
Chapter 9


There was a lot of homework yesterday. This is the conclusion Gu Chaoming came to when he copied half of his homework in the morning reading class.

Finally finished copying his homework on politics, a long-winded overlord of workload, Gu Chaoming stopped writing, closed the workbook, and his right shoulder, which had been stationary, suddenly changed his posture, and the pain in his entire shoulder stabbed like lightning all the way.

Gu Chaoming endured the pain, but the surface did not change at all, and his brows did not wrinkle, as if the injury on his right shoulder did not exist.

He was already used to enduring the sudden new pain from Gu Tao. He wouldn't tell anyone, and he didn't want others to care about him too much, but in the morning, Su Bing and Cen Xili cared about him, although he didn't say it, his heart was still warm.

Su Bing sees through with his discerning eyes, so he often says that Gu Chaoming is boring.

The sound of reading was loud in the morning reading classroom. Gu Chaoming took the political homework he had copied and glanced at Cen Xili, who was reading next to him.

Today is Lao Chen's morning reading. Cen Xili was absent-minded in reading this book. Lao Chen was just wandering the aisle of the classroom, and now he has not seen anyone.

Cen Xili couldn't see the pain in Gu Chaoming's shoulder from his expression. The two exchanged glances at the sign, Cen Xili nodded, Gu Chaoming received it, stood up from his seat, changed the workbook to his uninjured left hand, and shouted Su Bing, who is also copying homework.

In the sound of reading aloud, a clatter of pages flew over the classroom.

Gu Chaoming threw the homework, and Su Bing reached out his hand to catch a three-pointer accurately, and the two of them cooperated tacitly. After receiving the homework, Su Bing gave a thumbs up to Gu Chaoming who threw the homework.

There was a cool breeze behind him, and Su Bing's thumb was put away as fast as hell, Gu Chaoming knew that something was wrong.

Before sitting down after throwing out the homework, the dean's voice came from the back door of the classroom: "What is this for?"

Unique, not-so-standard Mandarin.

The students' reading sound stopped because of the arrival of the dean, and their eyes shifted from the textbooks to Gu Chaoming and the dean standing by the back door.

Gu Chaoming turned around under the attention of the whole class and saw the serious expression of the dean and the new wig on his head.

Gu Chaoming thought the wig was genuine, but he still recognized it.

Gu Chaoming has always been a frequent visitor to the dean. It's also strange, every time I do something, I can be caught by the dean who likes to wear a wig to cover up the fact of baldness, and I can be scolded by the dean on the way home with an empty schoolbag.

Once in the office ideological education, together with Su Bing. The dean of education knew Su Bing's father, but he spoke softly to Su Bing, with an expression like "don't be afraid, I'm your uncle."

In the cordial conversation of the dean to Su Bing's "I'm your uncle", Gu Chaoming, who was standing beside him bored, found the wig that was a little crooked on the dean's head.

Clamped on the head, tossed.

The dean didn't know that his wig was crooked, so he waved to the two of them after the conversation and said, "Go back to class."

God knows how hard Gu Chaoming endured. He was afraid that he would burst into laughter if he couldn't hold back. Su Bing also saw it. As soon as the two walked out of the office and closed the door, they looked at each other and laughed like a flood.

Later, the dean must have discovered that his wig was crooked, and he has been wearing the wig very carefully since that day.

The dean is not as talkative as Lao Chen. If Lao Chen can let you sit down, the dean certainly cannot.

Gu Chaoming could feel that the dean of education was actually annoying him as a poor student sometimes, but he taught him every time with great teaching spirit.

The education location is nearby, the playground is the playground, the office is the office, and the classrooms for early class are the corridors so as not to disturb the classmates.

Gu Chaoming was the only one who was called out. The first sentence of the dean in the corridor was not to question what he had just done, but to educate him about his appearance.

"The school uniform is ready for me, and the first button is buttoned up. Why do you still feel handsome wearing this hat?"

Gu Chaoming's eyes wandered around speechlessly, looking at everything except the dean in front of him.

From grooming to what you were doing just now, to learning attitude, the dean summed it up in one sentence.

"Can you cause me less trouble and be less caught by me?"

Gu Chaoming thought to himself, "I don't want to meet you either.

Old Chen was late in the middle of Gu Chaoming's training. He just went to the toilet, but when he came back, Gu Chaoming was arrested by the dean.

Standing in the corridor, the dean of education finished his training and left, Lao Chen came over to ask him what was going on, and let him enter the classroom after asking.

Sitting back in his seat, Cen Xili stopped reading to avoid Lao Chen and asked him, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay, just say a few words."

Gu Chaoming wanted to continue copying his homework, but found his workbook on Cen Xi's desk.

"I'm afraid your shoulder hurts, so I'll help you copy some. I'm almost done, you copy others." Cen Xili said.

In fact, Gu Chaoming hid the pain on his shoulders very well, completely invisible. Cen Xili didn't know how badly he was hurt, or whether he hurt or not, but seeing that he was scolded by Su Bing in the morning, he guessed that it should be quite painful. Gu Chaoming was called out by the dean for training. Cen Xili saw the homework left on his desk and brought it over to help him copy some, which could also relieve some of the pain of doing homework.

Gu Chaoming looked at Cen Xili, who was as gentle as water in front of him, afraid of his shoulder pain, who was helping him copy his homework, and his heart was suddenly surrounded by soft concern.

Perhaps it was Gu Tao's beating that made Cen Xili and Su Bing's concern infinitely magnified. The sharp contrast and gap made Gu Chaoming feel a little bit of grief in his heart.

After the bitterness is sweetness, the sweetness of being cared for.

Gu Chaoming reached out to touch Cen Xili's head, but Cen Xili avoided his hand.

Cen Xili ducked and said to him, "Gu Shuai, go to the hospital, or the school infirmary. It's not an option if it hurts so much."

Gu Chaoming nodded: "I will go."

Gu Chaoming never thought that today he would be closely related to the word "penalty stand", nor did he expect that his relationship with the dean of education would not be broken, nor did he expect to see him again.

Everything was unexpected, but it was as plain as his usual life.

Maybe from that moment, no, Gu Chaoming felt that from the moment they met, his life began to deviate from the original track little by little.

The speed of deviation was too slow, and he was too careless until he looked back later.

The second penalty stop came very quickly, the first class after handing in the homework, the English class, the class of the grumpy little old woman with curly hair.

The English teacher of Class 2 and 2 of high school was secretly called a poodle because of a small brownish-yellow hair. Although she is thin and weak, she is always full of gas in her stomach. Gu Chaoming thinks that it should be filled with gas, and it will blow up at one point. It is more appropriate to call her a gas tank.

The English teacher walked back and forth in the classroom with English textbooks in hand, and a floral dress in summer was slowly fluttering under the fan.

The English teacher is a person who pays great attention to appearance. He is about the same age as Lao Chen. Every day he goes to work, he wears delicate makeup and carefully matches his shoes.

At the next table, Liu Guangyu was discussing the English teacher's new dress with him at the same table. Gu Chaoming was sitting next to them and playing Sudoku in an aisle across the aisle. The sound of their discussion drifted over.

It was broken, Gu Chaoming didn't care, he held a pencil and an eraser in his hand, and pressed the Sudoku book on the English textbook.

Cen Xili listened attentively in class as usual, an English word popped out of his mouth from time to time, and Gu Chaoming stared at the Sudoku book and filled in a number.

Such a life as usual.

The people at the other table changed the subject. The young man was open-minded, and what to say when he thought about it, Gu Chaoming's thoughts were gathered in the small Sudoku book, and the numbers in the small boxes and numbers in the Sudoku book. , so that when the English teacher started to get angry, he didn't know why he just hit the gun.

Gu Chaoming is still addicted to his Sudoku. English is his weakest point. Contrary to Su Bing, he has never memorized those crooked English words. Cen Xili, who was beside him, pushed his hand and motioned to his English teacher to let him stand up.

Gu Chaoming stood up a little confused, and looked at the English teacher on the stage who was so angry that his eye makeup was about to lose his anger.

"Gu Chaoming, what are you doing?"

One morning reading and another English class, Gu Chaoming collected two sentences in one morning, "What are you doing?"

Being scolded for two classes in a row, and being called to stand outside for two classes in a row, is an experience that few people in the school can have.

Confused, Gu Chaoming walked into the corridor with his Sudoku book, and was punished for standing just like the morning class.


Gu Chaoming recalled the face of his English teacher telling him to go out and stand as a penalty.

When he left the classroom, he secretly brought his mobile phone with him. Su Bing sent a message: "Gu Shuai, what's the matter with you?"

Gu Chaoming replied to Su Bing: "How do I know, I don't know why she is angry."

Su Bing put his mobile phone under the table and typed with his fingers quickly. He was not caught playing with his mobile phone so obviously, but Gu Chaoming was caught playing Sudoku with his head down at the last table.

Su Bing: "Are you having bad luck today? Wigs and poodles are taking turns to trouble you. You go to worship Buddha and go to bad luck."

Gu Chaoming: "When did you become a god-Buddha? I'll just come out and punish you."

After half a class, he took out the Sudoku book. Gu Chaoming still wanted to explain how to solve his boredom. Now that Su Bing was chatting with him, this Sudoku book was probably out of whack.

Because it was during the class, the corridor was quiet and no one passed by. Gu Chaoming didn't need to cover it, and boldly played with his mobile phone to reply to Su Bing.

He didn't calm down until he passed a teacher who wasn't in his class.

Gu Chaoming put his mobile phone in his pocket, and in order to avoid the teacher's sight, he floated out of the teaching building and drifted into the distance, pretending to be a good student who seriously punished him.

As soon as the sight drifted, it drifted farther, and drifted to a pair of women and teenagers walking side by side in the distance.

They walked on the aisle far away from the school. There were trees and no wind in the aisle. Their figures were blocked by obstacles from time to time, and they appeared and disappeared from time to time.

The distance is far away, and the sun is shining brightly, making people's eyes full of summer heat. Gu Chaoming couldn't see the man's face clearly, he could only see the blue and white summer school uniform on his body melted in the bright sunshine, blending into a ball with the summer heat wave, and it couldn't be dissolved. velvety feel.

The boy should be very hot. Gu Chaoming thought so because he saw the sweat on the boy's face. The distance between them could not even see his face, let alone the sweat.

Gu Chaoming only saw the young man walking towards the teaching building with the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. The woman wearing sunglasses beside the young man took out an item from the handbag. It should be a tissue, which was thin on the young man's face. It was wiped, but stopped by the teenager. The boy took a tissue from the woman's hand and wiped his sweat.

Judging from the clothes and movements, Gu Chaoming deduced that they should be a mother and son.

So doting? Need to help wipe the sweat? Gu Chaoming thought.

Or because of a bad relationship? Don't let it rub? Not biological

A series of questions and hypotheses popped up in his mind. Gu Chaoming felt that his thinking was too crooked and his brain was too big.

It's hard to see the expressions on their faces, so it's hard to judge.

The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated again, and he was alone in the corridor. Gu Chaoming took out his mobile phone more freely than in the classroom, and told Su Bing what he had just seen. Su Bing insisted that he take a picture for him to see.

Gu Chaoming: "What's so good about this? It's not like you haven't seen it, man."

Su Bing: "You forgot? Yesterday, Lao Chen said that he was a freshman, and he only came at this point. He also dragged his relatives with him. I guess the one downstairs is the freshman in our class."

After Su Bing said this, Gu Chaoming remembered what they were talking about yesterday and said it was the freshman who had better not be by the window.

He also said bad things about others yesterday, but today he forgot about them in a blink of an eye.

Gu Chaoming: "Don't think about it, it's a man, not a woman, you're gone, so look for other herbs."

Su Bing called out that God is unfair, other classes will give beauties, and theirs will give men.

Even if the transfer student was a man, Su Bing's curiosity made him want to take a look first: "Gu Shuai, take a photo and show me what the new classmate looks like."

Gu Chaoming laughed: "Are you scared by yesterday's little sister in the second year of junior high school? Are you going to find a boyfriend with Xili?"

Su Bing: "Go away, I haven't been so intimidated yet, I still like little beauties."

Gu Chaoming sent Su Bing a vomit expression: "As long as you are beautiful, I don't think it's bad for a beautiful boy. Would you like to try it? It's not a loss if you are really a beautiful boy."

Gu Chaoming couldn't help laughing as he typed.

Su Bing: "Even if I'm looking for a boyfriend, I won't look for a fool like You Sanjin like Xi Li."

You Xin didn't know how many times he was scolded by them. He had to scold him every day. I'm afraid he was sneezing now.

Su Bing's curiosity about transfer students is excellent: "Just take a picture and show it to me. I'll show you the poodle. She is writing on the blackboard, so you can't see it."

Gu Chaoming's camera had already been turned on, but he still teased Su Bing: "It's too dangerous, I don't."

Holding up the phone, the camera aimed at the aisle where the boy was just seen.

The gray floor tiles on the roadside, the overexposed sunlight, and the falling leaves on the screen are just the absence of the boy and the woman.

Gu Chaoming adjusted the phone and finally framed the boy's figure on the phone screen. They walked slower than Gu Chaoming thought. They thought they should be able to walk downstairs to the classroom after he chatted with Su Bing.

At such a distance, Gu Chaoming could see the women talking all the time, raising his fingers in one direction from time to time, and introducing the school to the young tour guide beside him.

Gu Chaoming aimed the camera of the mobile phone at the boy and pulled the camera to the maximum, but he still couldn't see his face clearly.

Gu Chaoming kept holding his mobile phone and waited for him to approach.

The camera moves with the teenager, the scenery on the phone screen changes, and the teenager is always in the frame.

Gradually approaching, Gu Chaoming saw the boy's gradually clear face through his mobile phone.

Surprised inside.

It's him.

The boy who kindly helped him pick up the flyers yesterday.

The boundless night turned into brilliant sunshine, and without the headgear's obstruction, Gu Chaoming could see the boy's every move more clearly.

There was a tingling pain in the right shoulder holding the phone, as if reminding him of last night's events, reminding him of his sins.

Gu Chaoming was suddenly silent, panicked for no reason, his hand holding the phone rigidly followed the boy.

He thought it was just a chance encounter last night, but he didn't expect to meet at school today.

He didn't expect to see him again.

Su Bing sent another message, Gu Chaoming hurriedly clicked the camera button and took a photo at will, without picking an angle or focusing, the boy's face looked good no matter how he photographed it.

After posting the photo, Gu Chaoming said, "I have seen him."

Su Bing: "????"

Gu Chaoming said it very briefly, casually summarizing the process of his meeting with the young man yesterday, and skipping Gu Tao's self-criticism in front of him.

Understatement, a few words.

Gu Chaoming's ability to convey words is now infinitely magnified in Gu Chaoming's eyes. Gu Chaoming is afraid that Su Bing, who knows him too well, can see his panic at this time from between the lines, and that Su Bing can see his inner thoughts from just a few lines of text. See the hand he stretched out to Gu Tao, see through his sins.

He didn't even mention Gu Tao, but he was still so flustered.