President isn’t ‘Mary Sue’

Chapter 1


Ruan Yan decided to quit.

When he returned from studying abroad that year, he was fooled into a small entrepreneurial company. How small is the company, plus the boss and the cleaning aunt, there are six people in total.

In the past three years, the number of employees has increased by more than ten, but a project has not been completed, a product has not been developed, and the angel investors have lost all their money. to another home.

Even at this time, their arrogant boss was still talking about the phrase "become a listed company next year", and even made a slogan posted on the door of each toilet compartment. One day, Ruan Yan suddenly woke up after holding a large bar against the toilet door: I can't go on like this! He's going to quit! Job hopping!

Having learned the lessons of the last job search, Ruan Yan directly set his goal on "listed companies" this time.

In any case, in the past three years, he has been brought into the industry, and his ability has improved. After a round of written test and interview, plus his good image and temperament, there are really two big companies that offered him olive branches. .

Zhang Ruanyan chose Qianhui Network Technology, an IT company under the business giant Qianhui Group. It has developed rapidly in recent years, and at first glance, it is a promising enterprise. The most important thing is that he saw an interview with the president of Qianhui Network Technology in a business magazine. In the interview, he described the man who is handsome, handsome and capable, which made him admire him. It's not good to "su" him.

So, on this sunny Monday, he wore the most appropriate suit, took the most steady steps, and stepped into the door of the new company with the fullest spirit.

Bypassing the giant IOGO in the center of the hall, Ruan Yan sent a WeChat message to the head of the personnel department: Sister Chen, I'm here.

Sister Chen: Wait, two minutes.

Ruan Yan: Okay.

Two minutes is two minutes. Ruan Yan quickly saw the tall and capable woman with short hair stepping out of the elevator and waving to him: "Xiao Ruan, this way."

Sister Chen led him to familiarize himself with the working environment and introduced him to several other department heads. Ruan Yan honestly greeted him behind him.

He is a technical talent and should be assigned to the R&D department. Here, Sister Chen was in the process of handing over personnel to the director of the R&D department. Suddenly, everyone's mobile phones rang, and an emergency notification was displayed on the LED screen of each department:

Our company's personnel proficient in Japanese, please report to the Yao Secretariat as soon as possible.

Calling people up with such a big fanfare seems to be in a hurry. Sister Chen responded quickly and turned to ask Ruan Yan, "Xiao Ruan, did you come back from studying in Japan?"

"Well... yes." Ruan Yan agreed.

"Then go up and do me a favor. We had a negotiation meeting with Tanaka Electronics in the morning. It is estimated that something went wrong with the translator."

Sister Chen acted resolutely, and Ruan Yan was pushed into the elevator by her without any strength to fight back.

Taking him to Secretary Yao, Sister Chen said hello and didn't say much. After answering the phone, she hurried downstairs, so Ruan Yan, who didn't understand the situation at all, just stomped in front of Secretary Yao. Along with him were two other staff members, a man in a blue overalls from the logistics department, and a man in a suit wearing glasses.

In fact, there are quite a few people in who can speak Japanese, but there are not many who are interested in filling this vacancy in translation, and this job is a bit difficult. Before they came up, two of them were screened by Secretary Yao. . Probably really pressed for time, Director Yao didn't bother to talk to them, so he threw them a copy of the materials in Japanese, and asked them if they could understand it and if they could explain it to Japanese customers.

The buddies in the logistics department gave up without looking at it: "Forget it, let me do some simple text translation, but I can't interpret it. I have to leave beforehand."

The glasses man roughly flipped through the information and saw a large number of electronic component labels and software level analysis in it, he pushed the glasses reservedly: "I have no problem with Japanese interpretation, but this is too professional..."

Secretary Yao impatiently took the documents and handed them to Ruan Yan: "How about you?"

This is a detailed introduction to the company's new products. It is indeed quite professional, but Ruan Yan can still understand it, but there are some instructions related to the company's unique software, which he has never been exposed to, so he is not familiar with it.

He said to Secretary Yao, "I can almost understand it, but these two software..."

Secretary Yao raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, clicked his tongue, and turned to one of the documents: "Is this ok?"

After taking a closer look, they were all relatively basic descriptions. Ruan Yan nodded: "It should be fine."

"Okay, come with me." Secretary Yao motioned him to follow quickly, "You still have two minutes to familiarize yourself with the materials, mainly pages 41 to 62. Don't be stage fright, don't talk too much, don't answer irrelevant questions, understand?"

"I know, I know." Ruan Yan was surprised that she was able to walk fast while walking on 8-centimeter high heels. In addition, he found that the work efficiency here is really high, everyone seems to be busy, talking and doing things very neatly, really following The company he used to be busy all day was completely different.

In this comparison, Ruan Yan's fighting spirit is even more high-spirited.

Outside the conference room, Secretary Yao put one hand on the doorknob and looked at Ruan Yan: "Are you ready?"

Ruan Yan closed the documents, stretched the hem of his suit, and took a deep breath: "Okay."


Ruan Yan walked in, still a little nervous, he felt a little bit on the same foot.

Li Han, who was sitting in the main seat, stood up, exchanged glances with Secretary Yao, and then introduced to the Tanaka Electronics people familiarly: "This is our translator, and he will explain in detail the advantages of Dawn's 4th generation engine. ."

"..." Ruan Yan was a little stunned.

Huh? Li Han? Isn't this Li Han, president of Qianhui Network Technology

Why did I meet the BOSS all of a sudden, the BOSS still looks like I know me very well!

There is no psychological preparation at all, will the plot develop too fast

Oops, the tie seems to be a little crooked today!

Ask Zhihu God, how can I pretend that it is not the first time I see a male god

Ruan Yan's inner drama is very rich, in fact, it is only a moment of lightning, but this is enough to cause Li Han's dissatisfaction. Li Han frowned and gave him a stern look of "what are you doing?".

Only then did Ruan Yan react, and hurriedly greeted several customers in Japanese: "Please give me some advice when we meet for the first time, I'm Ruan Yan."

The negotiation meeting was quite successful, and Ruan Yan could basically answer the customer's questions. He only got stuck on two details, and was finally solved by Li Han skillfully.

Capable and responsible, with a handsome face and long legs, the real person is more stylish than the magazine photos, ignoring the somewhat fierce eyes, in Ruan Yan's heart, Li Han has become a capital "Su".

Back in the R&D department, Ruan Yan was reminiscing about this short meeting, and Sister Chen brought him another shocking news: "Pack up and go upstairs."

"What's wrong?" Ruan Yan was puzzled.

"Assistant Cheng, who can speak Japanese, climbed the mountain to watch the meteor shower last night and broke his leg. He will be hospitalized for at least a month."

"Oh," Ruan Yan didn't know what to say, "Assistant Cheng's life is very pursuit..."

"So, during this period, you take her place."

Ruan Yan took a sip of coffee and almost sprayed it on the keyboard: "Huh?"

Sister Chen said more bluntly: "Mr. Li has fallen in love with you and asked you to be his temporary assistant."

"… "

Before the chair of the R&D department was warmed up, Ruan Yan was packed and thrown up.

Sister Chen exchanged his personnel files again, patted him on the shoulder and said, "You guys are lucky, come on."

The young man's heart was surging: "Okay, okay..."

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