
Chapter 93


The sound insulation of the old house is not good, the noise upstairs and the door opening of the living room are clear.

Gu Chaoming prepared a lot for today's date, searched many articles on the public account, and thought about many unexpected situations, but the only thing he was most afraid of was the thing he prayed for the last thing to happen.

Gu Tao is back.

The icy turning sound of the iron door lock was like the harsh winter wind carrying hail, which froze Gu Chaoming in one fell swoop.

Outside the closed window, a gray haze oozes slightly from the horizon, covered with a layer of gray gauze.

Time to go out.

Gu Chaoming's heart beat extremely fast and violently, but the opposite of the frantic heartbeat was the static movement in his hands.

In the living room, the sound of soles stepping on the floor is obviously very different, but in Gu Chaoming's ears, it is the squeaking sound of soles stepping on the worn wooden floor in the ghost story.

Very similar, very similar.

The movements in his hands were subconsciously still, and his ears dutifully kept him from letting Gu Tao enter the door.

The voices collected through the ears are based on the seventeen years of experience in taking care of Chaoming and Gu Tao, and Gu Chaoming can even judge whether Gu Tao is drinking from the sound of footsteps.

Gu Chaoming finally resumed his movements, pulling his clothes with his fingers.

Pointless action.

Invisibly revealing his nervousness and panic.

Gu Chaoming didn't want to show his panic. He thought he could hide it well, but it was exposed in the little actions he didn't pay attention to.

On the phone on the bed, Lin Jianfan didn't make a sound, making Gu Chaoming, who was so nervous, pulling the corners of his clothes, forget its existence for a while, and just thought about how to send Gu Tao out first.

The speed of the devil's walk was smooth and normal, but in Gu Chaoming's ears, it was unusually slow. Every step slowed down and lengthened, torturing his cochlea.

Finally, the footsteps of the devil appeared in front of the door.

A gray-black figure stood beside the door that could not be closed.

The traces of riddled holes on the door are still there, and the sawdust that was pulled out stood on the door panel and stayed with Gu Chaoming for many days.

The devil can always turn a blind eye. Gu Tao walked to the door and saw the marks cut by the kitchen knife on the door. He reached out to touch the wood chips that were pulled out from the door, and smiled disdainfully at the corner of his mouth. His eyes seemed to be admiring his most proud creations. work.

Gu Chaoming stared at Gu Tao's finger touching the door. His eyes were different from the comfort in Gu Tao's eyes. His eyes were sharp and meant to break through the siege, implying the light of a knife.

The ash outside the window went down alone, ignoring Gu Chaoming inside the window.

Gu Tao looked normal, but Gu Chaoming had no idea if he would go crazy in the next second. He hadn't had a normal conversation with Gu Tao for a long time. Although Gu Tao always went home recently, money was inseparable from every conversation with Gu Tao.

Gu Tao went home frequently and left in a dull place, which gave Gu Chaoming a chance to breathe. He always left when he got the money and came back when he didn't.

Every time I come back, my face is always very bad, not Gu Chaoming's face, but Gu Tao's complexion is yellow, his eye sockets are sunken, and he is a little listless. Gu Tao has lost a lot of weight recently, and his strength is not as strong as before. In the past, Gu Tao could slap him to the ground with a slap, but now, like last time, Gu Chaoming can slam Gu Tao to the ground and grab him from his hand. Bank card.

Gu Chaoming doesn't care about Gu Tao, he does what he does with Gu Tao, as long as he stays in this home where he has lived for seventeen years for the last year, he will fly away after the college entrance examination.

Just wait until high school.

Only the last year of senior year, plus the rest of the semester. There was not much time left, and Gu Chaoming did not want to have any disputes or contacts with Gu Tao, but Gu Tao did not intend to let him go.

Perhaps being Gu Tao's only child is the fundamental source of his unfortunate life.

Gu Chaoming began to regret, regret pouring the water of doom that God gave him at the beginning of his fate, regret choosing Gu Tao as his father.

Seeing Gu Tao standing by the door pulling the sawdust on the door, after calculating how much cash was left in his pocket, Gu Chaoming took out all the money from his pocket and handed it to Gu Tao, just to exchange for a safe exit.

The red and blue banknotes were stacked irregularly, with some folded corners.

Gu Chaoming didn't speak, only the sound of Gu Tao stinging wood chips on the door was in the air. Although Gu Chaoming didn't speak, the "meaning behind the words" of the action was very clearly expressed.

Gu Tao was like a child waiting by the door to ask for candy, Gu Chaoming handed over a candy, and Gu Tao immediately came over to catch it.

They range from violent uniforms to silent deals.

Gu Chaoming didn't know when he started to feel numb to Gu Tao's massive demands for money. In the past, the money that could be given to Gu Tao three or four times was too little for Gu Tao now.

Gu Tao is a bottomless pit, a vampire who sucks the blood of his own children.

Gu Chaoming just wanted to endure the last year, how far he could go after one year, and how deep he could hide.

He pinned all his hopes on the summer of his senior year of high school.

The gray haze outside the window leaped into the window, stained with folded banknotes.

Gu Tao's fingers pinched the banknotes stained with evening gray, pinching the thickness of the banknotes.

Gu Chaoming suddenly felt that Gu Tao would definitely not be satisfied.

No one took over the cell phone on the bed, and Gu Chaoming turned his back to the bed where he slept every night.

Lin Jian Fan Qingxing on the other side of the phone couldn't amplify his breath, and couldn't bring his breath to Gu Chaoming's side.

There was no speech over there, and Lin Jianfan didn't speak in the dark. He was silent and silent. He seemed to understand something and understood the reason why Gu Chaoming was suddenly silent.

Gu Chaoming's father is too complicated, and the silence of ordinary people can immediately ask "Why don't you speak?" But for Gu Chaoming at home, Lin Jianfan dare not ask.

There were too many accidents that he could imagine over the phone. The beginning of many accidents came from one name - Gu Tao.

When Gu Chaoming handed out the stack of banknotes, Lin Jianfan held his breath and did not dare to speak too loudly for fear of exposing himself.

"That's not enough." Someone finally spoke on the other end of the phone.

It's Gu Tao.

Gu Tao took the banknotes that Gu Chaoming stretched out, pinched the thickness of the banknotes, and immediately came to the conclusion that it was not enough to touch the banknotes with one finger.

Lin Jianfan held his breath and took a deep breath.

His guess was right.

Lin Jianfan didn't dare to speak out. He knew that Gu Tao was neurotic for a long time. He was afraid that his voice would touch a nerve in Gu Tao's brain. The atmosphere has gradually begun to become anxious.

"I know." Gu Chaoming said.

Gu Chaoming didn't want to quarrel with him, he stretched his palm into his pocket and wanted to take out his mobile phone to transfer money to Gu Tao, wanting to "spend money to buy peace".

But before his palm reached into his pocket, Gu Chaoming didn't realize that his mobile phone was not in his pocket but on the bed, and the phone had not been hung up.

Same as that night.

A loud slap landed on the face.

The same burning sensation.

The same head was beaten to one side.

Just as unprepared.

Gu Chaoming didn't know which nerve of Gu Tao jumped out, or which anger cell he was restless.

The strength of anger has no emotion, and Gu Tao was manipulated by anger to raise his leg and kick Gu Chaoming fiercely.

The kick hit Gu Chaoming's stomach, and Gu Chaoming couldn't bear to step back. The touch on his back reminded him of the night he first met Lin Jianfan.

The same wooden furniture on the back, the same bone collided with the plank, but this time I was lucky, there was a buffer to retreat, and the pain of hitting the desk on my back was not as piercing as last time.

Gu Tao's complexion turned yellow unnaturally, his temper was violent, and his anger increased his strength to slip away. Gu Chaoming leaned on the desk, leaning on the place where he struggled with his homework every day.

Spending money to buy peace can't be bought.

Violence is contagious, and neuroticism is contagious, Gu Chaoming thought.

In the bottom of his heart, there was a sadness that he had never felt before, such as the vast wilderness, the vast ocean, and he couldn't get out or escape.

He ran and ran, only to find that he had been wandering in place.

My heart felt like the mouth that was fooled into eating the candy at a sports meeting gave me a bit of sourness.

Sorrow and sadness poured from the bottom of my heart.

Gu Chaoming fell down and leaned on the desk, and suddenly laughed.

He pulled the corners of his mouth and laughed, disdainfully, sarcastically.

He suddenly realized that he was in hell all the time, but the sun shining on Lin Jianfan made him think he could be in heaven.

The time of a year was suddenly stretched very long, subdivided into twelve months and three hundred and sixty-five days.

He has to be greedy for sunshine in endless hell.

He thought a year was short, but now it is very long.

Gu Chaoming leaned on the desk and smiled. When Lin saw Fan accompanying him to the hospital for the first time, he used a smile to cover up his emotions, fearing that he would cry when he laughed.

The same is true now, he is afraid that the grief in his heart will overflow with a smile.

When I was with Lin Jianfan, I felt that the days were brisk, like rushing water, and they would never return. In happy days, I recall the past sufferings, and the past sufferings are also sugar-coated by the present happiness. It seems to be easily passed, as if the sufferings are not terrible, so it is easy to feel that a year is very short.

But when you are in hell and watch the demons in hell swing their fists and feet, you will really touch despair.

It will feel like a year is very long, and there is no end in sight.

Humans are small and fragile, and are easily influenced by their environment and state of mind.

What can't be solved during the day is extraordinarily lively at night.

Gu Chaoming is a leader in this field. He is always affected by the environment, and he is easily suddenly lost, suddenly excited, suddenly irritable, and suddenly feels that his days are long and short.

Emotions changed with the mood and environment that others did not understand, and the "second Gu Tao" in the mouths of the neighbors was born, which also made Gu Chaoming feel nervous.

Gu Chaoming leaned on the desk, he smiled, with a smile that Gu Tao didn't understand at the corner of his mouth.

The inexplicable smile only made Gu Tao, who was in a state of rage, even more fueled.

Gu Tao's fists and upper body, Gu Chaoming did not dodge or evade at first, like resignation, like surrender.

But the young man was born to be rebellious, and God gave him the sweetest honey in the ordinary world. Gu Tao's beating made the darkness darker and the sunshine in his life brighter.

Gu Chaoming stretched his hand into his pocket amid the constant fisting. He wanted to send a message to Lin Jianfan, telling him that he could not accompany him to the food festival, and asked him to go directly to Su Bing and the others.

Putting his palm into his pocket, the pocket was empty, and Gu Chaoming realized that he had not hung up on the phone.

Lin Jianfan on the other end of the phone had been listening to the live broadcast.

Gu Chaoming was startled, as if he had woken up from a slumber of submission. He looked at the bed, and his phone lay quietly on the quilt.

Did he hear it all

Gu Tao's fists were still there, and after kicking him, he searched the room for money.

Looking at the phone on the bed, Gu Chaoming frantically ignored Gu Tao in the room, got up from the ground and threw himself on the bed.

The keen Gu Tao heard the sound and turned his head. Seeing Gu Chaoming threw himself on the bed, the quilt was sunk in, and Gu Chaoming took the phone on the bed.

Like a treasure.

"Hey, you kid." Gu Tao's face was full of smiles for a while, as if he had grabbed the handle of Gu Chaoming, as if the mobile phone that Gu Chaoming was desperately holding in his hand was not a mobile phone, but enough money to spend his whole life.

Gu Tao's eyes lit up, he stood up and ran to the small room in just a few steps.

"Don't come here!"

This sentence was not said to Gu Tao who rushed over, but to Lin Jianfan who was on the other end of the phone.

Gu Chaoming threw his upper body on the bed and knelt on the ground with his legs. The first thing he did when he took the phone was to yell at Lin Jianfan, telling him not to come over, and then hung up immediately.

"Why, do you still have rescuers?" Gu Tao came over and asked Gu Chaoming's roar.

"None of your business." Gu Chaoming propped up the bed and stood up.

"You must have a lot of money in your phone, come and show it to me." Gu Tao stepped forward with a smile and tried to snatch the phone in Gu Chaoming's hand.

The gray outside the window repelled the dusk, and Gu Chaoming stepped on the gray that landed on the floor and kept retreating.

Back and forth, Gu Chaoming held the phone, his eyes fixed on Gu Tao who was walking towards him step by step, while Gu Tao was not paying attention, he bypassed Gu Tao and rushed out of the bedroom at the fastest speed.

His back hurt, and his back was hit by the stone pen holder on the table, as if it would break his spine.

The sharp pain climbed up to the smashed point, but it did not stop Gu Chaoming's footsteps as Gu Tao wished.

Resisting the pain in his back, Gu Chaoming ran desperately, running.

He wanted to run to the gate.

He wants to run out of this house.

Just get out of this house.

There was no blood on his body, and the slap print on his face was hard to see at night. Maybe he could endure the pain and pretend that nothing happened to meet Lin Jianfan.

His imagination was beautiful, but reality disliked Gu Chaoming's imagination, and he deliberately arranged roadblocks at Gu Chaoming's feet.

Gu Chaoming looked ahead, and tripped over something that Gu Tao brought back and threw it on the ground at will.

Gu Chaoming didn't have time to check what Gu Tao had brought back on the ground. He only felt the pain of his knee hitting the ground when he fell.

Because the fall was delayed, Gu Tao walked out of the room and appeared behind Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming endured the pain in his knees and stood up. In the living room, in the direction he was struggling to run, the door where he was struggling was opened.

Sunlight poured in like the day of training in the director's office.

The sun is ahead, and the devil is behind.

Gu Chaoming saw the open door, and saw Lin Jianfan who pushed the door open.

There was only the corridor behind Lin Jianfan, and there was only the dark sky outside the corridor, but Gu Chaoming saw the light and saw the god of sunshine outline Lin Jianfan's face.

The young man who dreamed of his dream was standing outside the door, standing outside the door he longed for.

He stepped into the door, and took the sunlight to drive away the darkness brought by Gu Tao behind him.

"A surprise for you." Lin Jianfan walked over to Gu Chaoming calmly and said, with a warm smile on his face.

He is a ball of light, and when Gu Chaoming approaches, he feels warm.

Walking to Gu Chaoming's side, Lin Jianfan gently supported him, Gu Chaoming took his hand and said, "It's okay."

As soon as the words came out, Lin Jianfan suddenly pulled Gu Chaoming behind him like Gu Chaoming had protected him before, and protected him with his own body. The whole person exuded Gu Tao that you are going to take a step closer .

The door not far behind was closed, Gu Chaoming didn't know that Lin Jianfan had been waiting for him outside the community, waiting for him to go to the food festival together, and the surprise on his phone was referring to this.

Gu Chaoming didn't want to stay here any longer, he just wanted to take Lin Jianfan to escape from here, but Lin Jianfan knew that escaping was not the way to escape, there would be another time to escape, the next time would be the next time, and there would be no end.

He has dealt with the blood flowing from Gu Chaoming's scalp to the auricle, seen Gu Chaoming's right shoulder that hurts when touched, and saw the hole on Gu Chaoming's forehead.

He is timid and does not dare to talk to strangers too much, he is cowardly, and he does not dare to retaliate when others order him, but he can't see Gu Chaoming getting hurt, just like Gu Chaoming can't see him suffer a little grievance.

With all his strength and courage, he said to Gu Tao who was standing by the door: "Your behavior is already domestic violence, we can call the police!"

He moved out what seemed to be the most intimidating method for the two teenagers, but Lin saw that Fan had no confidence in his heart.

Gu Tao by the door sneered: "You report it, let's see what happens."

Gu Tao gave him another look: "Oh~ you were the one from last time. Now that I think about it, why did I say it's a little familiar, and I can't remember things in my mind recently."

Gu Tao leaned against the door frame and muttered to himself, saying that he suddenly took a step forward, Lin Jianfan gasped in fright, and Gu Chaoming pulled Lin Jianfan's hand behind him alertly and led him behind him.

Lin Jianfan in front of him didn't move, he was as hard as a winding mountain, he wanted to protect Gu Chaoming, just like Gu Chaoming protected him.

Lin Jianfan did not retreat, did not hide behind Gu Chaoming, he only held Gu Chaoming's palm.

"Yo," Gu Tao seemed to see the clue from the palms they held each other, "Oh~ it turns out that the two of you are doing this, your mother is the mistress, you..."

"Don't say my mother!" Gu Tao said about Qu Yingyi, and Gu Chaoming roared.

Lin Jianfan in front of him was startled, his shoulders shook slightly.

"Silly boy, your mother didn't want you for a long time. You still protect her. Are you stupid?" Gu Tao said.

Gu Chaoming glared at Gu Tao, and Lin Jianfan took his hand to reassure him: "Don't be impulsive."

After Lin Jianfan comforted Gu Chaoming, who was angry because Gu Tao said that Qu Yingyi was a mistress, he turned to face Gu Tao who came: "I have recorded the whole process of your behavior just now..."

Before Lin Jianfan finished speaking, Gu Tao's waving arm fell in the air.

Gu Tao didn't know whether he panicked when he heard Lin Jianfan's recording, or because Lin Jianfan's attitude was too arrogant and he raised his hand to hit someone.

The slap did not land on Lin Jianfan's face, and Lin Jianfan did not move his face away.

The heart is frightened, but the body is still.

An arm stretched out from his head to catch the violence waving in the air.

Gu Tao's slap was caught by Gu Chaoming behind him, Gu Chaoming grabbed Gu Tao's arm and glared at him, then pushed hard.

Gu Tao's center of gravity was unstable and he took a small step back.

"There is a kind." Gu Tao scolded.

"After you..." Lin Jianfan also tried to reason with Gu Tao. A glass came flying, but Lin Jianfan was still not hit. Gu Chaoming pulled him into his arms, turned his back, and the glass Hit Gu Chaoming's back.

The glass that fell on the ground shattered, and shards of glass shattered on the ground. Gu Chaoming stepped on the splattered glass slag and turned around, his face not showing the kindness towards Lin Jianfanshi.

He could never be gentle in the face of Gu Tao, and being gentle with Gu Tao was his greatest sin.

Gu Chaoming knew that it was useless to reason with Gu Tao, but he did not stop Lin Jianfan, because he knew that Lin Jianfan wanted to protect him, he could let Lin Jianfan use his methods, but Gu Tao wanted to hurt him, Gu Chaoming would not give in like just now.

The boy put on his armor and clenched his sharp weapon.

He wants to be invincible, he wants to be powerful.

He walked viciously in front of Gu Tao, and Gu Tao still murmured that Gu Chaoming would not dare to do anything to him.

He stammered, and a slap slapped his face.

He actually wanted to hit Lin Jianfan, but Gu Chaoming slapped him without hesitation.

An unexpected slap slapped Gu Tao directly.

Gu Chaoming calmly turned his head to Lin Jianfan and said, "You go first, and tell Su Bing and Xili that I will not come."

Lin Jianfan frowned and shook his head.

"Be careful!" Lin Jianfan who shook his head suddenly exclaimed.

Gu Chaoming turned his head and saw a black unknown object flying in front of him. Gu Chaoming took a small step to avoid it with his seventeen years of experience.

"Let's go first, I'll come later." Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan still shook his head: "You won't come."

There was a sound behind him, and Gu Tao didn't know where to find something.

In the past, only the violence he faced, now there is more Lin Jianfan, Gu Chaoming had to pay attention, so that he lost many opportunities to escape.

Gu Chaoming didn't want him to be hurt, so he told him to leave quickly, but Lin Jianfan stayed where he was.

"Come with me." Lin Jianfan said.

Gu Chaoming looked at him and looked at Lin Jianfan who said "Come with me" to him.

How he expected Qu Yingyi to take him to his new home, but it was just a lie. How he hoped that death would take him away, but even death was unwilling to take him away.

Now someone says to him, "Come with me."

Come with me.

Get out of this house together.

Get out of this hell together.

He saw Lin Jianfan's hand reaching out to him, the hand reaching out to him on the edge of hell.

He is an angel willing to go to hell.

"Okay." Gu Chaoming said.

Gu Tao, who was behind him, found a suitable weapon. Gu Chaoming turned around and walked towards Gu Tao with his bare hands with his bare hands.

He's going to get on with his fears.

He wanted to swing his fist towards Gu Tao.

Gu Chaoming seemed to be in a dream, like in every late-night dream, the fist he waving, the sharp knife he stabbed.

Now the dream will become reality, and reality will become the prison in the dream.

Gu Chaoming clenched his fists and walked towards Gu Tao, towards the victim in his dream.

He had smelled blood in his dreams and had seen blood all over the floor.


"The son of a mouse can make a hole."


"Violence is hereditary."

With words in his head, he once again entered the seamless and starless night sky, where there was nothing but boundless darkness.

"Kill him."

"Kill him and you will be free!"

"Go on!"

The sudden emergence of troops in the words encouraged Gu Chaoming to raise the butcher's knife in his dream.

He raised his hand, raised the butcher's knife in the darkness, and the blood splattered and dyed his hands red.

He stepped forward, and there was power pulling him, pulling him to escape from the seamless darkness.

Pulling at the tail of his clothes with one hand, he jumped out of the water like a fish that had been floating on the seabed for a long time. Gu Chaoming could smell the fresh air, not the slightly fishy blood.

He was pulled by Lin Jianfan and pulled to one side. Gu Tao's wooden stick slammed into the air, and the end of the long stick hit Lin Jianfan's skin.

Gu Chaoming saw that Lin Jianfan was injured, and Lin Jianfan grabbed the wooden stick that Gu Tao hit him.

Gu Tao was angry, and the wooden stick in his hand was pulled by a hairy boy. Gu Tao pulled it hard, Lin saw Fan slightly forward, and Gu Tao could no longer gain the upper hand by pulling it again.

Holding the other end of the stick with both hands, they grabbed the stick easily from Gu Tao's hand together.

Lin Jianfan didn't let Gu Chaoming hit Gu Tao with the stolen stick. He didn't want to see his son beat his father. Even though his father was not like his father, Lin Jianfan also didn't want his son to be like his son.

Lin Jianfan grabbed the stick in Gu Chaoming's hand and pointed at Gu Tao: "Don't come here."

Holding the stick in one hand and pointing at Gu Tao, the other hand holds Gu Chaoming's palm.

Gu Chaoming was startled by the warmth of his palm, and looked down at the palm that he and Lin Jianfan clasped together.

His eyes were still on the clasped palms, and his vision suddenly began to sway without notice, like water swaying in a water bottle.

Lin Jianfan threatened Gu Tao, quickly threw away the stick amid Gu Tao's sneer and Gu Chaoming's inattention, and pulled Gu Chaoming to the door.

In the shaking vision, Gu Chaoming saw the light outside the door, and saw the light outside the door help them push open the heavy door.

Seeing Lin Jianfan who was running with him in the light.

Seeing Lin Jianfan lead him to the world of flowers.