
Chapter 91


Gu Chaoming felt that this semester went by very fast, like rushing water, even if it was covered with stones, the rushing water could slip through the cracks in the stones.

Every time he felt that life was passing faster than before, Gu Chaoming would secretly think that maybe his wish was fulfilled—because he was with Lin Jianfan, so life was passing so fast, despite Gu Tao's frequent return home.

Everything seemed to be coated in syrup.

Happy days go by quickly, and sensory comfort tends to bring pleasure, and pleasure makes it easy to ignore the passage of time.

So all happiness is short-lived, and all suffering is long-lasting.

And as long as he sees Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming's sense of happiness makes him ignore time forever.

Without Gu Tao's obstruction, without the obstacles in the turbulent currents, the smooth journey might have been a lifetime in the blink of an eye.

Gu Chaoming felt lucky, as if all suffering stopped at the age of seventeen.

The most important mother left and became someone else's mother. He had both parents but he was floating in the air without support.

He thought life was a foregone conclusion.

He didn't float for long.

The wind of fate swept him and blew him into Lin Jianfan's arms.

Blow into a warm embrace.

Gu Chaoming, who was sitting in the seat, grinned into a radian that was common to Su Bing and Cen Xili.

Cen Xili and Su Bing had long been accustomed to Gu Chaoming's expression. Cen Xili, who was closest to him, saw it as if he hadn't seen it. He turned and left his position and walked out of the back door, not to be their light bulb.

The movement of the stool around him caught Gu Chaoming's attention. Gu Chaoming turned his head and asked Cen Xili, who stood up, "What are you doing?"

Cen Xili looked at Lin Jianfan's direction, and then said to Gu Chaoming, who asked him what he was going for, "I'm going to the toilet, tuba."

Give you plenty of time.

Gu Chaoming, who grinned and waited for Lin Jianfan to sit down, never doubted Cen Xili, who used to go to the toilet. As soon as Cen Xili said about going to the toilet, Gu Chaoming turned his head without any "thank you" and continued to wait for Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan, who was in the position, packed up his things, carried the exercise book, walked across the slightly skewed desk to Gu Chaoming's desk, and pulled out the chair of Gu Chaoming's front desk.

"Sit here today," Gu Chaoming patted Lin Jianfan's sleeve and pointed to Cen Xili's seat next to him, "He went to the toilet."

"Okay." Pulling away the other's chair, Lin Jianfan carefully returned the other's chair to its original position with the book in his arms before walking over to Gu Chaoming and sitting down.

"You sat behind me when you first came. How does it feel to sit in Cen Xili's seat now?" Gu Chaoming asked, taking the new red pen brought by Lin Jianfan.

"It feels like going back to the past." Lin Jianfan said, unfolding his exercise book.

"I also think it's a little bit, I remember that day I yelled at you, hahahaha..." Gu Chaoming laughed, with Lin Jianfan's brows and eyebrows always easy to curl.

The work on the eyebrows and the corners of the mouth suddenly increased after seeing Lin Jianfan, but there was no complaint.

"You didn't mean to yell at me, and I didn't mean to shoot you." Lin Jianfan said.

Gu Chaoming turned sideways and faced Lin Jianfan: "However, I discovered something the day you first came."

"What's up?"

"That's right..." Gu Chaoming deliberately appealed to Lin Jianfan's appetite with a tone of betrayal.

"What is it?" Lin Jianfan asked again.

The fish took the bait, and Lin Jian stopped when Fan pulled the cap of the pen.

Gu Chaoming quietly leaned closer and said softly to him, "The day you first arrived, I found out that you were always staring at me in class, why is that?"

When mentioning that Lin Jianfan came to school and sat behind him, Gu Chaoming inevitably remembered the look in his eyes when he turned around and saw Lin Jianfan peeking at him, and then immediately turned away after he found out.

Gu Chaoming rubbed his nose with his index finger and asked in a low voice, "It was only the first day you came here. You didn't like me by then, did you?"

Although Gu Chaoming knew it was impossible, he still wanted to ask, to hear Lin Jianfan's answer.

"Really?" Gu Chaoming asked again before Lin Jianfan could answer.

I suddenly remembered that I still had an injury on my head at that time, and I covered it with a black baseball cap all day. I was seen by Lin Jianfan, who had not yet entered the classroom, at the penalty stand outside. Maybe Lin Jianfan thought he was too attractive in the second class. Attention, that's why you always stare at him in class, right

Having come to a more normal and reasonable answer, Gu Chaoming was still a little sad, because he destroyed the possibility that Lin Jianfan had fallen in love with him long ago, even before he fell in love with him.

A little sad, Gu Chaoming still accepted the reality calmly. Gu Chaoming asked Lin Jianfan, who had not answered yet, "Is it because my baseball cap was too eye-catching at the time?"

"Well, it's very attractive." Lin Jianfan said, Gu Chaoming's little loss showed a trace on his face, and Lin Jianfan immediately said, "You are also very attractive."

"Hahaha, you have my Gu family's true biography. See Fan, you used to talk differently. Before, you were less serious and serious, but now you have changed." Gu Chaoming said.

"Is there?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"Well... it's alright, you're still more... "

The three words "cuter" almost blurted out. When he was with the person he liked, Gu Chaoming always came up with the word "cute" first in his praise-filled words.

Keeping his mouth shut and not saying these two words, Gu Chaoming changed his tone: "You are more interesting now."

"I know I used to be boring and timid, but the classmates in class two treated me very well. I met Li Zhao on the first day..."

When Lin Jianfan talked about the past, he was a little remorseful at first, and Gu Chaoming was still a little worried, but seeing the happy expression on Lin Jianfan's face when he came to the second class and made many new friends, Gu Chaoming did not Stop him from going on.

"Our class is very good, except for a few people," Gu Chaoming knew that Lin Jianfan must know which ones he was referring to, "the rest of the people are fine."

Lin Jianfan nodded in agreement, many of his classmates had helped him.

Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan: "The second class is very good, and you are also very good. Don't talk about yourself like that. You don't know how good you are now. There is nothing wrong with the person I Gu Chaoming likes."

When Gu Chaoming said this, he only patted his chest to show his confidence.

The best thing in the world is not that I'm dead set on you and that you have to, but that I can see the bright spots in each other.

Even buried in the dirt, his light can be tapped with both hands.

It is to be able to encourage each other, move forward with each other, appreciate and recognize each other.

Gu Chaoming was glad that he met Lin Jianfan and this shining boy all the time.

"You don't know how good you are now."

Lin Jianfan said slowly, "I see."

I know I'm fine in your eyes.

Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan, and continued: "You must not know that I even secretly photographed you before you came."

"On that night?"

That night when Doraemon dropped flyers

Gu Chaoming shook his head, took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and said, "On the day you came to school, I was punished for standing in the corridor. Do you know that I was punished for standing three times that day, once in the morning, once in English class, Another time was bald. When I saw you in the corridor, and when I saw you walking towards the teaching building, I took out my phone and took a picture for Su Bing and the others to see."

Finding the picture that was very blurry but still unable to resist Lin Jianfan's handsome picture, which was sent to Su Bing before, Gu Chaoming said, "Your handsomeness can't be stopped even if it is blurry."

Lin was a little embarrassed to see Fan being praised for being handsome.

When I looked at the photo, I just thought about it in my heart, but now I say it in the name of Lin Jianfan's boyfriend, this feeling is very strange.

"And these, the sports meeting, the ones you took for us are still there." Gu Chaoming swiped his fingers on the screen one by one.

Glide past time, slip past memory.

At first, Lin Jianfan came to teach Gu Chaoming a problem that he couldn't do well. After chatting and talking, he gradually deviated from the topic and began to recall the past. The exercise book was spread out, and the black pen was lying on the page printed with ink.

Not a word was moved on the page, and the memory ran to the distance that I first met.

"Pick up your phone." Flipping through the photos, there was a voice behind him that sounded like Old Chen's usual tone but not like Old Chen's tone.

The voices were not very similar. Gu Chaoming stopped his finger when he drew the photo, and turned his head to see Su Bing behind him, who was trying to scare them with his voice while trying to talk to Lao Chen.

Gu Chaoming was not in a hurry to scold Su Bing, he gave him an elbow first, and Su Bing flexibly retreated to avoid it.

"Don't be scary." Gu Chaoming said.

Su Bing took a step back and then a small step forward: "I beat people while playing with my phone in class."

"I'm playing after class, you're still playing in class, wait for me to report in class." Gu Chaoming said.

"Cut, focus on color over friends."

"What kind of thing do I put more emphasis on than friends?"

"Seeing Fan Se again, light Su Bingyou."

"You're still doing it like reading poetry."

The meaningless and nutritious conversation between the two of you, you and me, happens every day. In the "literary and artistic programs" that are not nutritious, several "sports programs" are inserted from time to time, and the nonsense of the kindergarten children in the eyes of Cen Xili is inserted. Lin Jianfan especially likes to watch it.

He didn't participate or help, he just watched quietly on the sidelines, quietly watching them messing around.

Cen Xili has long been used to the lack of nutrition for the two of them.

Seeing Cen Xili walking into the classroom, Lin Jianfan wanted to get up while sitting in someone else's seat, but Cen Xili asked him to sit well, standing beside him, leaning against the wall.

The class bell rang amidst the unhealthy conversation between Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, but the unhealthy conversation between the two did not end because of the sound of the bell.

"No hurry, no hurry, the next biology class, the elephant will come slowly." Su Bing said.

Compared with the enthusiastic geography teacher, the speaking speed is as slow as an elephant. The biology teacher who not only speaks slowly but also has a big tongue has a title - the elephant.

Before the elephant came, the elephant's class was relatively easy, Su Bing bypassed Gu Chaoming, who was talking to him, and walked to Cen Xili, who was leaning against the wall: "Xili, go to my place and take a class, anyway, Biology class, it's easy to be blinded by sitting here."

When he said the last sentence, Su Bing deliberately looked at Gu Chaoming and told Gu Chaoming with his eyes: "I'm talking about you."

Cen Xili nodded and said yes, then looked at Lin Jianfan who was sitting in his seat with a smile, and took the textbook from the desk.

Cen Xili walked to Su Bing's desk with the pen and textbook in hand. Su Bing asked himself to change positions with Cen Xili at the same table, and sat on Lin Jianfan's place, letting Cen Xili sit beside him.

After a series of seat changes, the biology teacher, who was as slow as an elephant, walked into the classroom with the textbook.

Playing videos is a must for every biology class. The last class was about birds, and this one was about fish. When encountering particularly disgusting creatures, the students at the bottom would also boo.

The biology teacher doesn’t care. The students are self-active during a class. Sometimes the teacher will point to the video to add a sentence or two, and sometimes wait for the students to ask questions. There are always some strange questions. .

Speaking of the videos played by the biology teacher, Gu Chaoming remembered the video about bees that he put on shortly after the start of last semester.

The sound of "humming" kept lingering in his ears, and he kept chasing after him in his sleep. What followed closely was Su Bing's slapping behind him and the frustration of being beaten by homework.

Now my grades are getting better, my life is clear, and it's spring.

Everything is the best appearance, the grades are, the season is, the age is, the temperature is, the mood is, and so are you.

The animal's cry in the video was short, and Gu Chaoming turned to look at Lin Jianfan who was sitting next to him amid the strange animal's cry.

Lin Jianfan used to be in front of him on the left, but now he is sitting on his right, Gu Chaoming's neck is still a little uncomfortable.

The unaccustomed neck is twisted, and the eyes are not aimed at the various animals on the screen. He heard animal sounds he had never heard before, and in front of him was Lin Jianfan's face looking at the video on stage seriously.

Lin Jianfan turned his face to him, and from the side, he could clearly see that Lin Jianfan Rufan's eyelashes were fluttering in the sunlight, plucking a piece of sunshine, fanning a gust of wind, and fanning the gust of wind in Gu Chaoming's heart.

Gu Chaoming looked at him like when Lin Jianfan watched him fight with Su Bing, quietly, as if admiring a fascinating landscape painting.

Since he is a boyfriend, Gu Chaoming doesn't have to suppress the enthusiasm in his eyes like before. His eyes are fire, scorching Lin Jianfan's face with the sunlight fanning his eyelashes.

Gu Chaoming's eyes were too warm, and Lin Jianfan felt that if he didn't stop him, he would stare out a hole in his face.

Under the table, Lin Jianfan motioned for Gu Chaoming to listen carefully to the class and patted Gu Chaoming's hand on his thigh. Unexpectedly, the big hand with the palm facing down suddenly turned, and his five fingers crossed his fingers to grasp him.

The speed was so fast that Lin Jian didn't have time to react, the expression on his face was frightened, and he took a breath of sunlight unpredictably into his nose.

Gu Chaoming's hand held Lin Jianfan's hand, and the speed at which he held Lin Jianfan's hand was the speed at which the cheetah ran.

They held hands under the desk that no one knew about, and they smiled at each other.

On sunny days, they looked at each other, their eyebrows were raised, and their smiles were the most beautiful arcs.

It's not beauty that gives them the most beautiful curvature of the corners of their mouths, but the love they have when they look at each other.

Lin Jianfan's touch was a bomb, in the strange animal cries, in the exclamations of the whole class when they saw disgusting animals.

Explode, explode.

Debris flew.

Su Bing is always teasing them to pay attention. Gu Chaoming sometimes wonders if he is too "arrogant", but being "arrogant" is his nature, and it is inevitable that he is born when he sees Lin Fan.

It is inevitable that it is inevitable.

Whether it was Wang Yanghai or Lie Volcano at the end, he moved forward without hesitation.

Take a leap.

He held Lin Jianfan's hand and clasped his fingers.