
Chapter 66


After several days of strong winds, the sound of the wind was blowing like a torn piece of paper in the ear. In the official winter, the weather is always gloomy, and there is no sunshine for many days.

Liu Yi only stayed at home for a few days before going back to work. Before leaving, he sent a message to Gu Chaoming who was at school saying that he had left, and Gu Chaoming replied, "Be careful on the road."

"Hey, buddy, let's play ball in gym class in the afternoon." After lunch, Su Bing sent an invitation to Gu Chaoming to play ball.

Gu Chaoming refused: "No, the final exam is coming soon, and I have to review."

It is no longer known that this is the first time that Gu Chaoming has rejected him for the reason of reviewing for the final exam.

"Hey, don't be so ruthless with your hair covered, can you combine work and rest, bro, sweat and oil your brain." Su Bing stood at Gu Chaoming's table to persuade.

Gu Chaoming devotes himself to studying, and doesn't even go to play football, which has been in the spirit of the past. Originally equipped with one school scumbag and two school scumbags, now I am left with a school scumbag to play alone

"Why do I feel lonely all of a sudden?" Su Bing complained while leaning against Gu Chaoming's table.

"Are you still alone? Flying around like a moth all day long." After Gu Chaoming finished writing with his fountain pen, he took out a newly bought box of refills from the drawer and twisted the cap off.

Su Bing stroked the position of his heart with his palm, with a resentful look on his face: "You said that you haven't played with me for a long time? I'm so empty here."

"Empty you bastard, what kind of ball do you play in such a windy day?" Gu Chaoming changed the refill and turned to the question that he couldn't do yesterday.

"We can play indoors. Besides, I think the wind has stopped a little bit, so we can play."

The strong winds for several days in a row were indeed a little smaller. Gu Chaoming felt it when he went out in the morning, and there was no strong wind swept by the previous few days.

Gu Chaoming made sure of the questions he would not be able to do, and turned to look at Su Bing.

Su Bing thought that Gu Chaoming had figured it out and had the idea of going to play with him, so he chased after the victory and said to Gu Chaoming, "It's best to play ball on such a day, and there's no wind..."

Before Su Bing finished speaking, seeing Gu Chaoming sticking his head to look elsewhere in the classroom, he wasn't looking at him at all. Su Bing glanced at the direction Gu Chaoming was looking at, and after reading it, he deliberately moved his body to block Gu Chaoming's sight.

Su Bing also wanted to complain, "I only listen to the new people laugh, but not the old people cry."

The translation is, "You don't even play the ball with me, and give me a sneak peek at Lin Jianfan here!"

Who would have thought that Gu Chaoming would only take one look and not give Su Bing a chance to complain at all. He took the exercise book and the pen and opened Su Bing who was blocking his desk: "Okay, I'll play with you in the afternoon, I'll ask Lin Jian first. Fan problem."

Gu Chaoming took the exercise book and walked across the desk to Lin Jianfan, leaving Su Bing to stand alone, just as Cen Xili came in from the back door of the classroom and asked, "What are you doing?"

As soon as Su Bing heard Cen Xili's voice, he ran over and hugged Cen Xili for comfort: "Gu Shuai prioritizes sex over friends."

Cen Xili was busy pushing Su Bing away, he knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, and while pushing Su Bing away, he looked at Lin Jianfan's table.

Lin Jianfan's table was really lively, with five people standing and sitting twice.

When Cen Xili saw Yu Hangwei who was sitting in the seat and turned to face Lin Jianfan, he felt that things didn't seem to be going well, and pushed Su Bing away: "Yu Hangwei is there too."

Su Bing, who wanted to hug Cen Xili for comfort, looked back at Lin Jianfan's table. Yu Hangwei, his grandson, didn't know when to return to the seat. There were several desks across the table. Just looking at the expressions of the people at the table felt the atmosphere. nervous.

Cen Xili's calm temperament began to worry about Gu Chaoming's impulse: "Don't fight with Yu Hangwei if Gu Shuai's temper disagrees."

Don't think that it must be Yu Hangwei who said something ugly again. Yu Hangwei is one of the few transferred from the second year of high school. After the transfer, he got offended by a lot of classmates because of his snarky mouth, and he received a bad reputation in the class. Su Bing, who was sitting on their side, could often hear Yu Hangwei's embarrassing silence.

Like now.

Gu Chaoming "abandoned" Su Bing, and walked to Lin Jianfan's position with the exercise book to tick off the questions he could not do. Chu Yao happened to be coming from the other side with the exercise book.

The two arrived almost at the same time. Gu Chaoming looked at Chu Yao, who was usually carefree and restrained as soon as he arrived in front of Lin Jianfan. Chu Yao did not expect Gu Chaoming to be there, so he raised his head and looked at him.

Looking at each other and seeing that Chu Yao was also holding the exercise book, Ms. Gu Chaoming gave priority and said to Chu Yao, "You go first."

Gu Chaoming asked Chu Yao to go first, and Chu Yao said, "You come first, you go first."

The two people who came to ask questions were humbled.

"You ask first, I'm not in a hurry." Gu Chaoming smiled.

Lin Jianfan sat in his seat and looked up at Gu Chaoming, who was standing at the table, and then at Chu Yao, who was humble.

The two were humble and hadn't started talking about the topic. Jing Jiaru, who was watching from a distance, saw that Chu Yao was in difficulty, and pretended to watch the excitement and walked over.

I wanted to persuade Gu Chaoming to say first that they, Chu Yao, did not know how to do questions, but wanted to take the opportunity to give Lin Jianfan some snacks that she made by herself as a thank you.

This is the real business, and it is inappropriate for Gu Chaoming to look beside him.

As soon as Jing Jiaru came to the table, she just stopped when she heard Lin Jianfan's front table Yu Hangwei turn his head and say something that upset everyone, including her who had just arrived.

Gu Chaoming and Chu Yao gave each other a few words of humility. Yu Hangwei in the front row turned his head and said, "It's good for people to look good, and there are people who are guaranteed to have a little beauty to send you hospitality."

It is no longer an open and secret satire of Lin Jianfan. After chatting with Gu Chaoming last time, Yu Hangwei decided that it was Lin Jianfan who went to Gu Chaoming and asked Gu Chaoming to be his backer, so that he could be so tough.

Yu Hangwei provokes Gu Chaoming and Chu Yao at the same time.

Jing Jiaru seriously asked if Chu Yao was just a face control, and she liked Lin Jianfan's face.

"It's hopeless to like a face, sister."

Chu Yao categorically said no.

Gu Chaoming didn't know the girl's thoughts, but Yu Hangwei's words didn't go well with Gu Chaoming.

After Yu Hangwei finished speaking, he turned his head, Gu Chaoming wanted to get angry, but seeing that Chu Yao's face was not good, he became even more angry.

After chatting in the car last time, Gu Chaoming's disgust for Yu Hangwei has skyrocketed, and now it is accelerating.

In front of his academic bully, Gu Chaoming didn't want to lose his temper and beat people. He also learned to control his temper. Unlike before with You Xin, Chen Haiyang could provoke them with a single word.

Gu Chaoming worked hard to learn to be calm, and first comforted Chu Yao: "Don't pay attention to him."

After that, he still couldn't hold back the boy's temper and wanted to sneer at Yu Hangwei.

If Gu Chaoming was asked to write an 800-character composition, he couldn't, but he was still able to fight people, with the skills he and Su Bing had fought each other for so many years.

Just before he opened his mouth, the back of the hand holding the exercise book was stroked by a cold palm.

Gu Chaoming's hands were warm, Lin Jianfan's palms were cold, one was as warm as the blazing sun, and the other was as cold as moonlight.

Feeling Lin Jianfan's touch, the first thought in Gu Chaoming's mind was why Lin Jianfan's hand was so cold.

Lin Jianfan touched his palm remindingly, Gu Chaoming lowered his head and saw Lin Jianfan who was sitting in his seat shaking his head slightly to persuade him not to be impulsive.

Gu Chaoming understood what he meant, and abruptly suppressed his anger and retorted Yu Hangwei's words.

Lin Jianfan doesn't want Gu Chaoming to get into a quarrel with his classmates because of his own affairs, nor does he want Chu Yao to be unhappy because of Yu Hangwei's words. Lin Jianfan started to be a peacemaker. First, he told Chu Yao that he was going to the toilet, and he went to her seat to give her a lecture in the next class. Chaoming's hands went to the toilet together.

As soon as Su Bing walked to Lin Jianfan's desk and wanted to support them, he saw Lin Jianfan pulling Gu Chaoming, who was still holding the exercise book, out of the classroom.

Gu Chaoming was pulled by Lin Jianfan's arm and looked at Lin Jianfan's back all the way to the toilet, and the corner of his mouth kept secretly snickering.

Today's wind is lighter, and even the physical education teacher advised everyone to do more activities during the gathering, so as not to stand still in winter.

Su Bing borrowed a basketball and played a game profusely. The pressure of learning disappeared with the sweat evaporated from playing.

After a game in winter, Su Bing called out "cool", Gu Chaoming unbuttoned his cotton-padded jacket to dissipate heat, wanted to take it off but was afraid of catching a cold.

Su Bing, who was beside him, had long since taken off his cotton-padded coat to enjoy the winter wind that finally eased slightly.

Cen Xili is a caring little padded jacket, and let Su Bing, who enjoys the winter breeze, put it on.

After a short break, he started the basketball game in the second half of the class. A few people were added in the middle. Ben discussed playing a game. Before the game started, Su Bing said that he had to go to the toilet first.

"You went to the toilet before you even started." Liu Guangyu said.

"Just a while, just a while." Su Bing was really anxious to urinate and couldn't help it.

"I'm going with you, and I want to go too." Gu Chaoming followed Su Bing to the nearby toilet.

The toilet closest to the basketball court has to go up a ladder, and go to the toilet in the teaching building on the ladder.

After using the toilet, Gu Chaoming leaned on the railing of the stairs to swipe his mobile phone, and chatted with Su Bing, who went to pee after urinating.

"How are you? I'll be waiting for you at the stairs." Gu Chaoming sent Su Bing a message.

"It's coming soon, fortunately I brought paper." Su Bing replied in the toilet.

The cotton-padded coat was open, revealing a single single coat inside. Gu Chaoming leaned on the railing and swiped his fingers across the phone screen, and unconsciously began to memorize words in his heart.

He is pushing himself even harder, and wants to accumulate more than one year of hard work in the remaining years, to accumulate a satisfactory result, and to accumulate a summer that allows him to fly away.

Words passed by in my heart, and the winter wind, which had finally calmed down, seemed to be about to rise again. Feng stroked his ear, whispered in his ear, and sent an unequal conversation under the stairs, telling him that his Xueba was being threatened.

Gu Chaoming heard the chatter on the wind and turned to look at the big tree under the stairs.

Gu Chaoming stood behind the railing at a high place, the thick and lush tree branches were densely packed, blocking the figure under the tree.

The green in the gaps of the branches is mixed with the blue and white school uniforms over the cotton jackets, fluttering in the gaps between the branches.

Gu Chaoming stared at the swaying colors between the branches. He didn't hear Lin Jianfan's voice, but he relied on his own feeling to be sure that Lin Jianfan was among them.

As for why, Gu Chaoming didn't think about it, just as naturally he could feel his mother approaching him, he could naturally feel that Lin Jianfan was by his side.

There were dense branches to resist, Gu Chaoming moved his head and adjusted his vision, seeing the scene under the tree, Gu Chaoming desperately endured and calmly was burned by the fire in his heart.

Under the stairs, his familiar figure was forced under the tree, clinging to the thick and lush tree trunk. The bark was mottled, and Lin Jianfan kept retreating until there was nowhere to retreat. The school uniform rubbed against the trunk of the tree, and a lot of fine dust was rubbed against it.

Lin Jianfan didn't speak, he just retreated at a loss, and the people in front of him followed suit.

Wu Shan has never been a person who remembers lessons. He was threatened to death by Gu Chaoming last time, and now he is still following Yu Hangwei to persecute Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan retreated in a panic, Yu Hangwei's disdainful smile grew bigger and bigger.

"Counselor, I knew you were cowardly for a long time, but I didn't expect you to be so cowardly." Yu Hangwei shook his head unexpectedly as he spoke.

"Call someone, you didn't look very good when you asked Gu Chaoming to protect you. Call him."

"Don't hide if you have the ability, why do you back off?" Yu Hangwei hummed.

"I said, you think it's useful for you to find Gu Chaoming, you think that if you look more beautiful, Gu Chaoming will be able to like you, doesn't Gu Chaoming like Cen Xili, hahahaha..."

Wu Shan interjected in the back: "Maybe he has changed his mind."

"Hahahaha, it's possible."

I don't know which one of the two laughs hits the two of them, and the two laughed for a while.

Yu Hangwei approached step by step, he had never seen such a cowardly person as Lin Jianfan. In the past, they blocked others, and the blocked people either begged for mercy, or kept silent and let them bully them, but they haven't started, just say a few jokes, Yu Hangwei hasn't planned to do it, Lin Jianfan is alone Jin stepped back, looking very scared, and when he retreated to the back of the tree trunk, his chest was heaving, and he didn't dare to look at them.

This guy was so cowardly, Yu Hangwei took another step closer, and neither of them noticed Gu Chaoming's head sticking out on the stairs when he heard the voice.

Seeing Yu Hangwei approaching step by step, Lin saw that Fan was leaning against the tree trunk and could no longer retreat, and the panic in his eyes made Gu Chaoming feel distressed.

Gu Chaoming could no longer control what was rational and irrational. Lin Jianfan's eyes began to redden and the distance between the stairs directly caused Gu Chaoming's efforts to maintain the calm boundaries to collapse.

The reddish end of his eyes is the broken pipa string, Gu Chaoming has been tense, Lin Jianfan was bullied, and the broken pipa string burst into Gu Chaoming's heart with a bloodstain.

He only saw Lin Jianfan's red eyes that night, and from that day on, he told himself that he couldn't let him cry anymore, even if he didn't have the identity to think so.

Gu Chaoming couldn't help feeling distressed when he saw Lin Jianfan's reddened eyes, even if he could endure Lin Jianfan crying again, his heart couldn't bear the repeated whipping of the broken pipa string.

How could Yu Hangwei make Lin Jianfan cry!

Yu Hangwei approached again, Gu Chaoming no matter how high the stairs, whether jumping down will make his feet numb, regardless of whether there are signs on the stairs prohibiting climbing, seeing Lin Jianfan's panicked expression and red eyes, Gu Chaoming was too late. Thinking, he chose the fastest method and jumped directly over the railing.

The stairs were a little high, Gu Chaoming supported the railing, jumped up, and landed smoothly.

The sound of the landing alerted the threat and the threatened in front.

Yu Hangwei and Wu Shan turned their heads together, and Wu Shan was so flustered when he saw Gu Chaoming who jumped down.

Why is there him everywhere? I just saw him and Su Bing playing basketball on the basketball court, but I haven't blocked Lin Jianfan on the basketball court. Now Gu Chaoming is here again in the teaching building.

Wu Shan was so nervous that he stepped back.

"Yo, Gu Shuai." Yu Hangwei said hello to Gu Chaoming like a classmate he knew, as if the last chat in the car had never happened.

Yu Hangwei was still smiling, Lin Jianfan wanted to rely on Gu Chaoming, and Gu Chaoming didn't seem to be a good character. Yu Hangwei didn't believe he would care about Lin Jianfan, a little bastard. Maybe he was just talking about it last time.

Gu Chaoming walked towards Yu Hangwei, Wu Shan knew that Gu Chaoming was out of temper, and he had seen him swing the chair directly in the last fight with You Xin. Wu Shan didn't want to get hurt, so he stepped back alertly.

Yu Hangwei stood in place, Gu Chaoming walked towards Yu Hangwei, without waiting for Yu Hangwei's words to come out, he directly greeted him with a punch.

Wu Shan on the side never thought that Gu Chaoming would start the fight directly, so he exclaimed, his mouth so wide that he forgot to close it.

None of the people present expected Gu Chaoming's sudden punch. Lin Jianfan was unfamiliar with the too violent Gu Chaoming.

What Lin Jianfan didn't want to see still happened.

Yu Hangwei was beaten almost to the ground, his head was tilted to one side, and he staggered a few steps to stand firm.

After standing firm, he looked at Gu Chaoming in disbelief: "Gu Chaoming, are you really here?"

After Gu Chaoming finished beating, he walked to Lin Jianfan and used his body to block Lin Jianfan to protect him as before.

Seeing Lin Jianfan's red eyes, Gu Chaoming felt distressed. Gu Chaoming said to Yu Hangwei coldly but fiercely: "When have I ever been here before? I said last time that you will come to me if you want to come, don't look for Lin Jianfan."

Gu Chaoming held Lin Jianfan's wrist with his backhand, feeling his emotional instability, Gu Chaoming held his wrist as usual, tilted his head slightly and said softly to Lin Jianfan, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Raising his head, Lin Jianfan saw Gu Chaoming's broad back and shaved ends again, a scene he was familiar with.

In that early morning, in that evening after school.

"Hahaha, you have the ability." Yu Hangwei laughed a few times and wanted to return the punch he just received to Gu Chaoming while Gu Chaoming was not paying attention.

Gu Chaoming noticed him a long time ago, the phone in his pocket vibrated, and Gu Chaoming didn't care, he first solved the punch that Yu Hangwei threw at him.

Gu Chaoming held Lin Jianfan with one hand and Yu Hangwei's fist with the other.

"Hey, Yu Hangwei!" Su Bing's voice came from the stairs.

Gu Chaoming never returned the message. Su Bing came out of the toilet and saw no one, thinking that Gu Chaoming had left first, and sent two messages to Gu Chaoming to question him. When he walked down the stairs, he saw Yu Hangwei punching Gu Chaoming.

Fortunately, Gu Chaoming caught it.

Gu Chaoming talked to Su Bing and Cen Xili during the morning meal, and saw Yu Hangwei beating people again in the afternoon. Su Bing hurried to Gu Chaoming's side, pushed Yu Hangwei who was beating people away, and said ruthlessly: "Bullying people. My brother, you are courting death!"

Su Bing also has an explosive temper. In the past, Chen Haiyang was just a cheap talker, but now Yu Hangwei started directly. If Gu Chaoming stopped him, Su Bing could greet Yu Hangwei with a fist like when Gu Chaoming first came.

There are many people on the other side. Yu Hangwei looks at Wu Shan who is hiding in the distance, and he is basically alone.

Not wanting to suffer, Yu Hangwei ignored Wu Shan, pointed at Gu Chaoming and said, "You'd better not be a coward, just wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, he left alone, and Su Bing laughed at him behind: "Don't leave if you can."

Looking at Wu Shan who was hiding in the distance, he had already chosen another way to escape.

Su Bing laughed at Yu Hangwei, Gu Chaoming turned around and saw that the redness of Lin Jianfan's eyes was more obvious, reminding him of that night, Gu Chaoming asked, "Are you alright?"

Lin Jianfan looked down at the ground and shook his head. He raised his head and stared at Gu Chaoming's face. After a long time, he said, "It's okay, maybe I'm cold."

Gu Chaoming still wanted to open his mouth to care, but only raised his hand to touch the corners of his red eyes, Lin Jianfan seemed to finally be unable to bear it, and rushed into Gu Chaoming's arms, wrapping his arms around Gu Chaoming's waist, tightening it like a is asking for warmth.

Lin Jianfan buried his head in Gu Chaoming's padded jacket and did not speak. Gu Chaoming tilted his head and could only see Lin Jianfan's soft hair.

Su Bing also laughed at Yu Hangwei, and they hugged each other as soon as he turned around.

what's going on? ah? What did I miss? Did I skip a paragraph

Su Bing had thousands of questions, but Gu Chaoming didn't say anything when he looked at Gu Chaoming's eyes, but Su Bing had an understanding expression, and immediately left the scene with an ok gesture.

Gu Chaoming let Lin Jianfan hold him, his palm gently helped him brush off the dust behind the school uniform, and gently stroked his back.

Gu Chaoming didn't ask him what was wrong, he just let Lin Jianfan hug him tightly.

The winter wind picked up again, and it couldn't blow away the two hugging.

Lin Jianfan's emotions made Gu Chaoming unsteady, but Lin Jianfan's emotions touched his heart.

Gu Chaoming stroked Lin Jianfan's back, and used his profile and ears to rub Lin Jianfan's soft hair.

Lin Jianfan just hugged Gu Chaoming without saying a word, and it took almost a minute to let go. Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan's still red eyes, and wiped the end of his eyes with his fingertips: "Does it feel better?"

Lin Jianfan looked into Gu Chaoming's eyes and nodded.

Gu Chaoming pulled up Lin Jian Fan Bing's cold hand. He felt very cold when he held his hand in the morning. It was also cold when he held his hand: "Are you cold? Your hands are so cold."

Lin Jianfan smiled at him, the corners of his mouth grinned, but the end of his eyes were red: "I don't know."

Gu Chaoming reached out and rubbed Lin Jianfan's head and said, "You fool, your hands are so cold, why don't you wear gloves?"

Lin Jianfan lowered his head.

Gu Chaoming said again: "Raise your head."

When Lin saw Fan obediently raised his head, Gu Chaoming touched his forehead: "I don't have a fever."

"I remember you said before that you will suffer from frostbite in winter, right? Is it because your hands are cold? Can your ears develop?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Lin Jianfan shook his head without speaking.

"That's good, remember to protect yourself this year, and don't get frostbite again."

Lin Jianfan seemed to only nod and shake his head, and then nodded again.

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan and sighed softly, touching his head to stop him from nodding: "Stop nodding, let's go, I'll take you to watch them play."

Gu Chaoming took Lin Jianfan's wrist and walked towards the basketball court.

He is ready to be questioned and ridiculed by Su Bing!