
Chapter 96


The wind blowing in from the window was soft, so soft that the leaves by the window swayed gently. The swaying of the leaves made the boys in the room more noisy, Gu Chaoming pinched Su Bing's neck, and Gu Chaoming, who seemed to be avoiding trouble, jumped off the sofa and stood on the floor as soon as Gu Chaoming rushed over.

The teenagers had had enough trouble on the sofa. In addition to the fatigue of moving house in the morning, they were sweating again. Gu Chaoming let go of Su Bing and rested on the sofa. Su Bing was also paralyzed on the sofa.

After a few seconds, Su Bing's stomach grunted in protest.

Slumped on the sofa that Su Bing said hard, Gu Chaoming tilted his head slightly and glanced at Su Bing who was screaming: "Want to eat shit?"

Su Bing glared at him: "Go away, I'm hungry, wait for the takeaway, I won't make trouble with you, save some energy to eat."

Gu Chaoming smiled and stopped yelling at him, turning his head to look at Lin Jianfan who was still standing by the floor-to-ceiling window.

Lin Jianfan stood by the floor-to-ceiling window and smiled. He was used to the frequent fights between Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, and was advised by the "kindergarten principal" Cen Xili from the beginning: "Don't worry about it, they will stop by themselves later."

Gu Chaoming, who had stopped, turned his head to look at him, Lin Jianfan was still smiling slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

His young man stood by the window against the light, Gu Chaoming couldn't help but smile, his mood rose to the heights with the recent sudden rise in the weather.

When he was beaten by Gu Tao and leaned against the desk, he thought that the world was dark and the light was just his illusion. On the days when the sun was bright and the breeze was gentle, Gu Chaoming felt that the current life was too unreal, and on the other hand, he felt that the light was real, it was right beside him, and he could catch it as soon as he grabbed it.

Gu Chaoming sat paralyzed on the sofa and patted the seat next to him and said to Lin Jianfan by the window, "Stop standing, I'm so tired in the morning, come and sit."

"Gu Shuai, you looked like a greasy uncle who wanted to molest Miss," Su Bing patted the sofa, imitating Gu Chaoming's gesture just now, "Miss, don't be afraid, come and sit."

"You don't stop even if you're hungry." Gu Chaoming kicked Su Bing's leg with a smile.

Su Bing did not evade, but allowed Gu Chaoming to kick.

After kicking Su Bing, Gu Chaoming turned around and saw that Lin Jianfan had not sat down yet, and patted the sofa again: "Come here."

The wind is soft by the window, the window is open, let the wind come in and out. Lin Jianfan walked over to Gu Chaoming and sat down. Unlike Su Bing, Gu Chaoming put a pillow behind his head, he put his head directly on the shoulders of Lin Jianfan who was sitting over.

Su Bing, who was slumped on the sofa with a pillow next to him, felt Cen Xili directing him to look at the eyes of the two people on the opposite side.

"Hey, this is the kind of treatment that only people who have boyfriends have. We, single dogs like us who eat dog food, should sleep on pillows."

Resting on Lin Jianfan's shoulder, Gu Chaoming fell asleep dimly.

In the past few days, I have to worry about Gu Tao, have to pack, have to study, and have to look after the house. Gu Chaoming was so tired that he fell asleep on Lin Jianfan's shoulder unconsciously.

Lin Jianfan leaned on the sofa and didn't dare to move his shoulders, for fear of waking Gu Chaoming. The wind outside the window was blowing against Gu Chaoming, who was asleep. Cen Xili walked over to close the window intimately, and took the coat that Su Bing took off to Gu Chaoming. cover.

"Xili, you are so careful with him that he calls you old mother." Su Bing whispered.

Cen Xili smiled: "It's easy to catch a cold if you don't cover such a day."

"We are just too good to him, that's why he forgets his righteousness and cares less about his friends." Su Bing scolded Gu Chaoming while he was asleep, but the motion of turning over on the sofa should be as light as possible, so as not to wake him up he.

Lin Jianfan, who Su Bing called the "sex" in the "emphasis on sex over friends", said: "He actually cherishes your two friends very much."

Su Bing turned over: "Of course, otherwise Laozi is so kind to him."

"Don't pay attention to him," Cen Xili said to Lin Jianfan, who was obviously not talking to them as naturally as Gu Chaoming. "Would you like to wake him up and go to bed? His shoulders are sore when he is so pillowed."

"It's fine." Lin Jianfan shook his head with a smile.

Gu Chaoming fell asleep, and the whole living room slowly became quiet. Gu Chaoming slept on Lin Jianfan's shoulder and didn't wake up until the takeaway came.

After getting the takeaway and putting it on the table, Su Bing started the prank she had conceived long ago.

Su Bing threw away the pillow in his hand and moved it to the sleeping Gu Chaoming. He raised his index finger to his mouth and told Lin Jianfan to keep quiet, and then gently moved Gu Chaoming, who was on Lin Jianfan's shoulder, to his shoulder.

You're done.

Su Bing told Lin Jianfan: "Don't talk later, don't show your stuff, just say you sleep on my shoulder."

Before Lin Jianfan nodded, Su Bing patted Gu Chaoming's face: "Hey, wake up, wake up, it's time to eat."

Gu Chaoming was in a daze and refused to wake up. He didn't open his eyes to see who it was. He rubbed Su Bing's shoulder twice, Su Bing increased his strength and patted Gu Chaoming's shoulder a little: "Hey, it's time to eat, you sperm. You two idiots, I'm not Lin Jianfan, stop rubbing."

Hearing Su Bing's voice, Gu Chaoming jumped up like a spring and leaned back: "I remember when I slept on Jian Fan."

"Are you sleepy? Do you know how long I haven't moved my shoulders? Just to make you sleep well, you are tired these days." Su Bing said while opening the takeaway box.

Gu Chaoming was dubious, took the chopsticks handed over by Lin Jianfan and asked, "Is what he said true?"

As soon as Lin Jianfan was allowed to speak, Su Bing would not let Lin Jianfan speak, and hurriedly said before Lin Jianfan spoke: "You still ask if it's true, why am I lying to you, if you don't believe me, pat me on the shoulder , as hard as a rock, just for you, you still rubbed over."

Gu Chaoming asked Lin Jianfan with his eyes: "Is what Su Bing said true?"

Annoyed by the noise, Cen Xili picked up the disposable chopsticks and knocked on Su Bing, who kept talking beside him: "Gu Shuai lied to you, you are sitting on Fan's shoulder, as for rubbing..."

"Put it on my shoulder." Su Bing was quite proud, although he didn't know where the pride came from. Did the prank succeed

Gu Chaoming supported his forehead, and Su Bing said, "Why don't you just rub, ah, it's rare to see Gu Shuai act coquettishly once, so that's how the steel man acted coquettishly."

A finger was raised in front of Su Bing - Gu Chaoming's middle finger.

Su Bing laughed: "Gu Shuai, you have today too!"

After the meal was full, Lin Jianfan and Cen Xili also persuaded Gu Chaoming to continue to go to bed, but Gu Chaoming said that he had to clean up the house, and the luggage was still on the ground.

After eating, Su Bing stretched his waist: "Then hurry up and pack up, I also want to sleep, hurry up and pack up and go to bed soon. There is only one bed in this house, I will sleep with Gu Shuai, but Gu Shuai must Don't take me as a fan and hug me again."

Su Bing deliberately winked at Gu Chaoming, Gu Chaoming gave him a middle finger and a scolding meal, and finally gave him a "go away" kindly.

Su Bing couldn't stop laughing.

Gu Chaoming's luggage was not too much, but not too much. After all, all the belongings he needed had been moved over, and Gu Chaoming never thought of going back.

Pieces of things are put on, the whole house has the atmosphere of home.

"Hey, isn't this photo from the last sports meeting, Gu Shuai, did you wash it out?" Su Bing asked loudly, flipping through the photo frame in Gu Chaoming's suitcase.

"Well, I washed quite a few photos, some of which were useless to frame them." Gu Chaoming looked back at the photos Su Bing said.

Cen Xili leaned over to look curiously, and Su Bing said, "This one, I like this one the most. Is this also Gu Shuai's mobile wallpaper?"

Gu Chaoming nodded, his wallpaper has not been changed.

"And see Fan, I remember that Gu Shuai changed his drink with Xiao Jian Fan," Su Bing said, suddenly realized, "Gu Shuai, you started to meet Fan at that time."

"No." Gu Chaoming calmly denied.

"Why change?" asked Cen Xili, who was not present at the time when he returned home.

"Because Xiaojianfan's drink didn't catch it and fell to the ground. At that time, Xiaojianfan was taking pictures of Gu Shuai or something." Su Bing said.

After finishing speaking, Su Bing suggested: "Why don't you build a photo wall and hang these up."

"Will the landlord let me hang up?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"I asked, let it hang, as long as it doesn't leave too many traces."

Gu Chaoming walked over to take a look at the photos on the ground, and quickly said what to do.

It's just that the photo frame is not enough, and the amount is small.

Reluctantly created a photo wall in the living room, a few people took out their mobile phones to take a photo, Su Bing regretted not letting Lin Jianfan bring a camera over to commemorate the first day of Gu Chaoming's new home.

After finishing the room, Gu Chaoming was finally able to lie down and rest. As soon as Gu Chaoming lay down, Su Bing took off his shoes and jumped up, lying beside Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming pushed him away: "Get away from me."

Su Bing pretended to cry playfully: "woohoo, so sad."

The two started again, clearly saying that they wanted to sleep, but they were still so energetic in bed.

After the trouble, he closed his eyes and went to sleep. After squinting for about half an hour, Gu Chaoming woke up from his sleep.

He had that dream again.

Some people say that dreams are the opposite, some people say that dreams are true thoughts in the heart, and some people say that dreams can predict the future. Gu Chaoming is not sure which statement is correct, and maybe neither is correct.

But he had that dream again.

In the house he rented, in the bed he slept in for the first time, in the new home he just moved into.

The blood was still so red, and his hands were still shaking. He was taken into the police car, and was placed in silver-white handcuffs by Lin Jianfan's tightly gripped wrist. He was led by the police to break through the surrounded crowd, and Lin Jianfan was pulled by Li Zhao and cried in the crowd.

He couldn't see the person lying in the dripping blood behind the crowd, and the sharp knife he stabbed with his own hands didn't know who he was stabbing.

Because there is no face, he can't tell.

He was taken into a police car and taken away from the school.

He only slept for half an hour and was the first to wake up among the four people in the bed, but his dreams were very long, long enough to see his whole life.

He saw himself dying alone, sitting in a worn-out chair, with gray hair and shabby clothes. He sat in the chair as if delirious and drowsy.

He suddenly opened his eyes, there was no brilliance in the cloudy eyes, it was a very dark, dark gray-black.

He didn't know if he had children and grandchildren, and if Lin Jianfan was still by his side, he only saw himself, the old-fashioned, gray-haired self.

Gu Chaoming woke up suddenly, from a nightmare, the first face he saw was Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan was sleeping beside him, breathing very lightly, as if he hadn't fallen asleep at all.

After waking up from the nightmare, I saw the sleeping face of my lover. The panic after the nightmare and the shock of returning to the real world were violently mixed, and it was only when I saw Lin Jianfan's face that it eased a little.

Gu Chaoming approached Lin Jianfan a little bit, and then a little bit closer.

Lin Jianfan's breath hit Gu Chaoming's face, Gu Chaoming looked at Cen Xili and Su Bing who were still sleeping.

A kiss fell on Lin Jianfan's nose.

I don't know if Lin Jianfan slept too lightly. Gu Chaoming only kissed his nose. With a slight movement, Lin Jianfan slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

When he opened his eyes, it was Gu Chaoming's face magnified in front of him. Lin Jianfan asked in a slightly astringent and lazy voice just after waking up, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Gu Chaoming wondered how Lin Jianfan knew.

"You can tell by the look on your face."

"I had a long, long dream that lasted my whole life." Gu Chaoming said.

"Then how did your dream life end?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"It's nothing." Gu Chaoming didn't want to tell Lin Jianfan, but told him, "I will die alone."

Lin Jianfan blinked, raised his hand to touch Gu Chaoming's face, and comforted: "Dreams are all reversed."

Gu Chaoming smiled and leaned over to kiss the corner of Lin Jianfan's mouth: "Go back to sleep."

Lin Jianfan made a soft "um" in his nose, leaned over, got close to the already close distance, put his arms around Gu Chaoming's neck, and gently hugged him: "I wish you a good dream."

"You can't have a good dream. You said that the dream is the opposite. I want to finish all the nightmares, and then my life will be full of good dreams."

"Then I wish you a good night's sleep and no dreams all night."

"Okay, let me borrow your blessings."

Gu Chaoming was hugged by Lin Jianfan just like that, relying on Lin Jianfan's body temperature, he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

After waking up, Lin Jianfan did not sleep again. He hugged Gu Chaoming, who was asleep. He didn't want to let go of his sore arms, as if he was afraid that Gu Chaoming would have another nightmare, as if he wanted to wake up from a nightmare in Gu Chaoming. After the first time to comfort him, tell him - it was just a dream.

And I am by your side.

Gu Chaoming's second dream was very bright, as bright as day, he didn't remember what he dreamed specifically.

Maybe dreams are the same as time, the happier you feel, the faster time passes, the more difficult it is, and the slower time passes. The more nightmares, the more clearly remembered, the more good dreams, the more difficult to remember.

Gu Chaoming only remembered that there was a spring tree in his dream, the pink petals swayed to the ground, and the air smelled of spring.

The taste of sweet dreams.

The second time he woke up, Gu Chaoming saw Lin Jianfan's face again, and Lin Jianfan just looked at him like that. Seeing Lin Jianfan's face so close at hand, Gu Chaoming seemed to think of a scene in his dream.

He remembered Lin Jianfan talking in his ear, and he remembered the weight of Lin Jianfan in his arms.

There was wind in his ears, and there was Lin Jianfan's laughter in the wind.

"What should I do, I seem to have a very good, very good dream." Gu Chaoming asked Lin Jianfan.

"Good dreams will only come true, not false." Lin Jianfan said.

When Gu Chaoming woke up for the second time, Su Bing and Cen Xili were already up.

Gu Chao was lying in Lin Jianfan's arms, the door was closed, Gu Chaoming asked, "Your hands are sore, why don't you put a pillow for me, it's very tiring."

He sat up and took Lin Jianfan's pinned arm and kneaded it, he could imagine the soreness in Lin Jianfan's arm as he kneaded.

"Why are you so stupid and won't let go?" Gu Chaoming kneaded his arms and blamed him.

Lin saw Fan smiling, but before he spoke, Gu Chaoming said again, "You're stupid and you're still smiling?"

"No." Lin Jianfan said.

"Ah?" Gu Chaoming didn't understand.

"Won't let go."

The air was quiet, Gu Chaoming understood that Lin Jianfan was answering his last question, and the movement of his hand stopped.

"Don't let go when it hurts so much?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"Don't let it go." Lin Jianfan said.

Gu Chaoming sat closer and sat in front of Lin Jianfan, his Adam's apple twitched and he swallowed, as if hesitating for a long time before saying to Lin Jianfan, "See Fan."

"Yeah." Lin Jianfan responded.

"You said that I used some sour words to deceive you now. If I expose my true nature like my dad and become a violent person like him in the future, what should you do?"

When Lin Jianfan heard this question, he raised his eyes to look at Gu Chaoming, Gu Chaoming's eyes were not red, but Lin Jianfan's eyes seemed to see his inner panic through Gu Chaoming's eyes, and saw his crying heart .

Lin Jianfan replied without hesitation, "No."

"Don't you know? So don't make that assumption, you are Gu Chaoming, you just have the same surname as your father, nothing else."

Gu Chaoming nodded slightly, the kneaded arm in his hand suddenly withdrew, and the light in front of him was covered by a dark shadow. Lin Jianfan knelt on the bed, wrapped his arms around Gu Chaoming's neck, put his arms on Gu Chaoming's shoulders and hung down on Gu Chaoming's back. He leaned forward and kissed Gu Chaoming's drooping eyes, as if to remind him .

"Don't think about those things, look at me."

Lin Jianfan's kiss in his eyes filled up the gap in Gu Chaoming's heart and blocked the blood flowing.

Gu Chaoming hugged Lin Jianfan back and just touched Lin Jianfan's lips when the sound of the door opening interrupted his journey.

A few seconds after the door opened, there was an embarrassing and urgent slamming of the door.

Gu Chaoming, who was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and closing, sighed, couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help thinking about how to face Su Bing and Cen Xili outside.

Lin saw that a blush appeared on Fan's face, sorry.

"It's okay." Gu Chaoming stood up from the bed and touched Lin Jianfan's face to comfort him.

Get up and open the door, the atmosphere in the living room is too embarrassing, or too excited

As soon as Gu Chaoming opened the door and walked to the living room, Su Bingzheng and Cen Xili wanted to change their shoes and slip away without disturbing them, but they were caught by Gu Chaoming.

"You are so fast." Su Bing sighed.

Gu Chaoming couldn't bear Su Bing's head full of waste: "Quickly, what are you doing?"

"We want to say it's a bit late, go home, go home." Su Bing said.

Cen Xili also nodded: "Yes, yes."

Lin Jianfan walked out of the room and tried to pretend that nothing happened, but he could see that Cen Xili and Su Bing in the living room were still a little embarrassed.

"Are you going back? I'm with you." Lin Jianfan said.

Su Bing quickly pulled Cen Xili and laughed dryly: "We have something else to do, you can just wait a while, it's alright, Gu Shuai is here."

When Su Bingchao Lin saw Fan blink, Gu Chaoming just wanted to flatten him with a hammer.

"See Fan, they lied to you, go back with them early, and I'll take you down." Gu Chaoming said to Lin Jianfan.

"Hey, hey, no, no, the two of us..."

Before Su Bing finished speaking, Gu Chaoming slapped him on the head: "Don't worry, let's go."

After sending the three of them downstairs, and then sending each of them into the car, Gu Chaoming walked home from the intersection.

Thinking back on the kiss that had just been broken on the way, Gu Chaoming comforted Lin Jianfan with nothing on the surface, but in fact he kicked the air on the way home after everyone went back.

What the hell! Why so right!

As I walked halfway, I remembered that my house had just been set up and I didn’t buy groceries. I thought of buying something for dinner at a nearby convenience store. I walked out of the street and saw an unmanned store in the distance. It said 24 hours… There was a flashing word next to it.

Gu Chaoming scolded the sky in his heart, as if to prove his intentions. He even saw that kind of store when he bought dinner, but he didn't see it when he came!

Do you really pay attention to what is on your mind

Gu Chaoming went crazy.

What made him mad was still behind him. When he walked to a convenience store not far away, Gu Chaoming received a text message from Su Bing.

Gu Chaoming just wanted to punch him through the phone.

"The sofa is hard, but the bed I've slept on is fine, it's soft."