
Chapter 63


Autumn is dry and the sun is soft. The moisture in the air seemed to have been evaporated by the mild sunlight, leaving only a dry sand-like feeling.

Playing in gym class and breathing in too much dry air, Gu Chaoming felt that the dryness in his nose was like a wasteland, hot. The body also evaporates a lot of water due to sweating, and the water evaporates back in the jacket.

The mild sunlight pierced the eyes, and the shadow behind him ran, changing directions, and the duration was short.

The shadow of the basketball was thrown from one figure to another, panting accompanied by rolling drops of sweat. The basketball was thrown into the sky, and everyone on the court's line of sight followed the basketball in the sky, and then fell due to gravity, and fell into the net with a bang.

Then there was a burst of Su Bing-style cheers.

Su Bing applauded excitedly, his forehead was covered with fine sweat, he trotted over and gave Gu Chaoming a thumbs up.

"Gu Shuai, okay, that ball."

Gu Chaoming said modestly: "Luck, luck."

After playing basketball for a while, Gu Chaoming walked out of the basketball court to the playground and sat down. Cen Xili and Su Bing also sat beside him with their legs curled up.

In order to avenge Gu Chaoming's revenge for taking his ugly photo at noon, Su Bing deliberately turned on the front camera and said something to see for Gu Chaoming.

Su Bing was still holding the ugly photo of Gu Chaoming on his mobile phone, and Gu Chaoming suddenly stood up and shouted at the rostrum: "Wu Shan, what the hell are you doing?"

Wu Shan? what did he do

When Su Bing and Cen Xili heard Gu Chaoming's terrifying roar, they immediately looked in the direction of his roar.

Not far from the rostrum stood two figures. Although they were blocked by a net, they could still be clearly identified as Wu Shan and Lin Jianfan.

Wu Shan stood in front of Lin Jianfan, Lin Jianfan wanted to leave, but Wu Shan stretched out his hand to block his way.

Wu Shan and Aunt Cheng are as yin and yang as they are, and they focus on spreading their distant words. Gu Chaoming doesn't like him, and doesn't want to pay attention to him. If he wants to leave, just let him go.

Thinking about Wu Shan playing with Yu Hangwei, who often calls Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming figured it out.

Gu Chaoming roared, Lin Jianfan and Wu Shan were both startled and looked towards Gu Chaoming. Even the runners on the track turned their heads while panting to take a look at the excitement.

Gu Chaoming yelled at Wu Shan, dashed across the runway, stepped up the stairs beside the rostrum, and ran up to the rostrum, completely ignoring the "No Climbing" placard.

Stepping on the railing with long legs, propping up his hands, he flew down.

The railings are high, and Gu Chaoming's open autumn school uniform is like a superman's cape, dancing behind him. The sole of his shoe touched the ground, stepping on the gravel on the ground, Gu Chaoming jumped over, and within 30 seconds, he had already run and jumped from the track to the back of the two people who were still stunned.

Su Bing and Cen Xili followed and landed one by one, all of them ignoring the slogan.

Don't be polite to Wu Shan who spread their distant words, Gu Chaoming strode over with a ruthless face. In fact, he doesn't need too many expressions, just the open school uniform after playing, the sleeves that leak out the strong arms, and the windy steps under his feet, he can already make this person who only dares to spread distant words behind his back and take advantage of the situation to bully others. Gan Wu Shan was scared to death.

They all say that Gu Chaoming is a little gangster who often fights and gets hurt. Although he suddenly studies hard this semester, they all say don't mess with him. His temper is the same as the hair on his temples that only leaves the roots. He is a tough stubble.

No one has forgotten that when Gu Chaoming, Su Bing and You Xin fought in the first year of high school, Gu Chaoming swung up on a stool, and You Xin resisted it with his hands. His arm was broken and he was bandaged for a long time.

He spread so many distant rumors for no reason, but Wu Shan didn't know them at all. Wu Shan didn't know what he said was true and what was false.

It must be true that Gu Chaoming is not easy to provoke, and his roar that penetrated the rostrum is enough to prove it.

Wu Shan didn't want to provoke him, nor did he dare to provoke him. In the past, Chen Haiyang was in front of him, but now he is alone.

Wu Shan looked at Gu Chaoming who was walking towards him. He just wanted to run away, but he didn't dare to run. He could only hope that Gu Chaoming had a better temper and didn't beat him like You Xin.

Wu Shan's heart skipped a beat, and he cursed Yu Hangwei secretly in his throat. Yu Hangwei often ordered Lin Jianfan to run around, and he was too tired to take a few steps to catch the water. Lin Jianfan had been quite obedient before, and he was able to make calls. It was common for him to buy himself a lunch. I thought that Lin Jianfan was a soft persimmon who could be kneaded by others. Recently, he has also started to be disobedient, and he has begun to reject them and not listen to their orders.

When the gym class was hot, seeing that Lin Jianfan Yuhangwei didn't want to move, Wu Shanlai asked Lin Jianfan to buy water for them.

I thought it wasn't a difficult task, it was just a matter of calling Lin Jianfan, who came and went away. He was a little disobedient recently, and Wu Shan also thought it was nothing, but after repeated repetitions, Lin Jianfan still refused and turned to leave, but he stopped and stopped.

Before I came, I didn't even notice that Gu Chaoming was on the playground not far away, and when he yelled, Wu Shan's banknotes that Lin Jianfan bought water for almost fell to the ground.

Wu Shan stood there nervously, staring at Gu Chaoming as the three of them got closer and closer, Lin Jianfan turned his head to look at Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming turned it over because of Lin Jianfan? When did these two get along so well? Between Wu Shan's doubts, Gu Chaoming had already walked to Lin Jianfan's side.

Looking at Lin Jianfan's face, Gu Chaoming's first reaction was to check if there was any injury on his face.

Xu was influenced by Gu Tao. Gu Chaoming was always used to checking Lin Jianfan's safety. Lin Jianfan's face was not injured, and Gu Chaoming was relieved.

Declare his sovereignty and his purpose to come over the railing, Gu Chaoming stretched out his hand and hooked Lin Jianfan's neck.

"I saw you here all the way, why stop us from being a scholar?" Gu Chaoming asked Wu Shan in a deep voice.

Gu Chaoming did not express his anger, but in a threatening tone.

It's very suitable for Gu Chaoming to be self-righteous without anger. Gu Chaoming has a bad temper. Lin Jianfan knew it. He knew it when he was yelled at by Gu Chaoming on the first day he came to the class. Now he is yelling at others for himself.

Over time, he changed from being yelled at to being protected.

Gu Chaoming has a good temper, and Lin Jianfan also knows it. Except for the first time he yelled at him, Gu Chaoming released his good temper to him, or it could be said to release his true temper. Gu Chaoming always had something to say to him. Straight to the point.

Gu Chaoming was so bad-tempered towards him that now Gu Chaoming threatened Wu Shan with such a ruffian temper, and Lin Jianfan still felt a little unaccustomed to it.

Wu Shan had the guts to spread distant words, but didn't have the guts to be beaten. When asked by Gu Chaoming, he didn't speak for a long time. Su Bing stood on the other side of Lin Jianfan, and said sternly: "Speak, you are dumb? Isn't it easy to speak ill of us?"

Even Cen Xili, who was on the side, seemed to be a different person. Although he didn't speak, he had a sullen face.

He flatters the principle of not causing trouble, but if his brother's people are bullied, then he can't ignore it.

Cen Xili has a completely different attitude towards his own affairs and the affairs of others. You can be weak in your own affairs, but feel embarrassed in other people's affairs.

"I... I didn't say it." Wu Shan was still stubborn.

Gu Chaoming glanced at him silently. For someone like Wu Shan, Gu Chaoming didn't want to spend useless words with him.

Su Bing, the "nagging tongue king" among the three of them, didn't want to talk to him more.

"If you want to let me see you again in the future when you stop Lin from meeting Fan, you don't have to wonder what it feels like for You Xin to wear a bandage." Gu Chaoming said.

Gao Yi Youxin was beaten and wrapped in bandages. Gu Chaoming met him once by chance.

In the toilet, as soon as Gu Chaoming went in, he heard Wu Shan ask You Xin what it was like to wear a bandage while going to the toilet. As soon as he saw Gu Chaoming walking in, Wu Shan immediately turned off the fire.

Gu Chaoming deliberately stood beside him to pee, but Wu Shan never dared to look at him and was busy changing the subject. You Xin was wearing bandages and couldn't move his hands. It was troublesome to go to the toilet.

Gu Chaoming looked at them and hummed, "Do you want someone to help you?"

You Xin ignored him. Wu Shan was sandwiched between the two, and he didn't dare to pee too loudly.

Foul-mouthed and cowardly, Su Bing commented on Wu Shan.

Wu Shan still didn't speak, and rolled his eyes to think of a way to escape. When looking for a place, you should find a place far away from Gu Chaoming.

"You're really dumb? Speak!" Su Bing's voice increased.

"Why are you looking for Lin Jianfan?" Gu Chaoming asked.

I already have the answer in my heart, and I just want to hear what new tricks Wu Shan can say.

"I...I..." Wu Shan stammered, "I just asked Lin Jianfan for something."

"What's the matter?" Gu Chaoming asked immediately, not giving Wu Shan any time.

"Uh..." Wu Shan had no reason to look for Lin Jianfan at all. He wasn't sure if Lin Jianfan would cooperate if he told a lie. If he didn't cooperate with him, he might be beaten on the spot.

Wu Shan didn't know if Lin Jianfan would turn his head and complain to Gu Chaoming, asking Gu Chaoming to find someone to beat him afterwards.

Wu Shan took care of getting away and didn't want to be beaten, so he quickly passed the responsibility to Yu Hangwei who called him: "I didn't ask Lin Jianfan for something, it was Yu Hangwei who asked me to come to Lin Jianfan."

Originally, it caused him to be surrounded here.

"Why is he looking for Lin Jianfan?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Don't think about it, it's not as good as Wu Shan looking for Lin Jianfan.

"I don't know." Wu Shan shook his head and lied. He just told Lin Jian Fan Quan and asked him to run errands to buy water.

Lin Jianfan refused, so he stopped him.

Wu Shan looked at Lin Jianfan, who didn't react when Lin Jianfan heard him say he didn't know.

Wu Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let him come to find it himself, or come to me. If you want to buy water or food, tell him that he has the legs to buy it by himself. Don't come to us to see Fan." Gu Chaoming stared at Wu Shan's eyes. Say.

Gu Chaoming put his arms on Lin Jianfan's shoulders, his forearm was hanging on Lin Jianfan's chest, Lin Jianfan's eyes rolled, looking at Gu Chaoming, like a child seeing Superman.

When Gu Chaoming jumped off the railing, the school uniform stretched by the wind was his red cape.

Gu Chaoming threatened Wu Shan wholeheartedly, and did not feel the silent movement of Lin Jianfan.

"Did you hear it?" Gu Chaoming's voice suddenly became heavier, and he raised his chin slightly.

Lin Jianfan, who raised his eyes to look at him, blinked in fright.

"Just tell him like this, don't change a word." Gu Chaoming said.

Wu Shan hurriedly nodded his head at the chicken pecking at the rice. Gu Chaoming said these words. He was just a messenger. The two of them would fight if they wanted to. It was none of his business.

Yu Hangwei is also not a good-tempered person, and Wu Shan feels that two tough stubborn things are not enough. Wu Shan nodded, Gu Chaoming's purpose of threatening has been achieved, he gave Wu Shan an unfriendly look and asked Lin Jianfan to turn around and leave together.

Before Su Bing turned around, he laughed and sang to Wu Shan: "Pass it on, pass it on, pass it on to Grandma Bridge."

Gu Chaoming hooked Lin Jianfan to the front and heard Su Bing sing. When Su Bing came over, Gu Chaoming asked him, "What are you singing?"

Su Bing shook his head: "Ordinary people won't understand."

Gu Chaoming squinted at him.

"Let him be alone." Cen Xili on the side spoke.

"Hey, Xili, I'm so sad." Su Bing covered his heart.

"You're crazy," Gu Chaoming said.

"If I die, you will definitely be pissed off." Su Bing said.

Wu Shan in the back looked at the backs of the four joking.

Cen Xili and Su Bingfen stood on both sides and still fought each other, Gu Chaoming hooked Lin Jianfan's neck and chatted and laughed with them.

The shadows of the four people line up and melt in the autumn.

The pace of walking made Gu Chaoming's fingers lightly tap on Lin Jianfan's school uniform jacket, and sometimes he moved away from his school uniform jacket.

The school uniform is not smooth and feels uncomfortable, but Gu Chaoming has been paying attention.

He noticed that Lin Jianfan had not spoken, so he lowered his head to look at him, and found that Lin Jianfan's eyes were a little slow in a daze.

Cen Xili and Su Bing next to you are still chatting with you one by one.

Gu Chaoming glanced at the two people beside him. Lin Jianfan's silent atmosphere was not particularly prominent or unusual in the laughter and laughter of the two. Perhaps it was because he was quiet a lot of the time that no one noticed him. silence.

Gu Chaoming lowered his eyes and looked at Lin Jianfan. He still prefers Lin Jianfan, who is more talkative. Even if his words are serious enough to make people laugh, he wants to hear more.

The arm hanging on Lin Jianfan's chest patted the school uniform jacket he was wearing outside. Gu Chaoming lowered his head and approached, and asked softly, "What are you thinking? Don't talk?"

Gu Chaoming hooked Lin Jianfan's neck, the breath driven by the words curled up in Lin Jianfan's ear, hid in the auricle, and slid along the ear cartilage into the cochlea.

Lin Jian Fan's pupils widened slightly, and when he turned his head, Gu Chaoming met his ink-like eyes. The ink was dark and bottomless, and Gu Chaoming couldn't understand Lin Jianfan anymore, as if he jumped into the ink pool in Lin Jianfan's eyes to find the emotions he expressed, but after salvaging for a long time, he didn't touch anything, only made himself All over ink.

Lin Jianfan shook his head and said, "It's okay, I didn't think about anything."

"If you don't think about anything, think about me more." Gu Chaoming said shamelessly, who knows where he has the cheek to say this.

His mouth is always faster than his brain. After his mouth has finished speaking, his heart begins to roar. What did he say

After the roar, he was full of expectations, looking forward to Lin Jianfan's answer.

"Okay." Lin Jianfan was indeed a "serious man" and answered everything seriously.

A good word made Gu Chaoming, who was threatening Wu Shan just now, stunned like a stunned head.

He never thought it would be this answer, a simple word, "Okay".

Gu Chaoming was still a bit promising. After being stunned for three seconds, he immediately laughed. The arm hanging on Lin Jianfan's shoulder pretended to be uncomfortable and adjusted his posture.

The arms that push up the sleeves are exposed to the air because the air dries out. The dry skin rubbed against the smooth skin of Lin Jianfan's neck under the illusion of raising his hand, Gu Chaoming was as careful as a cat stealing a fish.

When the skin touches, if there is a small lightning in the friction place, it will release the power freely.

Gu Chaoming felt like he was stealing fishy, and he said it badly. It was the dirty words in his seventeen-year-old world that made him feel stimulated and satisfied at this moment, and the small hole in his heart was touching. It was filled when Lin Jianfan arrived.

Gu Chaoming felt that it was too exciting, but still not secretive enough.

With a small gesture of adjusting his posture, his eyes were still secretly moved to the corner of his eyes. Lin Jianfan, who accommodated the corners of his eyes, tilted his head slightly to look at the chatting people on both sides.

No one noticed his thoughts, Gu Chaoming secretly raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

After the unknown touch, Gu Chaoming also became serious, his fingers tapped lightly on Lin Jianfan's school uniform jacket, which would not attract the attention of the teenager.

Gu Chaoming lowered his head as before, but he was no longer in Lin Jianfan's ear. Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan: "In the future, they will still look for you, so don't pay attention to them."

"Do you know what Wu Shan said to me?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"Still guessing?"

Lin Jianfan was silent again.

They guessed right.

"Find us in the future," Gu Chaoming said.

The two people who were chatting with the sky above the sea had no objection, and stopped talking and nodded.

"We Gu Shuai want to protect you," Su Bing pointed at Lin Jianfan, and then pointed at himself, "Tell us about anything in the future."

Lin Jianfan seemed to be moved. Su Bing saw Lin Jianfan's expression and exaggeratedly said, "Don't be too moved, don't cry."

Hearing Su Bing's words, Gu Chaoming thought that Lin Jianfan was really crying. With the lessons learned that night, Gu Chaoming was like holding a glass to Lin Jianfan, always careful not to break it.

"Crying?" Hearing Su Bing's words, Gu Chaoming hurriedly bent his neck and approached Lin Jianfan's face to see if he was really crying.

Lin Jianfan put away his grateful expression just now, and looked at Gu Chaoming's eyes with a bright smile.

That morning, Gu Chaoming smelled the mint aroma entrapped by the scent of peach in the air. Now, in the autumn, Gu Chaoming is blowing the spring breeze of March again.

He came towards him and touched his ear, it was Lin Jianfan's bright smile.