no heave in his chest because of these three words.

Gu Chaoming was tall, and his appearance did not belong to the soft type. The shadow of the light and the words roared made him gloomy, like a devil descending on the world.

Like the second Gu Tao.

The grenade exploded in the crowd, instantly razing the noise to the ground, and there was no sound.

Gu Chaoming strode down the stairs in the still unreacted silence, never looking back.

God's neighbors stood on the stairs and watched him go downstairs.

The induction lights on the floor kept on lighting up because of the sound of his footsteps, layer by layer, like a hero's welcome flowers, and like a ghost where the devil walked.

Gu Chaoming knew that he was short-tempered, and the neighbors did nothing wrong, but he still couldn't help his temper, he knew that his temper became more and more like Gu Tao.

He fled, from the breathless land.

The night wind was slightly cool, and he only wore a black short sleeve and a pair of slippers to walk around the community.

After walking until his hands and feet were cold and the neighbors had all dispersed, Gu Chaoming stepped onto the stairs. It was still the light that greeted him when he went downstairs, lighting up layer by layer and then darkening layer by layer.

The corridor was quiet, and the sound of Gu Tao's thumping of the lock was also thrown into the night, only the sound of him going upstairs.

The hammer was ruthless, and the fragile door lock was broken by violence. Gu Chaoming closed the door that could not be locked, and Gu Tao slept on the sofa in the living room.

Gu Chaoming put his hands under Gu Tao's armpits, dragged the unconscious Gu Tao back to the room, covered the quilt, closed the door, and found a heavy object to block the door, looking at the broken door lock and sighing.

Running away at night, the farce at night stopped, and the sequelae left by the farce did not delay.

The next day, the news of Gu Chaoming's roar spread all over the community, serving as an after-dinner chat for the people in the community.

"As sick as his father."

This sentence came out of no one's mouth, and passed into Gu Chaoming's ears through various channels. Cen Xili's attitude of ignoring it, Gu Chaoming learned it well.

Whether you listen to those gossips or not, the world is still going the same way.

Gu Chaoming didn't spend any money to repair the door lock, and Gu Tao didn't know what to do. He asked someone to change the door lock himself.

When Gu Chaoming returned home, Gu Tao was still studying the new lock and threw him a new key.

Gu Chaoming didn't see the process of changing the lock. He only vaguely remembered that when he came home from school and went upstairs, he walked by a person who looked like a lock repairer. He was just a passerby, and Gu Chaoming didn't care.

That day passed in a hurry. After a year, the locksmith replaced the new lock that he had installed a year ago.

After changing the lock, the master gave Gu Chaoming two keys. After Gu Chaoming paid the money, he closed the door and entered the house.

The decorations were still the same, and there was no trace of movement, only the one hundred dollars he pressed on the coffee table in the morning disappeared.

After closing the new door lock, Gu Chaoming hesitated to send a text message to Gu Tao telling him that he had changed the lock to prevent Gu Tao from going crazy again.

It was still early when we arrived at the restaurant we agreed with Qu Yingyi. Gu Chaoming was not familiar with this restaurant at all. He had only been here once, and it was Qu Yingyi who suddenly came home and brought him on his birthday last year.

He was so happy that he sat on the chair like a fool. After all, it was his birthday, which only happened once a year.

Sitting in this restaurant again, Qu Yingyi was late.

Time passed minute by minute, the pointer of time moved a small grid, looking forward to going down the stairs with the lost rock-paper-scissors that I played with when I was a child.

When the pointer turns one square, if you lose, you will go down the stairs. Shitai knows how to play rock-paper-scissors, always winning, step by step to victory, and looking forward to standing at the beginning of the game.

It is not that expectations are retreating, but disappointments are accumulating.

Qu Yingyi's position was fixed by the window, and the huge transparent glass window could overlook the surrounding scenery well.

Hanging up the phone, Gu Chaoming turned on the camera and took a few pictures of the river scene against the transparent glass window, and posted them in the group of Lucky Three Treasures. Su Bing did not comment on the photos, but sent a link. From the name of the link, it can be seen that it is a movie tidbit. .

Gu Chaoming clicked in to watch it. It was a comedy, and the tidbits looked quite attractive.

Su Bing said, "Let's watch this movie together."

"When?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Su Bing: "It hasn't been set yet, they said the first day of the new year."

"Okay, let me know when you get out." Gu Chaoming readily agreed.

Agreeing to watch a good movie, Gu Chaoming clicked the back button, intending to continue watching the movie that he didn't finish yesterday.

When the page changed, Gu Chaoming's finger to switch the software suddenly stopped.

"Team Leader Lin"'s remarks jumped into view.

The square default font, the hard black strokes, every word seems to have no emotion by default. The four hard words were put together, and in front of Gu Chaoming, the appearance of Lin Jianfan with red eyes was put together.

Just seeing his name, thinking of his choking last night, from repression to wanton crying, a night has passed, and my heart still seems to be affected by his choking, faintly distressed.

He underestimated Lin Jianfan's lethality too much. For example, a returnee who had been running around in the wind and snow for a long time was covered in coldness, thinking that he would no longer be afraid of the cold winter after he had survived the wind and snow. When I woke up the next morning, when I opened the door, I was caught off guard by the cold fog in the morning.

Everyone's understanding of emotions is different. Gu Chaoming is too clumsy, clumsy like him, and he only cares about a person because he doesn't want to see him sad, but only wants to see him smiling brightly.

The same is true for his mother, and the same is true for Lin Jianfan.

As long as he laughs, he is happy, and the corners of his mouth are full of distress. What's more, Lin Jianfan's cry was so close to his ear last night, and every cry penetrated the eardrum and hit his heart directly.

Young people are hazy, and young people are clumsy. Similarly, young people only need to know that the other party may want to eat with you, then they can be happy to sweep away all the clouds, jump up and take a shower.

Everything is an ignorant young man who can't see through himself, and everything is a clumsy Gu Chaoming.

The clumsy Gu Chaoming kept his finger on the column of Team Leader Lin, his finger kissed the screen, the page changed quickly, and the chat interface opened.

After scrolling through the chat records from yesterday, Gu Chaoming pursed his lips and smiled, clicked on the photos he just took, and rummaged through them, preparing to pick the best one and send it to Lin Jianfan.

After the message was sent, Gu Chaoming, who was waiting, raised his head again.

There is no further accumulation of loss.


Familiar voice, familiar face, before looking up, Qu Yingyi was still a few tables away from him, Gu Chaoming already knew that it was his mother coming.

But this time, he was not as firm as he was usually convinced, and he suddenly felt a little hesitant. He wanted to make sure that despite being separated from his mother, he still did not lose this ability unique to a son. He can still judge from the footsteps and the feeling that the person who came is Qu Yingyi. He wants to confirm that Qu Yingyi is still the mother in his memory.

All this instability, all the shaking came from another footstep mixed with Qu Yingyi's footsteps.

Unfamiliar footsteps.

There is no adult composure on the smooth floor.

Qu Yingyi called him as kindly as before, with a smile on her face and her apology for being late for making him wait.

Gu Chaoming responded with a slight smile, this was not the way he imagined the meeting.

He is seventeen years old and 1.85 meters tall. He is not short, nor is he the age to act like a child to his mother, but his desire for maternal love does not decrease with age and height. Not hooked. He also wanted to see his mother, who he hadn't seen in a long time, run up to give her a hug like other children, or go up to help her get something, hold his hand, and talk to her about recent events.

These are all beautiful ideas, but when he saw his mother, Gu Chaoming's legs suddenly had his own opinion. It doesn't want to move, like pouring a thousand catties of molten iron, no matter how Gu Chaoming drives it, it doesn't listen.

Gu Chaoming couldn't lift his legs, and even his smile was a little awkward and unnatural. His inner anticipation burst open, and the loss gathered in the waiting time just now poured out from the crack and flowed in his heart.

Qu Yingyi didn't sit down after coming over, but first pulled away the chair next to her and hugged the sender of the unfamiliar footsteps to the chair, bent down and told her not to move, and then pulled out the chair and sat down by herself.

"Have you waited for a long time?" Qu Yingyi asked Gu Chaoming with a smile after sitting down, still in the same tone as before, her eyebrows and eyes curved into the arc in Gu Chaoming's memory.

When moving the chair, Gu Chaoming saw the diamond ring on her index finger. It was something Gu Tao never gave her, and it was also a sign that she belonged to another man.

Qu Yingyi compressed the original "I'm stuck on the road for a while, I can't drive, and there is no one at home, so it takes time to take a taxi" to "I'm stuck on the road for a while, I can't drive, and I come by taxi".

Get rid of those sensitive words.

She was too ashamed, ashamed that she did not take Gu Chaoming away, and ashamed that she was cautious when she first met and talked.

Gu Chaoming, who was opposite him, had not yet managed his limbs, so he nodded with a smile: "It's okay."

His eyes slid from Qu Yingyi's delicate makeup face to the seat beside her.

The owner of the unfamiliar footsteps, the little girl who made his limbs fail and his inner expectations burst.

Qu Yingyi followed Gu Chaoming's gaze and looked at the little girl beside her. She raised her hand to touch the little girl's head, turned her head and said to Gu Chaoming with a smile, "This is Yuanyuan, you should know, the last time I called him. The circle of the phone."

"There is no one at home, so I can't leave her alone, so I brought her here."

Home, a word that Qu Yingyi desperately tried to avoid but couldn't avoid. When uttering the word home, Qu Yingyi looked like a child who had made a mistake with a guilty conscience, and his eyes shifted unnoticed.

Seeing Qu Yingyi walking towards him holding a little girl in his hand, Gu Chaoming had already guessed the little girl.

This kind of guess is not difficult, Gu Chaoming is always very sharp at this time. He always thought that he was stupid, and no matter how hard he studied, his grades would not improve, he hoped that his IQ would be higher, so that he could solve that problem, but when he saw the little girl led by Qu Yingyi, he How I wish I was a little stupid, so stupid that I couldn't guess who the little girl was, so maybe I wouldn't have such a sharp nerve, I wouldn't be so sharp in this kind of thing, so sharp that I just thought my mother came to meet me and I had to bring it with me. Her child's heart surged into a sea, and her limbs were as stiff as lead.

When his eyes first touched the little girl, Gu Chaoming even had the illusion that he was abandoned again.

"Oh, it's alright." Gu Chaoming looked at Yuanyuan, with the sign of the big brother next door smiling, "So you are Yuanyuan."

Gu Chaoming wanted to make himself appear reasonable and sensible, so that his mother would be comfortable and not embarrassed.

"Yuanyuan, my name is brother." Qu Yingyi patted Yuanyuan's back, leaned sideways, bent down and said to the little girl named Yuanyuan.

The little girl has two braids and a bow hairpin on one side. Children of this age always have round faces, with baby fat that seems to be blowing air, and the big eyes under Qi Liuhai stare at Gu Chaoming motionless.

"Tell brother, is your name Yuanyuan?" Qu Yingyi said.

Circular nodded.

The corner of Gu Chaoming's mouth lifted up again, he said with a smile, "Okay, your name is Yuanyuan, my brother knows."

Yuanyuan blinked and asked Gu Chaoming, "What's your brother's name?"

Just as Gu Chaoming was about to speak, Qu Yingyi took a step ahead of him and said to Yuanyuan, "Mom told you, did you forget?"

Yuanyuan shook her head, Gu Chaoming didn't know whether it was not forgetting or not.

"Tell brother you know his name." Qu Yingyi said.

It seems to have not forgotten.

"My brother's name is Gu Chaoming." Yuanyuan's voice became louder and brighter.

Gu Chaoming nodded and said, "Yes, so you know."

Yuanyuan grinned, and the two pigtails shook because of her smile.

"Mom told Yuanyuan." Yuanyuan stuck her waist proudly.

Hearing the word mother from Yuanyuan's mouth, Gu Chaoming thought of it long ago. It's not the first time for him to listen to it. That time, he had already pre-received the feeling of hearing other children call his mother mother for the first time over the phone. .

Gu Chaoming smiled at Yuanyuan's mother, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Yuanyuan likes you very much." Qu Yingyi whispered to Gu Chaoming.

Really? To be loved by someone, whether the other person is a child or an adult, is always happy.

Yuanyuan really liked him, and Gu Chaoming discovered it while eating.

It's not an ordinary liking, it's a liking that can treat him as a brother.

While Gu Chaoming was eating, Yuanyuan, a little adult in kindergarten, stretched out his chubby little hand and pointed at the dish in front of him with chopsticks.

Gu Chaoming thought that the dish was too far away and she wanted to help her pick up the dish with the round finger of a chopstick. He heard Qu Yingyi instruct her: "If you want my brother to help you pick the dish, call someone, it's impolite not to call someone. ."

"It's alright." Gu Chaoming smiled and stretched out his hand to put the dish in the round bowl.

Unexpectedly, Yuanyuan withdrew the hand holding the bowl back, and retreated together with the bowl.

Qu Yingyi was a little angry when she saw Yuanyuan's retreating bowl. Her child was never like this before. Yuanyuan has always been a very worry-free, very lively child who is not afraid of strangers. It is very convenient to carry. Today, I don't know why, but I suddenly become so disobedient.

"Brother brings you vegetables, what should you do?" Qu Yingyi asked seriously as her tone cooled.

Usually Qu Yingyi talks to her gently and softly, only when she is angry does she use such a serious tone.

Yuanyuan heard that Qu Yingyi was angry, and hurriedly raised her little hand and pushed the bowl over, still stubborn: "I don't want it."

"Then what are you going to do?" Qu Yingyi's voice was clearly wrapped in anger, not fierce, but let the people sitting at the table know that someone did something wrong.

Yuanyuan pursed her lips, and her two big eyes stared wider, looking aggrieved.

At the peaceful dining table, Gu Chaoming didn't want anyone to be angry, so he asked Yuanyuan in a soft tone, "What do you want?"

Yuanyuan loosened her twisted mouth, as if she was extremely aggrieved: "I want to serve my brother with vegetables."

Get me some food? Hearing these words from the kindergarten children, Gu Chaoming was startled, and then laughed.

He inadvertently received a piece of pure goodwill.

Not only Gu Chaoming but also Qu Yingyi were surprised by Yuanyuan's words. Her reproachful eyes turned to surprise, and then softened.

Qu Yingyi patted Yuanyuan's head: "It seems that mom blames you wrong."

Qu Yingyi's gentle appearance fell into Gu Chaoming's eyes. He has a poor memory and can't remember most of the things when he was a child, but he believes that Qu Yingyi must have taught himself this way.

Now she also uses the same method to teach other children, Gu Chaoming is smiling, a scene that should only be smiling, but another kind of emotion arises in his heart.

The vast sea of smoke, calm without waves, broke into a lonely boat, out of time.

That lonely boat is Gu Chaoming at this time.

He used to walk on a deserted road where only crows chirped, with no end in sight, but now he is floating on the water, and the surrounding scenery is beautiful, but he is a lonely boat that broke in at an untimely time.

Two different pictures and completely different scenes correspond to Gu Chaoming's two different feelings between Gu Tao and Qu Yingyi.

There is no end to the barren road, he just wants to be a traveler, only the way, but he is trapped, and he can't escape even if he wants to.

The lonely boat on the water, the vast smoke and waves, the scenery is very good, he wants to stay, but the water is ruthless, he is destined to be just a passerby.

The traveler is trapped, the lonely boat does not stop, is the journey intentional? Or the inability to hold back the water

Gu Chaoming once thought that his place of return was nothing but his original home, or if he was taken away by Qu Yingyi, the fate of the two would choose one for him.

But Qu Yingyi only gave him a phone call that he was sentenced to hell on the spot, and fate chose Gu Tao for him.

He was not reconciled to his fate, so he didn't want to go home now, but he wanted to live with Gu Tao and wanted to follow Qu Yingyi, but it was a dream at all.

Being caught between the two, Gu Chaoming was not reconciled to the choice made by fate, so he chose the future, the summer of his senior year.

It must have been a beautiful and splendid summer.

Regardless of whether Gu Tao knows which university he applied for, whether his grades are on Cen Xili's shoulders, or if there is still time, everything is still undecided.

There are many more dishes in Gu Chaoming's bowl, which is the taste of children.

After Yuanyuan finished eating, she whispered to Qu Yingyi, Qu Yingyi nodded and helped Yuanyuan open the chair: "Go over if you want to go."

Yuanyuan jumped off the chair and trotted all the way around the table to Gu Chaoming's side and reached out for him to hug.

Gu Chaoming looked at her, his chubby arms stretched out, his fleshy palms spread out towards him, and he had a bright smile on his face.

Gu Chaoming was flattered by her unreasonable love.

"Ready to fly!" Gu Chaoming smiled, his tone cheerful, raised Yuanyuan, hugged Yuanyuan to the chair, and after she was seated, he said, "Successful landing."

Yuanyuan giggled straight, with neat big white teeth and big eyes curved into a smile.

Yuanyuan raised her little fleshy hand with a smile, Gu Chaoming also stretched out his hand, the big hand and the little hand touched, making a celebratory sound.

Seventeen-year-old Gu Chaoming hid her loss and stiffness very well. Qu Yingyi, who was over forty years old, buried her worries deeper in her smile as always when she saw her son.

She has a new daughter, but she still misses her former son.

Qu Yingyi thought that it might be because she divorced without talking to him, and gave up his custody, so Gu Chaoming had a estrangement with herself, and the number of calls to her became less and less, and she was on the phone. Still full of concern.

Life gradually separates, and estrangement is a normal thing.

She didn't have much time and energy to care about Gu Chaoming, so she made an appointment with Gu Chaoming to see him on Sunday. Qu Yingyi didn't want to express her concern only with money. She also understood that the concern of money would only affect the relationship between mother and child. Pull further.

What Gu Chaoming needs is company. Qu Yingyi dare not say how much time she spent with Gu Chaoming before, but now she really has no time to spend with him, so she wants to spend more time with him while taking advantage of this meeting. Talk to Gu Chaoming, take him to play where he wants to go, and talk about his recent situation.

As soon as they agreed to meet on Sunday, Qu Yingyi had already made a plan in her mind, where to go and where Gu Chaoming liked to eat before.

She recalled the restaurant she took him to on his birthday last year, and he seemed to like it. Because Gu Chaoming talked a lot that day, he also laughed happily.

Qu Yingyi defines these as the reasons why Gu Chaoming likes this restaurant.

Looking at the "red buttocks" lined up in front of her, Qu Yingyi was holding the phone, and Qu Yingyi felt more and more burdened, filled with shame, and she was about to be unable to bear it.

As the mother of two children, Qu Yingyi sat in the car and turned to look at Yuanyuan beside her. Yuanyuan was wearing her seat belt and didn't know what she was worrying about. She looked at her and smiled at her stupidly.

Qu Yingyi touched Yuanyuan's head affectionately, she knew that Yuanyuan was lively and not afraid of people, but Gu Chaoming was not like that.

His own children know that, don't look at Gu Chaoming's tall and big, in fact, he is very sensitive in his heart, not to mention that he is seventeen years old and is in adolescence. Children of this age are sensitive to the surrounding things at a different level. unattainable levels for the age group.

Children are immature in their minds and do not have such deep feelings about things. After adolescence, they enter the society and have the accumulation of age. For example, a house with foundations is not so easy to collapse. However, adolescence carries all the confusion, yearning, expectation, The exploration of the world, with his immature heart out of the arms of his parents, to perceive this new world by himself.

Gu Chaoming set out with pain, and the existence of Gu Tao has made Gu Chaoming's childhood incomplete. Qu Yingyi hopes that at least Gu Chaoming's youth will be the same as other people's youth in retrospect. , it is the unbearable stare at the scandalous things he has done, the regret for not finishing things, not the estrangement with his mother and the beating of Gu Tao.

The shadow of childhood made Gu Chaoming more sensitive than children of the same age. Qu Yingyi was afraid that Gu Chaoming would not be able to accept Yuanyuan, and that this meal, which was originally intended to increase the distance, would create a wider river between them.

Fortunately, what she was worried about did not happen, Yuanyuan was lively and shy, Gu Chaoming was reasonable, and all her worries disappeared in Gu Chaoming's bright smile.

She looked at Gu Chaoming who was laughing across from her, and the burden in her heart finally lightened.

There is a dining table, three diners, and two families are intertwined. The mother and son have their own concerns. Only Yuanyuan, who is carefree in kindergarten, eats wholeheartedly and seriously.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-27 11:39:21~2020-03-01 21:11:27~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 41937073 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of teeth; 4 bottles of 41937073;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!