Primitive Once Again

Chapter 103: Hill and Hodson


Meng Jiuzhao, who hastily exchanged the bird back, felt uneasy. He was ready to be completely friended by Em.

Who knows—

"Thank you so much Louis!" The moment he saw the little bird, Yu, who had always been silent, burst into tears on the spot, and Em even cried loudly while hugging Louis.

This... what's going on here

Meng Jiuzhao: ( ⊙ o ⊙)

It wasn't until he heard Em narrate the process intermittently that he understood how it all happened.

Facing the novice husband and wife who could drop an egg on the ground after handing over an egg, Meng Jiuzhao was silent.

Louis’s stones are not for nothing. He liked rolling stones since he was a child, and he also liked to use his paws to bump the stones up and down. None of the stones you carry will be snatched away! (← Fuck! Is this football?)

Following his grandfather, Louis also did good deeds with bad intentions.

Friends never happened, everyone is happy!

In this difficult time, nothing is more important than the continuation of life. The birth of a new life greatly encouraged the members of Vash who were struggling to survive in a different world.

The rabbit cub was named Hill, and the Egg cub was named Huo Sen.

Half a month later, a thin layer of hair finally grew on their bodies. Seeing their fur colors, Em cried secretly all day.

Whether Hill or Huo Sen, they are all white, and each cub has two black spots on its belly.

"Exactly like Dad."

That is, from that day on, Em really got better.


The cubs are growing up healthily day by day. While Em and Yu fully experienced the joy of being parents, they finally also enjoyed the depression of being parents.

It was Yu who discovered the trend for the first time.

Now, the first thing Yu comes back from hunting every day is to fly back to visit his cubs, and then secretly feed the cubs the worms he carefully collected (← beep—the ultimate killer of Little Rabbit Hill’s diarrhea has appeared! )

Although the little dragon owl Huo Sen had an accident during the hatching process, his body is very strong, and he is always very active in grabbing food. Naturally, Yu is very happy that the cub is so strong, but if Huo Sen doesn't step on his brother Hill It's even cuter to eat with his head.

No need to rush, the Chongchong provided by Dad is definitely enough for two~

So, he hugged the poor little rabbit Hill who was trampled on the bottom of the nest, and fed Huo Sen who was waiting to be fed. At the same time, Yu took care of his own little rabbit. No matter how the little rabbit avoided, he always had a way to put him found his little head, and then gently stuffed him with a caring worm (囧)

Under Yu's attentive care, Huo Sen grew fatter and stronger, but Hill was still pitifully skinny.

This is so strange! Obviously there is a lot of food! The nest is also very clean!

Finally, one day, Yu came back early, and he discovered the inhuman scene that happened in the nest when he was not at home—

Huo Sen's paws were completely on Hill's body, and his small mouth was opened as wide as possible, biting Hill's head.

Poor Hill was held in his mouth by his brother, dangling from side to side, looking almost—

Yu's face immediately turned pale!

He rushed in and pulled Hill out of Huo Sen's mouth. Hill was very anxious while holding the feather still.

At this moment, the little rabbit weakly opened his eyes, opened his mouth, and... kicked his legs.

Confused, Yu immediately ran to the neighbor Black's house with Hill in his arms. The bald cub of Black's family knew a lot of strange knowledge, although he didn't understand why, but after Em's illness, Yu now trusts the bald cub very much of this ability.

While taking Hill for help, he did not forget about Huo Sen. After all, Huo Sen is a cub that has just hatched, and it is still very dangerous to be alone in the nest.

"I'm fine, but I'm a little depressed." Unlicensed medical practitioner Meng Jiuzhao carefully checked Hill's body, and after confirming that he just passed out, he handed him back to Yu, "Love him a lot and give him enough sense of security." Enough."

Hearing that Meng Jiuzhao said that Hill was fine, Yu was relieved, but what about depression

Carefully bringing the two cubs back to the nest, he began to secretly observe how the two cubs got along in private. After watching, he also became depressed—

Question: The younger son always wants to eat the older son's swollen Mopo

The way the two cubs get along with each other in daily life can easily write a complete book of dragon owls catching rabbits!

Hossen was working on new ways to torture his poor brother every day, and Hill was playing dead every day.

It was only then that Yu remembered that there was indeed rabbit in Long Xiao's recipe. Although he didn't like rabbit meat very much, his cub Huo Sen was obviously a normal dragon Xiao in this respect.

There was no other way, Yu had no choice but to ask the people who stayed in the tribe every day to separate the two cubs and try not to let them get together.

Seeing Huo Sen who was forcibly dismantled and holding his brother's leg in his mouth, Yu was so worried: Dear Em said that the two cubs are the reincarnated father rabbit, but now the relationship between the two cubs is It's so bad, one of them wants to kill the other, what's going on

Father-in-law, are you trying to commit suicide

 ̄▽ ̄

It is said that the father-in-law was not very smart before his death, it seems to be true—


Sita and Wiesel walked on the road.

This pair is a bit strange. In principle, Wiesel, who has been hanging around in the kitchen, and Sita, who is always on the front line of the tribe, have no intersection in work.

Even when eating, Sita prefers to eat food made by Carat (←Although it is delicious, but if no one eats Carat, she will lose her job, so Sita is strong enough to eat it by herself), and these two people really don’t have much chance to talk.

Wiesel followed Sita in ashes, with a dejected look on his face.

Now that the tribe has come to a new site, how to get more food is the top priority of the tribe's work. Therefore, the small kitchen used to enjoy it was suspended, and the two chefs of the tribe: Carat and Wiesel also joined I joined the hunting team and started hunting with everyone.

Carat was okay, after all, he was originally a member of the hunting team, but Wiesel encountered a lot of trouble in hunting.

He couldn't catch any prey, and it was strange to say that since Wiesel joined, the prey that he could often see had all disappeared.

No wonder this is the case—even though Wiesel is a little smaller, he is a Utahraptor after all. For the current targets that the Vash tribe can hunt, it is a dangerous enemy that needs to be avoided. There is a place for Wiesel Naturally, it is not easy to catch these small dinosaurs~ (As for Black and Bai, they are hunting larger dinosaurs, and small dinosaurs are not too afraid of them.)

As time passed, everyone was reluctant to be with Wiesel, and advised him to stay in the tribe and look after the children, but Wiesel was unwilling.

nonsense! Staying in the tribe to look after the children is equivalent to staying with adult Kantas every day, how dare he~~~~~

In Sita's eyes, Wiesel's reluctance was interpreted as a sign of damaged male self-esteem.

So, to comfort him, Sita took him hunting alone.

Sita is still a little confident about her body shape, and they have already explored this area, so they can be sure that it is relatively safe. Based on the above, she made this decision.

Although Wiesel was not good at hunting, he was really good at picking vegetables, so Sita simply took Wiesel to pick edible food on the road.

As a carnivorous dinosaur, Wiesel developed an amazing talent: he knew a hundred edible plants and vegetables! He knows which part of which plant is the most delicious, and even knows when these plants appear... It can be said that in terms of plant knowledge, he has far surpassed any vegetarian orc in the tribe, even surpassed Sita.

For a meat-only Utahraptor, this, this is really a remarkable feat (囧)

Wiesel, you are now a master vegan cook, does your dad know that

His skill was praised by Sita along the way. Wiesel was very happy to hear that, so he picked more vegetables more actively~

Although he was disgusted by others, Wiesel was actually very happy in his heart.

For Sita, his feelings have always been complicated.

Sita was the first person who showed a friendly attitude towards him when he entered the tribe.

It was Sita who told him that hides were not real food and gave him the roast.

At first it was just gratitude. Due to his gratitude, Wiesel involuntarily paid more attention to Sita, and this attention lasted for almost eight years.

He knows what flavor of barbecue Sita likes best, and what kind of fruit Sita likes most. He knows that Sita hates people saying that she is strong.

At the beginning, it was just attention, but at some point, this attention changed.

Wiesel had a crush on Sita for at least seven years.

It was only because the barbecue he made was praised by Sita once, and since then he has devoted himself to studying the method of barbecue; it is only because he discovered a new edible fruit that Sita fell in love with, and he tried to eat strange fruits from now on. One time he almost died from eating a highly poisonous fruit, but fortunately his body was big enough to survive, but next time, he would still try to eat it.

When he fell off the cliff, the first thing he thought of was Sita.

On the one hand, he thought that he would not see Sita if he died, but on the other hand, he didn't want Sita to die too. He was too entangled in thinking, so Meng Jiuzhao felt sluggish when he asked him something.

Fortunately, Sita is still alive, and he is alive, and they are living together again.

And, this time, his new lair was one meter further from Sita's lair than before.

It was only one step away, but Wiesel did not sleep well for several nights.

His estrus period has arrived, in fact, it has been here for a long time. The male estrus period is often triggered by the secretion of female hormones. In the past, there were no females of the same race in the place where he lived, so he can survive, but now he is here. Dinosaurs are everywhere. The mainland, it's just a bit difficult at the beginning.

This is a desperate crush.

Wiesel, who is a crush, actually doesn't understand what kind of feeling this is.

He knew that Sita didn't like him and wouldn't like him, he knew they were not a breed at all, just like the smell of Sita's rut never elicited a reaction from him, and his rut could only make Sita indifferent.

They are basically two parallel lines.

But he liked Sita, very much. Just like now, he smelled the hormonal scent left by the female Utahraptor on the tree, and because of this, he was about to react immediately, but he still only had Sita in front of him...

That's all.

Wait—the smell of a female Utahraptor

Wiesel stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong?" Sita, who knew nothing about the danger, turned around.

"Danger—" With an anxious expression on his face, Wiesel suddenly grabbed Sita's hand. He tried to pull Sita back towards the tribe as soon as possible, but it was too late.

After the sound of rustling leaves, a fat and strong dinosaur appeared in front of them, and then the second, and the third...

It's the Utah Raptor!