
Chapter 60


After eating, Qu Yingyi said to Gu Chaoming, "I'm going to the toilet, you take her first."

The sound of Qu Yingyi's high-heeled shoes sounded again, Gu Chaoming looked back at her back, turned his head, and a tissue flew in front of his eyes.

The chubby arm under the tissue was round, naughty and clever. As soon as Gu Chaoming saw her, the corners of his mouth twitched automatically, and his inner sorrow was completely driven away by this little villain.

It's really caring, just a few years old will hand him a tissue. Gu Chaoming said "Thank you" to Yuanyuan, and took off the tissue in his hand to wipe his mouth.

Before he finished wiping his mouth, he felt something was pulling his raised arm. Gu Chaoming wiped his mouth and turned his head, only to see Yuanyuan pouting her little oily mouth and pulling at his sleeve.

Without waiting for Gu Chaoming to open his mouth to speak, Yuanyuan pointed at the tissue he wiped his mouth with, with a little hero's awe-inspiring justice: "That's for Yuanyuan's mouth."

The tissue she handed over was not for him to wipe his mouth, but for him to wipe her mouth, and he would have been wrong from the beginning.

Gu Chaoming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he quickly wiped his mouth, took out a new tissue and opened it, and wiped Yuanyuan's mouth.

"Little Ancestor, I wiped it clean for you."

After wiping her mouth, Yuanyuan took out another tissue, grabbing the tissue and sending it to Gu Chaoming's mouth.

"Brother Chaoming, I'll wipe your mouth too."

Yuanyuan's wiping force is really heavy, like brushing a wall layer by layer.

After wiping her mouth, Yuanyuan said contentedly, "Brother Chaoming, you are so handsome!"

Unpredictable compliment.

Gu Chaoming didn't have time to be embarrassed, Yuanyuan continued, "I only wipe the handsome guy's mouth."

Where did you learn this? Gu Chaoming couldn't help laughing when he heard it, he was so good at flirting at a young age.

Qu Yingyi came out of the toilet and saw Gu Chaoming and Yuanyuan having fun. Yuanyuan was sitting on a high chair, blocked by the tall chair back, but she could still see her little hand waving happily.

On a late autumn afternoon, the restaurant is covered with light penetrating the clouds, and everyone is bathed in sunlight. Gu Chaoming was sitting by the window. Outside the huge transparent glass window was a tall building and a vast and flowing river view. The traffic flow was plentiful, and the pedestrians on the bridge were slow in the afternoon.

Gu Chaoming sat in the sunshine, the corners of his mouth twitched, his eyebrows removed the initial restraint, and he laughed and played with Yuanyuan.

The sunlight that penetrated the clouds fell on his side neck, kissed his smiling side face all the way up, and covered his side face with a velvet light.

Qu Yingyi looked at Gu Chaoming's side face with a smile, and her distress spread in the warm sunlight. She didn't know why, but when she saw this beautiful scene, she almost burst into tears.

Qu Yingyi wiped away the tears that almost broke through the embankment with her fingers, and walked over.

"Are you full?" Qu Yingyi asked the two playful people.

The two of them didn't know what game they were playing, Yuanyuan kept laughing and ignored Qu Yingyi's question.

Gu Chaoming replied to Qu Yingyi: "I'm full."

Qu Yingyi asked, "Is there no part-time job in the afternoon?"

Gu Chaoming shook his head: "No."

"Let's play together in the afternoon," Qu Yingyi said, pausing for a while, "Gu Tao..."

"He's not at home, don't worry." Gu Chaoming covered everything with a smile.

Qu Yingyi nodded slightly and asked, "Is there any place you want to play?"

Qu Yingyi originally thought that her child knew best, but when she made a plan, she realized that she knew so little about Gu Chaoming, so little that she didn't know where Gu Chaoming wanted to go, what he liked to do, and so little that she did Mothers feel ashamed.

Qu Yingyi wanted to take Gu Chaoming to do what he wanted to do, but Gu Chaoming lowered his head and asked Yuanyuan who was playing with his hand: "Yuanyuan, where do you want to go in the afternoon?"

Qu Yingyi said to him, "Yuanyuan is too playful, you don't care about her, it's mainly because where do you want to go?"

"I have nowhere to go, so let's play with Yuanyuan." Gu Chaoming said.

Qu Yingyi wanted to make up for the love she lacked for Gu Chaoming in only one day of meeting, and wanted to use today to relieve her guilt. Asking "mainly where do you want to go" is to make Gu Chaoming happy wholeheartedly. Ying Yishu didn't know that she was already very happy to see her Gu Chaoming, and she didn't need anything else, even if she sat on a bench by the road and chatted all afternoon, she would be happy.

"Go to the playground! I'm going on a roller coaster!" Yuanyuan exclaimed.

so fierce? Gu Chaoming looked at Yuanyuan and asked Qu Yingyi, "Can't she sit yet?"

Qu Yingyi said in a low voice, "Every time she goes there, she clamors for a seat. When you get to the playground, buy her something to eat and you'll be able to coax her."

Because it was a rest day, there were more people in the amusement park than usual, Yuanyuan shook Gu Chaoming's hand and said to him, "Don't go away, my mother said to hold brother's hand tightly, brother, you protect me, I am little princess.

Gu Chaoming nodded quickly: "Okay, my brother will protect you and won't let you get lost."

He has never had the patience for Yuanyuan, and kicking the door violently doesn't seem like something he can do with such a patient with children.

The two held small hands and talked endlessly, while Qu Yingyi walked slowly beside the bag.

Children's happiness is simple, and adults' happiness can be mixed with sadness, guilt, distress and other things, so it is possible to cry with joy, cry and laugh.

At this moment, Qu Yingyi's faint joy in her heart was matched with a touch of bitterness. She looked at the backs of two people, one big and one small. If time had been like this from the beginning, it would have been great without Gu Tao who had been in front of her for more than ten years.

Qu Yingyi wanted to record this moment, to record this day, she took out her mobile phone from her bag and took pictures of the backs of the two people in front.

A tall back, two pigtails that are tossed around, connected by clenched palms.

Because there are many items that Yuanyuan can't play, Gu Chaoming is not too interested in playgrounds, and he doesn't want to sit on the amusement equipment by himself.

Yuanyuan was very happy, super confident that she could do every project, but she was persuaded to quit.

Seeing others screaming on the roller coaster, she laughed out loud and shouted to sit, and asked Gu Chaoming, "Brother, are you afraid?"

Gu Chaoming had never played a roller coaster, and he didn't know whether he was afraid or not. He smiled and replied Yuanyuan, "Brother is afraid."

"Yuanyuan is not afraid, Yuanyuan is not afraid to sit on the highest place." Yuanyuan pointed to the top of the roller coaster and said.

Yuanyuan was clamoring for a seat. In this battle, it seemed that I wouldn't give up if I didn't sit, and I wouldn't leave if I didn't sit.

Being so determined is not to be conquered by the sentence to buy delicious food later.

Although Qu Yingyi told Gu Chaoming that he could be coaxed by buying some food, the speed of the coaxing still surprised Gu Chaoming and sighed in his heart, "This child is really easy to take care of."

Qu Yingyi kept pressing the shutter and took many photos. Gu Chaoming also took a few pictures, all of them were Yuanyuan, he was too tall, Yuanyuan was too short, holding Yuanyuan with one hand, Gu Chaoming opened the lock with one hand, and took a few random pictures with one hand.

Due to the difference in altitude, Gu Chaoming's pictures of Yuanyuan are all round heads, or they are short. Obviously a cute girl, he just turned it into a "little ball" by him.

Gu Chaoming didn't delete it either. He tapped the screen with his finger and switched from the camera to the information.

Just when he took out his mobile phone to take a picture, the words "New Message" on the bright mobile phone screen firmly caught Gu Chaoming's eyes - Lin Jianfan sent him a message!

The lighted up mobile phone, the words of the new message lay quietly on the mobile phone screen. The crowd around him was noisy, the screams were up and down, the children kept running by, the colorful balloons, the roller coaster that rose to an amazing height, all the events I had just played, and the snacks I had eaten were not worth seeing Lin Jianfan’s message at this moment. Pleasure.

Gu Chaoming raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and clicked the "Group Leader Lin" marked with a red dot.

One o'clock, there is no text, Lin Jianfan's response is simple, just like the message he sent, there is only one picture.

The bright and soft sunlight in the picture outlines the figure of the carved fence. The sunlight is divided into small pieces, and the golden light beams enter the lens through large or small holes in the carved railing. The golden light fills the entire photo, reflecting on the dark brown soil and green plants growing in the soil in the lower right corner of the photo. The soil was obviously watered, with a moist relaxation, the dark green vegetation shone brightly, and the waterdropped leaves condensed with dazzling light.

Gu Chaoming saved the picture, smiled slightly, moved his finger and switched to the camera again, because his hand was still unstable during the movement, and the picture was blurred. It's not too blurry, it's just a little blurry, but it was just the moment when the pirate ship was parked at the highest point.

The exciting screams on the pirate ship were still echoing over the amusement park, and Gu Chaoming sent the photo to Lin Jianfan.

Yuanyuan lives up to her name, and the projects she likes to play are all in circles. Gu Chaoming has no idea how many circle projects he has sat with her.

During the circle, the body goes up and down with the equipment. Gu Chaoming looked down and could always see Qu Yingyi holding up his mobile phone to take pictures of them. Every time they turned around, Gu Chaoming could see the smile on the corner of Qu Yingyi's mouth.

Turning to the lower part, Gu Chaoming patted Yuanyuan who was sitting beside him with a happy grin: "Look this way."

The two turned their heads, and Qu Yingyi pressed the shutter button to take a picture.

Lin Jianfan's reply came quickly, and within a few minutes, when Gu Chaoming sat with Yuanyuan for the second lap, a beep sounded from the cell phone in his pocket.

The reminder sound is so weak in the music that comes with the entertainment project.

He was so weak that Gu Chaoming had already tucked into his pocket and took out his cell phone just after playing this game.

Sure enough, it was Lin Jianfan.

The photo was of a long street with rows of deciduous trees planted on both sides of the street. A cleaner was walking under the trees, which was recorded by Lin Jianfan in the photo.

Gu Chaoming smiled and took a picture of Yuanyuan sitting on the merry-go-round and sent it to him.

Four photos, no language, as if they were sending a message with a photo code.

Gu Chaoming stood in front of the white-painted fence, which surrounded the carousel with colorful murals. The sound of the jumping piano and the round and cheerful laughter of sitting on the pony floated in his ears.

With Qu Yingyi's voice in his ear, Gu Chaoming raised his head from the phone screen and looked at Qu Yingyi standing beside him.

Fallen leaves from the amusement park fell on tree roots jutting out of the dirt. In the sound of leaves falling, Gu Chaoming heard Qu Yingyi's voice softly ask: "Did you sleep late again last night?"

Gu Chaoming turned his head, Qu Yingyi lowered her hands naturally, holding her handbag in her hands, her eyes were soft and soft.

Mothers always notice the changes in their children. Gu Chaoming's eye sockets look a little tired, with faint dark circles under his eyes.

He looked thinner and had no obvious injuries on his face.

Since eating, they have been talking about Yuanyuan, playing with Yuanyuan, and now Yuanyuan is playing the merry-go-round alone, standing here alone, only then can Qu Yingyi talk to Gu Chaoming about him.

Gu Chaoming nodded: "I slept quite late last night."

He and Su Bing didn't get home until 11 or 2 o'clock. Today, they got up early again and played with Yuanyuan in the amusement park all afternoon. To be honest, they were quite tired.

"Don't sleep so late in the future." Qu Yingyi urged.

Gu Chaoming still nodded: "I see, I don't sleep so late every day, I rarely sleep so late."

"I see that your eyes just didn't sleep well." Qu Yingyi said.

Gu Chaoming didn't want Qu Yingyi to worry, he said with a smile, "You will also have dark circles under your eyes if you sleep a day late. The girls in our class say it every day."

Qu Yingyi looked at him, Gu Chaoming smiled.

Qu Yingyi sighed lightly and explained to Gu Chaoming, "I didn't need to bring Yuanyuan today, Yuanyuan..."

Gu Chaoming saw Qu Yingyi's expression of shame, and immediately said, "It's okay, Yuanyuan is so cute."

Qu Yingyi looked at him, opened her mouth slightly, but did not continue.

"Yuanyuan's grandmother didn't embarrass you, did she?" Gu Chaoming asked with his hand in his pocket.

Qu Yingyi shook her head: "She just nags, nothing else."

"That's good."

Qu Yingyi's gentle gaze lingered on him: "Gu Tao recently..."

Mentioning Gu Tao, Gu Chaoming interrupted Qu Yingyi with a guilty conscience, and his speech speeded up unconsciously: "He came back and took me out to dinner."

Qu Yingyi's expression was obviously surprised. Gu Chaoming extracted all the good things that happened in the past few days, and left all the bad and mood-affecting things in the corner, and presented the small part of the good things in front of Qu Yingyi. .

He took it upon himself to draw a beautiful picture.

"He also bought me dessert. Although he drank alcohol, he didn't go crazy or beat anyone..."

In the days when he met Qu Yingyi, Gu Chaoming didn't want to mention Gu Tao. When he mentioned Gu Tao, everything became restrained, and the sun around him was covered with a layer of gloom.

Gu Chaoming was still waving his hand, he said with a cheerful smile: "Don't talk about him, do you think your son is handsome? Last time in the hospital you said I was narcissistic, you know that Yuanyuan told me when you went to the toilet. What? He wiped my mouth, she said she only wiped for handsome guys, hahaha…”

Gu Chaoming laughed dryly. In the middle of summer a few months ago, on a hospital night, he used the same narcissism to divert the subject and hide what he didn't want to bring up.

Qu Yingyi laughed and seemed to be in a better mood: "My son must be handsome."

Qu Yingyi asked him a lot of questions, home, school, part-time job, every Gu Chaoming answered with a smile, as if nothing happened and everything was fine.

A smile is the best lying companion.

The music jumped, the wooden horse was spinning in circles, and at the end of the merry-go-round, Qu Yingyi was about to pick up Yuanyuan, but Gu Chaoming stopped her.

With a "mom" that she hadn't called for a long time, her mouth was a little jerky, and Qu Yingyi turned her head.

"If that man hits you one day, don't hold back like you did before and call me."

Gu Chaoming put his hands in the pockets of his black jacket, he stood up straight, his eyes were firm, and he looked like an adult.

The man seemed to be a decent man, but Gu Chaoming was still afraid that he would be violent when he was angry.

The heart of others does not grow in him, and he never knows what he will do. Although it was a man he had seen with his own eyes and thought it was okay, Gu Chaoming was still worried, and he was not worried about any other man.

There is only one mother, and Gu Chaoming does not want to see her hurt again.

Qu Yingyi lowered her head and blinked a few times, and a complicated feeling swirled in her heart: "He is very good to me, and those things will not happen."

The adults hid their emotions well, Gu Chaoming didn't know if he noticed, he just nodded and hummed.

When the music stopped, Yuanyuan opened its arms and rushed over like a flying bird. Qu Yingyi stood beside Gu Chaoming, Yuanyuan didn't even turn a corner, and rushed straight towards Gu Chaoming.

Seeing her running, Gu Chaoming crouched down with a doting smile and opened his arms to greet her. Yuanyuan rushed into Gu Chaoming's arms, wrapped around Gu Chaoming's neck, and Gu Chaoming picked her up with one hand.

It was late, and Gu Chaoming shook his arms and asked Yuanyuan, "Are you happy today?"

Yuanyuan smiled and nodded: "Happy!"

Qu Yingyi stretched out her hand towards Yuanyuan: "Brother Chaoming is tired after hugging for so long, do you want mom to hug him?"

After walking a few steps to the entrance of the amusement park, it was obvious that Qu Yingyi wanted to hug her at this time to take her home.

It was also time to go home at this time. Qu Yingyi did not explicitly say "We are going home, mother hugs you", but adopted such a euphemism, which is as clumsy as Gu Chaoming naturally understands.

Yuanyuan was innocent, and the two of them, one about to become an adult and the other who had been in adulthood for decades, on this trip to the amusement park that made Yuanyuan extremely happy, their words were hidden, and they always talked to the family. Words are avoided.

Qu Yingyi is like this, Gu Chaoming doesn't want to be like this, but it is also the same.

Gu Chaoming didn't want to avoid it, he accepted the reality, and Gu Chaoming realized that he was not so vulnerable in his heart, and would be defeated by Qu Yingyi's words to go home.

He didn't want Qu Yingyi to be too accommodating to his own mind, to avoid this and avoid that. He wanted to talk to Qu Yingyi, but he didn't know what to say or where to start.

Yesterday, I told Su Bing about my problem, and Su Bing said to look at it from another angle.

Gu Chaoming never thought that there was anything wrong with his way of thinking, but yesterday Su Bingyi said that on a bright night, he realized that he used to be too sharp, too straight, too one-sided, and only focused on one aspect.

Gu Chaoming learned to think from a different angle. From another point of view, Qu Yingyi also cared about herself in doing so, for fear that she would feel uncomfortable hearing the word home. Her mother cared so much about him in these small aspects.

Thinking about it this way, all the cares bring a layer of warmth, such as touching a layer of plush blanket, every fluff is soft when touching the palm of your hand.

Just changing the angle, the world has become so gentle.

Gu Chaoming hugged Yuanyuan, his inner tenderness climbed up to the corner of his mouth, and there was a warm smile in the corner of his mouth: "Yuanyuan is going home, my brother's hands are sore, let mom hold it."

It was flat and indifferent, just two words spit out when the tongue touched. Qu Yingyi's eyes shifted, and she moved to the tall boy holding the child beside him.

The corner of the boy's mouth twitched into a smile, and it was the slow autumn wind and the fluttering leaves that helped him get covered with autumn light.

Qu Yingyi looked at him, and smiled faintly after the surprise in her eyes disappeared.

In Gu Chaoming's world, he was arrogant and violent. He was locked out and kicked the door irritably, and was roared unreasonably by the onlookers of the neighbors.

The self in the young man's own world is so manic, impatient, and not good at learning.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of others, he looks different.

Gentle, growing, patient, cheerful, his son has grown into an adult.

Safe, reliable, straight-talking, sincere to people, warm with a smile, giving him a firm strength, this is the inner monologue from another teenager.

There are some different feelings wrapped in the monologue. The lines outlined by the young man, the fingers holding the wrists, and the arms clasped around them are all unknown proofs.

Qiufeng did not send this monologue.

Walking out of the playground, Qu Yingyi held Yuanyuan and stopped the car smoothly.

The car was parked on the side of the road, Qu Yingyi first let Yuanyuan go in and sit down, then turned around and said to Gu Chaoming, who was helping them hold the door of the car: "Mom bought you clothes, and they are still on the road, remember to sign for it when the time comes, don't let Gu Tao Signed. And if the living expenses are not enough, don't hold on, call your mother, you know?"

Gu Chaoming nodded: "I know, I have enough money, it won't be enough."

Qu Yingyi sighed inaudibly: "It's enough to do one part-time job, don't do it desperately, now is not the time to make money, study hard is the right thing to do."

"You know, just do one."

"And remember not to go to bed late, it's not good for your body, and now I'm young and don't think..."

The nostalgia and worry in Qu Yingyi's words spewed out at the moment of separation.

Qu Yingyi originally wanted to say the first point "remember to sign for it, if you don't have the money to ask her for it", but once this small mouth was opened, the words of the order would flow out bit by bit.

There were so many things to worry about, and the moment of separation was so short.

"Oh, I'm not a child, I know all this, and it's just a nagging old woman. You didn't nagging like that before."

Qu Yingyi talked too much, Yuanyuan sat in the car, Gu Chaoming urged Qu Yingyi to get in the car.

"Yuanyuan is still waiting for you in the car." Gu Chaoming called out to Yuanyuan, and Yuanyuan replied sweetly immediately.

"Goodbye, listen to your mother." Gu Chaoming waved at Yuanyuan, using this to gently push Qu Yingyi into the car.

When Qu Yingyi sat down, the door closed with a "bang".

"Be careful on the road." Qu Yingyi's last words floated out of the unclosed car window.

"Got it." Gu Chaoming said.

The driver stepped on the accelerator, and Gu Chaoming stood on the side of the road outside the playground, watching the taxi carrying Qu Yingyi further and further away from him.

There are many people in front of the amusement park, there are many people in the park, and the laughter of children stretches to the outside of the amusement park.

The joy of the afternoon, at this time, I was alone.

Gu Chaoming was embarrassed to say that it was the first time he had come to a place like an amusement park, and he didn't know how to get home.

Going to the nearest bus stop to check the stop sign, the amusement park is a world for children. On the short journey from the roadside to the station, many parents walked past Gu Chaoming with their children, chatting and laughing.

Gu Chaoming stepped on the platform, and after walking this section of the road, he saw countless smiling faces, and the sense of loneliness in his heart was like the waves hitting the rocks by the gust of wind at night, surging and rolling.

In an unfamiliar place, he was alone, children around him were licking lollipops, and traffic horns honked on the road. Only when he walked this way, did the sense of loneliness cling to his back.

It seems to be filled with loneliness, and it seems to be hollowed out by loneliness, too aware of my lonely and single existence, and seems to be unable to perceive my own existence in the vast crowd.

Children eating candy, vehicles hurried by, pedestrians walking on the road, everything has to do with him, and everything has nothing to do with him. He exists in this world and disappears in this world.

The two perceptions are madly intertwined and fighting.

Gu Chaoming suddenly remembered the evening when Lin Jianfan Chu came to their class after school. It was dark in the summer, and the wound on his forehead was opened by Lin Jianfan who was moving the table. He came out of the infirmary to see the dark yellow sunset in the sky.

It's very similar to now, it's not the setting sun, nor the wound on the forehead, it's the heart when I see the dark yellow sunset.

The setting sun spreads across the horizon, and its habitat is everywhere, but there is no place for him in this world.

At that time, he floated in this world with his fear of Gu Tao. Now, the loneliness after he left with joy hangs in the bus stop outside the amusement park.

That feeling of nowhere to go, it was a damn perfect fit after a few months.

He is a drowning man, surrounded by vast oceans, unable to touch the ground under his feet, floating on the water by the miraculous power of nature.

The sea is salty, and the sea is wide, and there are his habitats everywhere, but they can't hold his body.

The name of the station was really unfamiliar. Gu Chaoming asked a passerby who was also waiting for the bus, but the other party also said that he was not sure. Gu Chaoming hesitated between taking a taxi and continuing to check the route, and finally decided to check the route while waiting for the car.

There are many children at the bus stop outside the amusement park, and their young voices are mixed together, chattering, as if they are in a bird's nest. Gu Chaoming took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and the phone screen lit up in a burst of chatter.

Obviously he wanted to check the car, so he turned on his mobile phone and accidentally pressed to the chat page with Lin Jianfan.

Lin group leader.

Gu Chaoming smiled at the note that had not changed for a long time, threw the original idea of checking the route into the traffic, and pressed the voice button.

"Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan, where are you?"

"Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan, where are you?"

Gu Chaoming kept calling Lin Jianfan's name and sent out several voice messages.

Gu Chaoming couldn't count how many times he called Lin Jianfan's name, but the end of each speech ended with "Where are you".

The child next to him looked at him curiously with a lollipop. Gu Chaoming noticed the little boy's gaze and lowered his head to look at him. The little boy immediately turned his eyes away with a guilty conscience.

Gu Chaoming just smiled and ignored him, he concentrated on waiting for Lin Jianfan's reply.

After a few minutes, the phone rang.

a question mark.

Gu Chaoming also wanted to persuade him to leave it alone and tell him where he was. Before he could start typing, Lin Jianfan immediately sent another positioning.

The little boy eating candy stood beside the tall boy holding a lollipop stick, and secretly stared at the boy who was looking at the phone and smiling.

The boy's lips pursed slightly, dimples at the corners of his mouth.

The sweetness of the peach lollipops fermented and bloomed in the mouth, and the tall boy suddenly jumped off the station and into the sidewalk behind the station.

Curious, the little boy also turned around and leaned out, leaning on the station billboard.

He saw the figure of the boy running.

There are tall maple trees on the roadside, the autumn wind blows, the leaves flutter, the boy steps on the falling maple leaves, and the black figure swaying.

He kept running as hard as he could, and he ran farther and farther, farther into the distance.