
Chapter 6


Gu Chaoming just wanted to throw the rag and leave, but he didn't.

He stood there, motionless, suppressing the powerlessness that gradually flooded his heart, squatting down with a rag and continuing to fight against the filth on the table.

After the filth was cleaned up, the disgusting smell still pervaded the air and refused to disperse. Gu Chaoming opened the window to breathe, and smelled the aroma of the food from other homes, which mixed with the odor beside him, producing another, more weird smell.

There is no special table for eating at home. There used to be one, but Gu Tao went crazy and smashed it into pieces, and sold it to others as firewood for the fire.

Since then it has become a retractable wooden table for eating. The dining table has become sloppy, and the attitude towards eating has also become sloppy. Sometimes Gu Chaoming was too lazy to move the table, so he simply put the food on the coffee table to eat.

From sitting and eating to now squatting, there was water stains on the sofa where Gu Tao's vomit had been treated. Gu Chaoming didn't want to sit, he would rather half squat and half stand by the coffee table with a bowl to eat.

Gu Chaoming walked to the door of Gu Tao's room, pushed open the door and called out, "It's time to eat."

After not seeing Gu Tao for a few days, he became very particular about eating. He came out of the room and saw Gu Chaoming eating at the coffee table: "Why don't you have a table to eat? Don't you feel too nervous to eat on the coffee table?"

After he finished speaking, he moved the table out, and glanced at the dishes that Qu Yingyi liked specially selected by Gu Chaoming on the table.

After seeing the expression of some kind of shit on his face, he raised his tone while propping up the table, and seemed to be quite happy to ask Gu Chaoming: "Son, do you know what day it is today?"

Gu Chaoming put a chopstick of rice into his mouth, but he didn't answer, and even gave a stingy look.

What day is today? Gu Chaoming knew and didn't want to say it, there was no need to waste his words.

"You won't forget that your father's birthday is today, and you don't show your father's birthday? You even put the vegetables on the coffee table and eat them, so why don't you just fry these vegetables in response to me?"

express express? How can you express it? Gu Chaoming knew that he was short of money again, and he said that he wanted money so euphemistically, as if he was not the one who stole money from his mother before.

After setting up the wooden table, the originally not very spacious cabin became more crowded, and the kitchen door was about to be blocked.

Gu Tao sat down on the chair by the table and asked Gu Chaoming to go to the refrigerator to get two bottles of beer, with the same smile on his face as someone in the market who is complacent by tricking and abducting to get a little profit: "So your dad, I am today. I only choose expensive cigarettes, but I have bad luck, I didn't win any money, and the mouth next to me is still chirping to ruin my interest. Today, my father and I have a drink, I'm happy, and I wish my father a happy birthday. "

Gu Tao said vigorously, but Gu Chaoming, who was eating at the table, had no intention of leaving. The two were like ice and fire people in a mini game, Gu Tao was as passionate as fire, but Gu Chaoming was as indifferent as ice.

Gu Chaoming just said lightly: "I have to work part-time later, and I don't drink."

"What are you afraid of part-time job, he can open you up for a little wine? Be obedient, go get Dad two bottles of wine."

Gu Tao wanted to reach out and pat Gu Chaoming's back, but Gu Chaoming quietly stepped back to avoid it.

Gu Tao's hand froze in the air without feeling embarrassed, and he ignored Gu Chaoming's indifference and continued to urge.

In the late summer, the glass bottle was cold, and a layer of water mist formed on the bottle, which condensed into water droplets and slid down the bottle.

"You drink it yourself, I don't want to drink it." Gu Chaoming said.

Gu Tao lifted his eyelids to look at him, laughed to himself, held the beer bottle stuck in the corner of the table and patted it with his hand, the wooden table that was not very stable was slapped up on one side. The vegetable bowl on the table was also shaken and moved, and the chopsticks that Gu Chaoming stretched out to the cucumber bowl stopped in midair.

After Gu Tao finished opening the beer, he brought a water glass and poured himself a glass of beer. After taking a sip, he leaned over and said to Gu Chaoming, "I have to eat longevity noodles on my birthday, son, my father also raised you like this. For many years, the neighbors have said that you are a filial child, you can cook a bowl of noodles for your father, and you will live a long life."

Gu Chaoming avoided the smell of beer gushing out of Gu Tao's mouth: "After cooking, let's eat."

Gu Tao, who was still kind, suddenly shouted: "I don't want to make a bowl of noodles for Lao Tzu? There are still noodles left in the refrigerator, hurry up!"

Gu Tao's sudden increase in the volume caught Gu Chaoming off guard. The next sentence "Go quickly" had the taste of an order. Gu Chaoming shook the chopsticks in his hand and raised his eyes to look at Gu Tao, his eyes were cold, and his dark eyes contained frost.

After staring at Gu Tao for a few seconds, Gu Chaoming threw down the bowl, took out the noodles from the refrigerator, went to the kitchen to beat an egg and put some green onions, and the noodles were served on the table in a few minutes.

The noodle bowl was placed on the table, and a few drops of noodle soup spilled over to express his dissatisfaction on behalf of Gu Chaoming, and landed on the oil-stained tabletop.

Gu Tao didn't care, and was still immersed in the satisfaction of his son's "obedience" and "filial piety".

He took out the chopsticks from the chopstick basket, and Gu Tao made a loud noise when he was eating noodles. He was afraid that others would not know how delicious his food was, and he never cared whether others would still have appetite when they heard the sound.

After eating, Gu Chaoming put the bowl in the kitchen, and took out a sheet of fifty from his schoolbag and put it in front of Gu Tao as a "representation" that Gu Tao just asked. Gu Chaoming knew that if he didn't indicate that he might not be able to get out of this door today .

It's ridiculous that someone who is lazy all day needs to wish him a happy birthday in this way.

Birthday people don't look satisfied.

"Just like that?" Gu Tao glanced at the banknotes on the table while eating.

"There's only so much." Gu Chaoming didn't want to say more.

Going out to work during the summer vacation, the salary has not been handed in, and the salary that can be received today, plus his original family background, a high school student can be considered rich. Gu Chaoming is always a poor man in front of Gu Tao, and knowing that he has money, Gu Tao will make him even worse. Although he concealed it, Gu Chaoming still became Gu Tao's mobile bank, he settled the credit account, and went home to find him when he ran out of money.

"Heh, at least one hundred, I know you have money," Gu Tao put the fifty on the table into his pocket first, biting his chopsticks, "I lost at mahjong a few days ago, and you have two hundred in your drawer. The bucks, I took it and treated it as your birthday present to me."

The oil around his mouth glowed under the light, and Gu Tao's body trembled, not knowing whether it was a wine burp or a full burp.

Gu Chaoming looked up at Gu Tao.

The money lost in the drawer was indeed "taken" by Gu Tao.

"Don't rummage through my room next time, I have no money." Gu Chaoming said coldly.

"Why can't I go to my son's room? My son, Qian Laozi, is just right."

Gu Chaoming looked at Gu Tao's natural expression, the air all over his body was pulled away in an instant, and his eyes and noses were covered in despair like sea water.

There are no gods in the world, only darkness that suffocates to despair.

At that moment, Gu Chaoming only wanted this man to disappear from his eyes and from his world, so that he might have a chance to catch his breath.

Gu Chaoming walked behind Gu Tao as if nothing had happened, and looked at the back of Gu Tao's head with white hair even though he didn't do much. The sound of Gu Tao's unscrupulous sucking of noodles was still in his ears, and Gu Tao even complained that the noodles were too bland.

Under the lamp, Gu Chaoming's huge black shadow enveloped Gu Tao, who was in his forties, as if he was going to devour him.

Please disappear from this world!

A broad palm grabbed Gu Tao's head from behind and pressed it down hard, trying to press Gu Tao's face into the noodle bowl and into the greasy noodle soup, so that he could also taste the breathlessness. .

Gu Chaoming stood under the electric light, behind his dying father.

The electric light cast no shadow on his face, like an angel he had never seen in his life.

The devil is about to leave this world.

Angels are executing him.

He is an incompetent angel.

Gu Chaoming thought he would laugh when he started, but he didn't. His hands were shaking and his heart was shaking.


"Are you finally going to do it?"

"Kill him!"

The sudden voice made Gu Chaoming panic. He searched for the source of the voice, but found that the voice came from the bottom of his heart.

Gu Chaoming suddenly woke up and retracted his hand in shock.

What was he doing just now

After letting go, Gu Chaoming took a deep breath, his breathing was disordered and rapid.

There was an "attempted murder" crime scene in front of him, and the person he was about to kill was now alive and furious at him. Gu Tao jumped up from his chair in exasperation, the greasy noodle soup on his face reflected in the light.

Funny and scary.

The dim yellow lights flickered in front of him, and overlapping phantoms appeared. Gu Chaoming was still shocked by what he had just done, and the next second he was slapped by Gu Tao, his head tilted to the side, his body swayed, he almost couldn't stand still, his cheeks were red, swollen and hot.

A few loud slaps were followed by a chaotic but hurtful slap of punches and kicks.

Gu Chaoming was beaten until he could only retreat. The pain in his body was accompanied by the complex light and shadow changes in front of him. There were shadows everywhere, the devil's arm was raised, and the place where he fell was muffled and patient.

Taking two steps back and not noticing behind him, he tripped over the chair, and there was a "bang" sound, the sound of □ colliding with the wooden furniture.

The right shoulder felt a stinging pain that went straight to the nerve, the moistness on the lips spread little by little, and it was bright red, and a bright red flower bloomed on Gu Chaoming's lips.

Gu Chaoming closed his eyes and leaned his head on the furniture behind him, as if he was enduring the pain. If he paid more attention, he would find that this posture was not comfortable. pain.

Gu Chaoming is not enduring the pain, but atonement, atonement for what he has just done, in his own way.

He hates this man, he fears this man.

He had picked up the sharp knife when the man beat his mother.

He had stabbed a sharp knife in a dream.

But a dream is a dream after all, and today, maybe the next moment, it will become a reality.

Gu Tao didn't care so much about what Gu Chaoming was thinking. After Gu Chaoming fell, his punches and kicks were changed to scolding and cursing.

Gu Chaoming stood up with his hands on the ground while cursing, and his right shoulder was sore.

Gu Chaoming walked back to the room, regardless of the pain in his right shoulder, he slammed the door and closed the door, his entire shoulder seemed to be broken.

The door panel shook and the ash fell off the wall, and Gu Tao, who was shaken outside the door, became even more angry.

Gu Chaoming locked the door of the room he had been violently treating, but he still managed to get in through the crack of the door in a sticky scolding.

Gu Tao, who was furious because his prestige was challenged, started to kick the door. The door panel was still strong enough to withstand Gu Tao's violent kick.

Gu Chaoming ignored the yelling outside the door, pulled out the desk chair and sat down, and turned on the lamp on the desk. The light came on, lighting up that small piece of heaven and earth. With the light shining, Gu Chaoming realized that he didn't know where he had rubbed his fingers. The skin on his index finger and ring finger had been rubbed off. Chu Yin was bleeding.

There was no mirror in the room. Gu Chaoming took out his mobile phone from his pocket and turned on the front camera. He found a few books to use as a mobile phone holder. After setting up the mobile phone, he took out the Band-Aid box from the desk drawer.

The sound of kicking the door stopped at this point, followed by the sound of running water in the kitchen, and then the sound of the door being slammed shut.

"Have the same virtue as your mother."

Gu Tao left such a sentence.

Gu Chaoming ignored it and tore off the outer skin that had come out from the wound on his finger. There were traces of bleeding at the place where the outer skin was just torn off under the pull, accompanied by slight pain but not enough to hang on to.

The cell phone that had just been put up vibrated in the quiet room and slid down the table along the spine of the book. Gu Chaoming picked up the cell phone and saw that it was a message from Su Bing.

"I broke up with my little girlfriend, and I'm free now!"

Su Bing broke up quite quickly. Gu Chaoming didn't reply after reading the information. He turned on the camera and put it back to the original position, and continued to put on the Band-Aid.

After sticking the wound on the hand, I started to deal with the wound on the face.

There was a slight pain from the wound on the forehead, and it felt a little tearing. When Gu Tao beat him, he tried his best to protect his forehead. He thought the wound was cracked, but when he took a look at the mobile phone, it seemed that it was not a big deal. Gu Chaoming was a little clueless. did not deal with it.

After treating the wound, Gu Chaoming leaned on the back of the chair, his right shoulder hurt when he touched it, he looked up and saw the damp roof, his heart was as damp and annoyed as this roof.

He remembered the words of Aunt Cheng in the canteen.

"You are such a good child, how come you have such a father?"

Aunt Cheng thought he was a good boy, but Gu Chaoming himself didn't think so. He doesn't fit the term good boy, he fights and smokes, he doesn't want to study, he doesn't get along with good boys at all, and he is typical of a bad student, but none of this makes him feel like a bad student.

What made him feel that he was not a good student, or even a good person, was not because of his grades, nor because of his character, but because he once wanted to kill his father.

He deceives the human eye and is a "murderer" in the cloak of filial piety.

He just wanted to kill Gu Tao again.

Gu Chaoming remembered the night when the sharp knife cut his fingers, and the pain of the cigarette burning on the back of his hand... Maybe at a moment he couldn't help it, he would lift the butcher's knife and wave it at the man who had lived under the same roof for more than ten years.

He never told anyone about this, and never mentioned his inner fears to anyone.

Gu Chaoming put the wound stickers on the table into the box, put them back in the drawer, packed them up and walked out the door.

The living room was quiet, the lights were still on, the table was also confiscated, the bowl of noodles was still on the table, one chopstick was on the table and the other was on the ground, and the living room was a mess.

After Gu Chaoming tidied up the living room, he picked up the baseball cap that was knocked off when he was beaten on the ground, put it on, and carried the thermal bucket to the hospital.

Gu Chaoming didn't want to mention the reason why his mother was admitted to the hospital, it was nothing more than the man who kicked the door in anger.

When he walked out of the corridor, the sun had already set, and the night was all around. Gu Chaoming took out his mobile phone and sent Su Bing back a message.

"You kid is fast enough, and you can talk fast and score fast."

No matter how hard it is, life goes on.

On the opposite side, Su Bing replied in seconds: "No, that little sister is fortunately not the kind that depends on life and death, just say the points if you want to."

Chatting with Su Bing all the way to the hospital, before entering the ward, Gu Chaoming took out a mask and put it on, fearing that his mother would see the injury on her face and make her worry.

When wearing a mask, Gu Chaoming suddenly remembered the strange boy he met at school, the little yellow flower he was holding between his fingers. Gu Chaoming smiled. He is now the same as the unnamed yellow-flowered boy. He is fully armed with a baseball cap and a mask, and he is only missing a pair of black-rimmed glasses without lenses.

Pushing the door open, the ward was fairly quiet, the sound of the TV was very low, and the chatter in the room was not as loud. Qu Yingyi was leaning on the hospital bed with a pillow, and was chatting with the patient on the next bed. Seeing Gu Chaoming who pushed the door in, she smiled and said, "Come on."

"Mom." Gu Chaoming walked in, said hello to the aunt next to the bed, and asked how his mother was feeling today while getting the table top and putting the insulation bucket on top.

"It's a little late today?" Qu Yingyi asked Gu Chaoming, who was standing in front of the hospital bed and opened a heat preservation bucket. Seeing that he was still wearing a mask, "Why are you still wearing a mask at night?"

Gu Chaoming immediately built a defensive wall in his heart, and Qu Yingyi's eyes kept wandering on his face. Being looked at by his mother like this, Gu Chaoming felt that the mask on his face seemed to be transparent and could not provide any shielding effect. The wound on his face was invisible under his mother's sight.

Putting out the food, Gu Chaoming made a big movement. He tried to move his body as much as possible to avoid his mother's gaze clumsily.

"There's a lot of dust outside, I heard there's smog these days." Gu Chaoming lied, and even a gesture of handing over a spoon was afraid that Qu Yingyi would see the clue.

He knew that his hiding was clumsy and crude, so he changed the subject for fear of Qu Yingyi's unbelief: "Your son prepares all the dishes you like, how is it, do you like it?"

Qu Yingyi was lying on the bed, looking out the window. The ward is in a high-rise building, and outside the window there is only an endless night and the lights of other people's houses.

"Smog? Why didn't I see it, the weather has been pretty good these days."

Gu Chaoming smiled and said nonsense: "Just think that your son is afraid of being too handsome and afraid of being seen by others, and you don't want your son to be kidnapped by any little girl, right?"

Qu Yingyi had her own guesses in her heart, and poked his head with a smile: "You kid, don't be ashamed."

"Isn't your son handsome?" Gu Chaoming asked while sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed, tilting his head to be handsome.

The patient in the next bed listened to their mother's conversation, and couldn't help laughing and saying to Qu Yingyi, "Your son is handsome. I saw that before I saw who's son was so handsome."

"Yeah, it's what everyone expects." Gu Chaoming's tone was smug.

Qu Yingyi smiled while eating: "Don't talk about him like that, the more you talk about him, the more narcissistic you are."

"Where am I narcissistic?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Qu Yingyi laughed at him while eating, and seeing his mother's smile, Gu Chaoming's wounded lips couldn't help twitching.

It's good that my mother is happy. After living together for so many years, my mother must know better than him what kind of person Gu Tao is. Whether the mother really didn't see it or didn't tell it, Gu Chaoming didn't know what to do, but as long as the mother was still smiling, the mother was happy.

Qu Yingyi looked at the meals specially prepared by Gu Chaoming in front of her. She just casually said that she wanted to eat home dishes when Gu Chaoming came to see her last time. Gu Chaoming prepared so many dishes, and they were all she liked. Qu Yingyi was eating pantothenic acid in her heart.

The sensible son was sitting next to her watching TV, thinking of what he had done, Qu Yingyi felt guilty, had a heart attack, and had no appetite at all.

Resisting the guilt in her heart and finishing the meal, Qu Yingyi stopped Gu Chaoming when he was about to leave.


The voice is extremely gentle, and the mother's love runs in the short two words.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Gu Chaoming looked at his mother questioningly.

Qu Yingyi stared at his face, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but feel tight, did mom see it

After standing in front of the hospital bed for a few seconds, Qu Yingyi slowly asked, "Do you still have to work part-time?"

In the end, she couldn't speak, and could only use other topics instead.

Gu Chaoming nodded: "Today's last day."

"The road is dark at night, be careful on your way home." Qu Yingyi sat on the bed and looked at Gu Chaoming.

"Yeah." Gu Chaoming breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't stop him after seeing it.

Gu Chaoming smiled behind the mask after being cared by his mother, and because of the mask's resistance, Qu Yingyi did not see Gu Chaoming's smile that was born because of her caring words.