Primitive Once Again

Chapter 101: Em and Haru


Em has been very busy lately.

He seems to have accepted the fact of his father's death, and has returned to the original young man with a smile on his face. He is busy building a stronger nest with Yu every day, and busy arranging new ones for the rabbit family rescued by Snow Flower to the New World. In addition to being busy with his own affairs, Em also followed other members of the tribe to explore new worlds and study new trap building methods.

But Meng Jiuzhao knew that he hadn't recovered from the pain of his father's death at all.

Em has lost weight recently, probably the soil and water in this place are not suitable for the Snow Rabbits. He and his rabbits began to suffer from gastrointestinal discomfort, and they suffered from vomiting and diarrhea every day. In fact, everyone has experienced the acclimatization problem to some extent when they first came here, but other people will be fine after a few days in good health. Only this group of rabbits dragged on for a long time, especially Em, who lasted for a while. month.

The snow rabbits quickly dug their own burrows and left Em. Em had a lot of leisure time, but she became thinner instead. Em, who used to have a strong body of small muscles, now became skinny and bony, looking a bit scary.

This is not a good sign for the orcs.

Extreme wasting often heralds death.

Forcing Em to stop going out with other people, until there is no other better way to treat Em, they can only hope that Em can take a good rest and get better again.

The one who worried about Em the most was naturally Yu.

Knowing that the baby in Black's family and Louis are cubs that Em looked up to since childhood, he specially asked Black to take the baby and they often come to his house to see Em. With the pups by her side, Em can divert her attention somewhat.

Blake was obliged to bring the cub over.

Bring us here... are we distracting Em by being cute? It's a pity that the two of us are too old to be cute.

Looking at Louis who collapsed on the stone bed that Yu had just laid, Meng Jiuzhao was thinking.

Now we are not eight or nine-year-old little kids anymore←Meng Jiuzhao, a ten-year-old and one-year-old kid, deeply touched his chin.

He decided to talk about life with Em (←The author remembers the sentence about life==///).

Meng Jiuzhao felt that Em was suffering from a heart attack, and he was blaming himself in his heart. In order to save himself, his father died.

So, while Dad and Yu went out to find materials to make a bed again, Meng Jiuzhao slid to Em's side. He first took out the herbal medicine specially brought to Em for the treatment of gastrointestinal discomfort. In fact, it was the ground flower he discovered before. Ground flower is the most common herb, although it is mainly used to treat menstrual irregularities. , but it can be used for headache, brain heat, vomiting, diarrhea, sitting and miscarriage.

He boiled a pot of thick soup with ground flowers, and poured a bowl of ground flower water for himself, Louis and Em.

By the way, he and Louis also have a bit of diarrhea recently, it’s not wrong to drink some of this water~

Then, Meng Jiuzhao decided to tell Em a story.

The story is very old. He first told Em an old ancient legend-Liang Zhu, the lovers were forced to separate, both died, and finally turned into butterflies after death, and finally flew away in pairs; In the era of the previous story, his story was simply unique. Em was fascinated by it. Not only him, but even Louis was fascinated by it. The other cubs beside him didn’t know when they ran in and squatted On the bare ground without a bed, everyone listened carefully with their ears pricked up.

Under everyone's strong request, Meng Jiuzhao had no choice but to continue speaking.

In order to advance a bit and better guide Em's thinking, he told Em a story about a pair of lovers who died and one of them was reincarnated as the brother of the other. The two people live together as family members again, everyone is happy, happy ending (←Atu, is this really happy ending, happy ending?)

In the end, after taking a sip of the ground flower soup, he finally said the comforting words he wanted to elicit: if the relationship between the two parties is deep enough, one of them will reincarnate after death and return to the other person.

Em, your father loves you so much, he will come back to you, so don't be sad, don't be sad.

Meng Jiuzhao didn't say the last sentence, but he knew that Em understood.

The proof was that Em finally managed to eat that night without throwing up.

In addition to looking for food every day, he concentrates on looking after his rabbit family. Only then did he discover that several rabbits were pregnant. With an inexplicable expectation, he worked harder to take care of these pregnant rabbits.

It's a pity that he was still disappointed after all. The rabbits finally gave birth to female rabbits.

That night, Yu's wailing resounded throughout the tribe.

Something happened to Em!

Falling asleep and falling asleep, Em suddenly hugged her stomach and yelled loudly. After Yu was awakened by his cry, she realized that Em was sweating profusely from the pain without knowing it! Her lips were bitten, and Em didn't know how long she had endured it!

No one knows what's going on here.

The tribe is full of young and middle-aged people, and they rarely have the chance to get sick, so once they get sick, they will be at a loss. Those who are strong enough can carry it by themselves, and those who can’t take it—

Not knowing how to help Em, everyone can only keep praying for Em.

Even the natural disasters failed to take away Em! Everyone finally survived together, how could they lose their companions at this time

Then, at this moment, there was a crisp pop from under Em.

Em farted.

Then the cries of pain stopped.

"Huh? Stomach... doesn't seem to hurt anymore?" Em's weak voice came out faintly.

Hearing this, everyone's sad expressions immediately became a little distorted.

Then, feeling a little embarrassed, and a little worried that he was peeing on the bed, Em sneaked around the bed, and then, he grabbed two things out with a weird look on his face.

A fluffy bunny... plus an egg

At that time, everyone's expressions were beyond twisted and indescribable!

During their escape to the New World, the Wash tribe lost one companion, and then gained two.


Recently, Em is busy taking care of the inexplicably born cubs; ; Black and Bai are busy learning the common sense that Kantas should learn with their father. As two Kantas who were raised by mammalian orcs, the knowledge of these two dinosaurs is a bit lacking; the carnivorous orcs in the tribe are busy learning new things. Prey catching skills, vegetarian orcs are busy learning new edible plants...

Even Carat and Wiesel, who used to stay in the kitchen, were pulled out to familiarize themselves with the terrain. Changing from the original leisurely scene, the Wash tribe became busy.

There are only 10 cubs, plus a grandpa~(≧▽≦)/~

Seeing my own cubs rolling into a ball with other cubs is so loving~

Although the way of taking care of the cubs is a bit too cruel, but Meng is a very good and dedicated parent.

The cubs never close their eyes until they are tired from playing. Once the cubs are a little far away, he will immediately find and bring back the cubs that have fallen behind.

Simply better than the best shepherd dogs!

Seeing Meng Meng lying on the ground and letting the cub jump on him, Haru was a little disappointed.

Haru was originally left to take care of the cubs.

With many years of experience in guarding sheep and proficient in raising chickens, Haru is a well-deserved nanny candidate in everyone's eyes.

Haru is also willing to take care of these cubs, but unfortunately, he was robbed of his job after only two days of this satisfactory job.

Treating the cubs is as warm as spring, and treating competitors as cruel as winter. He forced Haru away with fierce eyes and big white teeth, and then took the throne of nursery in the kindergarten of the Washi tribe with peace of mind.

After watching for a while in disappointment, after confirming that Meng could take good care of these cubs, Haru decided to go out to find other orcs. Now he is also a part of the tribe, and with such a shortage of food, he cannot be a simple eater.

Haru decided to do something for the tribe with his abilities!

He thought about his weaknesses and strengths. Compared with the rest of the tribe, his weaknesses seemed too many and his strengths were too few.

Walking alone in a strange land, Haru felt a little lonely.

Usually, when he was in the brown earth tribe, he was alone most of the time, but at that time, although he was alone, he was not completely alone. He was with the sheep and chickens he grazed every day. not lonely.

If only we could have more horn sheep—

Haru thought dejectedly, if he is the prototype at this time, you must be able to see his drooping ears and tail.

At this moment, he heard rustling in the nearby bushes.

This is not the relatively peaceful brown earth continent. Haru immediately pricked up his ears and turned around abruptly. He saw—

a chicken? !

The chicken is fluffy and doesn't look like much.

Haru's eyes immediately beamed with joy: there are no horn sheep, raising chickens is also a good idea~

In the future, the tribe can eat eggs~

Filled with joy, Haru immediately turned into a prototype, swooped over, and he threw down the panicked chick!

When he went back that day, Haru built a chicken coop in his nest and put the chicks in. When he shared the poor prey with the rest of the tribe at night, he announced the good news excitedly: Soon, he will be able to provide eggs to everyone~

Then, then there is no then.

In the third month, the chick grew up a bit, but there was no sign of laying eggs. Haru understood that the chicken was too small to lay eggs; in the sixth month, the chick gained weight again. There was still no sign of laying eggs. Haru thought it might be because there was only one chicken; a year later, the chicken had grown fat and ate a lot, but it couldn't lay a single egg. Haru Finally realized: this may be a rooster that cannot lay eggs!

Until one day, Meng Jiuzhao and a group of cubs found the chick locked in the coop, and he revealed the identity of the chick.

"Ah! A Kantas!"

Haru was dumbfounded: so it's not even a chicken... isn't it

Then, the Wash Tribe had another cub.

The author has something to say: This chapter is considered an excessive chapter, and I will also explain the life of Em and Haru in the New World that everyone cares about

Then send a message:

Sixi Wanzi in the brain hole area said: I especially want to ask Mr. Ghost Mian, an advanced cute creature who eats onions, tofu and rides alpacas to annoy you, are you not tired every time you log in...