
Chapter 76


Days passed, a new semester was coming, and it was a day when I could see Lin Jianfan every day. When there was still a period of time away from school, Gu Chaoming had already started to prepare for the start of school and began to wait to meet Lin Jianfan.

Gu Chaoming likes school. He used to like school because it was his paradise, a place where he could stay away from Gu Tao. Now Gu Chaoming also likes the school, but the reason he likes the school is that he can see Lin Jianfan.

Gu Chaoming had been preparing for a long time, and the start of the school year was finally coming. A week before the start of school, Gu Chaoming even thought about what clothes to wear when reporting for the start of school, and waited anxiously.

Throughout the winter vacation, I was looking forward to meeting Lin Jianfan. When I didn't meet, I was looking forward to meeting. After meeting, I was looking forward to the next meeting.

In the early morning of the school registration day, Gu Chaoming was still chatting with Lin Jianfan on the way to school.

Many students returned to the campus after a lapse of almost a month, and the vigor of youth was mixed with the melancholy of the beginning of school.

Very excited about the start of school, Gu Chaoming is really the only one in the school.

Looking at the familiar campus, Gu Chaoming took the wind under his feet and quickly walked through the aisle that the school must pass through every morning.

Arriving downstairs in the teaching building, the teaching building resumed the bustle of the school after the winter break. People came and went in the corridors, and people kept going up and down the stairs.

After almost half a month of absence, Gu Chaoming used his fast running advantage to avoid the crowd on the stairs and rushed straight to the floor where his class was located.

So looking forward to it.

Gu Chaoming knew what he expected, but he ran upstairs uncontrollably, which was beyond his expectations.

It turned out that he had only seen him for half a month, and he already wanted to see him so unexpectedly.

Expectation is always accompanied by fantasy. During the day and night before school started, Gu Chaoming would always imagine what it would be like to see Lin Jianfan on the first day of school.

Lin Jianfan might sit quietly and talk to Li Zhao, which is the possibility that Gu Chaoming has thought about the most.

But he didn't expect that on the first day of school, his eyes couldn't help "hands-on" to Lin Jianfan.

Gu Chaoming underestimated his expectations for seeing Lin Jianfan, and underestimated Lin Jianfan's temptation to him.

Gu Chaoming, who quickly rushed to the teaching building, trotted to the front of his class. As soon as he entered the door, the soles of his shoes just stepped on the floor of the second and second classes of the senior high school. His waist that was not covered by clothes made him stop, and he couldn't help swallowing. Next saliva.

Gu Chaoming, who was at the door of the classroom, froze in place, staring at Lin Jianfan's waist that was exposed because he took the clock on the blackboard and stretched his cotton-padded jacket upwards.

Hearing the noise of the classmates who hadn't seen him for a month, Gu Chaoming regained his senses, hoping that his outrageous eyes would not be discovered by the classmates.

Lin Jianfan was surrounded by two girls, one was Shi Cancan, the crying bag, and the other was Shi Cancan's good friend. Gu Chaoming's eyes shifted again, and there was a chair on the lecture table.

Surrounding Lin Jianfan, the girl who changed the battery and the chair on the podium, Gu Chaoming successfully restored the scene before he came.

Lin Jian Fan Ding saw Shi Cancan move the chair to change the battery, and saw Shi Cancan petite and come up to help her.

Thinking of this, when Gu Chaoming walked to the podium, he glanced at Li Zhao's position again, it was empty and no one was there.

Li Zhao, ah Li Zhao, I told you to come late, so you don't come early for such a good opportunity.

"Morning, change the battery?" Gu Chaoming walked over and said.

After replacing the battery cover, Gai Lin saw Fan Wensheng looking towards Gu Chaoming.

Lin Jianfan nodded.

Gu Chaoming stopped by Lin Jianfan's side, his gaze couldn't help but slide down to the waist where Lin Jianfan put down his arms and was covered with padded clothes.

With only a little exposed, Gu Chaoming stared at him for a while.

Dirty, Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan's waist and felt deeply that he was dirty. A seventeen-year-old boy somehow always put ugly and dirty words on himself.

Dirty thoughts, dirty arms, and the object of all dirty deeds are Lin Jianfan.

Seeing Lin Jianfan's bare waist, Gu Chaoming stood at the door of the classroom and thought that Lin Jianfan's waist was so good-looking, quite white, and sharp, making him want to grab one.

Realizing his thoughts, Gu Chaoming honked the train whistle in his mind and stopped immediately.

What are you thinking, it's filthy.

Gu Chaoming, who had a dirty mind, silently took the clock that Lin Jianfan set the time and changed the battery, and turned to help him hang it on the blackboard.

Li Zhaolai was one step late. When Gu Chaoming helped Lin Jianfan hang up the clock and walked down from the podium, Su Bing happened to walk in through the door of the classroom with Li Zhao. When Li Zhao entered the door and saw Shi Cancan on the podium, his eyes almost straightened. .

Su Bing didn't see Gu Chaoming helping Lin Jianfan to hang the clock, but when he came to school, he saw Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan walking down the podium together.

Why does their Gu Shuai look like they have become stupid? Su Bing looked at Gu Chaoming, who was smiling and chatting with Lin Jianfan as he walked off the podium.

Li Zhao next to him also looked at Shi Cancan without blinking.

Su Bing deeply felt that he was surrounded by a group of hormones starting school, and he didn't know how many times he began to miss his ally Cen Xili.

"Xili, come quickly, someone abused me." Su Bing cried inwardly.

"Why hasn't Xili come today?" Su Bing asked Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming shook his head: "How about you send him a message? Old Chen hasn't come to the classroom yet, what are you anxious about?"

Su Bing returned to his seat and sent a message to Cen Xili asking him where he was going, but before receiving a reply, Old Chen, who Gu Chaoming said had not come yet, walked into the classroom.

"Cough cough," Lao Chen coughed twice with his hands behind his back to signal silence, "Have you all arrived?"

Looking around at the empty tables under the podium, it seems that a few people still haven't arrived.

"You're late for the start of school? The monitor will call the name to see who hasn't arrived yet."

Speaking of naming names, Gu Chaoming looked at the empty table beside him. Old Chen set the check-in time. Cen Xili, who was usually not late, turned out to be late today.

It's just reporting. Old Chen should be fine. Gu Chaoming called Su Bing softly in the air and asked if Cen Xili had replied to him.

Su Bing shook his head and spread out his hands, indicating no.

Su Bing didn't receive Cen Xili's reply, and Gu Chaoming also sent a message asking where Cen Xili was.

"Check-in." A loud check-in from the door pulled Gu Chaoming's attention to the classroom door.

Liu Guangyu at the door of the classroom was panting heavily, obviously after running over.

Standing on the podium, Lao Chen turned his head to look out the door, raised his chin and motioned for Liu Guangyu to come in.

Not long after Liu Guangyu entered the classroom, the monitor reported that only Wu Shan and Cen Xili were not there.

Hearing these two names being linked together, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but wonder if it was Wu Shan who made things difficult for them as soon as school started, right

Cen Xili held back his anger and kept his temper, and Gu Chaoming was always afraid that he would be bullied. If Wu Shan really dares to embarrass Cen Xili, let's see if he doesn't knock out Wu Shan's front teeth.

Thinking of Wu Shan bullying others, Gu Chaoming took another look at Lin Jianfan's position, and took a look at Lin Jianfan's front table Yu Hangwei.

Yu Hangwei has been much more honest since he was beaten last time. He didn't say a word to Lin Jianfan at the beginning of school, and pretended not to know each other.

Gu Chaoming was worried that Cen Xili would be bullied by Wu Shan on the road. Wu Shan was afraid of being bullied. Wu Shan only dared to be mad when they were away, but it didn't take long for Wu Shan to rush into the classroom as if he was late.

Lao Chen let him in without saying anything.

Old Chen's long-winded words were almost finished, and Cen Xili hadn't come yet.

Cen Xili never responded to the message sent by Gu Chaoming. While Lao Chen walked to the corridor to call Cen Xili's parents, Gu Chaoming asked Su Bing again whether Cen Xili had replied to his message.

Su Bing shook his head again, no.

Lin Jianfan in front of him turned his head, saw Su Bing and Gu Chaoming worried, and asked, "Will Xili return your information?"

Su Bing nodded while typing.

Gu Chaoming, who gradually began to be anxious, looked at Wu Shan who was sitting in the seat with a bad look.

When did I offend him? Wu Shan thought to Gu Chaoming's eyes.

Seeing Wu Shan's face that he didn't know what was going on, Gu Chaoming withdrew his gaze and let him go.

The news didn't come back, and I couldn't make calls now. Gu Chaoming even wanted to ask You Xin from the science class, did he take Cen Xili away

There is no contact information for You Xin, but once in a class, it was deleted by Gu Chaoming after the breakup.

Gu Chaoming added You Xin through the previous class group, You Xin immediately asked Gu Chaoming what was going on, and usually Gu Chaoming would not add him if there was nothing. Gu Chaoming was also unambiguous, and asked him if he was with Cen Xili.

You Xin, who was cleaning in the class, frowned. He hadn't seen Cen Xili today. Didn't Cen Xili come? You Xin stopped mopping the floor, typed quickly with his fingers on the mop rod, and asked Gu Chaoming, "What's wrong with Cen Xili?"

Knowing that Cen Xili was not with him, Gu Chaoming didn't want to reply to him again, but he was afraid that You Xin would lie, so he asked, "Really not with you?"

You Xin took a photo of the mop in his hand and sent it to Gu Chaoming: "I'm doing hygiene in class, and Xili is really not here."

After posting, You Xin asked worriedly: "What happened to him? Didn't come today?"

Gu Chaoming did not reply.

If he wasn't with You Xin, where did he go? It won't happen, will it

Old Chen in the corridor was still on the phone, Gu Chaoming sneaked to the open back door, and lay on the door frame to eavesdrop on Old Chen's call.

Hearing Lao Chen say "don't worry", "the child may just be late" or something, it seems that Cen Xili's family doesn't know where he is going.

The family doesn't know? runaway? No way? Gu Chaoming guessed that Cen Xili was not so reckless.

"He got up a little late today and went out on a bike. There won't be any accidents on the road, right?" Cen's mother revealed her anxiety on the phone.

"He hasn't come to school yet. I will call you first when he comes..."

Old Chen hung up the phone and walked into the classroom with a visibly heavy expression.

Gu Chaoming just wanted to call Cen Xili, but Lao Chen was in the classroom again.

At this time, You Xin, who was mopping the floor in the science class, was waiting for Gu Chaoming's reply. Gu Chaoming didn't reply for a long time. You Xin couldn't help but click on the contact and call Cen Xili.

There was a bell, but no one answered.

One more hit and still the same.

You Xin made several calls, and You Xin, who made several calls but no one answered, did not know that Cen Xili's mobile phone was in the sewer by the roadside at this time.

The bell rang in the sewer, and the phone screen lit up in the sewage.

The owner of the phone has not found out that his phone is gone.

On the first day of registration, Cen Xi got up late, quickly packed up and went out for a ride, speeding up the pedals while checking the time to avoid being late.

The wind was a little cold in the winter before the spring, and Cen Xili forgot to wear gloves when he went out.

Cen Xili accelerated and paid attention to the road conditions. A motorcycle racing on the road behind him suddenly passed him quickly and knocked him directly to the side of the road.

Fortunately, Cen Xili didn't hit it directly, just because the two cars were too close, and after rubbing it, Cen Xili's bicycle fell to the side of the road.

In a hurry, Cen Xili wanted to step on the ground to prevent falling, but found that it was in vain. Instead, the resistance under his feet made him go straight to the bushes on both sides of the road. With a swipe of the wheel, he fell into the side of the road together with the person and the car. in the bushes.

After he fell, he felt a piercing pain in his left leg, his face rushed into the bushes first, without looking in the mirror, just from the slight pain on his face, Cen Xili knew that his face must be cut by the bushes. The bike was pressing on my foot, and the pain in my left leg directly overshadowed the pain elsewhere in my body.

Cen Xili pushed away the bicycle with his legs on him, and passers-by helped him up and asked him how he was doing.

Cen Xili stood on one leg, and his left leg was so painful that he couldn't touch the ground. The kind-hearted person helped him up the bicycle again, and Cen Xili thanked him.

The person who hit him with a bicycle was a bit conscientious. He thought he had escaped and ran away, but he came back after riding a circle, stopped in front of Cen Xili, who was standing on one foot, and took off his helmet.

"How are you?" the man asked while holding his helmet.

Seeing the scratches on Cen Xili's face: "Oh hoo, it doesn't look like it's okay."

The passerby who was helping saw that the kid on the bike had a wrong attitude and persuaded him: "Is this the guy you hit? Don't ask if anything is okay, take him to the hospital for a check first."

The passers-by who helped call him a young man, because the young man who rammed someone looked so young that it made people wonder if he had a driver's license.

The passers-by who helped have a sense of justice. The teenager who was afraid of bumping into someone was the kind of gangster in society who wanted to repay his debt, and the teenager who was bumped looked like a good student and was wearing a school uniform.

The passers-by saw it right, but they only saw Cen Xili right. Cen Xili was a good student, but the boy who bumped into someone was not a social bastard, and he had no idea of escaping.

The racing teenager crouched down, saw that Cen Xili's left foot seemed to be in pain, and pinched Cen Xili's injured left foot.

Cen Xili was pinched in pain, and with a hiss, retracted his leg. The pain in his leg and the boy's grinning behavior made Cen Xili lose his usual good temper, and withdrew his leg and gave him a hard look at the boy.

The racing teenager smiled crookedly. Seeing that Cen Xili retracted his foot in pain, he stretched out his hand and squeezed it like a prank.

Cen Xili frowned, not because he was pinched by the teenager, but because he thought how could this person be like this? Even though he made someone else fall, I didn't say sorry, I knew he was injured, and it was not enough to squeeze his leg once, so he continued to squeeze.

Cen Xili glared at him again. The racing teenager didn't care about his injury, but smiled and said, "You look like a little wild cat when you stare at people."

Because he found that Cen Xili stared at him like a little wild cat, the racing teenager wanted to see him again, so he pinched him twice.

The racing teenager stood up, patted his hand wearing black leather gloves, and was fully equipped for racing.

From the first time he saw him, Cen Xili had classified him as a ghost fire boy or a non-mainstream.

If he knew that Cen Xili looked at him like this, the racing teenager would unreasonably talk to him about it: "What is the ghost fire boy? Why are you like my dad at such a young age? I am called a racing enthusiast, and I will go to the competition in the future. understand?"

The racing teenager glanced at Cen Xili and asked plainly, "Can I still go?"

Cen Xili gave it a try, but his left foot hurt when he took a step, and he couldn't walk at all, so he shook his head. The racing teenager looked at it and sighed, and asked Cen Xili to lock the bicycle.

Cen Xili couldn't move his legs at all, so he could only hop on his right leg. He had to bend down and squat down to lock the bike. Seeing that Cen Xili's movements were not very neat, the racing teenager walked up to his bike and helped him lock the bike.

After locking the bike, the racing teenager thanked the passerby who helped, and the passerby said, "It's alright, but you shouldn't ride the bike in the future."

"I know, I know." said the racing teenager.

Cen Xili stood on the spot with a limp, and the racing teenager walked up to his car and raised his head at him: "Come up and take you to the hospital."

"You can't go without hurting your leg, right?" Seeing that Cen Xili didn't move, the racing teenager walked back to Cen Xili from the car and asked.

Cen Xili sighed, obviously not happy and said, "Yes."

Jumping to the teenager's car like a kangaroo with one leg, only to be laughed at by the teenager

Cen Xili frowned rarely, the boy burst into laughter, Cen Xili glared at him: "What are you laughing at?"

"Hey, don't be angry." The racing teenager said with a smile.

Cen Xili sighed again, complaining that he was unlucky to meet such a person.

Still complaining, his body lightened, and he was slapped and picked up by someone. Cen Xili's body hung in the air, his heart stopped, and he was startled.

"What are you doing?!" Cen Xili shouted, who was hugged sideways.

The racing teenager hugged the struggling Cen Xili and said, "Don't move around, I'll take you into the car, little kangaroo."

Being forcibly carried into the car, Cen Xili experienced the first time in his life racing. Feeling very bad, he arrived at the hospital without a helmet and his hair was blown like a bird's nest.

The boy laughed at him again, Cen Xili was in a bad mood as he arranged his hair.

When he arrived at the hospital, the racing teenager didn't rush to register, but made a phone call first. Cen Xili stood by and listened to their conversation and found that his father might still be a doctor.

Are doctors' sons easily rebellious? Cen Xili stood aside and thought.

His guess was right. After the leg was treated, the foot was put in a plaster cast, and he was walking on crutches. When he walked to the hospital corridor, he saw the racing teenager being reprimanded by a doctor in a white coat.

The racing teenager leaned against the wall of the hospital with a look of "I don't care, you keep talking".

Seeing Cen Xili walking over with a cane, the racing teenager couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing, you can still laugh when you bump into someone?" The doctor roared at the hospital, paying attention to the volume.

The racing teenager looked at Cen Xili and said to his father, "The person who was hit is here."

The doctor turned his head and saw Cen Xili who was approaching with a cane. He quickly walked over to apologize to him: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm Guan Hui's father and the doctor here. I'm really sorry for bumping into you."

Cen Xi said quickly, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Everyone says it's alright," said the racing teenager leaning against the wall.

The doctor turned his face to face his son and the injured Cen Xili had a completely different face.

The racing boy turned his face away.

"Don't worry, we cover all medical expenses," the doctor saw Cen Xili's school uniform and found that Cen Xili and his son belonged to the same school.

"Guan Hui, are you alumni?" The doctor turned his head and asked his son.

"You just found out?" The racing teenager rolled his eyes. He drove behind Cen Xili and saw his school's school uniform, so he knew that Cen Xili belonged to his school.

The way the two fathers and sons get along, Cen Xili can't say anything.

"After that, you can take care of others more," the doctor said to his son, and then asked Cen Xili what grade he was in, what his name was, and which class he was in.

Knowing that Cen Xili's name was Cen Xili, he was a sophomore in high school. After the second class, the doctor said to his son, "It's your senior, why don't you come over and apologize to me?"

The racing teenager named Guan Hui refused to accept: "What senior, I'm seventeen too? It's not good to study late."

"Look at the seventeen-year-old, and then look at you. You don't understand anything like a child," the doctor said.

"What month is your birthday?" Guan Hui asked Cen Xili.

"What are you doing?" Cen Xili was very defensive against this young racing boy with a bad impression. In the impressions of Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, Cen Xili has always been gentle to people, and Gu Chaoming and Su Bing never thought that he would actually meet someone who could make Cen Xili so defensive.

"Just ask," said the racing teenager.

"It's okay, he's just like that, he doesn't know what to do." The doctor explained.

Then Cen Xili answered hesitantly, "April 23."

"Hahahaha..." The racing teenager suddenly laughed in the hospital, "I am September 3rd, isn't it natural that you are older than me and a little more mature than me?"

So he asked where is his birthday? ?

Cen Xili looked like you are joking with me.

The doctor couldn't help sighing when he saw his disobedient son: "He's just like this, the child's temper, don't bother with him, aren't you starting school today? Are you in a hurry? Anyway, he's not in a hurry, do you want to let me know? Home and school?"

Cen Xili didn't know that Lao Chen and Gu Chaoming were looking for him in the school. Cen Xili wanted to call Lao Chen and took out his school uniform pocket, but found that the pocket was empty and there was nothing in it.

What about cell phones? Cen Xili searched both pockets, but found none.

"Are you looking for your mobile phone?" the racing teenager asked. "When your mobile phone fell, it fell into the sewer. If your mobile phone is of good quality, it may still be useful to call the fire department to retrieve it now, but it stinks a bit."

Cen Xili looked at him inexplicably.

The doctor worried about his son: "Did the phone drop? Guan Hui, you paid for it yourself. You paid for the medical expenses. Don't ask me to pay for the mobile phone."

"Cut," Guan Hui said disdainfully, "you will pay, I will let grandma take the money."

The doctor hated that iron could not be made of steel: "You know that you can ask grandma to take the money. If grandma doesn't give you the money, I see that you can't drink the northwest wind."

Cen Xili stood there quite speechless, and said no, no, no, but how to shirk it, the doctor insisted that his son pay it back, and let his son take good care of him.

"What class are you in?" The doctor turned to ask his son.

"You don't know how many classes I am in. You are still my dad."

Typically feels that his father does not love him.

"Come on." The doctor said in a more serious tone.

"Grade 1 and 1, Guan Hui, the sixth table of the second major group, student number 02, head teacher Zhu Guangtou, the deputy head of the first class, follow your instructions," Guan Hui introduced himself in a long and disdainful tone, and added at the end: "Okay? Can I go?"

"Where to go? Take him back to school, and you will go back to school for me too," the doctor said.

"Chengchengcheng, please do it." Guan Hui put his pocket in his pocket and walked to Cen Xi's body, extending his hand to ask.

"Take good care of others, if they come to sue me so that I won't kill you."

Before leaving, the doctor also handed Cen Xili a business card: "This kid will call me if he is disobedient, and I will teach him a lesson."

Completely different attitudes of father and son.

Going out of the hospital, Guan Hui stopped a taxi, opened the door and let Cen Xili sit in.

Guan Hui pulled the door and saw that Cen Xili couldn't go in: "What are you waiting for? If you don't go in, you still want me to hug you?"

"You don't drive anymore?" Cen Xili asked.

"Driving a fart, it hit you, do you think my dad would still drive it for me?" Guan Hui took Cen Xili's crutches under his arm and pushed him into the car.

Cen Xili looked out the window and heard that Guan Hui told the driver that it was not the school's address. Cen Xili asked, "Where are you going if you don't go to school?"

"Take you to buy a mobile phone? You don't want it? Don't pull it down." Guan Hui leaned against the back of the taxi and said.

After Cen Xili bought a mobile phone and changed a calling card, I don't know how long it has passed. Cen Xili called the family as soon as possible to tell them not to worry, and then called Lao Chen to explain.

On the chat software, he saw that Su Bing and Gu Chaoming replied to the messages sent to him one by one. Lin Jianfan also sent him messages, and Cen Xili replied one by one to report safety.

After replying to all of them, only one of them was of special concern. Cen Xili finally clicked on the chat interface with him.

They all asked him where he was, and when he saw the message and asked him to reply, Cen Xili slowly typed the words "I'm fine" on the keyboard.

The opposite immediately replied, Guan Hui leaned against the back of the chair and suddenly said, "You Xin from the basketball team in the second year of high school?"

After replying to You Xin's message, Cen Xili said to Guan Hui, "Did no one tell you not to peek at other people's phones?"

"I didn't peek," Guan Hui turned his face away, he just turned his head and wanted to ask him, "How are you feeling?" When he saw that he had been staring at the phone, he accidentally saw the word You Xin. Flashed, never intended to peek.

Cen Xili ignored him, and Guan Hui repeated: "I didn't peek, I never peek at other people's phones."

Cen Xili really didn't want to pay attention to him: "Alright, alright, don't peek, little brat."

"Little brat?" Guan Hui looked at Cen Xili, who said he was a brat, in disbelief. In Guan Hui's world, calling him a little brat is tantamount to scolding him.

I don't know if he was infected by Guan Hui after staying with Guan Hui all morning, Cen Xili also replied childishly: "Are you younger than me and not a kid?"

"I'm a few months younger than you."

"I'm still young for a few months, will you hear me from the senior later?" Cen Xili said.

"Senior ass."

"If you don't call senior, I'll call your dad." Cen Xili took out the doctor's business card and threatened him.

"You look gentle, I didn't expect so much bad water in your stomach." Guan Hui said that he was going to grab the business card in Cen Xili's hand.

Cen Xili put his hand away: "I know the name of the hospital your father is in. It's useless if you take it away. I'll call or go to the hospital and ask."

"Are you called Senior?" Cen Xili asked Guan Hui proudly.

This time, Guan Hui couldn't do anything about him, so he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Xue, Chang!"

"Good, that's right." Cen Xili reached out and touched Guan Hui's head and said with a smile.

Guan Hui was forced to call his senior when his head was touched, and leaned on the back of the chair angrily.

Cen Xi stood beside him and laughed at him.

Sure enough, childishness is contagious.