
Chapter 77


It was only a few days after the start of school, and Gu Chaoming's eyes could not help drifting in the direction of Lin Jianfan, but he had to listen carefully in class, and he was afraid that he would miss important knowledge points if he was not paying attention.

"Who came up to write this question?" The math teacher stood by the podium with his usual water cup.

"Raise your hand." Cen Xili, who had a plaster on his leg, patted the hand that Gu Chaoming wanted to raise but didn't dare to raise under the table.

Mathematics is Gu Chaoming's weakness, and he is afraid of making mistakes. People who used to dare to play Sudoku and read novels in Lao Chen's class are now afraid to raise their hands when they do a question on the blackboard.

"That's good, Gu Chaoming, come up and do it."

A long-lost hand was raised by the back door of Class 2 and 2 of Senior High School. The math teacher forgot when Gu Chaoming raised his hand to answer a question last time. Seeing Gu Chaoming raising his hand, the math teacher immediately ordered him to come on stage.

The math teacher asked Gu Chaoming's name, and the classmates turned to look at Gu Chaoming. Gu Chaoming walked onto the podium holding the draft book for calculating the answer.

His raised hand was very high, and he walked up to the podium with steady steps. It was not like he had hesitated for a long time, almost gave up, and raised his hand only after Cen Xili's encouragement.

Maybe Gu Chaoming is usually sunny and poisonous, and he likes to fight with Su Bing too deeply. The classmates never imagined that Gu Chaoming, who is holding chalk on the podium, actually beats his heart louder than the drum of war.

With his image in the past, his steady steps on the podium, and his smooth writing on the blackboard without pauses, the students sitting below thought that Gu Chaoming on the podium was confident, but only Gu Chaoming himself knew that his brain was blank. Watch the writing process.

He didn't know how he got out of the sense of stability in the eyes of his classmates in the few steps he took to the podium. When he walked through the aisle between the desks and came to the stage, Gu Chaoming turned his head to look at their classmate, Lin Jianfan. When Xueba Lin saw Fan sitting in the seat, he also looked at him and gave him a bright smile after meeting his eyes.

After holding the chalk and writing the answer, the inner tension gradually dissipated, and the confidence gradually filled.

Putting down the chalk, he turned around confidently and was about to walk off the podium. Gu Chaoming looked off the stage, and received a thumbs up from Lin Jianfan.

When the math teacher put a big red tick on his answer, Gu Chaoming's heart burst with joy and pride.

As long as you dare to take the first step, you have solved one of the biggest problems on your journey.

Lin Jianfan is the star in ordinary days, the broken gold on the sea, the strawberry on the cream cake, and all the good things in his tired life.

The physical education class brought Lin Jianfan and Su Bing and Cen Xili to sit on the playground and chat, seeing their smiling faces, lying down and seeing the clouds in the sky that were lazy and unwilling to move, and hearing that Su Bing was acting stupid again, Lin Jianfan Being amused by the voice, Gu Chaoming realized that the world did not owe him, but had already sent the best things in the world to him.

If you can lie down and see the clouds in the sky, if you can reach out and touch Lin Jianfan's face, if you can open your ears and hear Su Bing go to provoke Cen Xili again, the darkness of the previous 17 years seems to have been compensated.

No, it's not that he is compensated, but that beauty has always been by his side, but he is stubbornly staring at the darkness. There was a mother's love in what he thought was a dark childhood, even if she had become someone else's mother now. In addition to his mother, he also has a "green good mood" brother Liu Yi who guides and accompanies him.

Life has never treated anyone badly. He will surprise you sooner or later. You just need to wait quietly. As long as you look at the world from a beautiful perspective, the world will give you a better world.

Gu Chaoming, who was lying on the winter playground and feeling it, was "scolded" by Cen Xili, who had not removed the cast on his leg.

"Don't lie down in winter. There is moisture on the ground. The weather is better these days."

Gu Chaoming: "Xili, you should be called Mommy, so nagging, Mommy Cen."

Being kindly cared and being complained about, Cen Xili sat on the playground and turned his head to look for something. Su Bing took the crutch and handed it to him very well.

Cen Xili got the crutches, and the crutches instantly changed from a moving tool to a beating tool. Cen Xili hit Gu Chaoming with a cane, and Gu Chaoming flexibly avoided and got up from the playground.

"Hey, you can't hit me."

Since being beaten by Cen Xili with a cane once, Gu Chaoming can tell from Cen Xili's gesture of holding the cane whether he wants to leave or hit someone with a cane.

Gu Chaoming, who had flexible legs, "bullied" Cen Xili, who had cast a cast on his leg and made it difficult for him to move. Relying on his flexible legs, he teased him and said, "Come and hit me."

Seeing the noisy Gu Chaoming, Cen Xili couldn't help but think of the boyish Guan Hui who had dinner together at noon.

Speaking of Guan Hui as a kid... Well, Cen Xili has always regarded Guan Hui as a little kid who hasn't grown up.

To say that Guan Hui hit him the first time he saw him riding a motorcycle, and pinched his injured leg twice, Cen Xili didn't have a good impression of him, thinking he was a naughty little brat from a relative's family , or it was because he felt that his father didn't care about his mother and he didn't love the little boy who only grandma was willing to accompany him, but when he got in touch, he found that this little boy really had two brushes.

He thought he would deal with it casually because he was threatened by his father. Cen Xili didn't even think about asking this little kid to help him. After all, he didn't know much about it. Tian got his contact information out of nowhere and asked him what he wanted to eat for lunch.

"What do you want for lunch?"

Suddenly receiving a text message from an unknown number, Cen Xili was puzzled and asked Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, but they all said they didn't know each other. Cen Xili thought it was the wrong person and ignored it.

Who would have thought that the strange number sent another text message after the third class: "Come on, if you don't talk, you won't have to eat."

Cen Xili was full of question marks: "...??? Who is this?"

It's just that the tone of this speech seems a little familiar.

"Did you send it to the wrong person?" Cen Xili replied.

"Aren't you Cen Xili?"

"I am, who are you? How do you know my number?" Cen Xili searched in his mind for the tone of who it was speaking.

He never thought that Guan Hui would come to take care of him, and thought that Guan Hui had already done his own thing.

"You don't have to know how I know," the other said.

Why does this person speak so rudely? Cen Xili held the mobile phone, and the crutches that were leaning against the wall at the table slipped, and the passing classmates helped to pick it up.

Cen Xili put down the crutches to say thank you to the classmates who helped, and then picked up the phone, suddenly thinking of Guan Hui in his mind.

No wonder he felt like he had heard this tone before, it turned out to be Guan Hui's little brat.

"Are you Guan Hui?" Cen Xili asked.

"It's Uncle Ben." Guan Hui sat in the seat and laughed at Cen Xili's IQ. He finally guessed that it was him, typed the words "It's Uncle Ben" and sent it, grabbing a packet of biscuits from his tablemate and tearing it apart. eat.

Waiting for Cen Xili's reply, and seeing that Cen Xili was about to go to class, Guan Hui couldn't wait to ask, "What are you going to have for lunch?"

Cen Xili frowned while chatting with him. There was no room for rejection in Guan Hui's tone. He asked him what he wanted for lunch? Is he going to bring it up

When the class bell rang, Cen Xili hurriedly replied, "Whatever."

After class, Gu Chaoming closed his textbook, stretched his waist, and glanced at Lin Jianfan. After stretching, he pulled his clothes and turned to ask Cen Xili what he had for lunch today.

Seeing Cen Xili's slow and thoughtful appearance, Gu Chaoming patted Cen Xili's back and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"It's fine." Cen Xili said, he was just hesitating whether to ask Gu Chaoming and the others to help bring the food or wait for Guan Hui to bring the food.

Guan Hui sent a message asking him what he wanted to eat, because he wanted to bring him food, but he didn't have a letter, Cen Xili hesitated, afraid that Guan Hui would just talk. If you don't ask Gu Chaoming to bring the meal, if Guan Hui doesn't come, there will be no food at noon, so he asks Gu Chaoming to bring it, but he is afraid that Guan Hui will buy the meal.

Hesitating, Gu Chaoming said, "How about Su Bing and I pack up and eat together?"

"Forget it, go down first, someone will bring me food." Cen Xili chose to trust Guan Hui.

Although Guan Hui looks unreliable and doesn't speak very pleasantly, in fact, there is no malice in his words, just a child's temper.

In the quiet classroom in the afternoon, the clock hand on the blackboard moved quietly to point to the lunch break, and the lively sound outside the teaching building floated upstairs vaguely by the wind.

There was only Cen Xili with his legs wrapped in the classroom in the afternoon. Cen Xili sat in the seat and picked up a novel and read it boringly.

Guan Hui carried the rice to the territory of the second year of high school, and followed the class sign beside the door to find the second class of the second year of high school.

Walking into the senior's territory, the general juniors and juniors can't help but feel a sense of oppression and tension, but Guan Hui is different. He is walking in his class with the "casual" meals he bought for Cen Xili. Also look around like sightseeing.

There were few classrooms in the afternoon, and most of the classrooms passing by were empty. After successfully finding the second and second class of high school, Guan Hui walked into the classroom with the packaged meals.

Seeing Cen Xili beside the back door of the classroom, Guan Hui's strides slowed down, and the softly humming tune stopped.

He took the lunch box and approached gently, Cen Xili lay on the table motionless, the thin novel in his hand would not fall off, he breathed evenly between his nose, his eyes were closed, the wound on his face was healed, and he put it on Lin I saw the Band-Aid that Fan gave to Gu Chaoming and Gu Chaoming gave him again.

Cen Xili's facial features are soft and not aggressive, especially when he is asleep. Walking into the classroom and seeing him sleeping, Guan Hui quietly approached to take a peek at his sleeping face.

Yesterday, I felt that his senior looked like a little wild cat when he stared at him, but today he was more like a small house cat after falling asleep.

Maybe just annoyed by him yesterday.

Guan Hui still prefers to see Cen Xili's little wild cat.

Guan Hui didn't plan to peek at Cen Xili's sleep again, but first took out his mobile phone and took a candid photo of Cen Xili's sleeping face, and then got ready to flick Cen Xili's head-snapping fingers, sighing in front of his mouth, "sharpening the knife", thinking I woke up Cen Xili, who was sleeping when he was reading a novel, and wanted to see him go wild.

Guan Hui was ready, he didn't know that Cen Xili had always called him a brat in his heart, and he didn't know that his current behavior was exactly the behavior of a brat in Cen Xili's mind.

A person in the classroom who was asleep and peeking did not notice You Xin, who passed by the back door and glanced into the classroom, and returned after seeing the scene in the classroom.

Cen Xili reported to school and disappeared. Gu Chaoming asked Cen Xili if he was with him. Only then did You Xin know that Cen Xili did not come to report. I sent many messages to Cen Xili but didn't reply, and finally turned off the phone.

You Xin didn't receive Cen Xili's reply until Cen Xili changed his phone to a new phone. As soon as he received Cen Xili's reply, You Xin immediately told Gu Chaoming that Cen Xili was fine, only to realize that he was the last one to know that Cen Xili was fine.

Cen Xili really didn't want You Xin to know about his injury, but the student union checked the next day, and You Xin was also inside as the student union president.

Cen Xili was injured on his foot, and he was sitting again, so when You Xin walked into the second shift, he initially stared not at Cen Xili's injured leg but at the crutches standing beside Cen Xili's desk.

You Xin stared at the crutches for several times, then turned his gaze to Cen Xili's legs.

With the resistance of the table and chair, in order to see more clearly, You Xin ignored Gu Chaoming's eyes and walked to Cen Xili's table, pretending to check the hygiene, but in fact it was to check Cen Xili's plastered leg.

Cen Xili didn't want to let You Xin know, although You Xin already knew, Cen Xili stretched out his hand slightly uneasy to block his leg.

The crutches leaning against the desk slipped to the ground because of the slight shaking of the desk, and the wooden crutches collided with the floor making a crisp sound.

The fallen crutches seemed to remind You Xin: "Look, Cen Xili is injured!"

Cen Xili felt extremely embarrassed: "..."

Using his good quality of being helpful, You Xin helped Cen Xili pick up the crutches that had fallen to the ground, and put the crutches inside.

"Thank you." Cen Xili whispered.

Gu Chaoming turned his head to stare at Wu Shan, who likes to spread rumors, and threatened Wu Shan with his eyes: "Don't spread rumors to me, try it if you have the ability to spread rumors."

Looking back, he didn't intend to see Lin Jianfan who was looking at him, Gu Chaoming's threatening eyes on Wu Shan burst into a whole spring from winter to spring.

Lin Jianfan just responded with a smile, and Gu Chaoming's life was floating on the sea.

Su Bing, who was sitting at the back table of Lin Jianfan, saw the two smiling at each other, and roared inwardly: "Why don't you tell me why you are not together, what do you mean by not being together?"

Su Bing sat behind Lin Jianfan every day, eating dog food as much as he could. The location was unique. Those who didn't know it thought that Gu Chaoming was watching him.

Su Bing: "How much did I pay for you? Father's love is like a mountain!"

You Xin didn't think too much about the morning, so he squatted down and helped Cen Xili pick up the crutches. Passing by the second class at noon, I saw Guan Hui peeking at Cen Xili sleeping.

A person who does not know is not a person from the second class, he knows most of the second class.

Seeing Guan Hui approaching the sleeping Cen Xili, You Xin had already walked by but still fell back, and Chen Haiyang beside him wondered what happened to him.

"What are you doing?" You Xin walked into the classroom of Class 2 from the back door and questioned Guan Hui, who was about to play Cen Xili.

Guan Hui didn't take back his hand that was about to play Cen Xili's head, but instead asked You Xin, "Who are you?"

Guan Hui had only heard of You Xin's name and did not know anyone else.

The other party didn't report his family name, and You Xin didn't want to tell him who he was. You Xin said to Guan Hui in the name of the student union: "How do you bring takeaways into the school, don't you know that takeaways cannot enter the school gate?"

That's it? Chen Haiyang followed You Xin into their previous second class, and when he saw Cen Xili was sleeping, he thought that You Xin was going to do something to the sleeping Cen Xili, or to the person next to Cen Xili who didn't know his name. The takeaway box into the classroom

Hearing You Xin's words, Guan Hui only felt that the person in front of him was a weirdo with dead rules. Guan Hui pointed to the sleeping Cen Xili and said, "His leg is injured, can't I bring him food?"

You Xin thought that Gu Chaoming and the others would help Cen Xili bring meals, but it turned out to be an unknown person.

"Where are Gu Chaoming and the others? They won't let you bring them?" You Xin asked.

"Who is Gu Chaoming?" Guan Hui wondered.

Looking at Guan Hui's puzzled expression, You Xin is also puzzled. I thought it was Gu Chaoming who couldn't bring food to Cen Xili and asked him to help, but he didn't know Gu Chaoming? Who is he? How are you in the second class classroom? How can I bring food to Cen Xili? Looking at his gestures, you still want to play Cen Xili's head? Is he familiar with Cen Xili

A bunch of questions have not been resolved, and the person on the other side has an expression that doesn't want to answer you directly, and his dislike for your strict rules has already been shown on his face.

He couldn't ask anything. You Xin didn't plan to continue chatting with him. He walked to Cen Xili's table and patted Cen Xili's back: "Wake up."

You Xin patted it softly but with a bit of "get up quickly" and seemed to be angry inside. Cen Xili, who was asleep, was patted by You Xin, and when he saw You Xin's face in the drowsiness, he thought he was in a dream. Why are you here

The sober Cen Xili looked around again. When he woke up, Chen Haiyang, who usually embarrassed him, and Guan Hui, who brought him food, were there.

What's the situation? Why did the world change when he woke up? He was still reading a book a moment ago.

"He said he would bring you food, do you know him?" You Xin asked after he woke up.

Cen Xili looked at Guan Hui who was pointing at the packing box on the table, then looked at You Xin next to him, and nodded: "I know."

"That's good." You Xin simply dropped a sentence, walked past Chen Haiyang, who was leaning against the back door, and walked out of the classroom.

Why is he angry again? Cen Xili, who knew You Xin, knew that You Xin was angry, but he didn't know why he was angry.

When You Xin is angry, only his own heart is always fluctuating, and everything around him will not feel the anger rising in his body. When he is angry, he is not like a balloon that has been punctured and exploded suddenly. When he was angry, it was a balloon with a tiny hole. No hole was found, but the balloon kept getting smaller. He will only get angry alone, and digest his anger in unknown places.

Only Cen Xili could clearly perceive that You Xin was sulking as soon as he woke up, while Guan Hui only thought that You Xin was a senior who sticks to the rules and is particularly arrogant.

His most hated type.

"Who is he?" Guan Hui sat opposite Cen Xili and asked as he opened the lunch box.

"You Xin." Cen Xili picked up the chopsticks and answered lightly.

"He's You Xin? Why is he so different from what the girls in our class said, he's still a male god, just an old man thinking." Guan Hui complained.

Cen Xi looked down at the dishes, and when she heard this, she raised her eyes to look at Guan Hui.

"Don't mention that old man, eat, eat, I've brought you some food, don't call my dad, and I think I'm considerate enough." Guan Hui's emotions and Cen Xili's emotions are not the same At sea level, Cen Xili didn't know how Guan Hui was so happy, and he could be so happy by himself. This might be a child's skill.

During the meal, Guan Hui gave full play to his familiar character, and after a few words, he started chatting with Cen Xili.

Cen Xili responded a few words while eating, and the deeper the conversation, the more he realized that although Guan Hui had childish temperament, childishness was not all he had.

Because of the racing, Cen Xili has an ordinary prejudice against Guan Hui, thinking that his grades will not be very good. Although he is in the first class, Guan Hui said that his grades are in the top ten of their class? Cen Xili was shocked while eating.

Guan Hui likes racing cars, and he can’t stop when he mentions the racing cars. Although Cen Xili doesn’t understand what he says, and is as uninterested as Gu Chaoming teaching him to play basketball, Cen Xili never denies other people’s interests and knows that Guan Hui is his own interest. So hard, he is quite impressive.

Guan Hui felt that the meal was unexpectedly good. No one in the family wanted to listen to his hobbies, and he did not stop him but did not agree. Even though his grades were good enough, his family still did not allow him to play racing cars, saying it was too dangerous, only Cen Xili would listen to him seriously.

This senior is quite good, unlike You Xin's "old man".

Guan Hui felt that Cen Xili respected his preferences and also felt that he liked to eat with him, and decided to bring him meals in the future.

Guan Hui's decision was so quick and clear.

"What do you want to eat tomorrow?" Guan Hui asked as he packed the lunch box on the table.

"Are you coming tomorrow?" Cen Xili looked at him.

"Of course," Guan Hui said with a smile, "I not only come tomorrow, I come every day."

Su Bing and Gu Chaoming were afraid that Cen Xili would be bored alone upstairs, and went upstairs after eating early. When they entered the door, they happened to hear Guan Hui say this. Su Bing rushed up, patted Guan Hui on the shoulder, and said jokingly, "A few Ben, what are you doing?"

Guan Hui looked at Su Bing who beat him for no reason, and asked angrily, "Who are you?"

Cen Xili was afraid that Guan Hui's temper would meet Su Bing and Gu Chaoming's temper, and hurriedly introduced them to Guan Hui.

"Is this the boy who hit you?" Su Bing asked.

Seeing that Guan Hui accompanies Cen Xili to dinner and said those words, Su Bing thought it was Cen Xili's new suitor, but he turned out to be the perpetrator.

"Otherwise who do you think I am?" Guan Hui asked.

"It's alright, it's alright, he'll come up and bring me food." Cen Xili explained.

Su Bing responded with an "oh", and Gu Chaoming walked past Guan Hui holding his phone and returned to his place. He was chatting with Lin Jianfan and was in no mood to care about Guan Hui, who he had just met.

Guan Hui looked at several people in the classroom.

Sure enough, there was only one more interesting senior in the second year of high school, Cen Xili.