
Chapter 87


Spring is mostly sunny, mostly sunny days when the sun warms the earth.

The sun is happy, filling the face of every pedestrian.

The road of the school aisle is covered with a layer of irregular mottled sunlight and tree shadows. After a morning of study, the whole school was lazy and comfortable after dinner. There were people walking around the track together in the playground to digest food, and there were also people in the corridors of the teaching building who were basking in the sun and chatting.

In the leisurely and comfortable campus, the pavement covered with irregular tree shadows and mottled sunlight ushered in the sound of running that was too energetic compared to the idle afternoon.

Peeking through the gaps in the leaves of the dense trees, you will surely be able to wait for the boy who is running desperately forward hand in hand.

The sunlight through the shadows of the trees was too dull, so I managed to catch the boy's school uniform jacket, and the smoke rolled off the boy's school uniform jacket again, losing the opportunity to seize the boy's opportunity to ask the dean for credit.

The running teenagers were too nimble, and the light and shadow under the trees in the whole row of the school corridor failed to catch them, and they all rolled off their school uniform jackets.

The spring breeze followed their footsteps, gently blowing on their cheeks, the soles of their shoes stepped fiercely across the road, Lin Jianfan's arms were pulled, and Gu Chaoming, who was pulling his arms and leading him to run with his legs, kept overlapping, keeping up with his. speed.

The spring breeze gave Lin Jianfan a smile as beautiful as an open flower.

Fluttering hair, school uniforms swaying from running, shaved ends and tree shadows falling from the clothes.

Everything is hidden in Lin Jianfan's eyes. Lin Jianfan's eyes are much clearer than his camera. No memory card is needed. Everything about Gu Chaoming is in his heart.

He rarely ran like this, and even less ran away in front of the teacher, almost never, only this time in his life, he was taken by Gu Chaoming.

The last time he ran, he was also taken by Gu Chaoming, and led him to escape from the entangled Gu Tao. He also followed behind Gu Chaoming and looked at Gu Chaoming's back and his flying hair like this.

The sun shines through Gu Chaoming's broken hair and falls into Lin Jianfan's eyes behind him. Lin Jianfan remembers every detail of this afternoon, and remembers the curvature of the corner of his mouth.

Everything is very similar to the last run, except that the last time was outside the school, this time it was inside the school, and the biggest difference was that it was only the two of them this time.

Obviously running in the same direction, when passing the playground, Su Bing could still be heard shouting excitedly, and when he turned his head, only him and Gu Chaoming were left beside him.

The classmates who were walking slowly on the side of the road watched curiously as they ran by. Gu Chaoming didn't stop at his feet, and when he looked back, he couldn't see Su Bing and the others.

Running past a tree shadow, Gu Chaoming smiled at Lin Jianfan when the sun just fell on his face.

The brightest smile under the sun was recorded by Lin Jianfan's "highest-definition camera", archived in his memory, locked in a small box, and belonged only to him.

Gu Chaoming smiled and turned to look at the road, and led Lin Jianfan to the flowerbed downstairs, where they found the kitten at the last sports meeting.

Stopping to rest, the smiles on the faces of the two did not stop with the stopped steps, and they smiled brightly when they faced each other after stopping.

Gu Chaoming raised his hand to help Lin Jianfan Lili's messy hair, thinking of the yellow spots on the flowerbed that he saw when he came running, Gu Chaoming patted Lin Jianfan's head and told him to wait for him.

Seeing Fan Wenshun, Lin followed Gu Chaoming's back as he ran away.

Gu Chaoming ran not far, ran to the place where the small yellow flowers bloomed most densely in the flowerbed, and picked the most beautiful one among the crowded small yellow flowers.

Gu Chaoming held both hands to leave a space, hid the little yellow flower inside, and ran towards Lin Jianfan who was waiting in the same place.

"Open your hands." Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan.

"What's in your hand?" Lin Jianfan had seen Gu Chaoming picking flowers, but he still pretended not to know what Gu Chaoming was hiding in his hand.

"Will, will, will~" Gu Chaoming's answer was revealed for a while.

A blooming little yellow flower lay in Lin Jianfan's palm.

The stamens and petals were accidentally not adjusted properly, and they were directed at him, and the butt of the flower was directed at Lin Jianfan. Gu Chaoming pretended to be "innocent", raised his hand and turned the little yellow flower that was facing him.

Lin Jianfan just smiled, pretending not to see Gu Chaoming who was clumsily turning around the little yellow flower.

"Ah, so beautiful." Lin Jianfan tried very hard to pretend to be surprised, but Gu Chaoming still patted his head: "The acting is too fake."

Lin Jianfan lowered his head and smiled: "Why is it not fake?"

Gu Chaoming coughed, Lin Jianfan was holding the little yellow flower and waiting for Gu Chaoming's demonstration, but Gu Chaoming took a step closer.

Lin Jianfan thought that Gu Chaoming needed space, so Gu Chaoming took a small step closer, and he took a small step back.

Gu Chaoming frowned slightly, pulled Lin Jianfan who had retreated, pulled him to him, and grabbed Lin Jianfan's sleeve to prevent him from retreating again.

Gu Chaoming came close to Lin Jianfan's ear, deliberately blew into Lin Jianfan's ear, and said softly, "Ah, so beautiful, I love you so much, I should say this."

Lin Jianfan, who was pulled by Gu Chaoming's sleeves and refused to step back, was suddenly attacked by his ears, his body froze, like freezing for a second, but his body, especially his ears, was hot like a fire, burning the corner of his mouth with a smile. .

He forgot to blink his eyes. Gu Chaoming's words were a huge enemy. He followed the cochlea to occupy Lin Jianfan's heart, controlled Lin Jianfan's heartbeat, and conveyed the order to stop work to his limbs.

The brain headquarters all fled, and it was empty. It was not until Gu Chaoming's words retreated that his thoughts returned to the console and took over Lin Jianfan's brain.

"Don't talk nonsense." Lin Jianfan, who had regained control of himself, lowered his head slightly and raised his hand to touch his hot ears.

He didn't know what to say for a while, and said the simple words "Don't talk nonsense" in a soft voice, and Gu Chaoming's heart was pierced by a small thorn on the tree in the aisle.

Itching for a moment, Gu Chaoming pinched Lin Jianfan's face. By pinching his face as compensation, Gu Chaoming refused to hold Lin Jianfan responsible for stabbing his heart.

"Speak louder to others in the future." Gu Chaoming said loudly to Lin Jianfan.

"Ah?" Lin Jianfan looked at Gu Chaoming's eyes with questioning eyes, "Are you saying that I'm too timid and my voice is too low?"

"Do you want to listen to me if you ask me knowingly?" Gu Chaoming asked.

Lin Jianfan still didn't understand, his eyes were full of doubts.

Gu Chaoming sighed, hating that his boyfriend was too stupid, he leaned into Lin Jianfan's ear again and said softly, "I'm afraid your voice is too low..."

With that said, Gu Chaoming turned his head to look at Lin Jianfan's auricle, took a breath, and smelled Lin Jianfan's body.

After smelling it, he said to him in Lin Jianfan's ear: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, you can guess for yourself."

After finishing speaking, Gu Chaoming turned around and left, leaving behind Lin Jianfan who did not know what to do.

Gu Chaoming was sure that his little boyfriend would follow, and he walked slowly ahead with confidence. After taking a few steps, Lin Jianfan really followed like a little sparrow and asked around him, "Why? Tell me."

Gu Chaoming waved his hand: "I won't tell you."

I won't tell you the last sentence.

"I'm afraid that your voice is too low, too tempting, and others will like you."

Gu Chaoming didn't tell Lin Jianfan because he felt too ashamed, because even if someone liked Lin Jianfan, he would not give that person any chance.

Gu Chaoming walked up the stairs amid Lin Jianfan's left and right questions, and after walking up a few steps, he was very excited to play with Lin Jianfan, who was always chasing after him.

Gu Chaoming pretended to go up the stairs seriously, and while Lin Jianfan was not paying attention, he turned around and walked down the stairs.

Lin Jianfan, who was parked on the upper stairs, was stunned and ran down, running to Gu Chaoming's side and asking him what was wrong.

Gu Chaoming pretended to go up the stairs again, and when Lin Jianfan followed, pretended to go down the stairs again.

Lin Jianfan was confused, and he forgot the question he had been chasing after Gu Chaoming, and replaced it with a new question of why Gu Chaoming was always up and down.

Gu Chaoming walked down the stairs again, and the teased Lin Jianfan stopped following him. Turning around and seeing Lin Jianfan standing on the stairs looking at him questioningly, Gu Chaoming laughed.

"What were you doing just now?" Lin Jianfan asked while standing on the upper steps.

Lin Jianfan was about to go downstairs and walk to Gu Chaoming's side under the stairs.

Gu Chaoming stretched out his palm to stop him, strode up the stairs, ran on the stairs, and ran to Lin Jianfan's side with a few big strides.

Stop in front of Lin Jianfan, face to face with Lin Jianfan.

You said the confession first. You are very brave, and now I will be brave too.

Bravely, come to you.

Gu Chaoming's side is sweet and shameful, while Su Bing's side has only the one-way street of "there is a pig who turns back and wants to slap my Chinese cabbage for a second time".

After the dean's non-standard Mandarin, Gu Chaoming pulled Lin Jianfan. The two of them were lovers, so it was natural for them to hold hands, but what did they mean by holding hands beside him

Su Bing has conducted "life-and-death pursuits" with the dean for many times. He can no longer understand the physical fitness of the dean, saying that if he can escape, he will definitely be able to escape.

I like this kind of exciting escape the most, screaming excitedly on the road, until they separated from Gu Chaoming and the others, Su Bing looked around.

When did that boy Eusankin lead them to Xi Li

"Why?" As soon as Su Bing stopped, he immediately pulled Cen Xili, who was being held by You Xin, to his side, as if You Xin wanted to kidnap them.

But it seems to be the same. Su Bing thought about it carefully, You Xin, this little bastard, just wanted to kidnap their family's Xili and poach their Chinese cabbage.

You Xin let go, and Su Bing asked again, "Aren't you from the student union, what are you running for?"

You Xin glanced at Su Bing, with a dull look expressing that he did not want to answer.

You Xin's height and Su Bing's prejudice against him make You Xin's eyes always provocative. The silent air and the dull eyes woven into Su Bing's eyes: "Do you think I want to bird you?"

Cen Xili was glad that You Xin walked fast and did not give Su Bing a chance to fight.

You Xin stopped to look at Su Bing, then cast his eyes on Cen Xili beside Su Bing, stopped for a while, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of You Xin's departure, remembering that he just held Cen Xili's hand, still in front of him, and now leaving without saying a word, Su Bing felt that You Xin had a feeling of running away after eating.

When he returned to the classroom and told Gu Chaoming about this, Gu Chaoming was as angry as he imagined.

The two cannons began to reload again, and Cen Xili persuaded them again for a while to stop their impulse.

The little yellow flower brought up from downstairs lay quietly on Lin Jianfan's desk. Not far from the yellow flower was Lin Jianfan's neatly stacked textbooks. In front of the textbooks, Lin Jianfan and Gu Chaoming were fighting and entering the classroom. Yu Hangwei, who disliked it.

After being beaten by Gu Chaoming, Yu Hang stopped, and Lin Jianfan never said a word to him again.

There were many people in the class who didn't talk to Yu Hangwei. One of them, Li Zhao, sat back in his seat and saw the little yellow flower on Lin Jianfan's table, he picked it up and put it in the palm of his hand.

Lin Jianfan's place was empty, and Li Zhao looked at Gu Chaoming's place. The owner of Huang Hua was standing by the back door, standing beside Gu Chaoming and talking to Gu Chaoming.

I don't know when, when I can't find Lin Jianfan, I can find it by looking at Gu Chaoming's seat, and when I can't find Gu Chaoming, I can find it by looking at Lin Jianfan's position. If neither of them were in the classroom, they must have gone out together.

This has become the default.

Gu Chaoming and Lin Jianfan went to and from school together, sticking together all day is a common sight in the second and second class of high school.

They were luckier than Zensili.

After sticking together all day, they did not encounter "Chen Haiyang" who broke their relationship, there was no gossip in the grade, and no deliberate slander from others.

Some were just hugging the shock that could be resolved by saying "he's not feeling well" when someone found him, and some were Su Bing's constant ridicule and the laughter of his classmates.

They are much luckier than Cen Xili. Maybe all the misfortunes in the school are squeezed out, and the unfortunate scum will have nowhere to go, and will flow into Gu Chaoming's family life, and only then will a father like Gu Tao be spread out. .

One day, he returned to the home where Gu Tao was there, and the next day he came to school with the pain from Gu Tao. Gu Chaoming stood in the corridor and stared at the clear blue sky in a daze.

He was thinking, he was thinking.

Maybe everyone had a deep conversation with God before they were born. God gives everyone a glass of black water and tells him that it contains the misfortunes of his next life, and he can sway it at any point in his life at will.

And he chose to pour a lot of misfortune when he was born. It was not Gu Tao who chose his birth, but that he chose Gu Tao to be his father to dissolve the misfortune in his cup. The ink of misfortune stopped when he was seventeen with Lin Jianfan, and after the age of seventeen, the bad luck stopped, and he met a lot of luck.

The remaining ink beads on the wall of the cup were the pain that Gu Tao had caused him irregularly after he and Lin Jianfan were together.

His misfortune seemed to come to an end in an instant. In the past, he thought that life was confused, wild grass, and wasteland, but after being with Lin Jianfan, the future is the blue sky in the wind, and the beauty that he can see when he looks up.

The luck around him increased, and Gu Tao's beatings were all backlogged under the luck of life.

Fate did not treat him badly. Fate gave him the opportunity to meet Lin Jianfan, and gave him the second half of his life with Lin Jianfan.

"Hey, hey, don't be in a daze, go back to the water." Su Bing walked behind Gu Chaoming with a blue plastic bucket, and tapped Gu Chaoming who was in a daze in the corridor with the bucket.

Gu Chaoming turned around and took the bucket in Su Bing's hand and said to him, "Tsk, although it's disgusting, I still want to say something."

"What?" Su Bing asked.

"Thank you, it is the luck of my life to meet you and Xili." Gu Chaoming said seriously to Su Bing holding the bucket.

The sudden thanks came from Gu Chaoming's mouth, who never let him go. Su Bing wondered if there was something wrong with his ears: "Are you being fooled by your father? Say such nauseous words."

"Hahaha, in fact, I also feel a little nauseous, but I just think a little too much while standing in the corridor, go and carry water."

Su Bing followed Gu Chaoming downstairs, who was talking nonsense. After going downstairs, he hooked Gu Chaoming's neck and said to him: "If we are the luck of your life, then we must be better for your luck, now, help first. Your luck is back, I will go upstairs first."

"Go away, come back to me, you are on duty today!"

Gu Chaoming just accompanied him to backwater.

Su Bing pretended to run away a few steps, but Gu Chaoming ran back after saying it.

Hearing Gu Chaoming's words was disgusting, but Su Bing still kept it in his heart, pretending not to be moved, and playing tricks.

Empty buckets go, filled buckets back. The bucket was carried on Gu Chaoming's shoulder, and he went downstairs with the water and was chatting with Su Bing.

"Gu Chaoming!"

Lin Jianfan's voice fell from upstairs.

Gu Chaoming looked upstairs and saw Lin Jianfan's body sticking out.

Across the floor, Gu Chaoming smiled at Lin Jianfan, holding the bucket on his shoulder with one hand and waving with Lin Jianfan with the other.

Su Bing sighed aside, the daily dog abuse is coming again.

Lin Jianfan only called him upstairs. Gu Chaoming carried the water on his back faster than he was on the flat ground, and went upstairs a few steps.

Su Bing followed behind and sighed "love", and he also wanted to find his senior.

Gu Chaoming ran upstairs with a bucket on his back, and ran to Lin Jianfan to brake: "Why are you calling me?"

"Why not?" Lin Jianfan refused to say.

Gu Chaoming laughed deeper, and took a step closer to Lin Jianfan: "Why don't you call me? Miss me?"

Su Bing couldn't stand it any longer: "Two uncles, just go back to the water, can we not act like we haven't seen each other for hundreds of years?"

Before the water on Gu Chaoming's shoulders was put down, he said to Su Bing, "You still said that we are both tired of falling in love. You don't know how tired you are, little baby, brother..."

Gu Chaoming's goosebumps tone drew Lin Jianfan's laughter, Su Bing kicked him in anger, Gu Chaoming took a step back: "I'm still carrying water on my back."

After speaking, Gu Chaoming realized why he always carried water on his back, and threw the bucket to Su Bing: "You go up, I carry it all the way."

Su Bing hummed: "Who told you to see Fan and rush up with a bucket on your back?"

Gu Chaoming kicked Su Bing back and pushed Su Bing into the classroom: "Go on your water."

After hitting and kicking Su Bing again, Gu Chaoming turned around and bumped into Lin Jianfan's smile.

Lin Jianfan's eyes hid Gu Chaoming's figure, and in his heart hid the happiness of finally trying to shout out the name of the person he liked.

It is well known that Li Zhao likes Shi Cancan. Lin Jianfan's idea of calling out Gu Chaoming's name aloud comes from Li Zhao, who has never dared to say what he likes.

A few days ago, he was walking downstairs with Li Zhao and Liu Xiaopang. Like he called Gu Chaoming today, Li Zhao saw Shi Cancan watching them from the corridor, and called out Shi Cancan's name upstairs without any warning.

The sound was so loud that both he and Liu Xiaopang were startled.

After receiving Shi Cancan's response, Li Zhao was satisfied and jumped, and was teased by Liu Xiaopang.

The topic was originally Li Zhao, but Liu Xiaopang suddenly changed the subject and asked Lin Jianfan, "Jianfan, do you have someone you like?"

When talking about someone he likes, Lin Jianfan who went upstairs almost stepped on the air.

Before waiting for the guilty Lin Jianfan to answer, Li Zhao said to Liu Xiaopang, "Liu Xiaopang, are you an idiot? Who will answer you in such a large audience?"

Liu Xiaopang was disdainful: "Didn't you just call Shi Cancan's name in public, and you called me."

"Hey!" Li Zhao raised his eyebrows.

A small thing, Lin Jianfan has been remembering, has been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to call out the name of his beloved,

He was finally waiting.

Just like last year's sports cheer for Gu Chaoming, who was a long-distance runner, he put his hands to his mouth and called out Gu Chaoming's name downstairs in a trumpet shape.

Gu Chaoming, three characters, thirty paintings

Every stroke fell on his mind, on his heart.

Three syllables, each with unspeakable love.