
Chapter 99


The moonlight was bright outside the window, and the earth was a silvery white. The curtains were closed, and the water-colored moonlight could not flow into the room from outside the window. The interior was the darkness that Gu Chaoming was familiar with. In his former home, he often woke up at midnight and saw the moonlight sneaking in in the dark night.

He has no intention of paying attention, he only pays attention to the dream that woke him up.

Just before today's dream became reality, he grabbed Gu Tao's neck, and the crowd gathered in the dream.

He woke up in a panic and ran away.

The ending of reality is different from the dream. Gu Chaoming wondered if he should be happy

In reality, he had no blood-stained palms in the taxi.

In the dark night of the new house, his eyes with tears closed and opened, looking at the phone screen that was about to go dark after hanging up the phone, Gu Chaoming seemed to make the next decision, got up from the bed, took the hair dryer and plugged it in. Power Dry wet hair.

After drying, turn on the light in the room and open the phone address book.

Dial sounds in the lit room.

It wasn't a cold mechanical female voice that answered him, and the phone was picked up quickly.

It was the speed at which Lin Jianfan usually answered his calls.


Gu Chaoming did not answer.

"Chaoming?" Lin Jianfan felt that something was wrong and carefully called his name.

Still unanswered, Gu Chaoming was thinking about how to speak.

He just, just really wanted to talk to Lin Jianfan.

He just, just felt so scared, so lonely.

Just now he hung up Lin Jianfan's phone and closed his eyes. What happened on the way home was like a dream, a bloody nightmare he had had before, but after waking up, he didn't see Lin Jianfan's face so close to him. He didn't hear Lin Jianfan say to him, "Dreams are all the opposite."

He just wanted to hear Lin Jianfan speak, and wanted Lin Jianfan to be by his side.

It was already dark outside the window, and the moonlight stuck to the glass window facelessly and told Gu Chaoming, "It's already very late."

He just wanted to talk to Lin Jianfan.

He finally spoke regardless of time for his "selfish desires": "See Fan, can you talk to me?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Jianfan asked.

Gu Chaoming's abnormal behavior and words made Lin Jianfan, who was holding the phone, flustered.

In the past, he rarely saw Gu Chaoming showing weakness. Gu Chaoming was always sunny and cheerful, which made him think that Gu Chaoming should be like this.

Sitting in the last row of the classroom, Mr. Gu was talking nonsense about him, with a smile at the corners of his mouth and bright eyes.

Gu Chaoming in his heart should be like this, but recently he can always see Gu Chaoming's tears and bleeding wounds.

His sunny boy seemed to have been destroyed and changed. Lin Jianfan held the phone and heard Gu Chaoming's choked words, imagining the hardships he had endured, Lin Jianfan's heart couldn't help throbbing.

The young man who used to laugh and comfort him and said that he helped him catch the wind is now choking in the middle of the night. Lin Jianfan just wanted to run out of the house, and the next moment he ran to Gu Chaoming's side to accompany him, comforting him the same way he comforted himself before.

Calling Gu Chaoming in the middle of the night already didn't feel very good. After saying a few words, he heard Lin Jianfan's chattering, as if he had deliberately lowered his voice so that no one could hear him. Gu Chaoming knew that he must be sleeping.

The phone call was already disturbing, and Gu Chaoming hurriedly said at the end: "It's really okay, I'm hanging up, you go to bed early, listening to your whispers, you must be asleep at home, you also go to bed early, good night."

Gu Chaoming's last sentence was spoken at an ordinary speed and intonation. Everything sounded so ordinary. The last sentence of good night was even lighter than usual. It would never be imagined that the person who said such a brisk "good night" didn't have a face. A little "good night" lightness.

In Lin Jianfan's impression, there was no light in Gu Chao's bright eyes at this time, and there were only strands of red blood entwined around the eye sockets, which were flushed with tears.

Hearing Lin Jianfan's voice, the panic floating in his heart seemed to have found a landing spot and was able to perch.

The room that hung up the phone returned to its original silence, to its original silence. Gu Chaoming's arm holding the phone drooped down, as if he had lost his support and lay back, and the bed behind him caught him.

The roof of the new house had no traces of dampness. Gu Chaoming lay on the bed and stared at it for a long time. He didn't know what he was looking at, and he didn't know whether his consciousness had wandered away.

He only suddenly felt a little cold, a coldness that spread from his heart. He didn't know what panic looked like, but he could always feel it by his side.

Gu Chaoming blinked and stared at the clean and white roof and raised his arm, as if to grab the light on the roof, the shadow of his arm fell on his face.

It was these hands that pinched Gu Tao's neck, and Gu Chaoming's raised arm trembled slightly.

"Let go!"

"Tell me if you have something to say."

"Do not impulse."

The crowd was pulling his arm. The crowd was more enthusiastic than the crowd in his dream. The crowd in his dream surrounded him with a dark smile on his face. No one came forward. His butcher knife was inserted into Gu Tao's body.

Gu Chaoming didn't know what he was going to do, or should he go to sleep? He was a little tired, but couldn't sleep at all, his nerves tense in panic.

All the organs and blood in the body were hollowed out, and Gu Chaoming felt like an empty shell, filled with panic.

Problems in the dark wait until the sun rises the next day.

Maybe when you wake up the next day, the panic will naturally hide.

Gu Chaoming looked at the bright lights on the roof. He didn't know how long he had been lying on the bed, but he felt cold under his feet.

The panic behind Gu Tao's neck controlled Gu Chaoming. After the cold reminder from the soles of his feet, Gu Chaoming thought that he should not catch a cold. He is alone at home, no one can take care of him, and he has no capital to catch a cold.

His hands and feet were already cold, Gu Chaoming tilted his head to glance at the cold phone in his hand and then turned his head to look at the taut curtains.

Like a criminal who was afraid of being discovered, he pulled all the curtains in the house, as if no one would know that his hands had been around his father's neck.

Gu Chaoming sat up and read tomorrow. He planned to go to bed and wait for the night to digest his panic.

Standing up from the bed, a doorbell rang from the living room.

"Ding dong."

Hearing the doorbell from the living room, Gu Chaoming walked to the living room where the lights were not turned on.

The curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room were pulled tight as soon as he got home, and the furniture in the living room could still be seen clearly in the dark. Gu Chaoming didn't turn on the lights, he leaned against the darkness in the living room and walked to the door.


Who was the night? Who will ring his doorbell at night

In the darkness, behind the door, Gu Chaoming's eyes suddenly widened, and the hand that was already on the doorknob to open the door stopped.

It was the first time someone rang the doorbell so late since he moved here, and it was the night he met Gu Tao. Gu Chaoming could only come to one conclusion due to all kinds of strange factors—Gu Tao.

How did he know I was here

Did he follow a taxi

The blood in his whole body froze instantly, and Gu Chaoming remembered the night of "Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night" when he was a child. At that time, he opened the door innocently, and when he opened the door, a group of female ghosts pulled their little ghosts.

Time has passed, but it has not moved at all. It is still at night, and it is still outside the door, but the devil outside the door has become Gu Tao. Gu Tao alone is better than all the "girl ghosts" and "little ghosts" when he was a child.

Gu Chaoming's heart suddenly fell, and he fell as fast as he was weightless, and he could hear the whistling of the wind in his ears when he fell.

Gu Chaoming checked to see if there was any cash in his pocket, fearing that Gu Tao would go crazy in his new home.

I don't have a penny in my pocket in comfortable clothes, and my phone is left on the bed. Gu Chaoming pretended not to be at home when he wanted to open the door or not, but he had just made a sound, but there was no answer from outside.

Did you not hear? Usually, Gu Tao will definitely reply when he hears it.

Any swear words are possible, it is strange not to answer.

Maybe Gu Tao will slam the door again in the next second. Gu Chaoming didn't want to make a noise to the neighbors, not to mention that there was a newborn baby opposite. Gu Chaoming was afraid that Gu Tao would go crazy, and Gu Tao would go crazy and the whole building would not want to sleep.

His blood was cold with his hands and feet, and Gu Chaoming's heart was beating wildly. He was afraid that it was Gu Tao. The darkness in the living room turned into Gu Tao's comrades who kidnapped him and prevented him from going anywhere.

In order not to let Gu Tao find out outside the door, Gu Chaoming shouted in a different voice, "Who is it? Ring the doorbell at night so that no one can sleep?"

With a loud shout, the person outside the door replied as if he had just heard it: "It's me."

As soon as he heard this voice, Gu Chaoming's falling heart was caught by a pair of big hands, and the darkness around him loosened the ropes that had kidnapped him and fled.

Gu Chaoming opened the door almost immediately after hearing the sound. Seeing Lin Jianfan, who was carrying a medicine box outside the door, he was relieved, as if someone told him that it was fake after hearing some very bad news. .

When he opened the door and saw Lin Jianfan in the corridor, Gu Chaoming's nervous hand slipped from the door handle. The heart fell into the soft cloud, Gu Chaoming was like a relieved balloon, and the highly tense nerves were finally relieved.

Gu Chaoming didn't give Lin Jianfan outside the door a chance to speak, he stepped forward and hugged him fiercely.

With both hands tightening Lin Jianfan's waist, Gu Chaoming likes to rest his chin or cheek in Lin Jianfan's neck when hugging.

With his arms tightened, Gu Chaoming kissed Lin Jianfan, who was visiting late at night, on the neck near the bulging bone, as if he was celebrating, and at the same time as if he wanted to draw reassurance from Lin Jianfan.

The inner tension and panic turned into surprise and relaxation at the moment of seeing Lin Jianfan, as well as great joy.

Lin Jianfan, who was hugged, didn't speak. After opening the door, he didn't see if Gu Chaoming was injured. Gu Chaoming hugged him. Lin Jianfan could feel Gu Chaoming's hug. Impulsively, his chest almost hit Gu Chaoming's chest.

Lin saw that Fan didn't mention the medicine box and half hugged Gu Chaoming, patted Gu Chaoming's back lightly, and felt Gu Chaoming's movement on the back of his neck.

The kiss on the back of the neck went all the way down and down, but Gu Chaoming tightened his hand tightly without any other movement.

The kiss on the back of the neck made Lin Jianfan feel itchy. Lin Jianfan was not worried about what Gu Chaoming would do to him, but he was more worried about Gu Chaoming's injuries.

What exactly did Gu Tao do to Gu Chaoming to make Gu Chaoming call him after calling him and say, "I just want to talk to you."

On the road, I thought of countless terrible thoughts, and I just wanted to get to Gu Chaoming as soon as possible, afraid that if he arrived one step later, Gu Chaoming's life would be in danger.

It wasn't as bad as he thought, at least on the surface.

"Okay," Lin Jianfan patted Gu Chaoming's back lightly, as if coaxing a child, "Let's go in, don't catch a cold at night."

Gu Chaoming nodded in his arms, slowly released Lin Jianfan, looked at Lin Jianfan's face, the corners of his mouth twitched for a long time tonight, he touched Lin Jianfan's cheek, and his fingertips stroked Lin Jianfan's ear, He said softly to Lin Jianfan, "You go in first and I'll close the door."

Lin Jianfan obediently carried the medicine box and walked into Gu Chaoming's new home. Gu Chaoming followed, and when the door was closed, he paid special attention to whether there was anyone outside.

The medicine box was placed on the coffee table, and when he entered the living room, Lin Jianfan stood in front of the coffee table and waited for Gu Chaoming to come over. Lin Jianfan asked him worriedly, "Are you not injured? Let me see."

Gu Chaoming walked to Lin Jianfan's side, took Lin Jianfan's hand and touched him everywhere: "How is it, it's all strong, are you alright?"

When Lin Jianfan didn't come, Gu Chaoming was so nervous that he closed the curtains, but when Lin Jianfan came, he had this heartless hippie smile again.

"What happened?" Lin Jianfan asked.

"It's nothing, I just miss you, why are you here?" Gu Chaoming still refused to say, he didn't hear Lin Jianfan sigh slightly.

On the day he came out of the dean's office, Lin Jianfan also didn't know what Gu Chaoming was thinking. When Gu Chaoming came out to hug him, Lin Jianfan only knew that he was very unhappy, but what exactly was Gu Chaoming thinking about? What, he doesn't know.

It was the same this time. Gu Chaoming hugged him, but he still didn't know why.

Gu Chaoming didn't ask Lin Jianfan if he didn't say anything. He would say it when he wanted to. After all, there were some things in his heart that were really hard to say to others.

Lin Jianfan did not force it.

"It's fine if you don't get hurt."

He also brought a medical kit, just because he was afraid that Gu Chaoming would be injured.

"Scared you?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"No," Lin Jianfan shook his head, "I was just afraid that your dad would hit you."

"I met him on the street, but nothing happened, I ran away." Gu Chaoming omitted the most important part in the middle.

When encountering Gu Tao, nothing happened, so why does the voice on the phone choke

Gu Chaoming discovered the flaw in his lies. He wondered if the smart Lin Jianfan had discovered it. Lin Jianfan didn't point out his flaws, or didn't want to expose it.

In short, Lin Jianfan didn't chase after him to ask what happened, and only cared about his boyfriend.

You have to read tomorrow, and a reading is an order to go to bed early. Gu Chaoming asked Lin Jianfan: "Are you going back today? If you go back, I will send you back. Be careful boys at night, especially if you are so handsome."

Gu Chaoming was still in the mood to joke.

"I won't go back." Lin Jianfan said, he had already decided when he came.

"Sleep here?" Gu Chaoming asked.

"Isn't it okay?" Lin Jianfan asked while sitting on the sofa wearing Gu Chaoming's winter slippers. The slippers were a bit big, and they rattled when walking in the living room.

"It's not impossible," Gu Chaoming said, and added with a guilty conscience, "Don't worry, I won't do anything."

Lin Jianfan turned his head to look at Gu Chaoming beside him. Hearing what he said, he wanted to grab the pillow on the sofa and hit Gu Chaoming's head.

He played with Gu Chaoming and Su Bing, and listened to their bickering quietly and learned a lot of words between them.

The pillow slammed on Gu Chaoming's head, Lin Jianfan's face was slightly warm and he said, "My brain is full of waste."

"Do you blame me for being seventeen and young?" Gu Chaoming grabbed Lin Jianfan and smashed his pillow.

"You're a pervert yourself, don't put it down to age."

Gu Chaoming pulled the other end of the pillow hard, and Lin Jianfan threw himself into his arms.

A boyfriend suddenly plunged into his arms. Lin Jianfan's soft hair was on his chest when he bowed his head. Gu Chaoming bent his arms and wanted to hug Lin Jianfan in his arms. This posture could easily pick him up.

Before he could pick it up, Lin Jianfan raised his head with his hands on the sofa. Gu Chaoming saw Lin Jianfan's face, thinking that Lin Jianfan had just said that he was a pervert, Gu Chaoming's bent hand immediately raised his head in a gesture of surrender: "You" I'm not a pervert."

Lin Jianfan looked up at Gu Chaoming speechlessly, grabbed the pillow in his hand and pressed it on the face of "surrender" Gu Chaoming.

Gu Chaoming yelled, "Murder my husband!"

After shouting a few words, Gu Chaoming withdrew his surrendering arms, his face still pressed by the pillow, he felt his palms dragging Lin Jianfan's legs, he jumped up and picked up Lin Jianfan.

As his body vacated, Lin Jianfan's pillow fell to the ground without a firm grasp.

"It's getting late, I'm going to bed." Gu Chaoming carried Lin Jianfan to the bedroom.

Lin Jianfan in his arms did not struggle, but his eyes unnaturally did not look at Gu Chaoming. Gu Chaoming tried very hard not to let himself laugh like a fool, and tried to make himself look normal.

After walking a few steps, Lin Jianfan grasped Gu Chaoming's sleeve tightly, and Gu Chaoming, who was trying to hold it back, couldn't help but show a smile.

Walking into the room where they took a nap together last time, Gu Chaoming put Lin Jianfan on the bed and slept on the other side.

Lie on the bed and turn off the light. In the dark night, Gu Chaoming stroked Lin Jianfan's hair with his fingers: "Go to sleep."

Lin Jianfan still didn't close his eyes, Gu Chaoming laughed and joked, "Want me to teach you how to sleep?"

Lin Jianfan shook his head, and Gu Chaoming asked again, "Can't sleep? Or do you want a good night kiss?"

"Pervert." Lin Jianfan said.

Gu Chaoming laughed a few times, Lin Jianfan suddenly opened his arms, and the quilt was arched into the wind by Lin Jianfan's open arms.

The smile on his face stopped, Gu Chaoming looked at Lin Jianfan's open arms.

He understands.

The laughter was replaced by a smile on his lips, and Gu Chaoming moved his body closer to Lin Jianfan.

Lin Jianfan lowered his open arms and hugged Gu Chaoming like last time.

The skin under the quilt was against the skin, and he could hear each other's breathing. Gu Chaoming said that if he didn't know what to do, he wouldn't do anything. He leaned against Lin Jianfan's arms and closed his eyes.

The temperature in the quilt at night was higher than that of taking a nap at noon. Gu Chaoming pressed Lin Jianfan close, his eyes closed, and the rising temperature made him start to imagine the future.

When they go to university, they will rent a small house to put their daily necessities, pairs of toothbrushes, pairs of towels, slippers for couples... They get up together to go to school during the day, and sleep next to them at night.

Just thinking about it, the corners of Gu Chaoming's mouth already twitched.

Even if he has the nightmare of killing Gu Tao again tonight, when he wakes up from the nightmare, Lin Jianfan will say to him, "The dream is the opposite."

That way all nightmares are not feared.

He leaned against Lin Jianfan's arms and thought, "It's good.

future, and now.