
Chapter 61


The screen of the mobile phone showed that the positioning was successfully sent, and Lin Jianfan swiped down a few times, as if he would receive a new message from Gu Chaoming by doing so.

With a cup of hot milk tea in Kaifeng at hand, Lin Jianfan received Gu Chaoming's "Where are you" voice bombardment as soon as he came out of the milk tea shop and plugged in a straw.

After taking a sip of milk tea, the warm milk tea invaded his mouth, and the warmth in his mouth reminded him of one thing at the moment when he was invaded by warmth.

Lin Jianfan held his phone and walked back to the milk tea shop where he just bought milk tea not far away, and ordered a cup of the same milk tea.

While waiting in the store, Lin Jianfan kept tilting his head absentmindedly, his eyes wandering straight out of the glass door of the milk tea shop.

Lin Jianfan was looking for Gu Chaoming's figure, afraid that he would miss him when he bought milk tea. Taking another look at the phone, after sending the location, Gu Chaoming never sent him a message again, didn't say what he wanted to do, and didn't say whether he would come or not.

Whether it will come over, Lin Jianfan has no confidence in others, but for Gu Chaoming, when he did not reply, Lin Jianfan had already begun to wait.

Walking out of the milk tea shop with the newly bought milk tea, Lin Jianfan returned to the original position after passing through the crowd on the side of the road.

There were several spherical stone piers beside the street. Lin Jianfan walked over to sit on the second stone pier and waited for Gu Chaoming.

I took off the white baseball cap on my head and held it in my hand. The clouds on the horizon spread out a little more than the early morning. In the scattered gaps, the orange-red color of the autumn sunset is revealed, like volcanic caves, but the color is lighter, the temperature is lower, there is no hot magma, only a light watercolor-like light.

There were students who had just finished cram school with schoolbags on their backs, old people who went out for a walk after eating early, and young girls who went shopping, and office workers who were still busy with their lives. Lin Jianfan drank a sip of milk tea. The people who come and go are searching and waiting for a person.

The eyes swept across the faces of everyone, they were sad or happy, dull, tired, leisurely, or at ease, each with their own joys and sorrows, and their own clutches and reunions.

Lin Jianfan likes to sit quietly like this, looking at the people passing by, as if he can see the sadness and joy in their lives.

He has been in this city for a few months, and most of the time he stays at school or at home. He rarely goes out alone like today to really understand the city where he lives again.

He is a newcomer to the city, while Gu Chaoming is an old friend of the city. Old friends run across the street towards the new ones. The newlyweds sat on the stone pier and waited quietly.

The old friend was out of breath when he ran over, almost half an hour later.

The location sent by Lin Jianfan showed that Lin Jianfan was not far away from him. It took about 20 minutes to walk. Gu Chaoming jumped off the station without thinking. beside Fan.

There is no reason, just suddenly, I really want to see him very much.

Gu Chaoming wants to see him, in winter, in June, tomorrow, right now.

He jumped off the low platform and ran forward desperately.

During the run, the rapidly rising body temperature, the shaking vision, the heavy breathing, the mild autumn wind blowing on my face, there is nothing else in my mind, but only one thought - run forward.

If you run faster, you will arrive at Lin Jianfan's side earlier. The only thought in his mind is clear and clear, like a handful of clear springs in the desert, clear and translucent.

The boy who ran desperately had a bad memory, but he obviously didn't think that he had a poor sense of direction. The originally predicted ten-minute journey took about twenty minutes, and the ten minutes outside the prediction were all in the streets of various sizes. Round and round.

Gu Chaoming was unfamiliar with this place. He was led by Qu Yingyi for the first time, and he was tricked by the mobile phone map, so he spared the long way.

Gu Chaoming thought he had no merit, and was also said by Su Bing and Cen Xili that he liked to admit death. Gu Chaoming felt that admitting death was the first time he was hurt today.

According to the route given by the mobile phone map, Gu Chaoming had no doubts at all, and he turned left and right and finally got lost in an unfamiliar street.

The third time he felt that he had lost his way and was taken to a completely unfamiliar place by the mobile phone navigation, Gu Chaoming resolutely closed the navigation and went to find Lin Jianfan by his own intuition.

Gu Chaoming quit the navigation and sent a message to Lin Jianfan. He originally wanted him to show him the way, but then he thought that a local who had lived here for more than ten years had lost his way. It would be a shame to say it. It also becomes a declarative sentence that ends with a period.

"I'll be right here, don't go, wait for me."

Gu Chaoming usually doesn't like symbols at the end of messages, and it's troublesome and unnecessary, but now, after running, his hot fingers pressed the small circle.

A full stop means the end of a sentence and the solemnity of the sentence.

Gu Chaoming crossed a narrow road. The opposite side was lined with shady trees and luxuriant foliage. There were neatly trimmed bushes all around, and a cobbled path was hidden in the bushes. The path twists and turns to a pavilion, where several old men are playing chess around a stone table.

Gu Chaoming wanted to walk into the pavilion to ask for directions, but he could cross the road and look over the narrow, not-so-wide road beside the neat bushes for cars to pass.

On the left side of the road is a red-pillar pavilion and a low wooden shelter, and on the right is an iron fence that isolates the community, and the fence is full of creeping tigers. Part of it is red, part of it is green, and at the end of the long road is a small square space covered with slate, and beyond the space, there are spherical stone piers lined up one after another, and a young boy sits on the stone pier. , looking at the pedestrians coming and going.

The back is very small, vaguely mixed in various colors, and it is easy to be ignored. Gu Chaoming's eyes passed through this long corridor and recognized him at a glance.

The old man in the pavilion was still playing chess. The chess field was fierce, and he didn't care about Gu Chaoming, who was happily running beside the bushes.

The roadside is full of green, red and green crawling tigers retreating in front of my eyes.

The black coat was windproof and thick, and the autumn wind had nowhere to rest, so it could only brush past his exposed ears and the short hair roots on the back of his neck.

Gu Chaoming ran too fast, Qiufeng couldn't hold it, couldn't catch up, and was left behind.

If a resident upstairs in the community takes a look at the window and sees a black figure running down the path downstairs, they will marvel at his speed.

Gu Chaoming's figure was speeding through the aisle. The aisle could not keep him, nor could the empty small square keep him. He ran towards the boy on the stone pier, as if he was on a mission.

He didn't know the meaning of running so fast, there was only one thought in his mind - running.

Run to the stone ball, run to the boy's side, there is his end point.

Gu Chaoming neither hates nor likes running, but there has never been a run that made him work so hard, hard and cheerful from the bottom of his heart.

He rushed towards the boy, and when he rushed behind the boy, the boy turned his head when he heard the footsteps, and Gu Chaoming's running figure slammed into his eyes.

Gu Chaoming didn't have time to reduce his pace, and ran to Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan's eyes followed him, and he drew half a circle in the air. He looked at Gu Chaoming who was parked in front of him. Hearing the heat exhaling from his nose, it was not easy to take out the hot milk tea he was about to hand out. hand.

Originally, he thought that the temperature had dropped so much that when Gu Chaoming came over, he could have a cup of hot milk tea to warm him up, but now Gu Chaoming seems to need a bottle of mineral water to quench his thirst.

Gu Chaoming's face turned red from running. Lin Jianfan sat on the stone ball and looked at him without speaking, waiting for him to calm down his chaotic aura.

After a pause after the strenuous running, the oxygen in the brain gradually became sufficient, and then came the question of "why do I run so fast like a fool" as the brain became more and more clear.

Gu Chaoming stood in front of the stone ball that Lin Jianfan was sitting on, Lin Jianfan just looked up at him curiously, holding a cup of milk tea that had been opened in one hand, a white baseball cap hooked on his finger, and the other Holding only a cup of the same milk tea, it was obviously bought for him.

Gu Chaoming suddenly felt a little ashamed for his foolish running.

He ran as fast as he could, but when he reached the finish line, he became lost. When he was running, he knew very clearly that he wanted to run to him quickly and to see him as soon as possible.

After calming down, the heat was withdrawn, and all thoughts that were roared by the heat when running fell back to their original positions.

Gu Chaoming took a step forward, one step closer to Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan was sitting, Gu Chaoming raised his hand and rubbed his head, fluffy and lush hair, Lin Jianfan bowed his head slightly when touched, and did not resist.

Gu Chaoming put his fingers through Lin Jianfan's hair, he laughed, the corners of his mouth were hooked, and his voice was dyed with a smile.

"I thought you were going to leave," he said.

Lin Jianfan sat obediently, raised his eyes to look at him, followed Gu Chaoming's arm rubbing on his head, and saw the smile on Gu Chaoming's face.

Gu Chaoming quickly retracted his hand, put it back in his pocket, and continued to stand there. Lin Jianfan didn't ask him anything, but handed him the milk tea he just bought.

The transparent plastic bag containing the milk tea hooked Lin Jianfan's fingers.

"You should want to drink more water now than hot milk tea." Lin Jianfan said.

Gu Chaoming stretched out his hand to take the milk tea in Lin Jianfan's hand, and his eyes stayed on the fingertips touching each other when handing over the milk tea. Hearing Lin Jianfan say this, Gu Chaoming openly opened the bag and inserted the straw: "It's all the same, it's all water, the same to quench thirst, you bought it, of course you want to drink it."

You still buy it, of course you want to drink it.

Usually, Su Bing's mouth is fast, but now his mouth is fast, and he can vaguely say what he thinks.

After speaking, Gu Chaoming didn't regret it, instead he was a little complacent, like a child who quickly answered the correct answer in class.

Gu Chaoming was immersed in this little complacent pleasure that was alone and unknown to the second person.

"You came out alone? Didn't make an appointment?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"It's too boring at home, so go out for a walk." Lin Jianfan said.

"Is there no one in your house?"

"My mother is at home."

There was no meaningful conversation, and Gu Chaoming did not explain his intentions during the conversation. He didn't have an accurate answer in his heart either, so he just talked about it, as if the two of them just met on the street and chatted casually, not one after waiting for dozens of minutes, and the other after searching for dozens of minutes.

Lin Jianfan answered all of Gu Chaoming's boring and meaningless questions, and there was no trace of tiredness. There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which made Gu Chaoming feel that even if he kept chatting like this without giving reasons, Lin Jianfan would not I have half an opinion.

If it were yesterday, Gu Chaoming might have felt that Lin Jianfan was trying to please him again. Today, Gu Chaoming used the reverse thinking that Su Bing said. It seems that Lin Jianfan is very willing to talk to him.

Gu Chaoming was a little excited in his heart.

People floating in the sea found support and found the land in the middle of the sea. The loneliness that had accumulated on the short road from the amusement park to the station just now evaporated in the heat generated by the running and the smile on the corner of Lin Jianfan's mouth.

While chatting, Gu Chaoming was finally too embarrassed to let Lin see Fan Bai wait and wasting half an hour of his life waiting for him.

Gu Chaoming held the milk tea cup in one hand and his pocket in the other: "You don't even ask me why I came here suddenly to find you?"

About a step away, Gu Chaoming could see Lin Jianfan's questioning expression and slightly widened eyes after hearing this question.

The roadside was noisy, and Lin Jianfan's eyes were confused and clear.

Gu Chaoming couldn't solve the riddle in his eyes. This was a new riddle. Gu Chaoming had never seen it before, and he had no way to start. He could only ask the person who made the eyes, "What is your expression?"

He really doesn't understand.

If it is a smile, it can also be understood that it does not care about you. If it is a hum, it can also express a complaint, but what does this confused lamb-like expression mean

Under his question, Lin Jianfan hurriedly put away the doubts in his eyes, and hid the doubts deeper by blinking quickly.

"Your eyes are gray?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Lin Jianfan quickly shook his head: "No."

"Then you always blink?" Gu Chaoming said, holding the milk tea with another hand, and took out a half-used pack of tissues from his pocket.

"Don't rub with your hands, there are many bacteria on your hands." Gu Chaoming said.

Lin Jianfan raised his eyes and glanced at Gu Chaoming, silently took the package of tissues, did not open it, but held it in the palm of his hand.

"You really don't ask me why I came to you?" Gu Chaoming said again.

Lin Jianfan's hair was a little messy, and it didn't return to its original position after being raped by Gu Chaoming.

Lin Jianfan's eyes were uncertain: "It's not necessary."

Gu Chaoming was startled. He had been a little embarrassed because there was no legitimate reason to ask people to wait, but the person waiting told him that he didn't care at all

"Isn't it necessary? You've waited so long? What if I'm playing tricks on you and don't come at all?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Lin saw Fan Piao's unsteady eyes lifted and fell into Gu Chaoming's eyes.

Looking at each other, Lin Jianfan looked into Gu Chaoming's eyes and asked, "Will you play me?"

The simple Chinese characters formed the first-level bell, and Gu Chaoming was hit hard.

Lin Jianfan's eyes were clear and clear, and the doubts he had just now disappeared. He stared straight at Gu Chaoming's eyes, as if he was seeking proof, which made Gu Chaoming feel that his answer was like an oath.

"No." Gu Chaoming said after a long pause.

Lin Jianfan smiled slightly: "That's not it."

It was rare for Lin Jianfan to speak like this, and the whole person was relaxed and casual. He was no longer in a restrained state in the class, like the sunshine tearing through the mist. This was the real him.

Gu Chaoming likes his relaxed appearance, which is also the most natural.

Naturally, Gu Chaoming was a little surprised, as if he had received a small surprise from Lin Jianfan.

"You really don't want to know? Then I won't tell you."

"Don't, tell me." Lin Jianfan raised his head to look at Gu Chaoming, and lightly hit Gu Chaoming's thigh with the baseball cap in his hand.

The smile on the corner of Gu Chaoming's mouth, who was beaten, was quietly getting bigger and bigger. He was happy, and his mouth began to speak his mind again without the permission of his brain.

"You seemed like a spoiled brat when you took the photo just now."

Although Lin Jianfan's disgust was not obvious on his face, he stuck his head out of his eyes and immediately retracted it.

Gu Chaoming caught it and realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Lin Jianfan was a man who remembered to spread his legs to show his masculine characteristics while sitting with his legs together. He said that he was coquettish, but it didn't mean that he directly touched his scales.

Gu Chaoming said quickly, "Ahhh, I'm joking, don't be angry."

Gu Chaoming said in a hurry. With the sudden cry last night, Gu Chaoming paid extra attention to Lin Jianfan's emotional every move.

"Yesterday in the supermarket, I was just joking when I was angry and just said it." Gu Chaoming hunched slightly and leaned forward to explain.

"Who said I was angry?" Lin Jianfan frowned slightly.

"I see that you are angry."

"No, where did you see it?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"...Well... just..." Gu Chaoming couldn't tell where he saw it, "Just... just feel it."

"You feel wrong." Lin Jianfan seemed to be amused by his cute and silly hurried explanation, and the last few words were full of laughter.

"In your opinion? I'm so easy to get angry?" Lin Jianfan hooked his baseball cap and hit Gu Chaoming's leg again. This time, the hit was much heavier than the "baby" just now.

"No, no, not at all." Gu Chaoming shook his head and waved his hand.

He didn't know when Lin Jianfan was angry and when he cried, and he couldn't understand why he was crying and why he was angry.

"I don't think you get angry easily, but I think your mood fluctuates a bit in the past two days." Gu Chaoming said.

With great mood swings, Lin Jianfan understood that Gu Chaoming was referring to what happened last night.

He blinked and said, "Yesterday was special, I didn't control it well, don't mention what happened yesterday, shameful."

Gu Chaoming laughed and deliberately teased him by mentioning what he cried yesterday: "Don't talk about it, don't talk about what you cried yesterday."

Lin Jianfan squinted and raised his eyes to look at him: "If you say anything else, I'll be really angry."

"You're angry with a notice, I got it, don't talk about it." Gu Chaoming raised his hand and made a zipper gesture on his mouth.

"Then tell me why you came to me." Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming and asked seriously.

Before answering Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming took a sip of milk tea to strengthen his courage.

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan and pretended to say casually, "It's okay, I'm just in a bad mood and want to see you."

want to see you.

Two of the four words are repeated.

Gu Chaoming enjoyed the pleasure of telling the truth, but nothing happened on the surface, he looked down at Lin Jianfan, saw Lin Jianfan's happy eyes, looked at him with a smile, and asked himself simply, "You Nice to see me?"

Gu Chaoming thought about it and nodded, he didn't want to lie.

Young people are sincere, have the courage to speak their hearts, and do not hide.

"I feel very happy."

Seeing Lin Jianfan sitting in front of him, Gu Chaoming felt inexplicably relieved like a kite falling in the air tying the string.

"No one has ever said that to me before." Lin Jianfan blinked, lowered his head and smiled slightly.

Gu Chaoming's words were a gust of wind, blowing through Lin Jianfan's heart, and the wind was surging.

Gu Chaoming patted Lin Jianfan's head lightly: "Don't be too moved, you are so good, I'm not the only one who thinks it's fun to chat with you, there are many people who think it's just that they didn't say it like I did."

Gu Chaoming asked back, "Are you happy chatting with me?"

Lin Jianfan nodded without hesitation: "Well, happy."

What Su Bing said yesterday was confirmed. It was not because of his own thoughts to please him, but because Lin Jianfan really wanted to eat with him and wanted to talk to him.

Lying on the bed last night, Gu Chaoming realized that he has always regarded pleasing as a label of Lin Jianfan, and what he heard, saw, and Lin Jianfan's efforts to make him not refuse are all huge in pleasing people. Being ignored under the label, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but start blaming himself.

"Why do I feel that my speech is sour today, it's not my style, the atmosphere is a bit wrong." Gu Chaoming said with a smile.

"It's your style." Lin Jianfan said silently.

Gu Chaoming bent down curiously: "Huh? Then tell me what style I speak?"

Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming's smiling eyes: "You speak very truthfully, and you are very straight. Although you often like to slap people, you are actually very..."

Gu Chaoming was a little embarrassed by what Lin Jianfan said. He interrupted Lin Jianfan, who was seriously evaluating, and spoke in a mocking tone, but this time it was himself.

"I just can't get my head straight. You don't have to say it so nicely. I have many shortcomings."

"Don't say that, you have many advantages, but you don't know it yourself." Lin Jianfan looked at him.

"Don't tell me, do I still know my advantages?"

Lin Jianfan immediately said decisively, "You don't know."

Lin Jianfan followed Gu Chaoming's words, but there was not enough time for the air to come in.

Such a firm tone and quick answer made Gu Chaoming stunned for a moment.

A strange sense of surprise spreads.

It was a feeling of sudden affirmation.

Gu Chaoming pursed his lips and smiled, touching Lin Jianfan's head, his voice slowed down, he said, "I see."

Then he joked: "Thank you for letting me know I'm so good."

Gu Chaoming couldn't help laughing as he spoke. He leaned over and took the baseball cap that Lin Jianfan was hooking on with his fingers.

Putting a hat on Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming stopped what he was planning to say, and he stared at Lin Jianfan who was wearing the hat.

"It's really like it." Gu Chaoming sighed as he bent down.

"Like what?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"Like the person I told you when I was in the toilet at the beginning of school, wearing a white hat and a white T-shirt. I was still wearing that black baseball cap at the time. Remember, you took him off forcibly." Gu Chaoming The stress in the last sentence stopped on the word "hard", so that Lin Jianfan knew what he was referring to as soon as he heard it.

A few months apart, the yellow-flowered youth with only a pair of clean eyes has long been blurred in Gu Chaoming's memory. He only remembers that there is such a person, wearing a white hat, a disposable mask, and a white T-shirt.

The beginning of school seems to be as far away as I can remember.

"You really look like wearing a hat like this, especially the eyes." Gu Chaoming said.

He waited for Lin Jianfan's answer, and Lin Jianfan proudly said, "Good-looking people have similar eyebrows and eyes, haven't you heard this sentence?"

Gu Chaoming felt incredible and almost wondered if there was something wrong with his ears. What did Lin Jianfan say? Do good looking people have similar eyebrows? It was nothing like what he would say.

"Hey, didn't you say that you were not good-looking yesterday, why do you feel good-looking today?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Seeing that Fan had nothing to do with Gu Chaoming, Lin replied casually, "Yesterday was not good, but today is good."

"It doesn't seem to be beautiful without knowing it. You hide and think that you are handsome. When others praise you, you say you are not handsome. Yes, this is basic humility. How can a handsome guy say that he is very handsome? Only people like us can boast of their prosperous beauty every day."

Lin Jianfan sat on the stone ball and was amused by him. He took off his hat and stood up, walked to Gu Chaoming's side, and patted his shoulder: "She is beautiful in a prosperous age, um, she is very prosperous, and confidence is the most beautiful thing."

Lin Jianfan said and shook his thumb in front of Gu Chaoming, who was grabbed by Gu Chaoming.

"Say it again?!"

"I'm telling the truth, you are really handsome and beautiful."

The thumb was caught, Lin Jianfan tried to pull it out, but Gu Chaoming tried harder, finally broke free from Gu Chaoming's shackles, and was locked by Gu Chaoming's neck with his backhand.

Gu Chaoming said viciously while locking his neck: "Lin Xueba, thank you for your compliment!"

The skin between the arm and the neck was rubbed by the cloth, Lin Jianfan shook his hand and smiled and said, "No thanks, no thanks."

The volcanic caves in the sky gradually disappeared, the autumn air was covered with a gray gauze, and the temperature was sent to the distance by the autumn wind.

With such a close posture, Gu Chaoming tilted his head to see Lin Jian Fan Junmei's profile, a high nose bridge, and clean eyes.

The setting sun shines faintly across his cheeks, which is a new perspective that Gu Chaoming has discovered.

This perspective is not unfamiliar in Gu Chaoming's life at all, as is the action of hooking his neck. He often hooked Su Bing and Cen Xili's necks and looked at their faces from such a perspective.

An action that is so ordinary that it goes unnoticed, a point of view that has become accustomed to, when it is hooked, it does not release some kind of special factor in the air, nor does it have the ability to make people's hearts surging, but at this moment it seems to be a little bit. different. Everything is like a new baby entering the world, and everything is being renewed.

Gu Chaoming seemed to have come to a new world. The sunset in this world climbed over Lin Jianfan's profile, and Gu Chaoming's heart in this world was beating very fast.

Gu Chaoming stared at Lin Jianfan's profile carefully, and saw that his long and dense eyelashes fluttered in the air very slowly.

Gu Chaoming was silent for a short while, his eyes went down his eyelashes and down the bridge of his high nose, his eyes finally stopped on the two soft things under the bridge of the high nose.

The eyelashes of the person being watched fluttered, the clear eyes under the eyelashes rolled, he tilted his head slightly, the sunlight shifted as he turned his head, and he met Gu Chaoming's peeping eyes.

The closeness of the body, the narrowing of the distance, the unprevented staring, the peeping that was discovered, and the dry autumn evening, adding a piece of dry wood to the eyes that neither of them had thought about, burning in the fiery sunset, Looking at each other silently, Gu Chaoming heard the crackling sound of his heart.

He wants to kiss him.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-03-01 22:55:11~2020-03-04 10:49:39~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Mozhengchu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!