
Chapter 7


The time is a bit short, and the last day of part-time work can't escape being late.

On the way, Gu Chaoming sent a message to the shopkeeper to vaccinate him, saying that he would be late, so as not to be disciplined by the shopkeeper.

The owner is a grumpy middle-aged woman. When she was unhappy, she used to train the little girl in the store to cry. When she was happy, she could spray perfume for four miles.

Perfume is a sign that the store manager is in a good mood, but anyone who smells the store manager spraying perfume again today will know that the store manager must be in a good mood. With a smile on her face, she complimented the store manager, saying that the store manager is so beautiful today, her clothes are so beautiful, and her makeup is good, but behind her back, she scolded her as a dead old woman who can spray half a bottle of perfume.

When Gu Chaoming was moving the goods, several of their regular employees chatted secretly together, and when the shop owner was not around, they gathered around and laughed together.

Gu Chaoming was only in charge of moving and delivering goods, and he just sat in the store and helped to keep the store clean and hygienic. The owner didn't want to recruit people, but the original labor force resigned, and Gu Chaoming just came over to fill the gap.

When I first came here, I saw them gather in a group and said the store manager, seeing that he was a newcomer, and several little girls wanted to bring him into the group. Gu Chaoming didn’t want to participate in a small group like them, so he didn’t respond directly holding the box. go.

Some old employees didn't like new employees very much at first. Gu Chaoming couldn't fit into the atmosphere of the store because he didn't show face. In exchange, the employees in the store were cold-hearted and gossip, and sometimes he deliberately embarrassed him.

Just a few minutes after entering the store, I heard a chatter from the employees outside while helping out in the back kitchen. All the employees who were okay ran to see it. Gu Chaoming was not interested, so he stayed where he was and continued to work on his business.

When the store manager came in, he was holding a cardboard box, which seemed quite heavy. The first employee who responded quickly went to pick it up, but was ordered by the owner to say, "I still have a box in the trunk of my car."

Everyone watched the shopkeeper enter the door, guessing what the shopkeeper had brought.

When I leaned over, I smelled the perfume that the owner had not seen for a long time. It seemed that the owner was in a good mood today.

There is the smell of perfume on the owner's body as an introduction, and everyone is looking forward to it, waiting for the owner to open the box.

When the shop owner opened the carton that everyone was looking forward to, everyone's wish came to nothing. The box is nothing but a box full of flyers!

The box is not big but well laid out, full of leaflets, with the name of the restaurant printed on it, just like the leaflets handed out on the street.

Everyone's interest collectively dropped by a degree, and the box they brought in later failed to increase their interest.

The box contains a set of Doraemon doll costumes.

With a Doraemon doll suit and a box of flyers, the owner's idea is obvious.

Not only did they go out to the streets to hand out flyers at night, but they also had to wear doll clothes.

The weather is so hot, it must be uncomfortable to be stuffed in an airtight doll suit, and you can walk around, stay in the store and feel more comfortable, and you can rest with air conditioning.

In contrast, an employee immediately said: "Ouch, my stomach is uncomfortable."

There was no expression on everyone's face, and they couldn't hide in their hearts: "Don't let me go, don't choose me."

"Then..." The shopkeeper glanced.

At this time, someone suggested: "Isn't Xiao Gu leaving today, he happens to be fine."

The shop owner was struggling and forgot about Gu Chaoming. This proposal was just right, and the shop owner agreed immediately: "Okay, what about Xiao Gu?"

Gu Chaoming was washing his hands in the back kitchen. Hearing the store manager calling his name, he wiped his hands and walked over to see the pile of things on the table and the eyes of the store staff. Needless to say, he understood why he was called here.

"Business has been bad recently. I've printed some flyers. You can distribute them tonight." The store manager pointed to the flyers on the table and said to the other employees around him, "Xiao Gu won't be here tomorrow, and this box of flyers is here. It's definitely not going to finish tonight, you guys don't want to run away, it's your turn in the future."

"I've worked hard for you on the last day of today." The shopkeeper said to Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming had no objection. When he walked to the back lounge with the box, he saw the clerks snickering, and Gu Chao understood them.

Putting on the troublesome Doraemon doll costume, the air conditioner in the store does not feel hot, but as soon as you walk out of the store, the summer tiger will chase after the hot air.

Gu Chaoming likes Doraemon quite a bit. When he was a child, he helped Gu Tao buy cigarettes and alcohol and sat in front of the TV on time to wait for the Doraemon cartoon.

Now he has become Doraemon but has no superpowers, no time machine, and no universal pocket. He can only hand out flyers one by one to passersby.

The visibility in the headgear is not very good. The headgear is as big as an astronaut's helmet, but what can be seen from the astronaut's helmet is the stretched universe and the ancient galaxy, while Doraemon's headgear can only see the boundless night and traffic through the holes in the two eyes. crowd.

It's fine if I don't touch the injured right shoulder, but the movement of handing out the leaflet in my arm also causes a pain in my shoulder.

Pain and darkness were always reminding him of Gu Tao's furious face, reminding him that he was an attempted murderer.

His hands were almost stained with blood.

When a leaflet was rejected, Gu Chaoming fell silent, looking down at the weight stacked in his hands, his eyes piercing the loneliness of Xia Ye and the noise in his ears.

He sees his future self on the flyer that says the big deal.

The one who knelt in front of Gu Tao's body with his hands covered in blood.

Gu Chaoming didn't have the motivation to study, nor did he think about which university to go to, what kind of career he would do in the future, what kind of person he would become, and what kind of people he would be with.

His future is like a wasteland that has never been cultivated, without planning, without expectations, and overgrown with weeds.

He knew that his future could never escape the word Gu Tao.

A fate that cannot be escaped from the moment of birth.

Gu Chaoming's hands were trembling slightly, recalling the moment when he pressed Gu Tao's head into the noodle soup, he thought, maybe, he has no future, the second half of his life will have a few years or decades, or a lifetime, yes will spend in prison.

He was a barren traveler, walking alone on a large, wide desert road. The surrounding air is gray and dry, the roadside is full of dead branches and leaves, and the sound of suppressed crows can be heard in the lonely distance. This road is very long, so long that there is no end in sight, so long that it seems to lead to the horizon. He is the only one on the road, walking to the distance where there is no end in sight.

When he was walking into the distance alone, a young and innocent voice in front of him asked him, "Where's Nobita? Why is Doraemon alone?"

The thoughts return, and the night before me replaces the endless barrenness. A little boy in front of him was raising his head, looking at him sincerely with a pair of eyes and asking the question.

Gu Chaoming, who had just returned to his thoughts, met those pure eyes. He couldn't answer this question. Even if he was not in a daze just now and took this child seriously, he couldn't answer this question.

Why is there no Nobita in Doraemon

Does Doraemon have to accompany Nobita

What should Doraemon do before he meets Nobita

Gu Chaoming didn't want to fool this curious little boy, he thought for a while and wanted to answer: "Because Doraemon hasn't met Nobita yet."

But before he could answer, a gentle voice answered the little boy one step ahead of him.

"Because Nobita is waiting for Doraemon to come home."

It's a boy's voice.

Very gentle, you can hear the special tone of speech for children. A tone of voice that can't help but change in every mouth with a child.

This voice came from the other side of the night, across the galaxy, and slowly came with kindness and love, making Gu Chaoming's heart in a hot doll suit seem to be suddenly warmed by charcoal fire in winter.

Being suddenly warmed also made Gu Chaoming feel the difference in thinking between people. The person who can answer the child like this should be very kind, not as dejected as he is.

"Because Doraemon hasn't met Nobita" and "Because Nobita is waiting for Doraemon to come home", the latter is easier for children to accept.

Such a warm answer coupled with such a soft voice can easily make people think of a good-looking and gentle boy, but with the lessons of Su Bing's girlfriend, Gu Chaoming is a little afraid to jump to conclusions .

Wrapped in a doll suit, Gu Chaoming felt the standing boy crouch down, trying to be at the same height as the little boy.

Curiosity made Gu Chaoming's eyes follow the squatting boy. He wanted to know what a person who could say such a thing looked like.

Because of the squatting posture of the boy, the top of the boy's head was the first thing that caught his eye.

The young man's hair is thick, lush, and fluffy.

When he saw the young man's face clearly, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but be surprised.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly handsome.

The soft voice has a matching face, and the handsome face attracts attention more than his voice.

I have to admit that teenagers can get high marks in terms of appearance and voice. If the girls in the store are there, they must be excited and scream.

Gu Chaoming saw the young man and felt a little familiar, but he thought he had never seen it before.

After crouching down, the teenager grabbed the little boy's chubby little hand and smiled, his thin lips parted slightly, revealing a little snow-white teeth. Facing the little boy, the boy's eyes were full of smiles. He grabbed the little boy's hand and led the little boy to take the rejected flyer from Gu Chaoming's hand.

The little boy stretched out his arms to hug the boy, the boy put his arms around his armpits and picked him up, the little boy showed the flyer in his hand to the boy, and asked, "Brother, I helped Doraemon get this, Doraemon. Can Meng go home and accompany Nobita?"

The teenager hugged the little boy with one hand and pointed at the paper bag holding the flyers in Gu Chaoming's hand with the other hand, and explained to the little boy patiently: "Doraemon has to send all these to others before he can go home. Doraemon The dream is at work, and he cannot go home until he is done."

"How long will Nobita wait?" The little boy saw that there were so many flyers in the bag.

There was a sudden chaos at the end of the lively crowd between the boy and the child talking, and the crowd turned their heads to look at the source of the sound when they heard the sound.

The crowd was split to both sides like a split ocean tide. Doraemon was squeezed into the cluttered crowd and was bumped by someone. The paper bag was too fragile to be squeezed, and it began to burst from the bottom. The flyers were scattered like fish out of the net.

Doraemon, who should have been devastated by the scattered flyers, was like a boulder in a crowded crowd, and he stood motionless and froze in place despite the surging crowd.

Two men in police uniforms ran quickly through the small hole where Doraemon's headgear was used to see the road. Doraemon was shocked, and his heart was tightly grasped by a big hand.

The pain in his shoulder and the figure of the policeman running past reminded him of the sin in his heart.

He went back to the deserted road again.

The prisoner who desperately escaped was finally caught by the police and fell to the ground.

Standing in the crowd, Gu Chaoming saw the policeman handcuff the prisoner's hands with silver-white handcuffs.

The silver-white handcuffs were dazzlingly dazzling by the streetlights.

That thing will be handcuffed to his hands one day, Gu Chaoming thought.

The crowd watching the lively crowd gathered around, chatting and talking non-stop.

The air in the headgear was sultry, and the condensed sweat slipped from his cheeks. Gu Chaoming didn't care. There was only the buzzing of the crowd in his ears.

It was not until the police began to evacuate the crowd that Gu Chaoming seemed to be salvaged from the water. The sticky clothes were sticking back to the skin again, the back of the neck felt sweat slipping down, the sultry air was steaming against the skin, and all the senses returned to normal work.

It's just that there seems to be something missing in his hand. Looking down, there are leaflets at his feet like fairy flowers.

Standing in the center of the flyer, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but chuckle, and squatted down to pick it up with a little effort.

Small fliers are troublesome and commonplace, everywhere, even if they are scattered into a flower. Clear footprints can also be seen on several flyers.

Gu Chaoming squatted down, and he didn't even have to look up to know that some passers-by must cast curious glances at him. You don't have to guess to think of how pitiful his Doraemon, the flyer, is in the eyes of passers-by.

Gu Chaoming didn't care, he stared at the road where people came and went, and picked up the scattered flyers one by one numbly.

The paper bag containing the flyers was torn and can no longer be used. Gu Chaoming could only hold the picked up flyers with his hands, pick up a small stack and tidy them up before picking up the rest.

The chatter of passersby floated in the sky, and the sounds of leather shoes, cloth shoes, and children's shoes touching the ground were mixed in my ears. A pair of sneakers suddenly broke into Gu Chaoming's world, followed by a pair of small shoes parked next to the sneakers.

One big and one small.

The boy squatted down to help Gu Chaoming pick up the flyers on the ground. The little boy had small palms. He learned how to pick up a flyer on the ground. He picked one up and handed it to the boy. He smiled brightly and worked very hard. Pick up strong.

Really kind, Gu Chaoming thought.

The boy's slender fingers and clean manicured nails were reflected by the roadside lights. Gu Chaoming chose liberal arts. His grades were not very good. He searched for the vocabulary in his head, and finally selected the word zhiruosha onion from his vocabulary database.

Those hands with slicing fingers helped him pick up the last few flyers on the ground, and after sorting the picked up flyers squarely, they walked to Gu Chaoming and handed them to him.

Seeing that it was inconvenient for the young man, he told him not to leave. The young man who came back soon had a paper bag in his hand. He took the flyer from Gu Chaoming and put it in the paper bag and handed it to him.

Gu Chaoming took it and said thank you, through the hood, I wonder if the boy heard it.

The little boy knew that he was very happy when he did a good deed, so he clapped his hands and danced happily beside the boy.

"Can Doraemon go home now?" the little boy asked.

The boy didn't know how to answer this time. He picked up the little boy and said, "It should be fine, why don't you ask Doraemon yourself?"

Gu Chaoming didn't answer the little boy, he just had to do a Doraemon who couldn't speak, lest his dejected words would break the little boy's imagination.

The little boy reached out to touch Doraemon, and the boy hugged him and touched him: "Mom is calling us, let's go over."

After speaking, the young man looked at Gu Chaoming with a slight smile, grabbed the little boy's hand and waved goodbye to Gu Chaoming.

"Goodbye Doraemon~" the boy said.

The little boy followed his example and said it again.

Gu Chaoming carried the bag given by the boy and raised his gloved hand to bid them farewell.

The siren sounded from far to near, and the prisoner got into the police car. Gu Chaoming could imagine what he would look like in the future. He would eventually get in such a car, accept the attention of neighbors, and be pointed at by others.

He told himself not to think, but thinking is sometimes uncontrollable.

Doraemon still had more than half of the flyers in his hand. He stared at the direction the police car was driving away, feeling that the wind was too strong tonight, penetrating the sultry doll suit.

He felt as if he was being penetrated by the gentle night wind.